
Equestria Ninja Girls Shell Shocked

by Wildcard25

Chapter 9: Puppet Brain

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Puppet Brain

“This just in. Concerns around Dakota continue to increase as the number of break ins and kidnappings continue to grow. According to witnesses at the scenes, the subjects were identified as metahumans and former Bang Babies. Even though Static, Gear, and their new friends are trying to stop these kidnappings, it seems things are getting worse before they get better. One of the kidnapped is genetic expert Dr. Karl Marx. More as it develops.”

Virgil was taking Blade Swipe to the sports store as they passed by an electronics store, hearing the news broadcast on the TVs in the display windows. Hearing it made Virgil upset, but he tried to shake it off as he turned to Blade.

“So whatcha need to find at the sport store?” he asked.

“Well, I’m thinking about increasing my arsenal,” Blade explained, “All my life, before and after my mutation, I’ve been trained to fight with just a sword. After our fight with Heavy Man, and using Casey’s stick, I think it would be time for what Donatello would call an upgrade. After all, a ninja should learn how to use other weapons. And since the Kraang are involved, I can finally pay them back for what they did to me! Plus if a juvenile like Casey can use simple sports equipment for weapons, why can't I?”

"True, but don'tcha think hockey sticks and baseball bats are a step down from what you use?" Virgil wondered.

"Maybe, but it's not like there's a weapons shop around here." Blade noted.

"True, plus you'd need a license and all that to use them. Well, here it is." Virgil pointed as the two stood before the sports store before entering. Soon, they found the Hockey sticks and Blade began trying them out trying to find the one that felt right.

As he watched, Virgil began to ask Blade question about Equestria, “So do you guys have sports in Equestria?”

“Indeed. Pretty much anything that is familiar to your world’s sports. For example, we have horse hockey which is played in the clouds and mostly by pegasi. There’s also Bowling, Hoofball, Buckball, and that’s just the tip of the iceberg.” Blade explained before he picked up a black hockey stick with maroon on the end, “This one will do.”

Virgil nodded as the two headed to the register when they heard smashing. The two ducked in an aisle and peeked out to see Shiv and Carmendillo wrecking the place.

“Shiv and Carmendillo?” Virgil gasped, “Boy those two have lousy timing.”

“I do not tolerate watching their kind threatening innocents,” Blade glared, “I’ll distract them while you prepare.”

Virgil nodded as he hurried to change into Static as Blade headed to face the Bang Babies.

Shiv and Carmendillo were wrecking the store looting money and valuables while the owner tried to get up after getting hit by Carmendillo.

“Well at least it wouldn’t be a total loss!” Shiv chuckled.

“Too bad there ain’t anyone worth kidnapping for Ebon and Subprime!” Carmendillo added.

“What about the old geezer?” Shiv pointed to the store owner.

“I don’t know. But then again, the bosses aren’t too picky who we kidnap so far.” Carmendillo shrugged as the two walked towards to the owner.

“I beg to differ.”

The two looked to see Blade Swipe standing there, cracking his knuckles, “I’m only going to say this once. Leave this fellow alone and get out! Otherwise, you leave me no choice but to hurt you.”

Shiv just chuckled at the threat, “Hear that, Carmy? This geek thinks he can hurt us! Such a comedian!”

“Have any other bold words you wanna throw at us, Tough Guy?” Carmendillo taunted.

Blade stood unfazed, “Words won’t win this battle.”

“So true!” Shiv declared as he and Carmendillo double teamed. But Blade disappeared before they could hit him. Shiv looked around, “Hey! Where’d he go?”

“Who was that jerk anyway?”

“Heh one look at us and he chickened out!”

Carmendillo then noticed a figure behind Shiv, “Hey! Shiv, behind you!”

Shiv turned just as Blade punched him, knocking out his gold tooth and sent him flying to a wall. Blade then took another pose, taunting Carmendillo to come.

