
Equestria Ninja Girls Shell Shocked

by Wildcard25

Chapter 7: Bang Baby Showdown

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Bang Baby Showdown

“W-What do you want?”

Two teens were harassing a family. One was a girl wearing black with crystal gems and the other was a guy wearing an orange vest and headband over a blue sweater. They both chuckled evilly as the guy took off his shades.

“Oh don’t mind us. We just need to be bringing in new recruits.” He smirked as the girl held out her hand where crystals as sharp as daggers materialized.

“This is the third break in today.”

Later, Leo, Raph, Rarity, Static, Sunset, Twilight, April, and Rubberband Man checked out the now ruined apartment, looking for clues.

“It sounded like there were two of them. A girl in black and a guy wearing blue and orange. They tore up the place and took the family son.” Leo continued.

“Anyone you know?” Raph asked Static.

“Not anyone I know.”

April felt her head as she looked at the floor and saw a broken bat, “Someone tried to fight back. Guess they weren’t enough.”

“Any guesses on who these two are working for?” Twilight suggested as she analyzed any clue she could find.

“They’re probably gathering more young people so Ebon could mutate more Bang Babies.” Static concluded, while secretly clenching his fist in anger which Leo noticed.

“They’re adding more while we can’t even find this Ebon OR Kraang Subprime and people get hurt!” Angered, Raph punched a file cabinet which fell to the floor.

“RAPH!” Everyone scolded.

“You’re upset. We understand. But let’s not damage this place any further.” Sunset pointed.

“Besides, if we can find a clue about these two, we might be able to find Ebon and the Kraang.” Twilight added.

“Jackpot!” Everyone looked to see Rubberband Man pick something off the floor, “I think I found something.”

He opened his palm to reveal a small crystal shard.

“Ooo! It’s lovely!” Rarity took the shard and looked at it through her own microscope before sighing, “Oh. It is just crystal, not diamond. But it does look nice.”

Rarity handed the shard back to Rubberband Man, who explained, “Remember what the parents told the cops through those radios Gear made? They said one of the two created crystals out of her hand.”

Static caught on, “Of course! If this is something off that Metahuman, we might be able to find a way to locate those two.”

“Exactly.” Rubberband man handed the shard to Twilight, who looked at it with her magnifying glass.

“I suggest we take this back to Donnie and Gear so they can analyze it.”

“Agreed. We better get outta here before the police come up.” Leo said then they all left the apartment.

“Well, this makes my job easier.” Armaggon smirked as he stood before the two metahumans who hand him the family’s son who was tied up with a bag on his head.

“Anything else we can do for you, Sharky?” the guy asked smirking.

“Ebon said to wait for further orders. So until then, Stay put!” Armaggon ordered as he took the prisoner and mumbled before leaving, “Kid’s got spunk. I’ll give him that.”

As Armaggon took his leave, the boy began to prance in place, “Could you believe it, Chrissy? We’re Bang Babies! We can do whatever we want!”

Chrissy, however, just shrugged, “Better than my old life, Otto. My dad was gonna put me in board school.”

“Well, now with our powers, no one can touch us!” just then, Otto’s phone goes off and the teen answered it.

“So, who we ruffing up this time?” Chrissy asked.

Otto smirked. “Oh. You’re gonna love this…..”

Meanwhile, back at the juvenile hall, Donnie was analyzing the crystal shard under the microscope. After looking at it, the tech turtle then spoke.

“Okay, Gear and I analyzed the shard. It’s definitely no ordinary piece of crystal.”

“It’s got human DNA as well as traces of Mutagen. Meaning that this was generated from a mutated human.” Gear added.

Donnie then pulled out his mutagen tracker, “We can trace this with my tracker to its original owner.”

“And we can find those two Bang Babies and take them down!” Rainbow gleamed.

“Heck yeah!” Casey added.

“We gotta find them before they kidnap more victims!” Raph declared.

“Hold on, guys. This has ‘setup’ written on it.” April pointed out.

“April’s right. If I still know my brother, Ebon would be expecting us to find him.” Rubberband Man agreed.

“But we can’t just sit around while innocents get mutated!” argued Pinkie.

April sighed, “I know, Pinkie, but I’m not suggesting we do nothing either. We just need to be cautious if Ebon is anything like the Joker.”

“Agreed,” Leo nodded, “We need to exercise caution just in case. Everyone gear up!”

As they gather their gear, Leo walked up to Static.

“Are you feeling okay, Virgil?” the lead turtle asked.

“Fine. Why you ask?” Static shrugged.

