
The dragon breather of Equestria

by Jayelms43


Chapter 1

Chapter one


OH MY FUCKING GOD IT'S SOOOOOO BORING!?!?" a man said while sitting on the couch watching t.v, he was 6'3 while wearing some blue jeans with a black t-shirt with a skull with glowing blue eyes. On the TV was about people disappearing from something called the power lottery.

"Really, nothing is on," the man said before getting an email from his phone. "Huh?" He said while looking at it. "Maybe it will be better to read it on my computer," he said while walking towards his room and got on his computer.

After login there was a letter from an unknown person on it said.

"Dear mr. Williams"
"You have been chosen to participate in our Power Lottery and you will gain five abilities and then you will be sent to another world. Please choose your five abilities and you will be sent to another universe."

Williams looked at the letter before laughing and said. "Are you serious this look like some stupid scam someone came up with to steal my information," he said before thinking about.

"Although it is tempting," he said before shrugging his shoulders and writing back.

"Dear stranger"
My name is James Williams and I read your letter and I would like to participate in this power Lottery."

"For my five abilities they are dragon form from fire breathing, my second is pyrokinesis, Third electrokinesis, four leveling up systems that will allow me to gain new skills and summon characters from different universe, and finally fire dragon slayer magic from fairy tales,"

"From James Williams"

After James sent the message he started to feel sleepy. "*yawn* man it's only 4:20 in the evening, well might as well take a nap before going to get some pizza,``James said to himself before going to his bed not noticing his body was glowing a bright blue light.

(James pov)

I yawned before snuggling into the rock before my eyes snapped open and sat up right and looked around before yelling.

"WHERE THE FUCK AM I!!!!" I yelled while looking around the Cavern before a screen popped up in front of me.

James Williams
Lv: 1
Strength: 100
Defense: 150
Hp: 100/100
Magic: 150/150

Fire breathing form Lv: 2
Pyrokinesis Lv: 1
Electrokinesis Lv: 1
Fire dragon slayer Magic Lv: 1

I stared at it for a moment before rubbing my eyes and it was still there. "Okay I must be dreaming yeh I'm dreaming," I said before punching myself in the jaw.Then I yelled in pain before a voice said.

"Just received 2 point damage, your Hp is 98/100."

I rubbed my jaw while looking at the screen and said. "Okay then it's not a dream," I thought before getting up and stretching and started walking in a random Direction.

"Well I better find out where I am, and see if there's a way out," I said before I heard a loud roar coming from my left.

There standing was a giant bear. It was dark black with white lines going across its body and its eyes were blood red.

That's when a stat appeared above its head and what it said made me pissed myself.

Demon bear
Strength: 200
Speed: 100
Defense: 100
Hp: 300/300

"WHAT THE HELL MAN IT'S THE SAME LEVEL AS ME BUT IT'S STRONGER THAN ME!?!?!?" I yelled while running from it while screaming like a girl.

It ran at me while roaring and trying to swipe me with his claws. "Damn what was Natsu's fire attacks," I thought quickly before remembering one, I stopped and turned around and yelled out.

"Fire dragon slayer magic: Fire Dragon King's Demolition Fist" I yelled while my right fist was covered in a blue and black fire instead of orange and black. I ran at it and jumped and punched it in the face while roaring my lungs out.

To my surprise it caught on fire due to his fur. It tried to put itself out but to no avail it burned itself to death before a notification showed up.

You have defeated the demon bear. You gain 350 xps and your hp back to full.

I looked where it was and saw three items that were a bear Pelt, a large piece of meat, as well as a small bag of coins that were gold and silver.

After I started a fire with my flames and put the meat on the fire letting it cook while looking at my stat after using the xps I got from defeating the demon bear.

James Williams

Fire breathing form Lv: 2
Pyrokinesis Lv:2
Electrokinesis Lv: 2
Fire dragon slayer Magic Lv: 2

"Okay now that happened, where should I go now," I said while sniffing the air and saw the meat was done. "After I eat my dinner," I said while devouring the meat before starting to cough violently and feel pain going across my body.

"OH SHIT, I DIDN'T KNOW YOU COULDN'T EAT DEMON MEAT!?!?!" I yelled out while screaming in pain before seeing a river and crawled over and started to drink some of the water not knowing it was holy water.

"OH GOD THIS HURTS SO MUCH!!!" I scream before falling unconscious.

After four hours I woke up while rubbing my head and said.

"Fuck, that was a bad idea," I said before noticing something off about myself. I looked in the river and saw my hair was blood red and my eyes were blue dragon eyes while my body was completely different. My body was the same as goku except my height was 7'3. And I was only wearing pants, my shirt was destroyed by me ripping it off.

(Like this except for the silver hair and his was wearing blue jeans)

"Okay my look changed so what, not like my status are any different". Once I opened and saw my stat my jaw hit the floor at what I saw.

James Williams

Fire breathing form Lv: 21
Pyrokinesis Lv:20
Electrokinesis Lv: 20
Fire dragon slayer Magic Lv: 20

After I was done looking stupid, I then said. "What the hell it's like I just jumped from level 2 to level 50 seriously," I said before hearing growling coming from my right and then I saw four wolves but to my surprise they were made of stone.

Stone wolves

One of them jumped at me. I closed my eyes waiting for the pain. But the only thing I felt was something like a baby biting my finger.I then opened myneyes and saw the stone wolf biting my arm trying to hurt me.

You have received 1 point damage, your Hp is 5599/5600.

After a moment I got tired of the wolf bite me and punched it and to my surprise it was destroyed in an instant.m, I looked in shock before smirking and looking at the rest of the wolves and said.

"Oooh you guys are shit out of luck now," I said before rushing at them and started to beat them to death with my bare hands.

After an hour there were three items from each stone wolf. That been a four bag of gold and silver coins, four stone fangs, and surprisingly there were four gems that were red and green.

You have defeated the stone wolves. You gain 40 xps from each wolf and your hp back to full.

"Hmm, so that means that's 160 xps in all," I said while Counting the coins from all five bags. "Sooooo, there are 50 gold coins and 30 silver coins in each bag, so in all that's-" I said before my jaw hit the floor again.

"WHAT THE HELL I HAVE 250 GOLD COINS AND 150 SILVER COINS!?!?!" I yelled at the amount of money I have now.

"Okay that's going to hold me over. But I need to find a way out," I said while looking around while walking in a random Direction.

After an hour I found a door in front of me. It was 15 feet tall and 12 inches wide and it was made out of stone. And what was print on the door made me go wide-eyed in surprise.

"It's that the mark of cain?!?" I said while looking at said mark it was glowing orange and the weirdest thing that it was calling out to me.

I walked closer to the large door, the mark pulsing with magic energy. After I put my hand on the door it glowed blinding me before I heard a voice in my head.

"Who are you stranger?" Said a female voice I looked around and saw I was in a dark void with no end in sight. But standing there was a woman wearing a black dress her skin was lightly tanned, her hair was brown with her eyes being chestnut brown. But I know who this person is.

"Amara!?!?" I said while looking confused and terrified at the same time.

Chapter 2

Chapter two

(Third person pov)

HOW COULD THIS HAVE HAPPENED!!!!" said a being who was 18 feet tall and his wingspan 12 feet wide. And wearing black pants and his skin was dark tanned. He also had horns that were curled back with his hair being dark black.

There standing were three humanized dragons, two males and one female. They were wearing armor that was silver and gold and two had a spear and one had a sword. And they were shaking in fear from their king.

"W-we D-don't know lord torch. The summoning was going well but then it just didn't work. One of the summoner said he is here but in Equestria territory more specifically in the everfree forest next to Ponyville, " one of the guard dragon explain while praying that he doesn't get sent to death.

Torch sat on his stone throne rubbing his head in frustration and tiredness. He been trying to summon a warrior that not only will be a suitable mate for his daughter. But also he will be the strongest dragon in centuries.

"Fine then, send a letter to princess Celestia and Luna that me and my daughter will be there within 4 days from now," torch ordered while the guard went to carry-out said orders.

Just then his daughter came in. She was 6'5 and she had lightly tanned skin. She had blue dragon wings and her hair was blue as well. And she was wearing gold armor and was not happy.

(This is the only picture that best describes how Ember looks)

"FATHER WHAT IS THE MEANING OF THIS" Ember yelled while storming over to her father.

Torch just sighed before saying. "Ember listen, I did this for both you and this kingdom," torch tried to explain but ember was not having it.

"No, not this time father. You have gone too far with this one, not only did you try to summon something that could have killed us, but you want me to marry him as well," she said seething with rage.

"Ember I-" Torch was about to say before Ember continued.

"NO!!, you have tried to have the entire kingdom of Male dragons to be my life mate but none of them were worthy, so now you went and-" Ember didn't get to finish before torch slammed his fist on his arm rest before yelling.

"EMBER BLUE FLAMES, YOU WILL DO AS I SAID. DO YOU UNDERSTAND ME!!!" Torch roared while flames were coming out of his mouth.

(Note: I don't know if this is her full name so this is what I believe her full name would be)

Ember's eyes showed anger but she hung her head in defeat before saying. "Yes father," she said while walking away getting ready to go to Canterlot castle.

Torch stood there for a moment before sighing and said. "I'm sorry ember but this is for the best," he said while looking out to the wasteland of the dragon kingdom.

(Canterlot castle)

In the capital of Canterlot castle. Sitting on their throne was Celestia and Luna.

Celestia was 6'3 and was wearing a white Roman-style dress with golden accents. And had on a golden necklace and tiara with a purple gem in the center. Her skin was lightly tanned with 12 feet snow white wings and had a 7 inch horn.

While sitting next to her was Luna who was 6'1. Her skin was dark brown while wearing a dark blue Roman-style dress with silver accents. She also had a silver necklace and tiara with a blue gem in the center. Her wings are 11 feet long and her horn is 6 inch.

Just then a burst of green fire and a letter appeared in front of Celestia. She then opened the letter and start to read it and slowly start to get more and more worried before saying.

"Luna, dragon lord torch and princess ember are going to be here within 4 days from now. Saying one of their dragons are in the everfree forest next to Ponyville," Celestia said with worried and confusion.

"What do you believe we should do sister?" Luna asked equally worried and confusion as well.

Celestia horn glow for a moment before a parchment and quill as well as an ink bottle appears and started to write a letter to someone.

"I'm going to write a letter to Twilight Sparkle to look for this dragon and to send me a letter as soon as possible, " Celestia said while sending said letter.

(James pov)

I stared at the literal darkness from supernatural and she didn't look angry or aggravated but with confusion and hope.

"Uuuhhhh, Hi my name is James Williams and I just somehow appeared after touching a stone door that had the same mark that's on your right upper chest," I said while pointing at said mark.

Amara stared at the mark before going wide-eyed and hugged me while having tears in her eyes.

"You finally came to free me," she said while crying. I was confused but I hesitantly hugged her back while stroking her hair to calm her down.

After a minute or two she calmed down and then said. "Sorry about that, let me explain. You see I was sealed within this void by my brother and the only way out is for someone to find my door and become the new bearer of the mark. With this I can leave this void but his or her life-force will be tied to my forever," she finished explaining, leaving me confused and baffled.

"Okay so how do I free you," I said while around the void.

That's when I saw Amara blush and I started to fear the answer. "Well, for that to happen I need to place the mark on you," she said but she then said the next part that made me blush as well.

"And for me to do so I have to K-kiss you," Amara said while looking away.

My head felt light headed for a moment before shaking it and said. "Okay let's do this," I said, surprising her. "Look if this is the only way to free you then let's do it," I said trying to convince myself more than Amara.

She stood there for a moment before jumping into my arms and kissed me on the lips. It left me surprised but I slowly fell into the kiss, her lips were soft and tasted surprisingly like pineapple.

After a moment we finally broke the kiss with heavy blush on our face while staring into each other's eyes. "Woah that was," I started before Amara finished.

"Amazing," she said with a small smile before looking at my right arm and seeing something. "And it seems it worked James," Amara said while pointing at my arm.

I looked down and sure enough the mark of cain was on my right arm glowing a soft red.

After a moment of being in that cavern and standing in the entrance of said cavern. Me and Amara stood there looking at the setting Sun before I turned to her and said.

"So ready to see what this world has to offer," I said while holding out my hand in which she took my outstretched hand and we walked into the forest below to start our new life.

Chapter 3

Chapter three

(James pov)

I was sitting on the ground next to a fireplace while Amara was asleep. We had been traveling for about 2-3 hours and it was now night time.

"Okay now I can get items so let's see what they have" I thought while looking through the list. Before three items got my attention.

*Red Flame Samurai Sword lv 3
Strength boost:4
Defense boost:9
Magic boost:8
Cost: 50 golden/silver

*Leslie Kyle Leather Jacket lv 2
Defense boost:7
Magic boost:2
Cost:15 golden/silver

*Red Hood outlaw mask lv 2
Defense boost:2
Strength boost:1
Magic boost:2
Cost:10 golden/silver

I rubbed my chin in thought while looking at the screen in front of me before saying. "Okay so in all it's 75 golden or silver, meaning I will have a boost in both strength, defense, and magic. But only a small boost so strength will be 5,108, defense 10,018, and magic 5,012. It looked like I just get a small boost in strength, defense, and magic" I said while still thinking about before shrugging my shoulders and said.

"Fuck it, doesn't matter how strong I get, I just need something to wear just in case Ponyville citizens are either xenophobic or very skittish," I said while pushing the purchase button.

After a moment in a flash of blue light the jacket appeared on me while the sword and its sheath appeared on my right and the mask in my right hand.

"Okay that happened, so now I'm going to get some sleep. Hope no wild animals attack us while we are sleeping" I said before falling asleep.

(Third person pov)

James was still sleeping before he heard bird chirping which woke him up and saw Amara still sleeping next to him. He just smiled before thinking.

"She is the darkness and the most powerful being next to God and makes the angels and demons look like children compared to her. And here she is sleeping like a beautiful princess" I thought before blushing crimson at the end of that thought before shaking my head and said.

"Don't get your hopes up James. She is only with you because she just needs help. After a week or two she will just go her way and you will be Alone Again," I said in sadness before I heard Amara's voice.

"Can someone turn off brother's sun please," Amara said while covering her eyes with her arms trying to go back to sleep.

"Come Amara we have to get up and continue to Ponyville," James said while getting up and stretching hearing loud cracks coming from him

Amara was confused and said. "How do you know where we are going and how did you knew about this town," she said while looking confused, making James think she was cute with that look.

"Well for one, when it was nighttime the star constellations don't look the same back on Earth. And I know for a fact that it was not a patch of blue flowers that gave me the chills just looking at them," James said while pointing at said flowers, making him shutter a bit.

"And last, a few meters from here I can see a destroyed Castle. And it sure shit didn't look like anything from the history books back home either," he finished while walking to said castle.

While walking towards the castle Amara asked James a question. "So James what was your life like," she asked before seeing James' face turn from happy to sadness and pain with a hint of anger.

"It was." James started before thinking about his next words. "Not a good one but it was somewhat nice," he finished while having an image of a person who was laying in a pool of blood and him screaming at someone to get help.

After a moment of walking they made it to the castle and rested in one of the rooms before James said. "I need some air," he said while having lifeless eyes while walking outside. Amara wanted to said something but she didn't know how to help James.

James was looking up at the sky while memories of his life up to this point was either nice or so fucked up that not even getting mugged by someone, and You probably would have gave them all your money and then asked them to shoot you so you didn't have to live a other day on that planet.

He clenched his fist while glaring up at the sky and said. "Not only you had to take my parents from me. But you made life a total piece of shit that my closest friend killed herself so she didn't have to live through it. What more do you want to have me said fine you win," James said while tears fell down his cheeks before yelling out.

"WHAT ELSE DO YOU WANT UNTIL I SAID YOU CAN GO AND FUCK YOURSELF HUH!?!?!?" James screamed while still glaring at the sky.

Silence was all he heard.

James just stood there for a moment before saying. "You may be God, but you will always be that bastard who took my family and friends," he said while still glaring at the sky.

That's when Amara showed up and said. “Hey, are you ok? I heard yelling.”

James just stood there for a moment before saying in a fake happy tone of voice. "Yes, I'm just fine," he said before he could walk away he heard a scream.

“Someone’s in trouble!” Amara said in worry before heading in the direction of the scream.

James stopped her from going. She tried to go and help but James said. "Hold on Amara, we need to think smart about this," he said while looking at her.

“But someone is in trouble!” Amara argued.

"I know. But we are in the Everfree Forest and here shit ain't the same on earth," he said before adding.

"So you need to stay here, please don't follow me. I will go and see what's going on," James said looking serious.

Amara sighs and nods. “Fine.”

James nodded his head before rushing into the forest. It took him a while until he saw the Cutiemark Crusaders running from a bug bear.

“Run faster! It’s gaining on us!” Scootaloo shouted.

“What does it look like we’re doing?!” Applebloom shouted back as she made the mistake of looking back and screamed.

“Why did you look back?!” Sweetie Belle asked her.

“I don’t know!!” Applebloom yelled as she tried to run faster.

That's when James rushed in and punched the bug bear in the abdomen sending it a few meters.

He then looked at the bear stat and they said.

Bug bear lv 9

"Damn you are one ugly mother fucker," James said trying not to throw up.

The bug bear roars in anger as it glares at James before flying at him and trying to slice with two of its four arms.

Just received 5 point damage hp is now 5100/5600.

James grunted before looking at the bear and said. "Now you're fucked." he said and started to beat the shit out of the bug bear. While this was happening the Cutiemarks Crusaders were watching and were amazed at James' strength.

“Whoa! He’s taking on that bugbear all by himself!” Scootaloo said in awe.

“Yeah! And he’s doing it with his bare hands!” Applebloom said next.

After an hour James had his foot on the bug bear neck and growled at it.

The Bug bear whimpered before laying its head on the ground showing James had won.With a smirk James took in a deep breath and roared out. It also reminds him of hulk roar.

(Like this)

The bug bear had a terrified look on its face before it whimpered again, no doubt wanting to get away from James.

"Now that you know whose the real alpha here," James said before adding. "Get lost little bear," James said, his eyes flashing red for a second.

The bear whimpers again as James moves his foot off the Bug Bear’s neck and flew off. James stared for a moment before mumbling. "Pussy," he said before looking at the CMC. "You three okay," James asked while walking towards them.

“That. Was. AWESOME!! Though not as awesome as Rainbow Dash but still awesome!! You took on that Bug Bear like it was nothing!” Scootaloo excitedly said.

“Yeah!! You were all pow! And bam! And that roar!! That was so scary and cool at the same time!!” Applebloom said next, equally as excited.

James just laughed before saying. "Thanks girls," he said while hearing Amara's voice.

"Damnit Amara," James thought while seeing her running towards him.

“What was that roar?! It didn’t sound like any creature I know!” Amara asked James in both concern and slight fear.

James rubbed his head and laughed nervously and said. "W-well that roar came from me," he said while blushing and mumbling. "Sorry."

Amara let out a sigh of relief then punched his arm. “Jerk. At least let me know that you can roar like a beast from the abyss.”

James rubbed his arm and said. "okay sorry again Amara," he said while smiling.

Amara still gives him an annoyed look before noticing the CMC. “Are they the ones who screamed?”

"Yeah, go ahead, introduce yourself," James said to Amara with a smirk.

“Greetings, I am Amara. Who are you three?” Amara asked the three Crusaders.

I'm Sweetie Belle, " Sweetie Belle said.

I'm Applebloom," Applebloom said.

I'm Scootaloo," Scootaloo said, then all three took a deep breath and yelled.

"WE'RE THE CUTIEMARK CRUSADERS YEAH!!!" all three yelled making Amara cover her ears from the yelled.

James just laughed and said. "Well then my name is James Williams nice to meet you three," James said while smiling.

After that James and Amara help the CMC get back to Ponyville not noticing two royal guard Pegasus looking at the group.

"We must head back to inform princess Twilight and the bearers about their sisters and the dangerous creature," one said while the other nodded and they flew off to do so.

Chapter 4

Chapter four

(Third person pov)

While walking towards Ponyville, the CMC and Amara were talking while James was looking at something.

The skill tree is now available to gain new skills or powers.

