
My Life as a Sonic OC Season 5

by Kitsulestia

Chapter 10: Danyelle in the Underground

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Danyelle in the Underground

This picks up from the last chapter

Crossover with Undertale but Danyelle (along with Megaman and Roll) replaces Frisk

Danyelle in the Underground

*Danyelle's POV*

I was flying to a strange mountain.

I ask "Hey Megaman, got any idea what's going on?"

Megaman spoke "I’m not sure but-"

But then, I felt unable to use my wings.

I spoke "uh oh...."

I engulf myself and my 2DS in a magic bubble as I fell from the sky into the underground.

“Where am I?” I wondered.

A talking flower spoke "well, this is new."

I spoke "Holy floppa, a talking flower."

Flowey spoke "You’re certainly surprised, I’m Flowey the Flower."

I set my claws on fire as I moved my right hand closer to Flowey.

I growl "No funny business from you mister."

Flowey spoke "Whoa! So you know how to fight. That’s good! I won’t have to go over the tutorial."

I growl "I'm no normal cat though. I'm your worst nightmare..."

Flowey paled in fright and surprise.

I growl at Flowey. "Where the crap am I?"

Flowey spoke "Why, the Underground!"

I think "I have to get back..."

Flowey laughs "Sorry, but you can forget about flying out of here."

I strangle Flowey with magic.

Flowey spoke "Grk! I don’t have anything to do with it though! Besides, if you kill me, you’ll become .EXE!"

I snarl "Cut the crap stupid flower. I can teleport out of here though!"

Flowey laughs "It’s a no-teleport zone either."

I think "Fuck, now I'll have to walk around..."

I threw a fiery punch at a wall, knocking it down thus startling a goat-like monster.

I spoke "Oh, sorry about that."

Megaman groans quietly since he was unable to wander around outside my 2DS.

“Are you alright, ma’am?” I asked in concern.

The goat monster spoke in a motherly tone "You spooked me, that's all."

I sighed in relief. “That’s good. I was worried I already made some enemies without meaning to.”

Toriel spoke "You seem quite powerful on your own already. But I'm afraid I can't let you wander around alone."

I spoke "I may not look it but I've been through several battles."

It was clear to Toriel that I had a strong aura.

Toriel spoke "Alright. But please dear, try to make the right choices."

I spoke "I fight to protect others, including my own children. Plus I can tell that you lost your own child..."

I give Toriel a hug.

Toriel was deeply touched and hugged me back while crying a few tears.

I hum a soothing song to calm Toriel down.

I ask "If it's not too much trouble, why are you and the others all trapped down here?"

Toriel spoke "*Sniff!* Explaining that will take some time."

I spoke "Abridged version will do."

Toriel spoke "Thank you. You see…"

Toriel explained everything, and needless to say, I was more than shocked. I was devastated and heartbroken.

I think "Maybe it's got something to do with her dead son..."

Megaman thinks "Going off what I heard, her adopted child was poisoned and then died... Humans blamed a monster for killing the child.... Which led to a war.... Monsters were sealed down here for eternity...."

I spoke "No parent should ever bury their children..."

Toriel spoke "*Sniff!* Thank you so much for understanding."

I spoke "From one mother to another, it's never easy losing a child... I lost a child too because it was stillborn..."

Megaman was heard scoffing.

I spoke "Anyways, I have a feeling that your son may still be alive but he's not as you remember..."

Toriel asks "*Sniff!* Really?"

I zap Flowey with a time reversal spell mixed with a revival spell, turning him back into Asriel.

Asriel asks "Guh… What? What happened?"

Toriel was speechless.

Asriel asks "Where… Where am I? Mom?"

Toriel hugs Asriel while crying.

Toriel spoke "Asriel… I’m so sorry…"

Elsewhere in the Underground, another goat monster was watching the ruins through a camera.

My tails were wagging happily.

Asriel hugs his mother while crying.

I shot off a powerful bolt of magic, shattering Mount Ebott completely and destroying the barrier as well.

I spoke "I believe it's time for change, monsters don't have to live in fear anymore. They can live wherever they want to live!"

A skeleton monster chuckles "I’m actually surprised you managed to do that with little effort."

I giggle "No monster could have pulled that off on their own though Sans. But then again, I'm just a nekomata-gryphon-unicorn mix."

Sans chuckles "so you know who I am. that’s certainly new. why don’t you shake my hand?"

I giggle "After you put that joy buzzer away."

Sans chuckles "heh. c’mon, you know i don’t use that."

I giggle "Not to mention, you have a habit of driving your brother nuts."

Sans chuckles "hehehe. he seriously needs to chillax."

I step aside thus revealing a fully resurrected Asriel.

Sans spoke "okay. i did not expect that, Asgore will definitely flip out from this. but i really didn’t expect you to formerly be human."

I spoke "Best to keep it a secret from your brother.... I don't want him on my tails if he found out... Plus my husband would get mad..."

Sans asks "You're already taken?"

I spoke "Yes, plus I have children too. Five adopted, two blood related... My third blood related child died though...."

Sans spoke "I see, that actually makes sense if you’re getting along with Tori."

I spoke "I understood her on an emotional level, hence why I used my magic to resurrect Asriel."

Sans chuckles "you know, for someone who has such high LOVE, you’re a kind person."

I giggle "I work with four others to defend those who can't protect themselves. But I've only made one kill though..."

