
Yu-Gi-Oh! Equus X Zexal

by moviemaster8510

Chapter 10: Chapter 10: Utopia

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Cadance continued to sit on her throne and keep her spell up as she fought her exhaustion. Shining Armor watched over his ailing wife, periodically scratching at his horn as if that by some miracle, the fragments would come off of his horn. However, they became alert to the sound of the door opening. Alex, Yuma, and Astral entered the room, followed by Tom, Shark, Kite, Hart, Orbital, and Tori.

“Guys,” said Shining Armor, rushing to greet his friends. “What have you found? And where are Twilight and the others?”

“First of all,” said Alex, “it seems the crystal ponies don’t remember much before King Sombra’s rise to power. We weren’t able to get much from the crystal ponies as a result, which leads me to second of all: one of the ponies tipped Applejack and Orbital about the empire’s library, so Twilight and her friends are all going there.”

“Well, why aren’t you accompanying her?”

“The crystal ponies are frightened by the appearance of us humans. Twilight and the others went alone so we wouldn’t scare any more ponies away.”

“That’s a good point. Well, what are you going to do now?”

“What do you think?” asked Yuma, walking up to the white unicorn and wrapping his arm around the top of his neck. “We’re gonna keep you guys company and cheer you up.”

“That’s very kind of you, Yuma, but we’re fine by ourselves. You can go and explore the rest of the palace if you want.”

“Don’t joke with me! We don’t want to see you moping up in here while we go out and have fun. You guys deserve to have a little break. Plus, I’m sure it will make you feel a lot better.”

Shining Armor looked at his miserable looking wife, who’s insomnia left her looking sickly.

“Alright,” Shining Armor quietly relented. “You can hang with us for the time being.”

“Great!” shouted Yuma, frazzling Shining Armor’s mane with his hand. “You’re not going to regret it.”

Shining Armor then tossed Yuma to the ground by whipping his head to the side. Shining Armor then rushed Yuma and pinned him down with his arms, causing the both of them to laugh. Alex and Tom then joined the dogpile, issuing loud groans from the two of them as their weight added to them. However, they continued to laugh, knowing it was all in good fun.

“Can I?” asked Hart, pointing at Cadance.

“Of course,” said Kite, patting his brother’s shoulder.

Hart ran to Cadance, giggling as he began to get closer. Hart then jumped onto Cadance’s right side, sending her tumbling over to her left side. The tip fully awoke Cadance, while at first surprised that she fell, felt heartwarming happiness when she saw Hart lying across her stomach. Hart, enamored by Cadance’s soft touch, rubbed his face over Cadance fur.

With the love she felt from Hart’s affection, her blue-glowing horn glowed a tad brighter. Feeling the surge of energy wash over her, she gently unfolded her wing and folded it back in, laying it across Hart’s back. Kite then walked over to Cadance, walking up to her throne and sitting by her side.

“How did you do that?” asked Kite.

“Huh?” questioned Cadance. “Do what?”

“I’ve never seen Hart be so enamored towards anyone like that so quickly before.”

“Well, I don’t like to brag, but I was a great foalsitter when I was younger. In fact, I was Twilight’s foalsitter when she was a filly.”

“Hm. I guess that explains why she grew up so well.”

“That’s so sweet of you, Kite.”

“After meeting Pinkie Pie, he’s become really trusting of you ponies. I suppose after the way you and Hart met earlier today, it’s no wonder he takes such a liking to you.”

Kite searched for an answer, but found that Cadance’s eyes were closed as a blissful smile was etched on her face. Confused about this, he then felt his hand moving down Cadance’s neck, almost subconsciously. Offput by this, he took his hand off of Cadance, causing her to flutter her eyes open.

“Why’d you stop?” she asked.

“I…” tried to reason Kite, but finding that he also enjoyed Cadance’s smooth touch, he resumed, leaving Cadance to close her eyes in sheer peacefulness. As Hart, Kite, and Cadance continued to bond, Alex, Tom, Yuma, and Shining Armor continued to wrestle as Shark, Tori, and Astral watched them all.

“Isn’t that adorable?” asked Tori.

“This isn’t working for me,” said Shark, walking back out of the room.

“Shark, where are you going?”

“I’m taking Shining Armor on his offer.”

Shark left the room and went further up the stairs of the palace. Tori made a dissatisfied pout before running to Cadance, deciding to grace her company with her presence.

Twilight and her friends made it to the Crystal Empire Library, a large, blue building with a carving of a book above the door. On both sides of the large, stone stairs, were turquoise statues of griffons that looked like they were guarding the library.

Twilight pushed open the doors, the sight beyond them almost making Twilight faint with sheer excitement. Inside, the library had three tall levels of massive, blue shelves of books that went back about a few hundred feet. There were also many wings to the library that were invisible to the ponies’ vantage points. This didn’t matter to Twilight; she was in her own personal heaven.