James rubbed his chin in thought before thinking. "Maybe I could gain an edge just in case something happens," James thought while looking through the list before his eyes Widened in surprise and happiness.

Haki tree
Armament Haki lv 1
Observation Haki lv 1
Conqueror's Haki lv 1
Cost: 23 EXP

Gets stronger if used continuously makes it more easily usable.

After James read it, he pushed the purchase button. In an instant information on Haki entered his head. after a moment James looked at his right hand and it's covered in a black dull metal.

“Whoa! You’re hand is made of metal now! How’d you do that?” Scootaloo asked him, a curious look on her face.

"Something I just found out about," James answers vaguely making Scootaloo puff her cheeks out and cross her arms making James laugh and he rubbed her head making her blush.

“What’s with the blush Scoots?” Applebloom asked her friend with a teasing smirk on her face.

Scoots glared at AB before walking faster to walk next to Amara and Sweetie Belle

After a moment they made it to Ponyville. The CMC were happy to be back while Amara was confused by the town's name.

“Why is the town called Ponyville?” Amara asked the three girls.

The girls just shrugged their shoulders not knowing either. Then when they walked into town, they were met by 30 royal guards as well as the elements of harmony and princesses Celestia and Luna.

“Whoa. I know we went into the Everfree but isn’t that a bit overkill?” Sweetie Belle asked.

"Amara, can you and the girls move to the side, I think they are here for me," James said, surprising them before Rainbow yelled out.

GIRLS GET AWAY FROM THEM!!!!" Rainbow dash yelled while the princesses looked at James.

"Let me guess," James said getting everyone's attention. "One of your guards saw me fighting and heard my roar too right," he finished while looking around using Observation Haki for any surprise attack.

"Creature surrender the bearers sisters at once," Luna ordered while wearing her battle armor.

“Why are they acting all mean to you?” Sweetie Belle asked James, clearly confused. “You didn’t do anything wrong.”

"Because Sweetie, they saw me fight something that was dangerous," James said while looking at the princesses and element bearers stat.

Princess Celestia lv 78
Strength: 4000
Speed: 3600
Defense: 5000
Magic: 67000/67000
Hp: 78000/78000

Princess Luna lv 75
Strength: 3000
Speed: 3200
Defense: 4000
Magic: 65000/65000
Hp: 76000/76000

Twilight Sparkle lv 42

Applejack lv 22

Rainbow dash lv 21

Pinkie pie lv 17
Defense: Unknown

Fluttershy lv 7
Strength: 23
Speed: 19
Defense: 24
Hp: 590/590

Rarity Belle lv 8
Strength: 44
Speed: 35
Defense: 24
Magic: 400/400
Hp: 580/580

"God fucking damn all of them either higher level or near the same level as me. I'm so fuck," James thought while trying to think of something.

“Applebloom get over here now!” Applejack said to Applebloom while glaring at James.

“B-but..but sis-” Applebloom tried saying but her sister cut her off.

“But nothing! Get over here now!” Applejack yelled.

"Go ahead, go to your sister's," James said while looking at the Elements of Harmony. "So how do you want to do this princess Celestia?" James asked while looking at her.

“Who are you two?” Celestia asked James. “And where did you come from?”

"My name is James Williams, and where I came from is none of your business," James said before a royal guard yelled at James.


“Oh yes, just shout at someone when they don’t tell you something. That’ll get them to talk.” Amara said with a roll of her eyes.

"Listen," James said, getting everyone's attention. "The only thing that matters is that the cmc are safe and sound," James said before he could said anything else everyone heard a loud roar coming from the everfree forest.

“What was that?!” Rarity asked in worry.

“I-I don’t know! I’ve n-never heard an animal r-roar like that before!” Fluttershy said as she shook like a leaf.

What came out of the forest terrified everyone; it was a demon dragon. The thing was bigger than Ponyville and it was all white with glowing red eyes and had black lines across the body

Demon dragon lv 100
Strength: 9000
Hp: 23000/23000

James was shaking in fear of the dragon that was getting closer to the town before Celestia ordered everyone to get to safety. The only people remained where Celestia and Luna, element bearers, James and Amara.

“What is that thing?!” Rainbow shouted in fear.

“I-it looks like a dragon but at the same time it isn’t!” Twilight said, equally as afraid as Rainbow.

"Its a Demon dragon," both Celestia and James said at the same time.

The dragon noticed them before it spoke. "Celestia, Luna I should have known you would be involved with Dragon Lord Torch." the dragon growled at the two princesses.

“What is he talking about princess?” Twilight asked her mentor.

The Princesses were confused as well until the dragon replied to the question by pointing at James. “Him? What does he have to do with anything?” Applejack asked in confusion while looking at James.

"Lord Torch summoned him here. For what reason I don't know why. But I will make sure he doesn't survive." the demon said before taking a deep breath and letting loose a breath of blue fire that engulfed James' body.

“JAMES!!” Amara cried out in despair while everyone else just stared in shock at what the demon dragon had done.

After the flames die down it shows James fine but doesn't look the same. His skin now had light orange scales, as well as his hair was spiked and looked like a mix of orange and red. He also has four horns, two small ones in the front of his forehead and the other two on the side of his head that were bigger than the two small ones. And lastly his eyes were blood red draconic that were glaring at the dragon.

Before anyone could say anything James let out a roared that shook the whole town

(Like this stop at 0:38)

“WHAT THE BUCK!?!” the Element Bearers, minus Fluttershy, shouted in unison upon seeing James' new look.

"You really fucked up now," James said while growling at the dragon. Amara stared at James' new look before thinking to herself.

’Since when can he do that?! He looks like some form of dragon hybrid!’ Amara thought to herself as she continued to stare at James just as the demon dragon roars.

“You think by changing your look you stand a chance against me!? FOOL!!” roared the demon dragon before raising its claw into the air and slamming it down on James.

To everyone's surprise James caught the claw before saying. "No my look didn't change to fool you," he said in a cold tone before yelling.

"MY FORM CHANGED BECAUSE I'M PISSED OFF!!!" James roared before moving the claw aside and jump into the air and punched the dragon hard enough that it made its head move to the side.


"You don't have the fucking right to tell me I don't deserve to live," James growled steam coming off his body before he took in a deep breath and blew out black and red Flames at the Dragon.

The dragon roars angrily and lets out his own fire at James which causes the two attacks to clash and try to surpass the other.

James arms gain red electricity before throwing both arms out shooting out a large bolt of electricity at the dragon face causing the dragon to lose force.

James’s fire breath overpowered the dragons own and rushed at the demonic dragon before hitting him full force in the chest and causing the dragon to roar in pain much to the shock of everyone as they knew dragons were fireproof so it was a shock to see a dragon roaring in pain from fire.

He then ran and grabbed the dragon tail and started to swing him around making everyone's jaws drop to the ground even Applejack was dumbfounded at James' strength.

“How in the buck is he able to spin a dragon around like that?!” Applejack shouted.

“I don’t know! Why are you asking us?!” Rainbow shouted back.

After a while James threw the dragon back to the edge of the forest. "Is that all you got bitch?" James asked while the CMC was cheering him on.

The dragon growls as it got up and glares at James. “I will make sure not even ash will be left of you!” the dragon roared out as the earth around him suddenly started to shake and crack. “Terra Destruction!!” the stone then shot up into the sky before curing and shooting back down much to the horror of everyone.

James glare up before his right arm was covered in Haki before he pulled it back and shot it forward. "Then try it bitch," James said while his right hand burst into black and red flames as he yelled out.

"DRAGON SLAYER MAGIC: FIRE DRAGON KING'S DEMOLITION FIST!!!" James roared as both attacks collided with each other and caused an explosion of stone and fire and everyone had to take cover lest they want to be burned or crushed. The only to not have taken cover was the dragon who had a shocked look on his face due to his attack easily being countered.

“Impossible….that was my most powerful attack!” he said as he felt something he never felt before.


James smirked before saying something that made everyone even more sacred. "Well as for my attack that's only the fifth strongest," James said while getting into a stance and added.

"Here let me show my most powerful attack," he finished as he took in a deep breath but instead of breathing fire. all the surrounding fire started together. And to everyone's surprise and the dragons fear he started to eat the fire as his chest was expanding.

“IS HE EATING FIRE?!” everyone shouted at once as they watched James eat fire with no visible signs of pain or discomfort.

“T-that’s not possible!!” the demon dragon shouted before he turned and began to fly away, not wanting to stick around to see what James' most powerful attack was.

"Too late," James said while putting his hand together before saying something that got everyone's attention. "In the name of Natsu's father I named this move after him," he said before roaring out.

"FIRE DRAGON SLAYER MAGIC: IGNEEL DRAGON FLAME ROAR!!!" James roared out letting loose his attack on the flying dragon.

The dragon saw that pillar of fire heading towards and tried to fly faster. “No. NO!!” but it was no use as he was hit by the attack, causing him to roar in pain.

Everyone were shocked. While James just looked at the dragon before he said. "You shouldn't have started something you couldn't finish," James said before the CMC ran up to him and said.

“That was so awesome!! I didn’t know you could breathe fire!” Scootaloo shouted.

“Yeah! That dragon didn’t stand a chance!” Sweetie Belle shouted next.

James laughs before seeing a notification saying.

You have defeated the Demon dragon, your hp is back to full, and you receive 450 EXP.

Before James could say anything he felt sleepy and before anyone could react he fell unconscious. “James!” Amara and the CMC shouted as they knelt down next to him.

“What happened?! He was just fine a second ago!” Applebloom said.

"Magic exhaustion," said Princess Celestia while walking over to the group before saying. " it seems he's used up all his magic in that last attack. Let's take him somewhere so he can rest," Celestia said while everyone agreed.

“Alright but you better not try anything. Got it?” Amara warned while glaring at Celestia and Luna and the two nodded before a couple of Guards put James on a stretcher and they began to head back to Canterlot via carriage.

Chapter 5

Chapter five

(James pov)

I woke up with a growned. I opened my eyes and immediately closed due to the light hitting me directly in the eyes. I then heard a gasp and someone running out while yelling 'he is awake'. "While that happened, wait what the fuck happened anyway," I asked out loud.

“You passed out due to magic exhaustion.” I heard Amara say and I opened my eyes to see her sitting nexting to me.

"Huh, I guess that happ-" I didn't get to finish before Amara punch me in the cheek, making me fall out of the hospital bed.

“That is for scaring me to death when you let that dragon hit you with his fire.” she told me as I stood up and looked at her but then she hugged me. “I am so glad you are alright.”

I hugged her tight and said. "Sorry, I guess I got too into the fight to notice my magic exhaustion," I said before seeing both princesses, element bearers and the CMC standing there before Scootaloo ran up to me and hugged me while crying.

“You have no idea how worried Scoots was while you were unconscious.” Applebloom told me.

I looked down at Scoots before picking her up and hugged her and said. "How long was I out for," I asked Scoots while trying to calm her down.

“Y-you were asleep for a-an entire day.” Scootaloo said between sobs.

"Damn entire day, wait what is my stat now," I thought before looking at it and it made my jaw hit the floor.

James Williams lv 150
Strength: 6,4000
Speed: 58000
Hp: 7000/7000
Magic: 55000/55000

Fire breathing form Lv: 25
Pyrokinesis Lv24
Electrokinesis Lv: 20
Fire dragon slayer Magic Lv:23

Everyone noticed and it was Luna who asked. “What is the matter?”

James just shook his head before saying. "Nothing, just thinking about something," I said before seeing Twilight was shaking violently while looking excited.

"Uh, is she okay?" I asked while pointing at Twilight.

“Oh geez here we go.” Rainbow said while shaking her head and Twilight suddenly appeared in front of me.

“How were you able to spin that dragon around like that?! What kind of magic was that that you used?! Is it possible for me to learn it as well?!” she asked me.

I backed up in surprise before I could answer her questions it was Celestia who saved me. "Now Twilight I believe our guests will answer your questions but first let's go somewhere more comfortable so that he could answer our questions as well, " Celestia said, making me sighed in relief.

(Third person pov)

After about an hour they made it to the dining Hall and after everyone ordered something, it was Celestia who asked the first question. “Who are you? And how were you able to perform that strange magic?”

"Okay first my full name is James D. Williams, and as for the second one that a secret," James said before Applebloom asked another question.

“How did you get so strong?” she asked, curiosity clear on her face.

James was silent for a moment before saying. "I accidentally ate demon meat," James said, making Luna stand up and ready to fight James at any second.

“Demon meat?! Then you are a threat! No creature other than monsters and other demons would dare eat demon meat!” Luna shouted as her horn glows brightly.

“Wait, so does that mean the D in your name mean demon?” Scootaloo asked James, a bit nervous.

James rubbed his head in annoyed before saying. "Okay first off I didn't know that eating demon meat would kill me, I thought it was just regular bear meat," James said before looking at Scootaloo and smiled before rubbing her head and said.

"And no the D doesn't stand for Demon, my dad gave me that of a show called One piece," James said calming Scoots down a bit.

"S-so what does the D stand for?" Fluttershy asked while hiding behind her hair.

"Well, my dad said that in the show In the Post-War arc, one of the Five Elders stated that "D." means danger. After the timeskip, Law mentioned the Will of D. once more when Doflamingo asked him why he had so much faith in Luffy. “ In certain places, the clan of D. have been called by another name, God's Archenemy." James said before Rarity asked another question.

“You know you’re starting to make yourself sound a tad bit like a villain don’t you darling?” she asked.

James just sighed before saying. "Look lady Rarity, my dad gave me that name, I ask him why and he just said "I believe that one day the will D will bring hope to the world and I know in my heart that it will be you' but I thought he was just saying it to make it sound better to have that letter in my name," James said, trying to get his point across.

“Oh, I see.” Rarity said in understanding.

"So what is your favorite cake or cupcake?" Pinkie said while smiling.

"Well, to be honest I haven't had a cake or cupcake since-" James started before his expression went from thinking to sadness after he remembered what happened to his parents.

Pinkie somehow knew it was a sad topic for him to discuss so she hugged him to help comfort him.

"Thanks Pinkie, I'm fine," James said while faking a smile.

Pinkie frowned at him, knowing that he was faking a smile since she knows smiles but didn’t push.

"I guess it's my turn, how strong are you mr. Williams," Sweetie Belle said.

James thought for a moment before saying. "I guess before the fight with the dragon. I guess I could leave a large Boulder with one hand. But now I’d probably lift and throw a mountain.” I said thinking about it while everyone in the dining Hall had their jaw on the floor even the guards were shocked by his answer.

“B-but that’s impossible!!! No one is that strong!!” Celestia nearly shouted.

"Well you are right but I ate demon meat as well I'm half dragon now," James said not noticing everyone's shocked expressions.

“Half dragon?! Is that why you were able to breathe fire and be stronger than the average person?!” Luna asked, eyes wide.

"I mean Yea," James said while turning into his dragon form which was easily taller than both Celestia and Luna. "I remember someone with the same ability to do this and he was the son of a dragon king," James said before Scootaloo asked him a question.

“Dragon King? Who’s that?” Scootaloo asked while tilting her head.

"King Belloc of the Kaiju, also known as the most powerful dragon Kaiju in the world," James said while everyone was confused.

“Kachu? What the buck is a kachu?” Rainbow asked in annoyance due to James not making any sense.

"It's Kaiju Dash, meaning he is the king of monsters, and that also means I'm half human and half kaiju dragon," James said, correcting her.

“King of monsters?” Celestia asked while thinking to herself. ’Like Grogar.’[/]

"Yep, he is the most powerful Kaiju dragon who ever lived, he was known as the most dangerous and destructive Kaiju dragon in the world, no one challenged him or his power. Even the other Kaiju Monsters were afraid to be killed by him," James said while Celestia and Luna went wide-eyed by James’s explanation.

“W-what?! He was that powerful!?” Celestia asked, fear welling up in her chest as she was afraid that this Dragon Kaiju might appear one day.

"If you are wondering if he will appear don't worry he won't, and if he does he won't hurt anyone," James said but Twilight was skeptical.

“Are you sure about that? What if this Dragon Kaiju is somewhere out there in the world and no one would even know.” Twilight said, “You can’t always be sure of everything.”

"Because if there is one he wouldn't attack unless he was defending himself," James said, surprising everyone by his answer.

“Y-you mean he i-is peaceful?” Fluttershy shyly and nervously asked.

James thought about it for a moment before answering. "Yes and no," he said.

“Yes and no? What the buck kind of answer is that?” Rainbow asked in annoyance.

"Yes he is peaceful, but not to the point where he respects you, even though you are not a danger to him doesn't mean he will give you respect," James said, making Rainbow, Applejack, Luna angry.

“Not even to the princesses?! What a jerk!” Rainbow said while crossing her arms.

James glared at Rainbow Dash making her fear for her life before James said in a cold tone. "You better watch that tone dash because he doesn't care if you are a princess or element bearer. He will kill you or worse make you watch as he destroys everything you ever love or care about," James said in a serious tone.

"He is the most powerful Kaiju dragon in the world, he doesn't care if you are fast, Rainbow. He will catch you and kill you or just out of spite he will kill your friends and make you watch," he added.

“That’s some bullshit! The princesses can move the bucking sun and moon!” Rainbow said angrily.

"WHO FUCKING CARES BITCH!!!" James roared, making the castle shake. "Can their name bring fear to thousands of Kaiju monsters by their person only making them think twice about fighting them huh?!” James asked. "Can they make a Kaiju that has the same high as a fucking mountain shit themself when they hear Celestia or Luna is coming to kill them," James asked again.

“Don’t underestimate our princesses' jerk!” Rainbow shouted back.


"In their world it's kill or be killed, no mercy, no friendship, no harmony, they go by one rule. The strongest survive and the weak die, and where I'm sitting your princesses would die if they don't kill. Luna would probably live for four or five years. But Celestia, she will be dead on day one," James said in a cold tone.

Rainbow just growls as she glares at James. “Our princesses aren’t weak!”

"Then look at your princesses' faces then you will know the truth," James said pointing at Celestia and Luna.

Rainbow just huffs and looks at the two princesses. “I don’t even know what I’m supposed to look for.”

She stopped when she saw the princesses' faces. She saw fear in their eyes, not just for them but Equus as a whole, in that moment she knew but didn't want to believe it before Celestia asked James a question.

“What do we do if this Dragon Kaiju does come?” Celestia asked in worry.

"Pray that your ponies don't attack him. Because if they do your kingdom will be destroyed," James said, looking Celestia in the eye. He then sighed before saying. "Look princesses right now your kingdom technically is fucking behind every country. Magic isn't going to help you fight a Kaiju dragon or monster, face facts guys, Discord may be a chaos god, but I believe he wouldn't pissed them off if he knew what they are capable of," James said as their food came in.

Everyone saw that James had only meat and no vegetables, so Fluttershy asked James a question about his choice.

“W-why do you have o-only meat? That is i-if you don’t mind me asking.” Fluttershy said, shying away a bit.

Well Ms. Shy, the reason for that is I just want to eat meat," James said smiling, forgetting that he is in his dragon form and he has razor sharp teeth now.

“Eep!” squeaked Fluttershy as she froze and fell to the floor, making James raise an eyebrow in confusion.

“The poor dear is terrified of dragons.” Rarity said.

"Oh, well don't worry I'm not going to eat you," James said.

"R-really," Fluttershy asked fearfully.

James smirks before saying. "Unless you want me to if you know what I mean," James said, sticking out his long tongue and giving it a flick at Fluttershy while winking at her.

His face was suddenly splashed by a very annoyed Rarity. “Pervert.” she said.

James smirk grew bigger and said. "Oh Miss Rarity, I didn't know you were so uncomfortable with me being a pervert," James said, making Rainbow and Applejack laugh at James' comment.

“What do you think? I’m also making sure perverts stay away from my friend.” Rarity said while crossing her arms and glaring at James.

"Are you sure about that?" James asked, pointing at a blushing Fluttershy whose wings were on up wide.

Fluttershy turned away while trying to keep her wings down. “That is a normal reaction for Fluttershy. Hardly anypony ever asks her out.” Rarity said.

"Okay then," James said smirking before Rarity could react James instantly appeared next to Fluttershy and asked. "What do you think little shy?"

