
Kamen Rider Lux: Sins of the Parent

by Rixizu

Chapter 18

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Chapter 18

“Load that over there,” Zol said, pointing his riding crop to the desired spot. The Combatpony saluted, heaving the heavy box toward a spot next to a tank. The pony sweated profusely but completed their task with impressive efficiency. They saluted and continued to their next undertaking.

Zol allowed himself a slight smile. The war preparations were going smoothly. They had enough supplies to arm the war machines Destron had purchased on the black market. Soon they’d be an unstoppable war engine that would sweep across Equestria and beyond.

A beeping caught his attention, and the former Shocker general trotted to the command chamber. Combatponies saluted him as he passed, which he answered with his own salute. But Zol kept speed in his step, not wanting to keep Destron’s Great Leader waiting.

“Yes, my master?” Zol asked, bowing to the stone emblem of Destron. A red stone glowed as the Great Leader spoke.

“Doctor G had fallen in battle.” The Great Leader said, without preamble.

“Surely not!” A pit formed in Zol’s stomach. While they’d always been bitter rivals, he’d respected Doctor G’s tenacity and skills with the dark arts. To hear such a formidable warrior of Destron had fallen was dire news.

“Kamen Riders Lux and Protean defeated him.”

“Protean? She isn’t dead?” But he supposed this wasn’t really a surprise. The Ranger Trixie had also been a slippery snake. Zol smacked his riding crop against a wall in agitation. “I should have known. What do you wish, my lord?”

“We are pushing our invasion plan forward. Tonight, Pferdreich will lay waste to Equestria and conquer it.” The Great Leader said. “With one Rider seriously injured, this will be an ideal chance to strike. We can’t afford Lux’s side getting any stronger.”

“It will be done,” Zol said, saluting. While not ideal, they’d make do.

Walking to a console, he adjusted a nob and hit every button. “Everypony to the assembly room. I have an important announcement to make.”

In short order, Zol had his audience as he stared down from the raised platform. Behind him stood a flag with Destron’s logo, its colors alive and vibrant.

“Ponies of Destron. Today is an auspicious day. We are marching to crush our enemy. We will topple their pathetic defenses under our hooves and dethrone their false princess.” The crowd cheered, absorbing his words like an eager sponge.

“We will show her our might and avenge Shocker, an organization whose rightful destiny was rulership of the cosmos. While beaten, they refused to fall. We rose from the ruins to become something greater, the Grand Destron! We will destroy all Twilight Sparkle holds dear and make her an example for all future generations of what happens to those who dare oppose us! We of the Grand Destron are eternal!”

This got uproarious applause from his audience, who responded with cries of “Death to the false princess, death to Kamen Rider Lux! All hail Destron!” Zol gave a slight smile. With an army this fierce and loyal, what could stop them? That also didn’t account for the other nasty surprise he had awaiting Kamen Rider Lux.


“It’s okay! You’re safe!” A nurse said, trying to block Trixie’s newest escape attempt. Despite Twilight’s reassurances, Trixie seemed convinced they planned some terrible fate for her.

“Not that surprising, considering what my mother did to her.” It brought a pain to Twilight’s heart, saddened that her mother had inflicted such damage on anypony.

She watched Trixie bounce against an invisible shield blocking her path through the door. The mare extended her hooves and summoned her belt to blast her way to freedom, but the nurse jabbed a needle into Trixie’s neck. Twilight watched in continued astonishment as the mare collapsed into azure goo, her entire body losing cohesion.

“It really is quite remarkable.” Doctor Stronghoof said. “It’s like her cells can respond to her thoughts.”

“They even respond to Trixie’s need,” Twilight replied, nodding. They’d all watched in astonishment as the mare’s bullet wound had fused back together, making it seem like it’d never been there. But that wasn’t the only marvel. Her cells had built a layer of protection under Trixie’s skin, so bullets won’t pierce so easily again. So, did this mean the mare held pony form with willpower alone?

And that only scratched the surface of their current knowledge about Trixie’s unusual condition. Twilight gave an unintentional squeal of delight. This was so exciting! The research papers she would write about this!

“But is she recovering?” Twilight asked, frowning. All this fighting against them wasn’t helping her wound’s condition.

“With some sleep, yes. I’m inclined to allow Trixie’s natural healing ability to do its job.” The doctor replied. “We’ll keep her monitored for any changes.”

Twilight nodded, leaving to allow Trixie some rest. Besides, she had a more pressing issue to contend with. Her family awaited her.

“Princess!” A younger guard said, rushing up towards her. In his hoof, he held a briefcase.


“Delivery right from the labs. They told me to deliver it to you.”

