
My Life as a Sonic OC Book 12

by Kitsulestia

Chapter 6: Surprise Twist/Trouble Down Below

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Surprise Twist/Trouble Down Below

*Raspberry’s POV*

WOW!!! It’s been so fun and eventful after that proposal! Especially the weddings of me and Pound Cake, Blueberry and Silver Moon, Cherry and Comet Skies, and Pumpkin Cake and Goomeleon, since they took place in Sumarda’s dimension. It was definitely different than normal weddings, where the groom(s) and bride(s) in their separate preparation rooms had to eat nonstop for one whole hour, and whoo! We were each as big as a house, definitely obese as we went out there for the wedding. My sisters and I could feel that our family and all the other families that became connected to the Cakes gained a new ability. And now here we are, the eight of us were at the Chuddle Hotel for our honeymoon, booking a room for all eight of us.

Danyelle spoke "And to think, all of this started with Lillian's wish to bring more Mobians into Equestria followed up by Sonic's wish when he found out he was immortal thus causing anyone I had interacted with at least twice to become immortal as well."

Sonic spoke "Hehehe, yeah."

Pinkie spoke "And wow! I’m definitely feeling something new in me! Like I have a new ability all of a sudden!"

Shadow spoke "For the love of Chaos, shut up Pinkie!"

Gallus spoke "Huh, same here."

Silverstream spoke "Me too!"

Cadence was more giddy than a filly who just got her cutie mark.

A trio of gryphon chickubs tackle their uncle before tickling him.

Bluestar spoke "Sorry Gallus nii-san, my kids got out of my sight."

Gallus spoke "It’s okay."

Bluestar spoke "The only boy of the trio is Stonefeather, the two girls are Mistyclaw and Mosstalon."

Gallus spoke "Heh, nice names."

Helia asks "So, you eight booking… Whoa… The land-sea-sky combo sugar rush showtime mountaintop suite?"

“Absolutely.” My sisters, Pound Cake, Pumpkin Cake, Silver Moon, Comet Skies, Goomeleon and I answered without any hesitation.

Helia spoke "Whoo! You eight are truly the firsts to book that suite, congrats."

A sad look was on Bluestar's face.

Gallus asks "Is something wrong?"

Bluestar lies "Nothing's wrong."

Silverstream spoke "I’m not Yona, but you’re lying."

Bluestar spoke "I don't want to talk about it and besides, that Pegafox guy has a crush on Water Glider!"

Polished was yelling at his twin in Neighponese since Cherry Blossom shaved his tails.

All of a sudden, the middle tail on the twins was glowing.

Twilight calls out "Quiet everyone!"

Everyone goes quiet before a faint barking was heard.

Gallus asks "Huh?"

Danyelle's ears twitch as she picked up the pattern.

Danyelle spoke "Hmm, that is something..."

Silverstream asks "What is it?"

Danyelle spoke "Wait a minute, wait a minute..."

Danyelle's ears twitch as she listened to the pattern.

Danyelle spoke "Bad news everyone! Pucci is back!!!"

Helia spoke "Oh for the love of... He was trapped in the void."

Danyelle spoke "Unless... He somehow escaped! And judging by the pattern of the barking I hear, Pucci's been spotted in Austailia."

A portal from the Heartsverse opened, revealing Chameleo as he had an annoyed expression. “Ugh… This is gonna be a hassle.”

Danyelle spoke "But none of us got called by the cutie map... Except for Polished and Cherry... This is their mission."

Chameleo spoke "Well, let’s just hope they have the Chaos Emeralds."

Liko was a bit feverish.

Serena spoke "Ash, something's wrong with Liko."

Ash asks "What’s going on?"

Liko whimpers "I don't feel good dad...."

Liko was shivering since her body temperature had gone down too low.

Chameleo asks "Is there an available heater around here?"

Ash spoke "Try asking for a purple furred fox, I think he's a doctor."

