
Famous Last Words

by DannyJ



Not much longer now... urggh... it's getting hard to think...

I never should have stayed here so long...

...Never should've left the hive...


No, please, you can't! I have a husband! I have a daughter!

Chrysalis, please, you can't do this! This is murder! Do you think you'll get away with this? What happens when everypony finds out?

What about the peace? What about your people?

...Please, please, no...


Gah... not gonna lie, Soarin, it's not looking good for me. Go on without me. Get word back to the general while somepony still can. I'll hold out here as long as I can.

I'm not gonna argue this, Soarin! Go!

I said go! That's an order, soldier!

Yeah... Sure thing. I'll be fine. Just go.

...I love you too.

Lightning Dust

There's so many of them! I need support up here! Where are they all coming from?

Ow! Command, this is Lightning Dust! I've got fifty, no, sixty bugs on me, and they just keep coming! I need support over the southeast peak right the hell now!

Anything! Anypony! Send whoever you've got!

That's not fast enough! Agh!

Rainbow Dash, then! Send Rainbow Dash! I'll eat as much crow as I have to after, just tell her to get here right now!

Thank Celestia! I'm holding out, just a little—

AGH! Damn it, no! Not like this!

...Not like this...


I'm trying! It's just... nyrggh... resisting... me...!

Yes, thank you for your completely unsolicited opinion, you braying halfwit!

It's fine! I've got it! I just need to concentrate! Pinkie, shut him up for me!

Are you a fundamental force of the universe? No? Then kindly don't lecture the draconequus who is about how to properly rewrite reality! You don't see me lecturing you on how to be a nerd!

Thank you, Pinkie.

Everypony, stand back. I said stand back!

Dear chaos, my magic really doesn't like what I'm trying here. This might just be too harmonious a change for me to handle.

No, I can do it! I know I can do it! I've turned planets inside out! I won't be stopped by a little thing like...

No... no! It's no use! Everypony get away! I'm losing it!

No, Fluttershy, I was wrong! I can't control it! You have to take the others and get out of here! I don't know how much longer I can—


I'm not leaving you, Discord. I believe in you. You can do it. You can—


Help! We need—



It hurts!

Discord it... it...!

Pinkie Pie

Oh nononono! This must've been the doozy I was feeling all along! It wasn't Discord fixing the problem, it was Discord messing up and making it a super-duper-DOUBLE-problem!

Owie! Me too! It's like a popcorn maker's going off in my brain! Everything's going all rushy and squiggly and crackly!

Hey, is everything getting smaller? What are all those new colours...?

Huh? No... no I didn't see them make it out... Fluttershy! Fluttershy's still...

Hey... any of you guys feeling a little... woozy...?


Pinkie Pie, get up! This is no time for—

Oh sweet goodness, no! No, no, no, no, NO!



I don't know what went wrong, but he's definitely lost control of it! There are monsters coming out of that place! We need to evacuate the city before—

Ah, fiddlesticks...


Hey! Don't leave me, Sweetie! I'm still alive down here!

Sweetie! Sweetie, please! Don't let me become one of those things!

Please... we're friends...

Sweetie Belle

Don't worry. I'll get us out. Not much further now. We're almost out of the city.

I know... But it's gotta be better than what's behind us.

We'll make it. You'll see.

Shining Armor


I know, I'm feeling it too! Keep going! Even if we can't stop these things, we're all that stands between them and the rest of Equestria! Until it takes every last one of us, the Crystal Guard will hold the line!

No! Sentry, come on, not yet!

Crush, not you too!

No... damn it... Hold the line! I said hold the...

...Fine. I'll do it myself...

Maud Pie

What do you mean my sister is dead?

No. No, I don't believe you.

No, she can't be dead. I would've felt it.

I don't care. Pinkie can't be dead. Something like that couldn't have killed her. Not even Discord could've killed Pinkie.



No. I don't believe it.


Cup Cake

I know it's hard to hear, dear, but—

Pound Cake




Pumpkin Cake


Get away, Pound! The curse has got her! She can't—!


Dad, come on, get up! We've gotta find Princess Twi—


Fools! You think sealing me away like this will save you? I've broken out of this prison before, and I'll do it again! I'll be back!

...Is that so?


Oh, I doubt that. You'll regret this one day...

You'll see. When those beasts of Discord's are through with you, and my army is finished devouring whatever's left, you'll all see.

It is no idle threat. What do you think happens when I'm gone? Without a queen to rule them, do you think my changelings will simply give up? Fall down, like puppets whose strings were cut? No. My followers will swarm the land, ravenous, uncontrolled, mad. Without my hoof to stay them, to keep the hunger at bay, they will devour all they set their sights on. They will drain what's left of Equestria dry, and leave nothing but walking dead in their wake.

