
Equestria Girls Crystalized

by Jaden Joynes


Crystal Clear Part 1

In the City of Canterlot at the Canterlot Park where people were gazing at the oldest tree in the city but this ain't no ordinary tree through it's knothole you'lll find another dimeson called 'The Realm of Sprites'.

Leafana a small wood sprite was meeting her grandfather Elder Thorn.

"Grandfather," Leafana chirpded. "I want to show you how much my powers have grown. You won't belive how high can I fly now!"

"I'm so happy for you my dear," he said. "But unfortunaly, my focus is elsewhere."

"Is something wrong?"

"Yes, it's the mystical veil," Elder Thorn said looking at the gilltering sky. "The veil that our world, The realm of light and realm of darkness seprated has begun to weaken."

"What could weaken it?" Leafana asked then both see a glow of light.

"Only one soruce, The Crystals of Harmony," Thorn said.

Thron and Lefanna headed to the source of the glow. Once they made it, they saw a felmale fire sprite with a large bag in tow while carrying having a fire staff.

"Igina! What are you doing here? You were bainhed for studying the dark arts," Thorn exlclaimed.

"I'm done listening to you old geezer! I will now take what I want, the Crystals of Harmony."

Igina turns around and fires a blast dark magic at him at Thorn knocking him on his back.

"Grandfather!" Leafana made her way to his side holding his hand.

"I-I'm sensing that a great evil is making through the veil..."

"Grandfather please, save your strentgh."

"No, I know what must do," Thorn holded his other hand that glowed. "Galwit Nera Motr!"

She turns back to the crystals, as they glow. pop out of the wall, and flew toward the sky.

"What have you done!?" Kala asked in rage.

"I've sent to the realm of Light to find those who will use them to defend against the darkness," Thorn explained.

"You are delaying the inevitable," Kala formed a barrier around the Realm of Sprites. "I will find them, while the my barrier keeps all of you trapped for rest of time!"

Ignia grabbed her bag, then truned into a dark orb and made to the sky.

"This can't be happeing..." Leafana said as began to tear a bit.

"My child, y-you must go to the Realm of Light as well."

"I can't leave, not in your current state."

"You must go, young one, you must guide the crystals chosen ones, I believe in you."

Lefanna wiped some tears off of her face, then release her grandfather and heaeded straight to sky before Kala's barrier covererd her home.

Without anyone knowing seven color lights fly out of the three's knothole and headed in several directions.

Sunset Shimmer who in her aparment writing in her journal to Princess Twilight Sparkle about what happening when source of Eqeustria magic got out, while she writing the red crystal of Harmony of flew into her backpack.

Twilight Sparkle, who had recently tranfesserd to Canterlot High, was going through books then Spike her dog who had just been able to talk was sleeping in his den, neither of them were aware the purple crystal landed in glasses.

Rainbow Dash was skateboard acroos the park, at that moment the blue crystal disappeing upon touching the skateboard.

"And there you go," Fluttershy said while cleaning the bunnies as the green crystal hid in Flutttershy's purse.

"How do I look?" Rarity asked Pinkie and Applejack as she showed her lateset dress.

"You look amazing!" Pinkie exclaimed.

"Fine looking!" Applejack added as the purple, pink and, orange harmony crystals hidden among the girls.

Meanwhile, Leafana made it out and flew around with the people knowing her.

"I have to find them before it's too late."

Meanwhile, with Ignia she had returned to Nevermore Castle in the Realm of Darkness.

"And I'm back," Ignia said to herself.

"And you better have a good excuse why didn't grabbed The Harmony Crystals!" Ignia wimpered and bow down to her master, Malachor.

"Forgive me, master, I try to get them, but Elder Thorn sent them to the realm of light, but did manage to seal off the Realm of Spirtes, so no one will be able to stop you," Ignia pleaded.

"And that should pleased me?!" Malachor roared.

"Why are you surpised?" Malachor turned around and saw a dragon-siren hybrid named Dragon Cry. "This girl was born to fail."