“EEP!” Fluttershy then elbows in him in the gut and flies away while nearly all of her friends glared at him.

“Stay away from Shy you creep!” Rainbow said angrily.

"Why?" James asked while looking at them. "Is it because I'm a demon or dragon, or it's because I like her more than any of you," James asked.

“No! Because you’re being creepy!” Rainbow shouted. “So leave her alone if you’re gonna be creepy!”

James just frowned and said. "Then that means my love for her is just me being a pervert then. because that's what you're trying to tell me. if I can't love someone the way that I want to and you're just telling me that I can't be with her," James said, shocking everyone, even Fluttershy and Amara.

“That’s how you show your love?! By acting like a perv?!” Rainbow shouted again.

"Fine then," James said before walking towards the doors. "That means I no longer want to. Probably my own family and friends didn't want me, Amara, maybe it would be better if you weren't around me," James said while closing the door.

Amara then turns angrily to Rainbow. “What is wrong with you?! Ever since we’ve met, you’ve been acting all hostile towards him!!”

Scootaloo got up and ran after James and to everyone's surprise Fluttershy was about to as well. “Shy, what are you doing?! He was acting like a perv towards you!” Rainbow asked the shy pegasus, confused on why she was going to run after James.

"Yes, it was embarrassing. But for some reason I like it. And I would like to know why he did," Fluttershy said while walking away then Amara followed after the two, giving Rainbow one more glare.

Rainbow's jaw just dropped when she heard her friend say that. “W-what?! She liked it?!”

"I guess you learn something new about our friend," Twilight said.

James sat next to a lake with all the animals around or sitting in his lap or head as he thought to himself. "Why did I do that?" James thought before a memorie of a girl laughed at his perverts and said 'never change James never change'.

“Mr James? A-are you ok?” James turned to see Scootaloo, Fluttershy and Amara walking towards him.

James smiled sadly and said. "Hey Scoots just thinking about how my life was nothing more than shit." James said while looking depressed.

“What? Why?” Scootaloo asked with concern as she and the two other girls sat next to James.

"Well first my parents die because I acted like a spoiled kid because I wanted to go to see a new movie and on the way we got into a car crash. I was fine but my mom died from her neck snapping, and my dad from too much blood lost, my only friend that was a girl that didn't care if I was a huge pervert kill herself because she tell me and her parents that she like girls instead of boys." James said while tears fell from his eyes before yelling out.


The three girls just stared at him in shock, unsure of how to respond other then pulling him into a group hug.

"W-what are you guys doing?" James asked, looking at them.

“We’re hugging you. What else does it look like?” Amara asked him.

James just sat there for a moment before smiling and tightening the hug. "Thanks guys, I really need this," James said.

“You’re w-welcome.” Fluttershy said.

“It’s the least we can do.” Scootaloo said next.

After a moment they started to talk about James' old life until he noticed the rest of the main six were coming their way. "Hello people who made me remember how much of a freak I am," James said with no emotions.

“What do you want?” Amara asked them while glaring at them.

“We came here to apologize. Right Rainbow?” Twilight asked the rainbow maned pegasus with a stern glare.

“Yeah sure. Whatever.” Rainbow grumbled before Applejack elbowed her in her side.

James stared at them and said. I can forgive Twilight and Pinkie because they didn't say anything, Applejack as well but for Rarity that will take time," James said before looking at Rainbow dash.

"But Rainbow I will not forgive," James said glaring at her.

“We kinda figured that but still had to give it a try.” Twilight said with a sigh.

"Yea I noticed but first," James said before jumping at Twilight.

Everyone was shocked but they noticed that he had his hand stretched out holding an arrow that was about to hit her. "You know if you want to kill someone maybe do somewhere that nobody can sense you," James said.

There was no response other than shocked gasps from Twilight's friends. “Alright who’s the asshole trying to kill my friend?!” Rainbow shouted angrily as she looked around for the owner of the arrow.

“It came from over there!” Applejack said while pointing at some trees and Rainbow flew and there were sounds of struggle before she came back out with a pony whose arm was pinned behind his back by Rainbow.

“Alright buddy! Start talking!” Rainbow ordered.

"He works for Blueblood," James said everyone looked at him and he pointed at the red rose on the guard chest plate.

"Seem like he doesn't want Twilight alive anymore," James said as 20 more guards appeared surrounding them.

Chapter 6

Chapter six

(Third person pov)

They were surrounded by 20 guards and one of them said, "Hand over the elements of harmony monster," Male guard said this one being a unicorn.

James took a moment before saying. "And for what reason do you need the elements of harmony," James said while getting in front of the girls.

“We don’t have to tell a freak like you.” another guard, a pegasus, said while glaring at James.

"HEY HE'S NOT A FREAK!" Scootaloo yelled at the Pegasus guard.

“Shut it kid. No one was talking to you.” the pegasus guard said.

“Hey! Don’t talk to Scoots that way you asshole!” Rainbow shouted angrily. “Otherwise I’ll knock you into next week!”

Before anyone could say anything else James yelled out. "SHUT THE HELL UP!" he shouted making everyone go silent.

"Okay then, you guys have two options. One you can tell me why you want the elements of harmony, or two I, Rainbow, and Applejack can beat it out of you. What do you two think?" James asked Rainbow and Applejack.

“I think we should do option two!” Rainbow said as she cracked her knuckles.

“Normally I wouldn’t agree but these bastards just shot an arrow at Twilight.” Applejack said with an angry look.

"But he as-" before one of the guards could say James yelled.

"OPTION TWO IT IS!" he yelled as he, Rainbow and Applejack ran at the royal guards.

“Hey wai-” the pegasus was cut off when Rainbow kicked him square in the jaw, sending him flying into a tree while Applejack uppercuts another before spinning and kicking them in the gut.

James' hands had red electricity coming off them before making a position where he is holding guns and shots at the guards with electricity bullets. The guards couldn’t do anything by get hit by the bullets, causing them to scream in pain as the electricity fries their bodies and the metal armor certainly didn’t help as it made it much worse.

“You son of a bitch!” a pegasus guard shouted as he flew behind James and attempted to stab him with a spear but it was ripped out of his hands by Twilight’s magic before she blasts the guard away from James.

"Thanks Twilight," James said. After an hour there were only two guards left, a Pegasus and a earth pony. "Okay I'm gonna ask you some questions if you don't answer then you're going to get hurt badly," James said.

“You can’t do this! We’re Royal Guards! Once the princesses hear about this, you’re history!” the Earth Pony shouted.

James slap the guard so hard that some of his teeth got knocked out. "I DON'T GIVE A FLYING FUCK," James yelled at the guards. "Now first question: why does Blueblood want to kill Twilight?" James asked.

“Wait, Blueblood?! Blueblood is the one trying to kill me?!” Twilight asked in shock.

"I thought the red Rose was a dead give away for Blueblood Cutie Mark." James said, eyebrows raised. James waited for the guard's answer but when he didn't say anything James just grabbed a sharp rock and stabbed it into his kneecap making him scream in pain.

“You fucking son of a bitch!! The princesses will make sure you suffer for this!” yelled the guard as he held his bleeding leg.

"I. Said. Talk. You. Son. Of. A. Bitch," James said punctuated each word by punching the guard's bleed kneecap. The whole time the guard was screaming in agony. Rainbow had to divert Scootaloo’s attention away while covering her ears. Fluttershy and Rarity had fainted, Applejack had covered her eyes with her hat, Pinkie’s colors had dimmed while her hair went straight and Twilight was green in the face from seeing such brutality. Only Amara was unaffected by such a thing.

After an hour of this James said. "Do you want to talk now you fucking pussy," James said has eyes glowing red with anger.

The guard was sobbing as he held his no doubt broken leg. “I-I’ll talk! I-i’ll talk!” the guard sobbed. “Please, just no more!”

"Then FUCKING TALK!!!" James roared as both Celestia, Luna and Blueblood came out.

“WHAT IS GOING ON HERE?!?” Luna shouted, shaking the ground as she did.

"What do you think women?" James said, looking at the princesses.

"J-James was interrogating a guard after one of them t-tried to kill me..” Twilight said, glad to have something distract her from the guards leg. She shook her head and glared at Blueblood. “And it was one of his guards.” she pointed at the blonde prince.

“What? Me? Don’t be absurd. As if I would stoop as low as to kill you.” Blueblood said.


Everyone went wide eyed in shock before they all glared at Blueblood, who was sweating a bit. “I have no idea what he is talking about. I gave no such order nor did I promise such a barbaric thing.”

Just then the surrounding area began to heat up and everyone turned around and saw James was in his dragon form skin and mouth on fire. "Don't. You. Fucking. Lie," James said, walking slowly towards Blueblood.

“W-what are you doing? S-stay away from m-me you f-freak!” Blueblood said as he began backing away from James.

James grabbed him by the throat in which his flaming hand burned his neck.

Then Celestia grabbed James' shoulder and said. "Stop James there has to be a reasonable explanation for this," Celestia tried to say but James just pushed her hard enough to make her fly into her sister.


Luna then got in between James and Blueblood. “ENOUGH!! You so much as try to take another step towards him then so help me you will feel my full power!” Luna shouted while her wings spread out and horn sparks with magic. “Instead of trying to seek justice by yourself, maybe try and let US deal with it! And trust me, he will be punished for attempting to murder one of my friends.”

James want to punch Luna in the face for trying to stop him. So instead he just walked away but not before saying. "Your kingdom is weak Luna, you and Celestia are weak. You would rather talk than do actions," James said before adding.

"One day you will see that your ponies are going to be the reason your kingdom fell." he finished while walking away.

“Oh? Then what do you propose I do? Murder Blueblood right here? I am angry as much as you that he would attempt to murder somepony but killing him right here and now would not make the situation any better! You are too focused on violence that it has clouded your judgment!” Luna shouted at James. “And do not mistake me as weak either! Yes I rather not fight, but only because doing so would destroy everything around me! I can move the fucking moon for Fausts sake! You think handling that kind of power is easy?! One wrong move, one emotional outburst and this whole world is doomed! All because of me or my sister!”

James stopped and turned to face Luna and said. "And that is why you are weak. You talk too much, and if your world is Doomed from you and your sister then my world is nothing but a dying planet," James said.

That's when James blinked and looked around and said. "When the fuck did I go outside?" James asked.

This made the others confused. “Um, you were always outside James.” Amara told him.

"What but we were just in the dining Hall right," James asked even more confused.

That's when he noticed his right arm was glowing. He saw the curse mark glowing blood red with veins going down his arm.

"Fuck, what did I say or do," James said fearing the answer.

“Mostly stuff involving how me and my sister were weak and that our ponies would be the reason why our kingdom would fall.” Luna said with a glare.

"Son of a bitch," James said everyone was confused. "Look what I said wasn't me, while it was me but at the same time not me," James said trying to explain it.

“Make up your mind dude! Was it you or not you!?” Rainbow shouted before Luna answered.

“Split personality?” Luna asked James.

"Most likely, I do have some anger issues I never fixed. And mixes it in with this," James said pointing at the curse mark. "I probably would have killed everyone if I didn't calm down," James added.

“A curse. These are extremely rare to see.” Luna said as she looked at the curse mark while Blueblood was trying to sneak away. “Don’t even think of leaving nephew. We still have some words about your attempted murder of our friend.”

“B-but it wasn’t m-” Rainbow just punches Blueblood which knocked him out.

“Asshole.” she said then spat on him.

"Yea, that was how me and Amara met," James said before continuing. "She was trapped in the void and the only way for her to leave is for someone to have the mark; it's like having a contract." James said. James saw Scootaloo and was about to rub her head but she flinched away. "What's wrong Scoots?" James said hurt in his voice.

“I-I…” Scootaloo said nervously and backed away a bit again.

“She saw what you did to that guard.” Rainbow said, pointing at the guard that was being taken to a hospital for his bleeding and broken leg. James looked at his hands that were covered in blood. Then out of nowhere James grew a pair of dragon wings and flew off to the castle stone garden.

“James!” Amara called out but he just kept flying.

Scoots was scared but she was more worried about James so ran after him. After a moment she found him sitting next to some roses. "Why did you come, Scoots?" James asked while his wings covered his body to hide from the world.

“I-I was worried about you.” Scootaloo said as she sat next to him. “I’m sorry if I made you think I was a-afraid of you.”

James then hugged Scootaloo which caught her by surprise. "I don't know why but for some reason I don't want you or Amara or even Fluttershy to leave me." James said while shaking violently. "I don't want to be alone again."

Scootaloo hugged him back. “It’s okay, we won’t leave you. I promise.”

After James and Scootaloo talked they went back to the others with James flying and Scootaloo holding on to him. Once in the throne room James went up to the princesses and did a Japanese style dow. "I'm sorry for what I said to you and your sister Luna. Even though I was angry and the curse mark made me more angry and violent, it doesn't mean I was in the right," James said before turning and doing the same for Rainbow dash. "I'm sorry to you too Dash for being hot headed and making sound like the princesses were weak," James said, still bowing.

“You are forgiven James, we know what it’s like to not be in your right mind and do or say things that you will regret.” Luna said, a pained look on her face while Rainbow had her arms crossed while looking away.

"Yea whatever," RD said.

"Rainbow," Twilight warned but James stopped her.

"Don't worry about Twilight I'll take what I can get," he said before seeing Blueblood in a corner chain up and had an angry look at James and the main six.

"Did you guys come to a decision on blueblood?" James questions Celestia.

“Oh we have after interrogating Blueblood on why he attempted to murder Twilight. He will be stripped of his title as prince and his land as well as other properties are to be given to more sane ponies. And he will spend the next ten years in the dungeons. I had opted to make his punishment worse but Celestia convinced me that losing everything you owned was good enough.” Luna said as she glares at Blueblood. “Be lucky we’re not putting you to death.”

"How about adding something to his ten years in the dungeon," James said while pulling out a small bottle that had a blue glow to it."Pinkie got any rubber gloves," James the pink mare.

“Uh why?” Pinkie asked.

"Well since Blueblood likes to treat mares like objects and harassing them, then let's see what happens if the shoe was on the other foot," James said, showing everyone the blue glowing bottle.

“What is that?” Luna asked, interested in what James is planning while Pinkie pulled out a box of gloves from her hair.

"I think you guys know about poison joke right," James said. It took a moment before both Rainbow and Applejack started laughing but Rarity was smiling evilly at what James was implying.

Luna grinned darkly as she glances at Blueblood while Celestia was a bit worried but knew Blueblood needed to be punished. “Well, I can agree to this.” Luna said.

After James told Twilight to make a shield and everyone was inside, Twilight made a small hole big enough for James to throw the bottle at blueblood who tried to escape from the chains but once the broken from hitting his chest there was a blue cloud of smoke for a moment before it disappeared showing Blueblood now Bluebell.

“What have you done to me?!” screamed Bluebell as she looked herself over.

"Like I said bluebell, I'm going you see how it feels to get harassed for just being a mare, and hopefully it will help you have some humidity," James said smirking.

After that Celestia and Luna affair the main six and James as well as Amara to stay the night to which they agreed.

James was in his room when he heard a knock on his door. He opened to see Scootaloo, Fluttershy, and Amara stand there looking embarrassed before James sighed and said. "Come on in you three," James said while they to bed.

Chapter 7

Working out at the royal guards gym, and first Time summoning.

(James POV)

I woke up with a start, I looked down and saw Scootaloo landing on top of me sleeping soundly. "God damn it kid, if you are this cute while sleeping. I hate to deal with you and the other girls if you use the puppy dog eyes on me," I thought before shaking her awake.

"Come on Scoot, it's time to wake up, " I said softly while noticing that Fluttershy and Amara were already awake and probably already at the dining hall.

Scootaloo rubbed her eyes while yawning. "I'm up, good morning dad," she said, making me stop in my step to the bathroom.

"Wait what did you say Scoot," I said while looking at her with surprise and shock. Scootaloo was now wide awake and looked worried and scared.

"I'm sorry James I don't mean to say th-" Scoot didn't get to finish before I hugged her and said.

"No I don't mind being your father, I just got confused. But if you don't mind me asking what happened to your parents?" I said while sitting her on my lap.

She was quiet for a moment before saying. "My father died trying to save me and my mom. As for my mom," she said, looking away at the part of her mother.

I noticed and hugged her tightly and said. "Don't worry about scoot because I'm here and I will keep you safe for the rest of your life. Or until I find a way to give you immortality," I thought about the last part before looking at the store and finding something that would help. After a bright flash of light that blinded Scootaloo I was now holding two necklaces.

One was white with a black gem in the middle on a silver chain, while the other one was black with a white gem in the middle on a black chain.

(Like this)

"Wow, what are those dad?" Scootaloo asked with stray eyes.

I laughed a little and said, "These my little princess are Ying and Yang necklaces, the white one is yours and the black one is mine," I said while putting on the white one around Scootaloo's neck.

"But what does it mean?, she asked me while looking cute.

"The white one is called Yang meaning light. You are my light Scoot and that black gem represents me as your dangerous father," I said before pointing at the black one.

"And this one is called Ying meaning darkness and the white gem represents you as my light in my heart my little Scootaloo," I said while looking at her with a warm smile, "I have never been a father nor ever have I ever had a girlfriend or wife. but I will do my best to protect her," I thought while hugging her while she was crying on my shoulder.

(3rd person pov)

After that James and Scootaloo went to the dining hall. But Scootaloo was riding on James' shoulders, smiling big and for the first time after meeting her friends was truly happy because now she has a father, a parent that loves her.

"What took you guys so long," Rainbow said with an annoyed glare at James.

"We were just talking RD," James said, before sitting Scootaloo next to him and Amara.

"Only my friends call me RD, not you," Rainbow said, glaring even harder at James.

"Rainbow stop glaring at my dad," Scootaloo said, shocking everyone.

"What do you mean Scootaloo?" Celestia said but what everyone didn't know was she was smiling big about Scootaloo having a new parent who would love and take care of her.

"When we woke up, I accidentally called him dad. But he didn't mind me calling him my dad," Scootaloo explained while smiling big.

Everyone was shocked but soon said that they were happy for Scootaloo and hope that James takes good care of her. Everyone was happy except for Rainbow Dash who had a neutral face but inside she was angry and jealous of James having Scootaloo her number one fan from her.

After that James asked celestia and Luna if he could use the royal guard gym to workout. They agreed but only if they could see how strong he really is.

After a moment they were at the royal guard gym. "Okay where are the weights at celestia," James said, while looking around.

Celestia showed James the weight and he started to put 50 pounds on the bar until there were 10 of them on each side being 500 pounds on the bar. Making both Amara and Fluttershy worried about him.

"Are you sure about thi-" Amara didn't get to finish before James started to lift the weights with ease and looked like he was in deep thought.

"I wonder how much Exp as Well as gold and silver I got?" Michael thought while looking through his inventory. And what he saw shocked him.


"Holy shit, I'm fucking rich now. How the hell did I-" he started before remembering he fought a demon dragon. "Oh right I fought a dragon probably had a bunch of gold and silver coins and other this……..WAIT A FUCKING MINUTE!!!" He yelled the last part in his head before looking through the things he has in his inventory.

Dragon sword lv.20
Strength: 100
Defense: 99
Speed: 90
Magic boost: 85
Fire manipulation lv. 18

Captain America Shield lv. 25
Strength: 200
Defense: 75
Speed: 50
Magic boost: 90

Red Hood costume lv. 30
Strength: 70
Defense: 150
Speed: 100
Magic boost: 92

Thor hammer lv. 35
Strength: 70
Defense: 40
Speed: 82
Magic boost: 65
Lighting manipulation lv. 15

Ice Spear lv. 40
Strength: 80
Defense: 75
Speed: 100
Magic boost: 50
Ice manipulation lv. 10

Earth Kami katana lv. 50
Strength: 80
Defense: 60
Speed: 150
Magic boost: 30
Earth manipulation lv. 20

Iron Man Suit Mark 50 lv. 35
Strength: 100
Defense: 200
Speed: 160
Magic boost: 34

After staring at the screen dumbly for a moment he shook his head and thought. "Okay, Okay. Let's just calm down," James thought, not noticing the stares.

“Uh dad? Are you ok?” Scootaloo asked him.

