
My Life as a Sonic OC Season 4

by Kitsulestia

Chapter 10: Roar! Werelight Shine!

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Roar! Werelight Shine!

This chapter picks up directly after Bats

Roar! Werelight Shine!

*Twilight/Werelight's POV*

I ask "Sonic, how did you meet him in the first place?"

Sonic spoke "Well, it’s a bit of a long story. And Chip is actually Light Gaia, so we’ll need his help to put the planet back together."

Danyelle spoke "This has Robuttnik's work written all over it..."

Lillian spoke "You’re telling me."

Rainbow Dash spoke "Timberjack got the Timberwolf’s regeneration ability, which is so awesome!"

Danyelle spoke "Werefolk may be slower but their strength is increased fivefold."

Rainbow Dash asks "Really?! So I’m as strong as Timberjack?"

Timberjack spoke "Don't push yer luck Dash, plus ya ferget... the dragon form may affect yer foal."

Rainbow Dash spoke "Oh…"

Sonic spoke "Although I think you can do something else, try kicking with your hooves."

Timberjack spoke "Ah've got a ponykat child on the way ya know."

Lillian spoke "Shi’ll turn into a timberponykat at night."

Timberjack spoke "Ah guess the curse is genetic now."

Lance spoke "I've got half the curse though since my mom doesn't have it."

Rainbow throws a punch, shooting out a flame.

I spoke "Guess bending's not affected, that's good."

Rainbow Dash tried giving a buck but nothing happened.

Sonic spoke "that's a side effect of the night form..."

Sonic stretched out his left arm to catch a unicorn maid that had fallen off a ladder, setting her down gently.

Rainbow Dash spoke "That’ll definitely be useful!"

I spoke "Especially in combat... Which you and Applejack will not be facing since it could risk miscarriages, I don't think Soarin and Cross would want that to happen."

Rainbow spoke "She's got a point AJ."

Timberjack spoke "Doesn’t mean Ah like it."

I spoke "I wonder where Danyelle went..."

Danyelle was back at her mansion in her room with Ben.

Sonic spoke "you don't wanna know Twi."

My wings shot up on end, causing Celestia to giggle.

Luna spoke "It seems that I’m affected as well."

Luna was also a werepony, not really surprising since she is the Princess of the Night.

A wolf whistle was heard from Shirou, causing Luna's wings to shoot up on end.

Celestia giggles "Guess you really got Shirou’s attention now, Lulu."

Luna glared at Celestia, before smirking. “How about that Challenge when this is all over, Celly? You and Pyre, against me and Shiry."

Celestia spoke "Oh it is ON!"

The two sisters butted heads against each other with competitive smirks. Again it was that challenge again. I wonder what it is, but at the same time, I have the feeling that I don’t wanna know.

Holo soon arrives but something was off about her.

Holo stutters "Luna...… Something's wrong with me..."

Luna asks "Hmm? What is it?"

Holo whimpers since her tail was tucked between her hind legs.

Luna realized what that meant, but we all noticed her started to act a little off too. “Holo… Now that I think about it… I’m in the same situation as you… but I know how to fix it. But we’ll need to get Shirou… and head to my room.”

Celestia spoke "Thinking about more foals already sister? Moonlight and Evening aren't even out of diapers yet. Plus I have no idea how Myuri will react to a half sibling."

Luna spoke "Celly… You know the condition me and Holo are in right now… There’s no faster way."

Celestia spoke "Fair enough, oh go on and skedaddle to your room. Mother's keeping an eye on Moonlight and Evening."

Luna spoke "Thank you, Celly… and give my thanks to mom as well."

I ask "Say Sonic, how did you restore your world when it got shattered?"

Sonic spoke "Well, we went to the Gaia temples to restore the Chaos Emeralds."

But then the Elements of Harmony appeared on the floor in front of us, but all of them were pitch black.

I spoke "Oh this is bad!"

Sonic spoke "I was afraid this would happen. And I know that one of the fragments will need at least the elements of Empathy and Bravery restored, with the other six needing the rest of them individually."

I spoke "But with Fluttershy still in vampire form, restoring her is my first priority since I caused her to be that way."

Sonic spoke "Okay, but I have a feeling that only her mind will be restored."

But then next thing we knew, Rarity was as big and her coat was a black as Nightmare Moon, while Pinkie’s coat turned ghost white, her mane and tail turning green, and she had a red smile painted across her mouth.

Lance screams and bolted somewhere.

Joker Pie asks "Huh? What’s wrong?"

Nightmare Rarity asks "Is something the matter?"

Sonic facepalms before sighing.

Sonic spoke "Lance is terrified of the Joker...."

Joker Pie asks "The Joker? Who’s that?"

Sonic spoke "A comic book character... Poor Lance is terrified of the character ever since a prank Danyelle had pulled on his 4th birthday..."

Danyelle spoke "I said I was sorry!"

Sonic spoke "He never got over his fear though. After seeing Pinkie looking like that, he'll have trouble sleeping at night."

Lillian spoke "Um… You didn’t exactly sleep at night the last time this happened."

Sonic spoke "That was before I got married..."

But then the Tri-Pies showed up, having the same coat color as Pinkie, but kept their mane and tail colors.

Danyelle spoke "Oh Amaterasu no...."

Lillian facepalmed. “Oh Chaos, you gotta be kidding me…”

Danyelle spoke "They're Pinkie's kids, that's for sure...."

Lillian spoke "Remember, no talking about it."

I spoke "A little late for that.... She figured it out on her own."

Danyelle "Brandy's crazy..."

Sonic asks "Why's that?"

Danyelle groans "She's been staring at Ben when I'm not looking..."

Sonic spoke "Oh jeeze..."

Lillian spoke "You’re telling me."

Danyelle groans "What should I do?"

I spoke "Maybe talk to her about it? That could work."

Danyelle spoke "Well, that could work, since she is one of my best friends."

I spoke "Good luck."

Danyelle spoke "Thanks. We’ll probably need it."

And so, Danyelle heads back to her mansion in Ponyville.

Danyelle spoke "Ben, we need to talk. It's about Brandy."

Ben asks "What is it?"

Danyelle asks "I want the honest truth... Has Brandy been staring at you when I wasn't looking?"

Ben spoke "You know you're the only one for me though Dany."

Danyelle spoke "That doesn’t answer my question, Benjamin."

Ben spoke "No she hasn't and I have no intention of cheating on you either."

Danyelle only raised her eyebrow, not completely convinced.

Ben spoke "Maybe we should hear Brandy's side of the story then."

Danyelle spoke "Okay then."

Ben kisses Danyelle lovingly on the lips, making her purr.

Then Ben started purring too, as the two of them became lost in the moment, before purring lustfully.

Danyelle spoke "I believe you babe."

Brandy runs off before crashing into Knuckles.

Brandy spoke "Sorry Knuckles..."

Grabbing Brandy, Knuckles spoke "I think you need to talk to Danyelle."

Brandy bites Knuckles on the arm, making him let go before she ran off.

Knuckles spoke "Ouch! That hurt!"

Shade asks "You okay Knuckles?"

Knuckles spoke "Yeah but something is off about that yellow tabby..."

Shade asks "What do you mean?"

Knuckles spoke "It's like she's possessed or something..."

Shade spoke "Now that you mention, for some reason, her eyes were dark purple."

Knuckles spoke "Someone should warn Nazuna..."

Nazuna asks "Warn me about what?"


Next Chapter: Rarity Takes Manehattan Estimated time remaining: 1 Hour, 33 Minutes
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