“You seemed upset about something earlier. Wanna talk about it?”

Static sighed, “Just a lot going on. Every time I thought Ebon couldn’t sink any lower, he always proves me wrong.”

“I understand your frustration, but if you let it bother you, you will play into our enemies’ hands. It’s something Splinter told all of us many time.”

Static took a deep breath, “I’ll try.”

“All we can ask.” Leo then headed out with Static not far behind.

Soon, the group was looking around downtown with Donnie leading with his mutagen tracker.

“One of those metahumans is nearby.” He whispered.

“Everyone stay alert.” Sunset added as Spike sniffed around.

Suddenly, Pinkie began to shake.

“What’s up with Pinkie?” Gear noticed.

“That means something’s gonna go bad!” Applejack said while looking around cautiously.

At the same time, April felt her head, “Guys! They’re here!”

Then, a couple sharp crystals narrowly missed Static and Fluttershy, who barely dodged them.

“Aw! You just took the fun out of everything!” a male voice sighed.

The group saw as before them landed was a girl in black and a guy wearing an orange vest and headband over a blue sweater.

“It’s the two behind the kidnappings!” Rarity declared.

“Guilty as charged.” The girl waved off.

“Allow me to introduce ourselves. Name’s Otto and this here’s Chrissy.”

“Why you roughing people up yo?” Casey pointed his stick at the duo.

“Not that it’s any of your business, Gretsky, we’re just following orders.” Chrissy glared.

“And our next orders is to rough you up, Static, and your new buddies!” Otto pointed to the Turtles and Rainbooms.

“You think you can take us?” Raph pulled out his sais, “I’m afraid you’re outnumbered, dude.”

Mikey looked as his eyes widened, “Uh… Raph?”

“Then it’s good that I decided to join in.”

Everyone looked in fear as Ebon landed near Otto and Chrissy with Hotstreak, Shiv, Talon, Kangor, and Carmendillo.

“Is that…?” Fluttershy asked.

“Yeah. Ebon.” Gear nodded while Static clinched his fist.

“We meet again, Static!” Ebon greeted.

“Should’ve known you’d survive the last time!” Static glared.

“And you’ve made some new friends. So, these are the Ninjas and Rainbooms I heard from my new business partners.”

“Ebon did team up with the Kraang.” Rainbow grimaced.

Leo drew his katanas, “We know you’re with the Kraang, Ebon! Where are they?”

“And what have you done with Dr. Marx?” Twilight added.

“Relax. The good doctor is fine.” Ebon confessed as Shiv chuckled like a hyena.

“Ninjas! Take’em down!” Leo ordered.

“Waste’em, Bang Babies!” Ebon cried as the two sides charged into battle.

“The red shell is mine!” Hotstreak declared as he charged at Raph.

As the two sides battled, RubberBand Man faced his brother yet again.

“Looks like this was inevitable.” Ebon glared.

“This time, you ain’t using me!” Rubberband man stated before throwing the first punch.

Static fired electricity at Otto before noticing his attack was going around him.

“What the-?” Otto then pushed him back using an invisible force.

“I got him!” Pinkie threw her sprinkles at Otto that exploded. But as the smoke cleared, Otto appeared unharmed, “I don’t got him!”

Gear check a scanner, “He appears to be generating a barrier around himself, like an outer perimeter!”

Mikey perked up. “That’s it!” Everyone looked at the party dude who dodged an attack from Chrissy. “I’m calling that guy Outer Perimeter!”

“Can I call myself Outer for short?”

“Even better!”

“Love it! Too bad I have to kill you guys.” Outer knocked everyone around him down with his barrier.

Mikey had to go back to help Rarity and Applejack against Chrissy who had crystal shards the size of swords. She was so skilled she was able to fight the three.

“And Cryskill is that skilled as well!” Mikey added.

“Cryskill?” Rarity, Applejack, and Chrissy each raised a brow.

“Well I figured she creates crystals and she trying to kill us-”

“We get it.” The two Rainbooms stated.

Chrissy was not amused, “Cryskill? I wanted to be called Shard!”

Outer went to her side, “I don’t know. Cryskill sounds hot.”

Cryskill blushed, “You think so?”

After a second’s pause, Cryskill and Outer continued to fight. Meanwhile, Hotstreak continued to fight Raph.

“You’re gonna pay for getting in my way, Shell back!” he threw fireballs at the turtle who dodged them.

“With pants like that, I’m surprised you show your face in public!” Raph snapped back.

Before Hotstreak could respond with another attack, he was kicked from behind. As the hotheaded teen got up from the recoil, he turned to see it was Sunset who kicked him.