I blinked a few times before saying. "Y-yeah I'm alright. Just deep in thought," I said, as I heard both the Elements and princesses talking about me.

"Sister he is lifting 500 pounds worth of weight and doesn't seem tired," Luna whispered to celestia who nodded dumbly at the show of raw strength.

"Tch, I bet I can lift more than that," Rainbow said to which Applejack laughed and said.

"Sorry RD, but that's 500 pounds of weight that not even Big Mac could lift," Applejack whispered, making Rainbow glare at her.

“So? I can lift that much. Probably.” Rainbow said.

The others just rolled their eyes and I laughed. Scootaloo had a look of awe at her adopted father's strength. “So cool!” Scootaloo said, gaining a grin on her face.

I just chuckled and said. "If you think that cool check this out," I said, before throwing it up in the air and catching it with one finger above his head.

“Ok now he’s just showing off.” Rainbow said angrily.

"What? I can't show off in front of my daughter?" I asked, now tossing it in the air like it was nothing but a wooden stick.

Rainbow just grumbles angrily and turns away and her friends shake their heads at her attitude.

After that I went over to the target range. "So which one should I use first?" I question myself while Twilight was excited about seeing me using magic.

"I'm so excited to see what different type of magic he has," Twilight said, summoning pen and notebook.

"How about-" I said, before making my hands in the shape of a gun. "Fire dragon slayer magic: Fire Gatling gun," I said, as thousands of small fireballs shot out of my fingers hitting and burning the targets.

“Geez, overkill much?” Rainbow asked as the targets were reduced to ash in seconds.

I just rolled my eyes and said. "Yeah, whatever helps you not feel jealous," I said, but I didn't know that Rainbow Anger was so big that it could get someone killed.

(Few days later third person pov)

It's been a few days since I did my training in Canterlot. Twilight has offered me to stay at her Library until I can get my own place of my own.

Right now I was in the Everfree Forest looking at the screen and a new perk I just obtained.

Inches of tame the Summoning Function. Assuming any group from any anime movie or TV series.

Before I could do anything Scootaloo had asked me a question. “Hey uh, dad? Why are we in the Everfree Forest?”

"We’re here to see if I can summon people," I said, while looking at Hazbin Hotel characters. So who to choose.’ I thought.

“Really? Who are you going to summon?” Scootaloo asked excitedly.

"Hopefully they aren’t that bad," I said, before selecting random for Hazbin Hotel. And the people I got were: Alastor, Vaggie, Angel Dust, Charlie Magne, Cherri Bomb, Nifty and Husk.

"Oh good lord, and all that is holy," I thought as the magic circle appeared.

“What the? Where are?” Charlie asked in confusion as she and the others looked around in confusion.

“Wait, we’re in the human world! There aren’t trees in Hell!” Vaggie exclaimed, shocking them all except for Alastor who’s grin grew a bit.

“My my my. Such a wonderful surprise! Why, I haven’t seen the human world since I died!” Alastor said with a short laugh.

"Sorry Alastor, but this isn't the human world," I said, getting their attention.

Vaggie immediately pulled out her spear and got in front of Charlie. “Who the hell are you?! And what do you mean this isn’t the human world?!”

I rolled my eyes and said. "Well first my name is James D. Williams. And second this is Equestria on planet Equus," I said, looking at Vaggie.

“Another planet? What the hell are we doing on another planet?!” Vaggie asked in shock.

“I think the bigger question is can you send us back?” Charlie asked me.

I was silent for a moment before saying. "That’s a question I couldn't answer easily Charlie," I said,before walking over to Scootaloo and said. "Put this on peanut," I said, handing her my Bluetooth headphones and phone to listen to some music.

“Ok.” Scootaloo said as she put them on and began to listen to music.

I smiled at Scootaloo with a fatherly pride and it didn't go unnoticed by the others. I turned to see Charlie look at me with a smile. I just sighed before walking over towards a rock and sat on it.

"Alright let's start, first thing first I am not human.. well not fully, I'm half human and half Kaiju dragon, as well as half demon after I ate demon meat." I said, while looking at them.

“Wait, how the hell did you get your hands on demon meat?” Husk asked me.

“What’s a kaiju?” Nifty asked next.

"First to be more specific I ate demon bear meat," I said before looking at Nifty and said. "And as for your question. A Kaiju is simply a monster and this is what it looks like when you're half," I said, as my skin now had light orange scales, as well as my hair was spiked and looked like a mix of orange and red. I also had four horns, two small ones in the front of my forehead and the other two on the side of my head that were bigger than the two small ones. And lastly my eyes were blood red draconic that were glaring at them.

“Whoa! That’s pretty scary!” Nifty said.

“Meh, I’ve seen uglier.” Husk said.

"Look who's talking little dog," I said, while smirking.

“You fucking blind? I’m fucking flying cat demon.” Husk told me with a raised eyebrow.

"Does it look like I have any fucks to give?" I asked, not interested in what he had to say. That's when I noticed both Angel and Cherry were quiet for a while.

I look over to see them staring at me. "You two have been quiet been quiet for a while huh?" I asked standing up and letting them see I was taller than everyone here.

“Eh, we got nothing to say.” Cherri Bomb said with a shrug. “Well, other than hoping that Edge Lord doesn’t try to take my turf while I’m gone.”

“Pft, please. You can easily kick his ass if he does!” Angel Dust told her and Cherri grins.

"That’s the thing I don't think you guys can go back," I said, rubbing my chin in thought.

“What!? What do you mean we can’t go back?! We’re not allowed to be in the living world!” Vaggie exclaimed in both anger and panic.

"Well…. You have noticed the mark on your hand. Which allows you to be in the living world be," I started as they looked at their right hand to see The Mark of Cain which had red chains wrapped around it.

"You guys are my servants, " I finished what the screen showed me after I summoned them. They were a dangerous threat and the only way for them to be allowed in the living world is for them to become servants.

“What?!” Husk, Vaggie, and Cherri were not happy about that. Alastor was still grinning though I can tell he was annoyed and Angel had the most panicked look I ever saw and Charlie just had a worried look on her face.

“There better be a way to remove these things cause having to be summoned from whatever I was doing by Alastor was bad enough but there ain’t no way in hell am I going to be another punk's little lap dog!” Husk shouted, teeth bared.

“I’m with him on that! I am not going to be your servant! You got that buddy!? No way in hell!” Cherri Bomb shouted next.

Those two are constantly shouting and yelling at me as I try to think of a way to help them cause me to snap and roar so loudly that it shakes the Everfree Forest.

(Like this roar starts at 0:20)


That immediately shut them up as they, minus Alastor who looked more than amused, stared at me in shock.

I was breathing heavily looking at them and I just sighed and said. "Look, I know you don’t like this. Hell I don't like this, if there was a way to free you and send you back, I will gladly do it but there's not so can you please for the love of all that it's fucking holy and Secretary JUST. COOPERATE. WITH. ME." I said, not noticing my eyes turned pitch black and I had a dark aura around me.

“Please calm Mr. Williams. They are just upset. We all are.” Charlie said, standing in front of the group.

I took a deep breath and said. "Sorry it’s just really not helping anyone being mad I know that," I said, before a blast of hell fire hit me and sent me into a tree.

“DAD!” I heard Scootaloo shout in panic before a voice filled with venom spoke up.

“So this is the fool who decided to snatch away my daughter. Not impressed.”

I cracked my jaw back in place and said. "Jesus, who else did I fucking summoned," I said, not noticing another fire blast was coming at me but I heard a screaming and stared horror as Scootaloo was hit by it.

"SCOOTALOO!!!!!" I yelled as I held her. She wasn't moving nor breathing. "No…. Nonononono please Scootaloo don't die on please," I whispered and I heard Charlie father say.

"Stupid child got herself killed for some weakling." I heard him say.

(Third person pov)

As everyone, except Alastor and Charlie's father, stared in shock. James was remembering all the times people called him weak, seeing his parents die, his best friend killing herself, and now seeing Scootaloo dead finally made him snap.

A huge amount of bloodlust and anger washed over the forest every animal and Demon felt it and or immediately scared even ponies from Ponyville were shaking in fear. Alastor was looking at James with interest in his power.

’Well, this should be very entertaining to watch.’ Alastor thought as his grin grew a bit.

Lucifer raises an eyebrow before shooting a blast of hell fire at James but when it was about to hit him only for James to open his mouth and to everyone's surprise, he ate Lucifer fire. He then appeared right in front of Lucifer and punched him in the gut so hard that he doubled over in pain and surprise.

“W-what?!” He said as he stumbled back a bit before growling and snapping his fingers, causing a pillar of hellfire to erupt right where James was standing.

James was unaffected by the pillar of hellfire and said. "Rip and tear," he then rushed at Lucifer and started to beat up the king of hell.
However the king of hell conjure a hand made of fire to grab James and slam him into the ground before throwing him away. “Hmph, you caught me off guard at first but this time you won’t be so lucky.” he said, his eyes glowing with power.

James got up and growled as his eyes were now pitch black. Then he ran at Lucifer throwing a punch that hit Lucifer in the face but Lucifer countered with a right hook to James' jaw. This happened for what seemed like hours, both of them beating each other to bloody death showing scratches and burn marks on each other's bodies.

Everyone except Alastor were getting worried. If this doesn't stop soon then this whole area is going up in flames.

“I-I have to stop them!” Charlie said which Vaggie immediately disagreed.

“Charlie no! That fight might end up killing you!” Vaggie told her just as a shockwave nearly knocked them to the ground.

"What is going on here?" They heard a female voice say, they turned to see a woman wearing a black dress. Her skin was lightly tanned, her hair was brown with her eyes being chestnut brown but they also noticed the same mark on her collarbone.

“Uh, just the king of hell itself duking it out with a random person.” Angel Dust answered, pointing a thumb at the the two combatants who had leveled the area around them.

The person took one look and gasped in shock. "JAMES!!!" The female yelled trying to run over but was stopped by Vaggie.

“Are you crazy?! That guy is going toe to toe with the King of Hell!! If you go in there there won’t be anything left of you!” Vaggie told her.

The woman looked at Vaggie in anger before pushing her away. What was surprising to everyone was that Vaggie went flying. Just then both James and Lucifer were getting ready to fire another massive blast of fire attack but both the woman and Charlie got in front of them.

“Stop!” both of them shouted at the two.

Lucifer looked at his daughter in shock while James looked at the woman with anger and pain. "Amara, move. This fucker had killed Scootaloo. I'm going to make him pay for it," James said, shocking Lucifer while everyone was confused by her name.

Amara stood her ground and said. "No James look," she said, pointing at Scootaloo. To his surprise, Scootaloo was in a white barrier and her necklace was glowing white and her burn marks were healing. "See James, Scootaloo is fine now. Please calm down," she said, holding both his cheeks and smiling softly at him. He started to calm down while looking at Amara.

Lucifer heard James say the woman's name was Amara and he instantly knew he was in a position that he can't talk his way out of or fight. However, there was one question that popped up in his mind. “Amara, what are you doing in the realm of the living?” he asked her.

Amara looked at Lucifer and said. "I was trapped in the void by my brother, your father God. But then." she started before smiling and rubbing a now blushing James. "The man who you were fighting freed me and let me travel with him to the living world," Amara said.

"Like I said Amara, it was no big deal." James said, now holding an unconscious Scootaloo.

“Father banished you to the void? His own sister?” Lucifer asked with a raised eyebrow.

Amara nodded and that's when James said. "At first she really did like your father's creatures and thought they were useless and thought that he loved us more than his sister. But after a talk with a elderly woman she saw what God made us to be," James said, before walking up to Lucifer.

Everyone thought that James was going to attack him but he said. "I'm sorry for taking your daughter Lucifer Morningstar. I didn’t know that it would look like I was trying to kidnap her but it wasn't the case. When I was choosing someone from your world to summon, she was chosen at random and your daughter got caught in it." James said, bowing his head.

Lucifer however was frowning before sighing. “Perhaps I may have overreacted a bit. How could I not? Even if CHarlie’s ideals are delusional, she is still my daughter.”

James laughed, making everyone confused. "I guess we have one thing in common, and that is we would kill God himself for our children," James said, holding out his hand. "So truce?" he asked, holding out his hand to Lucifer.

Lucifer nodded his head and shook James’ hand. “Truce. Now, if you excuse me, I’ll be taking Charlie and her companions back to avoid trouble with heaven. It’s always such a hassle having to deal with them.”

Just then all the Hazbin Hotel characters, except Lucifer’s, right hand glowed blood red with a message popping up in front of James

Summons cannot leave this area they must stay with Summoner or else they will suffer the consequences from weakness of the body to death.

After James read he then said to no one making everyone confused. "Then just undo the summon," he said, he then got a message that made him go pale and both Lucifer and Amara were worried about.

“What? What has you frightened boy?” Lucifer asked with a raised eyebrow.

Instead of saying anything a hologram of Michael as well as all the other archangels and regular Angels appeared. This made Lucifer have a look of annoyance.

“If you have gotten this message James and you have noticed that Lucifer's child is with you, if you think that the Summoning was at random it was not. We chose these people to be sent to the living world and be trapped there as a form of punishment for Lucifer Morningstar as well as Alastor, Angel Dust, Cherri Bomb and Husk as well. And if you think removing those marks on their hands will help set them free then it won't. If you were to remove them they would burst into flames within seconds and be reduced into ashes just as a precautionary if they ever try to leave. And as for you brother, I hope you will suffer every agonizing moment knowing that you will never see your child again.” the being known as Michael said before the transmission went out.

“Oh Heaven has just crossed the line with this.” Lucifer said, his voice low and laced with venom while he was glowing ominously.

James was just standing there and was looking down with dead eyes. "I was just the scapegoat for heaven to take away a man's kid." James said, while looking at the others. "It could have been anyone else, but they chose you guys on purpose." James said, as he felt like a jackass for believing that he took them from their home.

Charlie placed a hand on his shoulder. “Hey, it’s ok. I’m sure my dad might be able to fix this.”

Both James and Charlie look to Lucifer who had a look of rage and trepidation. "I'm sorry princess, but Michael thought this thought making sure not even I could do anything about it," he said, looking at his daughter.

Charlie was surprised and also a bit saddened to hear that. The others however had different reactions to that. Angel Dust, Vaggie, Cherri, and Husk didn’t look all that bothered by them being trapped in the living world. Nifty actually looked a bit excited and the same can be said about Alastor, who had a gleam in his eyes that just promised he’s going to cause something bad if given the chance.

James saw this and said. "Alastor I wouldn't be happy if I was you." James said, getting everyone's attention. "It says you guys are free in the living world, but your powers are somewhat restricted except for Alastor. They saw him as a potential threat to the living world and decided to heavily restrict him to the point where he has to get permission from the Summoner to use his powers or else it will cause extreme amounts of pain if you ever try to use his powers without permission." James said.

Alastor thought James was lying and he tried to use his powers but just then he felt immeasurable amounts of pain go out throughout his body as well for everyone else saw chains appear around his body holding him down to the ground.

“S-shit…” groaned Alastor as he kept himself standing with his cane.

James gave an unconscious Scootaloo to Amara and ran over and helped Alastor stand up. "Even if they let you guys into the living world. You can still be considered a threat to the ponies as well as other species here," James said, helping Alastor over to a rock to sit on.

“Hmph, this world's deity isn’t going to be too pleased about what has transpired here.” James heard the king of Hell say to himself. “I just hope this doesn’t cause problems in the future.”

"So what can we do?" James asked the king of hell. Lucifer was quiet for a moment before sighing and said.

"Until I can find a solution to this problem. My daughter as well as the others will stay here under your care for the time being." he said, looking at James with an air of seriousness.

“But we’re allowed to do our own thing right? We’re not just permanently stuck to his side?” Husk asked Lucifer.

"It says you're free to roam around so you can do whatever you want as long as you ain't killing. but if you are planning on gambling I suggest going to Las Pegasus for that," James said, looking at Husk before smirking.

"Also you might want to be careful if you are going to gambling with Griffins, they don't like scammers," James said, that’s when everyone including Alastor knew that James wasn't a nice soul in any sense of the word.

“Well, I’ll take my leave while you explain to them the rules of this world.” Lucifer said as a red fiery portal appeared but before he left, he glanced at Charlie. “Goodbye Charlie. I’ll be sure to inform your mother of your situation.” with that, he entered the portal which promptly disappeared after him and left no trace of it ever being there.

“Well now that he’s gone, how about you tell us about our new permanent home and what sort of entertainment I can expect from it!” Alastor said as he stood next to James, his signature grin not leaving his face.

James just sighed and said. "Well first off, the planet Equus houses different types of species ranging from anthro ponies to humanoid dragons, some of them are nice while others have the same personality as Husk." James said, making Husk glare at him.

"The ponies believe in the power of friendship and harmony which you could say is Charlie kind of people but they are rather skittish around new people. The dragon and Griffins are like Alastor and Husk except for the dragon are greedier than Husk," James said, smirking at Husk.

"There's some other species but I believe I'll leave that to my friend Twilight Sparkle who will be meeting soon to explain the rest to you and fair warning you might want to invest in Notebook cuz she talks for a very long time. You could say she is a demonic nerd." James said laughing a little.

“Great. Just what we need. To be talked to death by a nerd.” Angel Dust said with a roll of his eyes.

“Meh, I don’t care as long as there’s a bar in this damn world.” Husk said with a shrug.

"Then you better get used to drinking water and soda because there's no alcohol at all. Meaning no Whiskey, Jack Daniels, and not even beer exists here. I think that's why the angel sent you here too." James said, before hearing a girly scream coming from Husk.

“Are you fucking kidding me?! You mean I have to deal with being stuck here SOBER?!” Husk shouted, extremely pissed off and distraught.

James just rolled his eyes and tapped on the invisible keyboard before and a bright flashlight he was holding a bottle of whiskey. "Here you big baby, the first one is a freebie but the next time you need another bottle you're going to be paying for me for it." James said, tossing the bottle towards him.

Husk easily caught it with a sigh of relief. “Good. The moment you said this place was all about sunshine and rainbows, I immediately knew I wasn’t going to enjoy being here.”

"Good, but one word of advice, " James said before Angel, Cherri, and Husk felt a monster amount of bloodlust pulling towards them. "Don't ever curse in front of the kids. if I find out that it was you. you're going to wish you weren't here. GOT IT?" James said, his eyes glowing red.

The three Sinner Demons gulped and nodded their heads fearfully. They knew it was better to listen to the guy who managed to keep up with the king of hell.

James smiled and said. "Good, let’s get going. I'm pretty sure the others may be worried," he said, walking next to Amara who was still holding Scootaloo.

(James POV)

We made it to Ponyville and immediately every pony saw them and stared. I was worried that they may get scared too much. That's when I was hit by a yellow blur and heard someone crying. I looked up and saw a crying Fluttershy.

"Hey Flutters, what's wrong," I asked, hugging her close. "Your acting like I was gone for 1200 years." I said, worried about her.

“W-we heard explosions a-and felt shockwaves all the way from tt-the forest you said you were going to! I-I thought something bad happened t-to you!” cried Fluttershy as she hugged him even tighter.

I felt like crap for worrying her so I hugged her and whispered. "Don't worry my beautiful Flutters, I ain't dying anytime soon.” I whispered before kissing her forehead and hugged her tightly.

Me and Fluttershy just remained like that, holding each other as she cries into my shoulder until she spoke. “W-when I saw those explosions I-I thought something had happened to y-you. I was so worried.”

"Don't worry Fluttershy, you and the others aren't getting rid of me that easily, " I said, making her laugh a little.

“I-I guess so but w-what if something did happen to you?” she looked at me with tear filled eyes.

I was stumped by her words and I couldn't really think of anything. Even if I was at level 300. Or had S-class items and abilities, it wouldn't stop something or someone from killing me. "I-I really don't know Fluttershy. The future is full of possibilities and the only thing we could do is hope for the best," I told her. While that was happening the others were watching and they noticed that Amara had gotten a jealous look on her face.

“I-I just hope that the future h-has you still in it.” Fluttershy told him.

I just laughed and said. "Yeah, let's just hope so," I said, before looking at Amara's annoyed face. "Hey Amara you okay, you look like you're mad," I asked confused.

