
Kamen Rider Lux: Sins of the Parent

by Rixizu

Chapter 13

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Chapter 13

“Where do you want it?” A gruff pegasus growled, guiding this fellow workponies as they flew the package in.

“Over here!” Pinkie Pie said, guiding them with two orange batons in her hooves.

“Got it.” Everypony flinched as the box struck the floor with a loud bang. The gruff pony glared at an embarrassed, cream-colored pegasus. “Watch it! This is expensive equipment meant for the princess herself! I’ll take it out of your hide if there’s a single dent!”

“Sorry, sir.” The cream-colored pegasus said, shamefaced.

“Anyway, that’s everything, princess.” The gruff pony said, hoofing over a clipboard to sign.

“Perfect, thanks for getting it delivered so soon,” Twilight said, almost dancing on her hooves in anticipation.

“A motorcycle?” Starlight Glimmer asked, peeking into the box after slipping open the lid.

Twilight gave an emphatic nod. “Yes, the Cyclone Delta! It’s a prototype Doctor Shinigami just had in storage.”

“You seemed excited. What about your new weapon?” Starlight asked, eyebrows raised.

“Oh, let the dear have her fun,” Rarity said. “These recent weeks have been stressful enough for her.”

“It’s still useless,” Starlight said, groaning. “I was hoping for something more practical against Destron.”

But Twilight ignored her, using her magic to break the box apart. Its four corners collapsed, revealing the prize within. The machine was sleek, its head shaped like a bird of prey. Its coating was white with pink racing stripes along its frame. Like all Shocker devices, it had its symbol emblazoned on its side.

Without a delighted giggle, she leaped onto it, getting a feel for the machine. Twilight pictured that this was what pegasi felt when they slept on clouds. Even turned off, she sensed its tremendous power.

Rarity pulled out her reading glasses, reading through a dossier attached to the box. “Hmm. It seems mostly in working order, but the engine was acting up before they mothballed the project. It seems the General’s claim of reaching Mach 1 was wishful thinking on their part.”

“We’ll figure out something.” Twilight giggled to herself again, imagining riding the Cyclone Delta into battle. Even without reaching Mach 1, it’d be a fast machine.

“She’s like a filly on Hearth’s Warming Eve!” Pinkie said, giggling.

“So it seems,” Starlight said, rolling her eyes at her princess’s foalish behavior.

“Did it come with the blueprints?” Twilight asked.

“Yep.” Rarity said. “All here.”

“Okay, I’ll roll it over to my lab and look them over.” Twilight pushed Delta towards the door.

Starlight coughed. “Princess, aren’t you forgetting your meeting with Doctor Spectro from Ponyville University at 1?”

Twilight coughed into her hoof, embarrassed. With all the excitement, it had slipped her mind. She had a bad habit of forgetting everything else when something caught her interest. With a sigh, she allowed Pinkie to roll the Delta inside while she followed Starlight toward the conference room.

While her weapon was important, Twilight suspected this meeting would be super dry and dull.

Shape up, Twilight. Doctor Spectro took time out of his busy schedule for this meeting. Besides, he’s the top expert in laser technology. It was bound to be an intriguing conversation, regardless.


“That can’t be right. Without an increase of 1.8 volts, the light bulb won’t spark to life!” Doctor Spectro said to a silent room. The aging earth pony stallion had a faded brown coat and a turquoise mane. The quiet continued for several long, awkward moments before Pinkie nudged a numb Twilight in the ribs.

“Was that meant to be a joke?” Pinkie whispered.

“I guess.” After an hour of speaking with the professor, Twilight’s brain had gone into standby mode for its own protection. The stallion was so dull, constantly rambling dry anecdotes, nopony asked for. Twilight sighed. Her hopes for an intellectually stimulating conversation had been dashed within minutes after meeting the stallion.

“That’s so funny!” Pinkie said, trying and failing to smile.

“Yes, you are truly hilarious, Doctor Spectro,” Twilight said, trying to get the conversion back on track. “But I was wondering if you saw the blueprints I emailed you earlier?”

