
AppleDash Group Collab

by DbzOrDie

Chapter 217: Sass - TwilightUCrazy

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Rainbow stared back, her eyes mimicking the narrowed green slits that were eyes. Sparks crackled between their two close-in stares, and the atmosphere heated up noticeably in their presence. Twilight and the others had left several minutes ago after this little stare-down had begun, slipping past Rainbow who had been pinned at the front step by her friend.

Rainbow let out of a little puff of hot air from her nose in attempt to cause Applejack to blink, but the other mare only narrowed her eyes further.

"Ah ain't gonna tell you again..." she growled dangerously.

"Good. 'Cause I don't wanna hear it again!" she said back in a low, level register. She wasn't intimidated in the least, though excitement glittered in her eyes.

"Next time Ah gotta say it, Ah'm gonna drag you over there, pin ya down, and do it mahself!" Their muzzles met, and Rainbow pushed back with equal force. "And you ain't gonna like it when Ah'm the one doin' it..."

"Nothing. Doing. AJ."

"Ah'm 'onna count to ten. One..."

Rainbow sneered, though with a hint of playfulness in her voice, she sassed, "Oh. You sure you can count that high?"


The pegasus was caught a bit off-guard by the sudden anger in her friend's voice. But she stood her ground and didn't budge an inch. She didn't notice her wings raised. To Applejack, it was her trying to make herself look bigger and more imposing. To Rainbow Dash, there was a nervous-yet-thrilled tingle in her belly.

She leaned in boldly and mushed noses with Applejack, staring her straight in the eyes as she defiantly said, "...Ten."

"Alright, THAT DOES IT!" Applejack roared, launching herself forward. Her face steamed with the fury she felt. Her freckles disappeared in a sea of red, and her green eyes became bloodshot and – Rainbow wasn't afraid to admit – more than a little spooky. It was like spontaneous rabies, but with hooves that threatened to bludgeon her into a fine red and blue-colored paste against the broad side of the barn.

She had to leap back to avoid getting crushed into the orange pony's strong grasp. While she avoided the deadly embrace, Applejack's ever-accurate teeth, she wasn't so fortunate with.

"Hey!" she craned her neck to shout at the farmpony dangling from her long tail. "Lemme go! I don't need my hooves done! Leave me alone!"

To be frank, Rainbow had a bit of a right to be angry as well. Her friend had invited her over with the promises of good old Apple family food. Granny Smith's cooking was to die for compared to her own. Usually, when she tried to cook on her own, it wound up as an exploded mess all over her kitchen.

She still couldn't figure out how a fresh apple could just spontaneously catch fire in her hooves like that...

As furiously as the pegasus beat her wings, she couldn't for the life of her gain any altitude. She was a powerful flier, but when she looked back and saw Applejack tail wrapped around the railing of the front porch, she realized she was trying to take flight with a heavy-set earth pony and part of a house.

She felt a few strands of hair in her tail break and snap, and willed her tail to just let go of her butt. She could grow that back! Anything but her hooves!

A splotch of red appeared from inside the house in her peripheral vision.

"Big Mac!" she squeaked desperately. "Thank goodness! Your sister's gone mental! She's gonna try and go full-blown farrier-mode on me!"

Applejack viciously snarled around her tail, eyes looking as though she could set her on fire with them.

Big Mac blinked and looked towards Rainbow Dash, then his sister. He coolly processed the situation, lifting a mug of cider to his lips and taking a big gulp. She gulped at the sight of it as the liquid therein sloshed back and forth.

Another firm yank on her tail by the psychopathic farmpony below jerked her back to attention. Rainbow beat her wings as hard as she could, determined to remain out of reach.

"Mmmm... eeyup," Mac replied simply, placing his cup down.

"Oh, thank all that's awesome," she sighed breathlessly. "I thought I was-WHOA!" she squeaked as she was yanked down several feet.

When her eyes looked back, Big Mac had pulled his sister down to the ground, and firmly stepped on her tail.

