
The Super Exciting, Chimichanga-filled Interdimensional Story of Epic Proportions, starring Deadpool and Pinkie Pie!

by Awesomedude17

Chapter 4: World 20-6B: Redpool vs. Bluepool. Live and Let Die! Fight!

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The Super Exciting, Chimichanga-filled Interdimensional Story of Epic Proportions, starring Deadpool and Pinkie Pie!
By Awesomedude17

Deadpool was confused. Shouldn't he be dead by now, and why is the text red?

"Okay... What the? Why is my text red all of a sudden?

I don't know. Author's choice?

To differ between you and this blue imitator?

Because I can. People had a hard time reading you Wade, so I changed your text to red, permanently.

"You ass! And you, I thought you were dead!"

"But Wade, I am not the Evil Deadpool. I am the one, the only..." Bluepool posed for you. "BLUEPOOL! THE OTHER MERC WITH THE MOUTH!"

If silence could be cut with a knife, it'd take weeks to cut through the first layer. Deadpool then spoke up.

"Bluepool, really? That's lame."

"Well from now until the battle is over, you are Redpool."


Yeah, why?

"You wanna know why?" Bluepool flipped off Dea... I mean Redpool.

"Both of you are assholes!"

The administrator was not expecting them to argue, just for them to kill each other. She sighed.

"The one man I hire as a tenth member to each team is not even trying to kill the other when they meet. Why did I clone Deadpool to make thing interesting?"



The administrator looked up, until she realised that she was pushing the comm button accidently.

"Okay then, Redpool. I cloned you so you would spice things up in 2fort and maybe make those morons forget their sorrows. Unhappy mercenaries are unproductive mercenaries."

Back at 2fort the two Deadpools contemplated this.

"Seems legit."


The two stared at each other. Pinkie Pie was now unsure of what to do.

"Should I help Redpool or Bluepool? Hmmmm."

"I suggest we just blow them up."

"No Demo, too flashy."

"I could blow the blue one's brains out."

"Eww! Sniper that sounds gross."

"So is throwing piss."

"True..." Pinkie tapped her hoof on her face. "I got it! Medic!"

Medic came in the room shortly after. "Yes?"

"Give Wade an ubercharge!"

"Really? That sounds..." Medic seemed skeptical, but he then thought of a few... deranged things. "Vunderbar!"

"I don't know what the last word means, but I guess that means go get 'em!"

"Ja! I vill be back!" As the medic left, Scout went over to Pinkie.

"You know... the author built a bomb shelter for this event specifically."

"Really, my idea doesn't seem that bad."

"Yeah, but the commenters are scared because of a chance of an ubercharged Redpool. He built one in 5 hours last night to make sure he was safe from the panicking mob."

"Oh, okay then."

"Mph mm mph mm."

"Any idea what Pyro said?"

"Nah Pinks, I just know that he's crazy... at least I think it's a he."

Pinkie was confused, but she looked back at the screen shortly after.

Back at the bridge.

"Well, you are never going to defeat me!"

"And why not?"

"'Cause of my hat."

"But, it's the same hat as mine."

"Yes, but it has an unusual effect on it, making it 1000 times more awesome than your hat. It also means one thing, that you are now poor, Irish, and capable of logic. Ha ha ha HA!" Redpool widened his eyes after hearing those accursed words. He dropped to his knees and began an overly cliche sorrow pose.

"NNNNNNNOOOOOOOOOO!!!!! I'm not... I cannot be poor and Irish and logical and logical and with a stupid hat. I'm the exact opposite of that, I just am! You! You are so fucking dead!

Coming from the Irish mercenary.

"I thought you were my friend."


Still no url.


Redpool and Bluepool brought out their katanas and entered fighting poses.

"You ready?"

"Hell to the yes."


The two Deadpools clashed swords, in rather identical styles of combat. The Deadpools noticed this.

"Stop copysing me! Stop copysing me! Stop copysing me! Stop copysing me!"

The administrator was looking a bit... bored. They were not hurting each other.

"Yeowch! My arm!"

She spoke too soon... Wait, is his arm... growing back?

"You stole my healing factor, you sonuvabitch!"

"I did no such thing! I am your clone man."

"Then I'll cut your head in half."

Redpool dashed in, only to get an unwelcome punch.

"Not if I punch you in the balls!"

"MY CHILDREN! I am hurting down there, in my balls!" Redpool said as he collapsed onto the floor of the bridge. Bluepool went up and glared at the injured Redpool.

"Hasta la vista, baby!"

Terminator reference! You're dead Wade!

As if a deux eu machinima came to help, both Medics came with the stock Medigun to both Deadpools and healed their respective merc. Redpool rose up.

"Charge level?"


"How much charge?"

"We're at 5%."

"Excellent! We'll kill ass and have tacos as a result."

"Jawohl!" Answered RED Medic.

