
Equestria Ninja Girls Magical Mayhem

by Wildcard25

Chapter 32: The Canterlot Ninja Club Part 2

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The Canterlot Ninja Club Part 2

After their memory dream, Applejack was the first to wake up, "What happened?" She groaned, as Rarity, Rainbow, and Blade woke up as well.

"Not exactly the beauty sleep I’m used to," Rarity

"I feel like a Triceraton sat on me," Rainbow said.

"Huh? Look!" Blade nodded over.

They all looked to see the CMCs, Diamond Tiara, Silver Spoon, and Bright Eyes all fighting Fishface and appeared to be losing.

"Applebl-" Applejack tried to get up, only to fall back down. "What in tarnation!"

"Our bodies must still be numb from that sleeping gas!" Rarity realized in horror.

"I must’ve been hit the hardest by that gas. I think I see Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon with them," Rainbow said, watching the two rich girls fighting.

"I see them too," Blade confirmed.

Rarity struggled to get up, "We gotta get them out of here! They could be harmed!"

"I’ll get em!" Rainbow tried to get up. "As soon as I get the feeling back in my legs!"

Blade meanwhile had noticed that Bright Eyes didn't appear to be trying hard in the fight and that got him thinking. "I've seen you fight better than this, Bright Eyes," he said, as he thought to himself. "What’re you all planning?"

Apple Bloom swung her tanto and threw in some kicks, but Fishface dodged all her attacks and kicked away. Sweetie Belle swiped at Fishface with her claws only for the mutant to grab both her arms and throw into Apple Bloom. Then Fishface blocked Scootaloo's knives with his sword.

"Impressive butterfly knives," Fishface complemented. "I carry some just like those."

"You do?" Scootaloo asked, right before Fishface kicked her back. Then he jumped behind her and knocked her into her friends.

Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon rushed at him from both sides only for Fishface to jump up out of the way and the two crashed into each other before he kicked them into the CMC. Finally, Bright Eyes tried to hit him with her numchucks. Fishface flipped away then kicked her up and knocked her into the others.

The six got up and charged at Fishface, yelling. Grinning, Fishface rushed at them and drop-kicked all of them off their feet and onto the ground.

Fishface laughed and walked up to the downed girls. "Estupidos! Did you weak little girls really think you stood a chance against me?!" He bent down over then and sneered, "You should've stayed out of this! Now you will learn why no one ever crosses Xev-"

"Hi-yah!" Before he could finish, the girls suddenly kicked him right in the face, knocking him away and onto the ground. Then they lept up with collective grins.

"Actually, we weren't trying to beat you," Apple Bloom said.

"We were baiting you into letting your guard down!" Sweetie Belle revealed.

"Just like Mikey and Keno taught us!" Scootaloo noted their lesson earlier.

Fishface stood, "Clever move. But as my former associate Tiger Claw once said, cleverness only gets you so far!" He rushed at them and they scattered.

Fishface tried to tackle Sweetie Belle who somersaulted away. Applebloom then tumbled over him as he failed to grab her. The Mutant was beginning to get angry

"You're beginning to get annoying like flies!" He growled, trying to kick Scootaloo who slid underneath. Then he tried to grab Silver Spoon who flipped away from him, angering him more. "Hold still!" He grabbed Bright Eyes by the leg, but the girl gestured him a 'Nonono' before kicking him off her and back-flipped away. "What will it take for you brats to stand still so I can end you?"

"You ever try saying please, Fishy?" Diamond Tiara called.

"Please? alright then..." Fishface angrily ran towards her and jumped up to tackle her, snarling, "PLEEEEAAAAAASE!" Right before he could grab her however, Diamond dove away in time, causing Fishface to land in a garbage can.

Diamond Tiara landed near Silver Spoon and said, "Bout time I used that on a bigger bully than we were."

"Looks like the fish went bad," Silver Spoon joked, and the two bumped their hips.

Bright Eyes giggled, "Nice one."

