
Equestria Ninja Girls Magical Mayhem

by Wildcard25

Chapter 21: No Mercy

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No Mercy

At the skate park, Bright Eyes skated around with Lancer, practicing for the upcoming derby. After awhile they stopped.

“That was great. A few more runs and I think we'll be ready.” Lancer told Bright Eyes.

“Thanks for teaching me how to skate. I didn't know how fun it could.”

“It sure is. And with the tricks we've been practicing, I think we could win.”

“Maybe?” Bright Eyes replied.

“Sooo, I've been wondering, I don't really know much about you other than what you told us about.” Lancer began.

“Well…. You know how I’m really a pony from Equestria. And from how my dad’s a journalist and that I attend the School of Friendship from my friendship problem with Ocellus. Did I mention I’m now the student assistant for Princess Twilight?” Bright Eyes asked.

Lancer blinked in surprise, “That part you did not mentioned.”

“After the student Cozy Glow tried to drain the magic in Equestria, Princess Twilight saw I was the second highest scoring student so she made me student assistant. I just help other students by showing them around, help Twilight and other teachers. You know this and that.”

“Kinda reminds me of when I came to CHS and Sunset showed me around. So why did you come to our world with Blade?”

Bright Eyes frowned while recalling her reason, “Let’s just say I’m dealing with problems at home that I wanted to get away from.”

Lancer tried to speak up, but stopped. Pondered a bit before Bright Eyes spoke up.

“Anyway, what about you? I hardly know anything about you other than rollerskating, Super Quest, and the Rock N Beats?”

“Well, I live with my mom and my younger brother Logan,” Lancer began, but paused before asking, “Can you keep a secret?” she nodded, “My family's kind of... wealthy.”

Bright Eyes' mouth dropped open in surprise, “Wait, you mean you're rich?!”

“Shh!” he shushed her, and Bright Eyes quickly covered her mouth.

“Sorry. You're rich?” she asked quietly.

“Yeah, but me and Logan don't want anyone knowing.”

“Why not?” Bright Eyes wondered.

Lancer sighed, “Cause they'd think we're spoiled and rotten, just like Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon used to be.”

Bright Eyes laid a hand on Lancer's “I don't think that. I think you're sweet.”

Lancer smiled, ”Thanks,” Then they noticed what they were doing and pulled away blushing, “Anyway, why don't get back to practice? There's this new trick I'd like to-”

“Move it!” shouted a voice. Without warning, someone rode past on a skateboard and roughly shoved them both to the ground. Then five others on skateboards, scooters, and rollerskates rode past, laughing at them, “Oh, my bad, Loser!”

Lancer's eyes widened when he heard the person speak, “Oh no.”

Standing over them was a boy about their age. He had black hair done up in a think mohawk dyed green at the top, blue eyes, and yellow skin. He wore a black hoodie, matching pants with a green stripe down each leg, and green running shoes like Ace's.

The other five were three girls and two boys. Two, one of boys and girls, were their age. While other boy and the other two girls were the Rainbooms' age.

Lancer stood up with a annoyed frown, “Nice to see you all again.”

"We're real sorry 'bout that.” one of the boys said clearly bluffing.

“Didn't see you there!” said a girl who had had aquamarine skin, yellow eyes, and golden hair similar to Indigo Zap's.

Bright Eyes frowned, “I beg to differ,” she got up and spoke, “And you guys are?”

“I'm Lightning Dust,” She motioned to the girl next to her, “That's Rolling Thunder.”

“Was'up?” Rolling Thunder responded.

Lightning Dust pointed to one of the boys, “And that's Short Fuse.”

Bright Eyes spoke to said boy, “Why do they call you that?”

Short Fuse responded loudly and angrily, “ANGER ISSUES! GET OFF MY BAAAACK!!!”

Bright Eyes backed up in shock from his outburst, “Whoa. And I thought Raph was a hot head.”

Another of the boys spoke, “Name's Rumble.”

“And I'm Babs Seed.” the other girl greeted.

Bright Eyes looked at the boy with the mohawk, “And you?”

The boy grinned, “The name's Shark. And you are?”

“Bright Eyes.”

Lightning smirked and spoke to Lancer, “Well well well! We didn’t know you were on a date!”

“Little Lancer! All grown up!” Rumble said mockingly.

“WE ARE NOT DATING!” Lancer shouted, “I’m just showing her how to skate.”

“Where’s Four Eyes’ training wheels?” Shark mocked.

Bright Eyes frowned, “It’s BRIGHT Eyes! Not Four Eyes!”

Shark noticed her nunkucks sticking out of her pocket, “What's this?” Before Bright Eyes could react, Shark snatched her weapon.

“Hey! Give that back!” She tried to grab it, but Shark held her back with his other hand.

“Nunchucks? What are these for?” Shark asked with a smirk.

“I said give it back!” She pushed his hand away and tried to grab her weapon again only for Shark to throw it to Lightning Dust.

Lightning Dust chuckled, “What, are you some kind of ninja?”

“I’m training to be one! Now give me back my weapon!” Bright Eyes demanded.

Lightning Dust waved the weapon out playfully, “Why don't you use some of your ninja moves to get it back, Four Eyes?” Suddenly, Lancer skated past and grabbed Bright Eyes' chucks before stopping next to the girl.

