
The Winds of Change

by CalmNQuiet

Chapter 14

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The capricious nature of the wind around Las Pegasus always demanded all of Scootaloo’s attention while in flight. She rested her hooves lightly upon the wooden steering wheel of Breezy, ready to make any necessary corrections to the trajectory of the craft should the unexpected occur. But after several hours of uneventful flying, she was content to keep a single hoof near the top of the wheel and let her mind wander.

The sudden reappearance of Rainbow Dash, who happened to be napping at the moment, turned her thoughts to other ponies long missing from her life. Her semi-regular correspondence with Apple Bloom wasn’t ideal, but it far exceeded what little contact she maintained with the third member of their little group: Sweetie Belle.

How long had it been? One, maybe two years? Scootaloo wasn’t absolutely certain. The last bit of news she heard from Rarity was Sweetie Belle’s departure to Manehatten to nurture a blossoming singing career. In hopes of catching a performance, she checked the major and minor venues around the city each week for Sweetie’s name. It was a fruitless pursuit. If Sweetie ever went on tour around Equestria, Scootaloo had never seen her appear in Las Pegasus. A trip to Manehatten herself was out of the question. Bits were tight enough as it is.

Perhaps most disheartening was the pile of returned letters from Manehatten which she kept hidden under her bed. After the departure of the Apples, Sweetie and Scootaloo were left in Ponyville without the third member of their crusading party. Scootaloo wasn’t sure if she would have made it as far as she did without her friend’s cheery support, especially with the disappearance of Rainbow from her life during those rough couple years.

At least Rainbow was back now. Scootaloo looked back at the napping pegasus and smiled. Something about having familiar ponies around her once more made her nostalgic. If anything, the sprawled-out position the pegasus adopted in her sleep was too adorable to ignore. A single blue forehoof stretched out across the deck and rested against Twilight’s flank just below the cutie mark. Twilight didn’t seem to mind and kept her tail partway across the outstretched limb. Scootaloo might’ve been a little too young to understand the signs back in Ponyville, but it was pretty obvious now.

She leaned back against her seat and waved to Twilight with a free forehoof. “Hey, Twilight, how’s it going back there?”

Twilight looked up from the notebook resting between her hooves and frowned. “I’m just not sure what’s going on with my instruments. I guess I’m expecting it to be warmer, but it’s quite pleasant out here. Also, I’m not seeing the high pressure zones I’m expecting, since it is a desert and all.”

Scootaloo spread her wings wide and opened her mouth, tasting the air—an old pegasus trick for reading the weather. She could feel it in the tips of her wings and the air tasted a little off. She pressed Twilight for more information. “Twilight, what are you seeing with your instruments?”

Twilight shuffled back through her pages and glanced down her neatly penned horn-writing. “A lot of fluctuating pressure as we move from location to location. General temperature anomalies, also—there’s a few warm pockets, but most of it is rather mild.”

Sighing to herself, Scootaloo folded up her wings and turned away from Twilight. “You should probably wake Rainbow up. I thought I felt something off in the air. It’s been way too calm for my liking. And we’ve been up here far too long now.”

“Why? What’s happening?”

“I think a storm’s coming, and I’d rather not land us in the middle of the desert. I need to get us back home, and fast.” Scootaloo didn’t waste any more time. She spun the steering wheel hard to the left. The rudder-fins on either side of the craft groaned and the entire airship shifted toward the eastern slums outside of the city. The heading of the craft set, she jammed an unused lever forward and the gentle purr of the engine roared to life.

Rainbow woke up with a start and looked around blearily. “What was that?” she exclaimed loudly as her wings shot out in surprise.

Scootaloo leaned forward on the steering wheel, a grim look of determination on her face. “That’s the magic engine kicking in. Most airships use some form of petroleum or coal to power their engines. Breezy’s special. She has a little bit of magic tucked in the back.”

“Did you say magic?” Twilight hurried to the back of the airship, her horn glowing as she sensed for the source under the wooden floorboards.

“Yep, magic. Breezy was one of the first ships Mr. Highwind put together. We’re gonna use it to get back home before the storm rolls in and overwhelms us.”

