
A Medicine Cat among Ponies

by Kitsulestia

Chapter 7: Canterlot Weddings

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Canterlot Weddings

*Spottedleaf's POV*

*On the train to Canterlot*

The ponies were chatting away about various things.

I glance out the window, noticing a barrier around all of Canterlot.

Flash asks "You sensed it too Leaf?"

I spoke "Yeah, something is going to happen. I can feel it in my fur."

Data chuffs in agreement since he felt it too.

Twilight spoke "I just hope nothing goes wrong."

Danyelle spoke "Don't jinx it Sparkles."

Gawain spoke "I've never been to Canterlot before."

Gilda spoke "Heh. Me neither."

A sudden shiver went up my spine since I had been alerted by Thunder that another cat I had known was just reincarnated.

I spoke "Ponies, I have a feeling that something will happen."

Twilight asks "Like what?"

I spoke "Someone warned me that someone I know from my past has returned..."

Azure spoke "Whoever it is, he or she will soon learn not to aggravate a lycan or two."

*After the gang arrived in Canterlot,*

I spoke "Come on Twilight, let's go congratulate Shining!"

Carrying Nyx in a foal carrier, Twilight spoke "Yeah, and give him a piece of my mind..."

I spoke "Twilight, your mama bear mode is showing..."

Twilight asks "So?"

Nyx gurgles a bit in a cute manner.

Twilight's anger melted away completely before nuzzling Nyx, making the foal coo cutely.

I spoke "Oh hi Shining Armor."

Shining asks "Hey guys. Wait, who’s that?"

Twilight explained to her brother about her run-in with a cult called the Children of Nightmare.

Twilight spoke "Long story short, she's your new niece."

Shining’s jaws dropped at that.

I spoke "Yeah, Princess Celestia assigned a group of guards to protect Twilight and Nyx from the cult. If those ponies got their hooves on Nyx, we'll have a Nightmare Moon 2.0 on our hooves, hands and talons... And I don't think anyone wants that to happen."

My left ear twitches before Cadence appears but Thunder had sensed that it wasn't really the alicorn I knew.

“Something’s off.” I noted.

Box Cutter spoke "I sense it too..."

Cutter growls at the false Cadence.

I clamp Cutter's mouth shut with magic before dragging him, Twilight and Nyx away.

I spoke "if you'll excuse us..."

I drag the trio to a different area in Canterlot.

Twilight spoke "Something was off about Cadence, she barely recognized us Leaf."

Cutter spoke "That's not the Cadence you girls know."

I spoke "Cutter's right Twilight, we should warn Celestia and Luna."

Twilight teleported us to the two princesses.

Celestia spoke "Hello Twilight, I'm glad to see you again."

Pyre asks "Is something the matter?"

I spoke "Something's off about Cadence, she didn't recognize me or Twilight at all. Plus Cutter here suspects that Cadence isn't who we think she is."

Noble spoke "That is troubling indeed. I should look into that."

Noble closed his eyes as I could tell he was using his sense of smell.

But there was no scent coming off the fake Cadence.

Noble exclaims "Wait a second! Cadence is… far below the castle?!"

I gasp "Wolfish alicorn say what?"

Cyber showed up. “Maybe Data can help.”

All of a sudden, the false Cadence sends Twilight, Nyx, Cutter, Noble, Cyber and I down into the hidden mines after she convinced Celestia and Pyre that Twilight was trying to stop the wedding from happening.

“Not good!” I dreaded.

Cutter drops his disguise.

Mandible spoke "I'm sorry for lying to you since we met back in Ponyville. Most ponies are afraid of Changelings since we eat love. But my hive doesn't do that nonsense since I'm their king. Some of my drones had alerted me to Chrysalis's plan to strike fear into the very heart of Equestria so I moved my hive closer to Canterlot so I could stop her."

We were surprised at that.

Mandible spoke "Besides, I already sent one of my soldiers to search these mines and it seems he’s here."

Soon we saw a male changeling with dark purple-blue mane and tail, wearing some kind of gladiator armor/attire showed up, wielding a lance.

Mandible spoke "This is Cairo, a warrior I saved from being forced to fight to the death in an arena."

Noble spoke "We have to get out of here after we find the real Cadence."

After the two Changelings, four ponies and I find the real Cadence in rough shape and malnourished, I carry the weakened alicorn on my back as the eight of us find a way out.