“You mean like that?” Lancer asked rhetorically, before handing it back to Bright Eyes.

“Thanks,” Bright Eyes said before turning back to Shark and his cronies, “Did I mention Lancer's training to be a ninja too?”

“Lancer? A ninja?” Shark asked, as he and the others laughed, “Yeah, right! Lance here is too weak sauce to be a ninja!”

“Hey!' Lancer frowned.

“Don't call Lancer weak!” Bright Eyes ordered.

“Sorry, but it's true. And I should know. He couldn't handle my Uncle Kai's dojo. Flunked out. That makes him weak sauce!”

“I'm not weak!” Lancer shouted getting angrier.

Rumble scoffed, “Yeah, right!”

“You lost more spars than literally anyone in the dojo!” Babs reminded him.

“If that's not being weak, I don't know what is!” Rolling Thunder added.

“Weakling!” Short Fuse declared, as they all laughed.

Lancer frowned, but didn't wanna get into anything further, “Let's go practice somewhere else, Bright Eyes.” They turned to go, until Shark continued.

“Yeah, that's right! Walk away just like you did at Viper Kai! It shows what a weakling you are!”

Lancer stopped and frowned. Then he turned around, with a mischievous smile, “You're one to talk, Swift Wing.” Shark's smug look suddenly fell.

“Swift Wing?” Bright Eyes asked.

“Yeah, that's Shark's real name,” Lancer looked right at Shark as he spoke further, “He prefers Shark because it makes him sound tough. But really, he's just a big softy. In fact, I remember last Halloween where he had a little leak.”

Bright Eyes covered her mouth and couldn't stop herself from giggling, “Are you saying he?”

“Yep. Walked into a haunted house and came out with a big stain on his pants,” Shark's face twisted into rage as Lancer went on, “So it's ironic that he calls me weak, when he's not so tough.” As they left, Lancer felt someone grab his arm and the next thing he knew, he was body-slammed on the ground. He looked up into the angry face of Shark.

“Lancer!” Bright Eyes gasped.

Shark grabbed Lancer and pulled him up, “I'll show you who's soft!” And started to punch Lancer left and right in the face and spun kicked him into a grinding bar.

“No!” Bright Eyes tried to rush at them, but Short Fuse grabbed her and held her back.

“Sorry, Four Eyes, but your boyfriend's gonna learn what happens when you cross Shark.” Lightning Dust said.

The other skaters in the park noticed the fight and gathered to see. Lancer got up just in time for Shark to grab his arm then socked him in the stomach, face, and kicked him in the gut. Then he swung around and slammed his face into bar.

Ooooo!” The spectators groaned.

“Did that hurt, Lance?” Shark asked mockingly, “Huh?! Like my uncle says, No Mercy!” He grabbed Lancer and kicked him in the chest and face and hook punched him to ground. He pulled Lancer up and uppercut him in the jaw, then he knocked him with a windmill kick, before he held him and punched him twice in the side then elbowed him across face. Then he picked him up by the waist and body-slammed him hard, “Had enough, Lancer? Well, I haven't!”

Shark kept punching Lancer, “Who’s the wetter now? WHO IS?!” After throwing Lancer to the ground, Shark then grabbed him by the collar, “Where’s your ninja clan now?” Lancer coughed, “I’m waiting.” he dropped the boy to the ground.

Shark loomed over Lancer, “Like I said, you're weak!” Lancer suddenly shot up and knocked him off his feet with an upper cut. Shark got up amused, “Oh, now you're in trouble!”

“Stop!” Bright Eyes shouted, but was ignored.

Shark kneed Lancer in the gut before kicking him in the chest, then he hook punched him in the face three times before he picked him up and body-slammed him again. Then he nailed him in the gut with a pile driver making Lancer cry out in pain. But Shark wasn't done. After that, he held him down and began viciously shocking him in the face over and over.

Seeing enough, Bright had to think fast to save Lancer. She slowly managed to pull one of her skates loose, then timing it just right she flung her foot out and the skate went flying off and knocked Shark right off of Lancer. Then she bashed her head to Short Fuse's face and back kicked him off her. Then she pulled off her other skate and got out her nunkucks. Before Shark could react, she struck him all over before she flipped over him, grabbed his hoodie as she did, and flipped him into his cronies, knocking them all in a heap.

“Get out of here!” she ordered.

Shark was surprised but didn't argue as he and the others skated out of the park. But not before he called back, “This isn't over, Lancer! Next time I see you, you're a corpse!” he boarded away.

Bright Eyes ran over to Lancer, “Are you okay?”

Lancer got up while covering his eye and answered in a defeated tone, “No...”

Later, at Sweet Apple Acres, April was carrying a basket of apples and just set them down when she saw Bright Eyes carrying Lancer.

“Lancer!” she hurried over to them, “Bright Eyes! What happened?”

“Some jerks jumped us and one of them beat up Lancer.”

“Donnie! Leo!” April checked Lancer’s pulse, “Hold on, Lancer. Let’s get him inside, Bright Eyes!”

Later, Everyone gathered over Lancer who was laid on the couch.

“Poor dude.” Mikey said in concern.

Donnie inspected his wounds, “He’s beaten up pretty badly.”

Raph slammed his fists, “Those punks are gonna pay!”

Sunset calmed the hothead, “Cool it Raph! First Lancer needs some help.”

