
My Life as a Sonic OC Season 5

by Kitsulestia

Chapter 5: Journey to Shamouti Island/ Danyelle's Trial

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Journey to Shamouti Island/ Danyelle's Trial

This chapter ties into the second Pokemon movie

Journey to Shamouti Island/ Danyelle's Trial

Disturb not the harmony of fire, ice or lightning
Lest these titans wreck destruction upon the world in which they clash
Though the water's great guardian shall rise to quell the fighting
Alone its song will fail, thus the earth shall turn to ash

*Lillian's POV*

For some weird reason, the Pokémon were acting stranger than normal. It was as though they sensed danger.

Danyelle spoke "With the weather out of control, it's not safe to fly to Shamouti Island."

Sonic spoke "I hate to say this but we have to swim there..."

But then a portal appeared, followed by a blue canine with a spike on his chest and on the back of his hands exiting with a human girl with squirrel ears and tail.

Tessa was on Danyelle's shoulder since she hated being in her pokeball.

Danyelle asks "Did your Lucario sense the trouble as well?"

But then the Lucario said, “More like it was coincidental.”

The girl spoke “Sorry, me and my brother, Soulfire, are actually from a different universe or dimension, where he was actually split from his big bros before he hatched, and was taken to my world. His big bro, who’s a Garchomp is actually living with our universe’s Rainbow Dash. Hehehe. Not to mention they’re dating each other.”

Soulfire spoke "Hmmhmm. As much as I think that’s funny, Makoto, aren’t we dating?"

Makoto spoke "Oh. Yeah, right. Sorry. But the same’s being said for your bigger bro, Chameleo, dating Viper."

Rainbow shouts "WHAT?!?!?!?!"

Danyelle spoke "Don't mind her."

Soulfire seemed to be in teasing little brother mode as he added. “And that Garchomp and my universe’s Rainbow Dash are considered siblings since they’ve been living with each other since they were born.”

Twilight was face down in the dirt.

I spoke "Either way, we have to get to Shamouti Island."

Danyelle spoke "I don't know the exact location so a warp ring is useless."

Soulfire spoke to Danyelle, “I’ve been to another Pokémon world, one that had a Pokémon trainer that had a Pikachu like yourself. So I think I know where it is. Besides, I can help you find the legendary birds since…” But then Soulfire gained wings made of yellow and red flames. “I have the spirit of my universe’s Moltres sealed inside me.”

Twilight was wiping the dirt off her muzzle.

Twilight spoke "My Espeon and I will help in any way."

Makoto spoke "I can help, too. I do have the spirits of my universe’s Raikou and Deoxys sealed in me. Soulfire also the spirit of our universe’s Melmetal in him."

Danyelle spoke "I'm Alpha-Queen Danyelle, leader of a small group of Changelings and Diamond Dogs."

I spoke "I'm Lillian Palmer."

The others introduce themselves.

*After a long swim to Shamouti Island with Danyelle leading the way*

Twilight was shaking the water off her body.

Twilight spoke "We made it...."

I ask "Yeah but where do we go from here?"

Danyelle spoke "I think we arrived in time for a festival..."

Sonic was shaking water off his body.

Soulfire spoke "Well, we’re here."

Makoto spoke "Yeah, but don’t worry. If there’s any trouble, we’ll handle ‘em!"

Danyelle spoke "But if Eggman's behind this, it's best you leave him to the Mobian Guard."

Soulfire spoke "Oh. We fought Eggman plenty of times."

Makoto spoke "About as much as after our Mobius fused with our Earth."

I spoke "Not the one from my world, he's dangerous."

Danyelle spoke "The one from my world got himself killed when he had hurt Sakura."

Soulfire spoke "Yeesh…"

Makoto spoke "Urgh…"

Danyelle spoke "If I remember correctly, there are three treasures that need to be found... One from Fire Island, one from Lightning Island and one from Ice Island..."

Soulfire spoke "You got it."

spreading her wings wide, Danyelle spoke "I have to do this myself."