Soon the girls all stood together smirking, as Fishface got himself free of the garage can.

"Hey, Fishface!" Scootaloo called getting his attention.

"We're over here!" Apple Bloom waved.

"Come get us!" Sweetie Belle beckoned.

"It shouldn't be too hard for you!" Diamond Tiara said.

"Yeah, bait breath!" Silver Spoon mocked, while Bright Eyes blew a raspberry.

Now livid, Fishface roared in outrage and charged at them. But just as he swung his sword, Bright Eyes jumped away, Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon dodged to each side and swept his legs, at the same time, the CMC dropped onto their backs and used their arms and legs to toss Fishface right into a tree.

Fishface stood up and hissed, "You chicas are finished!"

"Yes, we are finished... with you!" Bright Eyes exclaimed and she kicked a hidden rope loose.

"Que?" Fishface looked as another rope snared around his legs, yanked him right off the ground. Now he was now dangling upside down. "Hey, get me down from here! You chicas will pay for this!"

Meanwhile, Rainbow, Applejack, Rarity, and Blade's bodies finally woke up and they were able to get back up and hurry to the kids.

Applejack threw her arms around her sister, "Apple Bloom, are you okay?"

"Yeah I'm fine," Apple Bloom replied, not making eye contact.

"Oh, thank goodness!" Rarity said, hugging Sweetie Belle. "Whatever were you three thinking running off like that! You had us worried!"

Bright Eyes was about to speak before Blade put his hand on her shoulder and shaking his head no, saying the sisters had to resolve this issue.

"And taking on Fishface?!" Applejack scolded. "That fella's dangerous! You're lucky to be alive!"

"Not to mention putting Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon in danger?" Rainbow added. "Not awesome!"

"What do you have to say for yourselves?" Rarity inquired

There was a small silence, as the CMC looked hesitant.

"Well?" Applejack prodded.

At last the CMC all yelled, "YOU ALWAY LEAVE US OUT!!!"

"Huh?" Applejack, Rairty, and Rainbow looked confused.

"You never include us in any of the stuff you do!" Apple Bloom said. "You never let us go on your adventures!"

"You never let us sing with your band!" Sweetie Belle added.

"You didn't even bring us along when you were invited to the Daring Do movie set!" Scootaloo put in.

"But you never asked us if you could come with us!" Rainbow said.

"Yeah we did!" Scootaloo retorted.

"But you all ignored us!" Sweetie Belle said.

"It’s like ever since you met the Turtles, it’s like we never existed anymore!" Apple Bloom noted.

"Like we were invisible!" Scootaloo added.

"Just like how Wallflower once felt," Sweetie Belle noted.

Apple Bloom went on, "And if that wasn't enough, you include Bright Eyes in all the stuff you don't include us in! You let her go on most of your missions!

"You let her train in Ninjitsu!" Scootaloo said.

"You even taught her how to drive!" Sweetie Belle exclaimed at Rarty. "You never did that with ME! Your own sister!"

Bright Eyes was surprised after hearing that! As she never realized they were secretly jealous of her. Now she knew why they were hesitant to tell her the second reason for their training.

"And ever since you girls went to New York, you’ve been having cool adventures!" Apple Bloom said.

"Fighting that Shredder guy," Scootaloo added.

"Battling mutants like him," Sweetie Belle pointed at Fishface, who hissed.

"Going into outer space," Apple Bloom went on.

"Visiting other worlds," Sweetie Belle said.

"Hanging out at the beach," Scootaloo put in.

"And having a Christmas party without us!" The CMC'S all exclaimed.

"That's another reason why we wanted to be ninjas," Apple Bloom stated.

"We thought that if we learned Ninjitsu like you guys, you'd finally include us in your adventures," Sweetie Belle explained.

"But I guess we were wrong," Scootaloo sighed. "You'll never include us in anything!" And the CMC turned away from them.

