
30 Minute Delay

by Amethyst Wind

Chapter 11: Carrot Tom & AnJerry

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Carrot Tom & AnJerry

Carrot Tom & AnJerry

Carrot Top sat relaxing on her porch, overlooking her expansive carrot patch. The warm summer sun had her dozing, barely awake, when out of the corner of her eye she thought she saw a strange sight: A carrot rising up a few inches and moving away. Puzzled, she raised her head in that direction but couldn’t see anything. Shrugging, she laid her head down to sleep.


The next day, while she was tending to her patch, strange carrot movement off to the side caught her eye but again, when she looked, there was nothing amiss. She looked around suspiciously, looking for signs of a prank from her friend, Derpy Hooves. Nopony was there. Wary, she slowly went back to her gardening, periodically glancing around to catch any funny business.


On the third day, a carrot again rose up and began moving away. However, before it had gotten too far, it bumped into something solid. Backing up, the carrot moved to the side slightly and carried on, but the solid object moved to block it. This happened when it went the other way too. Confused, Angel looked around the carrot to see what was in his way. It was then that he realised that the object blocking his path was Carrot Top’s leg. Gulping, he looked up towards her face. Carrot Top was all smiles. Specifically, the type of smile you see in the water with a fin and moving towards you at high speed. Giving a guilty little chuckle, Angel turned and bolted in the other direction, with the pony giving chase.

Dashing around the tool shed, Angel headed for freedom. A few steps behind, Carrot Top rounded the shed and accelerated…

…straight into the rake that swung up into her face.


On the 4th day, Angel had gotten his carrot but there was no sign of Carrot Top, so he settled down on top of the scarecrow to enjoy his ill-gotten gains. Nibbling away at the tip, he didn’t notice the hoof that grabbed the leaves until he was hanging by his teeth in mid-air. Pushing her straw hat up a little further, scarecrow-Carrot Top smirked at Angel, who hung there sweating. He began biting into the carrot; tip, body, top, leaves, hoof. Carrot Top yelped and swung her hoof upwards, launching Angel into the air. On the way down he grabbed the straw hat and dragged it down over her eyes. He dashed away while she was tugging it off.


The 5th day was trickier for the bunny. Carrot Top was patrolling up and down the carrot patch, a wickedly-sharp-looking pitchfork slung over her shoulder. He could see no way to get close like this. He’d have to get creative.

Carrot Top refused to let that insufferable rabbit outdo her again. She was not going to be beaten by a PET! Nodding to herself, she continued pacing. A noise drew her attention to the corner of the house. She spotted the silhouette of a pair of triangles, bunny ears! She dashed towards them and took a flying leap, pitchfork at the ready, looking forward to raining down some payback on those bunny ears which, on closer inspection, were starting to look a lot more like open hedge clippers……uh oh. Abort! Abort! Abort! Mid-leap she tried to turn and run away but only succeeded in getting herself turning around, so she was now travelling flank-first.

With background accompaniment of the Earth mare’s anguished howls, Angel took his time to fetch his snack, sauntering away leisurely.


The 6th day was no better for the pony. She’d called in her blonde Pegasus friend to help her catch the rodent once and for all. Derpy was scanning the garden from above while Carrot Top stood closer with her pitchfork. Angel had snagged a carrot and was making a break for it when Derpy called out a location to Carrot Top, who sighted the intruder, took aim and let fly with the pitchfork. It pinned Angel to the side of the tool shed, the prongs on either side of his neck. Try as he might he could not get loose. The two ponies surrounded him. Holding out a hoof, Carrot Top demanded her vegetable back. Angel gave it up without protest. After tugging the pitchfork free, Carrot Top’s hoof pointed Angel straight off her property.

Knowing when he was beaten, Angel shrugged and held out a paw for Derpy to shake. Happy that the bunny had learned his lesson, she took it with a smile. While he was shaking the Pegasus’ hoof, he held out his other paw for Carrot Top. Following her friend’s example, she smiled as they shook digits. All smiles, the three shook paws and hooves for a few seconds, then Angel let go and crossed his paws, offering the other to each pony. They shook again, still smiling. Then, instead of letting go, Angel pulled his paws closer until they crossed again. While the ponies were still smiling, and shaking the hoof of the other thanks to some slight-of-paw, Angel took the forgotten carrot and scarpered. He was halfway down the road when the Earth pony’s furious bellow reached his ears.


The 7th day involved no trickery, Carrot Top just ran down the bunny and grabbed him by the ears. She shook him in her grasp, growling at him as she tried to figure out what to do to him. Angel just reached for the carrot but the pony pulled it out of reach. His spirits diminishing, he turned his big, sorrowful eyes on the pony. She was unimpressed. On cue, his stomach rumbled, loudly and incessantly. With each second it went on, Carrot Top found her anger and determination wavering. Finally she could take no more. Setting down the bunny, she softly patted him on the head and held out a carrot. Eyes shining with gratitude, Angel took it and, giving a thankful and respectful bow, scampered away.


Back at Fluttershy’s cottage, Angel had tried to take a bite of his meal and wound up with aching chompers and still hungry. Confused, he’d tried a few more times but the thing was solid. It even made a knocking sound when he tapped it against the ground. He held it out to Fluttershy for help. After a brief examination, Fluttershy had managed to pop the lid and found the piece of paper inside.


As Angel was getting the The Stare of a lifetime from the bill for a week’s worth of carrots, Carrot Top and Derpy Hooves were hoofbumping and snickering.


Next Chapter: You're Not Respected? Then They're Rejected! Estimated time remaining: 1 Hour, 4 Minutes

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