
A Medicine Cat among Ponies

by Kitsulestia

Chapter 53: Disaster Strikes!

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Disaster Strikes!

*Azure’s POV*

We’ve spent a few more days in Ineighba and then Rainbow Dash got a call from Emerald, and she said that we were invited to come with her, Seiko and the others to go over to the beach. And most of us were pretty excited.

Micah spoke "Count me and Spotted out, we can't swim."

Sonata asks "Where we going?"

Rainbow Dash spoke "Emerald said it was Shicolti Beach, quite a ways from Ineighba."

Well, normally I’d say no, but for Skittles… I’ll come along.

Adagio spoke "Uh guys, something's wrong with the tortie hairball."

Aria spoke "Okay, then you stay here if you’re so worried."

Adagio whacks her sister.

Spottedleaf stammers "S-something bad w-will happen..."

Rainbow Dash spoke "Okay, then let us and Rising Sun know if something comes up."

Spottedleaf nodded as she stayed with Micah as the rest of us headed out for Shicolti Beach.

Sonata spoke "A lot has changed since the last time my sisters and I roamed Equis."

Tyson spoke "You did miss a lot."

We saw Tyson and Lightning Edge, and they were riding on some kind of motorbike. Soon we caught up with Seiko, Emerald and the others, most of them riding motorbikes too.

Karei spoke "Senpai, is the beach really this way? We’ve been on the road for a while."

Emerald asks "I’m positive! Can’t you smell the ocean?"

Karei asks "What smell?"

Kaze asks "You can definitely trust her on this, Karei. She’s got the senses of a beast, remember?"

Emerald growls "What? Hey! What are you saying?!"

Kaze spoke "Hey, I was complimenting you!"

Kiko asks "As a friend, right?"

Kaze spoke "Y-Yeah!"

Kiko spoke "Good."

Emerald snaps "You call that a compliment, you idiot?! What kind of girl would wanna be compared to a beast?"

Danyelle wingslaps Kaze.

Danyelle spoke "Watch what you say around my cousin."

A young sea green siren female with blue eyes no older than Mint Leaf was hiding behind a rock.

Goryuu was helping Kanji and Teddie catch up since the two were behind before Goryuu noticed the siren. “Huh? You okay?”

Danyelle spoke "You're scaring her dude."

Danyelle gently picks the young siren up.

Danyelle spoke "I don't see any sign of her parents though."

Goryuu spoke "I didn’t mean to look scary."

Goryuu was riding a motorbike while Kanji was riding a bicycle and Teddie was in his Bear suit while on roller skates with the latter two sweating and out of breath.

Kanji spoke "Hey dude, give me a break, will ya? Did you see the map? This is crazy!"

Teddie pants "Wait… for me… I’m… done for!"

Teddie fell as we soon saw the beach in sight.

Emerald exclaims "*Joyous laughter* Look! The ocean!"

Had to admit, it did look beautiful in the sunlight.

Kaze spoke "Alright!"

Karei spoke "It’s pretty!"

Seiko spoke "Yeah."

Miran was riding a motorbike while a Pegasus mare with chin-length brownish black mane, a brownish black tail and gray eyes while wearing a sleeveless white shirt, a short black necktie with various safety pins and a checkered skirt along with a black belt and a fancy, golden buckle which resembles a heart with wings. Additionally, she has black-striped red stockings for her front legs, black-striped white stockings for her hind legs, carrying a deep blue bag, adorned with golden designs and matching her officer's cap with a golden button, a V gravure and a red choker necklace called Marie held onto him.

Soon, Danyelle, carrying the young siren, and Goryuu caught up with us.

Danyelle was staring at the three older sirens.

Adagio asks "What?"

Before Danyelle could answer, Teddie and Kanji raced past us to the beach.

Emerald laughs "Oho, no one’s gonna beat me to the water!"

Kaze spoke "Yeah, let’s go!"

Shima spoke "O-Okay!"