“Really?” Twilight brightened, already knowing the package’s identity. “My new weapon is finally complete?” She peered at the case, eager to give it a whirl. She was sure they had some test dummies she could play with.

But she suppressed the urge. More pressing matters needed her attention. After thanking the young guard, she slung the case over her shoulder and trotted toward the lesser medical wing.

“I told you, I’m fine,” Shining said, irritated as a nurse began administering to him. “It’s only a new bruise.”

“Let the mare do her job.” Her father said.

“Did you get that badly hurt, Shining?” Twilight asked as she entered the hospital room. Its stark bright interior matched her brother’s coat well, almost acting as camouflage. She placed her weapon case against a wall. After the trouble of getting it, Twilight didn’t dare let it out of her sight.

“No, he only got roughed up.” Her father replied. “That Wonderbolt mare was quick to get us to safety. She’s a real wonder!”

This earned a chuckle from Twilight. “Yes, General Stormy was wise in recruiting her. Rainbow’s the fastest mare I know.”

“And single?” Night Light gave his son a playful elbow.

“Right.” Shining rolled his eyes at his father’s attempts at matchmaking. He was almost as bad as Cadance.

“Regardless, I’m glad you’re okay.” Twilight looked down, tense. “It could have been much worse. Destron is ruthless.”

“I’d hoped after Shocker’s defeat, Equestria would gain some measure of peace. But evil doesn’t stop so easily.” Night Light’s mouth quirked into a smile. “Of course, we have you, Kamen Rider Lux, to oppose them.

“So, why do you even have powers?” Shining asked, raising an eyebrow.

“That is the reason I requested you to come. It’s about Mom.” Realizing they weren’t alone, Twilight gave a nurse a sharp look. “Could you excuse us?”

“Right away, princess. I was finishing up anyway.” After some quick application of antiseptic and ice packs, she departed.

“Did Mom conduct some experiments on you?” Shining said, narrowing his eyes. Her father only frowned. While shocked, the story didn’t surprise him.

After releasing a breath, Twilight relayed the whole sorry tale and their mother’s final fate. She told everything, even relaying the story of the failed test experiment on Trixie. Her mother had sacrificed three ponies to make the mare into a pseudo-alicorn. Her family listened with bated breath, stunned by her story.

“Oh, Twilight Velvet.” Her father said, saddened by his late wife’s twisted but well-meaning actions. This was just another extreme example of how much her mother valued Twilight.

Shining only scowled, his loathing for his so-called mother deepening further, and Twilight couldn’t blame him for this. On reflection, Twilight realized how badly her mother had neglected her brother. She recalled days when their mother hadn’t even looked at him, almost like he’d been invisible.

“That’s why I haven’t been in touch,” Twilight admitted, ears drooping. “I was unsure how to tell you.”

“Oh, Twilight.” Night Light gave his daughter a fierce hug, soon joined by Shining. Twilight cried into her father’s shoulder, releasing all the pent-up emotion she’d held since her mother’s demise. While she loathed her mother for her crimes, Twilight still loved her and always would. She had great difficulty reconciling her feelings with what she knew about her.

“Still, I’m glad some good came from all this.” Night Light gave a weak smile. “She made you into a most formidable Kamen Rider. You’ve gone great good with the gifts your mother gave you.”

“That’s one way to view it,” Shining said, not hiding his bitterness. “Still, you kicked flank. I heard you destroyed a Destron General! Way to go!”

“Well, I had help,” Twilight said, blushing.

“I’m very proud of you.” Night Light said, taking his daughter’s hoof and patting it. “You’ve made an excellent princess.”

“And how did that happen?” Shining asked, some mocking disbelief in his tone.

“Well, funny you ask.” Twilight regaled the inauguration and her other adventures since becoming Princess of Equestria. Dear Shocker, she’d missed them. After the trial and tribulations, she needed them back in her life. How had she pushed them away?

And she’d protect them, too. Twilight vowed that Destron would never touch a hoof on their heads again! Entire armies wouldn’t be enough to stop her from protecting her family. She swore this as Princess and Kamen Rider.

“Can we order some food?” Shining asked. “I haven’t eaten since breakfast.”

“Better yet, I’ll have my personal cook, Mulia Mild, whip us up something. It’s much better than hospital food!” Hey, her job came with some perks.

“While we’re eating, I can regale you with tales of another Twilight from a different timeline. While not a Kamen Rider, she fought to protect Ponyville from Shocker as they invaded her home.”


“What’s wrong, momma?” Dinky asked, watching her mother pace around their chambers like her tail had just caught fire.

“Just a complication at work, nothing to worry about,” Ditzy Doo said, brightening as a familiar black-cloaked figure approached their door,

“Doctor Shinigami,” Ditzy said, doing the Shocker salute. Despite their wonderful organization being gone, her Momma still did it reflexively.