"But I didn't fail..."

"So, Malachor," In came Lukline an electro-sprite. "What's the plan now?"

At the Canterlot History Culture Center, Twilight, Rainbow, Fluttershy, Pinkie, Applejack, Rarity, and Sunset caught up with each other and looked around the place.

"My word, this place has good taste in style!" Rarity exclaimed looking at the gem display.

"And I thought nothing impress you," Rainbow joked.

"You jest, but I love anything with gems, but I don't have reason why," Rartiy replied.


"I sensing there presence but I don't see them, maybe their chosen ones are here," Leafana said while flying down.

At the Nevermore Castle, Ignia and Malachor were wacthing the event unfold until there joined by Onyx Blade

"Now what did you say about trapping all sprites?" Onyx said.

"It shouldn't be possible," Igina said.

"Maybe that sprite could be the key to find the Harmony Crystals," Malachor said as he turned to Onyx. "Take the Dark Bots and capture her, Onyx."

"As you wish master," Onxy bowed and then walked away.

Back at the Center...

"I wonder where the food court becasue I'm..." Pinkie started then her Pinkie Sense came in.

Suddenly a large portal apperas, with Onyx Blade and a group of Dark Bots, robots with guns.

"What in the heck are those things?" Applejack asked as the Dark Bots attack the people.

"Who knows, but we got to do something," Sunset said.

Then the girls transform into their Friendship Power and ran ahead towards them.








A woman back away from the Dark Bot, with Sunset runs over, grabs it and hold it back.

"Get out of here!" Sunset said as the woman ran away.

Then Sunset tossed it to the side.

A Dark Bot picks up a dinosaur head fossil, looking at it.'

"Hey, look but don't touch!" Twilight said as she runs over and kicks the Dark Bot in the side, before catching it with her magic.

Twilight dodge their gunfire and used her left hand and blast purple magic at them and then place the fossil on the display.

Rainbow Dash flips a couple of times, before she flips over a Dark Bot as it tried to punch her. Rainbow elbows it in the back, before she flips to dodge another Dark Bot strike.

Fluttershy was being chased by Dark Bot toward a colum, before she grabs the colum, swings herself and kick the Dark Bot then dodges another one then kick it down.

Lefana flies over a corner, watching the fight, "What are those things? Could they be from the Realm of Darkness?"

As she continnues to watch, she was unaware that Onyx Blade jump at her. Lefanna flies to the side, with Onyx failing to catch her.

"Hey, look!" Applejack adreesred to Rarity.

Rarity turned to see Onyx swatting a green orb as it flies around.

"What is that? A firefly?"

"Whatever it is, it's in trouble," Applejack says before she and Rarity run ahead.

Onyx swats at the green orb, with it flies away, "I get you this time."

"Guess again."

Applejack and Rarity kick her at the same time knocking her back.

Both landed as Sunset and the others walk over and the green orb flies to them.

"Thank you very much," Lefana says to them.

"Not a problem," Rarity said. "Just one question. What are you?"

Onyx gets back on her feet, "Dark Bots, to me!"

"We can talk later, we need to go," Lefanna said.

"Good point!" Pinkie say as her hands glowed. "Eat confetti, freaks!"

Pinkie did a confetti blast at them blinding all of them allowing to escpae.

"What are you standing around for? Get them!" Onyx shouted as the Dark Bots chased after them.

"After a few moments, the seven friends and the green orb run through s junkyard, befroe serverl Dark Bots run out in front of them, with group stopping and more approcahing behind them.

"Now were trapped," Sunset says as Dark Bots armed their guns and fire at them.

"Behind me!" Rarity said as she pulled up a gem walls blocking the gunfire.

"Okay, does anyone have a plan?" Applejack asked.

"I'm open to suggestions," Rainbow added.

As Rarity did her best to maintain it a bright light came from there crystals creating a beam rainbow magic that send them back as girls gain a new power.

