
AppleDash Group Collab

by DbzOrDie

Chapter 256: Fridge - TwilightUCrazy

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Rainbow waited. She waited long. She waited hard.

And she waited. The plastic bowl was in her hooves. She had held it over her head so long her legs were starting to go numb.

There was only one way out for the mouse. To the front, where she waited. She'd peered along the back side and edges of the refrigerator and not seen any evidence of a hole for the little rodent to escape through. She'd even gone so far to check the internals for evidence of tampering. And she knew for sure that her hawk-like eyes hadn't let it get by her when she wasn't looking.

She spared herself a sip of cider while she waited. She knew mice could be patient little critters. Fluttershy had taught her that. And she was getting impatient.

And hungry. The pegasus's belly growled, and she grimaced. But she couldn't bring herself to eat with a dang mouse in the kitchen, eating and pooping in their food. Applejack had told her about a great aunt of hers that had been eating sugar cookies, and died when she'd consumed what she thought had been a chocolate sprinkle...

Rainbow yawned, disinterested in such a fate. Such common (?) ends were beneath a pegasus of her greatness. She wouldn't allow it.

"Rainbow Dash: Died of mouse turd." Not cool. She wouldn't let that happen to her. She would be able to sit down and eat peacefully soon enough.

But first she had to catch that darn mouse!

Growing frustrated -- and starving -- the pegasus threw the bowl down and wrapped her hooves around the fridge. She shimmied it away from the wall with a grunt, and with no small amount of effort, shoved to the side.

What she saw nearly made her eyes fall out of her head.

A hole. A gaping, monstrous hole had been dug straight through the floorboards, perfectly square in shape. With the light filtering through the kitchen windows, she could see the gap descending well past the foundations of the house and deep underground.

Magenta eyes shifting around the room, Rainbow bit her lip and grabbed a flashlight out of a drawer nearby. She shone it down it down into the gaping maw of the earth. Even with the concentrated light, she couldn't see all the way to the bottom.

Gritting her teeth around the handle, the pegasus descended.

Down, down and down she went, feeling dirt clinging to her body as she crawled deeper. She could hear the squeak of mice rustling around below her, and a cocky smirk crossed her muzzle.

Gotcha now, she thought, without regard for how mice could dig such an elaborate tunnel... or why.

Her hooves met solid ground at last, and she shown the light around what appeared to be an advanced tunnel network. It shot off in all different directions, and seemed just big enough for ponies to trot through without difficulty.

"I never heard of any kind of mice burrow like this..." she muttered. Regardless, she couldn't help but be impressed.

"Sugarcube?" a voice asked behind her.

Rainbow blinked and whipped around, shining the flashlight on the source of the voice. Applejack winced and raised her hoof to block the glare.

"Applejack?!" she squeaked. "What the hay are you doing down here?! I thought you were in town running errands!" She turned and pointed. "And what the heck is... this?!"

"Alright, darlin', alright. Take it easy," her wife said softly. "It ain't really that hard to explain y'know. I mean, we are earth pony folk after all. Every earth pony's got a tunnel leadin' outta their house."

Rainbow blinked and turned back to the tunnel. "Y-... you do?"

"'Course, darlin'! It's all part of the plan."

The pegasus's brow furrowed and she turned the light to where Applejack... had been.

"Uhh... p-plan?"

"Oh, I'm sorry, sugarcube," her mate's voice whispered in her ear suddenly. Rainbow leapt back. "I already toldja more than I should have. 'Shame, really. I really liked you, darlin'. I was hopin' I'd get to keep you."

Rainbow blinked. "K-keep me?"

Applejack looked up at her darkly. "'Fraid I can't let you live now, though, knowin' what you know."

She opened her mouth to question further, but Applejack's muzzle split into four sections, revealing a circular mouth full of serrated teeth. She barely had time to scream before a series of black tendrils leapt from the 'earth pony's' throat and seized her about the hooves, neck and wings.

She bolted upright in bed the next instant. She was drenched in sweat from ears to tail, and was struggling to catch her breath.

"Darlin'?" a soothing voice next to her muttered.

Rainbow looked around, immediately recognizing Applejack's bedroom. She was snuggled into the covers next to the earth pony.

Her eyes drifted down to her stirring mate. "A-AJ! I had the freakiest dream just now! You had a muzzle that could split in four parts, and you had these tentacle thingies, and there was a mouse, and--"

Applejack sat up, and her muzzle separated. "WAS IT SOMETHIN' LIKE THIS?"

Rainbow tore out of sleep a second time. A warm spot on the bed grew just underneath her rump, and she looked frantically around Applejack's room once again.

"Sugarcube?" a soft voice said, brushing a hoof gently up her side.

Rainbow's eyes widened and she leapt out of bed, escaping her mate's touch.

"You move your own dang fridge!" she squeaked, rocketing out of the room.

Applejack sat in bed, green eyes wide in the glare of the midnight moon. Downstairs, she could hear her mate flee out the front door, and the air broke around her as she took to the sky in panicked flight.

Shaking her head, she sighed and poked at her pillow, before snuggling back down to sleep. The Wonderbolt wannabe's wee stain could wait.

At least it hadn't been as bad as when her mate had sworn off cupcakes...

Next Chapter: Collateral - bahatumay Estimated time remaining: 3 Hours, 21 Minutes
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