Fishface spoke, "You know, even I am surprised that you three would neglect your little sisters like that. I suppose they're just not important to you?!"

The three Rainbooms gasped and shot back, "That's not true!"

"Is it though... ?" Fishface asked with a smirk.

Blade drew his sword at Fishfaces, "I don’t believe you have a say in any of this!"

Fishface shrugged, "Perhaps I don't. But I know neglect when I see it!"

Applejack, Rarity, and Rainbow looked back at the CMC and Splinter's words came back to them.

Whether you two like it or not, your sisters are involved now that they know.

Not only that, but Rarity also recalled what Alfred Pennyworth had said to her back in Gotham.

If she wants this and if she has potential, then she doesn't need your refusal, but your guidance.

"Girls, we..." Applejack started.

But at that moment, Fishface leaned up and bit through the ropes, freeing himself. Then he landed in between the group and spun his legs, knocking them all down, before he grabbed the bag of jewelry.

"I would very much love to end you all, especially you little ninas, but I must meet up with my partner. Adios, fools!" And with that he fled.

Everyone got up, as Blade said in annoyance, "I'm beginning to dislike that guy."

"Tell me about it," Diamond Tiara agreed.

Applejack spoke, "Come on, y'all! We gotta catch that low down varmint!"

"And retrieve that stolen jewelry!" Rarity added.

"Yeah!" Rainbow said, then she, Applejack, and Rarity glanced back at the CMC. "ALL of us."

The CMC's faces lit up.

"You mean, you'll let us help you?" Apple Bloom asked in hope.

Sweetie Belle smiled widely, "Really?!"

"Well, you girls did outwit and trap Fishface, so of course," Rarity admitted

"Alright!" Scootaloo cheered.

"Just be careful," Applejack warned.

"We will!" The CMC promised.

"We'll be careful as well," Bright Eyes added, as Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon nodded.

"Good to hear," Blade said. "Now let's go before he gets away." And they all ran after Fishface.

Later, Fishface stopped by a canal just outside the park and looked around. Then he heard a whisper.

"Xever! Over here!" Fishface turned to see Vitor jump down from a tree carrying Caitlyn, who was still tied up and now had a tape gag over her mouth.

"Excellent, Vitor! Who is she?" Fishface pointed to Caitlyn.

"She was with those Turtles from last time," Vitor explained. "Turns out, that frog guy followed me and he knew them!"

"What?! The Tortugas! Here?" Fishface gasped.

Vitor assured him, "Luckily, I escaped thanks to this gullible chica here!" He held up Caitlyn as she grunted in her binds. "You got the loot?"

Fishface held up the bag of jewels, "Right here. I say we get out of town while the getting is good."

"And I say you gentlemen should return what you've stolen! And release the girl!" Came a female British voice. The two turned around and there stood Octavia with her weapon drawn. "Or I will make you!"

Fishface and Vitor just laughed, as the monkey spoke, "And who are you supposed to be, chica? Another ninja?"

"Musician, actually," Octavia corrected.

Vitor threw Caitlyn into a bush while Fishface dropped the jewel bag and spoke, "Well, you're going to learn what happens to those who challenge us! Besides, I need to blow off some steam!" He was still miffed about getting trapped by the CMC.

The two fought Octavia and to their surprise, she was actually a very good fighter. Fishface tried to hit Octavia with a kick, only for the musician to dodge then kick him away. When Vitor threw another, Octavia ducked, grabbed his leg and threw him over her shoulder. Fishface threw punches and kicks but Octavia blocked and dodge each one before kicking him back. Vitor tried to sneak attack her and she nailed the handle of her weapon in his gut before she grabbed him by the shirt and dropped onto her back, tossing the monkey into a tree.

Fishface got up hissing, "What’s your major? Mines B Sharp!" He drew his sword and clashed with Octavia’s weapons.

"Well my friend keeps telling me I’m a real HIT!" She dodged a swipe and slashed at Fishface's leg causing him to kneel. "Never underestimate a musician!"