Granny Smith had been rubbing some ointment on Lancer before speaking to the kids, “This is serious. We may have to take him to the hospital.”

“Maybe not. Let me try something.” Leo said knowing what to do. He walked up to Lancer and started chanting, “Rin. Pyo. Zen. Ryu.”

Leo continued to chant and placed his glowing hands on Lancer and healed him. Lancer gasped as he woke up.

Zach, Caitlyn, and Buff gasped in surprise, “Whoa!”

“Increíble?” Gabby gasped.

“You okay, Lancer?” Twilight asked.

Lancer sighed, “I guess so.”

Granny Smith was just as surprised, “What the hoo hah did you do there, Leonardo?”

“The healing hands. Something Master Splinter taught me and I taught Sunset as well.”

“Thanks, Leonardo.” Lancer said, as he glumly got up and walked out.

“Where you going, Lancer?” Sunset asked.

“Out.” he answered, as he left.

Applejack looked concerned, “Boy’s a little blue.”

“I’d say more indigo.” Pinkie noted.

“No, Pinkie,” Applejack shook her head, “I meant he’s depressed.”


Karai turned to Bright Eyes, “What exactly happened at the skate park?”

“I'll tell you guys later.” Bright Eyes hurried out after Lancer.

Blade who watched things play out spoke, “Makes you wonder what would motivate such disharmony.”

“First time I heard about it.” Sunset answered.

As everyone talked, Leo looked out the door where the two had gone, frowning intently.

Bright Eyes finally caught up to Lancer, “Lancer, wait! Don't let what Shark did to you get you down.”

“But he was right, I am weak!” Lancer cried, “And he proved it. I got beat up like a punching bag and I couldn't fight back! Should've just kept my mouth shut.”

“Hey, you're not weak, Lancer!”

“No matter what I do, I'm always weak! Maybe I don't deserve to be a ninja.” Lancer said in doubt.

Bright Eyes wasn't giving up, “Don't say that! It doesn't matter what those guys think! We're doing fine in our training! At least I think we are.”

Lancer wanting to change the subject spoke, “Hey, I uh gotta get to band practice with the Rock N Beats. You wanna come?”

Bright Eyes knowing it was best to drop it for now answered, “I guess so.” And the two walked off. But they didn't see two figures standing by the curb, one of them dressed in a trench coat.

Meanwhile, at a dojo building downtown, a man with grey skin, short curly grey hair, and pale eyes was feeding a viper snake in a case when Shark and his cronies burst in.

He closed the case and turned with a smile, “You're all a little early for class.”

“Uncle Kai, we ran into Lancer at the skate park. He was with this girl called Bright Eyes.” Shark explained.

“The flunkie huh?” Kai asked in amusement, “Didn't think we'd ever hear from him again? And with a girlfriend no less? So what happened?”

Shark frowned in embarrassment, “He brought up my little accident right in front of her!”

Kai nodded, while listening, “And I assume you showed him our Viper Kai motto?” He motioned to some big block words painted on the wall, “Strike First. Strike Hard. No Mercy.”

“Oh yeah. He really showed it to him.” Lightning Dust confirmed.

“Beat the snot out of him!” Rumble added.

“Pow! Bam! Wham!” Short Fuse said mimicking what happened.

“Yeah,” Kai patted his nephew's shoulder, “Just like I taught you.”

“But then Bright Eyes stopped me.” Shark continued.

Short Fuse spoke, “When I was holding her down, she broke out of my hold. AND HEAD BASHED ME IN THE FACE!!!”

Kai was suddenly surprised, “Did she now?”

Rolling Thunder confessed, “She was actually pretty good. And when we first met her, she said she and Lancer were training to be ninjas.”


“Yeah, she even had nunchucks.” Babs said.

“And she sure knew how to use them!” Shark admitted.

Kai scowled, “So why are you telling me this?”

Lightning Dust answered, “We think that maybe, she could be Viper Kai material.”

“Yeah right. Like she'd ever join our dojo after what I did to Lancer.” Shark reminded her.

Kai spoke, “Shark, remember that old saying: you never know, until you try...” he smirked.

Meanwhile Bright Eyes and Lancer arrived in the garage, where the Rock N' Beats were waiting.

“Hey, Lancer! Hey, Bright Eyes!” Melody greeted.

Ace noticed Lancer still looking roughed up, “Whoa! Lancer, you alright?”

“Yeah I don't wanna talk about it.” Lancer replied.

“Oh. So. What song should we do?” Half Note asked.

“I'm open for anything.” Lancer said without a care.

“Maybe Bright Eyes can sing with us.” Sweetheart suggested, as the Rock N'Beats all agree.

Bright Eyes waved her hands in protest, “Oh no! I really don't wanna take up you guys' practice time.”

“No worries! C'mon up!” Melody beckoned her.

“Yeah Let's hear it.” Ace encouraged her.

Bright Eyes smiled, as she gave in, “Well.....Okay!” She glanced at Lancer before she said, “In fact, I've got just song.”

Soon, the Rock N Beats began to play and Bright Eyes began to sing...

(Get Back up Again)

As she sang one line, her voice pitch got very deep and she and the others shot a look at Ace before he changed the pitch back. Lancer listened to her song and started to get better and more hopeful until he began rocking out until the song ended.

Once it ended, they heard a single clap and looked to see Kai standing in the driveway with Shark and the others.