“No reason.” Amara replied and the look of annoyance disappeared from her face.

I just shrugged my shoulders and we continued to the library with Fluttershy’s hand on my arm. I just smiled before I saw Scootaloo waking up.

“Hmm wha? W-what happened?” she asked groggily as she looked around before gasping. “DAD!!” she then started to look around frantically.

"Hey peanut," I said, getting her attention. She turned to look at me and jumped out of Amara's arms and hugged my face and yelled.

"DAD!!! YOU’RE OKAY," Scootaloo yelled as she held onto my face.

After a moment of prying myself out of her death grip I said. "Okay okay Scootaloo just calm down." I said, Scootaloo did but she puffed out cheeks and crossed her arms.

“How could I calm down when you nearly got hit with a fireball?” she asked me.

"Scootaloo I'm literally half dragon. Meaning I'm fireproof and I can't get hurt by fire," I tried to reason with her but she still was angry. "OK Scoots, I promise to be more careful" I said, sighing.

Chapter 8

Some early morning training and meeting the Dragon lord….. WHAT DO YOU MEAN I'M THE NEW DRAGON LORD

(James POV)
I was having a nice dream but the Celestia damn sun got me in the eye so I turned to the other side, hugging my pillow. "Hmmm, that's weird, my pillow feels a lot warmer and fluffier than normal," I thought, before hearing a voice that caused my eyes to snap open.

“Ya feeling comfy baby?” Angel Dust asked me with a sultry tone in his voice.

I looked up at Angel Dust's smirking face and said. "A little. At least I don't have to wonder if I need a warm pillow or not," I said, smirking back and hugging him tightly. Just then both James and Angel heard coughing and turned to see an angry Amara and Fluttershy standing in the doorway with their arms crossed.

“What? No need to look so pissed ladies. After all, I’m sure we can all share him.” Angel Dust suggested with a grin, no doubt not at all bothered by the angry women.

I, on the other hand, want to keep his manhood a lot longer. So I got out of bed and said, "Let’s go eat breakfast." I said, running out the bedroom like the flash after seeing Fluttershy’s glare that both Pinkie and Applejack told me about.

After I made it down stairs I saw everyone except for Angel, Amara and Fluttershy at the table eating pancakes. "G-good M-morning everyone," I said, out of breath and looked like I saw something horrifying.

“You ok dude?” Rainbow asked me. “You look like you’ve seen the most terrifying thing in all of existence.”

"Well you could say, that I know how scary Fluttershy is when she glares at you," I said, making the main six shiver in fear while the Hazbin Hotel gang looked at us in confusion.

“Don’t remind us sugarcube.” Applejack said.

“Uh, I'm confused.” Cherri Bomb said.

"When you meet Fluttershy for the first time, she just like her name 'Fluttershy'," I said, Hazbin Hotel characters nodding their heads.

"But just imagine her so angry that Charlie's father Lucifer would lock himself into a prison box rather than to look at Fluttershy scary glare." I finished.

“Ok, even though I highly doubt that. That does sound a bit scary.” Vaggie said.

“Yeah, though I highly doubt anything will scare my father. He is the king of hell after all.” Charlie said before taking a bite out of her food.

"You keep believing that," James said, sitting next to Scootaloo. "So peanut, what time do you need to get to school?" James questions while drinking some coffee thanks to Niffty.

“In about a half an hour.” Scootaloo said through a mouth full of food.

James spat out his coffee and it hit Vaggie. "WHAT!?!?" James yelled, before grabbing Scootaloo and running upstairs to get her ready for school.

“W-wha?! Hey! I wasn’t done eating!” protested Scootaloo.

"Sorry Scoots, but I need to get you to school on time, also you forgot about parent day," I said, making Scootaloo go wide-eyed.

“Oh. Well shoot. Guess we better get there quickly then.” Scootaloo said.

I nodded my head and rushed to put some clothes on and ran out the door.

I made it to the front of the school with 20 minutes left. "Alright, let’s get inside," I said. We and went inside and immediately every child and parent looked at us, more specifically me.

“I think you’re famous.” Scootaloo told me.

I nodded my head and went to the back with the rest of the parents. While Scootaloo went and sat down next to her friends. I looked around and saw some of the students and parents staring at me. "God fucking damn, I'm starting to get tired of being this fucking tall." I thought, while Filthy Rich continued to talk about his business.

“Anyways, that children, is how my business became so successful.” Filthy Rich said,

It was dead silent with the only ponies clapping were Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon. "Jesus, these kids are worse here than back home," I thought, while Filthy Rich walked back to his spot.

Cheerilee clears her throat before speaking. “Thank you Mr. Rich for the history lesson on your business.”

"Now up next parents will be Scootaloo," Cheerilee said, before Diamond Tiara laughed and said.

“Please! Everyone knows Scootaloo doesn’t have any parents!” Diamond Tiara said before laughing again only for Scootaloo to say,

“That’s where you’re wrong Tiara. My dad is here.” Scootaloo said which only made Diamond Tiara scoff.

“Oh yeah? And where is he?” Diamond Tiara asked with a smirk.

"Right here," I said, raising my hand. Everypony was shocked until one of the children said.

"Wait, you the guy that saved Ponyville from a demon dragon right," a Colt, who’s name was Snails, said.

"Yup that's me," I said, getting in front of the class. "Hey my name is James D. Williams, adopted father of Scootaloo D. Williams," I said, smiling.

This made most of the class look between me and Scootaloo in surprise while Scootaloo smiled. Only for Diamond Tiara to scoff. “Yeah right. How much did you pay him Scootaloser?”

I frowned at that and said. "She didn't pay me nor offer anything. I am and always will be Scootaloo's father," I said, with pride. This just made Diamond Tiara glare at me. "So first off I'm a half human, half kaiju dragon," I said.

“What are kadu?” a student asked him in confusion.

"No not Kadu. It's Kaiju." I said, before continuing. "And as for what it is, simply put monsters that destroy cities and fight other kaiju" I said, shocking everyone.

“You’re part monster?!” most of the students shouted.

I rubbed my ears and said. "Yes, but I’m different. You see, some kaiju only want to destroy everything. But I just want to live in peace with my little Scootaloo," I said, smiling.

“And what would happen if your kaiju instincts kick in and you want to destroy everything?” Diamond Tiara asked me.

“That won’t ever happen! No way my dad will let some stupid kaiju instinct make him do stuff he doesn’t want to!” Scootaloo exclaimed.

"Sorry Scoots, but she's right," I said, everyone looking at me with fear and shock. "It happened when I thought I lost you. My only daughter. I wanted to destroy everything and anyone who I saw in front of me," I said, as Scootaloo looked at me with sadness and worry.

“B-but there’s no way that will happen again!” Scootaloo argued.

I walked up to Scootaloo and hugged her and said. "I know you don’t want me to be a monster peanut. But I am a monster. Remember what I said when I gave you the necklace," I asked, she nodded. "That's what I meant when I say the dark part of your necklace, Scootaloo. I am your monster father," I said, while giving her a big soft smile.

Scootaloo still looked upset but nodded her head. “Ok.”

I walked back to the front of the class and continued. "But I also have five abilities which are fire dragon slayer magic, pyrokinesis, electrokinesis, and Haki," I said, before another student raised their hand, this one being a Colt.

“Um, did you say dragon slayer magic? If you’re a dragon why do you have that?” he asked me.

“Yeah, you plan on hurting other dragons or something?” a filly asked me.

I just laughed before saying. "No. No I'm not, it just a title given to people from dragons they learned under like this," I said before taking a deep breath. "FIRE DRAGON SLAYER MAGIC: DRAGON FIRE BREATH," I said, before beating out a medium size red and black Flame out of my mouth into my hand. Before using my pyrotechnics to shape the fire into a flaming Scootaloo.

The students were in all while Cheerliee was all sorts of nervous and concerned. “That’s so cool!” a colt that was a bit smaller than the others exclaimed excitedly.

"You think that's cool? Watch this," I said, tuning it into a snake. It slithered across my body before I lead it into a cup of water to which it evaporated. "If the students and parents could follow me outside," I said, while walking outside.

After everyone was outside I said. "Alright everyone get ready it's about to get loud," I said, before yelling. "FIRE DRAGON SLAYER MAGIC: FIRE DRAGON BREATHING!!!," I yelled as a massive blast of fire.

“Whoa.” most of the students said in awe while the parents and Cheerilee were even more nervous upon seeing this.

I saw this and said, "Don't worry my pyrokinesis allows me to control the flames. I'm making sure none of it hits the kids," I said, in a calm voice.

"Now, are there any more questions?" I asked before another hand shot up and said.

"What does the D stand for?" A filly asked.

I had a look of hesitation and worry before saying. "Well the D that me and Scootaloo and people with "D" in their name are related to each other, either by blood or fate. In the post-war arc, the five elders reveal that the "D" stands for danger. Donquixote Rosinante explains to Law about the family of "D". In his country, the people were extremely scared of the “storm” created by those from the family of D. The former warlord said that they were considered to be the natural enemy of the Gods," I explained to everyone.

“So it means you're dangerous and are enemies to the princesses?” the filly asked.

I sighed at this and said. "No, it just means that me and Scootaloo are the will of change. Meaning that sooner or later we will do something that will change the way ponies think." I told the filly, that's when I heard a scoff and looked to see Spoiled Rich looking at me with disgust and anger.

“Oh please. Freaks like you bringing change to our already perfect nation? Such foolishness.” Spoiled said.

I raised an eyebrow and said. "Perfect nation? Really?" I questioned while looking at the teacher who was nervous. "Lady, back home a man once said. "Never strive for perfection. Because when you reach it. You will feel hollow inside. And you want to know why?" I asked.

"It’s because freaks like us are willing to change and grow. If Scootaloo wanted to be a monster hunter, teacher, or even want to learn dragon slayer magic I would tell her it's okay to do it. But don't think you can be the greatest or coolest, because there will always be someone who's better than you. And you can use it to get stronger and cooler," I said.

“Hmph, like I said, such foolishness.” Spoiled said.

"Yeah yeah, keep talking," I said, ignoring Spoiled. "Anyway anything else," I asked. This went on until it was another parent turn.

(Three hours later)

Me and Hazbin Hotel gang and Element bears were outside behind the library. "So why are we out here again?" Cherry asked.

"Well I wanted to see how strong you, Vaggie, Angel and Husk were," I said, stretching.

“Pft, we’re not that strong. We’re somewhat stronger than the average human but that’s it.” Vaggie explained. “Becoming a Sinner Demon won’t improve our physical abilities.”

I stopped stretching and looked at them. "So, Alastor is the only person here who's strong," I asked looking at with a look of annoyance and anger.

“Yep. Well, him and Charlie but she won’t do any fighting.” Vaggie said.

I was growling in anger and annoyance. "The fact that Charlie, a demon who’s the daughter of Lucifer and is powerful doesn't use her powers because she doesn't like fighting I can let go." I started as a red aura surrounded me and my eyes turned Pitch Black.

"And that none of you doesn’t care or even willing to fucking try," I continued Instagram sounds around me start to show it up in decay. "But that one day Michael and his angels might come and try to kill you and yet the only excuse you have is that you. Don't. Care," I finished, as thunderclouds started to roll in and the wind started to pick up.

"Why am I evening caring," I said before yelling out. "Oh right now I remember. It's because I fucking love you guys like fucking family. And going to have to watch as another family that I just gotta get killed," I roared as red lightning struck the ground next to me.

“Really? Family? We just fucking met. You may think we’re all some stupid happy family but I want no part of that buddy.” Husk said while crossing his arms.

That's everything went quiet, I turned slowly towards them and looked at them for a good few moments and said. "You know what you're right," I said, surprising everyone.

I walked over to Husk and grabbed him by his neck. "We. Aren’t. Friends or Family." I said, before slamming him into the ground making a crater.

“Whoa! No need to get all violent!” Angel Dust said while he and Vaggie stepped back a little.

"It’s like he said. You are nothing to me. I shouldn't care about anything you, Cherri, Vaggie or even Husk has to say to me," I said, looking at them with a calm face.

"So tell me Angel Dust. Is there anything you can do huh?" I question walking towards them.

Vaggie just pulls out her spear. “Look, just calm down ok? I’m sure Husk didn’t mean what he said.”

I grabbed Vaggie’s spear and snapped it like a twig. "Right now, Lucifer's brother Michael could be sending an army of angels to come and kill you. The reason why Husk doesn't want to fight is because he’d rather get drunk off his ass then worry about his life." I said, looking at Vaggie with cold dead eyes.

However Vaggie didn’t show any fear. “That’s Husk being Husk James. He doesn’t care about anything other than gambling and drinking. Don’t let him get to you.”

"Than what do you suggest huh Vaggie? Because I feel like only me, you and Charlie care about what could happen to you guys," I said.

“Look, I have no idea what we can do but getting all butthurt over the words of a drunk alcoholic isn’t going to help.” Vaggie said, making a good point.

I took a deep breath before everything started to calm down. After a moment I looked at Angel and Cherri and said. "I need to talk to you two in private." I said, walking into the Everfree Forest.

I can hear the two following me though I can tell they were nervous or afraid.

After a moment we reached a clearing where there was a Lake where forest animals were everywhere. "Angel, do you want to know why I said I love you guys even though I barely know you?" I asked while sitting in front of the laek.

“Uh why?” Cherri alake.

I was silent for a moment before asking. "Angel, in hell was there one person that you ever loved before." I asked standing up and walking towards them.

“In hell? You’re kidding right? No one cares at all about love. All they care about is either money, who to kill next, themselves or anything that is considered selfish or downright bad.” Angel said while crossing his upper arms while his lower ones were on his hips.

"No you specifically. Not Cherri, not Husk, not even Alastor or Vaggie," I said, standing in front of Angel. "Just you," I said.

Angel frowns and looks away a bit. “Like I said. There’s no such thing as love down in hell.”

"But what would happen if a human loved a demon then," I asked, getting closer.

Angel just scoffs. “As if that would ever happen. Only ones interested in demons are psychos or wannabe tyrants.”

"Then I must be a psychopath for loving you then." I said, smirking at him.

Angel Dust was wide eyed in shock. “What? You can’t be serious. We literally just fucking met!”

I sighed at this and said. "Yes, I tried to get rid of this fucking feeling. But-," I said looking down. "I know what that Fucking Bastard did to you," I said shocking Angel and Cherry.

Angel immediately looked down, an upset look on his face. “Don’t ever remind me of him. Not while I’m finally free of that bastard.”

I surprised him by hugging him and said. "I hate that I have these feelings. Even if I tried to tell myself that you and I just met but when I look at you. It's just that everytime I look at you it's just-" I said, trying to explain it.

“Just what?” Cherri asked while Angel Dust was nervous.

"I just wanted to keep you to myself. Every time I imagine you with that Bastard or anyone else. I just want to burn them alive for even touching or looking at you," I said, looking away.

"You could think that I’m being possessive towards you huh?" I said, laughing at the thought.

“Y-yeah.” Angel said as he got out of my grip and backed up a bit while Cherri frowned.

"You're sacred," I said, looking at Angel. "Right now I need you to promise me something," I said, getting their attention.

"I know that one day I will go berserk and become a monster. I want you to promise me that if that happens you will use this," I said, giving a western style gun to Cherri.

"This gun has a special bullet that can kill me and destroy my body and soul in an instant.” I said.

Both of their eyes widened in shock and fear. “How the ever loving fuck did you get your hand one of those?!?!” Cherri shouted.

I was silent for a moment before saying. "There are things in this universe that could kill a God or demon. You just have to find it." I told Cherri before handing the gun to her.

“I don’t really mess around with guns. Too difficult to use. Which is why I stick with bombs. Their easy to use and if you miss, you’ll still hit someone with them depending on how big the explosion is.” Cherri said as she looked at the gun with a frown.

"Please Cherri just in case," I said, looking at with seriousness.

“I…” Cherri then sighed and nodded her head. “Fine. But don’t expect me to be good with this thing.”

I smiled and said. "Thanks guys," I said, before I noticed smoke rising up from Ponyville. "Oh shit!" I yelled while grabbing Cherri and Angel, my dragon wings burst from my back ripping my shirt and I flew off.

“Whoa! What the hell are you doing?!” Angel shouted over the rushing winds.

"There’s trouble in Ponyville! We need to get back!" I shouted back, picking up speed.

“Can’t the local law enforcement handle it?!” Cherri shouted.

I looked at her and said. "Cherri, we are in Equestria. Ponies don't even lock their doors. And the only enforcement they got are guards that can't fight worth a damn," I shouted as we saw Ponyville in flames. But what was more surprising was there were eggs running around, shooting and throwing grenades at everything.

“Oh great. It’s Edge Lord.” Cherri said in annoyance.

“The snake guy?” Angel asked her.

“Yep, somehow he ended up here as well.” Cherri said.

"You guys know him?" I asked landing on a building.

“Yeah, he’s always been trying to take my turf back in hell. He built a lot of things but he’s still an idiot.” Cherri said as she pulled out a couple of bombs while Angel pulled out a tommy gun. “His goons are also weak as shit since they’re eggs.”

I nodded my head and turned into my dragon form and said. "Let’s go then I got some shit to work through." I said.

“Eh, don’t get your hopes up on him being strong. He mostly focuses on his gadgets and weapons.” Cherri said.

"Well it's better than nothing," I said, grabbing them and jumping down off the building.

(Third person pov)

The three of them landed on the street, kicking up a bit of dust and dirt as they did and also catching the attention of the Egg Boi’s. “Hey look! It’s that one eyed lady who fought the boss last time!” one of them shouted before being killed by Angel.

James grabbed one and it tried to get out of James’s grip but couldn't. "I wonder what you fucks taste like,. James said, before taking a large bite out of the egg.

He instantly regretted it as it tasted terrible, forcing him to spit it out. “You are one sick fuck you know that?” Angel said to him as he shot his gun at any Egg Boi stupid enough to charge them.

"Ain't like you were going to let me have a taste of you." James whispered, but both Angel and Cherri heard him.

Angel grins a bit. “Oh don’t worry baby, once we’re alone you can taste me all you want~.”

This made James grin."Oh man, I can't wait." James said, before shooting red electricity at a group of Egg Boi's.

A loud boom was heard and the three of them looked up to see a barrage of missiles shooting towards them.

James clapped his hands together and started rubbing them at top speed. After a moment or two in between his hands was a small lightning ball the size of a baseball. Getting into a pitcher stance and pulled his left arm back and threw it at the missiles.

The lightning ball was moving so fast that it made a sonic boom. Once it got close James with his outstretched arm closed his hand casino the ball to expand before bursting sending out a wave of electronics at the missiles destroying them.

"Pussy ass snake. Gotta do better than that Bitch," James shouted.

“You mean like this?!” they heard Sir Pentious shout as a large missile launcher came out of the blimp. “And this time there is no Alastor to stop this missile!!” he then began to cackle madly as the missile got ready to fire.

"Who said we need him huh?" James asked, while planting his feet onto the ground he took a lungful of air while also simultaneously eating all the fire that was in the vicinity, shocking everyone.

“Wait, is he eating the fire?! What kind of human can do that!?” Sir Pentious shouted in shock as he pressed multiple buttons to get the missile to fire sooner, already getting a bad feeling of what’s going to happen.

After James ate all the fire that was in the immediate area he planted his feet further into the ground cracking it. He put both his hands out and he started to glow green and green balls started to surround both the missile and ship. "Fire dragon slayer magic-," James started as there were about a thousand small green balls surrounding it. "Fire dragon flying bombs," James said as his hands turn red deadening the thousands of green balls that were affect bomb.

The small green balls blew up one after the other, not only destroying the missile but the blimp as well. While that was happening both the Elements and Hazbin Hotel gang watched in shock except for Alastor.

Once the blimp fell to the ground James walked over and punched a hole big enough for him to get into it. They then heard shouting followed by girly screaming and repeated slamming against the blimps walls before Sir Pentious was thrown out of the blimp with cuts and bruises all over his body and face.

“Owww…” groaned Sir Pentious as he weakly got up. “Note to self, build a missile launcher that shoots faster.”

"Oh trust me snake bitch," Sir Pentious heard James voice behind. "After I get through pounding you into the dirt. It's going to make Angel want it even harder from me," James said, while cracking his knuckles.