Rainbow Dash trotted forward to the front of the airship, blocking Scootaloo’s view and placed both her hooves on the steering wheel. “Scoots, what’s going on? Why does this airship suddenly feel like one of those SonicCrafts that nearly killed Twilight?”

“What are you talking about? I’m just trying to fly us home here.”

“Scootaloo, this isn’t funny!”

“This isn’t funny, either! Now let go of my wheel! I need to pilot us around pockets of unstable air if we’re going to beat this storm.”

Rainbow grit her teeth and pushed her head forward. No way she was going to let this go. Something didn’t feel right.

“Dashie!” Twilight waved from the rear of the ship. “Let Scootaloo fly the ship. I think I might know what’s going on.” She stamped her hoof a couple times on the wooden floor. “The engine beneath us, it’s different. It feels like it has the same concepts built in, but it’s much less refined and has a lot of superfluous spells woven in.”

Rainbow released the wheel and peered over Scootaloo’s shoulder. “What’s going on here, Twilight?”

Twilight sighed and shook her head. “I don’t think it’s anything malicious at least. It’s an odd coincidence to be sure, but I think we’re safe in Scootaloo’s reliable hooves.” She placed her remaining instruments in her saddlebag and fastened it firmly around her torso.

After one last glance into Scootaloo’s rebellious eyes, Rainbow pulled away and made her way back to Twilight. “Are you sure about this, Twi? You can hop on me and I’ll fly us—”

Her sentence was cut short as the entire deck shook and knocked them off their hooves. “What the heck was that?”

“We’re getting sandwiched between pockets of rising hot air and sinking cold air. I’ve never seen the sky this volatile before! I’m going to try to feel my way around them, but Breezy isn’t designed to be agile. It’s going to get bumpy!” Scootaloo spun the wheel once more, causing the entire ship to veer back toward the right.

“Woah!” Rainbow struggled to her hooves but found it almost impossible to move, her range of motion restricted by the vice-like grip of Twilight’s forehooves around her body. She lowered herself back down and nuzzled Twilight’s cheek. “It’s okay, Twi. I won’t let you fall. I promise.”

Twilight forced out a smile and nuzzled lightly in return against Rainbow’s cheek. “I know, just let me hold on until we land. I’ve had a few bad experiences with flight, and I’m not keen on adding to them.”

Rainbow nodded and held Twilight tightly within her hooves. She craned her neck back and looked toward Scootaloo. Somehow, the younger filly managed to navigate Breezy around most of the turbulence. The ship was barely rocking. She squinted her eyes and focused on Scootaloo’s out-stretched wings. Her first guess was the wings were spread for balance, but then she noticed they seemed to twitch every second or so.

Could she really be reading the air currents through slight motions in her wings?

She continued to watch silently, focusing specifically on the tips of each wing which fluctuated the most when Scootaloo moved them. The right wing would twitch then followed by the left. Less than a second later, Breezy would change course to the left and the entire deck rumbled slightly on the right side. After several more maneuvers, Rainbow realized Scootaloo had found a way to apply flight mechanics to piloting itself.

This was an ability Scootaloo seemed to naturally attuned to when Rainbow first taught the little filly to fly. Lacking the sheer wingpower to propel herself upward (and the confidence to do so), Scootaloo relied on the natural flow of the air to carry herself aloft into the sky. Her smaller but more sensitive wings could detect miniscule shifts which Rainbow often ignored with powerful wing beats. Now, it was being applied to piloting to great effect.

What Rainbow could sense was the incredible similarity between this incoming storm and the one which had caught her off guard in Appleloosa. She could see the roiling sandstorm swirling from the west and obscuring the sunset. Luckily, it seemed to be moving away from them and the city. Rainbow didn’t want to imagine what sort of damage a full-fledged sandstorm could do to a city like Las Pegasus.

After a tense half-hour, Breezy thudded to the ground outside Highwind’s metal-sheened home. Scootaloo folded her wings in and the steering wheel slipped from her tired hooves. She rolled onto her back and closed her eyes, finally breathing out a sigh of relief. That was way too close for her comfort.