“Bravo. Bravo. Quite the talented one aren't yah?” Kai asked.

Bright Eyes squinted feeling bad vibes from this man, “Who are you?”

“Right, how rude of me,” He walked forward bowed, “My name is Kai Hardstrike. I believe you've met my nephew.” He motioned toward Shark.

“We've met,” she replied while giving a hateful glare at the bully, “Uh, did your nephew tell you that he beat up my friend?!”

The Rock N Beats gasped in shock.

Sweetheart spoke to Lancer, “Shark beat you up?!”

Kai nodded, “He did. But from what I heard, your friend started that fight by provoking him.”

Bright Eyes frowned, “Well, from I saw, your nephew started it by pushing us down and calling Lancer weak!”

“He is weak!” Shark snarked.

Lancer shouted, “I am not!”

“Enough!” Kai announced making the boys stand down, “We're not here to fight.”

“Then why are you here?” Bright Eyes asked while crossing her arms.

Kai continued, “I also heard you're a good fighter. You see, I'm a sensei to the best dojo in all of Canterlot!” he handed Bright Eyes a pamphlet, “Viper Kai!” Bright Eyes read it as Kai went on, “We offer the best in martial arts and self defense training. And the best part, we always have room for new recruits. You interested, Bright Eyes?” he smirked.

Bright Eyes spoke, “One question. What is this?” She pointed to a copy of the same words that were on the wall of the dojo.

“That would be the Viper Kai motto: Strike First. Strike Hard. And especially, No Mercy.”

Bright Eyes gasped at that, “No mercy?! Why would you say that?”

“Because mercy is a weakness. If you ever show mercy to your enemies, they'll use it against you! But enough about that. My students here think that you're Viper Kai material. Not a lot of people have that kind of recommendation. So what do you do say, you in?”

Bright Eyes pretended to think, “Hmm? Sounds intriguing. And the whole 'No Mercy' thing, not so much!” She crumpled up the pamphlet and threw it at Kai's head, “So here's what I have to say, I'll never join your dojo!”

Kai stared back with a dry expression before he said, “You know what, I think we got off on the wrong foot here. Why don't we talk things out, in private.”


“Yes. So I can be more…. Specific.” Kai smirked.

Ace looked worried, “I don’t think we can trust him.”

Bright Eyes replied, “But I don’t have much choice. Very well. We’ll talk.”

As Kai led Bright Eyes around to the side of the house, Babs watched them leave. She had a bad feeling that something wasn't right, as she knew from Shark that Kai did NOT like to lose. And he definitely didn't take kindly to being told no. When no one was looking, she slipped away and peeked around the corner.

Kai spoke to the pony turned girl, “Bright Eyes, I'm offering you the chance of a lifetime here. If you join Viper Kai, you can go from good fighter to great fighter! Viper Kai can make you strong!”

Bright Eyes was still not swayed, “Yeah, after the way your nephew and your students treated me and Lancer, I doubt that. Besides, I already have martial art teachers.”

“Really, and would these teachers be the Hamato Clan?” Kai guessed.

Bright Eyes blinked In shocke, “What?! You know about the Hamato Clan?”

“Ever heard of the Foot Clan? I used to be a Foot soldier and rose up to be a member of the Foot Elite, until we were replaced with Foot Bots,” he said bitterly, “After that, I came to Canterlot and opened my dojo. And one thing I learned about the Hamato Clan, is that they were weak!”

Bright Eyes gasped, and frowned, “How dare you insult my friends!”

“It's not an insult if it's true. In this life, only the strong will survive. And the Hamato Clan was weak, that's why the old clan was wiped out years ago, and it's master Hamato Yoshi was slain by the Foot's master Oroku Saki, because they were all weak! And the new Hamato Clan is just as weak, and anyone training under them will be weak! So I'm asking you again, join the stronger side. Or you'll always be pushed around by the strong.” Kai warned her.

“You’re wrong!” Bright Eyes announced, “The Shredder may have slayed Master Splinter but his sons avenged him!”

“Sons!” Kai scoffed, “Mutant freaks!”

“If it wasn’t for those ‘Freaks’, you wouldn’t be standing here right now!” Bright Eyes reminded him of what could've happened to the planet if not for them.

“Just a fairy tale.” Kai denied.

“They’re more honest than you’ll ever be!”

“So I take it that's still a no, huh? Right, I see how it's going to be.” Kai grabbed Bright Eyes and pinned her against the wall.

“Hey!” Bright Eyes shouted, as Babs gasped at what she saw, “Let me go! What are you doing?!”

“I'm gonna show you how just how strong Viper Kai is and how weak your Hamato's teachings are!” He raised his hand and both Bright Eyes and Babs realized he was going to strike her.

“Oh no!” Babs gasped.

Bright Eyes shut her eyes and held her arms to shield her face, when suddenly, a hand grabbed Kai's arm. The man turned and standing there was Blade Swipe. Before Kai knew it, Blade swung him off Bright Eyes and kicked him down.

“Are you okay?” Blade asked in concern.

“I'm fine.” she answered in relief.

“Go! I'll deal with him!” Bright Eyes ran off as Kai stood up. Blade frowned and pointed accusingly at Kai, “You would strike an innocent child?! You have no honor!”

Kai didn't look at all intimidated, “And you are?”