“Y’know, it’s a bummer you turned me down! We could have lit this city in flames!”

This made Sunset frown, “If I was a bad girl, I might have. But now, I wouldn’t go near your kind!”

Before the hothead could hurt her, Sunset kicked him down. Then suddenly, Talon swooped in and tackled Sunset.

Casey was facing Carmendillo and having a difficult time hitting him.

“Hold still, you overgrown rodent!” Carmendillo responded by rolling up into a ball and nailing the vigilante who fell in pain. He then unrolled and stared down at Casey.

“What can I say? I’m always on the go,” He teased before grabbing Casey’s bat and looking at it, “A Jose Canseco bat? Tell me you didn’t pay money for this?”

Then, Casey was able to shock the Bang Baby with his taser and got his bat back, “It was a two for one sale, pal!”

Leo was fighting Shiv as their blades collided. Of course, Shiv used cheating tactics to overwhelm the leader turtle.

“Chop turtle anyone!” he chuckled. But before he could cut, he was suddenly lifted into the air while glowing magenta. He looked to see Twilight using her geode’s power.

“You will not hurt him!” she glared before tossing Shiv to a wall, knocking him out cold. The two smiled at each other, but suddenly-


Ebon hit Twilight from behind, rendering her unconscious. Luckily, Leo was able to hurry to protect her before Ebon could grab her. Rubberband man got back up to help as the two fought the Bang baby ringleader.

Meanwhile, Rainbow used her speed to distract Kangor long enough for Donnie to get the jump on him, knocking him out. They then went over to help the others who couldn’t land a hit on Outer, who kept deflecting every blow. Applejack and Rarity were tag teaming against Cryskill. Rarity was holding her diamond shield against Cryskill’s crystal blades.

“Diamond is better than crystal!” the fashionista declared.

The Bang Baby glared, “You vain types are all the same!”

Then, Applejack rammed at Cryskill, shattering her crystal shards and knocking her out cold.

“Cutting it close aren’t you?” huffed Rarity to Applejack.

“You’re welcome.” The cowgirl snapped back.

April then fired a psychic blast at Outer, who couldn’t deflect it and was knocked out.

“Whoa!” Rainbow gasped.

“How were you able to hit him, April?” Donnie asked.

“I’m not sure. I guess he can’t deflect what he can’t see.”

“Sounds pretty logical.” Gear shrugged.

Meanwhile, Raph tackled Hotstreak and started to punch his face repeatedly until his fist got on fire.

“No one gets the best of Hotstreak. GOT IT?”

Raph responded by hitting him with the grip of his sais, “I got it and NOT impressed!”

Meanwhile, Sunset was holding her own against Talon.

After wiping her lip from an attack, Talon spoke, “You’re tough. I’ll give you that.”

“You too.” Sunset panted.

Talon then charged at Sunset, who stood ready. Before she could hit her, the pony turned girl dodged and grabbed her hand.

“Now!” Sunset then used her geode to read the Bang Baby’s mind. She saw Talon before and after she became a metahuman. She also saw after she was cured, Talon tried to fix her life and showed much promise before she woke up as a metahuman again and found out Ebon remutated her. Sunset snapped out of her trance as her hand slipped from Talon’s hand as she recoiled. Sunset’s determination turned to remorse.

Talon noticed the fire head’s face, “What’s got you melancholy?”

“How could they do that to you?”

“What’re you talking about?” Talon raised a brow.

Sunset walked up to her, “I read your memory. You were trying to rebuild your life before Ebon mutated you.”

Talon’s eyes shrunk. Sunset offered her hand, “We can help you.”

Talon picked herself up. Seeing they were still in a fight, she grabbed Sunset.

“What are you-”

“Flip me.”

“Huh?” Sunset raised her brow.

“I have to stay with Ebon. Meet me at the building at 25th and Lamaar tomorrow and I’ll explain everything. Now flip me.”

Sunset nodded and flipped Talon over her shoulder. Then she went to help Raph against Hotstreak.

Everyone else hurried to help against Ebon. However, the ringleader was more too clever for everyone and able to fight everyone. Soon, Static fired an electric blast at Ebon. Ebon turned just as the teen fired another blast.

“Did I struck a nerve, Static?” the Bang Baby smirked.

Normally, Static would have a clever remark to counter. But this time, he was so mad he just tackled Ebon and kept hitting him with electricity like crazy. Everyone gasped in shock.

“Static, stop!” Leo cried.

“Virge, cool it.” Whispered Gear.

But Static didn’t hear. He kept hitting Ebon who then grew his hand, punching the hero sending him flying.

