
My Little Pony Rangers

by WatchTower1992

Chapter 6: Growing Fears

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Growing Fears

Fluttershy, a.k.a. Pony Ranger II—Yellow, took care of hundreds of animals at her cottage, which was right outside Ponyville. She was a talented caretaker of animals, and one day, she had to bid farewell to some of those animals who stopped by her home. “Good-bye, little friends,” she told them. “I hope that each and every one of you can find a new home,” she added. “Sometimes,” she thought aloud, “I wish I could be a baby all over again!”

Fluttershy’s wish had Nightmare Moon cackling with delight. “I know exactly how to make your wish come true, Ms. Nice Mare!” cried the wicked alicorn. She sent a new Shadow Minion down to Ponyville to target the timid pegasus. “Is the Growth Bomb ready?” she demanded of the Shadowbolts. When they confirmed that the Growth Bomb was in working order, the alicorn announced, “Prepare to grow down, foal!”

Suddenly, a kindly unicorn appeared from behind the greenery around Fluttershy’s cottage. “Did somepony make a wish to be a baby?” cooed the unicorn in a motherly voice. “Erm—I think I’m the one who said that,” answered Fluttershy. “You don’t say!” cried the unicorn with joy. “But I just did say that!” countered Fluttershy. “Do you ever feel like a baby?” asked the unicorn. “Oh, yes—I get scared very much and very often, and I even feel helpless sometimes!” confessed Fluttershy. “Awww! You poor dear! I’ll tell you what—I’m going to make you my very own baby!” the unicorn told the pegasus. “Oh, thank you—that would be oh, so kind!” cried Fluttershy, whose eyes started to release tears of joy. With that, the unicorn took Fluttershy with her.


Stone-Cold Ponies

Everything Goes Apple-Shaped

The Invasion Of The Power Chamber

A Sneak Attack

The Entry Of Hippocampus

Fighting Magic With Magic

Tornado Dash

The Sting Of Fear

Next Chapter: Stone-Cold Ponies Estimated time remaining: 1 Minutes
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