“I am Blade Swipe!”

“Well, Blade Swipe,” Kai chuckled, before raising his fists, “You should've minded your own business!”

Blade frowned, “That girl and her friends well being IS my business!”

And the two charged at each other and began to fight.

Earlier, back with the others, Shark smirked at Lancer, ”So, Lance, how did it feel? Getting pounded by me and then bailed out by your girlfriend?”

“She's not my girlfriend.” Lancer deadpanned.

“Oh, please, it's that obvious!” Rolling Thunder scoffed.

“Just like Twilight and that Blue Turtle are.” Rumble recalled.

Lightning Dust spoke, “We saw the way you two were looking at each other.”

“Bet it really stung, huh? It really showed how weak you are!” Shark continued to mock.

Lancer put down his guitar and walked up to Shark, glaring hard at him, “I. Am not. Weak,” he smirked, “And you're one to talk, since she also kicked your butt in seconds. And ran away.”

Shark frowned, “Remember what happened last time you pushed my buttons?!”

“I remember. That's why I'm prepared this time,” Then in a single spin, he swept Shark's legs and kicked him into his buddies, knocking them down in a heap.

“Yeah, Lancer!” Melody cheered.

“Awesome!” Half Note cheered.

“You da man, Lance!” Ace called.

Shark got up while growling, “He's a dead man!”

Lancer beckoned him, “Come and get me!” And he took off, with Shark and his buddies right behind him.

“Run, Lancer!” Sweetheart cried.

Bright Eyes ran up just in time to see everything, “Come on, we gotta help him!” And she ran after them. The Rock N Beats looked at each other before they joined in the chase, as the figure in the trench coat watched them.

Blade and Kai continued to share blows as the two looked evenly matched. Kai then hit him in the side, causing Blade to recoil.

“You fight well in the old style. Maybe you should join Viper Kai!” Kai offered.

“I heard enough!” Blade announced, “You poison the minds of young ones and turn them into killing machines! I’ve been down there before and I am NOT going back!”

“I just teach them the truth!” Kai argued, “The world is a dangerous place! The weak die and the strong survive!”

“Very well. We’ll play by your rules, Viper Kai. LETS GO!” he charged at Kai and rammed him. Knowing Kai won't play by the rules decided to teach him what would happen by not doing so, by drawing his sword and tried to strike, only for Kai to catch it by whipping out a tanto he had hidden on his person.

“Too predictable.” Kai smirked.

“How about this?!” Blade asked, as lightning channeled from his sword which traveled into Kai's tanto, shocking him, before Blade kicked him to the wall.

Thanks to his ninja training, Lancer managed to stay ahead of Shark and the other Viper Kai. At one point, he flipped around a ladder with some paint cans on it, while Shark and his cronies crashed into it, spilling the paint all over them. Then Lancer ducked down an alley, looking back for a second, and crashed into a wooden fence. He spun around to run back, only to find Shark and the Viper Kai standing there. He was trapped.

Shark spoke as he and his buddies closed in on Lancer, “I'll admit, you got fast, Lance,” Before Lancer could react, he spun kicked him in the gut, knocking him into the fence. Then he held Lancer by his shirt, “I warned you you'd be a corpse the next time I saw you!” He socked him in the gut, punched left, right, and upper, and windmill kicked him into the fence, face first.

Lancer layed on the ground, groaning in pain, and Rolling Thunder suddenly had a look of concern.

“Oh, I'm just getting started, Lance!” Shark was about to continued, until Rolling Thunder held his shoulder.

“Hang on now, Shark. I think the little weakling's had enough.”

Shark threw her hand off, “Did you forget what we were taught in Viper Kai? Strike First! Strike Hard! No Mercy!” Just as he was about to strike Lancer down with another punch, a green hand grabbed his fist. Both Shark and Lancer looked up to see the figure in the trench coat. It was Leo.

“Only monsters show no mercy!” Leo told Shark, before he palm struck him in the chest, knocking him down.

Lightning Dust frowned, “You'll pay for that, weirdo!” She threw some punches and kicks but Leo blocked and dodged each one, before he held her arm up and hit some pressure points in her side, like Splinter had done to Tiger Claw, and flipped her over his shoulder and onto Shark.

“You're going down!” Rumble swung a kick, but Leo caught it and landed a chop in his gut, making him drop down.

Rolling Thunder attacked with a few hits, but Leo then nerve struck her back and palm struck her down.

“Short Fuse! Blow the fuse!” Lightning Dust ordered.

Short Fuse let out a roar of pure rage and rushed at Leo with a barrage of punches and kicks. With the turtle leader managing to block and dodge each strike, and pushed him back.

“Well, I noticed you have quite the temper.” Leo smirked.

“I'LL SHOW YOU WHO'S GOT A TEMPER!!!” Roaring again, he swung more hits as Leo blocked them.

“Funny thing about anger. Let it consume you and soon enough.” He jumped up and disappeared from Short Fuse' s sight.


Leo appeared right behind him, “You lose sight of everything.” Short Fuse whipped around and threw a punch, but Leo ducked and he ended up hitting the wall.

“YEOW!" Short Fuse clutched his hand, as Leo appeared behind him and nerve struck him in the neck.

Leo spoke to the Viper Kai gang, “Leave, now!”