The eight of us were soon stopped by three hypnotized mares.

Twilight gasps "Now what?"

My claws glow with magic as I threw a bouquet of flowers someplace else, making the mares go after it.

Twilight spoke "Nice one Leaf."

Cadence groans "T-Twilight? L-Leaf? Is that really you?"

“Of course it is, Cadence.” I smiled.

Cadence spoke "Thank you for coming to save me... I could never forget the filly and kitten I loved to look after the most."

*BGM: Feel the Thunder*

Right after the barrier fell, I led the ponies and the two Changelings into battle.

I blast a Changeling with lightning magic as Twilight kicked one in the face.

Passing Nyx to Cadence, Twilight spoke "Keep her safe Cadence."

Cadence spoke "I will Twily."

Twilight lets out a battle cry as she and the rest of her friends charge into battle.

Cairo spoke "*Glowing red before the red aura faded* If you drones won’t come at me… *Readying Lance as it glowed red* then I’ll come at you!"

Cairo’s lance stopped glowing before he fought multiple changeling drones at once.

I got Cadence back to the castle as I rode on my lightning magic through the sky.

Gryphon-Jack screeches as she flew into battle as the other gryphons follow her.

I shot down any Changeling that tried to get near me, Nyx and Cadence with my lightning magic before the three of us smash through a normal window thus catching the fake off guard.

I spoke "Stop the wedding! THAT CADENCE IS A FAKE! I have the real one right here!"

The fake Cadence spoke "So, you found me out."

Mandible was by my side since he had followed me.

Mandible hisses "You've gone too far Chrysalis!"

Chrysalis gasps "What?! How are you-Why…?"

Setting the real Cadence down since she was holding onto Nyx, I hiss "You may have fooled the others but you can't fool me!"

My body crackles with static as I charge at Chrysalis, socking her in the face with a punch.

I spoke "Cadence! Go to your fiancée! I'll handle the bug!"

Cadence did that.

Mandible and I kept Chrysalis distracted long enough.

But to both my surprise and Cadence's surprise, Mandible had Chrysalis pinned down.

Mandible spoke "I can see something’s wrong with you, Chrysalis."

Chrysalis hisses at Mandible.

Mandible’s horn glowed before Chrysalis threw him off, sending him crashing into the wall before we heard a snap.

Mandible yelps "GAH!!!!!"


Something deep down inside my soul snaps before I let loose the loudest roar I could make, sending Chrysalis crashing through a wall.

Various attendees murmur among themselves after hearing such a powerful shout.

Shining was soon snapped back to his senses.

Shining asks "Ugh... Is the wedding over?"

A badly bruised Chrysalis had me in her magic with my mouth clamped shut so I couldn't use that roar again.

Chrysalis laughs "It's all over!"

I spoke via telepathy with Shining "{Your spell! Use your magic to push back the Queen!}"

Shining spoke "B-But my magic was drained from that invasion."

Cadence spoke "My love will give you strength."

Cadence hugs Shining despite holding Nyx in one foreleg.

A bruised Mandible had pinned Chrysalis down just as a burst of love energy spread out from Shining and Cadence, causing a massive transformation to all of the Changelings.

To the surprise of the ponies, Chrysalis was no longer a starving changeling.

Mandible spoke "I knew she was being controlled. So I decided to help her get what she wanted."

I got back onto my feet before shaking the dust off.

I spoke "It was more than that Mandible. Something was missing in her life, real love. And you might want to look in a mirror Mandible."

I bring a mirror over with my magic, showing Mandible.

The reflection of a very pale greenish-white face with green eyes stares back at Mandible.

Mandible spoke "Whoa…"

But then Cairo showed up, having transformed too. He had a pale ivory face with some dark purple-blue mane on his head as his wings and tail were dark purple-blue as well.

Danyelle spoke "I didn't see that coming."

“Hmm… Reminds me of Corvo.” I wondered to myself.

That night, Luna and Noble's wedding was underway.

Gryphon-Jack was laughing at something Pinkie had said.

It was a wonderful wedding, before I saw Corvo conversing with a dragoness accompanied by a small flying dragon. I was curious on who the dragoness was, so I walked over to them.

I spoke "Hey Corvo."

Corvo spoke "Heh. Hey, Leaf."

I spoke "You two would make a good couple."

