
Pinkie’s Boutique

by Tangerine Blast

Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

A few days later her rival’s store had its grand opening and Rarity was the first one out to see it. If she knew one thing about this ‘Pinkie Pie’ it was that she certainly worked fast. Moving into a new home took time and effort but also setting up a shop in less than a week? It seemed almost ridiculous.

But that just made the mysterious new pony all the more intriguing and dangerous.

This would be the first time Rarity talked to her rival. She needed to meet her in a natural fashion, scope her out before the competition had a clue who Rarity was. And there was no better way to do that than by masquerading as a normal customer.

So, with saddlebags jingling full of bits, Rarity confidently trotted into her rival’s shop.

What she saw almost made her stop in her tracks.

The boutique was different from Rarity’s in almost every way. While The Carousel was open and spacious this was cramped with clothes and displays in every corner of the shop. While Rarity’s was decorated in light pastels this place was full of dark, vibrant colors. And, while The Carousel Boutique was lit by large windows and natural light, the only illumination here seemed to be from multicolored light bulbs decorating the ceiling.

It was crowded, intense, dynamic, and everything Carousel Boutique wasn’t.

It was beautiful.

“Hiya!” Came a chipper, high pitched voice and Rarity’s target bounced out from behind one of the displays with a wave and a grin. She was wearing a new, short colorful dress that fit in very well with the rest of the store. This was her. Rarity’s new rival. “Welcome to the store! I would tell you what store but I don’t have a name picked out yet.” She paused, tilting her head to the side as she took Rarity in. “What do you think about Soup?”

Rarity had her mouth open, ready to introduce herself with a carefully constructed script, but the sudden topic shift threw her off guard and left her gaping like a beached fish. “I’m… I’m sorry, did you say soup?”

The pink pony nodded rapidly, the smile still on her face as if it was a permanent fixture. “Yeah huh. Soup! I think it’s a good name for a store.”

Rarity squinted at her, trying to see the connection the other pony had obviously stumbled upon. “...you want to name your boutique… Soup?”

Another energetic nod. “Just an idea right now, but I kinda like it. What do you think?”

Rarity squinted harder. Trying to find the real motive that was certainly lurking just below the pleasant pink surface. Did she know about Rarity? Was this some ruse to get the upper hoof in their rivalry straight away? But she could find nothing in that cheerful smile but sincerity. Eventually, Rarity could think of nothing to do but answer. “Why would anyone think to buy clothes in a soup store?”

The Earth Pony blinked owlishly, as if this had never occurred to her. “Huh, you’re right. They might come in trying to buy food!” She shrugged with a little giggle. “Oh well, back to the drawing board. Oh! Is that why you came in here? Looking for food?”

Rarity felt a headache coming on. “No no, of course not! I’m here to scope out how much competition your boutique is going to be to mine.”

Rarity slapped her hoof to her mouth, trying in vain to stop the words that had slipped out in her confusion. This was the filly’s plan! To put her off guard so Rarity would reveal all her secrets!

Pinkie gasped so hard Rarity feared she would inhale one of the dress racks. “You have a clothing shop too?!? That’s so awesome!”

“It’s a boutique, darling,” Rarity stressed. She flipped her mane and tried to act disinterested. “But anyway, yes. The Carousel Boutique is the one shop stop in Ponyville for all your fashion needs. I already have many loyal customers.”

Instead of being intimidated or threatened by Rarity’s obviously superior boutique, Pinkie simply nodded happily, her wide smile never shrinking. “That’s so cool! I’m so glad there’s somepony else who knows about fashion.” She turned sheepish and kicked her hoof across the carpet. “This is my first time trying to sell the clothes I make. I’ve never owned a business before and this is such a new town. I’m going to need all the help I can get.”

Rarity started and stared at the little pink mare in front of her. This encounter wasn’t going at all how she had planned. Rarity was supposed to wander the shop while side-eyeing the other designer. They would circle each other, exchange false pleasantries with backhanded compliments and then part ways feeling motivated to improve themselves for the competition.

Her rival wasn’t supposed to ask her for help.

Rarity was floored, and had no idea how to respond, but was thankfully saved from having to by Pinkie gasping again. This time in horror instead of excitement.

“Oh no! I never even asked you your name. Here I am rambling on and on about myself and not even letting you get one word in! I’m so sorry!”

Baby blue eyes glistened with guilty tears and bored straight into Rarity’s soul.

It was a good minute into Pinkie not uttering another sound did Rarity realize she was waiting for her to respond. And, thankfully, this was a question she could answer.

“Ah, yes, right. I…” she paused dramatically, putting one hoof on her chest, “am Rarity Belle. Owner of Carousel Boutique, as I’ve said.”