Suddenly, she was hit by a bolo, tying her up all over her body, and causing her to fall and drop her blades. Fishface reconnects a wire in his leg and stood up to see that Vitor had thrown it. "And never underestimate a former crime lord from Brazil!" He said, smirking.

"Blast!" Octavia huffed.

"Nice one, Vitor!" Fishface said.

"I always said you'd be lost without me, amigo," Vitor replied, before he picked up Octavia. "You should stick to playing music, girl!"

"You two won't get away with this!" Octavia snapped.

"We already have, chica!" Fishface rebuked and kicked her in the bush with Caitlyn. Then he turned back to Vitor, "Now, let's get out of here before-" He reached for the jewel bag, only for Pinkie's chain to snatch it and yank it away. "They show up," he finished dryly.

The Ninjas arrived, as Sunset said to her friend, "Good snag, Pinkie!"

"Thank you, every much," Pinkie smiled.

"Figures! You would be in the town I rob in!" Fishface growled.

"And typical that Vitor would go back to you, Fishface!" Raph shot back.

"For that, you will suffer!"

"Give me that bag!" Vitor dove at Pinkie

"April! Catch the bag!" Pinkie threw the bag to her and dodged Vitor as Mikey then kicked him.

"That's for stealing from my friend!" He snapped, before he added, "A-Prime!"

"A-Prime?" Vitor asked in annoyance.

"Well, you're a mutant now so you need a mutant name. A-Prime!" Mikey explained.

"I hate that name!" Vitor growled.

"A-Prime it is," Pinkie stated.

April meanwhile had caught the bag, "Got it!" She called.

Suddenly, she got hit by Fishface in the back and he took the bag, "Now I got it!"

Donnie rolled toward Fishface, "And 1,2, 3, kick!" And kicked the bag causing it to fly.

Mikey ran to catch it, "I got it ! I got it!"

Vitor, now A-Prime, shoved him away, "No. I got it!" Only for Sunset to intercept it.

"Too slow!" She smirked, before she did a double take, "I'm starting to sound like Rainbow Dash."

Twilight then used her magic to swipe the two crystals from A-Prime. "Oye, give those back!" He said, leaping at her. "I stole those fair and square!" Leo suddenly kicked him away by surprise.

Then he lept at A-Prime and swung his katanas down at him, but the monkey jumped onto his hands, dodging the attack, and grabbed Leo with his feet again before tossing him onto the ground, only for Leo to land on his feet, grab his legs, and toss him into a tree upside down.

"How's that for chump, Vitor?!"

Fishface knocked Sunset off her feet and grabbed the bag when he was body-checked by Gabby, "¡Suelta la bolsa, Fishface!" She yelled in Spanish.

"Ah, jèss!" Fishface grinned, and when she threw a punch, he swept her legs and dipped her. "Llámame como quieras. ¡Porque yo soy el pez más interesante del mundo!" (Call me what you will. For I am the most interesting fish in the world!)

Casey didn't know what he said, but knew Fishface was flirting with Gabby and got mad, right before Fishface spun Gabby right into him.

Raph jumped in and fought Fishface one on one.

"Ah! As aggressive as ever I see!" Fishface mocked.

"I’ll show you aggressive!" Raph lunged at Fishface only to be thrown into Donnie by the villain.

"Indeed you shall, Tortuga!" He then saw that Buffy had snatched the bag and tripped her, making her drop it.

Zach quickly grabbed the bag and threw it to Mikey only for A-Prime to jump on him and catch it instead, "I’m afraid our little game ends here, losers!"

"Hey, creeps!" Called Rainbow's voice.

The two turned and A-Prime was knocked down by Rainbow and Scootaloo. And Fishface knocked down by Rarity, Sweetie Belle, Applejack, and Apple Bloom, making them throw the bag which was caught by Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon.

"Wrong, monkey boy!" Diamond Tiara said.