"Wait! NO!" Rainbow flailed like a canary in the paws of a cat. "NOOOOOOO!" she shrieked desperately, before Applejack leapt forward and landed square on her back, knocking the wind out of her.

"T-traitor..." she said breathlessly as he grabbed her by the tail on Applejack's behalf.

Rainbow continued to claw at the ground with her sore hooves, regardless of the painful sensations that reverberated back to her brain. "No! Please! Mercy!" she said shrilly. "I'm sorry! I'll be good! I'll do your chores! Make your bed! Tuck Applebloom in!"

"Aw, would you hush up already?!" Applejack snapped angrily, shoving her friend forcefully against the ground. "Don't let 'er up, Mac."

"Eeyup," he replied.

She felt the stallions massive and heavy rump flop right down on top of her and over her wings, knocking the wind out of her and making it harder to get a full breath. Much as she struggled, she couldn't gain any leverage with her wings to take flight or slip away. Trying to reach up and tickle his cutie mark with a feather proved fruitless too, as the guy seemed unmoved by such foalish tactics.

She resorted to her old standby, and grunted and flailed, trying to tear herself free, when suddenly her back right hoof was shoved forcefully against the ground, and she felt the weight of what felt like Applejack sitting atop her leg.

"Let's get this over with..." she muttered. The familiar sound of metal tools caused Rainbow's heartrate to triple.

"NOOO! Somepony help me! They're crazy! They're the farriers from hhhhhhhhhHA!HAHAHahahahaha!" she squealed, interrupted by the sensation of a scraper descending down into the the central groove. The grinding sensation felt terribly uncomfortable and awkwardly ticklish, as she was seized by a full-body heave.

Then came the clippers. Ohhhh, how she hated the tug of the clippers...

Her uproarious laughter was gradually reduced to squeaky breathing as she felt herself trimmed and ground down to a nice even shoe.

There was a lull in the sensations and she was able to catch her breath.

"One down..." Applejack announced.

Oh, hay...

It took nearly a laugh-filled hour before Rainbow was finished. Both farmponies sighed and released their "victim" from her cruel fate, and Rainbow shot up immediately, darting behind the nearest tree as Applejack and Big Mac finished putting the tools away.

"Ah swear, what would that pegasus do if'n she didn't have wings?" Applejack muttered, rolling her eyes direction as she peeked out from behind the tree.

She had to admit... her hooves sure weren't sore anymore, and she felt a lot more confident in her gait.

Applejack glowered her direction and shook her head as she headed back towards the farmhouse.

Rainbow, not one to miss an opportunity, darted over to a stop in front of the earth pony.

The two shared a bemused stare with each other.

"So... I was promised food..." she snorted in the farmpony's face. "And considering everything I had to go through here, I'd say I deserve some."

Applejack hm'd and rolled her eyes back as she passed around her. "Ah dunno, sugarcube... usually we only feed our guests who behave themselves proper."

"Hey! I told you before I don't like my hooves being touched!" she squeaked. "After that whole thing I had to go through, I say I deserve some grub!" she protested.

"Deserve some, huh?" Applejack said, turning to smile her way. "Y'know, Ah can't even recall Applebloom behavin' that bad."

"Eenope!" Big Mac chimed in as he trotted past her.

"Aww, what do you all know?" she pouted, scuffing a hoof against the ground.

She had to admit, it felt nice being able to do that again without that twinge of pain firing up her leg like a bullet. She examined her freshly-hewn hooves, and had to say that they didn't look half bad.

"Well, if'n yer gonna eat with us, you can stop admirin' yerself and get in here!" she heard the farmpony snap. "The food's already gettin' cold, and we ain't gonna be waitin' forever!"

Rainbow grinned and bolted inside, the terrors of an hour ago already fading into memory.

Next Chapter: Neon - bahatumay Estimated time remaining: 5 Hours, 17 Minutes
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