“I just…” she stammered, almost to the verge of tears, “I don’t even know what to… There are no words.”

“Of all the libraries I’ve visited in my time,” said Daring Do, “this is quite easily the best one I’ve seen! There must be thousands of books that have been unseen by pony eyes for a thousand years!”

As the other ponies looked around, either marveling over the amount of books or the archecture, a clearing of a throat was heard. The ponies turned to see an elderly crystal pony standing to their right, most likely the librarian.

Her coat was a desaturated light-purple while her mane was comprised of two different shades of purple. Her mane and tail were both held by gold bands, which still didn’t keep them from drooping. She was wearing a pair of gold, circular-rimmed glasses which were held by a black string with a few blue beads that wrapped around her neck. Her cutie mark resembled a sparkling, unwrapped roll of paper.

“May I help you?” she asked, in an older, lethargic, but still refined, voice.

“Yes!” answered Twilight, going to the librarian. “We’re looking for a book!”

“We have plenty of those,” she responded, her voice not sarcastic as much as it was tired and lacking emotion.

“You do,” sighed Twilight, taking herself back into her blissful state. “You really do!”

Twilight spun around as if she tried to see the library in every view possible, still gawking over this wondrous place. As Twilight continued to spin, Applejack vouched for her.

“We’re looking for a history book!” she said. “Something that might tell us about how the empire might’ve protected itself from danger back in the day.”

“Yes,” answered the librarian. “Of course. History… history…” she speculated, rubbing her chin. “Ah, yes!” she said with a confirming smile.

Twilight and her friends smiled, ready for an answer. But the librarian continued to stare at them.

“Which is where exactly?” egged Twilight nervously.

“I…” spoke the librarian, looking around confusedly, “I can’t seem to remember. I’m not sure I actually work here.”

Rainbow Dash facehoofed, frustrated over the lack of progress.

“Let’s just take a look around,” said Twilight, beginning to walk around. “I’m sure we can find it on our own.”

Twilight’s friends followed her.

“Let me know if you find anything!” called the librarian before walking away.

“I like her!” exclaimed Pinkie Pie, hopping back to join her friends.

Shining Armor laid on his stomach on the ground, panting. However, his smile was all but visible. Yuma rested the back of his head on the Shining Armor’s left side while Alex and Tom laid on his right side, all of them exhausted from their horseplay. Astral observed from above, smiling over them.

Hart was asleep on his back, using Cadance’s side as a pillow. Her wing covered the boy like a blanket. Hart knelt besides Cadance, running his fingers through his brother’s hair. Cadance watched with motherly happiness at the boy that slept upon her. Tori sat next to Cadance, stroking her soft neck.

“Cadance,” whispered Kite. “Do you mind if I take Hart to his bedroom?”

“Not at all,” hushed Cadance, gently folding her wing in, hopefully trying not to wake Hart.

Kite gently picked up Hart and held him by his upper thighs with Hart facing him, allowing his younger brother to wrap his arms around Kite’s chest.

“Speaking of,” whispered Kite, “where are our bedrooms?”

“Take the right flight of stairs up,” answered Cadance quietly. “Your room should have each of your pajamas hanging on your door.”

“Thank you.”

Without any further words, Kite turned around and carried Hart to their room. Cadance wearily watched the two brothers go farther away, Orbital 7 following them.

Kite left the room, entering a tall, crystalline corridor in different shades of blue and white. To his left, there was a balcony that overlooked a good portion of the Crystal Empire, but Kite ignored it, walking right instead.

After a bit of a straight walk, to his right, Kite noticed the triangular entryway that led to one of three staircases, one of which led downwards to the exit. Kite turned right and then right again as Cadance’s instructions had told him.

Upon going up the stairs, he saw a hallway of rooms, each of them, with a pair(s) of pajama’s hanging on a coat hook on the door. Upon seeing their pairs of pajamas, Kite walked towards their room, grabbed their clothes, pushed the door open and walked inside. The room, being within the palace’s interior, had no windows to look out of, but the room looked stunning, styled much like the rest of the interior. There were two beds to the right side of the room; one for each of them.

Kite walked to the bed farthest from the door and pulled the covers off with his free hand. He then laid Hart down gently on his back with his head on the pillow and pulled the covers back over him. Kite then walked to the next bed and sat down, watching over Hart as he slept. Orbital parked in between the beds, before temporarily shutting off.

Shark, having come out of his room, walked down the hallway and back to the throne room. He noticed that Kite’s door was left open ajar, and he peeked through it, seeing Hart and Kite there.

Rio, thought Shark, you would absolutely love it here.

Shark, hoping not to be noticed and start an unneeded confrontation, walked down the hallway and back downstairs.

Yuma, feeling better after his play with Shining Armor, Alex, and Tom, hopped to the floor onto his feet, getting attention from everyone in the room.

“You know,” said Yuma, “I think I’ve got just the idea to get you and Cadance out of your funk.”