When she opened her eyes, she found a blue forehoof extended to her. She grasped it gratefully and allowed herself to be pulled up by Rainbow. As soon as she got to her hooves, she was embraced by Twilight and her mane was ruffled by Rainbow.

“That was some pretty impressive flying, Scoots. I didn’t notice you could use your wings to sense for air pressure variations while piloting. That was awesome.” Rainbow grinned and ruffled Scootaloo’s mane a little more.

“Thank you, Scootaloo, for getting us back safely. Highwind was right about you. You’re a very talented pilot,” Twilight added before releasing Scootaloo from her hug.

Scootaloo nodded and scuffed her hoof against the deck of Breezy. “Thanks, guys. Do you trust me now?”

Twilight exchanged a glance with Rainbow. Rainbow sighed and nodded slowly. “Yeah, I’m sorry I doubted you, Scootaloo. I think we should tell you the whole story so you know what happened to Twilight.”

“That sounds like a wonderful idea!” An exceptionally perky voice joined in from behind them. All three of them whirled around and found themselves face-to-face with a very energetic-looking Pinkie Pie.

“Pinkie! Where did you come from?” Rainbow demanded with a stamp of her hoof.

“I’ve been waiting here for you to get back! I went to the Aerodrome. and Mr. Highwind said you and Twilight went on a flight with Scootaloo. So, I hopped my way over here (while playing hopscotch, of course) and waited around. I baked some cookies in Mr. Highwind’s oven, but I don’t think he’ll mind since I left him an extra plate of them.” Pinkie shoved a cookie each in Scootaloo’s, Rainbow’s, and Twilight’s mouth with a grin.

Rainbow sputtered and tried to spit out the cookie, but it was far too delicious to spit out and she was forced to swallow it. As if by magic, when she was done eating the cookie, she felt a lot calmer. “Alright, Pinkie. Why are you waiting here for us?”

Twilight backed up a few steps and groaned. “Oh no...you’re going to say a pa—”

“A party!” Pinkie exclaimed as confetti mysteriously exploded from behind her into the air. “Well, a party for the four of us since Rarity is being all busy-bee-like with big business ponies.”

“Pinkie...as much as I would like to party, I have all these research notes I need to compile...” Twilight looked back at her saddlebags and shuffled on her hooves. “Maybe we can do it later?”

“Aww, but we haven’t seen each other in ages! We need to catch up for all the parties we’ve missed! Especially the ones with Dashie and Scootsie over here.” Pinkie wrapped a forehoof around Rainbow and Scootaloo’s neck and pulled them into a sideways hug.

“Scootsie?” Scootaloo asked and struggled against Pinkie’s incredible grip.

“That’s right! Let’s go!” Pinkie cheered and started pulling both ponies bodily toward the city.

Rainbow smiled back at Twilight and shrugged. “How about it, Twi? You’ve been working awfully hard, how about a break?”

Twilight took one last longing glance at her saddlebags before shrugging. “Fine, I guess these can wait until tomorrow. And it’s been a long time since I’ve been to a proper Pinkie party.”

“Hooray! I have a club we just have to check out. They have the tastiest drinks in the whole city!” Pinkie wrapped her hooves around all three of them (somehow) and bounced them back toward the city.

* * *

“We’re here!” Pinkie exclaimed.

Twilight stood open-mouthed and wide-eyed in front of the brightly lit club covered in an assortment of colored lights. The entire building seemed to pulse in time with the barely restrained music echoing from within. When she first saw P-Three, she thought nothing could possibly top it. This club blew it out of the water.

As soon as they entered, the music assaulted Twilight’s ears and made her brain feel like it was going to vibrate loose. Hundreds of ponies, hot, energetic, and writhing to the music filled the continuous dance floor from the entrance to the bar area in the back. Somehow, Pinkie managed to navigate the four of them around the dancers and secured them a set of seats in front of the bar.

