
Equestria Ninjas: Happily Ever Ogre

by Dinomite123

Chapter 1: The Ogre

The Ogre

In a library in Canterlot city, there a group of young boys and girls who were searching for a book on each different shelf.

Each were in different groups, one group is called CMC, and the other group is called the Rock "N" Beats.

"Sweetheart, what are we looking for?" Melody asked.

"We're looking for the book about knights and castles." Sweetheart said.

"What do you want to know about knights? Do want to learn how they save the pretty princesses and when they kiss." Ace laughed.

"Haha, I'm not interested in that when it comes mushy stuff."

She finally found the book she was looking for.

"Ha, here it is."

"Hey, look at this big book I found on the shelf." Scootaloo said.

"Wow! That is a huge book." Patch grinned.

"Yep, it feels like it weighs much as two cats."

She puts the book down on the reading table and sees a title on it that says "Shrek".

"Shrek? What's a Shrek?" Sweetie Belle wondered.

"I think it's more "Who is Shrek"." Teddy said.

"Whatever, I want to read what it's about." Ace said.

They opened the book to see pages with the beginning of first the princess and a big green creature. They the whole book from the beginning to the end.

"Wow, that was some story." Lancer said.

"Yeah, I mean, how can an ogre be a hero or loving and kind." Bright Eyes responded. "They're just big and ugly green creatures."

"Tell me about it." Half Note said.

"Whatever, I'm interested in this book. I want to borrow it" Sweetheart smiled.

"You can't be serious. Why would you want to read it? It just sounds weird." Clover Bloom replied.

"I don't care, it sounds good to me."

"Oh, you being interested into fairy tales is the only reason why." Ace laughed.

"And you being an absolute jerk is the only reason why."

"Guys, we shouldn't fight over a book." Scootaloo replied.

"Yeah, I mean it's not like it's a real magical book that could send us into fantasy land." Sweetie Belle said.

Unfortunately, she spoke too soon. Sparkles began to surround the book and it began floated in the air. The book opened, turning the pages and a bright light began to shine.

"What's going on?" Applebloom sounded worried.

"I don't know."

Suddenly, they got lifted up and got sucked into the book.

They opened their eyes to reveal them in a mysterious forest.

"Where are we?" Patch asked.

"I don't know, but something tells me that this isn't the everfree forest." Applebloom answered.

"Wherever we are, that book definitely took us to fantasy world." Teddy said.

"Well, I want to explore it." Sweetheart leaped in excitement.

The group tried to stop her, but she wanted to know what was around that could interest her. They all walked around the forest, we're surrounded by wet streams, tall trees, frogs croaking and creepy critters.

"I think we're lost." Lancer sounded scared.

"Well, it's Sweetheart's fault for forcing to follow her in her little adventure." Bright Eyes frowned.

"Hey, I did not get us sucked into that book." Sweetheart shouted.

"No, but you were so obsessed with this ogre fairy tale that had to skip all the way into trees." Melody exclaimed.

"Guys, come check this out." Applebloom called them over a log her rolled over.

They walked over to the area to see snails, beetles, termites, and small salamanders.

"It's a whole collection of creepy crawlers." Sweetie Belle grinned.

"I like the big black ones."

"I like the brown wiggly ones."

Then suddenly, a wooden straw came and sucked up a beetle.

They both looked up to see a big green creature with ears look like straws. He was wearing a almond colored shirt with a brown vest that looked like bumpy animal skin. And pants with slim shoes.

They group looked up in shock and horror.

"Mmm, I like the green crunchy ones myself." He spoke.

The kids looked like they were ready to run for their lives, but they froze.

"W-What...a-are...y-you?" Patch stuttered.

"Oh, you haven't seen an ogre all your lives, have you?" He asked.

"OGRE!" Sweetheart screamed.

They all ran around, screaming. Since they don't have their weapons Ace grabbed two big sticks as his sparring sticks.

"Stay back, ugly. Cuz it's about to get messy." He grinned.

"Hey, whoa whoa whoa! Calm down. I'm not going to eat you. I'm not going to eat anyone." The Ogre tried to calm them down.

"Likely story." Melody frowned.

"No, honest. I'm not an Ogre who hunts people and squeezes jelly from their eyes. And besides, I just had grubs for lunch."

"So, your not going to eat us"


"Then what will you do to us then."