“Really?” asked Shining Armor. “Between wrestling with us, and Kite and Hart keeping Cadance company, what more do we need to do?”

“A duel!”

Shining Armor and Cadance’s eyes widened. Alex, Tom, Tori, and Astral’s eyes also grew wider from Yuma’s declaration.

“Yeah!” confirmed Yuma. “You and Cadance should duel me. I’ll share my kattobing with you all.”

“First off,” said Shining Armor,” two-on-one against you is crazy; you’ll lose within the first turns. Secondly, my wife is far too tired to take you on. Thirdly, what even is kattobing?”

“I hate to bring it up,” said Tom, “but the last time you underestimated one person during a two-on-one is–”

Tom felt Alex punch his arm, shutting him up.

“Tom,” scolded Alex.

“No,” said Cadance, standing up and letting Tori go to the left side of the room with Alex and Tom, “he’s right. I shouldn’t underestimate my opponents. Even if their hair puts Sapphire Shores to shame.”

“GAH!” shouted Yuma in distress. “I thought we were past making fun of our hair!”

“Someone mustn't haven gotten the memo,” said Alex.

“Cadance,” cooed Shining Armor. “Please. A duel now is way too much for you. You need to stay–”

“Don’t tell me what to do, Shining,” ordered Cadance calmly. “I can handle myself. Besides, I really need to get my mind off of protecting the Empire for a while in the worst way.”

“Not to mention,” said Alex. “There’s something special with dueling with Yuma.”

“How so?” asked Shining Armor.

“Twilight’s never been one to take compliments for her dueling; she considers it false flattery. However, Yuma can really bring out the best in their opponents through his words. You should have seen the smile on Twilight’s face when she dueled him, Shining Armor. It was nothing short of magical.”

Yuma gave a nod at Alex, thanking him for the kind words.

“Alright,” agreed Shining Armor. “We accept your challenge, Yuma. In fact, I was kind of looking forward to a duel with you sometime.”

“Awesome!” exclaimed Yuma.

“Yuma,” said Astral, floating towards his level, “let’s be cautious. I sense a strong bond between these two. They must be very powerful, especially when they work together.”

“Yeah,” confirmed Yuma, pulling out his D-Pad tablet.

“This is going to be the most fun I have all day!” said Cadance.

“You bet it is!” shouted Yuma, throwing his tablet in the air, causing it to unfold and elongate.

Yuma, with the speed of a quick-drawer, placed his wrist dealer/graveyard onto his wrist. The tablet landed on it and fasted onto the top of the graveyard.

“Duel disk,” shouted Yuma, “set on!”

The zones of Yuma’s D-Pad unsheathed out. Shining Armor and Cadance got out and constructed their silver and gold D-Pads, respectively, their zones unsheathing upon completion. Alex then pulled his Duel Rezzer from his coat, activated it and threw it in between them.

“Duel Rezzer,” shouted Yuma, catching on, “set on!”

The Duel Rezzer covered the room in holographic auras, turning the Rezzer invisible in the process. Shark entered the room, seeing that Yuma was about to duel. He quietly scooted to the left side of the room to watch.

“Alright,” said Astral with an optimistic smile. “Everything is in place. We can begin.”

“Alright!” yelled Yuma. “Kattobingu da, ore!”

Yuma, Shining Armor, and Cadance, drew five cards from their decks.

“DUEL!” they all shouted.

Yuma vs. Cadance and Shining Armor


“Go, Yuma!” cheered Tori.

“You can take first turn if you want, Yuma,” called Shining Armor.

“Okay,” confirmed Yuma. “In that case…”


Yuma’s Turn: Yuma summons Ganbara Knight (ATK: 0 DEF: 1800).

Yuma places one card face down and ends his turn.

Status: Hand-4 Life-8000 Monsters-1 Face Down Cards-1

“Interesting play,” said Shining Armor to himself.

“Come on, Cadance!” urged Yuma. “Come and show me your kattobing!”

“She doesn’t even know what that means!”

“In short,” called Alex from the sidelines, “it means bringing it to him. Cadance, bring it to Yuma!”

“I’ll try,” said Cadance, her voice sounding exhausted still.

Cadance’s Turn: Cadance sets one monster.

Cadance places two cards face down and ends her turn.

Status: Hand-3 Life-8000 Monsters-1 Face Down Cards-2

“Hey! What gives?” yelled Yuma. “That’s not the fight I wanted.”

“Yuma!” shouted Shining Armor angrily. “Leave her alone. I told you that she wasn’t fit to duel!”

“Don’t worry about me,” said Cadance. “I’ll be fine. Just do your thing and I’ll do mine.”

She still seems tired, thought Shining Armor. She’s hardly putting up a fight. Either way, I need to protect her. Ganbara Knight switches itself to defense position when attacked, and no monster in my hand can destroy it by battle. However, this card should bypass that just fine…

Shining Armor’s Turn: Shining Armor summons Heraldic Beast Basilisk (ATK: 1000 DEF: 1400).


