
My Life as a Sonic OC Season 8

by Kitsulestia

Chapter 20: Phantom Strikers Pt. 1

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Phantom Strikers Pt. 1

*Twilight’s POV*

We went to Joker and the other Phantom Thieves, ready to help them change Konoe’s heart.

Danyelle spoke "Good timing too, my cutie mark along with the marks of the Pony and Mobian Guards are glowing."

Sakura spoke "Same with my cards."

Ren spoke "And we just sent the calling card, so the desires should be manifested."

Korra spoke "I'm ready to fight!"

Ren spoke "Then let’s go."

We then found ourselves at Konoe’s Jail in the Metaverse.

Mona spoke "Listen, the desires are on the top of the tallest building."

Kurama spoke "I sense at least 50 total."

Oracle spoke "Well, let’s get going!"

Danyelle's ears pin back due to a vision she had.

Lillian spoke "That can’t be good."

Danyelle spoke "It might not happen now but in about 200 years, some unicorn will become mad with power...."

Twilight spoke "Oh no…"

Danyelle spoke "She'll end up becoming an alicorn as well but we immortals are nowhere to be seen..."

Then a familiar person showed up. “Ooh, that really doesn’t sound good.”

We turned around and saw Fu.

Kurama spoke "Hey."

Fu asks "Hi. But man… That sounds real dismal, don’t you think?"

Danyelle spoke "Yeah but in that vision... All non ponies were trapped in limbo..."

Needless to say, we were all shocked by that.

Fu spoke "Ooh… That’s not good at all. But maybe I can help with that."

Danyelle spoke "I can't say too much but seven ponies that will figure out a way to get us back out."

Fu spoke "Well, I’ll see you guys later when you need me. Byyyyyeeee!"

Fu disappeared in purple mist.

Sonic spoke "Anyways...."

Joker spoke "Showtime!"

Danyelle's claws, wings and tails were coated with fire.

I was in my Twirama form.

Everyone got prepared as we arrived at Shadow Konoe’s birdcage.

Skull spoke "Sorry to keep ya waiting, ya goateed prick!"

Panther spoke "We’re here to straighten out that crooked heart of yours!"

Joker spoke "There’s nowhere to run."

Shadow Konoe scoffs "…So you’ve come. A warm welcome to the terrorists who toy with others’ hearts in the name of their self-righteous justice, the infamous Phantom Thieves."

I snarl "You're badly outmatched!"

Fox spoke "As if you’ve any right to talk, Konoe! You who repeatedly takes control of whomever you please!"

Oracle spoke "And you even tried to pass us off as a bunch of killers."

Violet spoke "You’re the true villain here!"

Shadow Konoe scoffs "Hmph. It would appear you haven’t realized just how similar we are."

Mona asks "What…?"

Lillian asks "What do you mean by that?"

Shadow Konoe spoke "We’re one and the same, we both detest this rotten society, and struggle day after day to combat it. With our power to change hearts, we strive to incite change among the masses."

I tailslap Konoe on the head.

Sonic spoke "That's stupid!"

Shadow Konoe scoffs "The Jails aren’t perfect, mind you. The Jail’s area of effect only covers roughly one city. Peculiar how such phenomenal power has such limited range. In order to change the hearts in all of humanity, I needed nothing short of an army of Monarchs. So I began gathering pawns. Powerless lamenting puppets who felt as hopeless on this earth as I once did. And do you know what happens when you grant people like that the power to change hearts? They welcome their newfound power with open arms. And by using EMMA to guide them, keeping them under control was a menial task. With the Monarchs I’d personally selected, I could change the hearts of the festering rabble that calls this rotten place home. With the Monarchs at my command, I could change the heart of anyone who dares step out of line. That was the endgame, Operation Oraculi. *Showing anger* But you Phantom Thieves had to show up and ruin everything."

Mona spoke "So when we started taking down your Jails, you got scared that your plan would fail. And that’s why you used the police and turned Akane into a Monarch. It was all an attempt to stop us."

Danyelle snarls "Not true! A real leader listens to his or her friends!"

Shadow Konoe spoke "…It’s not too late. I can still erase these obstacles and start over."

Joker spoke "That won’t save anyone."

Shadow Konoe asks "Heh… You’re all still so naïve. But eventually, even you will come to understand. Fight all you want, the most you can do is change the hearts of a scant few. Don’t you see that my way is far more efficient?"

Queen growls "So everything will be fine as long as you’re the one making all the decisions? Who do you think you are, some kind of god?"

Skull growls "You’re just forcin’ your ideas on everyone else!"

Shadow Konoe scoffs "What foolish logic. So when you change people’s hearts, it’s right, but when someone else does it, it’s wrong? I’ve built an entire infrastructure for changing hearts. What was impossible for you, I have made a reality. As a hero, I will reign over the whole world with infallible justice."

Wolf spoke "You used Akane for this ridiculous plan of yours? She was just an innocent girl. Everyone you’d made a Monarch had some form of trauma, but you treated them like tools, even toying with their lives. You don’t know the first thing about justice!"

Shadow Konoe taunts "Then, do you believe you could’ve saved me?"

That made us stop for a second.

Panther asks "Huh?"

Danyelle spoke "As someone once said... A strong man stands up for himself, a stronger man stands up for others."

I growl "ENOUGH!!!!"

Shadow Konoe spoke "It seems there’s little point in discussing this further. If we can’t reach an understanding, then only one side must remain. It’s time to decide which of us truly walks the path of justice!"

Shadow Konoe’s eyes flashed red as he turned around with the door facing him opened with him walking towards a mech armor, much to our shock.

Shadow Konoe spoke "There aren’t any real heroes left. So… why not make our own? *Obtained leg armor as the dock for mech opened with stairs leading up toward it* The world needs someone willing to fight for its people’s justice. *Obtained chest armor* A hero to lead them. To unify them. *Obtained arm armor and armored helm-mask as he arrived at the cock-pit of the mech, before turning around to show his armored self* A hero like me."

To be continued

Next Chapter: Phantom Strikers Part 2 Estimated time remaining: 27 Minutes
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