Rainbow Dash spoke "Aw yeah!"

Karei spoke "Wait for me!"

Soon, we were racing towards the beach.

Aria zooms past the group, diving into the water first.

Aria laughs "I beat you all!"

Later, for some reason, almost all of us guys were in swim trunks while Kanji was still getting dressed privately.

Kaze spoke "You know… I’m starting to get nervous."

Seiko asks "Hmm? Why’s that?"

Kaze spoke "We’re at the ocean. Which means swimsuits. Which means, Karette live and in person!"

Therron asks "*Deadpan* Seriously?"

Kaze asks "What are the ramifications here…? Am I using up my lifetime supply of luck for this?"

Miran spoke "I don’t know."

“Whoa!” Kaze awed, amazed as he looked at a direction where we followed looking at, which amazed us too.

Teddie spoke "Oooooooh!"

To our surprise, all the girls were in swimsuits of their own. And Rainbow Dash winked at me while wearing her swimsuit, which was rainbow-colored.

Danyelle was in a beach chair while holding the sea green siren in her arms.

My wings had shot up on end before I roundhouse kicked Teddie into the water.

Adagio didn't have a swimsuit on since there weren't any siren sized ones.

Emerald spoke "*Blush* H-How come you guys are here? You should be in the water!"

Karei asks "Oh, were you waiting for us?"

Kaze spoke "Dude, that’s just insane…!"

Seiko spoke "Yeah, she’s something else."

Kaze spoke "Summer… is… awesome!"

Karei asks "*Smiling mischievously at Seiko* Hey… were you checking me out, Senpai?"

Shima asks "*Blush* Um, can we get going into the water…?"

Teddie sighs "*Coming out of the water* All of the girls win the Ladies of Summer competition. I’m surrounded by such beautiful mercreatures. I feel like this could be my chance for a summer romance…"

Emerald spoke "Like that’d ever happen."

Miran spoke "Marie definitely looks cute."

Karei asks "Where’s Kanji?"

Kaze spoke "I bet he’s still worn out. Riding all that way on a bike really did a number on him."

Goryuu spoke "Nah, he’s just getting changed."

Shima spoke "Oh, here he comes."

Kanji showed up… wearing a black speedo with a white skull on the back as Miran covered Marie’s eyes as Danyelle covered the green siren’s eyes.

Kaze asks "Dude… What is that!?"

Kanji asks "What’s what?"

Kaze asks "Your swimsuit! What else would I mean!?"

Kanji spoke "It’s your basic black."

Kaze spoke "I’m not talking about the color! I mean… I mean… the whole thing! I’m seeing things I never needed to see!"

Kanji spoke "You’re the only one sayin’ stuff like that!"

Kaze spoke "Don’t act like you’re not egging me on!"

Karei asks "Wait, Kanji. How come you’re not getting a nosebleed over me?"

Kanji asks "Huh? Why would that happen?"

Karei snaps "*Angrily* What!?"

The three started arguing as we stayed out of it.

Emerald spoke "I’m surprised they can get this worked up over just some swimsuits…"

Adagio had covered Sonata's eyes.

Danyelle snaps her fingers as her magic turned the speedo into swim trunks.

Danyelle hisses "Dude, there are kids AND infants here!"

Kanji didn’t even notice as he was still arguing with Kaze and Karei.

Teddie spoke "Geez, they’re hopeless. I’m gonna go ahead and jump back in the water! Emmy-Chan, Shimi-Chan! Let’s be mercreatures! *Jumping back into the water* Wheeeeee!"

Emerald spoke "Hey, he went in first! C’mon you guys. Let’s go!"

We agreed with that and went into the water. We had tons of fun, swimming, exploring and racing in the water. Later, all the guys and I went out of the water while Kanji and Teddie were in there with the others.

Kaze asks "Found a vending machine. I’ll go buy some drinks. You guys want soda?"

Seiko spoke "Sure thing."