Liko spoke "Dad, I'm scared..."

Ash spoke "*Hugs Liko carefully* It’s okay, kiddo. It’s okay."

Maria pops up suddenly.

Chameleo spoke "Talk about timing."

Maria spoke "I can't find Ruby or Yusei anywhere!"

Chameleo asks "*Facepalm* Oh for-Kidnapped, aren’t they?"

Maria spoke "I turned my back for one second and then both of them are gone."

Chameleo spoke "2 bits says they’re in Austailia."

Firestar spoke "Double that on the two being deep underground."

Chameleo spoke "You mean in Hell? Let’s just hope they’re still alive if they are."

Danyelle’s cutie mark started glowing.

Danyelle spoke "I can't be of any use, I passed the title of Redeemer Nekomata to Irene."

Chameleo spoke "Are you sure you can’t? You’re still strong as I remember."

Danyelle spoke "I may be 254 years old but Domenico comes first, he's not quite off diapers yet and won't be for another three years."

Chameleo spoke "Fair point. Wait, maybe your Cutie Mark’s telling you Irene has a mission."

Danyelle spoke "Not likely."

Polished spoke "This is something Cherry and I have to do, we're twins after all."

Cherry giggles "Hehe, yeah."

Polished spoke "I'm still mad at you sis, you shaved the fur off my tails."

Scootaloo sighs "Kids..."

Meanwhile in our suite, Blueberry and Silver Moon, Cherry and Comet Skies, Goomeleon and Pumpkin Cake, Pound Cake and I were in complete awe of what it was. “This is awesome!”

Percival was wandering around the Hotel alone when she bumped into a hedgefox male.

Percival spoke "Sorry."

The male spoke "No no, it’s my fault. Sorry."

Percival stammers "M-my name's Percival Ogami...."

The male spoke "My name is Galahad."

Percival spoke "You kinda look like my mom's friend if it weren't for the fox tail."

Galahad spoke "Yeah, I get that sometimes."

Percival spoke "I almost look like my mom but I have my dad's eyes. Plus I'm part alicorn though I don't look like one."

Flying out of a warp ring that she had used to get to the Pokemon world, Danyelle spoke "Ash! I have some bad news... It's about your mom...."

Ash asks "Huh?"

Danyelle's ears were drooped down in sadness.

Danyelle spoke "Sh-she was hit by a drunk driver... I was unable to save her in time... I'm sorry...."

Ash’s cap then covered his eyes in shadows as he held emotionally strong.

Danyelle and Serena hug Ash to comfort him.

Misty and the rest of Ash's friends were worried.

Ash hugged the two of them back as his eyes let silent tears fall.

Leaflymon and the other Digi-Pokemon were also crying.

Much to Ash's surprise, Jessie and James were also crying.

Twiliterasu was heard howling a sad song.

Nyriel and all of the monsters were crying as well.

Souka spoke "Look kid, I know it's never easy losing a parent. I never knew who my mother was but I know for a fact your mom wouldn't want you to be sad forever."

Ash suddenly smiled at that as the shadows lifted. “Thanks, Souka. That means a lot.”

Danyelle spoke "She's right, it's not easy losing a family member."

Souka spoke "Even though I find Gabiru annoying at times..."

Gabiru spoke "Hey!"

Souka spoke "He's still my brother."

Danyelle snickers "So says the dragonewt that has a crush on Souei."

Souka was flustered.

Serena giggles.

Ash laughs "Haha! Nice!"

Chameleo chuckles "Well, I’m off."

Chameleo jumped into the portal, heading back to his universe as the portal closed.

Maria had healed Liko back to full health.

Liko spoke "Phew! Thanks."

Maria spoke "Not problem kiddo. But I do apologize for what happened to your dad's mom..."

Liko spoke "It’s okay. I’ll still miss her though. Mr. Mime will miss her too."

Danyelle spoke "About that.... Mimey went missing shortly after."