"We got it!" Silver Spoon finished, as they handed it to Rarity.

The two were about to attack when they were blasted by Blade's lightning attack, as he and Bright Eyes showed up, knocking them near the canal.

"Not them again!" Fishface groaned.

"Applejack! Rarity! Rainbow! You’re here!" Pinkie cheered.

"And I see you found your sisters?" Donnie noticed.

"We did," Applejack nodded.

As Fishface and A-Prime stood, Leo aimed his katanas at the two, "Give up you two, we've got you surrounded and outnumbered!"

"I admit, we cannot fight you all at once," Fishface said as he and A-Prime backed up.

"But, that is why we have a double insurance policy!" A-Prime reached into the bushes and pulled out Octavia and Caitlyn.

"Help!" Octavia said.

"Octavia!" The Rainbooms cried.

"Caitlyn!" Zach exclaimed.

Fishface held his sword at their throats. "Drop your weapons and give us the bag! Or your friends will meet their end!"

"You creep!" Buffy snapped.

"I've been called worse!" Fishface retorted.

Realizing they had no choice, the Ninjas all reluctantly dropped their weapons and Rarity tossed Fishface the jewel bag, much to her regret.

"Thank you, very much, Rarity," He said in faux gratitude.

"You are most certainly not welcome!" Rarity huffed.

Fishface turned to A-Prime, "So, Vitor, how shall we finish these heroes?!"

"Hmm? I was thinking... we do this!" A-Prime suddenly wrapped his tail around Fishface's sword, then in a swift motion, he chopped off one of his legs, making him fall down. Everyone was surprised, especially Fishface himself.

"Vitor? What is this?!" He demanded.

"What does it look like, fool?!" A-Prime answered. "Did you really think I'd want to be partners again after you tried to do away with me on that cruise ship?!"

"Backstabber!" Fishface growled. "Once a traitor, always a traitor!"

"And proud of it! Adios, Xever!" And he spin-kicked Fishface into the canal. He even kicked in his severed leg.

"Dude?!" Mikey gasped.

"I did not see that coming!" Pinkie stated.

A-Prime now held the sword to Octavia and Caitlyn's throats, "Alright, Tortugas and Chicas, you'll let me leave with these jewels and return those crystals, or your friends will croak!" Then out of nowhere, a long tounge snatched the two girls and pulled them to safety. "What?!" He and the others looked to see Napoleon had saved the girls.

"The only one who croaks is me! Gosh!" He said.

"Ah yeah, Napoleon!" the CMC cheered.

"Yeah boy!" Mikey exclaimed.

Before A-Prime could react, Karai morphed into her snake form and attacked him, knocking him down, then Twilight levitated the bag over to them.

A-Prime got up, slipped past Karai, and knocked Napoleon to the ground with a flying kick, "I've had enough of you, frog man!"

"Oh yeah!" Napoleon said. "Well check this, dude!" Then he dropped to his back and began spinning around.

A-Prime laughed, "And just what is that supposed to-" Napoleon suddenly kicked him screaming into the canal.

"Whoa! Awesome!" Casey said.

A-Prime popped out of the water coughing and spurting before he shook his fist at the frog, "You will pay for this, frog man! No one crosses Vitor Sousa!" But then he heard a hissing sound behind him. He turned around and met with a very angry Fishface. "Hey, Xever! Listen, about that betrayal?" Next thing he knew, he was screaming and swimming for his life with Fishface right behind him.

Zach and Buffy untied Caitlyn while April and Fluttershy untied Octavia, as the shy girl asked, "Are you two okay?"

Caitlyn cried as Zach pulled the tape off her mouth, "Ow! I've been better."

"We're alright, thanks to Napoleon," Octavia said.

"Yeah, thanks," Caitlyn said to the frog.

"No problem," Napoleon gave a thumbs up.

"Nice surprise kick," Shinigami said.

"Yeah," Gabby added.

