
Three of Me: School Society

by KillJoy

Chapter 44: Charge with your Heart and Hoof

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Charge with your Heart and Hoof

[My conscience Kill writes in the brackets and bolded]

    <  My conscience Joy writes in these and  Italics>

         { I respond in these}  


After the torturous events of the SlenderPony, followed the glorious and relaxing Hearts and Hooves day. Hopefully it was relaxing, never was there a day that didn't end in somepony getting hurt.

I looked at Luna as she had sighed," Hey Luna what's wrong? Not enjoying today?"

She shook her head," No.... Cross is too busy since the SlenderPony incident, I just wish that he would spend time more."

I patted her on the back," Don't worry, knowing how things work in this school, they get a lot freaking worse before it turns better..... A lot."

" I do really hope that you are right, Graze."

Everypony that I knew were enjoyed today with their beloveds giving each other gifts and meaningful cares.

My entire group of friends were with me taking a break from the annual celebration as we enjoyed slight conversation about what they had gotten their special other for this day in the cafeteria.  All except for one, Mr. Charge.

I looked at Dark who sat next to Twilight and asked," Hey Dark, doesn't Mr. Charge.... well you know, has a special somepony?"

" Hmm," he said losing focus on the topic," Wait...What?"

" Your mother, what is Mr. Charge doing for your mom," Legit clarified.

" Yeah, how come I haven't ever heard you talk about her?" Twilight asked.

" Truth be told, I never really met my mother!" Dark said.

" Doesn't that affect you in any way?" Vine asked curiously.

" Nah, not really, how can I be affected by somepony I never even met!" Dark said making complete sense.

" Okay then, if you say so.... but that only brings up one specific question," Shot inputted.

" Oh yeah? And what is that?" Dark replied.

" How long has it been since Mr. Charge got laid?"

All our mouths opened wide in realization.


" I think he is so sexually inactive that his sack is like a vacuum cleaner bag, only used to collect dust," Vine joked which everypony laughed.

" HEY! THAT'S MY DAD!" Dark stood up slamming his hoof on the table.

" Okay, okay, calm down, she was only making a joke," I had said.

[ I think Charge is just pissed off because he hasn't gotten any in a while]

< He just needs to find somepony he loves and will make him feel better inside >

" I am sure he is totally a pimp, just fucking bitches on the side on his free time," Light said bravely in his answer.

" He wouldn't be such a douche if he got laid all the time, I think you're thinking of Chaser, the guy seems to be pretty laid back," Breeze commented.

Luna blushed at that statement and replied," That is true... I MEAN! IT'S TRUE THAT CHARGE IS A DOUCHE!"

" Wow, easy there Luna, you don't seem alright," I said calming her down," We need to get Mr. Charge laid, maybe he will lighten up.... So..." I said looking at everypony on the table," What kind of mare do you think Mr. Charge would like?"

" Maybe a Slut," Ice said.

[ A slut and a whore]

< Fleur >

" I think he would like one of those big Yugoslavian ponies with the deep voices, in bed they would be like," Light then cleared his voice to make thee funniest, hoarse, deep orgasm sound and shouted," OOOOOHHHHHHHH CHARGE!"

Everypony laughed on the table furiously slamming their hooves.

Legit wiped a tear with his hoof saying," Whew, ha-ha.... I think Mr. Charge is gay."

Kill then took a pair of shades putting them and then taking it off [ Seems...... LEGIT ]


" I second that opinion," Shot said raising his hoof," Maybe he likes stallions, ever thought about that?"

Dark gave a bemused expression and pointed a hoof at himself," Dude, I'm right here, how can my dad be gay?"

" ....Yeah, true...."

" I think he is into the freaky kind of shit, I mean we are talking about Mr. Charge, maybe he likes zebras?" Vine inputted.

We all sat in our seats silent and thought of only one female zebra in the school. Zecora.

I wiped my hoof shouting," OKAY! ENOUGH OF THE SUBLIMINAL IMAGES! I just think Mr. Charge would like a mare who is sort of dominant, intelligent and loving.... But we have to make sure that everything goes okay so that he would ease up on us a little bit, this could be our only chance!"

Luna then raised her head and slammed her hoof on the table and shouted using her Canterlot voice," I HAVE AN IDEA!"

She then teleported away no pony knowing where she had gone.

".....That was....odd."


Later that day.....Well evening, Dark, Twilight, Ditzy and I were talking as we trotted through the school,"-- and then I saw my wings being pulled back with hooks an-- Ooof!"

Dark and Twilight both stood in front of me as we gazed upon the two matching heights of ponies, Mr. Charge and Princess Celestia.


" Twilight? Twilight! Calm down!" Lighting had said shaking Twilight.


Ditzy and I both laughed," Ha! Magical Kindergarten... Twilight I think you're overreacting."

[ Ovary-acting indeed]

< Stop with the mare jokes please>

" You're just saying that because you are all pegasi!"

Ditzy looked at Twilight in shock that she had said that and exclaimed," WHAT?! NO! WE HAD TO GO THROUGH FLIGHT SCHOOL TO YA KNOW!"

" Calm down Bright Eyes, I think we should see what they are talking about," I said wrapping a wing around her.

" Hmph! Alright."

All of us then trotted towards the two tall and yet unmistakably powerful ponies.

We all bowed at Princess Celestia," Good day your majesty, did you enjoy your Heart's and Hooves day?"