She stumbled and almost tripped as her hoof was forcefully grabbed and given a rough shake.

“It’s super nice to meet you, Rarity! I can already tell we’re going to be fast friends!”

“Ah… yes,” Rarity wrenched her hoof out of Pinkie’s death grip, “Well, since we’ve properly made our acquaintance now, I’m afraid I must head back. Can’t leave my own shop unattended, right?”

Pinkie nodded so fast her head blurred. “Right right right! I don’t want to keep you. I guess I’m still technically at work, too. It was super nice meeting you, though!”

Rarity nodded slowly as she trotted out the door. “It was… very nice meeting you too, Miss Pie. I do hope we see each other more often.”

Pinkie waved up until the door firmly closed behind Rarity. The Unicorn stood just outside the nameless shop for a moment before she stomped her hoof in frustration. “Darn it all!”


Fluttershy loved Rarity, she really did, but the Unicorn confused her in ways that she didn’t always have the strength to handle.

Right now, said friend was sobbing pitifully into one of Fluttershy’s throw pillows and had been doing so for the past few minutes.

Usually, this wouldn’t have been a problem. Fluttershy knew how to deal with animals, and friends, that were hurt. She could heal and comfort and find great joy in knowing she helped someone get back on their hooves or paws.

But it was what Rarity was crying about that baffled Fluttershy so and made it impossible for her to do anything but sit at her table and watch her friend while holding rapidly cooling tea.

“I’m sorry,” Fluttershy eventually said after another few minutes of nonstop crying, “but you’re upset because Pinkie was nice?”

“Beyond nice!” Rarity cried, throwing her hooves in the air dramatically, “She was absolutely precious. Not a hint of a competitive bone in her entire body!”

“And that’s…” Fluttershy’s eyes furrowed in thought, “...bad?”

“Yes!” It was to wailing now. “How am I supposed to grow as an artist if my one and only rival just wants to be best friends with me? How Fluttershy? How?”

“Well, um…” Fluttershy tried tentatively, “Maybe you could just try being her friend? I’m sure if you two compare notes it’ll help your… um… art?”

Rarity sniffled and Fluttershy really hoped she wasn’t staining her pillows. “No no… I have… I could talk to anypony about my fashion. We’ll just steal each other’s ideas subconsciously. We won’t grow.”

“I’m not sure-” Fluttershy tried but Rarity was already on a roll.

“No, I see it now. The only way for this to work is to force the rivalry.”

Fluttershy’s eyes widened. “Rarity I don’t-”

Rarity had gotten up and started to pace. “I can’t let her know what I’m doing, of course. I can’t make it obvious. I just need to observe her in action. See where she gets her ideas and use it for mine! But I make mine better than hers.”

Fluttershy cringed. “Rarity I really really don’t think this is a good idea. Pinkie is new to town, you don’t want to make her feel isolated.”

Rarity stopped her frantic pacing and turned to her friend. “I’m not going to isolate her, darling.” She patted Fluttershy’s hoof comfortingly. “In fact, if everything goes well, no pony will even know I’m doing anything.”

“Then maybe you shouldn’t?” Fluttershy tried to insist. “Rarity, I’ve known Pinkie for a while and she can be… sensitive about some things. I really don’t like the idea of you going out of your way to antagonize her.”

Rarity gasped and raised a hoof to her chest. “Darling, how could you even suggest that? Of course I’m not going to… to antagonize her. This is still just a friendly little rivalry.”

“But if she doesn’t agree to the rivalry?” Fluttershy tried desperately to reason. “Is it really just a game if you don’t both agree to play?”

Rarity lowered her hoof, and her dramatic expression, to gently smile at her friend. “Fluttershy, you needn’t worry. I won’t do anything to upset her, I promise.”

Fluttershy smiled gratefully at her. “I’m just worried about her. I’m her only friend in town and, with me going to Cloudsdale for a week, I don’t want anything happening to make her feel even more alone.”

Rarity took Fluttershy’s hooves in her own. “I swear to you. I will do nothing to upset her and even be there for her if she should need anything.”

Fluttershy sighed in relief. “Thank you, Rarity. That means a lot to me.”

“Besides, I can’t let anyone else become rivals with her!”

Fluttershy groaned and buried her head into her hooves.


Rarity decided that the outdoor tables of SugarCube Corner were the absolute best place to scope out her new rival.

It was in the middle of town, perfect view of everywhere from the marketplace to the edge of Sweet Apple Acres. It was busy itself with many ponies going in and out of the store. No one would notice one more Unicorn sitting to eat her pastries.

Plus the pastries were delicious. Always a plus.

So there Rarity sat, eating her fritter and watching the crowds carefully.

