
The God Squad

by defender2222

Chapter 22: Cult It Out

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"I don't understand why it is so difficult for you to follow my orders to the letter!"

Wall Breaker and Logic Point glanced at each other before looking at Prince Blueblood. "Uh, my Prince?" Logic Point said slowly, "I don't understand what the problem is. We have followed all of your orders to the letter."

"No, you have not! You have followed what I wrote down and what I have said but when i have changed my mind you have failed to adjust your actions!"

"You... want us to read your mind and figure out when you decide to change plans?"

"Yes!" Prince Blueblood exclaimed.

Wall Breaker turned his head to stare at the thin air. "This is what we would call being 'Too Stupid To Live'."

"What did you just say about me?" Blueblood shouted.

"I didn't say anything."

"Yes you did, I just heard you!" Blueblood exclaimed.

"I was talking to the audience, not you. You can't hear me when I talk to the audience... it is called a soliloquy. It's kinda my thing."

"Wait... so I am suppose to just ignore you if you turn your head and talk to the nothingness?"

"No. You ignore me when i am talking to the audience." Wall Breaker turned his head once more to prove his point. "I think he is also a bit of an idiot manchild."

"There, you did it again!" Blueblood shouted.

"Right, but you can't know what I said."

"I heard you," Blueblood said.

Logic Point sighed. "My prince, just let it go."

"No, I will not! I heard you call me an idiot manchild!"

Wall Breaker smiled and patted the unicorn on the head. "You only think you did but you didn't."

"I didn't?" Blueblood said, confused.

"Indeed. You can't hear me when I talk to the audience."

"Can... can I hear you right now?"

"Of course. It would be silly if you couldn't."

"THAT would be silly?" Logic Point complained. When the two nodded the guard rolled his eyes and stomped out of the room. "I am going to go hit my head against a wall until I no longer care."

Prince Blueblood and Wall Breaker stared off into space. "Clearly he is nuts," the two said, before glancing at each other and giving hooves up (which were like thumbs up but a lot more lame).

The God Squad
Episode 22: Cult It Out

"There it is... the Palace of the Moon!" the leader of the cult declared.

"Wow," Luna whispered, staring at the grand structure that stood in the distance. It looked absolutely gigantic, dominating the landscape and imposing its dark shadow upon all that saw it. The entire thing was made out of black granite (because it being made of polka dot granite would have been silly and impossible, since polka dot granite had become extinct 230 years ago) with towering towers (again, silly, because what else would towers do?) violet spikes (which were also violent) and a deep moat that threatened to consume all that dared to swim across it (much like Lindsey Lohan... ah, topical references). "Very, very impressive!"

"Thank you! We look forward to opening it up in the next 10 years."

"Say what now?" Luna said, brow furrowed.

"Well... the palace isn't ready, of course. We were established only 4 months ago so we haven't been able to get it built yet. But we started a Kickstarter account and are getting a lot of donations."

"Who is Kickstarter?" Tydal questioned.

Shining frowned as part of the capricorn's watery skin dripped on his shoulder. "So pony who helps get donations for inventors and different groups."


The leader of the cult walked over to the 'Palace' and, with a knock of his hoof, revealed it to be nothing more than a finely painted billboard. "Let me assure you though, oh most beautiful of fanged monsters, that our current residence will do you proud.

~10 Minutes Later...~


Luna snarled at her sister. It was only the combined efforts of Tydal and Cadence that kept the moon goddess from tearing her cackling older sister to shreds. Celestia, for her part, was rolling on the ground, unable to contain her laughter. Parts of the floor caught on fire as Celestia rubbed her burning mane upon the ground. The cult members didn't seem to pay any attention, as they were scurrying about, wanting to put the final touches on their hideout.



Shining hurried over, waving his hooves in front of Luna's face. "No no! No need for that!" He leapt over to Tydal and slammed a bucket he had found into the capricorn's back, gathering some water which he used in an attempt to put out the flames.

"Hey! That's my skin!" Tydal shouted. "You want water?" Lightning cracked in his eyes and everypony could feel the air becoming very moist. "I can give you water..."

"No floods either!" Shining pointed a hoof at a still snorting Celestia. "And no more fires! And Cadence, sweetie, stop pole dancing!"

"Sorry," Cadence said, disintegrating the pole she had created in the middle of the room.

"Now, I want all of you to take a breath!" When the gods blinked at him Shining jabbed his horn at them. "Unless you want little pink force field bubbles shoved up your rectums I would do as I ask!" He whipped around to a grinning Cadence. "And if you DO want want, sweetie, then you need to focus."

"...ok," the immortals said sullenly.

"That's better."

Celestia stood up, stomping out one of the small infernos she had started. "Shining Armor is right... we must try and contain ourselves. Our hormones are so much stronger in these forms-"

Cadence, for no reason whatsoever, began to sob. Her horn flashed and a gallon of ice cream appeared, which she began to shovel into her mouth while humming Sapphire Shores' latest hit about heartache.

"-so we need to focus and keep a hold of our senses." Her lips began to twitch. "Even if we are in an abandoned children's theme restaurant..."