Sans asks "and that was a genocidal counterpart of a friend, right?"

I spoke "*shudder* Y-yeah... If my team and I hadn't stopped that freak, he would have killed everyone in sight... But he was sealed away for good."

Sans asks "locked behind a keyblade door?"

I ask "Yeah but how?!? Did Alphys tell you?"

Sans spoke "Nah, a Garchomp told me."

I groan "Raptor....."

My ears twitch suddenly.

I spoke "I can hear you Asgore..."

Asgore spoke "You certainly are keen."

Toriel spoke "Hello Asgore..."

Asgore sighs "Toriel, I’m terribly sorry for how I’ve acted for all of these years. I only wanted to help you, all of our friends and family break free and go out onto the surface again. But now I realize that it wasn’t the best choice. Do you forgive me?"

Toriel spoke "I was too heartbroken after losing Asriel and Chara long ago.... I nearly gave up hope of escaping... But it was Sans that sent out a message to another monster that lived on the surface. She came here to investigate what was wrong but due to the now destroyed barrier, she nearly crashed and died if her own magic hadn't saved her. She understood my pain because she lost one of her own kids and thus...."

Asriel was looking at his dad in shock.

Toriel asks "Uh... Asgore, You okay?"

I snicker "And in 3… 2… 1..."

Asgore faints.

Asriel exclaims "Daddy!"

Toriel spoke "Sweetie!"

I laugh "Okay, that was a bit funny."

Megaman and Roll were both snickering.

I spoke "You know something Toriel? Maybe I can introduce you, Asriel and Asgore to my family."

Toriel asks "Really, Danyelle?"

I use the multitrix to transform into Twirama.

I spoke "I use this form for combat or helping others with heavy work."

But then a warp pipe rose, before a brown Yoshi wearing a grey beanie and red headphones jumped out. He looked familiar… What was his name again?

I place a forepaw down in front of the trio of goat monsters to protect them since I was wary of the newcomer.

I ask "Who are you?"

The brown Yoshi asks "Whoa! What the *Yoshi!*?!"

I growl "I'm Alpha-Queen Danyelle."

The brown Yoshi spoke "Oh! Listen tho! So you’re Danyelle that my buddy, Yoshi was talkin’ about!"

I growl "That's Alpha-Queen Danyelle to you mister."

the brown Yoshi spoke "Whoa! That title definitely sounds OP, yo! Mah name is Dashie! Dashie! Mah bois! But you can call me Charlie."

I spoke "Guess someone saw me beat the tar out of Bowser."

My cutie mark glows again, indicating that my mission was done.

I spoke "Well, I'm heading home."

Carrying the four on my back along with the others in a boat that I had found nearby, I head back to Ponyville.

*Zoey's POV*

I ask "Say Sumarda, what's taking Danyelle so long?"

Sumarda spoke "She might’ve ran into the source of that blue bone."

A yowl was heard as a blue furred version of Twirama carrying a boat of monsters was seen approaching.

The blue Twirama sets the boat down before landing and letting the four off her back just before reverting back to normal.

Danyelle spoke "I'm back! And I brought more friends!"

Charlie spoke "Yo, mah bois!"

Sonic asks "Charlie? You’re here?"

Rainbow and the other Equians were a bit wary of the newcomers.

Danyelle spoke "Cool it Pinkie!"

Charlie spoke "Yeah! Cool it-Gah!"

Charlie was slapped upside the back of the head by Danyelle.

Danyelle spoke "Better watch that foul mouth of yours."

Sonic spoke "There are children roaming around here."

Charlie asks "Whoops! Mah bad, bros. But listen tho, what’s goin’ on here?"

Megaman spoke "Maybe I should answer that..."

*One explanation later,*

Danyelle spoke "So yeah..."

Charlie spoke "Eyooo… Dude, if it’s gonna get juicy, I’m outta here."

Danyelle wingslaps Charlie upside the back of the head.

Charlie spoke "Ey! Tryin’ to play it safe here."

Danyelle spoke "Watch the language then."

Charlie spoke "Alright…"

Danyelle's ears twitch before pouncing on Nigel, digging her teeth into his neck.

But then Nigel disappeared, revealed to be a hologram.


Holo then showed up. “I can’t believe I fell for a slime clone.”

Danyelle snarls "I got fooled by a hologram..."

Holo growled in agreement before shaking the slime off of her.

Ears pinning back, Danyelle spoke "No more being on the defensive! It's time we take the fight to them! Mobians, Equians, chakats, monsters! For the past few seasons, we've been on the defensive. Waiting around for them to attack us is over! Tomorrow, we're going on the offensive!"

Me, the ponies and the rest of the Mobians agreed.

Sans spoke "hope you don’t mind some help."

I spoke "We need all the help we can get."

Danyelle growls "Jewel, go rally your dad's flock and Felipe's flock together. We may need their help."

Lucy and the other dragons roar.

Jewel spoke You got it!"

But then two portals appeared, with Raptor exiting from one, and the other, a female Blaziken jumping out of.

Raptor spoke "Alright!"

Finn spoke "Count me, Fizzle, Quicksilver and my squad in too!"

Twiliterasu howls which caused Holo, Myuri, Renee, Gadget, Li, Sakura and Scorch to howl as well.


Next Chapter: Chicken Fight! Estimated time remaining: 2 Hours, 21 Minutes
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