“Heraldic Beasts?” said Astral. “These are the same cards that Vetrix controlled. Yuma, be careful!”

“Got it!” confirmed Yuma.


Shining Armor attacks Ganbara Knight with Heraldic Beast Basilisk. When Ganbara Knight is targeted for an attack, Yuma can switch it into defense position. Ganbara Knight’s DEF is higher than Heraldic Beast Basilisk’s ATK.

Cadance and Shining Armor’s Life Points: 8000 -> 7200

When Heraldic Beast Basilisk battles a monster, it is destroyed at the end of the damage step. Yuma tries to activate Attack Invulnerability to prevent Ganbara Knight’s destruction by card effects during the battle phase, but Cadance activates Trap Jammer, negating and destroying Attack Invulnerability. Ganbara Knight is destroyed.

Shining Armor places one card face down and ends his turn.

Status: Hand-4 Life-7200 Monsters-1 Face Down Cards-1

“Nice play, guys!” shouted Alex to the pony team.

“Alex!” yelled Yuma. “Who are you rooting for here?”

“Frankly, I don’t care who wins. You’re all my friends, so whether one of you wins or not is fine with me.”

Yuma refocused his attention to the duel.

“In all fairness,” said Astral, “their play just there was quite well done. I hope you have a way to reverse the situation.”

“Hehe,” giggled Yuma, “I’ll do more than that.”

Yuma’s Turn: Yuma summons Goblindbergh (ATK: 1400 DEF: 0). When Goblindbergh is normal summoned, Yuma can special summon a level four or lower monster from his hand, choosing Gagaga Magician (ATK: 1500 DEF: 1000). Yuma overlays Goblindbergh and Gagaga Magician to xyz summon Number 39: Utopia (ATK: 2500 DEF: 2000).


No way! thought Cadance, shocked. He has a Utopia too?

She then smirked.

Things just got interesting.

Shining Armor turned away from Yuma’s monster to see Cadance’s smile, which surprised him even more.


Yuma attacks Cadance’s face down monster with Number 39: Utopia Ray, but Shining Armor activates Heraldry Change, special summoning a Heraldic monster from his hand and ending the battle phase, choosing Heraldic Beast Twin-Headed Eagle (ATK: 1200 DEF: 1400).

Yuma places one card face down and ends his turn.

Status: Hand-2 Life-8000 Monsters-1 Face Down Cards-1

“It seems they’re capable of countering Yuma’s strategies,” said Shark.

“Gee,” said Tom sarcastically, “it’s as if Yuma’s outnumbered or something.”

“Don’t get ahead of yourself,” said Shark. “Yuma’s duel may not be getting the fastest pickup, but he’ll show his true colors all too soon. Just you wait.”

“Good, because I’m getting bored.”

“Be quiet and watch the duel,” said Tori, annoyed at Tom’s disrespect for her friend.

“Shining Armor,” said Cadance, “can I use one of your monsters?”

“Of course,” he said.

“What’s could she be thinking?” asked Astral.

“Whatever it is,” said Yuma, “I sure am excited for it.”

Cadance’s Turn: Cadance summons Crystal Beast Cobalt Eagle (ATK: 1400 DEF: 800). Cadance overlays Heraldic Beast Basilisk and Crystal Beast Cobalt Eagle to xyz summon her Number 39: Utopia.


“What?” asked Yuma in a similar state of shock. “Utopia?”

“Not only does she control Numbers,” said Astral, “but she controls Utopia too?”

“Now,” said Cadance, her voice elevated slightly with enthusiasm, “let’s see who’s the master of Utopia!”


Cadance attacks Yuma’s Number 39: Utopia with her Number 39: Utopia, but Yuma activates his Number 39: Utopia’s effect. By detaching one xyz material from it, Yuma can negate the attack.

Cadance places one card face down and ends her turn.

Status: Hand-2 Life-7200 Monsters-2 Face Down Cards-2

“You’re not going to escape us that easily,” shouted Shining Armor.

“Just try it,” egged Yuma.

Shining Armor’s Turn: Shining Armor summons Heraldic Beast Unicorn (ATK: 1100 DEF: 1600). Shining Armor overlays Heraldic Beast Twin-Headed Eagle and Heraldic Beast Unicorn to xyz summon Number 8: Heraldic King Genom-Heritige (ATK: 2400 DEF: 1800).

Shining Armor activates Number 8: Heraldic King Genom-Heritage’s effect, targeting one xyz monster the opponent controls and gaining the target’s ATK, name, and effects until the end phase, choosing Yuma’s Number 39: Utopia (ATK: 2400 -> 2500). Also, the target’s effects are negated and its ATK becomes 0 until the end phase (ATK: 2500 -> 0).