“Let's get out of here!” Shark ordered, as they ran out of the alley just as Bright Eyes and the Rock N Beats arrived.

“Leo?” Bright Eyes asked.

Leo helped Lancer up, “You okay?”


Leo continued, “So, are you both ready to tell us what happened?”

Later, back at Sweet Apple Acres, Lancer and Bright Eyes told the Ninjas and Rainbooms the whole story about Shark and his gang beating him up and Viper Kai almost hurting Bright Eyes. Lancer was icing a bruise on his head.

“Then Shark was about to strike when Leo showed up and you know the rest.” Lancer finished.

Fluttershy gasped with her hands to her mouth, “How dreadful!”

Bright Eyes sighed, “I’m sorry about not telling you sooner.”

“Bright Eyes, you did nothing wrong.” Sunset told her.

“Yeah. It was those jerks for picking a fight.” Rah reminded her.

Karai spoke, “So this Viper Kai was a Foot soldier one time before we got Foot Bots? Make sense.”

“He’s obsessed with fighting with no mercy.” Lancer added.

“Indeed,” Blade nodded in confirmation, “I saw the hatred in his eyes when I fought him. It was like looking at my past self when I was manipulated by Dark Codex.”

“Aye caramba!” Gabby gasped.

“That's rough.” Spike admitted.

“And we thought Shredder was ruthless!” Donnie said in shock.

Lancer sighed in guilt, “It was partly my fault for provoking Shark.”

Rainbow replied, “Maybe, but I'd say that Shark guy deserved it for being a jerk to you two.”

Casey laughed, “He wet himself in a haunted house?!”

“Nice!” Mikey said, as the two high fived, only for April to shoot them a glare.

“Not the time!” The two fell silent.

“Speaking of this Shark, you seem to know a lot about him. Care to enlighten us?” Caitlyn asked.

Lancer sighed, “His real name is Swift Wing. And... we used to be friends.”

“Friends?” everyone asked.

“Y'all were friends with that bully?!” Applejack asked in confusion.

“He wasn't always a bully." Lancer explained. "We were friends since kindergarten. But then we started getting hassled by some bullies. One day we got them in trouble, so they came after us and beat us to a pulp. Then, Swift's uncle stepped in and fought them off."

“His uncle?” Pinkie asked.

“Kai Hardstrike.”

“The Viper Kai sensei is his uncle?!” Mikey asked.

“Whoa! Looks like I'm not the only one with a bad uncle?” Buffy realized.

Lancer continued, “He offered us to join his dojo, promising to make us strong, and we accepted. We trained there for three week and while Swift got better, I was going slow. Kai would criticize me every time I lost a spar or made one mistake. Then one day, he purposely embarrassed me in front of the whole dojo and said that I was weak. I'd had enough, so I walked out.”

“Sorry that happened, dude.” Zach said.

Then whenever Swift and I hung out, he began to act more rude and violent. He even changed his hair into a mohawk. Then one day, I saw him get jumped by the bullies and he beat the living snot out of them, until I stopped him. He acted like he didn't even care that he could've badly hurt them. So I went to the dojo and told off Kai, saying that he wasn't teaching his students self defense, he was teaching them to be bullies. Kai just scoffed and said that was how life worked, only the strong survive. Then I called him the King of All Jerks and Kai had me leave, with a bloody nose!"

Rarity gasped, “My word!”

“He even spitefully severed all ties with our family.”

“Ouch.” Keno groaned.

“ I hope we never see those guys again.” Twilight hoped.

Leo shook his head, “I’m afraid with hatred like that, we may not have seen the last of this Viper Kai.”

“There’s also something else I have to say.”

“What is it, Lancer?” Sunset asked.

“Before I left Viper Kai...”

In a flashback, Kai stood before Lancer, “You think you don't need Viper Kai? Let's find that out? There's a fighting tournament coming up, you against Shark. If Shark wins, you come back to Viper Kai... as the new training dummy.”

Lancer frowned, but answered, “But if I win, then you, Shark, and any of your students have to back off for the rest of the school year!”

Kai held out his hand, “Very well.” And the two shook on it.

At the end of flashback, Rainbow winced, “That guy doesn't take rejection well.”

“It's.... one of my reasons why I wanted to be trained as a ninja.” Lancer confessed.

“So you could beat that jerk?” Zach asked.

“So they could leave me alone and I don't become a killer. And to show I'm not weak.” Lancer said.

Karai spoke to the boy, “Lancer, I've seen weak fighters before and you are not weak! Don't let Kai tell you otherwise.”

"And we've seen some fighters who were just pathetic," Raph noted, remembering Pulverizer. "And you are definitely not like that."

Fugitoid spoke, “So, when is this tournament suppose to take place?”

“Next week.”

Rainbow smirked, “Good, if we continue your training, you'll be totally ready to beat Shark!”

Lancer looked doubtful, “I don't know. After getting beat up by him twice, I'm not so sure I can do it.”

Leo knelt down and placed a hand on his shoulder, “Lancer, before we faced the Super Shredder in our final battle, I didn't think we were strong enough.”

Lancer asked curiously, “How did you cope with it?”

“It wasn’t easy. First we had to deal with his cronies, and it didn’t help that Tiger Claw teased me about carrying the burden with Splinter gone. But when things got rough, I remembered what Sensei told me: Fear nothing. It was through that, with help from Sunset and both Twilights that we finally put an end to Shredder once and for all. So you see, Lancer, it’s your fear that holds you back.”