Soulfire spoke "Are you sure about that? You might not be able to handle it alone, my Eggman is a bit smarter than yours, so he might have a trap waiting."

Danyelle spoke "I'm the keenest though and I have to do this alone."

Danyelle passes her ocarina to me.

Danyelle spoke "You'll have to play Lugia's song."

But then Soulfire became lit aflame, while Makoto gained pointed ears, a right orange tentacle and a left turquoise tentacle.

Makoto spoke "We’re not leaving a friend behind."

Soulfire spoke "We’re going with you."

Danyelle spoke "No means no! I can't risk you getting hurt if either Eggman is behind this mess!"

Makoto spoke "Come on! You need help!"

Danyelle spoke "My answer is still no, it would be bad if both Eggmans had teamed up."

Soulfire just scoffed. “(Thinking) I don’t think she’ll listen to reason. And it’s not a good idea to fight her, since she’s a friend. But we can’t just stand by and do nothing.”

Makoto spoke "Fine, you win."

Danyelle spoke "But what you CAN do is protect those who could get hurt."

The two of them nodded in admittance, while unknown to anyone, even me, except Makoto, Soulfire pushed a button on his strange watch, sending out some kind of signal.

Danyelle took flight to Fire Island to get the first treasure, unaware that Zapdos was relocating its nest.

Soulfire spoke "I have a feeling though, that things will get crazy."

Twilight spoke "But Pegasi and alicorns can't fly in weather like this though..."

But then hordes of black creatures with yellow glowing eyes appeared all around us.

Twilight snarls "Crap! WHAT ARE THESE THINGS??"

Soulfire snarls "I knew they would follow us."

Makoto spoke "Heartless. Good thing you called for backup using the Multitrix, Soulfire."

Soulfire spoke "Thanks, sis."

Twilight roars loud as she transformed into Blue Flame Twirama.

Blue Flame Twirama blasts several heartless with fire as a few fire type Pokémon helped her out.

But then a large portal appeared, exiting it being many Pokémon, Mobians, animals and anthros, humans, mutants, dragons, creatures, and equines. But then me and my friends saw another Twilight, Rainbow Dash, Applejack, Rarity, Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie among them. But most of them were wearing the same strange watch that Soulfire and Makoto were wearing on their wrists.

A different version of Korra was among the large group.

But then we saw a Sonic who had an attire appear on him after a flurry of sparkles, followed by him summoning a strange weapon.

I spoke "Holy Shinx! That's a Keyblade!"

The other Twilight said with a smirk, “So you noticed.” Before having her own attire on and summoning her own keyblade.

I spoke "I'm familiar with the Kingdom Hearts game series but Danyelle's the one that played two of the games."

But then the other Rainbow Dash, Rarity, Applejack, Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie summoned their own keyblades in their own attires.

To my surprise, Zoey flew into battle wielding not one but two keyblades.

Zoey spoke "Sorry that I never told you guys about this."

Sonic was holding a pair of binoculars.

Sonic exclaims "You're not gonna believe this but there's TWO EGGMANS!! AND THEY JUST GRABBED ZAPDOS!!"

Soulfire spoke "Gah! I knew this would happen! Just like when the past and present teamed up!"

I groan "Go figure...."

Using sonor, Danyelle shouts "ARTICUNO! ICE BEAM!!!"

Both Eggmans were frozen in ice.

But then the other Eggman somehow smirked, before the ice melted.

The other Eggman laughs "Did you really think I wouldn’t have expected that?"

A sudden Whirlpool hits the other Eggman's mech, short circuiting it thus causing it to explode before https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CqBs_6Vh8P0 was heard.

A lizard-like Pokemon spoke "Bet you didn’t see that coming, Baldy McNosehair."

Danyelle then saw who was responsible for the whirlpool, an Inteleon with blue eyes.

Danyelle thinks "Crap... It was supposed to be JUST Lugia... Not this guy...."

The Inteleon spoke "My name’s Chameleo. But it wasn’t just me that did that whirlpool move. You can come out, Lugia."

