The Recluse
Chapter 16: Chapter 16: The Third Hour
Previous Chapter Next ChapterLight arrives in Fluttershy's cottage. He was still wearing his hoodie and oversized glasses. Fluttershy was making a few sandwiches for lunch, which they both contently ate. As always, Fluttershy's food tasted bucking awesome. After lunch, Fluttershy went outside to tend to the woodland creatures outside. Light walked over to the party briefcase, and placed his hipster costume back in. He had left his Pony Wiseau costume in a trash can, because the thought of masquerading as a degenerate director, writer, producer, executive producer and actor continually was, for some reason, unsettling. He accepted that circumstance, and blamed either common sense, or ducks. Curse you, ducks.
After fitting the hipster costume in, he suddenly thought of how many costumes could be stuck in there. This is probably bottomless, considering this belongs to Pinkie. It's a Pinkie thing, only her friends would understand. He dismissed the thought, as this was practically a briefcase which should only be used in emergencies such as this, or parties. He was feeling nostalgic for a moment, and so, he pulled a picture out of his back. It was a picture of him, wearing a black spandex suit with blue stripes on the back and the hooves, blue bands around the legs, a smart looking open business jacket, and DJ shades over his eyes, wearing a grin on his face, stood next to Pinkie. The background suggested this photo was taken during a party.
I've only just realized how cool that looked... I need a good hat, though... At this train of thought, he heard what seemed to be another pony walking to the cottage. It's not them again, is it? He walked to a window, and looked into it. Oh, it's just Pinkie Pie, still dressed as Deadpony... and with a saddlebag as well. What does she need it for? She's walking to Fluttershy. They're saying hi... and Pinkie's now opening the bag... is that a Bob costume? Not sure if Fluttershy wants that... ... ...and she's insisting... better intervene.
Light walks out of the door, and over to where Pinkie and Fluttershy are talking. "Hey, Pinks!" He said, effectively saving Fluttershy's life.
Pinkie turned around. "Did someone say chimi-cherri-changas?"
"Not yet. Anyway, you ready for the next moment of debt paying?" He asked.
"I sure am! And I brought that costume you wanted, too!"
"Awesome. I'll suit up, and we'll go do things two unstable people do."
"Okie-dokie-lokie! Should warn ya though, I included some other things in there so it would look cool, like you wanted, so it might take a bit longer, as you might wanna take a while to consider your options!" She tells him.
"Cool." He finally said, before looking to Fluttershy. "You alright Flutters?"
"Yes, Light. Are you?"
"I am, for the most part."
"That's good."
One awkward silence later...
"Well, I'll go change." Light said. "See you two soon."
He goes in, and lays the costume and the accessories on a table. This is a blue version of Deadpony's suit, except customized. He intends to use this as the design for the tritagonist of his story, Deathelocke. After picking what he would keep, he started to put the costume on. By the end of suiting up, he was wearing a blue and black spandex suit that went from top to bottom, giving him a masked visage. He was also wearing DJ shades, a black tactical vest with a cape attached to it, blue bands on the legs, and black boots. Additionally, he put on a tail accessory that made it look like three thin, sharp scythe blades joined together... except it wasn't terrifying to look at.
He walked outside, and joined the girls again. They seemed to be speaking of how Fluttershy's animals were doing. Of course. Best awkward topic for waiting awkwardly for an awkward friend. Awkward. They both looked at him, Pinkie with a look of satisfaction, Fluttershy looked at it for a moment, and decided it was okay.
"Well, then, Lady Deadpony... shall we go and harass those harassing... harassers?" Light said in his party pony mood, feeling that was the best mood to fit Deathelocke.
"I sure am! Oh, Flutters, you wanna come? It'll give you a reason to put on that costume I showed ya!"
"O-oh, no thank you... I'm not much for excitement... you know me..." She replied.
"Okay! See ya soon!" Pinkiepool happily hopped away. Light blew Fluttershy a kiss when Pinkie wasn't looking (They decided to tell the other girls about the relationship after the test with Twilight), which made Fluttershy giggle and blush. Nonetheless, she blew a kiss back, and winked for good measure, making Light's heart skip a beat for a second. He had to run to catch up to Pinkie, and he did, after waving once more to Fluttershy.
The two thugs walked out of a cafeteria, after having some coffee to calm themselves down, after that dreadful encounter with Light...
Suddenly, Deathelocke and Pinkiepool.
"Good evenin', lower-rate thugs who probably think themselves higher rate! My name is Deathelocke, and this is Pinkiepool. We're definitely not here to get on your nerves, we're just speaking to ya!"
"Let me guess... Live Light and Pinkie Pie?" Kane 'guessed.'
"Would you like to sign our petition for the Fundamentally-Understudied-Starfish-Insert Space here-Resuscitating-Overtly- Insert Space Here-Daring-Arbitral-Hummingbirds?"
The two thugs lost train of thought... "... Is there a short version for that?"
"Oh, yes there is. We call it..." Light and Pinkie both inhaled deeply, as if to say something that would take the air out of their lungs in one go. They finally spoke the words...
Nothing happened. Kane and Able looked around, in confusion. Nothing had happened. Well, besides a bunch of ponies around them snickering, for a reason the thugs couldn't comprehend.
"...Huh... I thought they'd have gone flying..." Pinkie said, somewhat sadly.
"They can alwa-" When Deathelocke looked, he only noticed just now they were both Earth Ponies. He never thought to check if they were Pegasi or not... Huh.
"Look, if this is still about the bits, We canno-" Kane began.
"Nope, nope, nope, nope. You're doing it all WRONG! This is how you refuse something because it's not possible..." He took a deep breath, as if it was going to be a flurry of pointless words that had to do with refusing. "No." He said, matter-of-factly.
"You know, we were told if you caused us a large amount of trouble, we had permission to use excessive force." But I didn't bring my excessive force thingies! ...Wow, now I'm starting to think like my character without trying... YAY.
"Is that so..." Pinkie Pie began... "LOOK OUT, FORTH WALL!"
WHERE!? Oh... back to the story.
"Where?" Deathelocke said, before being dragged away.
"What?" Kane looked to where Pinkie Pie pointed. Able looked confused.
The two thugs looked back to where the two party ponies had been. ...Gone...
"We still have to go to the party, to keep an eye on him." Kane reminded Able. "I'll try not to violently attack him..." The thugs almost immediately got looks from the ponies walking around the place.
"...Move along. Move along." Was all that Kane could say to everypony.
I feels enlightened. Okay, not really.
It turns out, there are two Deadpool In Equestria stories, which is good, because it means I'm not hatching up original ideas, which also means we're all bucked, but they kinda had grammar problems... I get some from time to time, I think... but I don't think it's hard to read. They were still funny, and they're worth checking out. The only time I've seen Deadpool here with okay grammar was in a story... Wishbone Equestria or something... A skull that granted wishes, as seen in the Grim Adventures of Billy and Mandy, apparently. He appeared in chapter 5 of that. All I'll say is... curse you, Doctor Strange.
Nonetheless, I feel like making a Deadpool fanfic here. ...Now I feel improper, because I'm talking about something that's only been related from a costume in this fic... I really need to get to work on it soon, to make me feel better. Anyway, it was good seeing you. Thank you for viewing, look, even Norman Bates is happy you viewed.
In other news, this, for the moment, is a meme I don't seem to get tired of, but might not consider my favourite.
...This Author's Notes thing where I try to make everyone laugh, when that time is only during the chapter itself, is getting old. I'm sorry.
P.S: I'm sorry.