Sir Pentious just gave him a confused look. “He wants you to beat him up? Why in the world would he want that?”

James just stared at him before looking at Angel and Cherri. "He can't be this stupid right?" James asked them.

“Yep.” Angel Dust said with a nod while Sir Pentious took this chance to pull out a large gun and aimed it at James.

“Take this!!” the snake demon shouted before firing.

It hit James in the face causing an explosion near his face. Sir Pentious thought he got James before a hand shot out and grabbed him by the throat. "You know-" James started as the smoke cleared showing he was not affected at all. "Take this. It's the right choice of last words but it will be a far worse mistake you make today," James said, while tightly holding his grip around Sir Pentious' neck.

Said demon tried to remove James' hand from around his neck, such as clawing or hitting him but nothing worked.

James got annoyed with him moving around so he slammed him against a nearby wall and said. "I'm going to ask you one simple question and if you don't answer well. The Element bears know what will happen if you don't cooperate," James said, as Twilight, Rarity, and Fluttershy were green in the face while Applejack, Rainbow and Pinkie were trying not to grow up at the memory.

Sir Pentious just coughs. “W-what is it?” he asked weakly.

"Who helped you get into the living world," James asked glaring at Sir Pentious. "Because Vaggie told me that the only for you to be here if someone summoned you here or you opened a portal. And the only person who could do it is Lucifer," James said before his grip got tighter and said in a low tone. "So I will ask again. Who helped you get to the living world?" he asked.

Sir Pentiois coughs again as he grabbed James arm. “I-I don’t know! I really don’t!”

"DON'T FUCKING LIE TO ME!!!!!," James roared as he summoned Stormbreaker and slammed it near his head.

“I-it was just some Angel! I swear!” Sir Pentious cried out in fear.

James stared at him for a moment before saying. "I see, so heaven thought that sending you here would kill Angel and Cherri." James said, more to himself than to Sir Pentious.

James then turned to Alastor and asked. "Think you can make a portal back to hell for our snake bitch here." James asked Alastor as Spike was running towards them with a letter.

Alastor just chuckles. “Oh please. Doing so would be mere child’s play.”

James nodded his head. "But do it the painful way," James said, smirking, making Alastor smile bigger.

While Alastor was now dragging a screaming Sir Pentious. Everyone saw Spike was holding a letter and was out of breath. "T-twilight it's a letter from princess Celestia," Spike said, while breathing heavily.

“From Celestia?” Twilight asked as she took the letter from Spike and began to read it.

“What does it say darling?” Rarity asked her.

Twilight eyes widened and said. "Both dragon lord Torch and princess Ember are waiting at Canterlot castle to meet James," Twilight said, looking both confused and worried.

“Meet James? What for?” Rainbow asked in confusion.

"Only one way to find out," James said, before walking towards the train station.

(Three hours later)

“I’m boooored!” Scootaloo complained as they rode a train to Canterlot.

James thought for a moment before turning to Pinkie and said. "Pinkie got a Baritone guitar for me to use," he asked.

Pinkie nodded her head and pulled one out of her hair. "Here you go James," she said, handing him the guitar.

Everyone looked at him in confusion. “What are you going to do with that Mr James?” Applebloom asked in confusion.

After getting into a comfortable position he said. "I know three songs to pass the time," James said, getting their attention.

Husk scoff and says. "Yeah right, I'm king of the fairys," he said, drinking a bottle of Whiskey. "Yeah, yeah. Be quiet," James said, everyone was interested in James singing even Angel and Cherri.

“What are you going to sing Mr. James?” Sweetie Belle asked him as she and the other Crusaders huddled near James.

"You could say it's something that this song is something I would do if I was still on Earth," James said, while getting ready to sing.

“And what would that be?” Charlie asked in curiosity.

"Instead of explaining, let me sing it," James said, and started to sing.

Once he was done playing, everyone minus Alastor, Husk and Rainbow clapped their hands. “Wow, that song was pretty lively.” Vaggie said.

James just laughed and said. "Yeah I like this song," James said, getting ready to play the next song.

“What’s the next one you gonna play? Is it gonna be as lively as the other one?” Charlie asked him.

"You could say this song tells you not to rely on money and this is what happens when greedy people become too greedy, " James said, and started to play.

“Well that was an interesting song.” Rarity commented and the others nodded in agreement.

“I didn’t understand most of it.” Applebloom said.

"Well it simply means Applebloom never rely on money it's good to have but don't think about it too much or else you'll lose everything else in pursuit of it including your life," James said, tuning his guitar.

She gulped a bit at that. James smiled and rubbed Applebloom's head and said. "Don't worry AB as long as you don't do what the song says you will be alright," James said.

“Ok Mr James.” Applebloom said with a nod.

"Good girl, also it seems we are almost at Canterlot so I will play this last song," James said, now noticing the crowd around him.

Everyone was now clapping for James singing. James smiled and bowed before Husk said something that made all the parents gasp. "Yeah yeah he can sing whooping fucking do." he said and immediately regretted as he saw James with an vain popping out his forehead.

"All parents, could you please cover your children's eyes and ears?” James asked, and they did so. James then grabbed the neck of the guitar and yelled.

"WHAT THE FUCK DID I JUST SAY!?!?!?!?!" James yelled before smacking Husk in the back of the head so hard it sent him flying.

“Ouch, that’s gonna leave a mark.” Angel Dust said with a small laugh.

"Next time will be the hammer got it?" James said, and proved his point he summoned Mjölnir and by the size of the hammer they know that will give them brain damage for sure.

“Yes…” groaned Husk as he laid on the ground, too hurt to get up.

After that everyone got off the train. While everypony was asking James autographs and pictures some came from mares more than the foals. And to make this worse they were not hiding what they wantedwanted from James.

While this was happening, Fluttershy, Amara, Angel and Cherri were giving the mares jealous glares which surprised both Angel Dust and Cherri Bomb as they were confused on why they were feeling jealous.

"Why fuck am I jealous for we just meet?" Both Angel Dust and Cherri Bomb thought but when they saw a mare push her chest up against James they felt angry and jealous instantly.

After that they were on their way to the castle. All the while Amara, Fluttershy, Angel and Cherri were closer than normal and anytime a mare would look at James they would glare at them. Once they got to the castle gates. A guard was waiting for them.

“Ah, you’ve arrived. Good. The Dragon Lord was growing a bit impatient.” the guard said.

The was a load roar followed by a massive blast of fire shot into the sky. "Yeah I can tell," James said, while looking a little worried.

A few of the others gulped while Alastor’s grin grew a bit as he gained a curious gleam in his eyes. “Oh boy, speaking with experience, I can tell that an impatient ruler might be difficult to handle.” Charlie said.

Everyone except Alastor nodded their heads and walked inside. After a moment of walking they made it to the throne room where both Celestia and Luna were with Torch, Ember and 10 other dragons.

“O-oh boy. I don’t like the looks of this.” Applejack said quietly.

"Are you James D. Williams?" Torch roared as everyone covered their ears from the noise.

"Yeah I am what about it," James said, shocking everyone except for Alastor, Cherri and Husk on how he was talking to the dragon lord.

Celestia and Luna were worried that lord Torch was going to attack James. Same goes for Twilight, Rarity, Fluttershy. As for the 10 dragons, they had a look of anger because of James' attitude to their dragon lord.

As for Torch. He was surprised and a little annoyed by his attitude but also interested in how strong he really is to think he can talk to him like that. “You must be either brave or very stupid for addressing me in that tone boy.” Torch said, his eyes narrowing a bit.

James' own eyes narrowed. "Right now, I could be having a fun day with my daughter. But you called me. So tell me what you want, or I could just leave," James said, getting a little angry and annoyed.

Celestia, seeing this, decided to step in. “Well James, the dragon lord has come with very surprising news regarding the title of dragon lord and who it’ll go to.”

James looked at Torch and Celestia before saying. "What? You're saying I'm the new Dragon Lord or something?" James asked laughing.

“I am.” Torch said in a very serious tone.

This made James stop laughing instantly. "What?" He said, looking at Torch.

“You are to be the new Dragon Lord.” Torch said with that same serious tone that showed he was not joking.

James looked at Torch before looking at celestia and Luna who nodded their heads. Then he looked to Applejack and she nodded her head as well.

"I tried to summon you in my kingdom. But there were complications. But no matter you are here and you will be the new Dragon lord as well as marrying my daughter Ember," Torch said, shocking everyone except Celestia and Luna. But the people who were shocked more was Amara, Fluttershy, Angel and Cherri.

“What?!” the others exclaimed in shock.

Torch nodded his head and said. "Yes he will be the new Dragon Lord, but before that I want to know how strong he really is." Torch said, before looking at the 10 dragons.

“Wait, he wants you to fight those overgrown iguanas?” Cherri asked then laughed loudly. “Please, I saw this guy take on the actual king of Hell itself.”

"Yes, but he will fight me as well." Torch said walking towards the training area.

That just made Cherri and Angel Dust laugh. “Please! Unless you’re some god, then I doubt you’ll be able to even land a blow on him!” Angel Dust said, still laughing.

"He's not joking," James said, everyone knows that his voice was laced with fear and worry rightly so because his stats were off the charts.

Dragon lord Torch lv.200
Strength: 8,0000
Speed: 6000
Defense: 50,000
Hp: 8000/8000

Torch was basically 50 times stronger than him and the only thing he had going for him at the time was his strength and power but now he is going up against someone who has it in spades. ‘How the hell am I going to beat them.The 10 dragons are easy, but him? He is stronger than me.’ James thought before having an idea. After a moment they made it to the training area and on the way they saw James eat a weird fruit that was purple and it had swirls on it.

’What is he doing?’ some of the others thought while watching him eat the weird fruit while a couple dragons snickered.

“Looks like he’s eating his last meal.” one of them joked.

James then had a look of disgust and said. "I forgot that it doesn’t taste good at all," James said.

“Hey! At least eat something good before you die!” the same dragon joked, causing the other dragons to laugh.

James just ignored him and they were in the arena. He was stretching the same as Torch but the 10 dragons were so confident that they could beat James didn't stretch. This made Torch annoyed that his subjects are not being cautious around an opponent.

‘Overconfident whelps. If they had any sense, they would keep their guard up.’ Torch thought to himself.

After everyone was ready. Both Celestia and Luna stepped forward and said. "The battle between James D. Williams and Lord Torch and his 10 dragons Will begin," Celestia started before Luna said.

"The match will end when either all the dragons and Torch are knocked out or James is knocked out." Luna finished and both princesses' horns glowed before shooting a yellow and blue beam signaling the start of the match.

The dragons Torch brought immediately rushed at James, thinking they could easily take him if they all rushed at him all at once. “This’ll be over in no time at all!” one of them shouted.

James stood there for a moment before grabbing his left shoulder with his right hand and said. "Gomu Gomu no pistol." James said, shocking everyone as his entire arm stretched towards the dragons punching one of them and knocking him out. This shocked and angered the dragons as they flew around him and launched fireballs at him. James just stood there letting the fireballs hit him covering him in smoke. They thought they got him before he said. "Gomu Gomu no Gatling." he said, as thousands of punches came out of the smoke hitting them.

The dragons couldn’t defend themselves due to the attack being sudden and bizarre so they pummeled to unconsciousness in a matter of seconds. Once the smoke cleared, James was standing tall looking at Torch. "Alright let's get to the real fight," James said, crouching down.

Torch snorts out some smoke. “Agreed. Just don’t expect me to go down so easily.” he told James.

James and Torch stared at each for a moment before rushing each other and throwing a fist which connected with each other, causing a shockwave between them. Though Torch Had more power, so James was forced to move out of the way and threw a quick jab at his jaw.

Torch responded with a fierce headbutt that sent James back and disoriented him a bit. WHich let Torch rub his surprisingly sore jaw. ‘Impressive, that blow managed to hurt me. Which is to be expected by one such as him.’ Torch thought before using his wings to launch himself at James and giving him a strong punch to the gut.

James doubles over in pain before greeting his teeth and with all his strength punches Torch in the face sending him back a few meters. ‘Damn it. I can't even compete with this guy strength. I need to beat him at speed but how.’ James thought before being grabbed by his leg and slammed onto the ground so hard that it left a crater.

“Pay attention boy! You must never lose focus during a fight!” Torch scolded before slamming him into the ground again before tossing him up and hitting him with a powerful fireball that sent him flying.

Everyone saw James struggling to get up and started to worry. Even Angel and Cherri were looking worried for James.

“Oh man. He’s getting his ass kicked.” Cherri said.

“Yeah, but how is that possible? He fought Lucifer for crying out loud!” Angel Dust said next, nervously biting his finger.

"That’s because Lucifer was holding back." Amara said, shocking everyone but before she could continue everyone heard a scream of pain and saw to their horror James was pinned against the wall by Torch’s arm and he was covered in bruises and cuts. After Torch moved James fell to the ground not moving.

"I guess I was wrong. You are weak, probably you are a disappointment to even your own family." Torch said walking away.

Everyone saw James hand moved before turning into a fist. He got off the ground and was breathing heavily. "You what? Fuck it, even if it means I will be knocked out after this. I'm going to beat your fucking ass," James said, before ripping his pants legs off and took off his shoes and socks. He then turned into his dragon form but everyone noticed his forearms were covered in black.

He took in a lungful of air and bit down on his forearm and started to blow air into it. It started to grow with steam surrounding his body as his upper body grew bigger as well as his arms while marks began to appear on his chest.

( Like this except he is fighting Torch)

"BoundMan!!!!!" James yelled while bouncing up and down like a ball.

“What in the world is this?” Torch asked in confusion. He never seen something so ridiculous before.

James was still jumping while glaring at Torch. As for the others, they were dumbfounded at James' new look. “Sweet Celestia! Since when could James do that?!” Rarity asked but no one could answer her.

“I-I don’t know! I never heard of anything like that happening!” Twilight said, her mane becoming a bit frazzled due to her trying to figure out what it was that James did to look like that.

"I know this is a surprise but like I said," James said, as his right arm started to retract in on itself while making a ticking sound. "Before I knock myself out. I'm going to kick your ass," James finished before his feet touched the ground and he rocket off at high speed getting into of Torch before yelling. "Gomu Gomu no Kong Gun!!!," James yelled before punching Torch in the face with the force of a speeding truck.

Which did little to the Dragon Lord but it did take him by surprise as he was sent flying into a wall, causing it to collapse on top of him before he burst out of it with a roar. His jaws filled with fire. “Is that the best you can do?! A weak little attack like that is nothing to me!!!” Torch roared out before flying towards James.

James jumped up and retracted his legs and said. "Gomu Gomu no RHINO SCHNEIDER!" James roared as he double kicked Torch in the face making him stumble back.

Torch recovered with a roar as he released a torrent of dragon fire at James. James flew through Torch’s fire and retracted both his arms and said. "Gomu Gomu no KONG ORGAN," James yelled, while sending thousands of high speed punches at Torch.

Upon seeing the fists, Torch had brought his arms up and braced himself for the assault but when the punches connected, he nearly got sent flying from the force of each punch. Each blow was more than enough to send white hot pain throughout his whole body, making him grit his teeth as he fought through pain and took shaky step forward and then another, and then another. By this time he was slowly making his way towards James who was not letting up on his attack.

James noticed it and on the last punch, he retracted his left arm and put both his fire and lightning into his fist and yelled. "Gomu Gomu no Fire and lightning Bazooka!!!" James roared, and both Ember and Torch were surprised that not only did it hurt him it also sent him flying into a wall destroying it.

“Holy shit!! He sent him flying!!” Husk shouted in shock.

“I wonder how far he’s going.” Angel Dust wondered.

James was breathing heavily and looking tired. ‘Damn it, I can't keep going like this time to end this.’ James thought before Torch burst through the wall and ran at James.

"You're going to pay for that boy!!!" Torch roared and James jumped high into the sky and started to blow more air into his arm. He became as big as sir Pentious’s blimp. Once everyone saw it, including Torch, their jaws dropped to the ground at the absurdity of the size of his fist.

“Holy guacamole!!” the CMC shouted in unison.

“If you think you can handle all my attacks let's see how you do this one!” James roared before adding fire to his fist and yelled. "GOMU GOMU NO KING DRAGON KONG GUN!!!!!," James yelled before blasting towards Torch and hit him right in the face sending down to the ground. All the while James roared like a dragon.

The resulting shockwave nearly knocked everyone off their feet if it weren’t for Celestia and Luna creating a barrier as well as using their magic to keep the group grounded. "HOLY SHIT!!!" Husk yelled trying to keep himself from flying off.

“I-I never seen James use such power before! It’s a-almost frightening!” Twilight said as she tried to block the rushing winds.

Ember on the other hand was shocked to her core. This person not only was beating her father but also destroying him. ‘I-Is this what father said that the new Dragon Lord will be powerful?’ Ember thought.

After a moment the dust cleared and to everyone's surprise, Torch was laying on the ground unconscious with his eyes rolled back but James was in a worse state. He was covered in bruises and cuts and had a scar in the shape of a 'X' on his chest, right shoulder and left arm and was laying in a pool of his own blood.

“JAMES!!” everyone minus Alastor, Husk and Ember shouted in worry and rushed over to him.

James wasn't moving which made Celestia and Luna even more worried. "James, wake up," Celestia said, sounding worried and scared for James' life. Everyone was scared for him except for Alastor, Husk and Ember.

“Come on dad wake up!” Scootaloo begged as she tried shaking James awake with tears in her eyes.

"GUARDS!!!!!" Both Luna and Celestia yelled as 10 royal guards appeared. "Get James to the Canterlot hospital NOW!!!!" They said and James was rushed to the hospital.

(4 weeks later third person pov)

It's been 4 weeks since the fight between lord Torch and James. Torch had decided that his daughter will stay with James to get to know each other. Right now the Main Six and CMC except for Fluttershy and Amara were in James' hospital room looking at his unconscious body and surprisingly enough, Angel and Cherri were there as well.

“He’s been out for four weeks. Just how much longer is he going to be out?” Applejack asked in worry.

“The doctors don’t know. James’s body was heavily damaged and exhausted after that fight.” Twilight said.

Scootaloo was sitting next to James holding his hand. "Please Dad. Wake up," Scootaloo said, while crying.

“Uh, hey kid. Don’t worry. I’m sure your pops will wake up soon.” Angel Dust said, placing a hand on her shoulder.

Just then they heard a groannof pain coming from the bed. Everyone turned to see James fully awake. "Hey peanut," James said, in a hoarse voice while smiling.

“Dad!” Scootaloo cried out as she practically leapt onto the bed to hug James’ neck. “I thought y-you would never wake up!”

James yelped in pain and said. "Peanut, still in pain here," James said, through gritted teeth.

Scootaloo quickly gets off of him with an apologetic look. “S-sorry dad! It’s just I-I was so scared you wouldn’t wake up.”

James just sighed before forcing himself up and grabbed Scootaloo. Ignoring the pain, he hugged her and said. "It’s okay peanut. Let it out." James said, in a fatherly voice.

Scootaloo wrapped her arms around him again and cried into his shoulder. “I-I-I thought you were go-gonna die after y-you wouldn’t wake up.”

While James was letting Scootaloo use him to let out her sadness and fear the others watched this father and daughter moment.

"Wow, he's really good at being a dad for Scootaloo." Pinkie said, smiling.

"I guess he is doing his best." Rarity said and Applejack nodded in agreement.

Just then the door opened and Celestia and Luna walked in with two other ponies. The first person was pink with wings and a horn. She was near the same height as Princess Luna. She was wearing a pink dress with a golden Tiara on her head with yellow, pink and purple hair going down her back. The second person was wearing gold and purple armor. She had blue hair that stopped near her neck. She had her helmet to her side and was next to the pink one.

Upon seeing James awake, both Celestia and Luna let out sighs of relief. “Oh thank goodness you are awake.” Celestia said with a relieved smile.

"Heh,, nice to see you too Tia and Lulu." James said, smirking at them.

“How are you feeling?” Luna asked him.

"I feel like I told both Rainbow and Applejack to use me as their personal punching bag," James said, before smirking. "Or when I tried to fight Celestia for the last piece of triple chocolate fudge cake," James said.

