
The Vulture's Coinflip

by Odd_Sarge

Chapter 3: Outcome

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Rainbow Dash landed just outside the Vulture’s Cove.

She stood there for a brief moment, with the angry black cloud under her wing.

She’d gone off toward Saddle Lake in search of clouds, but she hadn’t any luck.

So she turned to the Everfree in a last ditch attempt, but the clouds there were never going to go easily with her...

So it’d taken a lot longer than she expected to get it together, big deal.

“Hey, Scoots, I’m back!”

She looked around.


“Uh, squirt? You still here?”


Slowly but surely, her gaze drifted to the cave.

“Oh no...”

The cloud under her wing flashed an ‘I told you so’ at her.

Just as she was starting to gallop off to the cave, she screeched to a halt.

She leaned forward, head tilted to the side, ears cocked...

“Is that...?”


Rainbow Dash leapt back as the blur sped by on the rocky surface outside the cave. “Woah!" She raised a wing to shield her eyes from the sputtering debris.

She yelped as the angry Everfree cloud—now freed from its hold—zapped at her, and fled back to the sky.

Rubbing her now sore flank, Rainbow Dash squinted through the clearing dust. “Squirt, is that you?”

“Rainbow Dash! Yeah, it’s me!”

Scootaloo’s approach parted the dust left by her entrance. As the filly approached, Rainbow leaned forward. There was some kind of board in her foreleg...

“Oh... hey!” Rainbow cooed impressively. “You went in already?”

“Yup!” Scootaloo beamed, shaking the board happily. “Got this cool thing out of it.”

“That’s a skateboard, Scoots.”

Scootaloo blinked, looked down at the board, then back to Rainbow Dash. “What’s a skateboard?”

“...It’s awesome!” Rainbow whooped. She trot over and beamed down at the board. “It uh, it doesn’t look great...”

“But it got me here.”

“Heh, it definitely did.” She squinted at the oil-stained wood. “Did you fix it yourself?”

“I had a little help.”

“Uh huh... Well... they should’ve helped more.”

Scootaloo giggled. “Nah, I think I’ll figure something out on my own. This is just to get me started.”

“Well, sweet. In and out of Vulture’s Cove in ten minutes flat. Not bad!”

“How long did it take you?”

“A lot faster than that.” Rainbow Dash grinned, holding a hoof out. “Can I get a closer look at it?”

“Yeah, of course.”

Scootaloo didn’t seem to mind the grease all across the board... but then again, neither did she.

“So... what did you get from Vulture’s Cove, Rainbow Dash?”

She replied as she inspected the board. “It was something a lot smaller. Not as cool as this, but still pretty cool.”


“Yeah. A Wonderbolts pendant.”

“But that’s awesome!”

Rainbow Dash shrugged. “It’s not as cool a thing to show off as this board.” She passed it back to Scootaloo.

Scootaloo didn’t immediately reply: her eyes were busy roaming across the board.

There were plenty of blemishes, and lots to clean, but this could be turned into something even better... and she definitely had the time to make it happen.

Rainbow smirked at the young not-quite flier. “You’re gonna go far with stuff like that, squirt.”

“Thanks, Rainbow Dash.”

“I think it’s about time we get you home, anyways.”

“And what about the cave?”

“What about it?”

“Well... what about... y’know, him?”

Rainbow Dash blinked. “The Vulture?”

“Well no, but... yeah... and Lignite.”

“Huh...” She looked at the cave.

Scootaloo eyed her warily. “Are we just going to leave them there?”

Rainbow held her stare for a second longer, then looked back. She grinned at Scootaloo. “If they’re still in there, then that’s loyalty I can get behind.”

Scootaloo wasn’t convinced: her head turned down. “Lignite seemed lost to me.”

Rainbow looked down at the little orange filly. It seemed hard to think of before, but the more she thought about it, the more she saw a bit of herself in her. Maybe they hadn’t taken the same approach to the Vulture’s Cove, but they’d both gone in, and found something that gave their life a bit of pursuit.

And what better pursuit was there than being your absolute best?

Rainbow lowered herself. “Hey, look at me.”

Scootaloo looked up.

”Trust me, Scoots. We’ve all got a place to find. I know a lot of ponies like that... Fluttershy especially. But Ponyville’s home for us, and maybe for them, here’s the place they need to be.”

Scootaloo breathed, then nodded. “I don’t think they knew they’d end up here, but if that’s where they want to be... then that’s cool to me.“

Smiling, Rainbow flared her wings. “We’re all gonna make it.”

“Yeah... I hope so.”

“I know so.”

Scootaloo smiled gently, and lifted her own wings. “I just wanted to make sure it’d be okay.”

“It will, squirt, it will.”

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