She had seen Pinkie exit her shop and head to the marketplace. Rarity had briefly lost sight of her as she had claimed her scoping table but it was only a matter of time before the crowd parted and-there! She spotted the bobbing pink mane of her foe weaving in between ponies and heading straight for Applejack’s stall.

Rarity pulled out her binoculars and watched closely. She hoped, if Pinkie had an idea, that she would make it easy for Rarity and write it down. Or perhaps just say it out loud. But, either way, Rarity was poised with her own notebook to jot down any inspiration she gained from watching the other mare.

Pinkie was wearing her dress again. The same lovely little black one. Rarity thought it was a tad too formal to be shopping in but to each their own she supposed. After all, if Pinkie was from someplace like Canterlot than it would simply be habit wearing clothing when going out. Many big city ponies found the need to look their best at any occasion.

It occurred to Rarity that she didn’t know where Pinkie had moved from.

Or anything about the pink mare for that matter.

Well, that was why she was observing her, was it not? She’d find out all she’d need to shortly.

Rarity watched intently as Pinkie moved through the marketplace. She didn’t stop to speak to anyone as she went, only saying a quick apology whenever she would accidentally bump into another pony.

True to Ponyville fashion, the other townsfolk would brush it off with a polite smile, but even so Pinkie seemed to grow more and more agitated as she went. Eventually, she stopped in front of Applejack’s stall and offered the farm pony a big grin.

Rarity, unfortunately, couldn’t hear what they were saying from this distance but the two Earth Ponies seemed to be engaging in a pleasant conversation if the smiles and wide, often confusing, gestures were anything to go by.

But, just as Applejack had finished bagging Pinkie’s order, the farm mare seemed to say something that struck a negative cord. Pinkie’s ears tilted back and she began fiddling with her dress even as she replied.

Applejack didn’t seem to notice and waved Pinkie off with a smile and an extra apple for the road.

Rarity watched carefully until she was sure Pinkie was out of sight before abandoning her table and making a beeline for the apple stand.

“Applejack!” she hissed when she was close enough. Her eyes darting about to make sure she wasn’t being watched. She did not acknowledge the hypocrisy of the thought. “Did you just talk to Pinkie Pie?”

Applejack jerked back at the sudden Unicorn in her personal space and gave Rarity a lopsided smile. “Oh, uh, hey there Rarity. Ah haven’t seen you around in a while.”

“Yes, yes,” Rarity dismissed, waving her hoof wildly, “we need to catch up one of these days and all that. But more importantly; Pinkie Pie. Did you talk to her?”

Applejack blinked at her like she had just said something insane. “Uh, yeah ah did, just a few moments ago. How did you… where you spyin’ again?”

“What?” Rarity pulled back at the accusation. “What of course not. Not on you at least. But what, exactly, did you and Mrs. Pie talk about?”

Applejack gave an exasperated sigh and rubbed her eyes. But she still answered the question and that’s all Rarity needed. “Nothin’ much. She’s new in town so ah was just askin’ how she liked Ponyville and if she was settlin’ in alright. Seems like a nice filly. Little awkward though. Ah gave her a few free samples of apples. You know, the usual stuff.”

Rarity chewed her lip in thought. None of that seemed like particularly useful information or anything Rarity hadn’t already suspected. “What about at the end?”

“The end?”

“Yes, the end, Applejack. What was the last thing you said to her?”

Applejack’s face could be used as a visual model for confusion. “Uh… bye?”

Rarity groaned and placed her head on the applestand. “No, darling. Before that. Please try to keep up.”

“Oh, uh.” Applejack scratched the back of her neck as she thought. “Ah guess she told me this was her first shop and ah mentioned how nice it is ta finally get to what your meant ta do in life. Ah ain’t got a clue how ponies go to school for years before they can even start on pursuing their cutie mark.”

“Hmm,” Rarity hummed, “and that’s when she became nervous? Very interesting…”

“Ah guess? Ah think anybody’d be nervous settin’ up in a brand new town.” Applejack eyed Rarity with squinted eyes. “You got somethin’ against her, or somethin’ Rares?”

Rarity snapped out of her musing to quickly shake her head at Applejack. “What? No, no, of course not. I think she’s a very charming individual. I simply want to… know her thought process. After all she is a fellow designer. Perhaps we could learn from one another.”

“Uh huh,” Applejack replied with that half lidded stare that meant she wasn’t taking you seriously, “You’re just bored cause Fluttershy left town for a few days, ain’t ya?”

Rarity stuck her nose up. “You accuse me of such hurtful things, Applejack. Now, to prove that I am a good and honest pony I will purchase some apples from you for your time… if you tell me where she’s headed next.”

Applejack just sighed.

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