Shining Armor attacks Yuma’s Number 39: Utopia with Number 8: Heraldic King Genom-Heritage, but Yuma activates Bye Bye Damage, preventing his monster’s destruction and inflicting double the battle damage that he takes to his opponent, but Cadance activates Damage Diet, taking only half of the damage she would receive this turn.

Yuma’s Life Points: 8000 -> 5500

Cadance and Shining Armor’s Life Points: 7200 -> 4700

During the end phase, Number 8: Heraldic King Genom-Heritage and Yuma’s Number 39: Utopia’s ATKs return to normal (ATK: 2500 -> 2400) (ATK: 0 -> 2500).

Shining Armor places one card face down and ends his turn.

Status: Hand-2 Life-4700 Monsters-1 Face Down Cards-1

“Wow,” said Alex. “What a play.”

“Nice counter there,” said Yuma. “You guys are really good at this!”

Shining Armor and Cadance were pleasantly surprised to hear such compliments from him.

“You aren’t doing too bad yourself,” said Shining Armor. “I hope I can see some more out of you.”

“Hehe, you haven’t seen anything yet!”

“Wow,” called a voice from the back, causing everyone to turn their heads towards the entrance, “two Utopias?”

Kite was at the back of the room with Hart piggybacking off of him. Kite then let his brother down so the two of them could join the crowd. Orbital 7 followed close behind.

“Sorry,” said Shining Armor, “did we wake him?”

“Yeah,” said Kite, who didn’t sound the least bit upset, “but as soon as he heard you guys dueling, he wanted to come back down.”

“That’s great to hear.”

“So,” blurted Orbital, “how’s idiot Yuma doing?”

“For your information,” Cadance said irately, “Yuma’s doing very well for himself.”

“So be quiet, you!” ordered Tori, silencing Orbital.

“Now,” said Yuma. “Let’s continue the duel! Kattobingu-da, ore!”

Yuma’s Turn: Yuma summons Tasuke Knight (ATK: 1700 DEF: 100). When Yuma normal summons a level four monster, he can special summon Kagetokage from his hand (ATK: 1100 DEF: 1500).

Yuma then activates Monster Slots, targeting one monster he controls (Kagetokage) and banishing a monster in his graveyard with the same level (Ganbara Knight). Then, he draws one card. If it is a monster with the same level as the banished monster, he can special summon it. It is Gogogo Golem, so Yuma special summons it (ATK: 1800 DEF: 1500). Yuma overlays Gogogo Golem, Tasuke Knight, and Kagetokage to xyz summon One-Eyed Skill Gainer (ATK: 2500 DEF: 2600).

Yuma activates One-Eyed Skill Gainer’s effect. By detaching one xyz material from it, he can target an effect monster that his opponent controls and gain its effect until the end phase, choosing Number 8: Heraldic King Genom-Heritage.

Yuma activates Number 8: Heraldic King Genom-Heritage’s effect through One-Eyed Skill Gainer, targeting one xyz monster the opponent controls and gaining the target’s ATK, name, and effects until the end phase, choosing Cadance’s Number 39: Utopia. Also, the target’s effects are negated and its ATK becomes 0 until the end phase (ATK: 2500 -> 0).

Yuma attacks Cadance’s Number 39: Utopia with One-Eyed Skill Gainer.

Cadance and Shining Armor’s Life Points: 4700 -> 2200

Yuma then attacks Number 8: Heraldic King Genom-Heritage with his Number 39: Utopia.

Cadance and Shining Armor’s Life Points: 2200 -> 2100

Yuma ends his turn.

Status: Hand-0 Life-5500 Monsters-2 Face Down Cards-0

“I did it!” shouted Yuma, leaping into the air. “I inflicted huge damage onto those two!”

“Wow,” said Tom. “That was really impressive right there.”

As Yuma continued to celebrate, Shining Armor and Cadance got up from the attack. Cadance, while being mostly calm throughout the duel, suddenly felt the fire burning inside her. Despite having another teammate with her, Yuma was depleting their life points singlehandedly, and fast. For her now, the duel wasn’t about killing time; she wanted to fight back and win badly.

“Yuma!” shouted Cadance, her energy in full force, causing Yuma to stop his showboating. “I hope you’re ready for us now, because this is where we get serious!”

Yuma continued to smile, seeing that Cadance’s spirits were lifted.

“That’s just what I want, Cadance!” called Yuma.

“Go, Cadance!” cheered Hart.

Twilight and her friends continued to search for a suitable book. Each of the ponies looked through the shelves in their own way. Rarity, Daring Do, and Fluttershy merely looked through the books and read the titles on the spines. Applejack bucked a wheeled ladder attached to the shelf, causing it to fly to the side down the shelf. Rainbow Dash stood on the top rung, picking up each book that passed by and tossing it behind her onto the ground. Pinkie Pie, using her uncanny strength, hopped to the top of each shelf, pulling a book down one at a time.