“I had already called dibs on it and you know it.” Celestia said before blushing in embarrassment.

James laughed before groaning in pain. "Ow it hurts to laugh," James said before noticing Scootaloo was still crying but she was shaking in fear and panic. James thought for a moment before thinking of a song. "Well it ain't Christmas but hopefully it'll work," James said before sing.

(Like this except Scootaloo is the snowman)

By the end of the song, Scootaloo had calmed down and was sound asleep while still hugging James.

"Sleep well, my little snowflake," James said, smiling. He then noticed everyone looking at him. "What?" James asked while having a small blush.

“You make an excellent father James.” Luna told him with a small smile.

James had a smile and said. "Thanks Luna. I just hope I am good enough for her." James said. Before noticing the new people in the room. "So Tia, who're your friends?"

“Oh, right. James, I would like you to meet Captain Gleaming Shield of the Royal Guard and Princess Cadenza Mi Amore, or Princess Cadence, the Princess of love.” Celestia introduced the two.

James looked at them before saying. "You sure Celestia? They look like supermodels you bought as a get well gift," James said, smirking at Celestia.

The two mares blushed at this before Cadence spoke. “Sorry but I’m already taken and we’re not ones for modeling. Especially my Gleamy here.”

James just smirked. "You sure. You two are sexy and beautiful women. With all the right assets~" James said.

“Geez, you’ll just flirt with anyone huh?” Rainbow said as she crosses her arms. “Even if they told you they were already taken.”

James just rolled his eyes and said. "Hey, I like what I see and I tell the truth. Besides, I'm not some guy who breaks marriages. My father told me to never let anyone tell or judge you for who you are and always take your sarcasm or insults with the grain of salt because they are just mad that you're better than them," James said.

“No one is better than me buddy!” Rainbow said angrily.

"Oh really? I could lift 500 pounds, I can run up to 600 miles and fly 700 miles. It's not bad for someone to be better than you," James said, moving Scootaloo onto the bed and got out and stretched a little.

“James stay in bed. You shouldn’t be moving around. Especially after being unconscious for four weeks.” Fluttershy told him.

"So you want me to use the bathroom on the bed while Scootaloo is sleeping on said bed?" James asked stopping from going to the bathroom.

“O-oh, sorry.” Fluttershy apologized.

James just laughed and said. "God Flutters. You may be a cute little butterfly." James said, walking into the bathroom. This made Fluttershy blush crimson. While that happened Twilight was talking to Celestia and Luna about James.

"I'm telling you Princess Celestia, James' powers are powerful. Not only that we could learn them ourselves." Twilight said, sounding excited.

“That is very interesting Twilight however, I believe we shouldn’t due to how destructive it is. If a pony with ill intentions learns of James’ powers, they might use it for their own selfish goals.” Celestia said.

"Hey sun butt. I can teach Twilight, her friends and sisters about some of my powers. I trust that they would keep it a secret especially if they Pinkie promised," James yelled from the bathroom.

“I do not think teaching children such power is wise. They are young and would make the mistake of trying to use what you have taught them irresponsibly.” Celestia said. “I suggest you wait until they are more mature to know about it.”

James came out of the bathroom now wearing baggy Grey pants with combat boots. A red T-shirt with a picture of a skull with crossbones behind it and it had glowing red eyes and had on a black bandana. "Celestia you think I'm a stupid? I was going to wait until the kids were mature. But I will teach my daughter how to defend herself," James said, in a serious voice.

That's when the doctor came in and saw James up and about. "Mr. Williams please get back in the bed you're still healing." the doctor said, trying and failing to move James.

"Sorry Doc, but I’m fine, I'm just a little sore that's all. I'm planning on going to a masseuse to work on my back and shoulders so I won't be doing anything hard." James said.

Doctor sighed and agreed but asked James to have a seat so he could check to make sure there's no lasting damage. "Hey Cadence, can I ask you a question? You're a princess of Love right?" James asked Cadence.

“I am. Well, a princess of love in training that is.” Cadence said.

James smirked and said. "Well you see back home on Earth my dad taught me how to get a girlfriend or marefriend. He said mares want a stallion to connect with his innermost feelings as well as a thinker. But most importantly they have to learn how to do this " James said, and to everyone's surprise his pecs started moving but what was the weird part was in making sounds like a bongo.

“Wait, what is that? What’s happening?” Gleaming SHield asked in confusion.

"That Gleaming, is what my father calls the pec pop of love," James said before looking at Pinkie. "Pinkie got any berries?" James asked and Pinkie nodded and pulled out a bowl full of blueberries. "Alright Twilight grabbed a berry," James said.

“What? W-why?” Twilight asked as she looked at the berries then at him.

"Go on and grab a berry they won't bite," James said but Twilight still did want to do it but James kept saying to grab a berry. This went on for a few minutes, Twilight refusing to grab a berry and James telling her to do so before Twilight just sighed in annoyance and grabbed one.

"OK fine," Twilight said and grabbed a berry and threw it at James pec. It bounced right off and flew out a window. James laughed at their shocked faces before looking at Rarity and said.

"Alright, Rarity grabbed a handful of them and rapid fire right now." James said, pointing at his pecs that were still making the bongo sound.

"I don't want to do that darling," Rarity said while looking kind of weirded out to do it.

"They will not stop until you feed them," James said, proving his point by moving his pec with each word.

“Ooh! I will do it! Let me do it!” Pinkie exclaimed while jumping up and down.

"That a girl, come get some," James said and Pinkie puts the bowl down and grabbed a handful of berries and was in front of James.

"OK, are you ready?" Pinkie asked. James just nodded and Pinkie started throwing them. Each berry bounced off his pecs with each one either hitting the main six, Celestia or flew out the window. "OK this is the last one." Pinkie said.

"Better make count," James said, Pinkie threw the berry but this time he made the berry fly into Pinkie's open mouth.

Everyone looked at Pinkie in shock while said mare just ate the berry. “Wowie zowie! That was a nice shot!” Pinkie said, clapping her hands a bit.

"So what do-what wrong with your guys wings," James asked, looking at a blushing Celestia, Luna, Fluttershy, Rainbow and Cadence.

“W-what?” Cadence asked as she looked at her wings, seeing them fully spread out. The same can be said about the others and when they saw this, their blushes grew brighter.

"Yeah what’s wrong with your wings? I saw that happen to Fluttershy once when she saw me without a shirt on? What does it mean?" James asked, giving them a curious look.

“Nothing!” they all said at once as they tried to get their wings to close.

James looked even more confused. "OK then, so Cadence what do you think? Was my dad right about the pec pop of love? Because I always thought they didn't work. And he was just making it up," James asked, as the doctor said he was good to go.

“E-er, well…I have no r-real answer to that just yet.” Cadence said, looking away, her face no longer pink but bright red due to how embarrassed she was.

James just sighed at that answer and said. "Well I guess that question won't be answered. But onto more important things," James said looking at Twilight.

"Where is Alastor and Husk Twilight?" James asked in a low tone.

Twilight gulps nervously. “I-I don’t know.”

James laughed which scared everyone. "Oh really now….. ALASTOR AND HUSK COME HERE RIGHT NOW!!!!!" James shouted, causing not only the hospital to shake but Canterlot as well.

Suddenly, the corner of the room began to distort, followed by distorted radio static and strange symbols before Alastor appeared with an almost drunk Husk. “Why hello there James! What is the reason for your shouting other than blowing out everyone’s ear drums?” Alastor asked, his signature smile on his face.

James stared at them before pointing at Husk. "Why is he drunk, and what did you do while I was out cold," James said, getting up and walking in front of them.

“Oh nothing really. Just aiding Charlie in finding someplace to stay while we’re in this world. As for Husker-” Husk cuts off Alastor before he can explain.

“If you were me you would do everything you can to get drunk so you don’t have to hear all that shit about friendship and harmony!” Husk said with a very annoyed look on his face.

Husk was grabbed by the throat and James said in a demonic voice. "What did I say? What would happen if you curse in front of kids again." James said, as the main six, Celestia, Luna and Cadence and Gleaming were shivering in fear by James voice alone.

“Gah! Let go of me! It was an accidental slip of the tongue!” Husk shouted as he tried to pry James hand off his throat. “No need to go all psycho because of it!”

James glowed like a tiger and said. "It isn’t an accidental slip of the tongue, you always act like this. Even Angel and Cherri know when not cursing in front of the children but it seems though I need to teach you that lesson." James said, pulling Husk close to his face.

(This is the sound James made)

“J-James wait!” Fluttershy said as she rushed over to him.

James looked at Fluttershy for a moment. That's when everyone saw his eyes were pitch black with glowing red irises.

Fluttershy was terrified upon seeing this but did her best to steel her nerves. “J-James, please calm down. Husk has been d-doing his best to keep h-himself from swearing in front of children. He w-would change what he was gonna say i-if he was about to swear.”

James looked at Fluttershy then at a barely breathing Husk before letting him go. "Fluttershy, I'm sorry you had to see that," James said, frowning at his own actions.

“I-it’s ok James.” Fluttershy said with a small smile.

“Ok?! He pretty much snaps nearly everyday!! Dude’s got some serious anger issues!” Rainbow Dash exclaimed.

"Yeah I do actually," James said, rubbing his head nervously. "Well let's wake Scootaloo up befo-" James did get to finish before tripping over his feet and landed on top of Fluttershy and accidentally kissed her.

Fluttershy’s face immediately gained a blush as she and James stared at each other in shock.

James got off of Fluttershy as quickly as lightning. "Uhhh, let’s get going yeah?" James said, having a massive blush.

“Y-yes. Good i-idea.” Fluttershy said as he quickly got up as well.

After that embarrassing moment for James. He as well as the rest of the group were walking through Canterlot and Scootaloo was asking James to dance to make up for worrying her for 4 weeks. "Come on peanut!! Can’t I do anything else," James said.

“No! This is what you get for breaking your promise.” Scootaloo said with her arms crossed.

James looked to the others for help but they just shook their heads. "OK fine," James said, before going towards the water fountain. He let out a loud whistle getting everyone's attention.

After that he went to his inventory and put out a hat and mask before putting it on then he grabbed his phone and started playing music and he started to dance.

Everyone had looked at him weirdly before resuming their day. After that James got back to the others with a blushing face. "There I did it, happy now Scoots," James said.

“Very.” Scootaloo said with a grin.

The others just laughed before walking towards the train station to head back to Ponyville.

Chapter 9

Hanging out with friends and family, James meeting demon assassins……. WHAT WAIT!?!?

(Third person POV 5 weeks later)

It's been 5 weeks since the fight with Dragon Lord Torch. Right now James was laying under a tree while the main six and Spike were getting the picnic ready and the CMC were playing.

"Now this is what I need peace *inhale* and quiet. *exhale*" James said, smiling softly. "I agree, we never get this much peace before," Twilight said while everyone agreed.

What the group didn't notice was that there was another group of demons hiding behind some bushes. That was Blitzo, Moxxie and Millie. Blitzo was looking through a pair of binoculars looking at James who was now taking a nap.

“Oh this is just too fucking easy. He’s practically begging us to kill his ass.” Blitzo said with a chuckle.

“Uh sir, are you sure this a good idea? I mean, this guy-” Moxie was cut off when Blitzo cut him off.

“Shut up Moxxie, those fuckers are paying us a large amount of money to kill that guy and we’re gonna fucking do it.” Blitzo said before shoving the binoculars into Moxxie’s gut, making him grunt in discomfort while his boss dug into his bag to pull out a sniper rifle and aimed it at James. “Ok, now I just need a good shot and this fucker is as good as dead.”

Blitzo took careful aiming and once he got a clear shot at James' head he fired. The bullet was flying towards James but to their surprise James sat up letting the bullet miss him and hit the tree he was leaning against.

"James, think you could get the kids to come. Foods ready," Applejack asked James who was stretching.

"Sure no problem AJ," James said, walking over to the CMC who were trying to see if they could get their cutie marks in dragon slayer magic.

“Damn it! Why did he have to move at the last second?! I had a clear shot and he moved at the last second!” Blitzo said angrily as he aimed the sniper at James again. “Alright, second try.”

The bullet flew out of the barrel and was heading straight towards James' head but again he moved his head at the last second to bend down to pick up the Crusaders. "Alright girls, it's time to eat," James said, picking them up and heading towards the picnic blanket.

“Aw, but we were trying to get our Marks!” whined Applebloom while Blitzo threw his gun to the ground.

“Fuck!” he shouted, thankfully the imps were far away from the group that nobody heard Blitzo shout.

"M-maybe he knows that we are here?" Moxxie said, trying to cheer up Blitzo.

That's when they heard James conversation with his friends. "So James, what are you planning on doing after this?" Rarity asked, eating a sandwich.

"Well me and Twilight plan to go to the castle of Two Sisters as there's something I want to look into as well as make while I'm there." James said, eating a massive plate of food.

“Really? What would that be?” Applejack asked me.

"Well I was planning on looking in and seeing if Nightmare Moon was still alive," James said, causing everyone to gasp in shock.

“Impossible! Nightmare Moon was destroyed by the Elements!” Rainbow said with slightly narrowed eyes. “No way she’s alive after getting hit with the most powerful artifacts in Equestria!”

"Wrong Rainbow, if I remember correctly during a little Q&A section. Celestia said that her sister was freed from The Nightmare. Keyword 'freed', the Elements of Harmony are pacifist in nature that can't kill or destroy only trap things in stone so my theory is that they separated Princess Luna from The Nightmare, " James said, drinking a soda.

This made them all terrified. “S-so she’s still around?! I need to tell Princess Celestia right away!” Twilight said as she prepared to write a letter.

James grabbed Twilight and said. "Calm down Twilight, when I said the Elements of Harmony are pacifist in nature that means instead of killing Nightmare Moon it probably did something else to her." James said, getting up and began to walk towards the Everfree Forest.

“B-but what though?! Did they remove her magic?! Trapped her in the castle?! Sent her back to the moon?! There’s too many questions and not enough answers! Nightmare Moon was a very dangerous being that not even Celestia could beat!” Twilight nearly shouted in panic.

James just rolled his eyes and said. "And that's your problem Twilight you think too much. You're thinking to me what it's," James said, while the demon imps were following behind them. "Twilight, Nightmare Moon was a manifestation of Luna's loneliness and anger. She was just the same as a person named Bruce Banner who had an alter ego called The Hulk." James said.

“The Hulk? Um, t-that’s an odd choice of a name.” Twilight said, still nervous and her mane showed it as it started to become frazzled.

James nodded and said. "Yes it is an odd name but more to the point is Hulk with a manifestation of Bruce's anger and rage. when his father abused him endlessly it got to the point where he got hit by let's just say radioactive Magic that caused the Hulk to go from just a voice in Bruce's head to his own separate being whenever Bruce gets angry. The Hulk comes out and destroys everything just for the sole purpose of being left alone." James said, stepping over a tree root.

“T-that…that sounds horrible. Why does the Hulk want to be left alone? Surely it would have been overjoyed to be able to interact with the world right?” Twilight asked as she stepped over the root as well.

"Twilight, you have to understand that the Hulk was rage in its purest form. Even if he wanted to, people will just see him as a monster that needs to be killed or locked away.” James said, looking forward.

Twilight looked down, distraught at what she had heard. “Poor thing. Always being seen as a monster. All because of what he is.”

James nodded his head in confirmation. "Yep, and that's what Luna has been feeling. Ponies only saw her as a monster and because of that Nightmare Moon was born, but I believe Nightmare is a good pony, she was just going about it wrong," James said, as they were getting closer to the castle.

“Wrong? What do you mean?” Twilight asked as she looked at the castle then back at James.

"During the time of the Two Sisters the night wasn't all that light, especially when being compared to with the monsters that run around more at night than during the day. and I have a sneaking suspicion that there was some sun cultist who will either convince other ponies or force them to like the sun more than the moon, which caused Luna to feel like nobody loves her night which in fact was not true since people will be more safer at night with her guarding them from the monsters then just sleeping the night away. If she was more forceful to talk to her sister then they could have worked things out even during the present times. It'll probably be nightclubs, as well as afternoon parties, and celebrating the night as well as stargazing. midnight date strolls through the park. Things of that nature but she didn't think of that. Instead she thought of things she only cared about was that people love her night instead of trying to improve it." James said, entering the castle.

Twilight had a thoughtful look on her face before nodding her head. “Yeah, I can agree with that. If Luna did speak with Celestia about this, then things might have been different. Like her not being banished to the moon for a thousand years.”

James nodded his head. "Yep, but a man once said 'fate isn't always on your side' and you could say that since Celestia ignored her sister then she should get the punishment for not having her by her side for a thousand years." James said, walking into the room that held once the Elements of Harmony. He looked around before seeing a set of armor pieces so he crouched down and looked at them scanning them

While he was doing that, Twilight was looking around for any signs of Nightmare Moon. “I-I don’t see any sign of her.”

James nodded his head before looking closely at the armor. "And that's what I'm worried about. If she was destroyed then she is either a ghost or a baby either one could be bad," James said, Standing up and looked around.

“A-a baby?!? In a place like this?! The Elements w-wouldn’t turn someone into a baby! Would they?” Twilight asked in uncertainty.

James shrugged his shoulders and said. "It depends on how long she could have been here." James said listen closely for any noise.

“B-but if she was turned into a baby back when we first used the Elements, she could have been here for a year!” Twilight shouted, beginning to panic.

James hugged Twilight. "Twilight calm down. Yes it might be true, in all honesty you and the others didn't know until today it's okay," James said, tightening the hug.

“B-but still! We might have sentenced a filly, even if it was somebody who tried to bring eternal night, to death!!” Twilight said, tears flowing down her face.

James was about to say something before he heard it. Giggling. To be more specific, baby giggling. He walked towards the noise which led him to Luna's old room. Once he opened the door both him and Twilight were shocked.

Sitting on the bed encased in a rainbow barrier was Nightmare Moon. Except she looked a lot younger, about a week old or so she was playing with the sheets before seeing them. Her eyes sparkled with happiness as she reached out for them giggling.

“J-James? Is that w-who I think it is?” Twilight asked with wide eyes.

James walked over and gently picked up baby Nightmare out of the barrier and she rubbed her head into his chest and fell asleep peacefully. "Yep Twilight, this is in fact Nightmare Moon turned into a baby." James said, while holding a sleeping baby Nightmare Moon.

Twilight looked at Nightmare Moon before looking at the barrier that slowly faded from existence. “T-the Elements, they must have kept her safe this whole time.” she said then looked at Nightmare Moon. “But, even if she is an alicorn, how was she able to eat?”

"I really don’t know Twilight," James said, looking down at the sleeping baby. "But I do know that I will take care of this baby," James said, sounding serious.

Twilight opened her mouth to say something but closed it to think before smiling a bit. “I’m glad, she may have been Nightmare Moon, but she’s just a filly now.”

James smiled at Twilight before his eyes widened and he jumped in front of her grabbing a small object in between his fingers. Once he got a good look at it, he was shocked that it was a 7.5 million meter sniper bullet.

“DAMN IT!!! HOW DID HE EVEN KNOW!?!?!?!” they heard someone scream from the distance.

James looked at Twilight who was shaking a little do to almost dying again and he said. "Twilight, take Nightmare and teleport back to the others." James said, Twilight nodded and did so. Once she was gone, James looked out and saw where the bullet came from. "Gomu Gomu no Rocket," James said, stretching his hand towards the sides of the window and shooting off like a bullet towards the assassins.

Said assassins were busy arguing until they heard the sound of rushing wind and looked only to scream loudly when they see James barreling towards them. “OH FU-” Moxxie tried to yell but was cut off by James.

"GET OVER HERE!!!!" James shouted, sounding like Scorpion from Mortal Kombat.

“Run for it!!” Blitzo shouted as the imps ran for it. They took on tougher opponents in the past but when faced against a guy who gave off all sorts of Overlord vibes, they rather run then fight.

James landed a few meters from them running. "Oh no you don’t." James said before stretching his right leg back and said. "Gomu Gomu no whip kick, " James said shoot his leg out kicking the imps into a nearby rock.

“Shit! That hurts!” Blitzo groaned out as he rubbed his aching back.