Rainbow Dash has her hair in ponytail and crystal wings worn crimson shirt with golden shoulder pads, lightning bolt-like gauntlets, blue jeans and yellow winged shoes.

Fluttershy has crystal wings worn greenish dress, purple gauntlets, pink sparkling boots and three butterfly crystallized pins on her hair.

Applejack has braided long blond hair with green apple-like headband worn light greenish dress with golden necklace and waist belt, brown pants, brown gloves and golden boots.

Pinkie Pie has funky hair in twin buns worn purple sparkling dress, lavender pants, lavender gauntlets and purple shoes.

Rarity has long ponytail with diamond ribbon worn white-blue dress with navy belts in 'x' formation, navy pants, navy gauntlets and purple boots.

Sunset Shimmer has long ponytail with crystallized sun-like riboon worn a crimson-yellow dress with golden shoulder pads, black pants, orange gauntlets and orange boots.

And lastly, Twilight Sparkle has long ponytail with crown-like headband and crystallized wings worn navy dress with purple skirt, purple pants, blue gauntlets and blue boots.

"My stars, we look amazing!" Rarity said.

Lefana wacthed from above seeing what happen. "They are Harmony Crystals' chosen warriors?"

The Dark Bots watch for a couple of seconds, before reloading their guns.

"Looks like we have a plan," Rainbow cracking her kunckles.

"Not what I had in mind, but it will do," Twilight added.

"Then let's going," Applejack said as the girls charge at them.

Rainbow side flips over a Dark Bot then grab it then pulled it to it side. and kicks it twice in the side. She swings with the staff, knocking the Dark Bot back.

After she finshing spining, Rainbow pulled out rainbow-like spear, "Sweet, these powers come with weapons!"

Rainbow runs ahead and use her spear to strike a Dark Bot, then strike away another's, before spins arounf an both Dark Bots. She then slides ahead and strikes a third Dark Bots.

Twilight kicks a Dark Bot then pulled out purple staff a did magic blast at swarm of them.

"I could use to this," Twilight said and creating a lighting storm and shocks all of them.

Applejack pulled out her hammer and slammed toward to the ground making serveal Dark Bots fall to the ground.

Sunset rolls ahead, grabs a Dark Bot's arm spins it and strike it in the back befroe avoiding a Dark Bot's punch. Sunset strike at the Dark Bot, before roundhouse kick another one.

Suddenly exposlions go off around her, knocking Sunset to her feet. She looks up see Malachor slowly approcahing.

"You will hand over the Harmony crystals at once," Malachor said.

Sunset pushed herself to her feet, "I don't have any idea what you're talking about, but if you want them, it can't be a good reason."

"Then I will take them..." Malachor drops his robe and holds his sword. "By Force!"

Malachor charges at her and swings her sword, with Sunset dodging them with her sword. The two contine to collide with thier weapons, befoe Malachor uses his sword to hold down the Flame Crest Sword. Malachor then sholuder charges Sunset before striking her twice and sending her flying back.

Sunset landed on her back, as she grips her shoulder, before seeing Malachor's sword aimed at her.

"And now I will give you a good death!" Malachor raises his sword and starts to bring it down toward her.


Crystal Clear Part 2

From where left off Sunset Shimmer was on her back as she grip her shoulder, befroe seeing Malachor's sword aimed at her.

"I will give you a good death!" Malachor said as he prepare to strike.

Suddenly, Malachor is blasted a couple times, forcing him back.

Both Ranibow and Applejack jump at Malachor striking him with thier weapons, before, Applejack back kicks him, forcing Malachor several feet back.

"Back off, wizard creep!" Rainbow exclaimed as Twilight and Fluttershy helped Sunset to her feet.

Leafana floats over the girls heads.

"Enough of this, just hand the Harmony Crystals, I might let you live."

"Yeah, sure," Pinkie said before blasting the bad guys with a confetti blast creating cloud of smoke.


Malachot runs ahead out of the cloud only them to escape. "They got away!"

"Along with annoying sprite," Onyx added.