Miran spoke "Sounds good."

Danyelle spoke "Cream soda for me, water for the siren on my lap."

Kaze spoke "Not a prob. Just leave it to-"

Shima yelps "Eek!"

Karei yelps "My string’s getting undone!"

We turned toward the ocean, not know what was happening.

Emerald spoke "Hey! Teddie! Watch the hands, pal!"

Rainbow Dash asks "What’s the big idea!?"

Teddie spoke "Aww, don’t be so stingy! I think we’re due for a wardrobe malfunction...”

We had beads of sweat at that.

Kaze asks "What in the world are they doing…?"

We were about to go back to our business when…

Kanji yelps "Whoaaaaaaaa!?"

Kaze asks "What now?"

Danyelle sighed as she plugged the siren’s ears, knowing Kanji was about to get angry as the diamond dog got out of the water with his left side facing us and his left hand lowly carrying Teddie around his barrel.

Kanji snaps "Got you, you bastard!"

Teddie spoke "Busted…"

Danyelle, suddenly having chills down her spines, she spun the beach chair a full 180 via magic, having herself and the siren looking away from us while she was still plugging the siren’s ears.

Kanji spoke "Hey, Senpai! This stupid bear here…"

As Kanji turned to walked towards us, we looked away as we couldn’t unsee it!

Kaze spoke "H-Hey, hey, HEY! Not cool!"

Kanji asks "You listenin’, Senpai?"

Goryuu spoke "Yes, but we got bigger problems right now!"

Kaze spoke "Wait. Hold it, time out! Uh… L-Look down."

Kanji asks "Down?"

Kanji looked down and became just as alarmed as us and Teddie saw too before he started squirming.

Teddie screams "Gyaaaaaaaaaaah!"

Kanji spoke "Holy crap; the wardrobe malfunction was mine!"

Kaze spoke "*As Kanji covered his chest with his right arm* What are you doing!? You need to cover up down there, dammit!"

Teddie spoke "I give up, I give up!"

Kanji spoke "Hey, quit squirmin’! You run off and I’m toast!"

Teddie whines "But if I don’t run off, my dignity will be in ruins!"

We then heard Shima’s voice. “Why don’t we take a break?”

Karei’s voice "I need to put on more sunscreen."

Emerald spoke "Gotta take a break to slake with steak!"

Rainbow Dash spoke "I could use a drink."

Kaze spoke "They’re getting outta the water!"

“This is bad!” I dreaded before Teddie suddenly stopped squirming.

Kanji asks "Teddie!? What gives!?"

Teddie groans "I’m… done for…"

Kaze spoke "Seiko and I will go look for something! Sit tight!"

“Okay, but be quick!” I urged as Kaze and Seiko take off to look for something.

Miran spoke "Hmm… Maybe a seashell…"

Kanji spoke "You’re right! Maybe if I use this white seashell… Argh, no, that’s too sexy!"

Teddie spoke "I can hear the harps…"

Kanji spoke "Stay with us, Ted!"

Gizem spoke "Don’t go dying on us."

Kaze spoke "Alright! We found something!"

Seiko spoke "Kanji, here!"

Seiko and Kaze came back, holding seaweed.

Kanji spoke "Wait, that’s seaweed!"

Karei spoke "Oh, there they are. Senpai!"

Kaze spoke "They’re coming! Just hide it!"

Kanji dropped Teddie before wrapping the seaweed and using his hands to keep them on his chest and pelvis.

The rest of the girls showed up, silent.

Emerald asks "…What and I suppose to say to this?"

Kaze chuckles "Uh… We’re… uh… Reenacting the Birth of Veneighs? Eh… hehehe…"

Kanji spoke "Y-Yeah! I-I’m ready to be born, dammit!"

The girls then screamed while running away as Marie ran being silent while she dropped something.

Karei spoke "You sicko!"

Then there was only the sounds of ocean waves splashing.

Kaze asks "Was this… the best idea…?"