Ash spoke "He must have taken it hard. I’ll go look for him."

Danyelle pulls out a pokeball from her left tail before tossing it thus sending Mimey out.

Danyelle spoke "I got him though."

Ash chuckles "He definitely looks like he’s in a small box from how he’s miming."

*During the funeral,*

Luna spoke "Though many of us hadn't known Ms. Delia Ketchum that well, I could tell she raised Ash well. May her soul rest in peace."

After Twilight and Sunny push the boat with the coffin out onto the water, Danyelle and Blaze fire two flaming arrows onto the boat thus setting it on fire.

The nine tailed foxes from Kurama's village all howl a requiem for the female.

Renee, Zakuro and the other wolves howl as well.

Zoey, Ichigo and all of the cats yowl in sadness.

Izzy asks "Sprout, are you... crying?"

Serena asks "You okay Ash?"

Ash spoke "Yeah, but still… I am gonna miss her."

Placing a hand on the left side of Ash's chest, Serena spoke "The motherly love she had for you will always be in your heart."

Belladonna soon senses a new spirit in Stolas' area.

The Mewtwo that Ash had befriended places a hand on the Mobian cat's shoulder.

Danyelle's phone goes off suddenly.

Answering the phone, Danyelle asks "Danyelle Hikari speaking, who is this?"

The voices spoke "This is Stolas. Um, your daughter Irene seems to have come here through that red coffin, and Bella says she’s sensing someone new in Hell and seems more innocent than others."

Danyelle asks "We recently had a funeral for a Delia Ketchum since she was hit by a car. There was a lot of internal bleeding and not even Maria could fix it. Do you want me to bring Ash, Serena and Liko Ketchum with me?"

Stolas spoke "Yes, that would be advisable. And make sure to do it before she hires I.M.P. to take her revenge on the one who killed her. They are quite remarkable hitmen and assassins."

Danyelle spoke "It was an accident though but I saw what happened."


*Danyelle's POV*

I was in hellcat form after I passed through the portal with the Ketchum trio along with Polished and Cherry.

I spoke "Hey Stolas! Over here!"

Stolas spoke "Oh good! Great timing! Fortunately, most sinners or those who end up in Hell are restricted to the Pride Ring."

I ask "Where did Delia end up though?"

Stolas asks "You mean where in the Pride Ring exactly?"

I spoke "Her death wasn't supposed to even happen."

Ash spoke "Cut the crap Stolas, I just want to see my mom."

I whack Ash on the head.

“Calm down, Ash.” I said.

Stolas spoke "Well, I can reanimate corpses, but I think that’s the very last thing any of you want."

I spoke "I'd rather not have a pair of screaming foxponies to deal with..."

Serena's eyes had widened when she spotted a brown furred Mobian she-cat with matching brown eyes and a blue ribbon on the tail.

Serena spoke "Ash... L-look over there..."

Ash asks "Huh?"

We looked down to see a hellcat with brown fur with matching brown eyes and a blue ribbon on the tail.

I groan "For the love of Arceus... Her death was an accident, she shouldn't be restricted to the Pride Ring..."

Stolas spoke "Let’s just we can help her before the next cleansing on New Year’s Eve."

Mewtwo spoke "Agreed, she shouldn't have to suffer like this."

I call Delia over.

Delia asks "Huh? Danyelle? That you? How did you…?"

I spoke "I saw what happened... I just wasn't fast enough to save you... Plus Ash wanted to see you."

Delia asks "Oh… But why am I here in the first place?"

Stolas spoke "There are many innocents that are sent here by someone else, so you aren’t the first one."

Mewtwo spoke "I would've been here too if Ash hadn't saved me back when that Giovanni jerk tried to kill me."

A second Mewtwo spoke "Danyelle saved me so I'm indebted to her."

I ask "But how’re we gonna bring her back?"

Serena spoke "We can't Dany... Her body was cremated."