"Nothing. I'm not going to hurt anyone."

"Do you even carry a club around you." Scootaloo asked.

"I've never carried a club in my life." The Ogre said.

"So, your harmless?"

"You can trust me. I'm an average ogre who just lazes around in my swamp."

"Okay then." Applebloom still wasn't sure. "Um, I'm Applebloom, this is Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo.

"And I'm Sweetheart. And this Ace, Melody, Teddy, Patch, Half Note, and Clover Bloom, Lancer and Bright Eyes."

"Oh, those sound like good names to match your skin color and hair. My name is Shrek."


Then they just remembered the book they read back in the library.

"Wait a minute, your the green guy we read about earlier." Ace said.

"Oh, so you have heard of me." Shrek replied.

"Yes, we want to know more." Sweetheart smiled, only to be nudged by Medoly.

"Okay then, come along then."

They were confused but decided to follow him anyway.

They followed Shrek all the way to approach a huge tree stump as a house.

"Wow, it looks like some lumberjacks just left a tree undone." Applebloom commented.

"That would be my home." Shrek told her.

"Shrek, the kids need their diapers changes again!" Called a female ogre who was dressed in a green dress and with red hair.

"Who was that?" Sweetie Belle asked.

"That was my wife, Fiona."

The door of the house opened to reveal her wife.

"Oh, I see brought guests, Shrek." She said.

"Yep, they pretty much know everything about me." Shrek smirked.

"Well, not everything. We want to know your whole story."

"Sure thing...after I change my kids' diapers."

Shrek went inside to do his job.

The group is still didn't like the idea of getting along with an ogre.

"Sweetheart, I cannot believe that you insisted on him bringing us to his home and telling us a story." Melody frowned at her.

"He's an ogre! and ogres are big green and ugly monsters." Ace scolded.

"Come on you guys, can we just give him a chance?" Sweetheart replied. "I mean we shouldn't judge people before we get to know him. Don't you guys remember the Rainbooms and Turtles trust issues?"

Bright Eyes then remembered the time when she was in the school of friendship, she was treated with high suspicion.

"Hate to break it to you guys, but I actually agree with, Sweetheart." She said. "I mean we may not know the big green guy, but we should observe whether he's bad or not. Or else we'll be making the same mistake as they made."

The Rock "N" Beats and CMC knew she was right.

"All right, we'll play along." Teddy sighed.

"But if we end up as bits in stew, it's all your fault, Sweetheart." Melody said.

Sweetheart frowned.

Shrek returned with little ogre babies in his arms.

"Okay, I'm back."

"Oh, who are these little cuties?" Sweetheart asked with a beaming heart.

"These are my kids." Shrek answered. "This is Fergus, Farkle and Felicia.

"Aw, there so cute!" Clover Bloom cooed.

Patch, Lancer and Bright Eyes cooed as well.

"I can see you got a big group of kids, Honey." Fiona said.

"Yeah, well if they're gonna know me then they will hear the story." Shrek said.

The came out a chef ogre named, Cookie. With a plate of snacks, which of course isn't what humans would want to eat.

"I heard your about to tell a story." He said. "I thought I'd Storytime snacks. Who wants some fried slugs?"

"EEEWW! GROSS!" The girls squealed.

"Definitely not my kind of food." Ace felt nauseous.

"Cookie, they're human." Shrek told him.

"Oh, my bad."

Everyone sat down to listen to Shrek's story.

"This is a story about me, my name is Shrek. And I'm an ogre. Now everybody knows ogres like being alone. But my peaceful life was about to change.

All the fairy tale folk in Duloc were under seige.

"Wait, what's DuLoc?" Half Note asked.

"You'll find out." Shrek answered as he continued.

"The evil lord Farquaad wanted to rid his land of all the magical creatures. He was paying a reward to the villagers to turn in fairy tale prisoners.

Among them was an old woman and a donkey. She claimed that the donkey could talk and she wanted to be paid. But the donkey was smart than that and he stayed silent. He had just about fooled everyone until he was hit by some magic fairy dust and started to fly.

When the dust wore off, the donkey hit the ground running. After a few steps, he smacked into the smelliest tree trunk he had ever seen. The Donkey looked up found that the tree trunk was actually my leg.