"STOP MAKING FUN OF MY MINIONS!" Luna shouted, stopping her hoof.

"There is nothing funny about this," Tydal grunted, trotting over to one of the play areas. "This was clearly a place of great evil. Just look at this cage the foals were forced to sit in... they must have fought against these orbs, which were always threatening to suck them into the darkness."

"Tydal... that is a ball pit," Shining said.

"Truly one of the most horrible things I have ever seen."

"Oh great and powerful mistress of magic fair and foul!" the cult leader called out.

"Your boyfriend is back," Celestia cooed.

"He isn't my boyfriend! Stop picking on me!"

Shining glowered as the sisters bantered with each other. "Nightmare Moon was basically a teenager on a power trip... that explains so much and yet so little."

Luna gave her sister the cold shoulder, turning her dragoness-stare upon the leader of her minions. "Yes, moon slave?"

The cult leader moaned obscenely at the new nickname.

"Uh... moon slave? Please stop doing that... kinda creeping me out."

The cult leader nodded his head. "But of course, she who has the most hairiest of flanks. I merely came-"

Tydal gagged.

"-to tell you that we are ready for the main event. Please, come with me." The leader led the group past the arcade and the Whack-A-Discord (a fan favorite) and into the main dining room. Already much of the cult was seated at their tables with pizza and soda being consumed. Luna looked longingly at the food but had to bypass it, as she and the rest of her family was being led upstage, where a special table with microphones had been set up. "Take a seat!" the leader said happily.

Celestia sat down, only to whip her head around when one of the robotic figures still on the stage (this one in the shape of a giant sloth) powered on and turned towards her. "Hiya everypony!” the robot said, his accent like Applejack’s if she had been beaten in the head with a shovel as a child (and she may have been, who knows what Granny Smith liked to do for fun?). “My name is Grease E. Gus and welcome to my all-star review.”

Celestia slowly turned her head towards the robot. “Urge to kill rising...”

“Now then, I done heard that it was some little filly or colt’s birthday! Is it your birthday today?"

"No." Celestia said in annoyance, her eyes flashing crimson.

"Well, I am super excited to hear that, because I have a special birthday song for you! Would all ya’ll like to hear it?"

"No!" Celestia repeated.

"Alrighty! And a 1 and a 2 and a 1,2, 3, 4!" Tydal let out a yelp when an otter robot near him began to play the guitar while several other band members came to life and began to sing. "Happy happy happy happy happy happy happy happy happy happy happy happy happy happy happy happy happy happy happy-"

"I think the recording is skipping!" Shining shouted over the noise.

"No, this is the song!" the cult leader shouted. “Goes on for like twenty minutes before they get to the ‘birthday’ part!”

""Happy happy happy happy happy happy happy happy happy happy happy happy happy happy happy happy happy happy-"

"Permission to kill?" Tydal yelled over the unholy din.

"Granted!" Shining called out.

Celestia opened her mouth and let loose a blast of solar fire that burned Grease E. Gus to his wire frame. Tydal lashed out, his stone tail cutting the otter's head off. The air above Luna's head shimmered before several shooting stars appeared, unleashing their fury on the drummer. Cadence, for her part, took her empty ice cream container and smacked a sea cucumber robot until the music stopped.

The cult blinked before bursting into applause.

"See how they defeat the robots that have tormented us so? Is not Nightmare Moon and the Moonettes truly the best deities?"

"Moonettes?" Cadence asked.

"If you begin calling us that I will banish you back to that cold rock," Celestia growled.

It was Luna's turn to cackle. "Moonettes, Moonettes, Moonettes..."

Before the sisters could begin fighting again the cult leader cleared his throat and began to address the minions. "Now then, we have waited many weeks for this moment, but with the finding of Nightmare Moon, at long last we can begin... MOONCON 1002!"

"Moon what now?" Luna said.

"Mooncon... a convention dedicated to you, oh perfect evil monster!" the cult leader declared. "We are going to have several Q&As-"

"Uh, I don't know about this," Luna said.

"-and we will be looking at exclusive new flipbooks depicting your many adventures-"

"This sounds really nerdy," Tydal complained, before leaned down and taking a bite out of the robot otter.

"-and of course we will be showing the first images of the Nightmare Moon action figures-"

Shining's brow wrinkled. "Who would want a Nightmare Moon Action figure?"

"How many bits?" Luna said, suddenly liking all of this.

"-and of course there will be Artist Alley... which is in an actual alley!"

"Do they do tasteful nudes?" Cadence asked.

Celestia cleared her throat. "Just how long will Mooncon be?"

"Oh, just a week."

All of the gods (and Shining) let out a moan of protest.

"Will our heroes ever escape the Mooncon? Will they be able to resist the urge to murder innocent ponies? Will they ever get to Chrysalis? Find out next time!"

"And our special moderator for the Q&A is Plotdump the Narrator!" the cult leader said.

The gods (and Shining) moaned even louder.

Next Chapter: Con Job Estimated time remaining: 2 Hours, 49 Minutes
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