“Well, at last year’s Laser Research Convention, I was called the life of the party.” Doctor Spectro said, lost in another unwanted story. “I remember when a colleague named Doctor Micro…”

And the story droned on, with Twilight failing to interrupt him so they could return to her original point. The students who’d accompanied him just sighed and waited for the story to come to its natural, glacially slow conclusion.

“How do you deal with this week after week?” Twilight whispered, begging for Zol to appear to end her misery.

“He’s not so bad during lectures.” A pegasus mare with an electric blue mane and silver coat said. “I’m Bright Eyes.”

“Honestly, It feels like we’re more teaching ourselves.” An earth pony stallion with a black coat and purple mane said. “Call me, Black Light.”

“To be fair, it’s his last year. I’ve heard he’s almost pushing a hundred and fifty!” A unicorn mare, a filly, said. She had a banana-colored coat with a pink mane. “Banana Splash!”

“It’s a pleasure to meet all of you,” Twilight said, giving a polite nod at the promising bunch of students, full of curiosity and energy.

“You mentioned blueprints, princess?” Banana Splash asked, pushing herself higher in her chair. “This is for a weapon? I’m vague about the details.”

“I want to create a sword that can harness Lux’s natural photon energy and hone it into a deadly blade,” Twilight replied, nodding. “But designing the focusing mechanism has been tricky. I was hoping we could use an old prototype satellite laser weapon Shocker had been developing as a basis. But this isn’t really my area of expertise.”

“May I?” Bright Eyes asked, eyes alight with enthusiasm

“Help yourself.” Twilight pulled out a Manila folder. It contained various diagrams and figures Ambassador Hell’s ponies had been working on.

All three students gasped when they read through the design, impressed by such masterful workponyship. Twilight had a similar reaction when she’d first read it. While evil, Shocker could be absolutely brilliant.

“So, we need to minimize this design into a sword?” Black Light asked. “Sounds simple enough.”

“Simple?” Banana Splash said, snorting. “Just more of your empty bravado. I can already think of 10,945 complications to this plan.”

“So, it’s unworkable?” Twilight said, her enthusiasm punctured.

“I wouldn’t say that, just difficult.” Bright Eyes said.

“Whatever you need, we will provide,” Twilight replied.

“Including snacks!” Pinkie said, sweetening the deal.

The three students conversed with themselves, entering a rather spirited conversion. They had differing opinions on how to finish the project. Their disharmony worried Twilight, wondering if she’d given them an impossible task.

“This would be tricky.” Doctor Spectro said, peering over his student’s shoulders, reading the blueprints. “But, princess, the focusing mechanism isn’t the problem.”

Twilight, Pinkie, and the students jerked back in surprise, startled by the aged professor’s unexpected appearance.

“A certain crystal is necessary to focus and gather the needed energy.” Doctor Spectro continued pointing at the relevant part of the plans. “And finding one strong enough to withstand the enormous power of your Rider powers wouldn’t be easy. It will also require a specific crystalline matrix.”

“I agree,” Twilight said. “Any suggestions?”

“A few, but it requires a considerable amount of dangerous testing.” Doctor Spectro gave his princess a serious glare. “And I won’t put myself or my students into any reckless danger, princess.”


“I know some nearby rock farms that might have the crystal caves we’ll need.” Doctor Spectro said, eyes glinting.

Pinkie waved her hooves like an elementary student trying to catch the teacher’s attention. “I can help! I grew up on a rock farm. My rocky instincts will be super helpful in finding a good one!”

“Grad to have you aboard, dear.” Doctor Spectro said, smiling. He entered a spirited conversation about rocks with Pinkie, who showed an impressive, almost encyclopedic knowledge of the subject.

“You seemed surprised.” Bright Eyes said, chuckling.

“I never realized the professor was such a genius,” Twilight said, cursing herself for making such hasty assumptions about the stallion.

“He’s a bore, but he knows his stuff!” Banana Splash said, beaming.

