
Raising Tempo

by Void Chicken

Chapter 9: Friendship

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Tempo watched the train with her parents round the corner and disappear from sight. Nearby, Li'l Cheese's father did his best to console his son.

Leaning over, Tempo picked up her present for Dapple and walked towards town.

A walk soon became a brisk trot, her excitement growing by the step. Passing by a small house, Tempo reminded herself that the present had to wait until Dapple's painting was done.

Before long, she was at his front door. She reached up and knocked three times.

Less than ten seconds later, it opened an inch and Dapple's eye appeared. Upon seeing her, he opened the door the rest of the way, stepping backwards to keep his body hidden.

"Hi, Tempo."

Tempo bounced in. "Hey! Is it time to finish the painting?" She set the package down on the small table next to the door.

"Uh-huh." Dapple cracked a small smile. "But you'll have to hold still for me to get all the details." He glanced at the package. "What's that?"

"It's a surprise! I mean a secret!" Tempo said with a giggle. "A surprise secret! You'll see! Hey, isn't your Dad gone? Where's your babysitter?"

"I don't have one. Because... you know, they'd have to look at me. Dad says I'm responsible enough to have the house to myself if I follow the rules. Go ahead and lay down."

After settling down on the couch, Tempo assumed the same pose she had every previous day. At the edge of her vision, she saw Dapple drag the easel from its spot next to the wall to where it too had been every day.

As he set about mixing the paint, she did her best not to vibrate in anticipation.

Soon Dapple's brush was on the canvas. His head often poked around the edge, and Tempo could see his legs move as he went from area to area.

Outside, the setting sun touched the horizon.

Inside, the bright chandelier provided the only light, the thick clouds blocking the light of the rising moon.

After the light outside had faded completely, Dapple set down his brush and stepped back. "I think I'm done."

Tempo sprang up from the couch like it was a catapult. "Let me see, let me see!" She rushed around to the painted side of the canvas. On it was an image of her, laying on that couch. Every crease of her body, every strand of her mane, the glint in her eyes, all was there in the oil paint.

She gasped. "I love it!" Tempo turned and hugged Dapple tight. Under the unexpected weight, he collapsed to the floor. Standing over him, Tempo said, "Thank you thank you thank you!"

"Y-you're welcome. It was really good practice."

Dapple's body was laid out on the floor, all in Tempo's view. She scrambled back and turned away. "Sorry! I was really excited and I forgot!"

"It's fine."

Her ears dropped. "And... while you were painting... I could see your legs. And all the spots on them. I didn't say anything because I didn't want to bother you. I should have said something. You could have—"

"I know."

Tempo moved her head a little in his direction. "You knew?"

"On the second day of painting, I realized that you could see my legs. But I did my best not to think about it. To think about painting you instead. And... after a while I didn't mind." He took a breath. "I think you can look at me when you need to. For just a little bit at a time." Dapple paused. "I should set this aside to dry."

Dapple carefully returned the easel and wet painting to the corner of the room.

"Oh!" Tempo bounced to the table by the door. "I can give you this now!"

Dapple walked up. "What is it?"

"Your surprise secret present!"

Dapple took the small box and carefully unwrapped it. Then he opened it, lifted out the tiny figurine, and set it on the table. It was a pegasus a few inches tall, a brush in one hoof, and an easel with an incomplete painting in front of her.

"Is that Feather Brush? It's amazing."

"It is! Happy birthday!"

Dapple looked over the figurine. "My birthday's in the winter."

"Sorry! I'm just so excited to finally give you this!" She pranced in place.

"It's beautiful. Thank you."

"You're super welcome!"

Tempo looked out the windows at the darkness. "Uh-oh. I'm pretty late. Pumpkin's gonna be mad. I gotta go. Rainbow and I can pick up the painting tomorrow. Goodnight!" She opened the door and hurried out into the black.

"Good night," Dapple said from the doorway.