They all began searching throughout the books that they pulled, finding no results as time laboriously went on.

“Anyone else starting to think this is a lost cause?” asked Applejack.

Twilight used her magic to string a line of books together, floating them by her as she read each title, unhappy to see that none of the books were the one she was looking for.

“No, no, no, no, no,” grunted Twilight with the passing of each book, tossing them to a large pile on her right, “no, no, no…”

However, her eyes lit up upon finding the right book, dropping the rest of the books in her line. It was a reddish-brown book with gold binding and a gold plate at the top and bottom of the cover for the title and author, respectively. The artwork featured three crystals, the middle one being purple while the ones on both sides of it being blue.

“Yes!” she exclaimed, bringing the ponies out of their bored trances as they happily convened around Twilight and her book. “History of the Crystal Empire,” dictated Twilight. “I just hope it has the answers we need…”

Twilight flipped through the book's contents and began reading.

Cadance’s Turn: Cadance sets one monster.

Cadance places one card face down and ends her turn.

Status: Hand-1 Life-2100 Monsters-2 Face Down Cards-2

“Huh?” questioned Yuma. “I thought you said you were getting serious!”

“I am getting serious,” stated Cadance. “If you think you’re going to stop us now, you’ve got another thing coming!”

“Alright,” shouted Shining Armor, also fired up, “let me show you what I’ve got!”

Shining Armor’s Turn: Shining Armor activates the effect of Heraldic Beast Unicorn from his graveyard, banishing it to special summon a Psychic-type xyz monster from his graveyard, although its effects are negated, choosing Number 8: Heraldic King Genom-Heritage.

Shining Armor then activates Reborn Heraldry, special summoning a Heraldic Beast monster from his graveyard, choosing Heraldic Beast Basilisk. Shining Armor then normal summons Heraldic Beast Aberconway (ATK: 1800 DEF: 900). Shining Armor special summons Heraldic Beast Eale from his hand, as he controls two Heraldic monsters (ATK: 1000 DEF: 1800) Shining Armor overlays Heraldic Beast Aberconway, Heraldic Beast Basilisk, and Heraldic Beast Eale to xyz summon Number 69: Heraldry God – Coat of Arms (ATK: 2600 DEF: 1400).

When Number 69: Heraldry God – Coat of Arms is special summoned, the effects of all other xyz monsters on the field are negated. Shining Armor activates Number 69: Heraldry God – Coat of Arms’ effect, gaining the name and effects of one other xyz monster on the field, choosing Number 8: Heraldic King Genom-Heritage.

Shining Armor activates Number 8: Heraldic King Genom-Heritage’s effect through Number 69: Heraldry God – Coat of Arms, targeting one xyz monster the opponent controls and gaining the target’s ATK, name, and effects until the end phase, choosing Yuma’s Number 39: Utopia (ATK: 2600 -> 2500). Also, the target’s effects are negated and its ATK becomes 0 until the end phase (ATK: 2500 -> 0).

Shining Armor attacks Number 39 Utopia with Number 69: Heraldry God – Coat of Arms, but Yuma activates the effect of Tasuke Knight, special summoning it from his graveyard when he has no cards in his hand and ending the battle phase.

During the end phase, Number 69: Heraldry God – Coat of Arms and Yuma’s Number 39: Utopia’s ATKs return to normal (ATK: 2500 -> 2600) (ATK: 0 -> 2500).

Shining Armor ends his turn.

Status: Hand-0 Life-2100 Monsters-2 Face Down Cards-1

Shining Armor grunted, unhappy with being unable to touch Yuma. It was then that he realized that he was unable to touch Yuma; his dueling was just as good as the both of theirs combined. Shining Armor couldn’t help but grin as he anticipated Yuma’s next brilliant move.

“Yuma!” shouted Astral, “let’s go!”

“Yeah!” answered Yuma. “Let’s go!”

Yuma’s Turn: Cadance activates her face down Xyz Reborn, special summoning her Number 39: Utopia from her graveyard and attaching Xyz Reborn to it as xyz material. Yuma activates Seven Store, tributing an xyz monster he controls, choosing One-Eyed Skill Gainer. Yuma then draws one card plus an additional card for each xyz material that was attached to it (2).

Yuma summons Gogogo Ghost (ATK: 1900 DEF: 0). Yuma overlays Gogogo Ghost and Tasuke Knight to xyz summon Gagaga Cowboy in attack position (ATK: 1500 DEF: 2400). Yuma activates Gagaga Cowboy’s effect. By detaching one xyz material from it when it’s in attack position, Gagaga Cowboy’s ATK increases by 1000 while a monster his opponent controls loses 500 ATK, choosing Number 69: Heraldry God – Coat of Arms (ATK: 1500 -> 2500) (ATK: 2600 -> 2100).

