
AppleDash Group Collab

by DbzOrDie

Chapter 51: Kite - bookplayer

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It was a beautiful tail, all the colors of the rainbow.

Applejack and Apple Bloom made the kite together. It was green, with a zap apple on it, and ribbons for a tail like a rainbow trailing behind it. They were both proud of it as they took it to the park that spring day to give it a try.

They found a clear spot, and Apple Bloom held the string while Applejack balanced the kite on her back and took off at a gallop. She felt the kite catch the air and lift from her back, and heard Apple Bloom cheer behind her.

Applejack grinned and ran back to her, admiring the kite in the sky as it bobbed and wove between clouds. “Woo boy, look at that! It looks great, lil' sis!”

“Tank ah.” Apple Bloom said, with kite string held firmly in her mouth as the kite struggled against it. She twisted her head, making the kite dart across the sky and back, and loop around a cloud.

Applejack was just watching and grinning, until a strong gust of wind hit the park. The kite tugged hard, and Apple Bloom gave a little shrike as it pulled from her mouth.

“Applejack! It got away!” Apple Bloom sounded nearly in tears.

“I'll get it! Don't you worry!” Applejack ran after the loose kite, but the string was thin and treacherously hard to grab. She chased it across the park, and finally she got the string between her teeth and gave a firm yank.

The kite dove straight down, into the highest branches of a tall tree.

Apple Bloom caught up with Applejack, frowning at the scene, eyes filling with tears.

“C-can ya' get it down?”

“I'll figure it out, sugarcube.” Applejack looked around, but didn't see any other ponies to help. She gave the string an experimental tug, but the kite was well tangled.

“Hey, did you guys need some help?” A scratchy, unfamiliar voice came from above her.

Applejack looked up, and hovering there was the best looking pony she had ever seen in her life. Toned, athletic blue body, eyes like roses, and that messy rainbow mane and tail. Applejack just stared at her.

“With the kite?” the pony went on.

“Uh- yeah! Yeah, if ya' don't mind.”

“No problem! I'll be back before you can say 'Rainbow Dash.'” the pegasus darted off towards the tree.

“Rainbow Dash.” Applejack whispered under her breath, still staring.

“Thanks!” Apple Bloom squeeled as Rainbow Dash returned with the kite.

“Don't mention it! Your mom almost got it, she's-”

“I ain't her mom!” Applejack blurted out. “I mean, I'm her big sister. I don't got no foals.”

“Oh! Sorry, I just figured. . . well, you're pretty fast. We should totally race sometime. . . um. . .?”

Applejack just stared into those rose eyes.

“Applejack.” Apple Bloom whispered.


“That's your name. Which she's askin' for?”

“Wha- Oh! Right, yup, I'm Applejack. Pleased to meet you, Miss Rainbow Dash. I'd love to race sometime.”

“Great! Well, I'll see you around.”

“Yeah. Seeya.” Applejack said as Rainbow Dash took off into the sky, that beautiful rainbow tail trailing behind her.

Next Chapter: Celebrity - bookplayer (Not following the rules) Estimated time remaining: 11 Hours, 29 Minutes
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