
Equestria Girls: The Stolen Crown

by DerpyRules

Chapter 2: The new girl in school

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The new girl in school

Twilight Sparkle looked around in amazement at her surroundings. Sure it was just a regular old high school but for someone who's never been in a world like this, even the most mundane things can seem exciting.

"Wow Spike, this castle doesn't look anything like back in Equestria!" She whispered. "Do you think this is where Sunset took my crown?" Just last night, her crown had been stolen by Princess Celestia's ex-pupil Sunset Shimmer with the intent of gaining its magic. Of course, all the mane 6 wanted to go together but this was one where Twilight must go alone...Well not exactly seeing as she had Spike with her.

"I'll say more than likely," Spike replied. He whispered in Twilight's ear, "Why don't we ask that dude over there?"

Twilight turned her attention towards a boy who was walking somewhere and waved toward him to get his attention. "Hi! Excuse me?" She called out hoping he would see her. Lucky for her, he did as he now had his attention on her.

"Uh yeah? What's up?"

"Ok so, you can call me crazy but have you happened to see like any crown...anywhere?" Twilight chuckled, wondering if this boy would think she was crazy. To her surprise, he didn't seem to think that at all.

"Nope, sorry. I'm brand new here so everything is all news to me hehe...I'm Lance by the way," He smiled holding a peace sign. Twilight returned the smile and introduced herself as well.

"I'm Twilight Sparkle and I'm also new here."

"Oh, so you just moved from another school?"

"Not exactly, I came from-," Twilight was about to say she came from a pony world but quickly realized he would have never believed her so she made something up instead. "I come from Filydelphia," The boy's interest seemed to grow.

"Really? I also moved from Filyadelphia too. Though I didn't see you at my old school." He was starting to get a bit suspicious but figured he shouldn't jump to any conclusions too fast.

"Oh right! Because I was homeschooled." Twilight said scratching the back of her head.

"Oh ok. Got it. That makes a lot more sense now. Well, I think I better get going now. Nice knowing you!" Lance said as he continued on his way. Twilight waved bye and Spike popped his head out of her bag.

"Maybe we should ask someone else. Someone who's been here for a while," he suggested. Twilight nodded but who was she going to ask?...No one? They would just think she was crazy. No one would believe she is a pony princess from another world! That would get her thrown in the white room!

"Spike I think I'm going to have to think of something new. If I continue asking people and telling them why they'll think I'm crazy!"

Spike sighed. "Alright, but we still need to ask someone where we are at least." He pointed to two girls walking down the hallway. The one on the left had dark pink poofy hair and light pink skin. She wore a blue skirt with a cyan blue short sleeve jacket and a white shirt with a heart in the middle. The one on the right had pale light purple skin had streaked cyan blue and purple hair. She wore a green short-sleeved t-shirt, grey jeans, and grey shoes with purple laces. She also wore a dark gray vest and sported a wristwatch on her right arm. The pink-haired girl could be seen talking excitedly to the other.

"Oh, you have to come to look! I just know it's going to look amazing!"

Twilight decided to ask these girls where she was. She hid Spike back in the bag and went up to the two girls. "Hi there...umm sorry to bother you but...can you girls tell me where I am-" She was cut off by the pink-haired girl suddenly zooming towards her and shaking her hand (and her whole body) at an incredibly fast speed. "Hi, there! My name is Pinkie Pie and it's very nice to meet you! I love meeting new people, making friends, and hanging out with friends! Oh and this is Starlight Glimmer. She's this school's body Vice President. Starlight gave a friendly smile and waved to Twilight.

"So you're new here is that right?"

"Yes I am, and I was wondering if you know where I am," Twilight said.

"You're in Canterlot High School. I'm assuming you just moved here today." Twilight responded with a nod. Starlight seemed to think for a moment before she said, "Since you're new, how about you come with us to the gym?" she suggested

"Ok then," Twilight said. She followed the two inside the gym and the first thing she noticed was how well it was decorated. The walls were lined with streamers, tables filled the perimeter with bottles of fizzy apple cider, balloons of all colors scattered throughout the gym, and in the center of the ceiling was a big disco ball. "Wow. This looks amazing!" Twilight gasped. Starlight giggled.

"Pinkie here is the one who made it all possible."

"Awww it was nothing!" Pinkie giggled. "The drinks weren't mine though, but I hope Score likes it."

"Who's Score?" Twilight asked.

"Oh, he's the Canterlot's Body President. He was supposed to check on Pinkie's decorations today but he texted me and asked if I could do it. He had some sort of urgent crisis to take care of," Starlight explained. "But he's a great guy. Almost everyone likes him, even some of our most strict teachers do." She looked around the gym. "And everything looks great, Pinkie. Love how much effort you put in here." She took out her phone and took a few pictures of the gym. "I'll send these to Score later."

"So what is this for?" Twilight asked.

"It's for the Fall Formal. Usually every year we elect a female student as a Fall Formal Princess and she wins the crown." Starlight explained. She then frowned and Twilight noticed this.

"I'm sorry, was it something I said?"

"Oh no, it's not you it's just that every year there's this mean girl who wins because everyone is afraid of her."

Pinkie gasps. "You don't mean Sunset Shimmer!"

