
My Life as a Sonic OC Book 12

by Kitsulestia

Chapter 3: Dance Battle!

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Dance Battle!

*Twilight's POV*

Dance fever had hit Maretime Bay and everycreature was having fun!

Flash spoke "This is fun!"

Midnight was dancing as he sang Can't Stop the Feeling.

Sunny was having fun.

Sobeka was here and having fun too.

Jazz was dancing with a creamy white Mobian Pegasus stallion that had gold colored wings and pinkish purple eyes.

A male Dalmatian pelican flew in before he transformed into a Dalmatian pelican Mobian and danced with Sobeka, who was happy about that.

A two year old zebra-unicorn hybrid was on her mother's back while giggling.

Danyelle was flying through the sky as she sang.

I couldn’t help but smile.

Cadence spoke "I'm glad everyone's at peace."

“Definitely.” I agreed, despite knowing that it could be temporary.

WereLycanmon was trying not to dance since it wasn't his thing.

Blazedramon laughs "What's the matter WereLycanmon? Too chicken to dance?"

WereLycanmon growls "You're the bigger chicken."

Blazedramon asks "*Tick mark* What was that, wolf boy?"

MetalZaciamon groans "*facepaw* Here we go again..."

Lycanmon groans "You said it Metal, my brother is an idiot..."

WereLycanmon snaps "What did you just call me Lycanmon?"

Lycanmon spoke "You heard me furbrain."

The two wolf Digi-Pokémon brothers got into a fight cloud with each other.

Danyelle spoke "You were right Twilight."

But then a friendly alpha class five tailed Mobian fox came by, enjoying the party.

The fox spoke "Hey-Hey, mon! This party feelin’ good!"

Shion was drunk as usual.

Then an alpha class Mobian tomcat showed up, taking notice of Shion’s condition.

Rimiru asks "Who’re you?"

The tomcat spoke "Name’s Jamie Siu. I saw your friend looking a bit drunk. I can help train her to learn the drunken fist if ya want."

Danyelle spoke "This is kind of normal for Shion, she can't hold her liquor that well."

I noticed the black gourd on Jamie. “Is that-?”

Jamie spoke "Relax, what I have isn’t booze. It’s a family-made herbal drink that really boosts your energy."

Applejack calls out "Liar!"

Jamie asks "What makes you say that?"

Applejack spoke "Any universe's Applejack can tell if someone's lyin'."

Jamie teases "Really? Or are you just losing your touch?"

Applejack spoke "Yer left ear is twitching oddly."

Jamie spoke "Oh. I just have an itch, that’s all."

Danyelle spoke "It could be fleas... Any Mobian with long fur has that problem."

Jamie asks "But if ya doubt me so much, why not take a swig yourself?"

Danyelle spoke "Hard pass, I have a two year son that's not off diapers yet. So I can't afford to take a taste. Maybe the ciderholic could try some. OI SKITTLES! GET YOUR TAIL OVER HERE!"

Rainbow asks "Huh? What is it?"

I explained to Rainbow about what Jamie had.

Rainbow spoke "Really? Huh… I’ll taste some of that."

We got a cup as Jamie poured some of his drink into it. Rainbow Dash seemed a bit hesitant to try it.

Ichigo and a green furred catboy were off in the Chuddle hotel for some privacy.

Zoey spoke "A lot has changed in the last three years. Mobians, Equians, liminals and monsters of all sorts are living together in harmony. Aside from the occasional scuffle, things have been peaceful."

“Yeah.” I agreed as Rainbow Dash swilled the drink down before she suddenly backed off dizzily with the cup falling to the ground.

Rainbow spoke "No way… there wasn’t any cider, alcohol, or even booze in it… Yet it got me drunk all the same. Guess Jamie really was telling the truth."

Applejack gasps "W-What?"

Jamie spoke "Hahah, you like that? Bet it woke you up!"

Zoey asks "Anyone seen Ichigo around?"

Anzu spoke "I could've sworn she was talking to Zakuro earlier... And I also found out that Minto is a lesbian."

Sobeka spoke "I bet she and her boyfriend went off to the Chuddle Hotel for some fun."

A lot of screeching was heard since Corina and Minto had gotten into a fight.