Yuma attacks Number 69: Heraldry God – Coat of Arms with Gagaga Cowboy, but Cadance activates her Number 39: Utopia’s effect, detaching its last xyz material from it to negate the attack. Yuma then attacks Number 69: Heraldry God – Coat of Arms with his Number 39: Utopia, but Cadance activates her face down Magic Cylinder, negating the attack and inflicting damage equal to the ATK of the attacking monster.

Yuma’s Life Points: 5500 -> 3000

Yuma places two cards face down and ends his turn. At the end of the turn, Number 69: Heraldry God – Coat of Arms and Gagaga Cowboy’s ATK return to normal (ATK: 2500 -> 1500) (ATK: 2100 -> 2600).

Status: Hand-0 Life-3000 Monsters-2 Face Down Cards-2

“How’s that for serious?” asked Cadance.

“Awesome!” said Yuma. “We’re just bouncing our strategies back and forth and back again. Eeee! Isn’t this fun?”

“Like you wouldn’t believe. Now, Yuma, it’s time to show you my true power!”

Hart’s childlike smile grew wide, unable to contain his excitement for Cadance’s upcoming move.

Cadance’s Turn: Cadance flip summons Crystal Beast Amethyst Cat (ATK: 1200 DEF: 400) and Crystal Beast Emerald Tortoise (ATK: 600 DEF: 2000). Cadance then normal summons Crystal Beast Ruby Carbuncle (ATK: 300 DEF: 300). Cadance overlays Crystal Beast Amethyst Cat, Crystal Beast Emerald Tortoise, and Crystal Beast Ruby Carbuncle to xyz summon Crystal Dragon (ATK: 2500 DEF: 1500).

Cadance activates Crystal Dragon’s effect. By detaching one xyz material from it, she can target one set spell/trap card on the field and prevent its activation until the end of the turn. Then she activates the second effect of Crystal Dragon. By detaching one xyz material from it, she can banish one monster in either player’s graveyard, choosing Tasuke Knight in Yuma’s graveyard.


"She really remembered Tasuke Knight's effect?" asked Astral to himself. "Well played..."


Cadance attacks Gagaga Cowboy with Crystal Dragon.

Yuma’s Life Points: 3000 -> 2000

Cadance then attacks Yuma’s Number 39: Utopia with her Number 39: Utopia. Since their ATKs are equal they are both destroyed. Yuma activates his face down Xyz Double Back, special summoning the destroyed xyz monster and another monster with ATK equal to or less than the destroyed monster from his graveyard when he controls no other monsters, choosing Number 39: Utopia and Gogogo Ghost.

Yuma activates Gogogo Ghost’s effect, special summoning one Gogogo Golem from his graveyard in defense position and switching Gogogo Ghost in defense position when it’s special summoned.

Cadance ends her turn.

Status: Hand-1 Life-2100 Monsters-1 Face Down Cards-0

“Hm,” huffed Cadance, her smile still on her face. “Of course.”

“Don’t worry,” assured Shining Armor, brimming with anticipation, “I’ll take care of him.”

Shining Armor’s Turn: Shining Armor activates Number 69: Heraldry God – Coat of Arms’ effect, gaining the name and effects of one other xyz monster on the field, choosing Number 8: Heraldic King Genom-Heritage.

Shining Armor activates Number 8: Heraldic King Genom-Heritage’s effect through Number 69: Heraldry God – Coat of Arms, targeting one xyz monster the opponent controls and gaining the target’s ATK, name, and effects until the end phase, choosing Yuma’s Number 39: Utopia (ATK: 2600 -> 2500). Also, the target’s effects are negated and its ATK becomes 0 until the end phase (ATK: 2500 -> 0).

Shining Armor attacks Number 39 Utopia with Number 69: Heraldry God – Coat of Arms, but Yuma activates Half Unbreak, preventing his Number 39: Utopia’s destruction and taking only half the battle damage.

Yuma’s Life Points: 2000 -> 750

Shining Armor attacks Gogogo Ghost with Number 8: Heraldic King Genom-Heritage.

During the end phase, Number 69: Heraldry God – Coat of Arms and Yuma’s Number 39: Utopia’s ATKs return to normal (ATK: 2500 -> 2600) (ATK: 0 -> 2500).

Shining Armor ends his turn.

Status: Hand-1 Life-2100 Monsters-2 Face Down Cards-1

“As expected of Yuma,” mused Kite.

I don’t believe this, thought Shining Armor. No matter what we throw at him, he continues to find a way to survive. Are there any more surprises this kid can throw at us?

“Yuma,” said Astral. “I think it’s time we finish this. Let’s win.”

“Alright!” shouted Yuma, taking is next draw. “Let’s do it!”

Yuma’s Turn: Yuma summons Overlay Owl (ATK: 800 DEF: 1600). Yuma activates Overlay Owl’s effect, paying 600 life points to detach an xyz material from a monster on the field, choosing Crystal Dragon.