Sitting down did little to improve the negative effect of the excessively loud music. Twilight covered her ears with her forehooves and winced under the amped-up bass which shook the floors at measured intervals. She was about to suggest they seek a quieter locale when Pinkie returned with drinks for all of them. A blue-tinted glass filled with purple fluid dropped in front of her and she stared at it in awe. She was no stranger to alcohol, but normally wine came in red, white, or pink varieties. This was definitely not wine.

“Come on, Twilight, have a sip! It’s super tasty,” Pinkie encouraged her cheerfully and nudged the drink closer.

Twilight squinted skeptically at the oddly colored drink and sniffed at it. “I don’t know, Pinkie. Are drinks normally supposed to be this color?”

“They are when it has curacao, sour raspberry, and club soda!” Pinkie giggled and wrapped a hoof around Twilight’s shoulders.

Rainbow leaned in and grasped the glass with her hoof. “That does sound good! Let me have a taste, Twi.”

Hemmed in on both sides, Twilight could only shrug and nod her agreement. She watched in fascination as Rainbow lifted the glass and sampled the odd looking concoction within.

The pegasus licked her lips and grinned at Twilight. “That was really tasty! Try some!”

The still slightly warm glass pressed against Twilight’s lips and she felt the fluid flow up against her. Unable to refuse, she opened her mouth and allowed the cool liquid to pool into her mouth. She tasted it and found it to be rather sweet with a bit of a kick from the alcohol. It was delicious. She swallowed and pushed the now empty glass away from her mouth. Grinning slightly, she licked her lips. “You’re right! I think I’d like another one!”

“That’s my girl,” Rainbow cheered and waved down the bartender to order Twilight another one.

Twilight fished out her credit chip and placed it down on the bar counter. She stared at it and bit her lip. Perhaps this wasn’t the greatest idea. This was supposed to be for official expenses. She had her own bits she could use for this. But before she could put away the credit chip, the bartender pony picked it off the counter and stamped it in the nearby machine.

“Would you like to start a tab?” he asked politely and handed the credit chip back to a shocked Twilight.

“N-no thank you. I’d like to pay with bits next time,” Twilight stammered out as she stashed the credit chip safely back within her bag. She sighed and shook her head. What was done was done. The clink of her new drink on the bar counter provided ample encouragement to put her worries aside. She could deal with explaining why she charged a drink at a bar on Celestia’s dime later.

A wing wrapped around her and she giggled as the soft plumage tickled her side. She took another sip of her drink and nuzzled at Rainbow’s cheek, earning her a blush which matched her own. Smiling brightly, she glanced over at Scootaloo on Rainbow’s left and noticed the younger filly seemed a lot more subdued, perhaps even pensive. She nudged Rainbow and gestured toward Scootaloo with a free hoof.

Rainbow nodded and wrapped her other wing around Scootaloo. “Hey Scoots, what’s got you down?”

Pinkie’s head popped in between the feathers, her nose bumping into the now empty glass in front of Scootaloo. “Oh! You need another drink!”

Scootaloo shook her head and stirred the glass cubes in her glass. “It’s okay, Pinkie. I can’t really afford to buy any drinks. I’m trying to save my bits. Thank you for buying this one, it was really good.”

“Don’t worry about it, Scoots, Twi and I gotcha covered. Right, Twi?”

“By Twi and you, you mean me, because you don’t have any bits on you,” Twilight teased and pushed some bits over to Rainbow. “But yes, I’d be happy to pay for your drinks Scootaloo, especially after your amazing piloting today.”

Rainbow laughed and waved down the bartender once more. “See? No problems! I’ll pay you back later, Twi. It’s just so nice to finally relax with friends instead of with a bunch of showboating teammates.”

Somewhere in the back of the bar a stallion nearly snorted into his drink. His companion, a fiery-maned pegasus, slapped him on the back roughly a few times.

Twilight paid the coughing pony no mind and continued to tease Rainbow. “Showboating? You’re the biggest showboating pony I know.”

“Well...” Blushing a little now, Rainbow buried her muzzle in her drink. “I just want other ponies to notice me. I try really hard to do amazing feats, so a little recognition is nice.”

“I notice. I’m excellent at paying attention to details.” Twilight responded with a wink.

