
Footnotes for The Xenophile's Guide to Equestria

by archonix

Chapter 2: Taken for Granted

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Taken for Granted

[1] Hooves, Spangle and Theroy, Public and social attitudes toward novel species in the context of clothing (Seams and Seats - the national journal of dressmakers, designers, tailors and cutters, 1217, Issue 9233)

[2] Survey data available on request

[3] Fancy Pants et al, Clothing and Class - perceptions of social status in modern society and their influence on social mobility (The Journal of Social Economics, June 1204 AC issue 877)

[4] ibid

[5] ‘...those of the aristocracy who appear to be the very core of Equestrian nobility, they who embody the idyll of the noble ruralist so beloved of Russét and Les Romantiques. Rarely do their great halls open more than a dozen rooms, preferring as they do to prudently keep the majority of their palatial piles in storage. Often they are seen plodding through muddy fields, tweeded and booted, tending hobby farms that would put the great industrial farmsteads of the Whitetail Provinces to shame in their prodigious scale, whilst a single servant cares for the worn carpeting and collected dust of a hundred or more generations in the quietly mouldering family home. Only the quality of their boots and their accent sets them apart from the commoner, despite their wealth and position in society. They nibble toast when other, lesser personages lay on lavish feasts, and take tea in the kitchen in preference to the plush rooms historically set aside for the purpose, considering the practicality of a hot cuppa in a cracked mug more desirable than the socially acceptable lukewarm tiffin received on an ancient noble seat. Truly only the unbelievably rich can afford to be so poor.’ - Tarry, The Guardians of Society (Roundworld Books, 1209)

[6] Aegidienberger, Walking with Humans (Canterlot Times Books, 1217)

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