“Rock farm field trip!” Pinkie whooped in excitement.

“Pinkie Pie and I have decided the best location to farm crystals.” Doctor Spectro said. “It’s located an hour south from here.”

“Sounds like a plan!” Twilight said, relieved they finally had a plan of action. Pinkie chatted with the professor as he described the required crystalline structure.

As the meeting came to its natural conclusion, her guard captain finalized the details of the professor’s protection. Twilight debated coming along, but matters of the state took precedence. Shame. The crystal caves sounded fascinating.

“Leave it to me! I’ll get the most super-duper crystally crystal possible, princess!” Pinkie said when Twilight mentioned her disappointment.

“Good luck,” Twilight said.


“Is that right?” Doctor G said, nodding in satisfaction.

“Yep, totally helpless.” His top spy, Fiddlesticks, said. “Better yet, the princess’s aide is assisting in the project.”

“Good work.” Doctor G hoofed over a bag of bits. “Keep us posted about any further developments.”

“Yes, sir!” The spy slipped away, vanishing like she’d never been there.

This certainly made their job easier. He’d been worried he’d need to storm the castle to interrupt the princess’s Rider weapon project. Now, they could attack the research group with little fear of Kamen Rider Lux interfering. Doctor G had already learned of Trixie Lulamoon’s elimination from his other source. Few obstacles remain to threaten Destron’s grand plan.

“Sir?” Jigoku-Thunder said as she approached, giving a respectful salute.

“I need you to handle a few problems.” Doctor G hoofed over a memo with the quarry’s address. “Eliminate everypony at this dig site. Leave nopony alive.”

“Understood, sir.” The antlion monster gave a crisp salute in response. Doctor G inclined his head, gladdened the former Shocker ranks were assimilating nicely into their new organization.

“Do it quickly.” Doctor G said towards Jigoku-Thunder’s back. “Lux won’t be at the scene, but Riders are difficult to predict. Don’t allow her a chance to intervene.”

After nodding in understanding, his monster departed through the secret exit. Doctor G chuckled, glad he’d ruined any chance of Twilight Sparkle developing a weapon capable of threatening Destron. Soon Equestria would be a distant memory, absorbed into the mighty Destron Empire!


Pinkie bounced across the cavern floor, enthused. It brought back such happy memories of her foalhood, of playing in caverns with her bestest big sister, Maud.

She watched as the light from her lantern broke into miniature rainbows as it struck nearby crystals, spattering color everywhere. It was so pretty. She’d need to bring Maud here the next time she visited Ponyville. They could frolic through caverns like the good old days during their foalhood.

Behind her, Professor Spectro rambled on about crystalline structures and other science stuff. Another reason Pinkie wished her sister was here. She and Spectro would get along like a house on fire! Pinkie understood not a single word, but allowed him to continue speaking, regardless. It’d be super rude to interrupt his rock talk, after all.

Her eyes scanned the wall, searching for any interesting crystals. Her princess wanted a crystal for her new weapon, and Pinkie figured the coolest would probably fit her need the bestest!

“Nope! Nope! No, not shiny enough! Nope, not crystally enough!” Pinkie said, giving her critical eye to each rock she came across.

“Pinkie? What are you doing?” Banana Splash watched as Pinkie threw aside a rock she’d picked up.

“Helping.” Pinkie pressed her face against the nearest wall, her expression serious as she studied it.

“Right.” The genius filly said, giving a nervous laugh. “Anyway! The professor cautioned against wandering too far. These caves aren’t safe. They say Diamond Dogs dwell down here.”

“Okie Dokie Loki!” Pinkie’s hair bounced as she pulled her head from the crystal wall, frowning. “Would you like to join me? The rocks over there look promising.”

“S-sure. It’s best if we work in pairs.” Banana Splash said, giving a cautious smile.

As they explored deeper, Pinkie eyeballed each nook and cranny they passed. Banana Splash concurred with her assessment of what they’d found, using some hoofheld tool to scan the crystal’s properties.