Tempo was soon approaching the town. Above, the clouds blocked the light of the moon, with only the occasional beam finding a gap to the landscape below. Lights burned from various windows ahead and a slight breeze brought a chill to her skin.

She heard a shout in the distance.

Steps slowing, Tempo listened.

A distant "Help! Help me!" sounded out from the same direction. Then silence.

The mane on the back of her neck stood up.

Somepony screamed.

Tempo ran towards her home. From around the town, ponies wandered out of their houses. More shouts and screams filled the air, closer to her.

She circled around the growing crowd, only wanting to get home. Tempo approached the other edge of town and the darkness beyond.

Another pony screamed, very close this time.

Just as she rounded a building, an adult stepped out in front of her.

"Hey, little filly, what's the hurry?"

Tempo looked up. In the way was a mare, light pink with a green mane. In the dim light, Tempo saw that instead of normal pony eyes, this mare had inky blackness, with twinkling stars, like holes leading into the night sky. Tempo's blood ran cold at the sight.

Motion behind the mare allowed Tempo to tear her gaze away. Spread across the ground in the broken moonlight was a thick ooze, as black as the eyes of the adult standing in front of Tempo. More screams rung out.

Tempo staggered away from the mare. She noticed tiny stars embedded in the ooze, which shifted as the black mass undulated in the darkness around Ponyville.

"You look lost, you poor thing," the mare said. "But it's okay. There's nothing to worry about. I don't worry anymore, not since I made a new friend. And he's looking for more friends all the time, and one new one in particular."

She leaned down, the stars in her eyes twinkling. "Would you happen to know a filly by the name of... Tempo Reprise?"

Tempo stood stock still, paralyzed with fear. Beads of sweat ran down her sides.

A nearby door burst open and light flooded out. A panicking stallion ran into the night. The mare with the starry eyes recoiled from the light, clamping her eyes shut.

Her legs finally obeying her, Tempo sprinted away through a gap in the ooze. Her hooves pounded the grass as she ran towards the Boutique. Ahead, she could see a small light through the ground floor windows.

As she approached, she saw the ooze sweep ahead and surround her home. Tempo skidded to a stop and stared, rooted to the spot. As she watched, the ooze climbed up the building's sides. She heard the snapping of wood and the top of the structure shifted. The light in the windows went out.

Tempo's mind raced. Her home wasn't safe. The town wasn't safe. The grownups weren't safe. She tried desperately to think of anywhere she could go.

An idea coming to mind, Tempo turned and ran, towards what light remained in town. She panted in the cool air. Concentrating, she cast a light spell on her horn, leaving a tiny pool of light around her as a shield against the darkness and whatever may have been lurking in it.

Just as she reached a building, the same mare as before rounded a corner in front of her. Tempo could see more starry-eyed ponies in the town beyond.

"Now I know you! You're Tempo!" the mare said. "The Nightgrasp would love to meet you. He's my new friend. And he wants you to be his new friend, too."

Tempo held up her horn, casting her light as hard as she could.

The starry-eyed mare slowly shook her head. "Oh, Tempo, you poor dear. That's not nearly bright enough."

The mare lunged at her.

The world stopped.

Tempo's light went out.

The silhouette of the mare hung motionless in the darkness. The ooze was frozen in place. Tempo took a few steps backwards, then ran past her and the other starry-eyed ponies.

She tried to re-cast the light spell, but her horn wouldn't respond. Tempo ran for the only remaining sanctuary she could think of, holding the world in place as long as she could.

Minutes went by as the only thing in the world still moving ran across town. Her strength began to ebb, not from the exertion, but from something else. Tempo's legs stumbled in their attempt to keep her moving.

Unable to hold it back anymore, Tempo let the world start again. Her horn glowed in the night once more.

She reached the door of Dapple's house. Jerking on the handle, she found it unlocked and ran into the dimly lit entryway.

"Dapple! Dapple!" she called between breaths.