“Oh whoever you are, you are DEAD!” the armadillo rolled into a ball and bounced at Blade, who dodged and poked him with two fingers at a certain spot, resulting Carmendillo to unroll and cringe from pain, “What did you do?”

“Found your pressure point,” Blade grinned before he whispered, “I’ll have to thank Leonardo for showing me that technique.”

Shiv then jumped up and, with a demented look on his face, morphed his hands into blades.

“I can play that game.” Blade drew his sword, charging it with electricity. Then the two charged at each other and fought blade to blade. Carmendillo was able to get up and grab his spear and was about to cheap shot Blade while he was distracted by Shiv when he was shocked from behind.

“Naughty naughty, Carmen. It’s not nice to sneak up on people!” Carmendillo looked to see Static flying in.

“Static! I should’ve known! Shiv! Let’s book!”

“Sorry we have to cut this short!” Shiv jumped over Blade’s shoulder and grabbed his golden tooth before escaping with Carmendillo, “You wouldn’t have won anyway!”

After the Bang Babies left, Blade sheathed his sword as Static walked up to him, “Hope I wasn’t too late.”

“I ain’t complaining,” Blade smiled before he walked up to the counter and put the hockey stick on it, “I’d like to purchase this.”

The owner smiled, “Young man, you just saved my life. It’s on the house.”

“Thank you very much.” Blade bowed as he and Static took their leave.

Back at the Bang Baby hideout, Civilians who were captured by Armaggon and the Bang Babies and not yet mutated had glowing eyes as they were constructing a rocket. Ebon entered with Kraang Subprime and Armaggon and walked up to a teenager girl wearing a ragged up outfit of colors along with Hotstreak.

“How goes construction, Maddy?” Ebon asked the girl.

“Surprised we’re on schedule. These bums are so slow whether possessed or not.” Madelyn complained.

“Just make sure they finish the rocket and we won’t have any trouble!” Subprime growled.

“It will, Subprime!” Madelyn assured, “Just boring.”

“Then let’s have some fun.” Ebon smirked as he whispered to Madelyn, who smirked.

“Right. Hey you!” Madelyn pointed to a fat male teen in her control who stood up, “Dance!”

The teen just did a pathetic dance as they weren’t not amused.

Subprime spoke up, “Have him do the swim! I actually like that one.”

The teen then danced like he was on the beach while the villain enjoyed watching it before Armaggon spoke up, “Ballet!”

The villains laughed their heads off as the teen danced like ballerina. Then Hotstreak noticed something.

“Hey! Ebon! Shiv and Carmendillo are back.”

Sure enough, Shiv and Carmendillo have returned and walked forward. The villains ceased their fun and walked up to them.

“I trust you both been riling things up?” Ebon asked.

“Yeah we made a mess of things.” Shiv grinned.

Subprime walked up smirking as Carmendillo continued, “Ripped up a sports store, stole a few things.”

“So. Did you bring an innocent for Maddie here to brainwash?”

Shiv and Carmendillo looked at each other. Then Shiv spoke up to Ebon, “Well, we were about to bring someone, but-”

“WHAT? How could you mess up a simple task?! You call yourselves Bang Babies? You’re Bang BUMS!”

Carmendillo tried reasoning with Subprime, “B-But Subby, There was this guy with black hair and a scar over his eye! He creamed us then Static showed up and-”

“Is that him?” Everyone turned to see Hotstreak pointing to a TV screen where a news reporter was reporting in front of the sports store with Static and Blade Swipe next to her.

“That be him.”

Subprime walked up to the TV to get a good look at Blade. “There’s something familiar about him. Aw Kraang it! If he’s with that Static brat and those Turtles, he’s Kraang’s enemy!”

“You two are dismissed!” Ebon stated.

As Shiv and Carmendillo left, Bixolio hurried in. “We got a problem in the prison chamber!”

Back at the juvenile hall, Static and Blade were just coming in when they were greeted by everyone.