Stolas spoke "Oh… dear… This is worrisome."

I spoke "We gave her body a Viking funeral though. Blaze's idea."

Polished asks "What about Twiliterasu's howl?"

Irene asks "MOM?!? What are you doing here?"

I spoke "Huh, guess Chameleo had a point after all."

Newtwo spoke "But that still doesn't...."

Newtwo froze up before hiding behind me.

I ask "Say Stolas, where did you say you locked Giovanni up?"

Stolas spoke "Pride Ring Prison."

I spoke "Good, last thing anyone wants is a screaming Mewtwo..."

Morrigan showed up. "Hey, Stolie."

Stolas spoke "Hello, Morri."

The two birds shared a kiss.

I spoke "Jeez, we seriously need to put a bandana on one of the Mewtwo so that Ash and I can tell them apart."

Ash spoke "Mom, I'm sorry for what happened..."

Delia spoke "Ash, it's not your fault."

Ash spoke "I should have had asked Mewtwo to get you out of harm's way..."

Delia spoke "Ash, I said it wasn't your fault."

Liko whacks some sense into her father.

Ash spoke "Sorry."

I spoke "What's done is done. We can't change the past."

Polished asks "Is Blitzo having any trouble?"

But then my eyes glowed white before they went back to normal. "I get it. Friend and sibling troubles."

The Prower twins zoom off to where Blitzo was.

Newtwo spoke "Well, there they go."

I spoke "Huh, this could actually go better than I thought. Blitz and Barbie Wire are twins, Polished and Cherry are twins. So..."

Newtwo spoke "It'll work out better."

*Polished's POV*

I call out "Blitzo!"

Blitzo shoved his front door open. "The 'O' is silent, asshole!"

Cherry growls "Watch it dipwad, only I can call my brother an asshole."

Blitzo asks "Wait, brother?"

I spoke "Cherry and I are twins."

Blitzo suddenly closed the door on us.

"Maybe I shouldn't have said that outright." I said before Cherry slapped me at the back of the head.

Cherry spoke "You are such an asshole sometimes nii-san."

"Well excuse me for speaking my mind." I scoffed before I opened the door. "That aside, we should find him."

Cherry spoke "Well, I heard a little rumor that Blitzo likes horses though and since the two of us are half pony..."

"Okay, but the 'twin' part might've been a sensitive subject. How about we split up, you try to find Barbie Wire, while I search for Blitzo. Sounds like a plan?" I asked.

Whacking me on the head, Cherry spoke "I don't have wings asshole."

"Okay, reverse; I search for Barbie while you find Blitzo here?" I revised.

Cherry spoke "Good idea."

"Cool." I said before I flew off as Cherry went inside the building.

Cherry spoke "Hey Blitz."

Blitzo asks "What do you want?"

Cherry spoke "I'm sorry for what my asshole brother said earlier."

From Blitzo's perspective, Cherry looked like a horse.

Blitzo asks "Uh, why do you look like that?"

Cherry spoke "My mom's a Pegasus pony and my dad's a three tailed Mobian fox so I'm a mix of the two, same with my asshole brother."

Blitzo spoke "Somehow, I'm not convinced."

Cherry growls "you calling me a f-ing liar?"

Blitzo spoke "You look more like a fox."

Cherry rips her kimono off, revealing her legs.

Cherry spoke "I'm half earth pony since my mom's dad is an earth pony."

Blitzo spoke "That's actually new to me."

Cherry spoke "Even though my tails and ears are fox, the rest of me is pony. But since I'm half Mobian fox, I have to wear a kimono. It's sort of a rule for female Mobians, my adoptive great aunt did say that she didn't want to be walking around with no clothes on."

Meanwhile, I managed to find a house that had a mailbox for a "Barbie Wire and Samedi".

I think "{Samedi, where have I heard that name before?}"

I walked up to the front door before ringing the doorbell.