“I can’t help it! I’ll never conquer my fear!” Lancer continued to doubt himself.

Raph stepped in, “We’re not asking you to conquer your fear. We want you to embrace it. Stand up to it! Because if you don’t and give into it, those Viper jerks will keep coming back. But if you keep getting back up and not let fear weigh you down, then you’re braver than those jerks know. Just be like a rock and let the river pass you by.”

Mikey cooed, “Aw! Look at you being all Sensei like.”

Raph frowned at his brother, “And you just ruined the moment.” He chased after Mikey.

Leo noticed that Lancer still looked unsure, “Lancer, come with me,” And he led Lancer out to the orchard, “Do you know what I used to heal you the first time?”

“Yeah, you used some technique called the healing hands.”

“How would you like learn it?” Leo offered.

“Well, yeah! But, why teach it to me?” Lancer asked.

Leo smirked, “Let's just say, I think it'll come in handy latter.”

A week later, at the Canterlot community center, the Ninjas arrived at the Martial Arts Tournament, with the Turtles in their trench coats. They were surprised that not only were some CHS and Crystal Prep students competing, but some other schools as well, including one called Hollow Shades High.

“Dudes, check it out!” Mikey gasped in awe.

Gabby gasped, “Increíble!”

“You said it.” Spike agreed.

“All the time I've been a student at CHS, I didn't know they participated in stuff like this.” Applejack said equally surprised.

“I know, right? Did you know about it, Sunset?” Rainbow asked.

Sunset shrugged, “I was too focused on being popular.”

“Wow!” Fluttershy looked around, “That’s a lot of competition.”

“So where’s Viper Kai?” Raph asked.

Donnie spotted them, “Over there.”

They look over to see the Viper Kai students stretching

Pinkie gasped, “Hey, there's Lancer! Hey, Lancer!” She waved over to where Lancer stood with his mother and a boy Bright Eyes assumed was his brother. When Lancer saw them he waved them over.

Lancer smiled, “Hey, guys. Am I glad you came.”

“We wouldn't miss it for the world.” Bright Eyes answered.

“Oh, this is my mom Joan Archer, and my brother Logan.”

Leo spoke up to Lancer's mom, “Nice to meet you, ma'am. My name is Leonardo and these are my brothers and friends. Donatello, Michelangelo, Raphael, April, Casey, Keno, Karai, Shini, Zach, Caitlyn, Buffy, Gabrielle, and Blade Swipe.”

Joan Archer spoke respectively, “It’s nice to meet you all,” As she shook hands with Leo, she leaned closer to whisper, “I saw you all at the beach. I don’t mind if you four are overgrown turtles. If you’re friends with Lancer, you’re friends with me. And thank you for training him.”

Leo smiled and nodded, “He’s a good kid.”

Logan gasped in awe, “Wow! I’ve seen you guys around CHS. Been wanting to meet you.”

“It’s good to meet you too, Logan.” Mikey greeted.

“So, you ready, Lancer?” Bright Eyes asked.

“As I'll ever be.”

“Well, I'm ready!” Everyone turned and saw Shark standing there, dressed in a black and green gi, “Ready to pound you into the mat, Lancer!”

Lancer squinted, “We'll see about that!”

“Yeah, we will! Oh, and by the way, I was only warming up on you the last two beat downs!”

Lancer only glared as Shark left. But after the bad boy had gone, he let out a nervous breath.

Raph held the kids shoulders, “Hey, he's just trying to psyche you out. You can beat that punk!”

“I hope so.”

“Come on, Lancer, why don't you go get ready?” Joan Archer suggested.

“Meanwhile, we should go take our seats.” Sunset added.

Meanwhile, Karai was looking in the direction of the Viper Kai students, and glared hard when she saw Kai, “Long time, no see... I'll catch up with you guys.” She started to walk off.

“Where are going, Karai?” April asked.

“To say hi to an old friend!”

With the Viper kai students, Kai stood before them ready to speak, “Remember, this is what we trained for! To show those other dojos that Viper Kai is strong! That no matter how hard they train, we can't and won't be beat! Because what is our motto?

“Strike First! Strike Hard! No Mercy!” they answered, though Babs was less then enthusiastic.

“Exactly! Because mercy is a sign of weakness!”

“Or is it a sign of true strength?!” someone challenged him.

Kai whipped around to see Karai standing behind him, “Well, if that don't beat all? Karai. Long time no see.”

Karai scowled, “Wish I could say it's a pleasure, but it's not!”

“Students, go take your positions! I'm just gonna catch up with an old friend...”

“Yes, sensei!” And they hurried off. But Babs lingered behind to listen in.

“‘Friend’ is a strong word.” Karai told Kai, who replied.

“That’s right. I should’ve said 'backstabbing associate'! Ever since Shredder let us former Foot Soldiers go to make way for robots, I have gotten stronger than Oroku Saki will ever be!”

Karai scoffed, “More like egotistical!”

“Still stubborn as ever. I heard that the Foot Clan is now full of do-gooders who follow you!”

Karai argued, “I’m rebuilding the Foot under the honor of my real father, Hamato Yoshi! At least I don’t force kids to be murdering bullies!”

“I just show them the truth about this life! Saki and Yoshi had different aspects and look where it got them! Weaklings!”