Corvo suddenly tipped his hat and looked away while the dragoness looked the other way with both of them blushing, much to my amusement as the small winged dragon snickered.

One of the lunar guards arrives with a letter for Luna.

Luna asks "Hmm?"

The guard spoke "There's been rumors of aggressive werepony sighting in Canterlot."

A lot of snarling was heard since a werepony of the earth variant was fighting with a Pegasus werepony.

The Werepony Pegasus spoke "Okay, you better back down right now!"

But then a Pegasus stallion werepony showed up with more wereponies.

Octavia snarls "YOU BIT ME!!!"

Octavia howls loud, calling in the rest of her pack.

Vinyl joined Azure.

Werebow kept to the back of the pack since she was carrying foals.

My hands shook a bit as they got thicker due to muscle mass increase.

I roar loud since I had turned into a werecat of all things!

Twilight spoke "Whoa!"

I spoke "I'm so going to strangle that kirin for this mess!"

Azure spoke "Calm down, Leaf. I’m sure he did it for good reason, just like with Dash."

I growl "But nocat could love a monster..."

Azure asks "Are you sure about that?"

I spoke "I'm the only Abyssinian you guys know..."

Danyelle spoke "Half Abyssinian and half Pegasus..."

“Okay, first Abyssinian you guys know. But-“ I tried to say before Cadence interrupted me.

Twilight asks "What is it Cadence?"

Cadence spoke "Spottedleaf, I just know you’ll find love out their who will love you know matter who or what you are."

I spoke "Just look at me Cady, I'm a werecat!"

Cadence spoke "So? I don’t see the problem with that. You’re not a monster."

Octavia spoke "Lycan, vampire or normal pony, we're all the same on the inside."

Luna spoke "Okay every mare that's still single! Time to gather since Tia and I are about to throw the bouquets!"

Cadence giggled as Celestia and Luna tossed the bouquets, with one of them landing in my hands by chance.

Blizzardstar had caught the one that Celestia had thrown, embarrassing Rarity.

I stammer "Wh-what?"

I looked at the carriages before I saw Luna give a mischievous wink at me.

I yowl "You'll pay for this Moonbutt!"

But Luna wasn’t fazed by that in the least as she mischievously giggled at my reaction.

Noble chuckles "Uh Luna, she called you Moonbutt."

Luna giggles "Heehee! I know. But after that little trick I pulled, it was fair for her to say that, so I’ll let it slide this time. *Gazing lovingly into Noble’s eyes* Besides, I know you want to touch this moon butt."

Noble spoke "Not to mention, that unicorn fainted when she saw what her denmate had in hir hands."

Luna giggles "Indeed. Now where shall the two of us go, big bad wolf?"

Noble chuckled.

The lunar guards head off somewhere while pulling the carriage.

Twilight notices a silver tabby Abyssinian male before pulling my tail with magic.

I spoke "You're just asking to be zapped Sparkle Butt."

But then I noticed the silver tabby Abyssinian male. He… He… He… *Swoons!*

Blizzardstar chuckles "Seems somecat's gonna need herbs for that burn!"

Twilight giggles "Leaf Flank got double-pranked!"

Cadence soon throws the bouquet she had, causing it to land on Twilight's horn by mistake.

Flash snickers "Uh Twilight?"

Twilight asks "What?"

Danyelle points at her own forehead as if to say "You got flowers on the horn."

Twilight asks "Huh? Something on my horn?"

Cadence grabs Shining and kisses him before he could say anything.

Flash reaches up before pulling the bouquet off Twilight's horn.

Flash spoke "What the hybrid was talking about."

Twilight noticed the bouquet before fainting with a huge blush.

Flash asks "Twilight?"

Werebow spoke "Welp, Twi's out cold."

Frostleaf snickers a bit before freezing Twilight's rear end, jolting her awake and causing her to kiss Flash on the lips.

Blizzardstar spoke "I didn't see that coming."

Twilight's eyes flutter closed as she kissed Flash.

Flash then closed his eyes as he started kissing Twilight back as both of them moaned.

Fluttershy had covered Nyx's eyes with a wing.

I soon woke up to see Frostleaf, making me blush madly.

Azure chuckles "Furball's got it bad!"

I zap Azure with lightning.

I spoke "You stay out of this rat."

Werebow restrains Azure from attacking me when I called him a rat.


Next Chapter: Boast Busters Estimated time remaining: 15 Hours, 43 Minutes
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