
AppleDash Group Collab

by DbzOrDie

Chapter 117: Shiver - First_Down

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Above the clouds reminded Applejack of being on the water. She rolled on invisible waves while thin, cool air caressed her skin in a steady current. Cloud heads foamed and crested beneath her, and the horizon stretched into a depthless and encompassing blue. Blue like her coat. A gust of wind kicked up and buffeted Applejack’s face, shocking her with its icy strength and she shivered, a ripple that alerted her marefriend.

“You doing ok, AJ?” Rainbow Dash craned her head around.

“Yes’m,” Applejack replied shortly lest her teeth betray her words.

“I told you to wear Rarity’s scarf. Most ponies aren’t ready for how cold it gets this high up their first time.”

“I’ll take my chances turnin’ into a ponycicle than wear that frilly thing, thank ya kindly.” She smiled when she heard Dash laugh, quick like a dog’s bark but as melodious as anything her ears ever received. The sound faded against the whistle of rushing air and dispersed into the blue.


The sky ripened as it set, a gradual but imperceptible shift to red that lit the cloud tips. Applejack lay stretched against Rainbow Dash’s chest and watched, trying to mimic the serene expression of the beautiful mare underneath her.

The cloud carpet certainly looked thick and inviting but Applejack knew better. There was no other safe place to step up here. Rainbow Dash had suggested a ride for their second date, and Applejack said yes. It sounded like fun. And it was, the actual flight anyway. But now, without anyplace to move, with the constant push-pull feeling of vertigo and tranquility, she began to worry.

This was not her world. On the ground there was stability and opportunity for her to meet Dash like an equal. Up here it didn’t exist. Applejack didn’t want that. She didn’t want to feel like they could only date on her terms, where Dash would be forced to always visit Sweet Apple Acres, and they would always go to the same spots and do the same things. She wanted to experience Dash’s freedom, to try and see the world through her eyes. Staring at the gorgeous sunset unfolded before her, Applejack knew that could never happen. One misstep and she’d fall. Dash would catch her. There was no doubt of it. But she would always be the anchor, always be the one that brought Dash back to the ground and away from the sky she loved.

Applejack shivered, and Dash wordlessly wrapped a wing around her for warmth. She buried her face into those feathers so Dash wouldn’t see under her eyes the burning red.


“I had a great time,” Dash said after they landed. The sky was black, clear and clean.

Applejack nodded her head, eyes down, “It was a beautiful sunset all right.” That part was true enough.

“Heh, almost half as beautiful as the mare I got to spend it with. I’d never felt so free flying before.”

Applejack looked up, surprised. “Really? Even though I don’t got no wings like you?”

“Of course. Long as I’m with you, we can go anywhere. Even my awesome wings can’t beat that feeling.” Rainbow Dash brought her hoof up to touch Applejack’s cheek. “So what’re we doing for the next date?”

Applejack rolled the question in her head, Dash’s previous words still echoing strongly. She stared back into those luminous rose eyes and saw the love reflected in her own heart, honest and pure. She knew honesty when she saw it. Applejack shivered and buried her muzzle into Dash’s mane, inhaling sharply. She was not an anchor. She was the other half. She would complement her marefriend, earth and sky.

She kissed Dash on the side of her neck while rainbow strands of hair tickled her face. “Don’t know yet. But like ya said, sugarcube, we could do anything.” She closed her eyes while thoughts of her rainbow lover warmed her body. The rest of the world faded to black.

Next Chapter: Capture - Rangelost Estimated time remaining: 9 Hours, 21 Minutes
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