
My Life as a Sonic OC Season 6

by Kitsulestia

Chapter 3: Gauntlet of Fire

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Gauntlet of Fire

*Lucy's POV*

I was helping Spike and Rarity gather more gemstones when my scales started glowing.

Scratching at my skin, I groan "Make it stop.... It itches...."

Soon enough, the glowing scales effect got to Spike.

*In Canterlot*

Even Wendy was having the same issue.

Wendy asks "What’s going on?!"

Celestia spoke "It's the call of the Dragon Lord... No dragon can avoid the summons. You should head to Ponyville since Spike and the others likely have the same problem."

Wendy decided to head straight to Ponyville, but little did she know that there was a brown long spiky shell and a red spiky shell, glowing just like the dragons are.

Wendy spoke "Huh, I didn't know that Koopas had that issue..."

Limbs emerged from the shells, revealing to be Ringo and Linn.

Ringo spoke "It's Koopalings, and we're basically part dragon, so we kinda have to go with them too."

Linn spoke "This adventure would prove beneficial though."

Wendy spoke "I see but it is a long flight to the Dragon lands though."

Ringo spoke "Eh, it's not much effort with these."

Ringo brought out his wand, before waving it around and then he and Linn poofed away, teleporting to the Dragon Lands.

Natsu spoke "This itchiness better stop when we get there!"

Cynder was carrying Viola and Spike on her back while flying.

Spyro spoke "I hope so...."

I spoke "I wonder who the new Dragon Lord will be."

Natsu spoke "Who knows, it depends."

Spike spoke "Good thing Rainbow wasn't affected, she's not full dragon."

Wendy spoke "Definitely."

We soon arrived at the Dragon Lands, seeing all of the others dragons there as well.

Garble scoffs "Well if it isn't the half-pint brat and his crazy mother."

Gajeel growls at Garble.

Gajeel spoke "And look who else is here, Heavy Metal."

A group of dragons were gaining up on a gryphon hen.

I prod Gajeel with a foreleg.

I ask "Doesn't that gryphon hen's scarf look familiar to you Gajeel?"

Gajeel looked and gasped. "LEVY!!!"

Levy bolted over to where Gajeel was before hiding behind him.

Gajeel growls "What do you think you punks are doing to my wife?!"

Levy was now hiding behind me since Gajeel knew that I could keep her safe.

A white dragon spoke "None of your business metal face."

Gajeel growls "Are you talking to me?"

Levy spoke "Uh oh. They called him metal face."

Gajeel growls "Are you talking to me?!"

Cynder spoke "Shouldn't 'a done that."

Gajeel snaps "ARE YOU TALKING TO ME?!?"

Spyro spoke "Now they're in for it!"

Gajeel attacks the group of dragons.

Gajeel shouts "IRON DRAGON ROAR!!!"

Spyro was laughing at the group of dragons after they got beat up.

I giggle "Just like in Danyelle's favorite childhood movie."

Torch roars "ENOUGH!!!"

Every dragon had frozen in fear of the much larger dragon.

Levy chitters "Sorry sir but they attacked me...."

A smaller blue dragoness was near her father.

*Meanwhile with the two koopalings*

Ringo spoke "I'm not gonna participate in some games that determines the next lord."

Linn spoke "Come on, brother! It will certainly help develop our skills!"

Ringo spoke "I'm telling you I'm... *Noticing the blue dragoness* gonna..."

The blue dragoness noticed Ringo too, but shook her head before paying attention to everything else.

Ringo spoke "I'm participating!"

Linn asks "Huh? Why like this, Ringo?"

Ringo spoke "Because I feel like it."

Cynder whispers in Spyro's ear.

Cynder whispers "seems someone just zinged..."

Spyro asks "Who?"

Cynder pointed her tail at Ringo then at the blue dragoness.

Spyro spoke "A dragoness and a koopaling. Didn't expect that."

Cynder spoke "Can't be no worse than an iron dragon an a barn owl gryphon..."

Spyro asks "What's so bad about that?"

Cynder spoke "Such a pairing hasn't been seen in 10 thousand years. Not since the first Koopa queen, so I heard... She had fallen in love with a dragon lord back then but after the portals between realms closed, she had killed herself since she had gone insane from heartbreak... I read about it in the ancient texts that Ignitus had before his passing."