Now I expected the donkey to run away in terror. But this wasn't any old donkey and he even seemed to like me. His name was Donkey and he asked to stay with me. I felt sorry for the wee creature and took him back to my swamp. Although when we got home, I insisted he sleep outside. I was used to being alone and was not happy about having any visitors, especially annoying and chatty ones.

However, Donkey was the least of my problems..."

"I heard you telling the part about me!" Said a voice.

It was the donkey Shrek was talking about. Then came along other fairy tale characters. There was Pinocchio, Gingy, the three blind mice, the three pigs, the big bad wolf, even Puss "N" Boots.

"Yes, I was just talking about you, Donkey." Shrek sighed.

"Oh yeah, I love me a story about me, and you bought visitors? Amazing, Tell me, Shrek, what more there about?" Donkey jump in excitment.

"Donkey, I'm these visitors a story about me, not you."

"Am I in it though? Because, I would love to hear about awesome techniques." Said Puss "N" Boots.

"No, you're not in chapter 1, Puss" Shrek explained. "Kids, this is Donkey and Puss. And the other fairy tale creatures you might heard of.

"Oh, don't stop, Shrek. Keep going, we want to hear more." One of the pigs said.

"Alright, carrying on...

"Donkey was the least of my problems, because Lord Farquaad had evicted all the fairy tale creatures and had sent them to live in my swamp! Needless to say, two thousand cute creatures in my front yard did not make me happy.

I was determined to go to Lord Farquaad and get my land back.

Now, was it turns out Lord Farquaad had troubles of his own. He wanted desperately to become king of DuLoc. But in order for him to be king, he needed to marry a princess. And the one he chose lived in a castle guarded by a big, old, ugly dragon. Thid was a tall order for Lord Farquaad who was a little short for courage. So I made deal with him. I would rescue the princess and bring her back to Farquaad and he would get all of the creatures out of my swamp!

Soon, Donkey and I were off to rescue the princess and slay the dragon. Well, actually sneak pass the dragon. It seemed like walking forever when we finally saw the castle. But we had to cross an old rickety bridge stretching over boiling lava. We made it across with no problem...apart from Donkey's fear of heights.

I put on some knights armor and we crept into the dark corridor. Unfortunately, we ran right into the dragon and we had quite a fight. That dragon sent me flying into the air right into the roof of Princess Fiona's room. Leaving Donkey all alone to tame the dragon and me to tame Princess Fiona. But Donkey was in serious trouble downstairs. The dragon turned out to be a girl dragon and she was kind of sweet on him. With the princess in tow, I raced to save him. What a rescue. With some fancy footwork, I grabbed Donkey and we were off to the races!

Fiona cheered after we made it back over the bridge and onto safe ground. But then the most surprising thing happened. She wanted me to kiss her. When Donkey and I stop laughing, I decided to reveal my true identity. I took off my helmet and Princess Fiona was shocked. She had been waiting for a Prince Charming to rescue her. She wasn't too happy that I was an ugly green ogre. She wanted her prince and was set on getting him! So I told her I would take her to Farquaad whether she wanted it or not. I carried Fiona over my shoulder and we walked steadily for the rest of the day. I was determined to deliver Farquaad's bride as soon as possible.

Then, that evening we stopped for dinner by a mill. I looked at the princess and she gazed back into my eyes. It was very romantic I must say. Until the sun set and Princess Fiona rushed into the mill. Donkey decided to help out and play matchmaker.

So that night he crept into the mill to talk to the princess. When he walked in, he got the shock of his life. The princess had transformed into an ogress! She told him she was suffering the effects of an evil spell that can only be broken by true love's first kiss. She begged Donkey not to tell anyone. Donkey told her not to worry. She'd make a great match for me because we're both ugly. But all she could think was ugly and princess don't go together. Unfortunately, I was standing outside the door where they couldn't see me and I thought the princess was talking about me and not her own ugliness! I was heartbroken.

The next morning, Princess Fiona was ready to tell me the truth. She walked out of the mill and saw me stomping toward her. It was too late, I thought Fiona didn't want to be with me and I had gone to get Lord Farquaad. Lord Farquaad and his army finally arrived to claim his princess. It was a terrible misunderstanding. I was mad at Fiona and she was mad at me. She agreed to marry Farquaad. I took one last angry look at Fiona, snatched the deed to my swamp and stormed off in a nasty huff.