"Thanks, Mikey taught it to me," Napoleon noted. "It's how I beat Rasputin."

As everyone congratulated Napoleon, Applejack spoke to the CMC, "Girls, we need to talk."

"Indeed," Rarity added, firmly.

"Yeah we do," Rainbow said.

The CMC got nervous as Apple Bloom said, "Applejack, if it means anything, we’re sorry for running off like that."

"And for going behind your backs," Sweetie Belle added.

"I understand if you can never trust me ever again, Rainbow, but just know that I am sorry," Scootaloo lowered her head.

"Actually, we’re the ones who should be sorry, squirt," Rainbow replied, taking the girls by surprise. "You had every right to be angry with us."

"Really?" Sweetie Belle asked.

"Yes," Rarity answered. "We forbid you to train for your safety. We never meant to leave you out."

"And while the turtles and our friends from New York are family, you are still our sisters and we shouldn’t have left one out for the other but combine the two. We’re sorry, sugarcube. We really are," Applejack apologized.

"But, is being ninjas really what you three want?" Rarity asked.

"Yes," Sweetie Belle answered.

"We wanna be great ninjas!" Apple Bloom said.

"Just like you guys," Scootaloo added.

"Well if you really want to, then we'll train you," Applejack said.

CMC gasped, "Really?!"

"Really," Rarity nodded. "We now realize we were letting our fears for your safety cloud our judgement. And a wise person once told me, that it's not our approval you need, but our guidance."

"Just, don't go thinking you can be vigilantes," Rainbow warned.

"We won’t do that," Sweetie Belle assured.

"In fact, we pinkie promise," Scootaloo stated.

"And we’ll pinkie promise that we won’t let you feel left out ever again," Applejack said.

And all six acted out the Pinkie Promise, "Cross my heart, hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye." Then the CMC each hugged their sisters and sister figure. Smiling, the three Rainbooms each returned the hug. Bright Eyes and Blade had secretly watched the whole thing and the girl silently acted all giddy.

"Glad those three wised up," Blade said.

"Me too!" Bright Eyes smiled. "I'm sorry for keeping this from you, Blade."

"While I don't approve of you keeping this a secret from me, I understand why you did, so I forgive you, Bright Eyes," Blade replied.

Bright Eyes hugged him, "Thanks for understanding, Blade."

Blade glanced back at the CMC, "You know, this isn't the first time those three have felt left out."

"It's not?" Bright Eyes inquired.

"Sunset once told me that the CMC were jealous when their their sisters started spending more time with her than with them," Blade explained. "So they framed her for cyber bullying that got out of hand. When they confessed to what they did, the girls and Sunset forgave them. But they got six months of detention, were banned from the Camp Everfree trip, and worst of all they were ostracized by all the students for a whole month."

"Sounds similar to the Gabby Gums incident their counterparts told me about when they tutored me and my friends," Bright Eyes noted.

"I remember hearing about that," Blade recalled. "I’m glad that they got that sorted out, otherwise they’d be sharing my take on being outcasts," he looked at his hand, "Minus the mutating part of course."

"Yeah," Bright Eyes giggled, then looked sad. "But now I'm pretty sure Leo, Donnie, and Raph won't trust me for hiding all this."

Blade looked over at the Turtles, "I think they're more focused on Mikey and Keno."

Bright Eyes looked, "Oh, no." Leo, Raph, and Donnie went right back to chewing out Mikey and Keno.

"And don't think we've forgotten about you two sneaks!" Raph scolded.

"Ah, come on!" Mikey whined.

"Seriously?!" Keno asked in annoyance.

"Yes, seriously!" Donnie answered.

"You two went behind our backs! How could you have done this to us?" Leo yelled.

"Oh like when you secretly helped Karai and Shinigami behind your brothers back, Leo?" Keno retorted.

"Yeah, causing Donnie to get hurt?" Mikey added.

"Which is why we all agreed not to do things like that ever again!" Donnie said.