And if you think those traitors who joined you will be any better... haha... You'll see. Without me... without the hivemind... they'll all end up the same in the end...

No. I have no regrets. Not a one. This fate is of your making.

Go ahead. Lock me away. It's only a matter of time before you come crawling back, begging me to return.

I'll be seeing you again soon...


This is it, then. Just like Clover. One more sacrifice. One more body on the pyre. My life for Equestria, as it always has been.

I don't think it ever could've ended any other way.

To absent friends, and to those of you who stayed with me until the end, I thank you all. And to those still out there... I apologise.

To mother, and father, I'm on my way. To Star Swirl, and Cadance, I'll see you again soon. To Twilight, know that I'll always be with you. And to Luna... the world is in your hooves now. Carry our dreams with you. And may Equestria under your watch finally know peace again.

To friendship and harmony... Let there be light...


No, NO!

I will not go back to the darkness! I WILL NOT LET YOU THINGS TAKE ME AGAIN!

Captain, run! Send a letter to Ponyville! Tell Princess Twilight that Canterlot—

Twilight Sparkle

It's all over. They're all gone. Everything I did was for nothing.

What's the point anymore?

Starlight Glimmer

I'm telling you, it'll work! Trust me, I've studied all Twilight's notes. I know this curse inside and out by now. If anything will work, this will.

...Come on, Spike. It's Twilight. We've gotta try, right?

If I don't come out again, tell Trixie... Tell her...

Ah, she knows...


I can't just leave her in there, Spike. Not like that.

Starlight, too. They both deserve better.

I know. But someone has to do it, and it should be me. I wouldn't want you to see that.

I'm going in.


Keep fighting, ya sorry bastards! Fight for every inch! You wanna meet Celestia without blood on your swords?!

Keep at it! Don't let any of these things stand in your way!

We are Griffonstone! We are unconquered! We are—

What the hell is that?!

Fall back! FALL BACK!


Trixie Lulamoon

Dear diary,

I feel it getting closer. Every hour, I feel a little weaker. I don't think I'll be walking away from this one. No last minute escapes this time. No more tricks. The show's over. Curtains closed.

We all have to go sometime, I suppose. At least I went out fighting for something. Some poor souls lost their lives for far less. And I like to think I did better than most, in the end. I made it this far, didn't I? Starlight, Twilight... even the Royal Sisters are gone. And here I am – the Great and Powerful Trixie – still hanging on.

Still... I can't deny, this isn't how I wanted to go. I always hoped I'd die at home in my bed, old and happy, surrounded by friends and admirers, maybe even a family... but that's a dream that died with Equestria.

In the end, I suppose nopony gets what they want. We play the cards life deals us.

At least I'll get to watch the sunset one last time.

Daring Do

Aghhhhhhhhhh... Damn it all...

Should've known it would end like this. I guess you got what you wanted in the end. Only took the end of the world before you could manage it... Guess that's why you were always trying to destroy it all the time, huh?

Heheh... So how does it feel? Killing an old, grey mare who can't even fly? Must feel good, right? Makes you feel like a badass, huh?

Ha! Course I am, 'Zotl. Life's a joke. You and I know that better than anybody.

Yeah, but that doesn't mean I have to make it easy for you.

Come on, then. You wanna take your prize? Earn it.

Rainbow Dash

Whoever you are, stay away! It's taking me over! I can't control it!

Listen, if you aren't gonna run, you gotta kill me!

Kill me, before it's too late! Before it spreads any further!

Do it! KILL ME!

Applejack, everypony... I'm sorry. I tried.

I wasn't strong enough...


Guess this is it. Ain't the way I ever pictured things ending. I'm the last one left now. But I ain't gonna dishonour their memories by goin' down easy.

Alright then. Moment of truth.

I ain't running, ya cowards! I'm right here!

Y'all sure you wanna do this? Ain't too late to back down now.

Fine! C'mon then! Put 'em up! Come an' get the first real fight y'all've ever had in your lives!

The Last

We're all beings of stardust in the end.

Something earthly, touched by something cosmic.

Time to return to the stars...


Author's Note

This story is a part of the Borderworld.

I rather like the mysterious tone and ambiguity of the fic as is, and if you do too, you can leave it at that. If you're dying for answers, however, some of the mysteries introduced here actually do have explanations, if you're willing to explore the rest of this universe. I won't be discussing spoilers in the comments, though.

This was just a quick little thing I did. I thought it would be an interesting one-and-done writing challenge. Something to do between other things I'm working on right now. I'll be interested to see how the site responds to this one, because usually my shorter, low effort stuff does really well (or at least better than my real stories). But on the other hand, this isn't a comedy like all my other short stuff, so that adds an element of uncertainty.

I don't know. We'll see.

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