Lugia spoke via telepathy "Chame, it was just supposed to be me though... Did you not read the prophecy right? Though the water's great guardian shall rise to quell the fighting. Alone its song will fail, thus the earth shall turn to ash."

Chameleo spoke "I know, I only gave you a little help, letting you do most of it."

But then some water went out of Chameleo, forming the upper half of some kind of bear connected to the right side of him.

the bear spoke "You know he’s right, Chameleo. Even though I helped teach you that technique since my spirit was sealed inside you like Kurama."

But then ice formed on Chameleo’s left side of his back, forming into some kind of bird.

The ice bird spoke "As much as I hate to admit it, I agree with Urshifu here. The prophecy was mainly about Lord Lugia."

Blue Flame Twirama was heard roaring in the distance.

Chameleo asks "Was that Kurama?"

Danyelle spoke "Not JUST Kurama though, it's three voices in one."

Chameleo asks "Who?"

Danyelle spoke "Matatabi and Princess Twilight."

Chameleo exclaims "Whoa... Two beasts inside Twilight? That’s a surprise. But then again, my Princess Twilight has the spirits of Necrozma, Xerneas and Registeel sealed inside her."

Danyelle spoke "We'll talk more AFTER we get RID of these assholes!"

Chameleo spoke "Okay. Then let’s go!"

But then Chameleo gained wings made of ice and a headband made of water while he summoned a keyblade, which looked like a ninjato made of water and ice.

Danyelle powers up to her Solare form.

Solare Danyelle spoke "YEAH!!!"

Tessa's fur was laced with excess static.

Lugia roared before the three legendary birds appeared beside him.


Solare Danyelle shot white flames out of her mouth at the other Eggman as the four Legendaries used their attacks.

Chameleo shouted, “Rasengan!” As he thrusted his palm, which carried a water ball of chakra, into the combined attacks, strengthening them, as they hit their mark.

The Other Eggman screamed “WHY MEEEEEEEEEeeeeeeeeee…?!” As he was sent flying into a portal back into Chameleo’s universe.

Solare Danyelle spoke "One down, one to go...."

But then a pillar erupts with cherry blossoms.

Chameleo spoke "It seems Viper wants to help out as well."

Using the flight card, Sakura flew out of a warp ring to help.

Sakura spoke "Let me help!"

But then a Chinese Green Tree Snake showed up.

Chameleo spoke "Glad to know you’re here, Viper."

Viper spoke "Thanks, Chameleo."

But all of a sudden, three of the legendaries go berserk.

Chameleo spoke "Uh-oh! Viper! We’ll need more help!"

Viper spoke "Got it!"

Then Viper slithered away, finding more help.

Danyelle pops up with the other two treasures in hand but her left wing was frozen.

Danyelle spoke "I got the other two treasures!"

Chameleo spoke "Here. Let me help with that."

Chameleo touched Danyelle's left wing and un-freeze it but the ice was far too cold to thaw.

Danyelle spoke "Watch it! It's subzero cold! Plus my flames won't work on it..."

Chameleo spoke "Remember that talking ice on the left side of my back? That was the spirit of my universe’s Articuno sealed in me, so I should be able to unfreeze your wing without a problem."

Danyelle spoke "My wings are ticklish though...."

Chameleo spoke "Yeah, I know."

Then the subzero ice on Danyelle’s wing evaporated due to the Solare flames, and her wing was unharmed.

Danyelle spoke "that stupid Zapdos paralyzed my wings...."

Danyelle climbs up onto Lugia's back before it took off back to the main island, unaware that Eggman had flung a master ball at Lugia.

Danyelle shouts "NO!!!!"

But it was too late, Lugia had got captured but Danyelle grabs the ball before Eggman could get his hands on it as she fell into the water.

Blue Flame Twirama spoke "Oh no!"

Despite his fear of water, Sonic dove into the water with a rope tied to his waist as he swam down to get Danyelle.

Blue Flame Twirama pulls the rope back as Sonic held onto Danyelle.

Danyelle coughs up water after Blue Flame Twirama had gotten her and Sonic out.

Sonic shook the cold water off.