I returned to the swamp and cleaned up the mess. But, for the first time ever, I had no appetite. I was very depressed because I blew it with the princess. Then, Donkey appeared. Donkey yelled at me for acting so mean! We were in a total dysfunctional relationship. It was obvious to Donkey that Fiona was crazy about me. An all I could say was how I never wanted to see her again! Now Donkey had promised to keep the princess's secret but I caught on quick enough. He convinced me to stop the wedding but we had to hurry. Luckily, Donkey hadn't totally cut the strings with dragon lady. So he gave her a whistle and we took off for the castle.

When we got there, we took a look inside and found that the ceremony was already taking place. That's when I ran in and stopped the show. Lord Farquaad and Princess Fiona were stunned to see me. I gathered all my courage and revealed my feelings to Fiona in front of all of DuLoc. At that moment, the sun set. A sudden burst of light and clouds of smoke shrouded Fiona. She began to transform. When the smoke finally cleared a green ogress stood in front of her place. Farquaad's eyes grew wide with revulsion. The wedding guests gasped in horror. The princess's spell was on. Farquaad ordered his men to kill me and lock up the princess for the rest of her life. But just in time, Dragon and Donkey broke through the window. Dragon scooped up Lord Farquaad.

Fiona turned to me and we kissed. It was magic. A big mystical cloud scooped her off her feet and she glowed beautifully with lights and stars. She was transforming again. But when it all died down I saw that she was still an ogre like me! The spell was broken and Fiona had taken love's true form.

Fiona and I married and Donkey threw a big old party with all the fairy tale creatures singing and dancing. I even sung a little. And that's what I call a happy ending..."

Shrek was finally finished with his story.

"Wow, that was actually a great story." Sweetheart smiled.

"Yeah, it almost sounded like a different kind of romance with different creatures." Bright Eyes replied.

"Shrek and I have been happy with who we are and what we are." Fiona said.

"That's right, and I am proud to be a husband and father." Shrek said, looking lovely at his wife and kids.

"Don't forget me, I have a wife and kids too." Donkey opened up as he whistled.

Suddenly, they felt wind blowing towards them and they heard a roar. It was none other than the dragon from Shrek's story. The kids screamed.

"AAAAH! DRAGON!" Melody screamed.

"Stay back, he might breathe a huge fire cloud any second now." Scootaloo warned.

"Whoa, everybody calm down. Everything is cool. She's cool." Donkey said as he nuzzled with his dragon wife.

Then came out six babies who happened to be half donkeys and half dragons.

"How are my fine fire breathing kids doing?" Donkey smiled as the hybrid babies jumped on him.

"Okay, this world is full of crazy things." Teddy said.

"Wait, when did you your children and journey did you take during that time?" Applebloom asked Shrek.

"You know, I would love to tell you all that." Shrek answered. "But that have to wait for another time."

"Wait, what?"

"You can come by my swamp some other time and I can tell you all some more."

"I don't know if we have another time, you see we actually came here by a magical book that teleported us to this world." Ace explained.

"And now we don't know how to get home." Lancer whined.

"Wait a minute, look you guys." Bright Eyes pointed to none other than the book that took them to Shrek's swamp.

"This is the book that took us here."

"What did that book do to you again?" Donkey asked.

"It took us from the library to here." Sweetheart told them.

"That's even worse than getting cheated by a fox and swallowed by a whale." Pinocchio said.

"Or getting eaten "by" a fox." Gingy screamed.

"Now be careful, Amigos, that book could have an evil spell to it." Puss explained to them.

"Seriously? It's a book about him." Bright Eyes pointed to the front title that said "Shrek".

"Oh, I thought there was a warning to be answered towards me."

"How does it work?" Donkey asked another question.

"I don't know, it just magically opened up and..." Melody was about to finish when allof a sudden the book opened up.

The light formed again, and everyone closed their eyes. The Rock "N" Beats and CMC opened their eyes to see that they're at the library again.

"We're back...in the library again." Lancer spoke.

"Whatever this book is, we are definitely gonna figure out what to do with it." Sweetheart said.

"If Shrek says who he is, then we must know more." Applebloom replied.

The whole team agreed. So, they decided to borrow the book and next time when they have the time they can magically book back to Shrek's swamp to learn more about him.

Little did they know that someone was watching them as they left the library.

"I will show you who lives happily ever after!"

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