
My Life as a Sonic OC Season 9

by Kitsulestia

Chapter 10: Sweet and Smoky

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Sweet and Smoky

*Danyelle's POV*

I was in the main office while talking with Twilight and Sunset when Fluttershy came in with Spike, Wendy, Smolder and Shakir.

I spoke "Oh hi Fluttershy."

Sunset asks "Is something wrong?"

Smolder spoke "Something's wrong with my brother and Shakir's sister..."

Shakir spoke "Smolder and I would like some time off to go check on them."

Wendy spoke "Plus there's a new batch of dragon eggs too!"

Spike spoke "Not to mention that Ember has 7 eggs in her right now!"

Shakir spoke "Uh Spike, she's laid those eggs already but due to a roc attack... they got crushed.... I heard about it from Salma..."

Smolder spoke "Plus I heard rumor that Salma has had two eggs."

That left us surprised!

I spoke "Now you've got my whiskers, I've never been to the Dragon Lands before."

Smolder spoke "Well it’s actually pretty fun."

I spoke "We should get going though."

Spike spoke "Let’s go!"

Twilight spoke "You'll have to tell me all about it when you get back."

Fluttershy spoke "Of course."

I soon head off with Fluttershy, Spike, Smolder, Shakir and Wendy to the Dragon lands.

The six soon arrive in the dragon lands.

Wendy spoke "Hi again Ember."

Ember: …Hi.

I spoke "You might not know me but I'm Alpha-Queen Danyelle Hikari."

Salma was resting near a group of eggs since her two were among the small group.

Shakir spoke "And I'm Shakir, Smolder's boyfriend."

But then I spotted a long brown spiked shell. “Who’s that?”

Wendy spoke "That's Ringo, Spike and I met him back during the Gauntlet."

“But why’s he in his shell?” I asked.

Ember taps on Ringo's shell.

Ember spoke "Ringo, we got visitors."

Ringo sighs "Okay…"

Ringo came out of his shell, but he looked like he has seen better days.

Spike asks "You okay dude?"

Ringo just said nothing and turned away his head.

Ember spoke "Sorry, he’s been like this ever since that Roc attack. It hit me hard too, but I think he took it the worst."

My nose twitches since I smelled blood before I darted off, bringing back a trio of dragon eggs.

I spoke "Maybe it's not too late though, I found three eggs near a dead dragoness."

Ember carefully takes two of the eggs from me.

A teary eyed Ember spoke "Maybe, there is hope after all...."

Ember then rubbed her head under Ringo’s chin.

Ember spoke "And we can always try again, Rinny."

My ears twitch since I heard Linn's voice.

Linn spoke "Ember! Ringo!"

We saw Linn arrive with two eggs, one with brown scale and blue spikes, and the other with sky-blue scales and black spots.

Linn spoke "I hid them before that Roc attacked."

Ember spoke "Thank the Maker...."

I notice that Risotto was alone.

I spoke "Hey Risotto, I'm sorry to hear what happened to Bertha...."

Risotto said nothing, which was concerning.

Salma spoke "she died a hero though, she killed that roc before succumbing to her own wounds."

Risotto growls "Something’s not right…"

Iron started gathering as it formed Bertha’s head.

My eyes flash white as my dimensional scream kicked in, this time it was a vision of the past.


A badly wounded Bertha growls "I won't let you destroy another egg.... Poison.... Dragon.... ROAR!!!"

The infected Roc had been severely poisoned as it fell to its death in the lava.

Bertha groans "Finally.... the unhatched baby dragons can survive...."

The wounded Ender Dragon collapsed from her injuries and died.

*end flashback*

"Singularity...!" I growled with clenched fists, knowing that this was Singularity's doing.

Fluttershy spoke "It will be extremely hard to stop that thing."

But then it hit me! If Singularity's defeat would undo all the damage he did, then maybe... No! I can't jump to conclusions yet!

Spike spoke "Either way, we can't reverse the damages that have been done."

I soon notice that something was wrong with the eggs.

“Something’s not right.” I said.

Salma places a hand on the ground near the group of eggs she was looking after.

Salma spoke "She's right Ember, the eggs aren't shaking because the unhatched dragons are afraid.... They're cold."

Ember gasps "W-What?!"

I set the egg down by Salma just as my eyes shimmer.

I spoke "A trio of dumb-dumbs has redirected the lava flow!"

Ringo and the other dragons backed away from Ember before she roared extremely loud into the sky with a fire breath.

I yowl loud in anger as I shot off fire from my mouth, surprising Ember.

Ember asks "Hey Spike, has that cat always been able to breathe fire?"