"Yes!" Answered BLU Medic.

The rest of RED was watching the upcoming fight, when all of a sudden...

"Oi, where's Scout and Pinkie?"

The other mercs looked around and knew Sniper was right. Engineer looked at the Australian.

"Ah have no idea."

-Meanwhile, at my bunker.-

Okay, why must you be here?

"'Cause you know us author."

Yeah Scout, but I...

"Shut up and eat that cupcake."

Okay, nom nom nom.

"I like ya Pinks, you're funny."

"You too!"

The two high-fived.

Don't I get a high-five?

"NO!" They both answered.


-Back in 2fort-

Both Medics were at 15% ubercharge. Both Deadpools were ready to charge in and kick the other's ass six ways from Sunday to Taiwan, twice. Even Chuck Norris found this fight interesting enough for him to stop his daily cross-country jog to see what was going to happen.

"25% Charge!" Both Medics screamed.

"Attack with badassery!"

"Kill with fist of Awesomeness!"


Both Deadpools clashed swords again, before smoothly backing out and aiming their guns at each other. The two had looks of determination, or constipation on their faces. They pulled the triggers.


The two looked at each other, they got both the other and the medics healing them, but they are all still alive.

"Uhh, ubercharge ready." RED Medic said.

"Ready to, ahh, charge." BLU Medic said.

"Charge me!"

"JA!" "JA!"

The two medics released their ubercharges and the two Deadpools got the effect of the charge. Redpool glowed a bright yellow while Bluepool glowed a bright green.



The two Deadpools charged at each other and managed to hit each other more times than they just did somehow. The administrator was laughing at the carnage.

"Yes! Yes! Kill each other! Make him bleed! Make him suffer!

Both Deadpools wouldn't give up, not now.

I expected more panic.

Me too. I do see Chuck Norris watching though.

Chuck Norris! That guy's badass, why's he watching us?

He just is.

The two Deadpools pushed each other back and the ubercharge wore off. Looks like round two was coming up.

"AGG! My heart!"

"Vhat, but I... The heart wasn't able to handle the voltage you just received!" BLU Medic said in a panicked tone. He had completely forgotten to give Bluepool a new heart for the uber-device. Redpool and RED Medic saw an opportunity.

"I'll handle the rest."

"Fine, let me vatch!"

Redpool smiled under his masked face and dash towards the enemy medic, and stabbed him through the neck, severing the spinal column, C2 and C3, killing him instantly.

We learned biology.

I never thought it would be so fun.

Redpool took his other katana, looked at the twitching Bluepool, and said in a singing tone, "Oh Danny boy, the pipes, the pipes, they're calling..."

"I'm fucked, aren't I?"

"Yeah." Redpool decapitated the BLU Deadpool.

Alert! The enemy has dropped our intelligence!

"Let's finish this chapter." Deadpool ran towards the RED intelligence room, after a quick spin, he capped the intel.

"We have capture the enemy intelligence!You lucky bastard.Victory!

"I win bitches!"

The rest of RED, except for Scout, came in and lifted Deadpool.


Red continued to chant his name while they carried him to the spawn room. They dropped him gently.

"All men gave some. Some men gave more than some."

Demoman just slurred some speech before saying, "I love you man."

"Thank you all! You are all awesome! Especially you Doc, you made me feel badass!"

"No problem!"

At that point, Scout and Pinkie Pie came back in.

"Vhere vere you?"

"Out." Scout replied quietly.

"Yeppers!" Pinkie said.

"Good! Gentlemen, I must announce the fact that we must leave." This comment made the RED team get sounds of disappointment. "But hear this, you'll all be awesome! I promise!" The REDs nodded at this and Deadpool went to Pinkie.

"Ready to go?"


"Good." The two waved goodbye before Wade put his hand on Pinkie's head and the two faded out of existence. Heavy seemed to be crying. Scout seemed to notice.

"Heavy, are ya crying?"

"Manly tears are being shed leetle Scout. Manly tears." Heavy cried some more. Helen watched the whole thing unfold with her eyes, and was annoyed.

"Great... at least those morons will move to another location to make things more different."

Overall, RED would agree, this was the best day of their lives so far.

"Look! I got an unusual hat!"

"Where Spy?" Asked the Scout.

"Here." Spy pointed to his Fancy Fedora with a burning plasma effect.

"Lucky bastard." All of RED began to laugh, they were just happy they could finally get a change of scenery.

-In the space stream-

"So what now?"

"How about... there?

Deadpool pointed at a world with loud heavy metal music playing, with a guy in black driving a car with a girl in the passenger seat.

"I don't see why not."

"Let's go!"

-What is the next world? Let's just say it's brutal.-

Next Chapter: World m1ta3: Welcome to the Age of Metal, Here's Your Demon to Kill Estimated time remaining: 17 Minutes
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