“Here we go...” Scootaloo muttered with a roll of her eyes and happily indulged in the newly arrived drink via the bartender.

Pinkie’s heart swelled from seeing the smile shared between Twilight and Rainbow. This was exactly what she needed: not the party, but the smile of pure happiness which she loved to see.

* * *

“That was highly entertaining. I can’t even feel my hooves! I think I’m far too impaired to get any work done tonight.” Twilight threw her hooves up in the air and giggled.

Rainbow pulled Twilight down and steadied the obviously tipsy unicorn. “Um, Twilight, those two sentences barely made any sense together.”

“I know! I’m not even sure what’s going on anymore. But everything is so nice. You’re so warm, and soft...” The words trailed off as Twilight nuzzled into Rainbow’s neck, sending shivers along Rainbow’s spine.

“Twi, I think we should get you back to your room. You too, Scootaloo. Heh, both of you are such lightweights.”

“Hey! I’m no lightweight! I drink—” Scootaloo stopped mid-sentence and squirmed uncomfortably. Realizing what was about to happen, she ran over to the nearest wastebasket as fast as she could and promptly confirmed Rainbow’s accusation. She wandered back uneasily and groaned. “Okay...I think I should get back, too...”

Rainbow sighed and nudged the partially sleeping Twilight over toward Pinkie. “Hey Pinkie, do you mind taking Twilight back to P-Three? I’ll walk Scootaloo back to the Aerodrome.”

“What? I don’t need to be walked back! I’m a grown-up mare! I can take of myself!” Scootaloo wobbled her way down the street toward the glimmering Aerodrome which extended high above the other buildings around it. About twenty feet in, her hooves buckled under her and she swayed to one side before hitting the pavement—hard.

Rainbow sighed and reluctantly released Twilight from her grip. “Hang on just a second, Twi. Pinkie, can you help get Scootaloo on my back? I’ll carry her back home.”

“Sure thing, Dashie!” Pinkie bounded forward and helped the barely conscious Scootaloo to her hooves. Once Rainbow arrived, she bodily lifted the smaller pony up and onto Rainbow’s back. “There, you should be nice and comfy on Dashie.”

“Nngg...” Scootaloo groaned and stretched herself out on top of Rainbow.

Rainbow chuckled and shook her head. “Well, I guess I should get her back home. I’ll see you and Twilight back at P-Three.”

“Are you sure you don’t wanna walk Twilight back? I can take Scootaloo, ya know.”

Rainbow shook her head and shakily held her balance as she patted Scootaloo with a forehoof. “It’s okay, Twi knows I care. I want Scootaloo to know too.”

“Okie dokie!” Pinkie exclaimed and bounced back over to Twilight.

Taking it slow, Rainbow made her way back toward the Aerodrome. She tried not to jostle her charge too much since the slightest movement seemed to make Scootaloo groan in discomfort. “You okay back there, Scoots? I should’ve told you to have water between your drinks.”

“Nng...I drink how I want.”

“That’s exactly how I felt my first night with the Wonderbolts. I had a huge hangover the next day. It was awful.”


“I hope your first night with us was better. I’m not sure how Pinkie figured it out, but Pinkie has her ways.”

“Fun...” was all Scootaloo managed to mumble out in her alcohol-dazed state.

“I’m glad. Then I guess I’m starting to make things up to you. And well...” Rainbow swallowed and glanced around as if checking for unwanted onlookers. “Well, I’m really sorry for not responding to your letters, for avoiding all the Las Pegasus shows, and just not being the kind of hero I thought you’d want to look up to.”

When Scootaloo didn’t respond, Rainbow continued. “The Wonderbolts was a dream come true, but dreams aren’t free. I didn’t know about it at first, but apparently I got in after a sponsor threatened to pull their funding. They wanted a flashy pony to headline events, and I was their pick. Sure, Spitfire and the team respected my skills. but it always felt a little different. I didn’t find out until I overheard an argument between the captain and the commissioner.”

She sniffed and sighed at the refreshed memory. “So, I worked harder. My pride wouldn’t let me quit. I was a pretty awesome flyer, but it felt cheapened. I wanted to be a Wonderbolt only because of my skill, not because some faceless corporation wanted me.”