“Inquisitor Doo, Dinky.” The former Shocker general said, inclining his head. He gave Dinky a brief, warm smile before returning his attention to her mother. “Excuse me. May I borrow you for a moment?”

“Muffin, momma’s got some business she needs to address,” Ditzy said, her tone rushed and visibility agitated. “Ask a guard to escort you to the local park if you want. I might be gone for several hours.”

“Sure,” But Dinky frowned, sensing something was wrong. Her mother usually wasn’t like this. The adults hid in a nearby alcove to convene further. Despite her better judgment, Dinky followed them. She might help!

“So Trixie is still alive?” Ditzy asked, shocking Dinky with that single name.

“Protean is in special care after a heated battle with Destron. The reports I’ve received about her are fascinating. She’s unlike any lifeform I’ve ever seen. She can likely manipulate her cells with thought alone.”

“Fascinating, sir. But she poses a big risk.” Ditzy said, then lowered her voice enough that Dinky didn’t hear the rest.

“Immaterial. Have faith. It shouldn’t matter.” Then the former Shocker general led his subordinate away to discuss another matter. He made innocent chit-chat as a guard approached.

Dinky decided not to follow, considering what she’d overheard. So Trixie got hurt? It was something she totally deserved. Despite everything, however, Dinky couldn’t help but be worried about the mare. She’d gotten to know the Kamen Rider as a pony during her captivity. While annoying, Trixie had suffered a great deal during her life. She’d unfairly projected her anger towards Shocker, despite it only being an accident.

She’s so stubborn! Trixie would stop at nothing until her so-called enemies vanished, even if it killed her. Dinky remembered Trixie had gotten seriously injured, but wondered why it mattered to her.

Instead of going to the park, Dinky stayed in her room. Like her mom, she paced across the room. Try as she might, Dinky couldn’t stop thinking and worrying about Trixie.

“Fine. I guess I’ll see her.” She looked forward to telling off Trixie for being reckless. It wasn’t like Dinky was worried about the mare or anything.

It was pitifully easy to evade her guard. Being a former Shocker inquisitor’s daughter, Dinky possessed skills few adults had. Getting into a well-guarded hospital wing proved more troublesome. High security protected her target, making Dinky wonder about the wisdom of this adventure. But she refused to surrender, scrutinizing the two muscled guards and the high-level ID scanner at the door.

There must be a way inside. Her hackles raised as a nurse approached her, eager to guide the obviously lost filly. But Dinky evaded her, slipping down a far corridor and ducking under a desk. Her heart raced as the confused nurse passed her hiding spot, but the older mare only furrowed her brow and passed by.

“Hey, I need to get these supplies to wing D.” A gold-coated earth pony stallion with a silver mane dressed like an orderly said, approaching Dinky’s target with a cart. On its surface were random medical supplies and other junk.

Not believing her luck, Dinky crept toward the cart. She moved from one piece of cover to another. So far, everypony seemed too preoccupied to pay her much attention. After the coast was clear, Dinky ducked under the cart.

“Hey, Goldie!” The guard one said, his voice chipper. “I didn’t know you were working today! How’s the wife? Mine tells me you have a filly on the way.”

“She’s fine.” The orderly said, mechanically. “She’s doing well?”

“You lucky dog!” The chipper guard gave the stoic stallion a hardy slap across the back.

“Right.” The orderly said, his voice tight.

“But I suppose preparing for a foal isn’t easy. Do you need a crib? Mine has been sitting in storage for like forever!”

And the guard continued talking the orderly’s ears off, much to the stallion’s consternation. He clearly had places he needed to be. Dinky echoed this sentiment, wanting the boring adult talk to conclude already. The second guard only watched the scene with undisguised amusement, chuckling as the orderly’s left eye twitched.

“I really need to get these delivered!” The orderly said.

“Really? I’ve heard nothing about it.” The guard one said before shrugging. “Well, it must be important! See you around, Goldie! Tell Flower Petal I said hi!”

The stallion only gave an awkward nod and continued toward the now-open door. Just avoiding getting toppled over by the cart, Dinky clung to the bottom with her hooves. It burned her muscles to keep off the floor, but it was worth it after they passed the guarded double doors. The effort became more strenuous as they progressed down the hallway. But Dinky kept herself aloft until she found a decent hiding spot.

An open door came into view, and Dinky took her chance. She flinched as her nose almost got smacked by the cart’s bottom edge as she dropped off. After scrambling to her hooves, Dinky slipped into an empty room.