His bedroom door opened and his head appeared. "Tempo? What's wrong?"

"I don't know! There's ponies with stars in their eyes, and—and there's this goo, and—the light!"

Tempo turned and pushed the lever on the wall. With a flash of magic, the candles of the chandelier lit, flooding the room in bright light. She leaned against the wall to catch her breath, letting her own light spell go out.

"Dapple," she panted, "please, come out here. Get in the light."

He slowly descended the stairs. "It's a monster attack?"

"One of them said the Nightgrasp's here. The thing Mom and Rainbow and my aunts went to fight."

Tempo walked farther into the room, away from the darkness outside. "And it's really scary and I don't know what to do, but they don't like light. I think we're okay in here. We can stay here."

As she caught her breath, she looked at her shaking foreleg. She'd never stopped the world for that long before. Her strength had returned since she started it, but only a little. Tempo didn't understand.

There was a knock on the door. Tempo jumped at the sound.

"Tempo?" Pumpkin Cake called from the other side. "Are you in there? Something really weird is going on outside and I want to make sure you're safe."

"It's Pumpkin! She'll be okay in here, too." Tempo called back, "I'm here! Just a second!"

She opened the door. Just past the edge of the chandelier's light stood Pumpkin Cake.

"There you are, Tempo!" Pumpkin said. "Come on, let's get you home." The twinkling lights of the chandelier reflected in her eyes.

Tempo's mouth moved for a second before she found the words. "Is it going to be okay?"

"Of course!" Pumpkin smiled. "I won't let the Nightgrasp get you."

Walking to the doorway, Tempo thought to ask. "Where are we going again?"

Pumpkin looked into the darkness and took a few steps. "Your home at the Boutique, of course. You'll be safe there, I promise."

"But the... the goo..." She looked at the back of Pumpkin's head. "Pumpkin... I think we should stay here."

"We don't have time for this, Tempo. Do what I tell you and go home. Now." Pumpkin turned back towards her. Tempo could see the flickering lights of the chandelier still in her eyes. Tempo looked up at the front of the house. She wondered how the lights could reflect in Pumpkin's eyes if it wasn't shining on her.

"P-Pumpkin? Can... can you please come into the light first?"

Pumpkin scowled. "I don't need to play your silly games, Tempo."

Tempo slowly backed up. "I-I'm serious. Just step inside for a second."

Pumpkin paused, then shook her head. "And I was so close."

The whites of her eyes and her irises turned black, leaving only the glittering stars. Tempo's breath caught in her throat.

Behind Pumpkin, starry goo flowed towards the house. Within seconds, the entire lawn was covered. Only the light spilling out the opened door held it at bay.

"You know, Tempo," Pumpkin said, the thick goo oozing around her legs. "The Nightgrasp took all my fears and my worries away." She smiled, her black eyes glittering with stars. "My class, my homework, my babysitting, my brother, everything. I'm not worried anymore. He can take your worries away too, if you'll be his friend."

Tempo couldn't find the words to respond. She stumbled back through the doorway.

"It was worth a try." Pumpkin turned away, effortlessly wading through the starry goo.

Trembling, Tempo got back to her hooves. In the darkness, more starry-eyed ponies approached. She looked between them.

Dapple spoke up, "W-What do we do?"

"I don't know."

Directly ahead outside the door, a shape rose out of the goo, taking the form of a stallion covered in stars. Two bright pinpricks of light appeared where his eyes should have been.

"Tempo Reprise," the pony-shaped goo said in a distant, otherworldly voice. "I have been waiting for so long to finally visit Ponyville, to finally meet the foal of an Element of Harmony. Two Elements, no less. It is an honor to meet you, Tempo. It would be a greater honor to be your friend."

Tempo stood rooted to the spot, her whole body shaking.