“Hey there, you big star!” Pinkie grinned.

Blade immediately knew what the party girl meant,, “You know, huh?”

“It’s all over the news.” Sunset pointed to the TVs.

“Moments ago, the sports store was being threatened by Bang Babies, only to be thwarted by Static and a mysterious swordsman.”

Hearing the broadcast made Blade blush, “Sorry. Didn’t mean to make such a commotion.”

“It’s okay, Blade.” Leo put his hand on Blades shoulder.

“It looks like they consider you an ally to Static and as a metahuman.” April added.

“Besides, we kinda made our presence known when we fought Goop-zilla.” Donnie added.

Just then, Static’s phone rang, “It’s my Pops,” He checked before answering and putting it on speaker phone, “Hey, Pops. What’s up?”

On the other end of the line, Robert Hawkins spoke to his son, “Hey, Virgil. Have you seen your sister?”

“Not since breakfast this morning.”

“Because one second she was doing dishes. One minute I get back, she was gone. And there are still dishes in the water.”

“That doesn’t sound like Sharon.”

“No. And that’s what worries me. Keep an eye out for her, you and your friends, and bring her home safely. I’ll finish the dishes. There isn’t a lot left.”

“We will.” Static hung up the phone with a worried look on his face. The others shared the same worried look.

“That doesn’t sound good.” Leo spoke.

“Well it sounds like she just walked out, so it wasn’t a break in.” Gear pondered.

“Maybe somebody made her leave.” April gasped.

“Could it have something to do with those people with glowing eyes?”

Everyone looked out the window Pinkie was at. Some people were walking with their eyes glowing bright pink like they were following something. Static and Gear looked at each other with concerned looks.

“It can’t be.” Static gasped.

“You don’t think-?” Gear added.

“You know something about this?” Applejack raised a brow.

“Madelyn Spaulding. She’s a Bang Baby who can control people’s minds. She discovered her powers when she didn’t get voted class president.” Gear explained.

“I was able to evade her mind control because my powers enhanced my body's natural electrical field to block her power. I electrified her brain, erasing her memory of ever being a Bang Baby and my secret identity. She was hospitalized after that for awhile.” Static continued.

Sunset looked away, feeling her story is similar as Static continued.

“She was released from the hospital and eventually was forced to work in a comic book store; however, she wasn't allowed back in school. She was only able to remember a few moments from her encounter with Static. Her encounter with me resulted in the loss of her original powers and the gaining of new powers, which enabled her to telekinetically move things. This was triggered from her anger caused by thinking me and Richie were laughing at her. She then freed Hotstreak, Ebon, and Talon from jail and took the role as leader of the team. Her lead was short however, as she fought with Ebon over leadership. We showed up and once again, shocked Madelyn's mind into submission and defeated the Meta-Breed. I was hoping Madelyn would’ve been gone for good. Guess I was wrong.” Static quenched his fist in anger, which Leo noticed.

“We gotta go after her!” Raph declared.

“Agreed. She might’ve possessed Sharon.” Rubberband Man agreed.

“Well, what’re we waiting for?” Casey put on his mask.

But before they could leave, the radio crackled to life.

“We interrupt our regular program for a special news bulletin. Snow has been discovered in the downtown area with blizzards and hail falling by random. There appears to be a teenage girl wearing blue in the eye of the bizarre storm appearing to be the cause of this!”

“Sounds like Permafrost.” Static thought out loud.

“Who’s that?” Blade asked.

“A mentally-broken homeless child named Maureen Conner. Following her mother's death and her stepfather abandoning her family, she became homeless, and developed psychiatric problems from the sheer rejection and loneliness. After the Big Bang, her hair turned white and her skin light blue, and she became an incredibly strong cryokinetic, able to create, manipulate and control frost, sleet, flurries, snow and ice, and create massive blizzards, hailstorms, and snowstorms. Around Christmas, Maureen turned to trouble-making, getting my attention. I learned about her tragic past from Reverend Anderson, being able to manage to reach out and calm her down. The girl was taken to a local church for help in their homeless program, which she gratefully accepted when offered by Reverend Anderson.” Static explained.