Carrying the ball in hand, Danyelle climbs all the way up to the shrine before placing the three treasures and then letting Lugia out.

I play https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZqpXrDuLqE0 on the ocarina as Danyelle rode on Lugia's back while the now calm trio flew alongside.

The Garchomp spoke "That was awesome! I mean, it was alright."

Danyelle looked as she saw a Garchomp flying beside her, Lugia and the legendary birds.

Lugia spoke "This girl risked her own life when I was caught with a master ball. I am indebted to her and thus will stay by her."

The Garchomp spoke "Well, no wonder. The thunderbird sealed in me respects you."

Then a electricity buzzing around the right side of his back fin formed into a bird.

The Zapdos spoke "You got that right, Raptor!"

But then digital cells started constructing on the left side of Raptor’s back fin, forming some kind of serpentine dragon.

Zygarde spoke "Calm yourself."

Danyelle spoke "I had commanded Articuno for a brief moment though."

But then the other Rainbow Dash showed up. “Looks like you met the most awesome Pokémon I met and known since I was born.”

Danyelle spoke "Guess so but since I know a Rainbow Dash, I'll call you RD."

RD spoke "It’s cool."

But then Raptor flew right next to RD as he flirted, “Heh, the coolest Pegasus mare there is.”

RD spoke "Heehee, you sneaky drake."

Rainbow was in dragon form as she roared.


But then the other Rarity jumped up into the air and struck the Egg Capsule that Eggman was in with a strange cane.

All of a sudden, Danyelle was pinned down by several police officers and a few Jennys.

One of the Jennys spoke "I'm sorry but stealing is illegal, the master ball along with the Pokemon will be confiscated until after the trial."

A raccoon spoke "Sorry officers, but I wouldn’t really call it stealing."

The Jennys and Danyelle looked up to see an anthro raccoon with a cane like the other Rarity was using.

A muzzled Danyelle whimpers "Help....."

The raccoon asks "Ma'am, you do realize that Lugia was wrongfully stolen by Dr. Eggman who threw that Pokéball, right?"

The officers murmur among themselves.

Rainbow spoke "Either way, that ball belongs to him."

RD spoke "Man, I didn’t think a counterpart of me could be lame."

Rainbow growls "Watch it faker."

RD spoke "Hey, I’m as real as you are, we’re both the same pony."

A muzzled Danyelle glares at both rainbow maned females, silencing the fight before it broke out.

RD spoke "It’s not like I wanted to fight myself anyway."

Raptor spoke "Well, I think all Rainbow Dashes are awesome."

That made Rainbow Dash blush from that.

RD spoke "You’re awesome too, Raptor."

Then RD and Raptor kissed each other on the lips, moaning in pleasure, bliss and lust, making Rainbow Dash blush even more.

Bold pokes his head out of Rainbow's modified saddlebag.

RD asks "Wait, who’s the squirt?"

Rainbow spoke "His name's Bold Lightning, he's my son."

Raptor and RD exclaim "Son?!"

Rainbow spoke "Yeah... There's also Snowfire, shi's a unicorn ponykat. Akari's an alicorn, Appleseed and Hawkbreeze are ponykats. Then there's Blueberry, Raspberry and Cherry Pie. The three of them are triplets plus they're also known as the Tri-Pies."

Raptor and RD started blushing madly.

Rainbow spoke "I also have a stepson named Nimbus."

RD spoke "Wait, you’re in a herd? Man, last I heard that even though Sweetie Drops and Lyra didn’t tie the knot with them yet, they’re in a herd with Snanja the Accelgor and Joustle the Escavalier."

Raptor spoke "Yep, though those two consider each other as sisters."

Blue Flame Twirama spoke "I have four children though. One colt, two fillies and a herm. Danyelle's got seven children, five girls and two boys. But Pibby's a teen mom with one daughter."

Chameleo spoke "Hey, Danyelle. Here’s a little something for you and Lillian."

Chameleo tossed some strange watches to Danyelle and I, leaving the two of us wondering what it is.


Next Chapter: Meeting a New Universe Estimated time remaining: 3 Hours, 2 Minutes
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