The Nightgrasp wasn't supposed to be there. He was supposed to be in Dodge Junction. Tempo was sure that Aunt Twilight said he was in Dodge Junction. Mom and Rainbow and the others went to Dodge Junction to fight him and beat him and save the day.

Tempo didn't understand how any of this could be happening. Mom and Rainbow couldn't save the day if they weren't fighting him.

"I've made lots of new friends tonight," the Nightgrasp went on, "But I want to be your friend most of all."


"I went through so much trouble to give us this privacy." The Nightgrasp looked at the Everfree Forest before turning back to Tempo. "A strand of myself, so very thin, stretching so very far, all the way to Dodge Junction, just enough to fool the Princess of Dreams. It was such an effort, but oh so worth it."

The Nightgrasp took a single step forward. "You have such a lovely home, and I searched all through it without finding you. But I did find another new friend. And she told me so much, because that is what friends do. Pumpkin Cake is such a good filly, to share with me like that. I would never have known where to look without her help. I'm very proud of her."

In the darkness, Pumpkin stood tall and puffed her chest out.

He continued, "Be a good filly and become my friend, too, Tempo Reprise. I don't want ponies to worry, and I can make sure you never worry again."

"I-I'm not coming out!" Tempo forced out. "You're a bad guy!"

"That's not a very nice thing to say about your next friend."

"Your friend," the starry-eyed ponies repeated.

The Nightgrasp looked into her eyes. "Just step outside, and I can get to know everything about you."

"No. You're... a bad guy."

The Nightgrasp's eyes went down, just a little. "I am a reasonable pony. I will offer you a deal. Observe."

The wood of the house creaked and groaned. Dapple backed up, wings clamped to his sides, until his rear hit the wall.

Suddenly a cacophony of snapping wood resounded from one end. The crash of falling glass and metal soon accompanied it. A burst of dust came through the hallway in the same direction. As it settled, Tempo could feel a draft blow through. The flames of the chandelier danced in the breeze.

"The kitchen!" Dapple shouted.

"It would be a shame if I had to continue," the Nightgrasp said.

There was a loud thud and the entire house swayed, accompanied by the groaning of wood.

Dapple shouted. Tempo looked over. A large statue by the wall had tipped and was falling towards him.

The world stopped.

Tempo ran over, but she could feel her strength being sapped again. She tried to push the floating statue, but it wouldn't budge.

Fear was frozen on Dapple's face, and Tempo felt weaker by the second.

She pushed her way between Dapple and the wall, then braced her forehooves against Dapple's flank and her hind hooves against the wall. She pushed with everything she had. Dapple slid across the floor.

Tempo fell to the floor as the world started. The statue crashed to the ground and shattered inches away from them both.

She got to her hooves, and found she could barely stand. She licked her lips, trying to get some semblance of moisture in her mouth.

Dapple, laying on his side, looked up at her. "H-how did you do that?"

"I'll..." She gasped for breath, not even caring that she was looking at him. "I'll tell you later."

"I mentioned a deal," the Nightgrasp said, "and you can choose to take it. If you remain there, I will dismantle this beautiful house until the light goes out and I will befriend you both. If you be my friend willingly, if you give me your worries, the colt can keep his."

The groan of wood surrounded the foals. Tempo's eyes got a little wider.

"Step outside, Tempo Reprise," he said. "Step outside and the colt will not become a friend of mine."

She looked back at Dapple, who was still flat on his side next to the pieces of the fallen statue.

"Dapple," she said. "I... Mom and Rainbow are heroes. They do everything they can to save ponies. I need... I need to be like them. I need to be a Big Pony."

"Tempo..." Dapple said.

Tempo stepped towards the darkness, forcing her legs to move.

"You... you have that really nice painting of me. You can look at it all you want. And-and the figurine."

She passed through the door and stopped at the edge of the light outside. "I'm glad I got to be your friend."

Tempo set her hoof in the goo.

Immediately, it sucked her into the darkness. Within seconds, it was up to her chest and she was face to face with the Nightgrasp.

