
My Life as a Sonic OC Season 4

by Kitsulestia

Chapter 12: Nightfall's Revenge

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Nightfall's Revenge

*Nightfall's POV*

It was a calm morning in the town of Ponyville with everyone going about their day even the young foals and Mobians were having fun well all except for a particular dark alicorn filly who has plans, plans for revenge on a particular pink Mobian hawk.

Lillian was in the park watching Nyx and her siblings as Dany had asked her if she can watch them while they get things sorted back their mansion as some of the changelings and diamond dogs living there were starting fights with each other.

Lillian had also brought along Katie and I with her however I didn't come to the park to play so while Nyx and her two siblings were playing Lillian was on the bench watching them while taking care of Katie, Irene, Ralph, Bluestar and Thunder while I was on a branch of tree above Lillian.

Iris was chasing Guinevere in a game of tag.

"These fools think I came here for fun well they're wrong I care about one thing and that's my revenge on the one being who humiliated me not once but twice!" I say to myself from the branch I was on.

Ears twitching, Nyx spoke "Auntie Lillian, you might want to be careful."

"And why's that Nyx?" Lillian asked the young alicorn filly unaware that I was cutting the branch I was on to fall on Lillian.

Thinking fast, Nyx pulls Lillian out of the way of the branch before it had hit her on the head.

"Woah, thanks Nyx." Lillian says thanking the filly.

"Blast that faker she ruined my plan I guess I'll have to try again another way." I say as I start planning out my next revenge.

Nyx spoke "It's my talent, I protect others."

"Hehe yes I remember and I'm happy you saved me there, why don't we all go get some sweets at sugar cube corner." Lillian says.

Iris, Guinevere and Nyx spoke "sure!"

The four youngsters chirp or mew in agreement.

"Hehe alright you too Nightfall let's go." Lillian says.

I growl "Why should I go anywhere with a worthless chicken like you?"

"Like it or not I'm your mother now not to mention I did you save you from Dany who was going to attack you after Eggman disposed of you." Lillian spoke.

I scoff "I still hate you though."

"You might say that now but you'll come around now come along or you'll be left behind." Lillian stated as she and others head to sugar cube corner.

Katie sneezes, causing a gust of wind to knock me into the water.

Lillian snickers a bit when she saw what happened.

I waterbended some water at Lillian, drenching the pink hawk.

"Oh you're so in trouble when we get back home young lady." Lillian says.

I scoff "I don't give a rat's ass."

A few moments later they eventually get to sugar cube corner after Lillian and I dried off.

I scoff "I hate being here...."

"Like it or not you still have to stay close by me it all times." Lillian stated as they entered the building to see pinkie at the counter.

The Tri-Pies were travelling with Bright Mac and Pear Butter to get some info on whether or not Pinkie was related to Applejack.

Flora was chasing Applebloom about town since the young Beast-lord was playing tag with the filly.

"Hey Pinkie, where's the Tri-Pies?" Lillian asked walking up to the counter.

Pinkie spoke "They're out of town with AJ's parents to figure out whether or not I'm related to Applejack."

"Oh how come?" Lillian asked a bit curious.

Pinkie spoke "I was talking to Twilight about it earlier."

"And you found out you might be related to the Apples?" Lillian asked.

Pinkie spoke "Yeppers! But since Applejack's got a child on the way, her parents went in her place to visit a relative."

Rainbow was in dragon form as she enters the bakery.

Rainbow spoke "Hey Pinkie, Lillian."

"Hey Rainbow, I see your going around as a dragon today." Lillian says.

Rainbow spoke "Yeah though I freaked Soarin out earlier."

"Ha I'm pretty sure it was funny." Lillian giggles.

"Auntie Lillian can we get some ice cream?" Nyx asked.

"Oh right almost forgot why we came here." Lillian says.

Rainbow asks "Say Lillian, how are your parents handling the fact they're Mobians now?"

"They're still getting used to it still having a bit of trouble adjusting but still they're good also pinkie I would like a few ice cream cones please."

Pinkie spoke "Coming right up!"

"Thanks Pinkie." Lillian says.

Rainbow spoke "I wonder what gems taste like...."

"Are you really going to do that?" Lillian asks.

Rainbow spoke "I never tried to back when Spike found his parents."

Lillian spoke "I see."

After a few hours and several failed plans, I wasn't going to give up.

I think "Maybe I can use that manticore to get rid of that stupid chicken."

I turn invisible before sneaking off to the forest.

Lillian was soon called by Danyelle.

But as fate would have it, the manticore attacks me instead.

I scream before running away as fast as my short legs could carry me.

The first word out of my mouth was "MOMMY!!!!!!!"

Lillian hears my scream and ran to help me.

Brandy keeps a close eye on Danyelle's children as Lillian fends off the manticore.

Lillian spoke "GET AWAY FROM MY DAUGHTER!!!!"

I hid in a tree.

Danyelle was hissing at the manticore.

*After the two chase off the manticore*

Lillian asks "Nightfall, are you okay?"

I flew at Lillian while crying.

I stammer "I'm s-sorry...."

To my surprise, Lillian gives me a hug.


Next Chapter: Rainbow Falls Estimated time remaining: 1 Hour, 25 Minutes
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