"Onyx, send your Dark Bots to find them. I will have those crystals by any means!"

Much Later at Twilight's house. Sunset was on her couch lying down then her mother Twilight Velvet came in.

"Sunset?" Velvet said upon enerting. "What happened?"

"Sunset was injuerd during the attack at Canterlot History Culture Center," Twilight explained to her mom. "Is it okay can she stay on the couch."

"Of coruse not, here I go and get something for Sunset."

"Thanks mom." Twilight said as she left.

"Your mom is very nice," Leafana said.

"She is."

"But while Miss Velvet gone, perhaps you could tell us what is going on?" Rarity asked.

"Of course, first off I'm Leafana, I am from the Realm of Sprites."

"Realm of Sprites? Are you serirous?" Rainbow asked.

"Yes. The Realm of Sprites existed betweem the Realms of Light and Darkness where the attackers are from the Realm of Darkness, and in our realm we protect the Crystals of Harmony. Seven crystals that hold great power. Until Igina, a sprite who was bainshed from leaning dark arts had retunred attempted to steal them. But my grandfather Elder Thorn sent them to the Realm of Light so they could find their chosen warriors, but not befroe Igina sealed my home off. I mangaged to escape, but now it would seem the villians are seeking the crystals for their own evil uses."

"So, they chose us?" Fluttershy asked while holding her crystal.

"They did, but after what happened, I wonder if they made a mistake."

"We had dealt with wild Equestria magic before so it ain't our first time," Applejack said. "But not like this."

"I say we did just fine, even if Sunset got banged up," Rainbow added.

Meanwhile at Nevermore Castle...

"Are you kidding me?!" Malachor shouted in anger. "The Dark Bots haven't found them?!"

"Do I have to remind you that those tincans have a limit of what they can do?" Dragon Cry asked.

"If wasn't for Igina's incompentce we would have them by now," Onyx added.

"You know we could kill two birds with one stone," Lukline walks to them.

"Explain," Malachor turns to him.

"I could send one of my Golems, it could lower the veil between the relams and lure out the crystal holders."

"I like it, what do you have in mind?"

"This one. Come forth Ink Golem," Lukline created a spell circle and what popped out was monster with long tentacles and a faucet head came out.

"Now, head into the city and let no stop you! Dragon Cry lend a hand," Malachor ordered.

"Yes, my lord," Dragon Cry nodded.

Then she and the monster teleported out of the castle and into downtown part of Canterlot City.

"Dark Bots!" Dragon Cry called for them.

The Dark Bots came down armed their weapons and charge at them.

Back at Twilight's house.

"This might sting a bit," Fluttershy said as she puts ice pack on Sunset's leg making her wince.

"Thanks Flutters," Sunset thanked her then Rainbow came in.

"Guys you might want to see this," Rainbow as she turns on the TV.

This is Story Bright from Canterlot News and a monsters has been seen attacking downtown area of the city.

The TV show Ink Golem firing Ink blasts at serverl buildings destroying them.

"We need to get down there," Sunset said befrore Twilight place her hand on her shoulder.

"We'll be fine, you just rest," Twlight said.

Twilight and the others headed out leaving Sunset lying down on the couch.

The Rainbooms headed downtown area were they confronted Dragon Cry and her forces.

"And who are you?" Rainbow asked as girls got in fighting stance.

"I'm Dragon Cry, second-in-command of Lord Malachor. Unless you value your lives hand me the crystals."

"You want them, come and get in! Hit it!"

"By the power of Harmony!" The girls acitvate thier crystal powers.

"Magic, Crystalized!"

"Loyalty, Crystalized!"

"Genorsity, Crystalized!"

"Honsety, Crystalized!"

"Kindess, Crystalized!"

"Laughter, Crystalized!"

"Hard way it is," Dragon Cry said. "Dark Bots, attack!"

"Let's send these rustbuckets to the trash heap," Rainbow said as they charged right at them.