"There," the Nightgrasp said, "was that so hard?"

The goo turned Tempo around towards the house. She could see the starry goo covering it, but it retreated as she watched. One end of the house had been torn away. The clouds broke just long enough for a column of moonlight to illuminate the damage. Shards that used to be cabinets and countertops littered the ground, along with pots, pans, jars large and small, knives, forks, spoons, and other unidentifiable objects.

In the lit doorway she could see Dapple's silhouette.

"Ponies are so predictable," the Nightgrasp said. "Walking into your doom to save another from his. But I am a stallion of my word. Your friend will not be mine. He is free to watch, and to worry."

Tempo felt the cold goo travel up her neck. It turned her back towards the Nightgrasp.

He looked her in the eyes. "Unlike you, my new best friend."

Shouts rang out in the distance. The Nightgrasp turned to face the town.

"Oh? It seems we have company. I've danced to this tune before."

The starry-eyed ponies turned and ran towards town through the goo. Tempo heard more shouting, punctuated by purple magical blasts.

Tempo looked towards the noise. "M... Mom? Rainbow?"

"Hmm," the Nightgrasp said, turning back towards her. "A change of plans then. Yes, this is a better idea."

"W-what are you going to do to them?" Tempo shivered as much as the goo's grip allowed.

"You'll see, little foal. But rest assured, this will not take long."

Minutes passed before Tempo's parents and aunts reached them. The Nightgrasp held Tempo, submerged up to her head, behind himself.

On the other side of the Nightgrasp, Tempo saw the flickering glow of Aunt Twilight's light spell. She heard Aunt Twilight gasping for breath. Aunt Twilight's friends stood by her, themselves breathing heavily.

"Good evening," the Nightgrasp said to them. "Did you enjoy your trip to Dodge Junction?"

"Nightgrasp!" Aunt Twilight shouted. "Release Ponyville from your thrall!"

"What's this?" The Nightgrasp tilted his head. "The Princess of Friendship telling me to not have friends? I'm shocked. And Princess, you look exhausted. Did you teleport all the way here?"

"Where's Tempo!?" she heard Rainbow shout.

The goo shifted, and Tempo was brought around to the Nightgrasp's side. It lifted her up to eye level, still covering her up to her neck.

Her parents and aunts gasped.

"Tempo!" Mom shouted. "Hang on!"

Rainbow stepped forward, but Aunt Applejack raised a hoof to block her. "Keep your head on your shoulders, Rainbow."

Aunt Twilight was visibly straining. She breathed through gritted teeth and beads of sweat ran down her face. The light coming from her horn flickered and dimmed before brightening again.

"Help..." Tempo breathed. She repeated louder, "Help me... Please, help me. Mommy, Rainy. Mommy! Rainy! Help me!" Her eyes filled with tears.

The Nightgrasp spoke, "Now, little Tempo here agreed to be my friend, to let me take her worries away. Would you really make a liar out of this poor, worried filly?"

"Mommy! Rainy!"

"But," the Nightgrasp went on, "I am willing to make a deal. Her worries for one of yours. So, who wishes to save this filly?"

Through her tears, Tempo saw Aunt Applejack turn to Aunt Twilight. "If he gets any of us, we're out of luck."

"We can't let him take her!" Rainbow told Aunt Twilight.

"Well?" the Nightgrasp asked. He moved Tempo forwards a few inches. "Or perhaps you'd rather hear my offer from her lips instead."

"I'll do it," Rainbow said.

"What?!" Aunt Fluttershy replied. "You can't!"

Rainbow jabbed Aunt Fluttershy's front. "What I can't do is leave my daughter! Twilight, you're a smart pony. You'll find a way to beat him without the Elements."

"No!" Mom stamped her hoof. "I'll go. You're more a part of her life. She needs you more than she needs me."