“The poor thing.” Rarity gasped as Blade looked away in remorse.

“We need to find out why she’s freaking out.” She Bang stated.

“But we need to find Madelyn and through her Sharon!” Rubberband Man reminded the group.

“We’ll have to split into two groups.” Sunset suggested.

Leo quickly gave orders and split the group in two. “Okay, Sunset. Take Pinkie, Mikey, Donnie, April, Rarity, Fluttershy, Gear, and Rubberband Man and go after Madilyn. The rest of us will deal with Permafrost. Let’s move!”

The group then split into the said two groups and hurried to their destinations.

Sunset’s group followed some possessed civilians to a warehouse by the pier.

“Let’s head up to the roof!” Sunset pointed.

“You think the Kraang are hiding here?” Mikey whispered as they all jumped up to the roof.

When they got up there, April felt her head, “I don’t sense any Kraang here. But I am sensing someone with strong mental powers in there.”

“That’s got to be Maddie.” Gear stated.

They all look through the skylight to see Madelyn controlling civilians into making a giant rocket. Kangor and Acid Grip were standing guard. Rubberband Man then saw someone familiar down there.


Sure enough, it was Virgil’s sister, possessed and forced to work on the rocket.

“Is that Virgil’s sister?” Fluttershy asked.

“Yeah. That’s her.” Gear confirmed.

“She’s pretty,” Mikey awed before nudging Rubberband Man, “You dog.”

“Ebon and Subprime must be planning to use that rocket to spread the Bang Baby mutagen when it’s ready.” Donnie hypothesized.

“So how do we stop them without getting possessed ourselves?” Rarity asked.

“If I can concentrate hard enough, I might be able to counteract her powers with my ESP.” April offered.

“That’ll have to be our best option.” Donnie agreed.

“Donnie and Fluttershy, you two guard April while she uses her powers. The rest of us will deal with Kangor and Acid Grip to get to Madelyn. Once everyone is free, Gear and Rubberband Man will help them escape.” Sunset planned.

“Let’s do it!” Gear grinned.

The group jumped down through the sky light.

“What the-?” Madelyn looked up in surprise.

“Booyakasha!” Mikey declared as they all landed on the ground with weapons in hand.

“It’s those freaks and girls again!” Acid Grip growled.

“They’ll make a great bonus to Ebon and Kraang Subprime!” Madelyn smirked as her eyes began to glow.

“Oh no you don’t!” April used her powers to counter Madelyn’s power.

Madelyn groaned, “That girl! She’s blocking my power on them!”

“Then we should fix that!” Kangor cracked his knuckles as he and Acid Grip charged at the group.

“I don’t know if I ever said this. Ninjas! Take’em Down!” Sunset declared as they got in position.

Sunset, Rubberband Man, and Gear fought Kangor while Rarity, Pinkie, and Mikey fought Acid Grip and Donnie and Fluttershy stood by April. Rubberband Man bound Kangor as Sunset jumped kicked him followed by Gear. Rarity used her diamond shield to block Acid Grip’s acid attacks while Mikey and Pinkie kept bapping him with their weapons, irritating him.

“You brats are really starting to annoy me!” he growled.

“Well, you should have thought of that before you helped our enemies!” Pinkie responded with a raspberry.

Meanwhile, April put up a fight with her ESP against Madelyn, who was able to send possessed people after her. Luckily, Donnie and Fluttershy have been pretty successful in keeping them back.

“Sorry!” Fluttershy kept apologizing to every possessed innocent she hit.

“Can you free any of the victims, April?” Donnie asked his crush.

“It’s taking everything I got just to fight her! If I try to free everyone, I won’t protect you guys from her control!” April grunted, “The only way to beat her is to knock her out!”