Spike spoke "Yep. She is a firebender."

But then we heard draconic growling from someone new.

My fur was fluffed while hissing.

Out of a cave, we saw a wingless dragon, wielding a pair of katars, and having an axe strapped to his back.

I growl "Who the cuss are you?"

The dragon spoke "The name’s Ragnir. Hey! Drake!"

A small black winged and legless dragon showed up.

Drake asks "Yeah?"

Ragnir asks "Where are we?"

Drake spoke "I’m not sure, but we’re definitely not in Asgard."

I spoke "You're in the Dragon Lands which is part of Equis."

A female Fenrir leaps up out of my shadow.

The two dragons were a bit shocked to see a Fenrir outside Asgard, let alone one that was bound to a cat.

Ragnir spoke "What gives?! Last I checked, the only canine that stands on two legs was Mordex!"

I growl "Well these Fenrirs are Equestria native!"

Ragnir first said nothing, before jumping high up into the air in shock. “WHAAAAAAAAATTT?!?!?!”

But then Ragnir started falling into the lava before Drake went after him and caught the dragon. The small dragon then lifted him back up to us.

Ragnir spoke "Phew! Thanks!"

Drake spoke "No problem."

The purple Fenrir soon spoke in a voice that sounded very familiar to me. "I'm no normal Fenrir though."

I spoke "That voice.... It sounds so familiar to me...."

The Fenrir spoke "Long time, no see Danyelle.

I end up fainting.

Salma asks "What are we going to do Ember?"

Ragnir asks "Ember?

Salma calls Garble over.

Garble asks "Yeah?"

Salma spoke "We need help... The eggs aren't hatching..."

Shakir spoke "We'll need every dragon's help to get them hatched."

Wendy spoke "Danyelle will have to help since I use air based attacks."

Spike spoke "Unfortunately, she’s down for the count."

Ember whispered something into Ringo’s ear before he roared in determination!

Ringo spoke "Alright! Let’s do it!"

I jolted awake.

I spoke "I'll help too!"

Not counting Wendy, the dragons and I were trying our best to heat up the eggs.

Wendy spoke "It's not working... Wait, I got it! Garble, you have to make the other dragons laugh!"

I spoke "We have to crank up the heat!"

Ragnir spoke "I’ll help!"

I cranked up the heat of my flames enough, causing them to turn white in the process.

Wendy asks "Are you dragons gonna let some cat you don't even know outflame you?"

Ragnir spoke "I’ll take that as a challenge!"

Ragnir breathed hotter flames, catching up to me.

Thanks to Garble making the other dragons laugh because of his poetry, the eggs soon hatch.

But something was wrong with the three eggs that Bertha had left behind, they hadn't hatched yet.

“Uh… Risotto?” I asked.

Risotto asks "What?"

Salma spoke "Three of the eggs haven't hatched...."

Risotto spoke "Odd…"

I spoke "Given the circumstances, Ender Dragon eggs hatch a little bit differently than normal dragon eggs."

Spike asks "Uh… How?"

I pull out four end crystals from my hammerspace.

I spoke "Everydragon might want to back off, these crystals are highly explosive and should only be handled by someone who knows how to deal with ender dragons."

Wendy asks "Uh… What’re you doing?"

I place the eggs in a triangle position before placing the crystals in a certain position.

Backing off, I spoke "This method only works with Ender dragons though."

Risotto spoke "I trust that you know what you are doing."

I spoke "I know what I'm doing. Besides, I don't let that stupid hyena near the crystals because of how explosive they are."

Soon enough, the three eggs hatch thus revealing two male and one female Ender dragon whelps.

Wendy spoke "How adorable!"

Risotto walked forward before the three baby dragons hugged him, causing him to gently smile as a single tear fell from his eyes.

Wendy spoke "I'm jealous.... But unfortunately, I have to wait...."

I spoke "Saw that tough guy."

But then Ember and Ringo’s two eggs started shaking.

I ask "Is something wrong with those two?"

Ember spoke "No! I think they’re hatching!"

I spoke "I just hope history doesn't repeat itself though."

Risotto spoke "No. That won’t happen."

All of a sudden, my neck fur had bristled up due to a vision.

I spoke "Spike, Wendy, Smolder, Shakir, Fluttershy... We have to go now!"

Spike spoke "Uh… Okay...."

I spoke "I have a bad feeling something has happened to our friends and families!"

I flew back to Ponyville with the five following as I carried the fenrir with my magic.

To our shock, all of Ponyville was gone!


Next Chapter: Troubles in Edolas Estimated time remaining: 2 Hours, 27 Minutes
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