"Rarity, not this again—"

"Rainbow Dash!" Mom screamed. "You are more of a mother to her than I will ever be! You are the light of her life, the one she looks forward to seeing every day, the one she enjoys the company of more than any other pony." She choked up. "Let me... let me do this one thing for Tempo. Let me make her happy."

"Rarity..." Rainbow raised a hoof, then slowly lowered it and closed her eyes. "I love you."

Mom turned to kiss her. "I love you, too, my dear Rainbow."

Mom stepped forward into the goo, which brought her to Tempo's side.

"Excellent," the Nightgrasp said, "excellent. Once you are mine, I will release your child."

Sniffling, Mom looked at Tempo.

"Tempo, my beautiful daughter. You mean more to me than all the world." The goo enveloped her body and climbed up her neck. "I love you, Tempo. So, so much."

She struggled to turn her head. "Tempo, as your mother, I have one last request of you."

Tempo fought to get the words out. "Y... yes, M-Mommy?"

"Turn away. I don't want you to see this." Mom turned back to the Nightgrasp, lowering her head to his. "Please, Tempo. Turn away. Turn away and close your eyes."

Tempo tore her tear-filled gaze away from her mother.

"Now," the Nightgrasp said, "just relax, let the stars fill your mind, and feel your worries drift away."

There was silence. Tempo squeezed the tears from her eyes.

For just an instant, she heard the sound of her mother's horn casting a spell.

There was a loud bang and everything turned a brilliant white. The Nightgrasp screamed.

The goo evaporated and Tempo tumbled to the ground. She looked up, then squinted against the blinding light emanating from Mom's horn. Above, even the cloud layer was lit up. Ahead, a light blue shape rushed towards her.

She felt hooves grab her. Just as she left the ground, Rainbow's grasp slipped and Tempo fell back, rolling and tumbling until she hit a wall.

"How?" The Nightgrasp's voice sounded much fainter.

"Because,"—Mom's voice dripped with contempt—"darling, you dared to come between me and my daughter!"

"Then I'll take her with me!"

Mom's light spell faded. From the side, Tempo saw the ooze rush towards her.

"Now!" Aunt Twilight shouted. "Now!"

Just as the stars filled Tempo's vision, they turned a multitude of hues and burst, obliterating the goo and leaving behind only drifting sparkles, backlit by a brilliant rainbow.

A bit of motion caught Tempo's eye. She saw a small blob of ooze, no bigger than her hoof. It darted away across the ground, towards the Everfree. Her eyes widened at the realization.

The world stopped, with the blinding light of the Elements of Harmony hanging in the air. Tempo got to her aching feet. She stumbled over to the nearby hole in the wall, to the contents of the kitchen that the Nightgrasp had spilled earlier.

Tempo found a large jar.

Dragging her hooves and gritting her teeth, she forced her weakening legs to push the jar towards the frozen blob.

"I'm a Big Pony," she breathed. "A hero like Mom and Rainbow. A Big Pony."

She collapsed next to the blob. Bracing the jar against the ground, she carefully scooped the ooze into it. Holding the jar against her ribs, she methodically screwed the lid on with the last of her strength.

The world started again. The jar bounced off her chest and rolled, coming to rest against the house.

Too weak to move, Tempo could only gasp for breath as the rainbow faded.

"Where'd she go?" a distant voice asked. "There!"

Strong hooves grabbed her. Tempo saw Aunt Applejack's face. "Let's get her in the light, quick."

Tempo found herself being dragged towards the front door of the house, its chandelier still lit.

Aunt Applejack set her down. Immediately, Rainbow grabbed the sides of her head and stared into Tempo's eyes. Her eyes flicked back and forth, desperately searching for something.

Rainbow released her, then instantly locked her into a tight hug. Rainbow's chest heaved as she sobbed.

"She's..." Rainbow choked. "She's okay. She's okay."

Tears fell on Tempo's back.

"Tempo's okay."

Next Chapter: Daylight Estimated time remaining: 10 Minutes
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