Renee spoke "Not again..."

Dalmatian Pelican spoke "I thought birds of a feather should flock together, not fight together."

Sobeka giggles "Heehee! Good one, Jasper."

Jasper spoke "Heh, thanks, babe."

Zoey spoke "Last thing we need is Jet mistaking Minto for Corina since the two lorikeets exactly the same."

Renee spoke "Same with Gadget, I don't want him to mistake Zakuro for me."

Sobeka spoke "Ah-ah-ah, don’t jinx it."

Renee spoke "Either Corina dyes her feathers a different color or Minto does. Plus I should dye my fur a different color, as long as it stops others from thinking Zakuro's my twin sister."

Zoey spoke "Least I have a different fur color than Ichigo. It helps tell the two of us apart."

Soon enough, Zakuro had the gall to challenge Renee.

Renee spoke "Oh bite me."

The two violet furred wolves were soon in a fight cloud, biting and clawing each other.

Kiki spoke "Least my counterpart isn't into that much violence."

Bridget spoke "As is my counterpart..."

Danyelle spoke "I got an idea! We can set up weekly sparring sessions so that the Smashers and even the Mobian and Pony Guards aren't rusty from sitting around on their collective asses and doing nothing."

Sobeka spoke "If ya want, some of the other fighters can join in."

Danyelle spoke "It's my idea though. Oh, hey Todd."

Todd spoke "Hi!"

Pinkie gasps "Idea!"

Danyelle spoke "Down Pinkie! Don't make me call Cheese."

Pinkie asks "No no, listen! What if we have a dance-off tournament?"

Kurama spoke "Count me out, I've got four left paws when it comes to dancing. And given that the two lorikeets and the two wolves are dancers, they might have the advantage."

Chameleo showed up through a portal. “Count me in. But I gotta warn ya, there may be surprise competitors I might know.”

Shuna spoke "Instead of a battle, we can turn it into a festival."

Danyelle spoke "That's a great idea Shuna!"

The pink haired Oni blushes.

Danyelle asks "What do you think Rimuru?"

Rimuru spoke "Why not."

Shion and the others cheer.

Danyelle felt something on the wind.

Danyelle asks "Huh?"

Ben spoke "I bet it was the original Domenico letting us know that he's happy that our youngest is named after him."

Danyelle spoke "*Smile* Yeah, and I can’t help but feel that our little boy could be special."

Domenico was playing with his tails.

Domenico asks "Mama?"

Aww…! So adorable.

Jacklyn had pounced on her mother.

And so, the festival was underway.

There were many great dancers, and Dee Jay was certainly a great dancer and fighter.

Blaze had suddenly sprouted wings.

Blaze asks "Uh, why is everyone looking at me?"

“Look behind you.” I said.

Two lavender wings had shot up on end, startling everyone except Sonic.

Sonic spoke "*wings up on end* Hot mama..."

Blaze asks "Sonic?"

Sonic pounces on his wife before tumbling through a warp ring to the Chuddle hotel.

“Well they’ll be feasting on Chili Dogs for a while, like maybe a month.” I noted.

Peppermint spoke "Mom! Rocky bit me!"

*Sigh* What am I gonna do with my kids?

Akari asks "Did I have that problem when I was a foal?"

“Yeah.” I answered.

Nashi spoke "My dad has anger issues."

A gray furred Mobian cat had been dropkicked through a wall by Zoey.

Zoey hisses "PISS OFF ELLIOT!!!"

Oh boy…

Anzu spoke "He just won't leave my mom alone."

Sobeka spoke "Man, talk about clingy."

Zoey spoke "Stupid bimbo..."

Dren chuckles "Hey Beka, want to know what I call Elliot?"

Sobeka asks "What?"

Dren snickers "Radioactive Butter Boy!"

Anzu and Zoey burst into laughter, as did the others.

Sobeka spoke "Huh? I don’t get it."

Zoey giggles "Before becoming a Mobian, Elliot had blonde hair. Dren often called him Blondie or something similar."


Next Chapter: Sweet Sugarcube Fun!/ Blast from the Past Estimated time remaining: 1 Hour, 19 Minutes
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