Kanji spoke "Whatever else, it’s givin’ me an itch…"

Kaze spoke "Uh… huh…"

I looked at what Marie dropped and it was Kanji’s trunks.

Miran spoke "Marie must’ve found them in the water."

That made sense as we got the seaweed off Kanji and he put his swimsuit back on.

“Let’s never speak of this.” I said as the rest of the guys agreed.

Aria spoke "Good thing my sisters and I don't have that issue."

Natsu spoke "Fire and water don't mix."

But then we saw ripples in the water, but it looked like they were coming from below.

Adagio roars "KRAKEN!!!!"

Aria spoke "Hold on, I’ll check underwater."

Aria dove into the water.

Sonata and Adagio follow their sister as the others back away from the water for safety as Danyelle put a barrier up.

Soon, the three sisters surfaced, carrying somecreature.

Aria spoke "We found him right above a ground fissure underwater, but it was odd because there was glowing bright blue energy coming out of that fissure. But the energy suddenly faded away."

Sonata spoke "It's almost as though my sisters and I know him from long ago..."

Adagio pointed out, “Or he’s from another world. Not to mention he suddenly got cat fur while we were carrying him up.”

When we took a better look at the creature, he looked like an Abyssinian with dark violet fur, dark magenta ears, nose, fur on his hands, feet, glowing magenta fur on the tip of his tail, plum-colored claws at the tip of his fingers, toes and the back of his heels, and two plum-colored spikes a bit below his elbows. But what was strange was that the top of his nose and bottom of his chin were a bit curved and pointy, his ears looked more bat-like, and some of the fur on his head was formed like a head frill. Then we realized this guy could be half Abyssinian and half batpony.

Vincent spoke "He could be a Changeling though."

Micah spoke "Move aside folks! there's water in his lungs!"

After the others back off, Micah started pushing on the other tom's chest thus forcing the water out.

The tom asks "*Coughing out the water* What in the Shattered Isles?! Where am I?"

Micah spoke "You're in Ineighba, Neighpon. The trio of sirens got you up to the water's surface and I got the water out of your lungs."

The tom asks "Huh?"

A flash of light appears on Micah's hips before fading, revealing the image of a life ring in front of a lifeboard on his hips.

Adagio asks "What happened sir?"

Micah spoke "Wait a minute…"

Spottedleaf spoke "Lucky furball, I haven't found what I'm good at yet."

Spottedleaf soon contacts Twilight, telling the alicorn to go get Moth Flight.

the tom spoke "Hmm… *Gets up and stumbles a bit* Whoa! *Steadies himself* Okay… I wonder if…"

The creature held out his hands before two black and purple rifts suddenly appeared, catching us completely by surprise.

Micah jumps back while hissing as his wings flare out.

The tom spoke "One more thing to check."

The creature stuck his hand through one rift, and it popped out the other. He smiled before pulling his hand back and closed the two rifts.

The tom spoke "I still have my powers."

Micah hisses "Who are you?"

The tom spoke "Oh, right. The name’s Ozul, I’m a Behemoth of the Umbral Element known as a Riftstalker. Riftstalkers are part cat, part bat and part living darkness. I’m able to make portals into the Umbral Void."

The others were confused.

Adagio growls "What were you doing near the bottom of the ocean?"

Ozul spoke "Beats me. Last thing I remember was that I was about to be beaten by slayers. Wait… All of my parts are back! Even my tail! Yes!"

We noticed some plum-colored spikes on his back in the center and a vertical line, with the ends pointing downward.

Danyelle asks "Slayers? Did they look like Diamond Dogs?"

Ozul spoke "Not at all. I don’t even know what these Diamond Dogs are. They were more like hairless apes."

Danyelle spoke "My counterpart was born human though. Maybe that's what it was."

Ozul spoke "Yeah, sounds about right. But the one who got the best of me was wearing armor made from the pieces of other Riftstalkers and was wielding some kind of gauntlets made from the pieces of a Radiant Behemoth."