“Careful! I’m not the same girl I once was.” Karai warned the sensei.

Kai nodded, “That's true. You've gone soft! Or perhaps you don't want to admit that deep down, you're just like Shredder?”

Karai gritted her teeth at those words, “I haven't gone soft! And I'm nothing like Shredder!”

“Really? Like how you once tricked that blue turtle and made a chump out of him? That's something Shredder would do to Yoshi at your age.” Kai challenged her.

“I am no longer proud of that, especially after witnessing myself what it's like!” Karai rebuked, remembering being tricked by Cozy Glow.

Kai decided to change the subject, “So, I take it you're one of Lancer's new teachers?”

“I've taught him and Bright Eyes a few moves, yeah. Oh, and speaking of Bright Eyes, I wasn't too happy to hear that you tried to harm her!”

“I was merely trying to show her that she was on the weaker side.” Kai responded with no remorse of guilt.

“You're sick and twisted, Kai!” Karai called him out.

“And you're down right foolish if you think your weakling student can beat my nephew!”

“We'll see who the fool is!” Karai answered, as they went their separate ways.

After everyone took their seats, Fugitoid walked with a microphone, “Ladies and Gentlemen! I am pleased to welcome you all to our annual martial arts tournament!” Everyone applauded. “Here are some ground rules. With every time you knock your opponent down, you score a point. The first fighter to score three points wins. There is to be no roughhousing, groin attacks, or use of weapons. Failure to do so will result in penalties and disqualification. Let the games begin!” Fugitoid announced, as the crowd applauded once again.

The Ninjas and Bright Eyes watched as Lancer walked out, dressed in a blue and yellow gi with a white headband. He faced against his first opponent, a Crystal Prep student named Carlos Thunderbolt.

“Ready, fight!” the referee announced.

Carlos rushed at Lancer, but the boy panicked and ran out of the circle.

“No points!” the ref announced while Lancer spoke sheepishly.

“Sorry. First time.” he got back in the circle.


Carlos threw some kicks that Lancer dodged until he was eventually knocked down.”

“Point! Carlos Thunderbolt!”

“You can do it, Lancer!” Twilight called.

“Yeah, boy!” Mikey cheered.

Lancer got up and the two resumed their fight, until Lancer managed to sweep Carlos' leg, knocking him down.

“Point! Lancer!”

Carlos swung his fists, but Lancer dodged each strike before he sprung around to the back of Carlos and nailed him in the back with a kick, knocking him down.

“Point! Winner, Lancer!”

The Ninjas, Bright Eyes, Logan, and Joan cheered with the audience.

“He did it!” Bright Eyes cheered.

“Let's hope he can make it to the final round.” April said.

As the tournament continued, Lancer was seen punching another Crystal Prep student, tripping a Hallow Shades student, and gave one student the clap as the referee declared him the winner while the audience cheered and Mikey accidentally spilled popcorn on Raph. Unfortunately, despite getting a couple penalties, Shark was advancing too. He tackled a Hallow Shade student, threw another student over his shoulder, and pinned a Crystal Prep student while the referee declared him the winner. Soon, it was the final round and it was down to Lancer and Shark.

We've reached the final round!” Fugitoid announced.

“Well, this is it.” Lancer said to himself.

“You can do it, Lancer.” Bright Eyes cheered him on.

“Yeah, bro, you got this!” Logan called.

Fugitoid spoke up, “The rules of the final are: whoever knocks their opponent down three times is the winner! But any violation to the rules will receive a penalty point and further violation, will result in disqualification.”

Meanwhile Shark was talking with Kai, “Can't believe that weakling made it this far!”

“Doesn't matter, you'll still beat him!” Kai assured his nephew, “Cause I have strategy you can use.” He whispered it to Shark, who grinned maliciously.

Caitlyn noticed this from afar, “What's Kai saying to Shark?”

Donnie looked, “I don't know. But I don't like the way Shark's grinning like that.”

“That makes two of us!” Lancer said in worry.

“You can do this, Lancer. Don't worry.” Leo encouraged him.

“Representing Viper Kai, Swift Wing!” Fugitoid began, before Kai went up and spoke to him, “I mean, Shark! And representing CHS, Lancer!”

Lancer nodded and walked out to the ring, as did Shark. The two circled each other for a moment in slow motion before they stood before the referee.

On the line, face this way. Bow. Face each other. Bow. Fighting position,” The two got in a stance, “Ready? And fight!”

Author's Note

    This chapter is based on the Karate Kid franchise and it's next generation series Cobra Kai.
    • Kai is based off John Kreese and Shark is based off Eli "Hawk" Moskowitz.
    • Lancer and Shark's fallen out friendship is based off the fall out between Demetri and Hawk.

    Lancer’s family was rich in My Little Pony Tales. But here, it's kept a secret.
    Lancer’s brother Logan was a one off character from the My Little Pony Tales episode "The Tea Party". Like Melody and Sweetheart, I made him and Lancer brothers here.
    This chapter and the one after will serve as a foreshadow to AmethystMajesty25's fic Viper Kai.

Song "Get Back Up Again" cover by Angelic, original from the Trolls movie.

Kai and Shark by AmethystMajesty25

Next Chapter: Lancer vs Shark Estimated time remaining: 8 Hours, 27 Minutes
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