“Okay, where do I need to go?” It struck Dinky how little she’d planned this incursion. She only shrugged and winged it. But the halls were maze-like, confounding Dinky’s usually excellent sense of direction. Luckily, few ponies populated this area, making sneaking around easier. Dinky checked each patient’s record for any sign of Trixie. But that also proved fruitless, just names she’d never met before. When she got ready to try another hall, a baleful, hateful voice caught her attention. It was Equestria’s fake princess, Twilight Sparkle.

“See you around, BBBFF!” The older mare said, giving a pearly white stallion a hug. “Sorry, I can’t stay longer. But duty calls.”

“We quite understand, Twilight.” An even older stallion said. “Go on. We’ll talk later tonight.”

Before the fake princess could depart, the stallion stopped her with a question. “Say, do you know where that mare that saved us is recuperating? I never got to give her a proper thanks for saving our lives.”

“I’m grateful Trixie saved you, but she’d been a pain!” Twilight said before sighing. “She seems convinced we want to conduct mad science experiments on her!”

“Is that right?” The stallion said. “Let me handle this. I think I can calm her down.”

“You’re a lifesaver, Dad!” Twilight said. “She’s in wing K, room 41.”

The adults conversed some more, but Dinky had already slunk away. There wasn’t time to waste. With the fake princess’s directions, finding Trixie wasn’t that difficult. Unlike everypony else, the older mare was in a glass cell. Irritated by her predicament, the Kamen Rider paced the room like a caged animal. Despite her imprisonment, she seemed well. The only sign of injury was a bandaged leg.

“Pst. Trixie.” Dinky said from her position behind a potted plant.

“Dinky?” Trixie said, stunned.

“How does it feel being the one imprisoned?” Dinky said with some smugness.

“I can leave whenever I want!” Trixie said, standing straighter. Though Dinky noticed, the old mare looked tired, not possessing her usual cat-like grace. Was she under the influence of some relaxing drug? “I just need some rest, then I’ll smash out of here.”

Dinky could only beam, knowing how silly Trixie was being. She’d heard from the false princess herself that she had no ill intent toward the other Kamen Rider.

“Still, I’m glad to see you,” Trixie said, sitting on her bed.

“What? You’ve missed me?” Dinky asked sarcastically.

“No!” Trixie sounded upset, then her voice became gentler. “I was worried about you.”

“I’m tough,” Dinky said, puffing out her chest. “Besides, my mom will beat up anypony dumb enough to hurt me.”

“That I don’t doubt,” Trixie said with some humor. “Still, isn’t this place well guarded?”

“I have my own special talents. I’m getting my cutie mark any day now.” Considering how easily she’d snuck in, maybe she’d get a mark in spy work?

“Right.” Trixie only rolled her eyes, raising Dinky’s hackles.

Dinky opened her mouth for a biting comment, but decided against it. She’d be the more mature one of them. “Anyway, is it true you fought Destron?”

“Yep, kicked their flank. With Twilight, we destroyed one of their generals.”

“Good! They deserve it for betraying momma and Doctor Shinigami!”

For several long moments, Trixie said nothing. “Come on, filly. The two are barely different. Today, Destron planned to foalnap Twilight Sparkles’ family to use them against her. It’s a typical Shocker tactic! Ponies have gone missing because they said the wrong thing or didn’t bow and scrape enough to Shocker!”

“Well, my momma’s different. She doesn’t do anything like that!” Dinky said with conviction. Trixie’s eye roll only enraged Dinky further.

Stupid Trixie! She knows nothing! My momma’s a good guy!

“Hey!” A voice said, startling them both. Instead of Twilight Sparkle’s dad, as Dinky had expected, it was the orderly from earlier that Dinky had used to hitch a rise.

“Don’t mind her. I brought her here,” Trixie smirked. “I’ve never really liked rules.” Wait, what? Why was the mare protecting Dinky?

But the stallion ignored the intruding filly, focusing all his attention on Trixie. “I have you right where I want to, Kamen Rider Protean!”

Fear struck Dinky’s heart as she realized what they meant. It could only mean one thing.

“Call me Hammer Kurage!” The stallion transformed, his head becoming part jellyfish. His slimy skin was a whitish green with streaks of crimson that looked like dripping blood. Countless tentacles whipped around his torso from his head, each tipped with a crimson spike. Instead of a right arm, he had a wrecking ball attached to his appendage.

Dinky’s heart almost leaped from her chest as the monster turned to address her at last, yelping in terror as the creature grabbed her. He lifted his wrecking ball over her head, threatening to crack her skull at any moment. “Surrender yourself to death, and this filly won’t be harmed.”

Next Chapter: Chapter 19 Estimated time remaining: 1 Hour, 45 Minutes
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