A voice spoke "Alright, comin'!"

Someone arrived, opening the door.

the male asks "Oh? And who are you, new face?"

I chuckle "Remember that Nightmare Night party that my adoptive great aunt hosted 224 years ago?"

Samedi chuckles "Oh, how could I forget? What a party!"

Then the snake on his staff hissed to him.

Samedi asks "Ah, so you are related to Tails?"

I spoke "He's my paternal grandfather."

Samedi chuckles "Well, whaddya know! Glad to meet ya, Ah’m Baron Samedi."

I spoke "I'm Polished Stone Prower, son of Rusty and Scootaloo Prower. My twin sister is Cherry Blossom Prower."

Samedi asks "So, what brings you here?"

I spoke "My twin sister and I were called into Tartarus because of a sibling problem."

Samedi asks "Sibling problem? What specifically?"

I spoke "Blitzo and Barbie Wire..."

Samedi spoke "*Wince!* Oh. That’ll be hard. Barbie has serious issues with him right now. Be glad she’s fast asleep."

I groan "Fuck..."

Samedi asks "But if this could help, Salo, some flashbacks?"

The snake on Samedi’s staff sudden bit me memories flushed in.

Past Blitzo spoke "Barb, wait. I want to help you. Let me help you, please? You’re clean now, let’s grab dinner. We’ll catch up and we’ll talk-"

Past Barbie laughs "You don’t fucking get it. Just ‘cause I’m outta rehab doesn’t mean I wanna see you. I never wanna see you, EVER! Next time you wanna find me, Blitzo… DON’T!"

The memory ended as Salo withdrew his fangs and went back to Samedi’s staff.

I spoke "Damn, girl's got anger issues... No wonder why my sister started calling me an asshole."

Samedi spoke "Look, try to respect your sister, and she’ll respect you back."

I spoke "Siblings tend to bicker at times but they eventually forgive each other."

*Meanwhile with Cherry*

Cherry spoke "Even though my brother is an asshole sometimes but he's still my brother. Perhaps you should find a way to apologize to Barbie before you lose her trust permanently."

Blitzo spoke "Look, I try, but she just won’t listen!"

Cherry grabs Blitzo by the horns and drags him over to Samedi's house.

I ask "Sis, why did you bring him here?"

Cherry spoke "I'm getting real sick of his crap you know? This bullshit has to stop right now!"

“Sis, please try to calm down.” I said.

Cherry spoke "You're so getting a bar of soap for that swear word you said earlier."

Samedi spoke "This place is Hell. So it might make some visitors more aggressive."

Danyelle spoke "SOME MORE THAN OTHERS!!!"

“Uh-oh…” My sister and I dreaded.

Serena spoke "Danyelle, calm down before I whack you."

Danyelle spoke "Don't even go there Serena, you caused a cake to explode when you first arrived in Equestria 224 years ago!"

Serena spoke "Oh shut up."

Delia spoke "Please, calm down you two."

Mewtwo spoke "Typical..."

Newtwo teleports to just outside Barb's room before knocking on the door.

Barbie groans "*Still asleep* Ugh… Piss off…"

Newtwo asks "Now is that anyway to treat a guest?"

Samedi asks "Um, how about if I get her?"

Newtwo spoke "Just don't mention his name then."

Samedi spoke "Done and done."

Samedi went into Barbie’s room, and after like half an hour, Samedi and Barbie came out.

Barbie giggles "Hehehe, how did I hook up with a badass husband like you?"

Samedi chuckles "Hehe, I know how to party, and I bring out the party in people."

Danyelle had beaten Blitzo to a pulp.

Danyelle growls "And DON'T MAKE ME REPEAT MYSELF!!"

Serena and Ash were holding Danyelle back.

Danyelle growls "Let me at that asshole!"

Ash spoke "Danyelle, you need to calm down!"

Danyelle was glowing red.

Mewtwo spoke "Shit! She's about to use Chaos Blast!"