" Oh yes, we certainly did!" Celestia smiled brightly.

" We?" We all said in unison.

" But of course, Mr. Charge here and I had a wonderful day out but sadly, I must take my leave, it is getting quite late," Celestia said nuzzling Charge and looked at him," Good bye for now Mr. Charge."

He stood firm and just waved a hoof as Celestia teleported.... How natural and charming of him.

Mr. Charge then stopped his waving hoof and looked at Twilight, bending his head down to her ears and whispered something very discretely with an evil smile," We fucked."

And there it was, Twilight's face had froze as I swore I heard a glass representing her sanity, shatter before me. Twilight stood still and quiet unable to make a sound or move.


" I think we should carry her to her room for a while, c'mon Graze," Ditzy said sighing," This shit happens way too much."

" Actually Ditzy, I need to talk to Graze for a second," Charge replied.

Ditzy and Dark stared at me, I simply waved a hoof to them saying that I would be with them soon. Dark then placed Twilight on his back and rushed off to Cross' office before her apartment.

" Let me guess, all of that was just a trick?"

Mr. Charge nodded," I behave in such ways for a reason but I am only going to tell you this. Do you know why I am single?"

I shook my head slowly.

" I guess I better tell some pony.... But promise that you will not tell anypony, even you Kill and Joy!"

[ Jeez, fine!]

< No problem>

" When I was young--"

" You were young?"

" Interrupt me one more time and I will fuck your shit up sideways," I shook  my head and apologized," Okay let me continue.... When I was young, I escaped to the EverFree forest, of course I knew nothing of this place and so I wandered the area trying to understand it only to later call it my home. Throughout my exploration of the forest, I was founded by a tribe of ponies somewhat representing your friend Vinetion."

I raised my hoof to ask a question only with his permission which was allowed," Wait, so Vine is part of a tribe?"

" Well, no, maybe a long descendant of them as this was a very, very, very long time," I nodded in silence allowing him to continue," In my first few years, the tribe taught me how to survive the harsh environment of the EverFree forest. One day, throughout my teachings, there was this one, beautiful and strong willed pony that I called my friend, her name was Ivory. She and I got to know each other over the few years and we were sorta, in love but because I was not one of them, I was not allowed to, well you know where I am getting at."

I nodded and looked at him," What happened next?"

He took in a deep breath," As I said, one day she and I got separated from the group, we were lost only for a few days but our love for each other was not. We were only able to survive with the help of each other, this may sound kind of cheesy but it was our love that drove us through it. Under one of Luna's cold and starry nights, Ivory and I shared a passionate moment under the heat of the flame. We were not allowed to get intimate but a kiss was all I needed to know that she had loved me."

I looked shocked at Charge as I couldn't believe my eyes as I watched a small tear roll down his cheek," You don't have to go on if you don't want to."

Charge held a hoof out and wiped that one tear," No, it needs to be said."

I nodded allowing him to continue," Seeing me as proof and as I have told you before, the EverFree forest didn't allow me to age. I watched the only mare I loved grow and age as I stood young unable to love her. I watched her become the leader of her tribe and soon the soil of the land."

I placed a hoof over my mouth understanding what he had said. I then brought myself to comfort our once stone cold teacher as I patted his back. He had truly lived a hard life, unable to age, watching the mare of his life age before him and die unable to once show compassion in front of her tribe.

Mr. Charge then reached into his coat grabbing a tattered sketch of her," Of course we didn't have the technology as we do now but this is Ivory, the leader of her tribe and love of my life. My heart will forever belong to her, even during death."


" She is beautiful.... She must have been a lucky mare to have a pony such as my teacher," I said.

He wiped a tear from his eye," Thank you Graze, you do not know how it feels to let all of this out after six hundred years. Not a day has gone by that I didn't reminisce about her."

Charge and I walked down the halls of the school heading to Cross' office.

[ Wait..... Where the buck did Dark come from then?]

" Yeah.... Where did Dark come from?!"

" I found him," Charge said lying.

" Yeah bucking right! C'mon tell me the truth!" I said jumping around playfully.

" You really want to know?" I nodded furiously.

" I fucked the dirt of the EverFree, planting my seed and then poof, he appeared," Charge said lying once again.

" That's a fucking lie!"

" Okay, I found him in a dumpster...."

" I am never going to find out am I?" I sighed.

" Nnnnnope!"

I laughed as Mr. Charge did seeing how fast he recovered. His face turned serious once more making a left turn heading towards the exit of the school," Wait! Cross' office is to the right. Where are you going?"

" Too visit and old friend, I think you should go and see how Twilight is doing," Mr. Charge said placing a scroll on the floor similar to the one I used to teleport to PonyVille.

I then smiled at Mr. Charge heading off to the direction of Cross' office," See you soon sir."

" Ha, don't worry, I will be back for a very special class tomorrow morning. Heads up read chapter twenty of your biology text book."

I nodded as I heard a stomp on the scroll followed by a burst of flames which had teleported Mr. Charge.


Later that night, I flipped open my text book to chapter twenty as Mr. Charge asked.

I read the first line of the chapter," Welcome to the world of dragons, first thing you need to know is that one dragon can only learn four different moves. There are many types of dragons such as water, fire, electric, ice, wind, earth, steel and many more including ghost!"

Next Chapter: At the Bar Estimated time remaining: 9 Hours, 9 Minutes

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Three of Me: School Society

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