
A Death in the Apple Family

by SwordTune
Story has been removed from Fimfiction.net
After Granny Smith's funeral, life starts to pile up on Applejack. When she finally realises her relationship with Rainbow Dash isn't as strong as she thought, Pinkie Pie steps in as Ponyville's resident love doctor.
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<p>After Granny Smith's funeral, life starts to pile up on Applejack. When she finally realises her relationship with Rainbow Dash isn't as strong as she thought, Pinkie Pie steps in as Ponyville's resident love doctor. But can she treat these two patients when their infectious love has spread to her? </p><p>When she realises too late that she's more invested than just a third-party observer, can she still trust herself to do what's right, or will she take this carriage by the reigns and ride it 'till the rooter calls for morning?</p><hr/><p>Written for Bicylette's <a href="/group/216159/bikes-personal-contests/thread/492723/bpc-4-applepie-contest" rel="nofollow">ApplePie Contest</a>. </p><ul><li>For original short stories and novellas, check out my Wix site: <a href="https://swordtuneartonline.wixsite.com/swordtune-digital-ar/blog" rel="nofollow">https://swordtuneartonline.wixsite.com/swordtune-digital-ar/blog</a></li><li>You can support flash fiction, short stories, and novellas like this through my Kofi page: <br/><a href="https://ko-fi.com/swordtuneonline" rel="nofollow">https://ko-fi.com/swordtuneonline</a></li></ul>

Slice of Life

12,433 words: Estimated 50 Minutes to read: [Cache]

1 Chapter:

  1. A Death in the Apple Family [Cache] May 22nd, 2022
Published May 22nd, 2022


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