Danyelle asks "Radiant? Like light?"

Ozul spoke "Yep."

Spottedleaf spoke "Thunder warned me about it not long ago since he and the other ancestors watch over the Clans. Oh, I'm Princess Spottedleaf Sparkle, adopted sister of Princess Twilight Sparkle."

Ozul was confused.

Spottedleaf spoke "It's a long story though but I was a dying spirit back in my old world. Now, I'm an Abyssinian-alicorn hybrid as well as a mother to two adorable children, a boy named Tidefur and a girl named Mistheart."

Ozul spoke "I see."

Rainbow Dash asks "Wait, where’s Blue Flame?"

Blue Flame was suddenly gone.

Phantom spoke "Don’t worry. I’ll find her."

Danyelle spoke "Only a ghost can find another ghost, no offense Emmy."

Emerald stammers "H-Hey, you know I can’t handle that, so none taken."

Spottedleaf asks "But why are you scared of ghosts?"

Emerald spoke "I don’t wanna talk about it!"

Danyelle threw Goryuu at Emerald with magic, causing the two the kiss.

Danyelle spoke "I don't care what Cadence-hime would say, only I can harass my brothers or tease my cousin."

*Phantom’s POV*

Man… Blue Flame’s hiding really good.

Blue was hiding in a place I didn't know about it.

*Rainbow's POV*

Needless to say, Shima, Seiko and the others were surprised by what Danyelle did.

Kaze asks "Whoa! Dudette, dudette, did you seriously just do that?"

Danyelle spoke "Like I just said, only I can pick on my relatives."

I spoke "*Ahem!*"

Danyelle spoke "You shut up Skittles."

That is gonna take a while.

Passing the infant siren to Spottedleaf, Danyelle pounces on Rainbow before tickling the speedy mare's hooves thus making her squeal.

Celeano had found a garbage can before throwing up in it.

Kaze asks "Was it something I said?"

Spottedleaf spoke "Nah, this is something all pregnant females deal with. Speaking of... CAPPER DAPPERPAWS! FRONT AND CENTER, NOW!!"

A Tomcat showed up.

Capper asks "What happened?"

Spottedleaf asks "Did you do anything to Celaeno?"

Capper spoke "*Nervously* Um…"

Celaeno groans "No. *Urp!* I’ll explain."

Spottedleaf used a scan spell on Celaeno's stomach to check for any oddities before her eyes widen.

Spottedleaf spoke "Great StarClan! Celaeno's got an egg on the way! And by the looks of things, we might get an Abyssinian-Ornithian hybrid!"

Azure asks "Whoa! Really?"

Spottedleaf spoke "We've got a clan full of Abyssinian-Pegasus hybrids, six Abyssinian-alicorn hybrids and one dracony-Abyssinian tribrid... An Abyssinian-Ornithian hybrid is near unheard of!"

“You’re telling me.” Phantom agreed as he came back. “I couldn’t find Blue Flame.”

But then Spottedleaf suddenly giggled.

Phantom asks "What?"

Spottedleaf giggles "Oh, well… Heehee! I think Blue Flame’s got it bad for someone."

Blue Flame showed up, with a huge blush too. “W-What on Equis makes you say that?!”

Phantom spoke "One problem though, she's dead hence the glow around her. She's a ghost of her former self."

Danyelle spoke "You told me about when you visited an alternate time line, there was a ghost called Box Lunch, who was the daughter of the Box Ghost and the Lunch Mare."

Phantom spoke "THAT NEVER HAPPENED!!!"

Danyelle and I were sent flying into the water due to Phantom's shout.

Kaze spoke "Okay, remind me not to get on your bad side."

Spottedleaf spoke "I swear... That was louder than my Roar or the Royal Canterlot Voice..."


Next Chapter: X Marks the Spot! Estimated time remaining: 10 Hours, 2 Minutes
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