Yuma’s Life Points: 750 -> 150

Yuma overlays Overlay Owl and Gogogo Golem to xyz summon Heroic Champion – Excalibur (ATK: 2000 DEF: 2000). Because his life points are 1000 or less, Yuma overlays Number 39: Utopia to chaos xyz summon Number C39: Utopia Ray (ATK: 2500 DEF: 2000).


Shining Armor and Cadance were stunned at the appearance of the supercharged Utopia.

“Utopia… Ray?” questioned Cadance, her voice riddled with shock.

“Impossible!” exclaimed Shining Armor.


Yuma activates Number C39: Utopia Ray’s effect. By detaching one xyz material from it, Number C39: Utopia Ray’s ATK increases by 500 while a monster his opponent controls loses 1000 ATK, choosing Number 69: Heraldry God – Coat of Arms (ATK: 2500 -> 3000) (ATK: 2600 -> 1600). Yuma then activates Heroic Champion – Excalibur’s effect, detaching all xyz materials from it to double its ATK until the end phase (ATK: 2000 -> 4000).

Yuma attacks Crystal Dragon with Heroic Champion – Excalibur.

Cadance and Shining Armor’s Life Points: 2100 -> 600.

Yuma attacks Number 69: Heraldry God – Coat of Arms with Number C39: Utopia Ray, but Shining Armor activates Iron Resolve, halving his life points to negate the battle damage.

Cadance and Shining Armor’s Life Points: 600 -> 300

During the end phase, Number C39: Utopia Ray, Heroic Champion – Excalibur, and Number 69: Heraldry God – Coat of Arms’s ATKs return to normal (ATK: 3000 -> 2500) (ATK: 4000 -> 2000) (ATK: 1600 -> 2600).

Yuma ends his turn.

Status: Hand-0 Life-150 Monsters-2 Face Down Cards-0

Yuma, while disappointed that the duel would not be decided in his favor, smiled at Cadance, signaling his acceptance to let her or Shining Armor finish him off.

“Let’s end this!” shouted Cadance.

Cadance’s Turn: Cadance activates Monster Reborn, special summoning Crystal Dragon from her graveyard.

Cadance attacks Heroic Champion – Excalibur with Crystal Dragon.

Yuma’s Life Points: 150 -> 0

Cadance and Shining Armor win.

Alex, Tom, Shark, and Tori stood completely still, stunned by the conclusion of the duel.

“She did it!” shouted Hart, running to Cadance. “Cadance did it!”

Cadance saw Hart running to her. She stood on her hind legs and held her arms up, allowing Hart to jump into them as Cadance caught him. Hart wrapped his arms around Cadance’s chest as Cadance enthusiastically rubbed his back. With the silence broken, Alex and Tom ran to Shining Armor. Tom wrapped his arm around the unicorn’s head with his left arm as his right hand nuggied his mane. Alex quickly rubbed up and down the side of Shining Armor’s neck.

“I knew you could do it!” cheered Tom.

“Thanks, guys,” Shining Armor responded.

Orbital moved, as if he was about to call out to Yuma. He was stopped by Tori’s angry glare.

“Er,” the robot struggled to speak, “good duel, Yuma!”

Tori smiled, happy with Orbital’s statement. Kite walked up to Cadance and Hart, getting both of their attention as Hart ran back to his brother’s side.

“You did good there,” said Kite.

“Thanks, Kite,” replied Cadance in gratitude.

“Oy!” called Yuma, walking to both Shining Armor and Cadance. “You guys were fantastic.”

“Yes,” said Shining Armor, “and so were you.”

“Thanks a lot! Cadance, how are you feeling?”

“Much better! Thank you so much!”

Cadance then surprised Yuma by picking him up with her arms and putting him in a tight hug, nearly squeezing the life out of Yuma, causing the others to laugh.

“You’re… crushing me!” wheezed Yuma.

“Cadance!” called Twilight’s voice. “Shining Armor!”

Cadance, in a quick motion, set Yuma back down on the ground, allowing Yuma to gasp for air. Twilight and the other ponies came into the room one by one, Twilight carrying her new book by magic.

“Twily!” called Shining Armor in a very cheerful voice. “Have you found anything!”

“Yes,” said Twilight triumphantly, “yes I have!”

“That’s great!” chirped Cadance.

“Cadance?” questioned Twilight. “You sound really chipper. What happened while I was gone?”

“Oh, I just had a little duel with Yuma is all!”

“You should have seen it, Twilight,” said Alex. “He almost took down the both of them by himself!”

“And you’re all alright?” asked Twilight.

“I’m more than alright,” answered Cadance. “I feel wonderful!”

Twilight glanced at Yuma and gave him a thankful nod, causing Yuma to place his hand behind his head, smile, and blush in appreciation.

“Now,” said Shining Armor, “what did you find?”

Next Chapter: Chapter 11: Faire Estimated time remaining: 4 Hours, 46 Minutes
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