Stolas spoke "Not good!"

Da Ji suddenly showed up and injected Danyelle a shot of sedative, calming her down instantly.

Liko spoke "That won't work! She has to fire off the Chaos Blast or her rage will continue to increase!"

Stolas teleported Danyelle to a empty mountaintop.

*One Chaos Blast and a destroyed mountain later,*

Danyelle spoke "I'm calm now."

Ash and Serena sighed in relief.

Danyelle spoke "Still, sorry about that."

Newtwo notices a strange flower.

Newtwo asks "Huh?"

The flower had sprayed pollen into Newtwo's face.

Danyelle asks "Newtwo, you okay?"

Newtwo spoke "I dunno."

Danyelle sighs "Anyway, how’s Blitzo and Barbie?"

The group heard Barbie’s roar at that.


But then Danyelle noticed Barbie trying to strangle Blitzo as he was trying to calm her down and noticed that Blitzo was actually trying to rebuild his friendship with his twin sister.

Danyelle pulls the two apart with magic.

Danyelle spoke "*voice booming* ENOUGH!!!!!"

Blitzo went still while Barbie was definitely trying to break out.




Barbie growled, but complied anyway.

Danyelle asks "Okay Blitzo, what did you do that pissed Barbie off in the first place?"

Blitzo looked really sad and like he really didn’t want to talk about it.

Danyelle spoke "Perhaps my Dimensional Scream can shed some light on this mess."

Danyelle rests her forehead against Blitzo's forehead, triggering a vision of the past.

*Flashback to before Blitz and Barb had the fight*

*Danyelle's POV*

I spot Blitz and Barb's cheerful selves before they had that nasty fight.

Newtwo and the others saw what I saw thanks to my Latias using sight sharing.

Newtwo spoke "So that must be the two before they had that fight."

I spoke "Yes but they can't see any of us."

I noticed Past Barbie looking nervous about something.

Latias spoke "Ias {She seems scared.}"

Soon, we saw Past Blitz spotting Past Barbie dealing something to shady imps.

Past Blitz asks "Wha-What are you doing?"

Past Barbie spoke "T-This isn’t what it looks like!"

Past Blitz then spotted bags of some kind of drugs that said “H-8”.

My ears flatten in disgust.

Newtwo groans "Oh Arceus no... *urp*"

Past Blitz asks "H-8? You know this could be trouble, right?"

Past Barbie spoke "P-Please! It’s-"

But then we heard sirens as the shady imp took then took off with the drugs in a truck in a rush. Everything went so fast before the truck crashed into Blitz and Barbie’s mother. Later, she was in a hospital at a prison as Tilla took the blame to protect her kids as Barbie got put into Rehab. And it was clear that Barbie never forgave Blitz for getting involved and getting her caught.

I spoke "Look Barb, as I told Gilda and Moondancer before... The past can hurt but the way I see it, you can either run from it or learn from it."

Mewtwo spoke "She's right you know. We can't change what has already happened but we can change what will happen."

Barbie growled before we saw what happened at a camp she was hired to peddle Heroin from. Turned out the mortal she was working with killed a client of I.M.P. when said client was still alive before the client found out about the drugs and died from drowning. So the client hired I.M.P., mostly Moxxie and Millie, to investigate his death while Blitz looked for clues about Barbie. Then after a we, we saw that during Millie’s, disguised as a teen human boy known as Millard, which was odd because Millie was a female, a firework launched from the stage and flew into the abandoned boathouse while Moxxie, disguised as a teenage human girl named Moxanne, which was also odd since Moxxie was a male, tried to fight Barbie to get to the target, but Blitz held him back to keep his sister safe while also trying to get to the target, and said firework blew up the client’s killer’s head, killing him, but also having Barbie out of a job.

I spoke "Holy shit...."

Mewtwo spoke "My past was a lot worse... both Newtwo and I were cloned from Mew..."