When the hooves around her neck tightened in a hug, she stiffened and stopped walking. “Scoots...you still have a chance, though. Everything you’ve done was on your own talent. I know you’ll be an amazing pony. More amazing than me, at least.”

The pony above her shifted and she could feel moisture pooling against her neck. “Scoots?”

“You’ll always be amazing to me, Rainbow Dash.”

Rainbow nodded and blinked her eyes a few times. “Thanks, Scoots, that means a lot to me.”

* * *

Getting to Scootaloo’s small flat in the Aerodrome was tougher than Rainbow anticipated. Without her wings, she had to climb up three flights of stairs and carefully cross a narrow catwalk to a room tucked against the sloping walls at the top of the steel structure.

Opening the door, Rainbow found herself in a single room shaped almost like a triangle. The roof consisted of square panes of glass about a foot across arranged in a grid fashion. The countless lights of the city filtered in and illuminated the room in an eerie milky glow. In the low light, she could see a sleeping pad raised up on legs with a single blanket tucked in the corner. Facing the outside was a table and a small cushion in front of the table, obviously used as a seat. A few boxes occupied the corner closest to the door, most likely filled with whatever possessions Scootaloo had accumulated over the years.

The whole room was no bigger than about four ponies. Walking carefully across the cold metal floor, Rainbow gently deposited the now sleeping Scootaloo on the bed and pulled the blanket over her. “Goodnight, Scoots. Sleep well,” she whispered and quietly trotted out of the room, shutting the door behind her.

On her way back down, she wondered what she expected to see. Scootaloo obviously didn’t make much as an apprentice. She probably used whatever shared bathing/bathroom facilities were available in the Aerodrome. It rarely got very cold in the city, so the lack of any visible source of heat was probably okay. Shaking her head, she couldn’t help feeling a sense of injustice. Scootaloo worked so hard but had so little.

She would’ve contemplated the inequality of the situation her entire way back to P-Three, but a familiar and unwanted scent wafted past her nose. She stopped and gritted and teeth. “Come out, Vice. I thought I smelled that nasty mane-grease you use on my way here.”

Chuckling, a deep blue pegasus with sharp piercing eyes and a slicked-back mane stepped out from the shadows. “As sharp as ever, Dash. I’m surprised you remember me.”

“It’s not by choice, that’s for sure. What do you want? I resigned. Celestia herself sanctioned my decommission from active duty after the Wonderbolts.”

“Oh, nothing in particular. I just wanted to talk. Catch up. Just like old times. Manager to show pony.”

“I’m not your show pony anymore, Vice. Whatever you want to talk about, I’m not interested.”

“Let’s not be too hasty, now. You might miss a great opportunity to earn a great deal of bits and quite a bit of fame too.” Vice slid up next to Rainbow and wrapped a hoof around her neck. “Won’t you at least listen?”

Rainbow growled and shook herself free. The suit Vice wore scratched at her uncomfortably. “No. Leave me alone. I don’t know how you found me, but I’m done with your deals, schemes, and promotions. I’m going to get back to my friends.” Rainbow spread her wings. “I hope I never see—”

“I know about the wings, Dash.”

“I have no idea what you’re talking about,” Rainbow responded quickly, but her wings folded back up against her side.

“I think you do. Does the place Appleloosa ring a bell?” Vice smirked and circled around in front of Rainbow. “It does, doesn’t it?”

“So what if it does?” Rainbow shot back, her eyes glaring daggers at her former manager.

Vice smiled, the kind of smile a cat would grant a mouse. “I’d just like to ask you some questions about them. You’ll be well compensated for your time. I promise.”

“I’m not helping you. I don’t want to have anything to do with you or your promises,” Rainbow spat out, this turn of events extremely unsettling.

“In that case, I may have to ask some other ponies who might be involved. Maybe your young friend who you so carefully carried home? Scootaloo, was it? Or perhaps that unicorn who seems so fond of you. Ms. Twilight Sparkle, I believe? She’s a famous one, if I recall. Think about this carefully.”