"This is without a doubt the STUPIDEST thing you’ve ever pulled, Mikey!" Raph growled.

April, Karai, and Shinigami nodded to each other before they broke them up.

"Enough!" April snapped. "Before you three keep lashing out at them, there's something you should know!

"We were also training the CMC behind your backs!" Karai confessed.

"What?" The three gasped.

"What?!" Caitlyn gasped.

"Only we were better at hiding it from nosey snitches like you!" Shinigami frowned at Caitlyn. "And we never promised we wouldn't train them either."

"She's right," Pinkie popped up behind her.

"You three were in on it, too?" Donnie asked still dumbfounded.

"I get Mikey and Keno training them, but why you three?" Leo shook his head in disbelief.

"Because those girls have a lot of potential," Karai answered. "I know that, and so do you, Leo! You wouldn't have let them help us take down the Bug Thugs if you didn't."

Shinigami added, "And why don't you three ask Mikey and Keno why they did this, instead of yelling at them more!"

Leo sighed in defeat and turned to his brother and friend, "Okay. Why did you two train them behind our backs and lie about it?"

"1. Cause we knew you guys wouldn't let us! And 2. Because the CMC told us they felt left out of everything their sisters do!" Mikey answered.

"I understood that," April chimed in. "Like when you tried to leave me out of that Kraang mission and leave the Rainbooms out when they started their training! You have no idea how it feels to be stuck on the sidelines."

"Okay, point made," Raph admitted, and turned to Keno, "What about you, Keno, why'd you do it?"

"Because I know what it’s like to be rejected training," Keno answered. "When I was young, I wanted to learn martial arts like my old man. But my mother was a pacifist, saying that learning how to fight would make me a criminal. I remember my folks would argue about me training many nights. My father kept telling my mom that I need to learn how to defend myself when I’m old enough to be out on my own, but my mother still kept saying I shouldn’t train. So when my mother wasn’t around, my dad secretly trained me and gave me a few pointers and we were lucky not to get caught. Then, one night, that all changed. I was twelve years old when some punks rattled my dad’s dojo. I wanted to help, but dad gave me strict orders not to cause then mom would find out! Though my dad kicked their butts, they cheap shot him and broke his leg.

Everyone was shocked at this. Especially Leo who knew personally how that felt.

"Oh, no!" Fluttershy gasped.

¡Hijole!" Gabby exclaimed.

"That's rough, dude," Napoleon said.

Keno continued, "While we were in the hospital, we confessed to mom about my secret training. Mom believed it was her fault that dad got hurt and I blamed myself since I couldn't help him cause then she'd find out. But dad told us he blamed neither me or mom for his injury and that everything he taught now lies within me. Thankfully, he was able to recover and is back to teaching martial arts again and my mother now understands why I train."

"I... know what that's like," Leo said, still recalling his own injury.

Applejack spoke up, "And we really don’t want that to happen. To any of us."

"I wouldn’t be able to forgive myself if it did," Rarity shook her head.

"So I think what we’re trying to say is that we’re really sorry to you guys," Rainbow apologized to Mikey and Keno.

"We shouldn’t have scolded you both like that," Rarity agreed. "And it is understandable that you kept it a secret."

"While we hope we can keep the secrets to a minimal, we'll try to be more trustworthy to you both," Applejack stated.

"We’re sorry too, guys," Leo said. "I guess I haven’t fully gotten over my trust issues."

"Yeah, that’s understandable for all of us," Donnie nodded.

Raph sighed, "So, we’re all sorry we grilled you two like that."

"Well I guess we can’t stay mad at you guys!" Keno said. "Right, Mikey?"

"Right," Mikey replied, but his dry expression said otherwise.

Leo turned to Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon, "Hey, if you two want, you're welcome to train with us."

"Thanks, Leo," Diamond Tiara smiled.

"Absolutely," Silver Spoon nodded eagerly.