Spyro spoke "Sheesh! I just hope that doesn't happen again."

But then after Dragon Lord Torch told his daughter, Ember, to go home, he tossed the fire scepter into a volcano on another island.

I groan "Guess we have to fight for that scepter...."

Levy spoke "Gajeel and I will be sitting this out."

Natsu spoke "Guys, I don't think any of us dragons can sit this out, because I don't like what'll happen if Garble gets that scepter."

I spoke "But Levy's not a dragon... Plus Layla, Luke and Nashi aren't old enough to compete yet."

Levy spoke "Dragon or not, I want payback against those three jerks that picked on me."

Levy took flight, as did other dragons.

I groan "I swear Gajeel, your wife is as thick headed as you are..."

Gajeel spoke "Eh, just makes me love her more."

I spoke "If only a certain ice brained stripper would smarten up..."

Natsu asks "Huh? Wait! Why are there two koopalings down there swimming to the island?"

Wendy spoke "Oh floppa, one dragon has gone under!"

Spike spoke "Come on! We gotta help him!"

Wendy dove down into the water to save the dragon.

After rescuing the dragon, we got to the island, and the two koopalings, Ringo and Linn were with us.

Wendy pushes on the dragon's stomach after the helmet had been removed, causing the dragon to cough up water.

I spoke "She's okay!"

Spike asks "Wait, Ember?"

But then Ringo's head turned red as he started stammering for some reason.

Linn spoke "Ringo, why are you-Oh. I see."

I spoke "The soon to be retired Dragon Lord isn't going to like this...."

Levy spoke "Hurry up slowpokes!"

Ringo was still stammering until Linn hit him on the head with her giant hammer, which was originally her wand. "Back down to reality?"

Ringo spoke "Thanks. I needed that."

I giggle "Like Danyelle always says... Slap in the face would be humiliating, back of the head is a wake up call."

But then Gajeel started growling competitively with a smirk after hearing what Levy said. "Oh, you're on now!"

The Barn owl gryphon laughs before flying off after the others but she was so silent since Barn owls were known to be silent hunters.

I spoke "guess the other dragons won't know she's even there since she's a silent flyer."

Levy had thrown Garble aside before flying off to where the scepter was.

Gajeel spoke "Come on! Let's go!"

I flew after Gajeel while Wendy was carrying Spike on her back.

We were all struggling to help hold Garble off while Spike and Levy tried to get the scepter.

To our surprise, Ember flew at Garble before grabbing him and judo-throwing him.

Ember spoke "That should hold him off! Get the scepter!"

Levy and Spike both grab the scepter.

Garble growls "What is wrong with all of you?! Dragons don't do friends!"

I spoke at the same time as Ember. "These dragons do!"

I punch Garble in the face, knocking him out cold just as Spike and Levy had gotten the scepter.

But then the rest of the dragons showed up.

Looking at Garble, Spike spoke "I order you to fly home as well as give every dragon you see a hug!"

Levy spoke "Yeah and to never harass a gryphon again!"

Garble spoke "But...."

Spike spoke "Unless you want a triple dose of celestial, iron and sky dragon roars to the face, I command you to do it!"

Garble growls in annoyance as he did as he was told.

Levy spoke "Serves him right for picking on me earlier."

Ember spoke "Not bad you two."

Handing the scepter to Ember, Spike spoke "you would be a better choice than me as Dragon Lord, I was doing this to protect my friends."

Ember stammers "W-What? But you two-"

Levy spoke "A good dragon lord isn't measured by strength alone. You think of ways to improvise and adapt to tough situations."

I spoke "You have to be the one to bring the scepter to your father."

Ember spoke "O-Okay."

But then Linn pushed Ringo towards Ember, causing them to crash into each other.

Levy started snickering.

The koopaling and dragoness said nothing as their eyes flashed pink.

Ringo asks "Um... Hi, Ember, right?"

I snicker "Called it!"

Ember stammers "Y-Yes. Your name's Ringo?"

Ringo spoke "Uh... Yeah."

I snicker "I think there'll be a few eggs in their future."

Linn spoke "And I'll be an aunt."

Wendy spoke "I still have to wait another six years before I can have kids."


Next Chapter: Newbie Dash Estimated time remaining: 2 Hours, 14 Minutes
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