“You got it!” Mikey jumped over Acid Grip and after Madelyn.

“Wait! Mikey! She’s stronger if you’re too close!”

“Too late!” Madelyn laughed as she began to possess the party turtle.

“MIKEY!” Everyone gasped.

Mikey screamed as he dropped his nunchucks and clenched his head in pain. As he fell to his knees, Madelyn walked towards him.

“Now let’s see what’s in your little head.” She smirked while touching the turtle’s head.

“Papa!” Mikey cried, trying to resist.

Inside Mikey’s head, Madelyn skimmed a kaleidoscope of images of pizza, Ice Cream Kitty, Chris Bradford, Crognard, Shinigami’s hat, and time scepters before reaching a door.

“Once I open this, I will know what I need to possess this freak as well learn from him.” She was about to open the door when-

“You do not belong here!” a hand grabbed her hand before she could open the door. She turned to see a humanoid rat wearing a kimono.

“Who-who are you?” Madelyn gasped.

“I am Master Splinter and I demand you to GET OUT OF MY SON’S HEAD!” Splinter then punch Madelyn so hard that in the real world, she was sent flying causing her to lose her hold on the party dude. Mikey gasped as he breathed slowly.

Pinkie and Rarity knocked out Acid Grip and hurried to him, “Mikey are you alright?”

“Yeah, Pinkie. Just need to a moment to pull myself together.”

Coming up with an idea, Pinkie reached into her hair and pulled out a slice of gumdrop and mushroom pizza and offered it to Mikey, who smiled and accepted it.

"Just what the doctor ordered." he munched on it happily.

As Sunset, Gear, and Rubberband Man knocked out Kangor and hurried over, April called out to them, “Guys! I don’t know what Mikey did just now, but Madelyn’s control over these people has weakened! I can free them!”

“Go for it!” Donnie nodded as he and Mikey hid behind a couple crates before April freed everyone from Madelyn’s control. As everyone regained consciousness, Gear started to escort them out of the warehouse with help from the girls who quickly put on shades. As everyone hurried out, Rubberband Man looked around and found his woman.


“Adam?” Sharon smiled before embracing the metahuman, “What’s going on? Last thing I remember was doing the dishes.”

“It’s a long story. I’ll tell you on the way home.”

As Rubberband Man walked out with Sharon, the rest of the group went to where Madelyn landed. The girl didn’t seem to notice them as she trembled in fear. Pinkie waved her hand at her but got no response.

“Whatever happened in Mikey’s head must’ve traumatized her.” Gear concluded.

“Let’s destroy the rocket and head out,” Sunset turned to be surprised, “Uh, where’s the rocket?”

Everyone looked around to find the rocket the possessed civilians were building was gone.

“The Kraang must’ve snuck it out during the fight.” Gear guessed.

“They must’ve teleported it because they couldn’t have moved it without us noticing.” Donnie added.

“Acid Grip and Kangor are gone too.” Fluttershy gasped, noticing the missing villains.

“C’mon. We’ll let the police handle it from here.” Sunset sighed.

Shortly after, the group watched from the rooftops as the police took Madelyn away. Pinkie asked Mikey a question.

“Hey Mikey. How’d you prevent Maddie from possessing you?”

“It’s weird. As she was entering my mind, the last thing I remembered was Splinter. It was like he literally came and knocked her out of my head.” Mikey puzzled.

“Even in death, Sensei is still watching over us.” April sighed as everyone smiled.

“That is one devoted dad.” Gear complimented.

After a moment of silence, Sunset spoke up, “C’mon. let’s go check on Leo and the others.”

“I’ll text Rubberband Man what we’re doing.” Donnie pulled out his T-phone.

So the group took their leave, hoping the others are surviving Permafrost.

Author's Note

The dancing slave scene is based on the scene from Power Rangers the Movie (95)

Next Chapter: Permafrost Estimated time remaining: 2 Hours, 3 Minutes
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