A Dark Bot strikes forward with its sword, when Rainbow blocks it with her spear. she then spins around, knocks down the sword and strikes the Dark Bot. Four Dark Bots came at her from differnt directions, when Rainbow spins around and stikes all of them.

Two Dark Bots fire their guns at Pinkie, but she jumps up and fires her cannon in mid-motion, blasting both of them. as she landed, Pinkie did a roundhouse kick at Dark Bots before confetti blasted another Dark Bots.

Applejack used her hammer and block a Dark Bot sword strike then kicks it. Then she slamed it on the ground causing it to quake making three more Dark Bots fall to the ground.

Rarity created several diamond shards adn fire at Dark Bots destroying them then armed her Crystal Claws and shreds a Dark Bot.

"That should be the last of them," Rarity said then saw Ink Golem casuing chaos. "Now we deal with that monstrilty. Any ideas?"

"Let's try and bash it," Applejack suggested.

"Got it," Rainbow followed her.

Rainbow and Applejack armed their weapons stirke at the beast.

"While they do that, let try and blast it."

Twilight fires serveals magic blasts, Rarity lauched servaerl diamonds, Pinkie fire her cannon and Fluttershy fire arrows from her bow all of them striking the Ink Golem. Then Dragon Cry unleash a sonic scream that knock the girls back a bit.

"I'll hold them off, create the circle," Dragon Cry said as the beast nodded.

The Ink Golem made circle of sluge in with green energy staring to form.

"What's it doing?" Applejack asked.

"It's creating a spell circle," Twilight exclaimed. "And given what Leafana said it's can be good."

"You got that right."

Suddenly, a blast of fire magic came right at Dragon Cry sending her back a bit.

"Sunset!" Pinkie shouted and hug her.

"Miss me much," Sunset said then wince a bit. "Uh, Pinkie, can you let go."

"My bad."

Then Dragon Cry got back on her feet. "Now your in for it. Dark Bots!"

At that moment tiny mechiancal pieces came by and they from the Dark Bots who armed their swords.

"Great you guys again, mind I take the lead?" Sunset asked.

"No problem," Rainbow said.

"By the Power of Harmony!" Sunset harness her crystal.

"Empathy, Crystalized!"

"Now take of these guys! Volanic Blast!"

Sunset unlaeshed a monster flame blast and the entite army of Dark Bots were destroyed.

"Now that's what I call hot!"

"Good thing that your aliright, now we need to stop that monster," Rarity said.

"Heard, base of Leafana told me, if that thing succesds, we talking a full on invasion on Canterlot City."

"Ain't that just great," Applejack groaned. "Any ideas?"

"I have an idea," Fluttershy spoke up. "What if we did a muti-attack?"

"Good idea! Fllutters! Let's do it!"

"Sonic Boom Blast!

"Confetti Surpise!"

"Diamond Shower!"

"Sparkle Surge!"


"Frost Arrow!"

"Lava Fireball!"

All the girls attacks came right at the Ink Golem and Dragon Cry tjhe blast sended Dragon Cry back while Ink Golem fall down and is cosmumed in a large explosion.

"Heck yeah!"

"Holy cupcake, we save the city!"

"No, we saved the world!"

"This isn't over!" Dragon Cry grunted and teleported away.

Malachor, Lukline, Onyx Blade, and Igina watch the event unfold from Nevermore Castle.

"I can't belive it, they destroy my Ink Golem?!" Lukline reazlies.

"Obviously," Onyx cross her arms.

"This will not stand, The Harmony Crytals will be mine and no one will stop me!" Malachor shouted.

In the Band Room...

"Not bad, for our first monster," Applejack said.

"Keep in mind Applejack, Malachor and his followers won't stop until invade the Realm of Light and get Harmony Crytsals."

"Let them, for only the Crystal Guardians to kick evil in the butt!" PInkie exclaimed.

"Crystal Guradains?" Rarity asked.

"I like it," Rainbow agreed.

"Me too," Fluttershy joined.

"Then it's unaninmous, the Crystal Guardians are here to stay," Twilight said.

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