“No! You’re going to leave all of them alone! We want nothing to do with you and whatever you have planned!” Rainbow spread her wings angrily and flew past Vice, blowing a faceful of dust in his direction.

Vice coughed and produced a comb from his jacket pocket to readjust his mane. “You can’t run from your problems, Dash. The sooner you learn that, the better.”

In the shadows, Soarin’ the Shadowbolt narrowed his eyes. He never liked Vice, and it seemed he would soon like him a lot less.

* * *

Pinkie frowned and stopped in the middle of the street, almost causing Twilight to stumble over her own forehooves. “Pinkie? What’s the matter?” Twilight asked, still a little giggly from the alcohol earlier but mostly recovered.

“I’m not sure, Twilight. Something just feels weird in my tail.”

Twilight leaned back and stared at the fluffy pink tail. “I dunno, it looks okay to me.”

“Okie dokie,” Pinkie responded and continued walking. It wasn’t long before they reached P-Three. As the walked up to the entrance, they found Rarity with an unknown pony in the lobby.

“Hiya, Rarity!” Pinkie chirped out and waved.

Rarity spun around quickly, startled by hearing her name suddenly called out. “Good evening, Pinkie. Oh, and Twilight, good evening to you as well. Did you two have a girls night, so to speak?”

Twilight grinned and nodded. “Yep! Pinkie had me try a bunch of co...coc...Pinkie, what were they called again?”

“Cocktails!” Pinkie exclaimed.

Twilight clopped her hooves together and nodded. “Yes! Cocktails! Delicious, I might add. I’m surprised I never explored them in the past.”

Rarity cleared her throat nervously and gestured to the pony at her side with her head. “Pinkie, Twilight. Please allow me to introduce Mr. Regent. He graciously offered to accompany me home after a delightful dinner.”

“Oh, hi Mr. Regent! I’m Pinkie!” Pinkie bounded forward to hug the new pony.

“It’s a pleasure to meet you, Mr. Regent. My name is Twilight Sparkle.”

Regent nodded to Pinkie, but otherwise ignored her. Instead, he leaned his head down and grasped Twilight’s hoof, kissing it lightly. “The pleasure is all mine, Ms. Sparkle. Ms. Rarity here has told me a lot about you. I find your work very fascinating.”

Twilight smiled and drew her hoof away, a little startled to see Canterlot behavior from a pony not in Canterlot. “Really? I’m surprised. I don’t often meet ponies interested in my research.”

Regent smiled graciously and raised himself back to eye level. “I am a pony of many interests, Ms. Sparkle.”

Twilight smiled back, albeit a little woozy from the alcohol earlier. “There’s no need to be so formal, Mr. Regent. Twilight is fine.”

“Of course, Twilight. I’d be delighted if you would refer to me as Shade, my given name.”

“I’d be happy to.”

“Wonderful! If you’d allow it, I’d love to assist you in any way I can with your research. I have access to airships, equipment, and many helpful ponies who are interested in furthering science.” Shade removed a business card from his suit and presented it to Twilight with a flourish.

“This is very generous of you, Shade. Rarity, you have such wonderful friends.” Twilight beamed at Rarity, who smiled back nervously.

“Perhaps we can adjourn this until tomorrow? It is getting rather late,” Rarity interjected and placed herself between Twilight and Shade.

“Ah yes, of course. I apologize if I’ve overstayed my welcome. Good night, mademoiselles.”

Once Shade was safely out the door, Rarity pulled Twilight aside. “Twilight, be careful around Shade. His intentions are never what they seem. Whatever he’s doing to help you, he is looking to gain something more for himself.”

Twilight hugged Rarity gently. “I’ll keep that in mind, Rarity. I’m sure everything is going to be just fine.”

Author's Notes:

As promised, updates are resuming on a regular cadence. Sorry for the wait previously, I have a lot of catching up to do after a month of real-life business. As always, if you have any comments, thoughts, or questions, drop them for me below and I’ll get to them as best I can.

Next Chapter: Chapter 15 Estimated time remaining: 1 Hour, 45 Minutes
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