

by Quill of Filth

Chapter 3: Embrace

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Tempest blinked, her vision adjusting to the surroundings of her room. Her gaze travelled to the silver mirror at the edge of the room. Sauntering to it, her reflection came to view, as she stared deeply at herself.

Underlying anger drove her rumination, but it wasn't directed at others, instead it was directed at herself, wondering how she could be so naive. When she finally found the will to extend a hoof forward, it's beyond forsaken, and instead thrown back into her face. She's now back at the rending where it all began.

The hatred welled, as she felt a jolt of anger invigorate her. Her teeth gritted and brows furrowed, she lifted her hoof, aiming for the mirror to destroy and shatter any potential or manifestation as her horn sparked.

Moments passed as she held her posture, the stalemate lengthening as she found her hoof didn't propel forward…

She lowered her hoof, her gaze falling. Turning, she sauntered to the bed before sitting down, the silver moonlight bathing her form.

Time passed and ticked, before she was jerked from her stupor, her ears flicking and her eyes darting to the knocking at the door.

Getting up, she approached the door, before slowly opening it just a crack. Her eyes met concerned violet ones before a voice spoke.

"Hey. Do you mind if I come in?"

Tempest was quiet for a bit before she fully opened the door, allowing the dressless lavender Alicorn to enter. Tempest wandered back to her bed, taking a seat, staring at the floor.

Twilight stood in the middle of the dark room.

"I guess I'm still blind," Tempest said.

Twilight took a few more moments before speaking, her tone sincere. "We're all blind in a way. But you're not the same pony like before, and you showed me that. You've persevered through your suffering-"

"Suffering can change you for the worst," Tempest replied, her brows furrowed.

"It can. But you can choose how to handle it." Twilight entered the moonlight before sitting down beside her. "But you have to forgive yourself and let go of the past. Shed the excess darkness. So you can move forward through the pain and shine."

"It hurts," Tempest said, a glint rolling down her scarred cheek.

Twilight moved Tempest to face her and looked into her glassy pain stricken eyes. "You're strong. I believe in you," she said gently, closing her eyes and touching her forehead to Tempest's out of love.

Small taps on the bed filled the long silence as they sat there, until Twilight finally pulled away.

"I know you're probably tired, so I'll leave you to get some sleep." Twilight got up, sauntering toward the door.

"Wait!" Tempest urged. "Could you…" Tempest felt a struggle to open her mouth, as Twilight looked over her at her with concern. "Could you stay with me?"

Twilight gave a gentle smile, turning and facing her. She walked over to the bed, sliding under the blankets.

Tempest stood by the dresser as she began to get undressed and Twilight tried not to stare, stealing a peek every now and then until her eyes widened when resting upon Tempest's bare flank. There was no Cutie Mark.

Twilight tore her eyes away, looking to the ceiling in thought.

Tempest looked to Twilight for an expression but noticed she was staring at the ceiling. Reaching the side of the bed, Tempest lifted the blankets and crawled under.

Their eyes met and they both smiled. They both reached out and wrapped a foreleg over each other and embraced.

Their calm breaths soothed each other as time faded away.

She'd slept in a bed with someone else before and even hugged Twilight before, but it didn't compare to the current moment.

She'd traveled across Equestria with multiple intentions. Now, it felt like she almost achieved one of them in a residual way like a potent wisp. The feeling of being home…

Author's Note

Oh, boy. The amount of tension between these two may rival that of a teen romance novel- which isn't what this is by the way! Though the undressing did seem a tiny bit risqué despite the fact they almost always walk around naked. But it had more significance okay! Read the tags! But in all seriousness, these two are an interesting pairing. I don't know if I myself ship them. I left it mostly ambiguous and platonic. But whatever floats your boat. Anyway, we've reached the end, and I hope you have a nice day or night.

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