“So you wanna get serious, Static? Alright, let’s get serious!” Ebon was about to hit the teen as he was trying to get back up when Leo dashed in and slashed Ebon’s hand, causing him to recoil. The lead turtle then helped Static up.

“We need to get outta here!” he ordered, “Raph! Sunset! C’mon!” he motioned as everyone else gathered around him. Raph then jump kicked Hotstreak, causing him to fall down.

“We’ll settle the score next time!” He glared while he and Sunset hurried to the others as Mikey pulled out a smoke bomb.

“Adios, Bang Bums!” he slammed it to the ground and the group was gone with the smoke.

Ebon squinted his eyes while Hotstreak punched the ground as the other Bang Babies regained conscious.

“What now, Ebon?” Carmendillo asked.

“It’s time to put the plan in motion,” Ebon turned to Outer and Cryskill as police sirens were heard, “You two! Turn yourselves in to the authorities. But don’t worry. We’ll break you out when it’s time!”

“If you say so, boss.” Cryskill shrugged.

“Let’s book!” Ebon lead the others away while Cryskill and Outer waited for the police.

Soon, the group was back at the juvenile hall. As everyone who was hurt was being tended, Static took it hard.

“I-I’m really sorry, guys. I-I don’t know what came over me.” He apologized.

Gear put his hand on his bud’s shoulder, “Hey hey hey, Virge. It’s okay. So you went a little nuts on Ebon.”

“Yeah. Ebon knows what buttons to push. Don’t sweat it.” Rubberband man added.

“Well, if it makes you feel better, Virge, I could’ve gone nuts myself on Hotstreak. Man, is he annoying.” Raph punched his fists.

“We all understand how you feel, Virgil. I’d be lying if I didn’t say we all have our ballistic moments.” Sunset nodded.

Hearing his friends’ comments made Static smile, but he still felt unsure. This did not go unnoticed by Leo and April. Then, Mikey and Pinkie rushed in.

“Everyone! You should come see this!” The party dude cried.

Everyone hurried to the TVs and saw the recent news bulletin.

“This just in. The two metahumans responsible for the recent breaking and entering kidnappings have been apprehended. However, the whereabouts of the kidnapped are still unknown. More as it develops.”

The group saw the two metahumans were Outer and Cryskill.

“I hope we don’t see them anytime soon.” Rarity huffed.

“I guess Ebon and the others booked before the cops got there.” Casey shrugged.

“And we know he’s with Kraang Subprime.” Rainbow pointed out.

“So we find Ebon, we find Subprime, Bixolio, and Armaggon!” Pinkie finished.

“And Dr. Marx.” Twilight added.

“They’re definitely not gonna be easy since their adding new recruits.” Raph sighed.

“Maybe we can increase our numbers as well.” Donnie pondered.

“Whataya mean, Donnie?” Leo asked.

“I’ll need to stop by our dimension first thing in the morning. But for now, we should get some rest.”

“Yeah it’s almost our curfew anyway.” Gear pointed out.

As the girls, Virgil, and Richie were heading back, Leo called to Virgil, “Don’t worry, Virgil. We will get through this.”

Virgil sighed without turning around. “I know.” He then headed out.


Back at the Bang Baby hideout, Kraang Subprime was not happy to hear his enemies still lived. He knocked Kangor down and held Carmendillo by the neck.


“Like you did any better?” Hotstreak glared.

“DON’T PUSH IT, TORCH BOY!” Subprime’s blades extended and pointed to the hothead.

“Try me!” Hotstreak flamed up ready to take on the Kraang leader before Ebon got in the way.

“Knock it off! I admit I underestimated those ninjas. But rest assured, Subprime, we will proceed as planned.”

“For your sake, it better!” The Shredder blades retracted while Hotstreak powered down but still glared at the alien as Dr. Marx came in, opening up as Kurosa.

“I took the liberty of having someone bring a couple scientists to help finish the Bang Baby gas.”

“Who’d you hired?” Bixolio asked.

“An old collegue of mine. He goes by the name of… Dr. Koenig.”

Hearing that name caused Ebon to chuckle evilly while Subprime smirked.

Author's Note

The idea of Static's anger in this is that he has one of those crisis where the hero doesn't think he's doing enough.

The Jose Canseco Bat part is from the first TMNT movie

The Address Talon gave Sunset 25th and Lamaar is a nod to Phil Lamaar who was the voice of Static in the cartoon.

Next Chapter: Heavy Reunions Estimated time remaining: 2 Hours, 29 Minutes
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