I spoke "Lost contact with a friend long ago but it was because of that, I was able to see through Gilda's pain."

Barbie was still growling. Yep, she’s definitely stubborn.

I slap Barbie across the face hard.


Newtwo spoke "Danyelle, calm down. You're gonna blow a gasket again."

I spoke "Look Barb, Blitz was only looking out for you."

Barbie spoke "He’s only gonna make my life worse."

I spoke "Siblings fight all the time. Heck, Vince and I bicker a lot but we still get along."

Polished spoke "Exactly, I pulled the shaving cream prank on Cherry one time and I got kicked through a wall. But I still care about her."

Barbie still stood strong, but I can tell she was starting to crack.

I give Barbie a hug.

Barbie spoke "*Trying to stay tough* H-Hey! Back off!"

I spoke "There's nothing wrong with a hug though. I'm not letting go until you calm the fuck down."

Now it was a test of will to see how long Barbie could last as she kept staying strong, but I can tell she was cracking, bit by bit.

I ask "Want to hear something funny though?"

Blitz spoke "*Smile* Talk away."

I giggle "It was roundabout the time when Twilight and I went up to the Crystal Empire when it was on lockdown due to aggro Changeling sightings and Twilight threatened to bite Shining Armor so I said 'Sit Girl!' and that was how Shining knew I was the real Danyelle. After Twilight was face down on the ground, I was in the clear."

Heh, Barbie didn’t show it, but I saw her eye twitching.

I spoke "Oh! Aph, Zane and I call Ein a screamer since he sounds like a girl every time he screams!"

Ash snickers "Have a voice recording?"

I laugh "Hell yeah!"

I open https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BjCfr_jdtxs on my phone, causing the others to laugh.

Barbie was definitely getting closer as I noticed her mouth quivering, trying to resist the urge to laugh.

I laugh "Oh here's one! Hey Serena, what do you call a hyena with half a brain?!?"

Serena giggles "I don't know, what?"

I laugh "GIFTED!!!"

Serena was on her back while howling with laughter.

Okay, I definitely hear muffled snickers from Barbie’s throat.

I giggle "Got any jokes Ash?"

Polished asks "Say Great auntie, didn't you throw a stick bug at Zane one time?"

I laughed at that. “Yeah I did! And his face and scream were so funny! Oh! I got recording for that too!”

Polished laughs "At least Holo can get away with the stupid potato insult!"

Barbie’s face was definitely twitching all over.

Ash asks "Whaddya call a voltage cold for electric Pokémon?"

Cherry and Liko both laugh "A Pik-Achoo!"

Barbie’s cheeks were puffed, her mouth trying to stay shut, and laughing tears threatening to leak out. Hehehehehe! Just one more little push!

I laugh "Here's another one! How do you get a Pikachu onto a bus?"

Serena giggles "Wh-what?"

I laugh "You poke-em-on!"

That did it as Barbie started laughing non-stop.

I laugh "Here's another one! Blue Punch Buggy!"

Barbie started laughing harder with happy tears before she started hugging me very… very… tightly.

Barbie laughs "*Wild and uncontrollable laughter* S-Stop! This is is torture! Hahahahahaha!"

I teleport out of Barbie's grip before I got a broken rib.

I spoke "Careful! I have semi-hollow bones!"

Barbie spoke "Hahahahahaha! Okay! Okay! Sor-Hahahahahahahaha!!!"

Barbie was rolling on her back in laughter.

Even Newtwo and Mewtwo were laughing.

Barbie was rolling around in laughter so much, the white 'X' on her forehead was getting rubbed out, revealing the same black heart-shaped skull marking on Blitz's forehead.

I ask "Feeling better now?"

Barbie was still laughing, but started to calm down.

I spoke "I wonder how it went with Irene's task..."

To be continued...

Next Chapter: Clown Pole Estimated time remaining: 32 Minutes
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