
My Life as a Sonic OC Season 2

by Kitsulestia

Chapter 12: A Blue Blurred Party

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A Blue Blurred Party

*Danyelle's POV*

*June 23rd, early morning*

I think "Distracting Sonic isn't easy though... Maybe I could ask Jet to keep the Blue Blur distracted long enough... Then there's Eggman... I doubt he'd agree to a truce for today only"

This planning to distract Sonic was tearing me apart.

Nyx asks "Mom?"

“Yes?” I asked.

Nyx asks "What are you doing?"

“I’m trying to figure out how I can distract Sonic long enough for his birthday party to be ready.” I answered.

Nyx asks "Why not have Jet challenge him to a race?"

“Well, he always wants to beat Sonic in an extreme gear race.” I admitted.

Nyx spoke "True there mom."

One of the female rebels was carrying a crying Irene in her forelegs.

I spoke "Bring her here Daria."

Daria passes Irene to me.

“Shh… Shh… It’s okay, Irene. Mommy’s here.” I soothed my daughter as she calmed down.

Thunder and Bluestar were soon hanging onto my wings.

“Calm down you two.” I said.

Bluestar spoke "Mommy! I want to play!"

Thunder chirps.

Ben spoke "Danyelle, you can play with them, I’ll look after Irene."

I spoke "But I'm busy planning out a party for Sonic and.... Ugh... Eggman..."

Daria spoke "I'll keep the cubs busy then."

“Are you sure?” I asked in concern.

Daria spoke "It's what you assigned me to do."

“Okay, if you say so.” I said.

Daria spoke "I was a caretaker before I left the swarm though."

That made me sigh in relief.

I spoke "I knew I made the right call with you Daria."

“Thanks.” Daria said in gratitude.

I spoke "No problem."

So I went off to find Jet.

*Lillian's POV*

Sonic spoke "Hey Lillian!"

"Hey Sonic what you up to?" I asked Sonic as he walks up to the counter of sugar cube corner.

Sonic spoke "Danyelle and her Changelings have been acting strange today. Heck, everycreature is acting strange... Plus I saw Lucy flying over the Everfree forest too."

"Huh that is strange no one really goes there except Zecora since she lives there but who am I to judge it's really her business if she wants to go there because maybe she's heading to Zecora's place or something." I say to him. "Anyways need anything Sonic?"

Sonic asks "Seen Jet around?"

"No can't say I have not to mention I haven't seen Tempest either maybe those two are hanging out together." I say.

Sonic spoke "Something is going on here... Even Knuckles and Shade are avoiding me."

"Well I'm not really avoiding you so I guess we can hang." I say.

But then, Katie started crying.

"Can you hold on for a moment Sonic, got to check on Katie real quick." I say before leaving the blue hedgehog alone at the counter.

Sonic spoke "Uh sure..."

Millie was carrying a box under a wing while she walked past Twilight's library.

Twilight thinks "Hmm... What should I give to Sonic?"

"I don't know Twilight but I'm sure he wouldn't want a book as a gift." Spike says to twilight.

Twilight spoke "I don't know what else to give him Spike! Oh! Maybe a Daring Do book, he's quite adventurous."

"Oh boy." Spike sighs.

Silverstorm groans "You sure about this Twilight? Sonic doesn't seem like the kind of guy to read a book."

"Yeah I agree with Silverstorm on that Twilight." Spike says.

One of Danyelle's Changelings shows up with a panicky look on his face.

Kevin spoke "Sorry to interrupt but Queen Danyelle wants to talk to you."

"Why, what's wrong?" Spike asked worried.

Kevin spoke "She's trying to figure out what to get for Sonic."

Twilight spoke "As am I but all I have are books."

Kevin spoke "Maybe Lillian can help."

Twilight asks "Really?"

Kevin spoke "Yeah, she's busy at work though."

Twilight spoke "Oh."

Dusk spoke "I've never attended a birthday party before."

*Back at Sugarcube Corner*

Mrs Cake was working on a birthday cake with Pear Butter since Blaze had requested it.

Mrs. Cake spoke "Oh! It’s been so long since we worked on a cake together!"

Pear Butter giggles "Yeah, I agree Chiffon."

Mrs. Cake spoke "You know, Apple Bloom is just like you. I don’t know why, but she seems to have an uncanny resemblance of you."

Pear Butter spoke "Perhaps she's following in my hoof prints. I helped you realize your love of baking right?"

Mrs. Cake spoke "Oh, and Applejack is the element of honesty, and you know where she gets her honesty from."

Pear Butter spoke "Yeah, she got it from Bright."

Mrs. Cake spoke "And Big Mac sure has your husband’s body."

Daria soon arrives.

Daria spoke "Hello Mrs Cake."

Pear Butter spoke "Ah'm never gonna get used ta seeing Changelings around..."

Daria spoke "Something tells me that you're going to be a mother soon Mrs Cake."

Mrs. Cake spoke "Yes, now I know how Pear felt when she was pregnant."

Daria spoke "And judging by the scent, you're going to have a colt and a filly."

Pear Butter spoke "Wow, Chiffon! You’re having twins!"

Mrs Cake spoke "You're right dearie."

Pear Butter spoke "I can’t wait to meet them!"

Daria spoke "I heard that Miss Rarity's also expecting a child too but given the circumstances of what her spouse is, the child's going to be a ponykat."

*A few hours later,*

*Sonic's POV*

I think "Odd, where is everyone?"

But then I heard Tails’ voice.

Tails spoke "Guys, he’ll be here any second!"

Danyelle clamps Pinkie's mouth shut.

Lucy was hiding in the chimney.

“Hey, guys. Anyone having a party or something?” I asked.

Various ponies and Mobians exclaim "HAPPY BIRTHDAY SONIC!"

Since he was forced to make a temporary truce, Eggman was among the group since it was also his birthday too.

“Aw… You guys.” I said with a smile.

Eggman groans "Consider yourself lucky, pincushion. I was forced to make a temporary truce since it's also my birthday too..."

Danyelle spoke "Hit it Pedro!"

Pedro spoke "You got it Dany!"

And so, my friends and I partied all evening despite the amount of complaining from Eggman.


Author's Note

A special chapter to celebrate Sonic's 31st birthday

Next Chapter: Hearth's Warming Eve Estimated time remaining: 51 Minutes
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