“I hope the others are having better luck,” Banana Splash said, sighing after dropping another crystal. “None of these come close to the crystalline structure we need!” She grimaced as she caught Pinkie licking a rock.

“Nope! Doesn’t taste right!” And Pinkie knew when rocks tasted good. Rock soup had been her favorite back on the rock farm.

“This is my partner?” Sighed Banana. She jumped as a scream echoed through the chamber. “What the hay was that?”

The cave system suddenly seemed eerily quiet. They couldn’t hear even a single hooffall. Pinkie watched as her right hoof twitched, realizing immediately what that meant. Banana yelped in sudden surprise as Pinkie grabbed her with her teeth and tossed her onto her back.

“What are you doing?” Banana Splash asked, her tone verging on panic.

“We need to leave, now.” Pinkie frowned, trying to determine the best escape route. The front entrance was a no-go. The enemy would expect they’d go in that direction. But Pinkie trusted her underground instincts to guide them to a safer exit. If Diamond Dogs lived in this cave system, they’d have multiple paths to the surface. She’d have to hope the others escaped safely. Her highest priority was to protect her passenger.

“Hang on!” Pinkie flew down a right passage, Banana Splash holding on for dear life.

Pinkie stopped at a three-way split, trying to determine the best route. Her ears flicked as a laugh echoed through the chamber.

“Who the heck is that?!” Banana Splash said in a full-blown panic.

“Destron,” Pinkie said, her tone grim. They must have somehow learned about this science trip. Some naughty pony in the castle betrayed them to the enemy!

On a hunch, Pinkie went through the middle passage. It opened into a large chamber, crystal pillars rising towards a ceiling beyond her sight. Bright Eyes screamed as a figure appeared in each column, some hideous insect pony with two incisors popping from their head. Her eyes darted around, searching for where the real monster hid.

“Who the hay are you?” Pinkie said, trying to buy time while she planned their escape. These villain types loved the sound of their own voices.

“Jigoku-Thunder.” The antlion monster replied. “I used to work for Shocker. Now I worked for a greater power, Destron! All that oppose the great Colonel Zol and Destron must die!”

“What?! No!” Bright Eyes said, tears stinging her eyes.

“You’re a real meanie face!” Pinkie said, outraged. “You won’t get away with this!

But how? Twilight’s at the castle, and Trixie’s elsewhere. I’m on my own!

Jigoku-Thunder’s mocking laughter echoed through the chamber, making it impossible to tell from which direction it originated. His reflections hopped from pillar to pillar, making it seem like he was everywhere, yet nowhere. Banana Splash trembled on Pinkie’s back, squeezing tight and praying for the torment to end.

“We aren’t beaten yet!” Pinkie gave the filly a comforting pat on the head. While she was just as terrified, Pinkie stayed strong for Banana Splash’s sake. She couldn’t afford to break down. Instead, she fled deeper into the cavern with all the speed she could muster.

“Is it raining?” Banana Splash said as something pelted them from above. It fell upon them like a rainstorm.

“Sand?” Pinkie said, feeling the coarse pebbles under her hooves. It quickly gathered under her hooves, making running more difficult.

Pinkie grunted as she pushed herself through an ankle-deep sandpit. No stupid sand would stop her from saving her charge. Pinkie yelped in surprise as her hooves stumbled, tripping over something unseen. Banana Splash slipped off Pinkie’s back, face implanting into the ever-growing sandpit.

“Blah, yuck!” The filly said, spitting out sand. “What the heck happened?” She screamed as her eyes caught what had tripped Pinkie.

“What is…” Pinkie’s voice trailed off, eyes widening. It was Bright Eyes, her head buried deep in the sand. Her expression was pure terror, dead from suffocation.

A cruel laugh echoed through the chamber. “Doctor G has instructed me to kill everypony in this expedition. She died, buried alive, screaming and howling for salvation that would never come! And now, you’re next!”

Next Chapter: Chapter 14 Estimated time remaining: 2 Hours, 46 Minutes
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