"Sunset Shimmer?" Twilight repeats. Starlight and Pinkie looked at her.

"You seem like you know her?" Pinkie asked.

"Well, sort. It's a bit complicated but...she's the one who won all previous titles?"

Starlight nodded. "She's an entitled bully who thinks she's above everyone else," she said with a bit of annoyance. "By the time she reached a junior year, no one wanted to run against her. They were too afraid she was going to do something awful to them."

"But can I still try out to run?" Twilight asked. "I mean it can't be that hard to beat her right?"

"Ehhhh I don't know. If you think you can beat her. Otherwise, she'll just humiliate you and make your life awful."

Just then, the door to the gymnasium swung open and two girls walked in. The one who did not look happy was tan-skinned and had red and yellow streaked hair. She sported a black leather jacket, gray boots with purple designs on them, a purple shirt with a sun symbol on the front, and wore an orange skirt with a single yellow and purple stripe. The other girl was also tan-skinned, but unlike the other one, she had freckles. Her hair was yellow and she donned a light brown stetson hat. She wore a green and white collared shirt, a blue jean skirt, and brown boots with a design of three apples on them. The first girl who was not happy pointed towards the table with the drinks on it.

"Speak of the devil," Starlight muttered under her breath.

"AppleJack look at this and tell me what the fuck is wrong with this picture?" The girl snapped. The other one looked at the table and sighed.

"What is it, Sunset? What in the almighty universe could it be?" she said with an equal amount of annoyance.

Sunset threw her hands in the air. "Oh you don't see it?" She marched up to one of the bottles and shoved it in AppleJack's face. "What is this?"

"A bottle of Fizzy Apple Cide," AppleJack said flatly.

"This!" Sunset began to say, "Is supposed to be my coronation! Not a hoedown!" Sunset snapped. AppleJack got angry and pointed a finger at her.

"Well I'm sorry if it aint to your liking, Miss High and Mighty but you don't get to decide what changes can be made!"

Starlight put her hands on her hips and gave Sunset a dirty look. "Last time I checked. Score and I are the only ones who can make changes to the dance."

It hasn't even been five minutes and Twilight could see what kind of person Sunset was. She was about to say something but Sunset had turned her attention to her first and smirked.

"Well who might you be?" She got a little too close for Twilight's comfort. "Whoever you are I'd be smart if I were you and stay out of my way got it?!" She threatened. Twilight wasn't liking the way Sunset was talking to her so she came up with a retort answer.

"And what if I don't?" she asked back. Sunset gave a mocking gasp and stepped back.

"Well if you don't, let's just say you might regret it. This is obviously going to be my coronation. I'm running unopposed!"

"I'll run against you." Twilight suddenly said. AJ and Starlight gasped. Pinkie looked like she was about to faint. Sunset rounded on Twilight and looked enraged.

"What the hell did you say?!" She screamed.

"You heard me! I'm going to run against you!" Twilight snapped. Sunset closed her mouth but then forced a smile.

"Fine. You can try to beat me, but if you lose you will never live it down!" She stormed out of the gym leaving the girls alone. Pinkie was the first to say something.

"Did you just-"

"Yeah, I think she did," AJ said. She turned to Twilight. "Name's AppleJack by the way and you are.."

"Twilight Sparkle," The former pony answered.

"Well, Twilight I don't mean to burst your bubble but when you're running against Sunset Shimmer, you're not just dealing with her. She's got a whole hella lot of followers willing to do whatever it takes to make sure she get what she wants!"

"Ooooh oooh I know them all!" Pinkie said excitedly. "There's Trixie, Gilda, Garble, Dumbell, Hoops, Diamond Tiara, Silver Spoon, Snips and Snails!"

"That is quite alot." Twilight said starting to feel a little nervous.

"Oh and I almost forgot, there's also one called "The Alpha!"

Starlight nodded in agreement. "He's Sunset's number one. No one knows who he is except for Sunset, Trixie, Garble, and Gilda. Speaking of those five, they're the only ones who you really need to watch out for. The other bullies aren't really a problem as long as you can outsmart them." she explained.

"Twilight, are you sure you want to do this?" AJ asked with a bit of concern. "I know it's your first day but you have no idea what happens if anyone tries to run against Sunset."

Twilight nodded. "I have to."

Pinkie bit her lip and darted her eyes to Starlight, AJ, and to Twilight. She gave a great sigh and fished something from her pink hair. A paper clipboard with paper on it and a pen. "Just sign here and you're official a contestant for the Fall Formal Princess!"

Twilight looked at the Pen and her pony instincts kicked in. She grabbed the pen in her mouth but quickly realized that wasn't the proper way. She then used her hands, which she still wasn't acusstomed to yet and tried her best to write her name. The word was supposed to be "Twilight" but when she was finished it looked nothing like the word. Pinkie seemed to confirm.

"Wow! Your handwriting is really awful! But no worries I've seen worse!" She said joyfully. "Well good luck, Twilight. You're going to need it."

"Yes. You're going to need a lot of luck." AJ agreed and Starlight nodded.

Next Chapter: The Great and Authoritive Tr-r-r-r-rxie! Estimated time remaining: 9 Minutes
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