Meanwhile, Twilight gave Napoleon the crystal, "I believe this belongs to your tribe."

"Thanks," Napoleon said. "Well, I guess I better be heading back home now." He walked up to Mikey. "It was rad seeing you again, Mikey."

"Right back at yah," Mikey replied and they high-fived.

Napoleon turned to the others, "And it was sweet meeting you guys. If you ever pass by Louisiana, stop by our camp. I'd love to show you some more of my sweet frog skills."

"We'll keep that in mind," Sunset stated. "And you're more than welcome to visit Canterlot again."

"And New York," Donnie added.

"Will do," Napoleon was about to leave, Octavia called out.

"Napoleon, wait!"

Napoleon stopped and looked back, "Yeah?"

"Before you go, I have a little something for you," Octavia said.

"What's that?" Napoleon asked.

Octavia leaned up and kissed him on the cheek, leaving him stunned, "That was for rescuing me."

"Uh..." Napoleon was at a loss for words.

"Oh brother. Come on, we'll get you to the bus stop," Raph said as he and the others helped him along.

As everyone followed, Rarity turned to Applejack and Rainbow in remorse.

"You know, I'm sorry Master Splinter never got to meet our sisters," she said, recalling their memory dream.

"Yeah, me too," Applejack agreed. "I reckon he would've like them."

"I'm positive they would like him too," Rainbow stated.

Bright Eyes spoke to the CMC, "Hey Girls, I'm sorry if I ever made you feel jealous."

"It's okay, Bright Eyes," Scootaloo assured her.

"You're our friend," Sweetie Belle layed a hand on her shoulder.

"And we always stick by our friends," Apple Bloom declared and the four hugged.

But then Caitlyn walked past and they, Applejack, Rarity, Rainbow, Mikey, Keno, and Blade all glared at the girl who started the whole mess.

"Oh, Caitlyn, dear!" Rarity called lightly, and Caitlyn turned as she spoke in a stern tone, "We'd all like a word with you..."

Next thing Caitlyn knew, she stood facing the CMC at their secret training spot, a worried expression on her face. Applejack, Rarity, Rainbow, Blade, Mikey, Keno, Diamond Tiara, Silver Spoon, and Bright Eyes stood nearby with knowing looks.

Mikey turned to the CMC, "You girls ready?"

"Yeah!" Apple Bloom said in determination.

"Totally!" Sweetie Belle added with spirit.

"I was born ready!" Scootaloo stated.

"Oh, come on!" Caitlyn protested. "I was only telling the truth!"

"There’s a difference between telling the truth and being a tattletale," Applejack informed her. "And hopefully you’ll learn that while you’re being the girls sparring partner for the day!"

"Wasn’t being held hostage punishment enough," Caitlyn excused.

"Not really," Rainbow shook her head.

"Snitching on villains is one thing, but ratting out your friends is another," Blade said.

"And maybe it’ll teach you to look before you leap!" Keno added.

Zach and Buffy were there too as Zach was recording everything with Caitlyn’s phone.

"Sorry, Caitlyn," Buffy shrugged. "But you know what they say, snitches get stiches!"

"Relax, sis," Zach assured her. "You took down the Color Strikes, so you should be able to handle yourself with this."

"They didn’t know Ninjitsu!" Caitlyn rebuked.

"Then you’re gonna wanna brace yourself girl," Mikey smirked, then he turned to the CMC. "Okay, girls, and go!"

"Booyahkasha!" The CMC exclaimed and Caitlyn screamed as she was tackled.

Author's Note

    The CMC get Fishface with the same trap they got 2003 Raph with, since this fic takes place before the 2003 TMNT crossover.
    Octavia being a surprisingly good fighter was inspired by the YouTube video "Once Upon a Time in Canterlot" by Kanashiipanda, where Octavia fights off Changelings during the Canterlot invasion.
Next Chapter: The Guardian Angels Estimated time remaining: 3 Hours, 36 Minutes
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