“U-uh, sir? Maybe we should focus on-” Moxxie stopped speaking when James started walking towards them.

"You know, I won't mind it if you were just trying to kill me. But you not only try to kill a baby, but my friend as well." James said, tuning into his dragon form.

“Look, it’s not our fault. It was this fuckers fault. He’s the one who messed up my shot!” Blitzo shouted, pointing at Moxxie who glared at him.

“What?! You were the one who almost shot them! I was just fixing your aim!” Moxxie shouted and the two got into a heated argument.


Both imps immediately shut up and stared at James in terror.

James took a deep breath before sighing in annoyance knowing who hired them. "Let me guess, Angels hired you to kill me right?" James asked and they nodded. "You guys are the dumbest demons I ever saw and that's saying something cuz I met one who was a genius at inventing but doesn't know social cues," James said, rubbing his head.

“Hey! Don’t call Moxxie a dumbass! He can’t it!” Blitzo said with a shit eating grin as Moxxie growls in anger, close to murdering his boss.

"Did you really think that angels, who think they're holier than thou, will pay you to kill somebody? I bet you they said they were going to pay you and then after you did the deed they were going to kill you off just to make sure their image isn't tarnished by hiring demons to kill someone that they could have done themselves," James said, while looking annoyed at them.

“I did.” Moxxie said with a raised hand followed by Millie.

James looked at Blitzo who was looking away. "They promised you 3.5 million dollars didn't they.” James said more than asked.

“Eh, a little more than that but hey, money’s money am I right?” Blitzo asked with a toothy grin.

Blitzo got slapped by James. "You are the biggest jackass in the world, you know that."

“And I’m proud of it!” Blitzo exclaimed, the grin not leaving his face.

“It’s true. He really is proud of being one.” Moxxie said while Millie giggles.

James groans and said. "Well I hope you are because now you and your team Can never go back," James said.

Blitzo scoffs. “Please, we can go back whenever we want.”

"No you can't. Like I said they are probably going to kill you after you come back. Either you did or you didn't, doesn't matter," James said, walking back to Ponyville.

“Pft oh please. Why would they waste their time with a bunch of imps? It’s not like anybody’s gonna believe us if we told them the oh so perfect angels above hired us to kill some nobody in the living realm.” Blitzo said.

"Nope because the 'Angels' don't want to live with the fact that they had to get help from demon more specifically demon imps. Just imagine yourself asking for help from a weak and useless human, not only will you be disgusted with yourself but you being a demon imp will be nothing but a joke to other demon imps," James said, before turning and kicking Blitzo so hard that it sent him flying into a nearby tree. "Also my name is James D. Williams, remember it bitch." James finished before continuing to walk.

“And I’m getting hard holding this motherfucker!!” Blitzo shouted as he held a large rocket launcher that was causing the tree to bend and groan from the weight before he fired a large rocket at James.

James turned and grabbed the missile out of the air and to their shock and horror James bit down on the missile and ripped the top part of it off and spat it out into the air where it exploded.

Blitzo just stared at James then at the missile before looking at him. “.....fuck.”

"Indeed," James said, before grabbing Blitzo and started to beat the ever living shit out of him.

While this was happening, Moxxie was recording the whole thing with a camera while eating some popcorn.

"S-should we help him?" Millie asked Moxxie while watching it.

"Are you kidding? This is funny as fuck!" Moxxie said.

"DON'T JUST SIT THERE!! FUCKING HELP ME!!!!" Blitzo shouted before being grabbed by his tail.

“Get your demon imp ass back over here. I ain't done with you.” James said, in a cold tone while pulling Blitzo back over to him.

“Well I’m done with this shit!!” Blitzo shouted as he aimed a flintlock pistol at James and fired at his head.

The only thing the bullet did was bounce off his head pissing him off. "You done goof." James said, before kicking him like a football into Ponyville where he landed in the park where the Elements of Harmony and baby Nightmare was.

“What the buck?! What is that thing?!” Rainbow Dash shouted as she and the others stared at Blitzo in shock as he tried to get up.

“I-I don’t know but it came from the Everfree!” Twilight said as she held Nightmare Moon close to her.

Just then James landed next to them while holding a still laughing Moxxie and a giggling Millie. "Hey guys, hi my little moon pie." James said, he then put down the imps and picked up Nightmare and started to baby talk to her.

Nightmare Moon in turn just giggles loudly while trying to swat at James’ face. "Jesus Christ you're adorable, but you’re gonna need a new name." James said, thinking while Nightmare climbed on top of his head.

Nightmare babbles a bit as she looked down at the others before giggling.

"Hmmmm……. What is a good name for you?" James thought, while rubbing his chin deep in thought.

“How about Artemis?” Pinkie suggested. “It does mean goddess of the moon after all!”

James stared at Pinkie for a moment before grabbing Nightmare and said. "What do you think? Do you like the name Artemis" James asked Nightmare while holding her close to his face.

Nightmare tilted her head before smiling and batting his face.

James smiled big and said. "Alright then Artemis. Welcome to the family," James said, while kissing her cheek.

While that was happening the demon imps were talking about what James just told them. "SEE I TOLD YOU!!!! BUT NOOOOOO YOU JUST HAD TO TAKE THE FUCKING JOB!!" Moxxie yelled at Blitzo.

“Shut up Moxxie!! Those fuckers were paying good money to kill that asshole!!” Blitzo shouted back.

"No they weren't, even if we were able to kill him. The second we step through the portal those three Angels will kill us and Loona!!" Moxxie shouted.

James heard Moxxie say three Angels and gave Artemis to Fluttershy. "Hold on a second. Did you say three Angels are waiting for you guys to return?" James asked.

“Yeah they are. I think it’s pretty fishy since them angels would never step foot in hell.” Millie said.

James thought about it for a moment before looking at Blitzo. "Can you get Loona to open the portal now?" James asked while equipped his Red Hood costume.

“Pft, please, if anything she will just ignore the call.” Moxxie said while crossing his arms with an annoyed look.

"I don't think so, " James said, getting their attention. "Seeing how you guys have been going for a good long while those three angels will get tired of waiting and start to torture her either to pass the time or to force her to open up the portal so they can come see what's going on." James said, looking at the menu for the different types of bullets and went with some demonic bullets.

“Oh fuck no! Those damn overgrown holier than thou assholes are not touching a single hair on my Loony!” Blitzo shouted angrily.

James just rolled his eyes and said. "Would you hurry up and just send the signal already?" James said, putting on the red hood helmet.

“Signal? What the fuck are you talking about?” Blitzo asked with a raised eyebrow.

Instead of James answering he pulled out a gun and cocked it before pointing directly at his head. "Bubby you got five seconds before I blow a hole in your head so you better start doing something to get that portal open NOW." James said, are you at the end of his ropes with this guy in his constant bitching.

“Hey! Killing him won’t do anything! Look, the only way to get Loona to open it is to call her! But if what you said is true then that isn’t an option!” Moxie said, getting James attention.

James thought before getting an idea. "Alastor, I need some help," James said aloud.

“And what help do you need?” Alastor asked, appearing out of no where.

Everyone except James jumped in surprise. "Alastor I'm going to need a portal to hell. Think you can make one and keep it open until I come back?" James asked while looking at Alastor.

Alastor however just chuckles. “Why of course not! I may be powerful but opening portals between the living realm and hell requires more power than what Overlords such as I have. Not only that, but you also need the right spell to do so as well. Something that not even the most ancient of Overlords know.”

James was getting more angry before the word 'Overlord' kept playing in his head until it hit him. "Do we have someone who can be considered an Overlord? Like someone who's the daughter of the king of Hell himself?" James said, before Alastor knew what James was getting at.

“You mean Charlie? Well she’s not an Overlord but a much higher position then one but yes. I do believe our charming demon belle can open a portal straight to hell!” he then teleported away to retrieve Charlie.

After a moment of Alastor grabbing Charlie and telling her what's going on. James was standing in front of a dark red portal. "Alright let's get going," James said, to the imps.

“Yeah so that way I can teach those fuckers not to mess with my daughter!” Blitzo said as he rushed into the portal while wielding two shotguns.

James sighed and grabbed both Moxxie and Millie and jumped into the portal and landed on the ground looking around. There were demons roaming the streets, some looked at them and were confused while others just ignored them. After a moment he heard gunfire and ran over to the noise and once he made it, he wasn't surprised to see Blitzo grabbed by the throat by an Angel and held against the wall while struggling to get free.

“Let me go you holy assholes! Where’s Loony?! I swear if you so much as hurt her I’ll kill you!” Blitzo shouted as he clawed at the angels arm.

The Angel got an annoyed look before tightening his hold on Blitzo's neck, causing him to gasp for air. "You damn filthy imps, you have no power to order a holy Angel like me around. Once the other two done torturing your filthy mutt of a daughter we're planing on both killing her and you." the angel said, smirking.

That's when he feels someone tapping his shoulder. Once he turned he was met with a fist to the face sending him flying into a wall. "I'm also a father as well so he and I both have the same level of patience when it comes to our kids." James said, cracking his knuckles.

“Hey! I had that fucker!” Blitzo said as he rubbed his neck and took in big lungfuls of air.

James just rolled his eyes as the angel got up and glared at James before pulling out a sword and charging him while saying. "YOU WILL LEARN NOT TO TOUCH ME AGAIN DEMON!!!" The angel yelled, bringing his sword down.

To both him and the others surprised James just raised his hand and grabbed the blade with two of his fingers. "Really buddy. A sword? You brought a sword to a gunfight," James asked while pulling out a pistol and shooting the angel in the leg.

The angel screamed in pain as he nearly fell to his knees but managed to stop himself with his sword. The angel then glared at James. “You filthy demon!! You’ll pay for that!!”

James just grabbed the angel by his collar and threw him into another wall. James came rushing at him at lightning speed before kneeing him in the stomach causing him to double over in pain. "Oh yeah and how are you going to do that? Because I would love to know how." James said, before stomping on his hand that was still holding the sword.

A sickening crunch was heard as the angel's hand was crushed under his boot while the angel screamed in pain. “You cursed demon!!”

"Awww, that's no way for an angel to talk is it," James said, before picking up the angel and slammed him against the wall and said. "Now I wonder what would happen if I were to do this," James said, before pulling out a dagger and cuts the Angels throat. Instead of blood coming out there was a white and blue mist coming out of the wound. James pulled out a bottle and the mist went straight into it as he corked it.

“W-what did you do?” the angel asked with wide terror filled eyes.

"Oh come on now little Angel, you should know very well what I just did especially since I'm holding your power right in my hands," James said, showing the bottle of Angel's Grace.

The angels eyes grew wider in terror knowing that he no longer has his grace which means he's vulnerable in hell. "So you finally figured it out huh? Well without this, you're nothing more than a human trapped in hell." James said, while holding the Angel sword right next to his neck.

“N-no..wait please!” the angle begged as he struggled in his grip.

But James didn't listen and with one powerful swing, he cut the Angel’s head off. "Bitch thought asking for mercy In Hell will help you. Ain't no mercy down here," James said, before turning to the others. "All right let's get going, the sooner we get there the sooner I can get the other two and start asking some questions." James said, while grabbing the imps and flew to their hideout.

They soon reached the office building of the I.M.Ps and hovered above it. “That’s our building! Let’s get in there and show those bastards you don’t fuck with Hell!!” Blitzo shouted, dual wielding two rifles.

“But sir, we’re just imps, we won’t even come close to hurting them.” Moxie said.

“He’s right boss. The only who seem to be able to do anything is this guy.” Milllie said, pointing a thumb at James.

Blitzo didn't like it, but both Moxxie and Millie were right. "Fine, what's the plan then?" Blitzo asked.

"Easy I go through the front door, " James said, landing in front of the building and putting the imps down.

James entered the building and looked around. The place was in shambles, bullet holes as well as sword slashes covered the walls and floor. "Damn it looks like a damn war zone in here." James said, looking around before hearing voices in another room.

“My Loona must have given those angels hell! I’m so proud of her!” Blitzo said with a proud smile on his face.

"Or she was getting her ass beat," James said, looking into the room to see a tied up Loona along with Stella, Stoles, and Octavia in the corner covered cuts and bruises.

“Loona!” Blitzo exclaimed in shock before Moxxie covered his mouth.

“Keep it down sir! Those angels might be nearby!” the imp sternly told his boss.

"I’ll ask this one more time. How did you make the portal to the human world?" one of the angels said, while grabbing Loona by her hair.

Loona growls as she glares at the angel. “If you want to keep that hand then you better let my fucking hair go!!!”

The angel growled in anger before punching Loona in the face repeatedly while saying. "You filthy demon mutt bitch, you will show me respect," the angel said, while the other was smirking.

When the angel went to punch her again she quickly snapped her jaws around his hand and bit down hard, crushing the bone and tearing into the flesh. The angel screamed in pain as he tried to pull his hand free from the hellhound's teeth.

James saw this at this opportunity so he rushed in and armbarred the Angel who was laughing. He then grabbed the other Angel and slammed him into the ground. "I guess not even Angels could handle her. I should have guessed it she is spicy and fucking hot after all." James said, looking down at the Angels.

“Who the fuck are you?!” Loona shouted with bared teeth.

"You might want to put those teeth away little girl, besides I'm the guy these fucks hired you to kill." James said, while the two Angels were struggling to get up.

“Oh whoopty dee fucking do! What, you expecting an apology or something?!” Loona asked, teeth still barred.

That's when Loona felt James' power, it felt almost overwhelming like he can surpass an Overlord easily. "No but I'm starting to reconsider trying to save you but it all works out for me again. I needed an Angel Heart, Angel blood, and two more Angel Graces for what I need." James said, shocking everyone.

“What do you need those for?” Moxxie asked as he and the others came into the room.

They couldn't see it because of the helmet but James was smiling like a mad man. "Oh Moxxie, that would just be telling. I like to keep some secrets to myself," James said, before dodging a punch and grabbing the angel’s forearm and breaking it.

Said angel screamed in pain before using his other arm to punch James in the face and used his wings to try and fly back from him.

James received quickly and grabbed him by the leg and slammed him into the ground. "Sorry, but you and your friend aren't going anywhere," James said, before catching the other Angel’s sword and snapped it in half. Said Angel looked at his now broken sword before getting kneed in the stomach.

The angel let out a gasp as he stepped back while holding his stomach, struggling to keep the contents of his stomach from coming out. James then grabbed the angel by his collar and threw him on the ground before he grabbed both wings and started to pull.

“No! Release me at once!” the angel shouted as he struggled to get free.

James didn't listen and ripped the angel wings off making said angel screamed in pain and agony while everyone watching was either shocked or surprised by the brutality from James.

"I'm not done with you yet little Angel bitch," James said, before picking up the angel and slammed him against the wall. He then pulled out the same dagger and cut his neck making the Angel Graces come out and James had another bottle ready and the Graces went inside and James corked it.

“W-what did you do to me?” the angel demanded as he struggled to get up.

"Same thing I did to your other Angel friend. I took your Graces, the thing that gives you power," James said looking down at the horrified angel who looked at James with fear and panic.

“N-no! That’s not possible!!” the angel shouted.

"You Angels are so naive, if you think there are ways to hurt a demon then there are ways to hurt an Angel too." James said, before stomping on the angel leg.

The leg immediately breaks with a sickening crunch followed by the angel screaming in agony. While James was basically torturing the angel everyone except the other Angel who was knocked out was watching with wide-eyed surprise.

“O-oh crumbs, if he’s capable of d-doing that to an angel, imagine what h-he could have done to us.” Moxxie said fearfully.

“I don’t want to.” Millie said while Blitz rolled his eyes and began to untie Loona.

“They didn’t hurt you did they Loony?” Blitzo asked his adopted daughter.

“Do I look like they didn’t hurt me you dumbass!?!” Loona shouted angrily.

"It was a stupid question Blitzo," Stella said, while watching James Mercy beat on the angel who was screaming pure agony.

"Who the fuck is this guy?" Octavia asked, lookingasked, looking at the scene with surprise and a small bit of fear.

“Eh, he’s just some guy the angels hired us to kill but now he’s here kicking their asses.” Blitzo explained.

Just then they heard screening and turned to see the angel missing his right leg and left arm. "You're nothing more than a bitch who thinks he could do whatever the fuck he wants." James said, his voice cold.

“F-filthy cursed d-demon. You’ll pay f-for this.the angel said, glaring at James with one good eye due to his other eye being swollen from the beatings James had given him.

James just laughed and said. "You still don't get it? You aren't leaving this place alive," James said, taking off his helmet. "But I wonder what Angel blood taste like," James said, before he bit down on the Angel's neck.

The angel screamed in pain before he used his somewhat good arm to hit James to try get him off. James just bite down harder while drinking his blood. James was starting to like the taste of Angel blood and began to drain every drop of blood from the Angels body. ‘Good lord, this blood tastes amazing.’ James thought, not noticing the stares.

“Is he a vampire or something?” Octavia asked nervously while the other angel groans as he regains consciousness before seeing his ally being drained of his blood, causing the angel to be filled with rage.

“FILTHY DEMON!!” the angel screamed before flying at James with a spear in hand. Once the angel reached James, he jabbed the spear at him, piercing right through his shoulder and nearly stabbing the other angel.

James didn't even notice the pain. He reached back and grabbed him by his collar and threw him like a football towards the wall which crumbled down upon the angel, burying him under rubble. Then everyone felt a surprising fear or pleasure from James' pitch black and crimson red eyes as he said in a demonic voice. "Wait your turn."

The angel weakly got out of the rubble and glared at James. “A-abomination…you w-will…die b-by Heavens might..”

James just finished draining the other Angel before turning and ran at him with lightning speed. "No….. I won't," James said, before the angel noticed James' forearm was in his chest gripping his heart.

The angel’s eyes widened before he weakly hit James in a last ditch effort to save himself but it was pointless as James ripped his heart out of his chest and said. "You thought I was going to die here? Funny it's just you and your weak friends," James said. The others who were watching the whole time just continued to stare in shock and horror.

"Is he even human?" Moxxie asked while staring at James who was using a needle to take some of the Angel blood, before drinking the rest.

"I don't know if he's human or not." Octavia said, as she was down right terrified of James.

“Obviously he isn’t human. He’s drinking blood from angels and beat the shit out of them.” Blitzo said.

"Don't forget ripping hearts out too." James said, standing right in front of them. Most of them yelped in surprise and fear while backing up. James laughed at their sacred faces. "Wow look at you guys. Scared of just one person," James said, walking pass them.

“W-well you have given us a reason to with the whole killing angels in the most gruesome ways.” Moxxie pointed out.

James stopped and thought about it for a moment. "Huh, you got me there but I really don't care right now." James said, before walking towards Blitzo and Loona. "So how long did they beat the shit out of her?" James asked, giving Blitzo a first-aid kit.

“Pft, oh please, those fuckers are weak as shit. I couldn’t feel any of their weak ass attacks.” Loona said before spitting out some blood.

James had an eyebrow raised and said. "Yeah keep telling yourself that," James said before his jacket pocket started to ring. "Hello?" James asked as he answered the call.

"James!?! It's me Twilight!! You need to get back now!!" Twilight shouted, sounding worried and panicking.

"Twi? Calm down and tell me what's wrong," James said, walking over to a nearby corner.

“Celestia and Luna are here for Nightmare Moon!!!” Twilight shouted.

This made James' eyes widened in shock and anger. "How the fuck did they found out!?!" James shouted.

“I-I don’t know!! Just get here quick!!” Twilight escalimed, followed by a loud explosion.

"Fuck!!!!" James shouted before ending the call and looked at the imps. "Loona I need a portal back to the living world now." James said, putting on his helmet.

“Whatever.” Loona said as she pulled out the grimoire and used the spell that opens a portal between Hell and the living world.

Once the portal opened James rushed in with the others following behind him. After a moment James made it back to Equestria to see the main six except for Rainbow in a purple barrier while Celestia and Luna followed by 20 royal guards behind them.

“Whoa, looks like we’re late for the party!” Blitzo said with a chuckle. “I wonder who is killing who.”

"Sun bitch!! Get the fuck away from my baby girl!!" James shouted, holding an AK- 74.

Celestia turned to him. “What are you talking about James?”

"Don't play dumb with me Celestia, Twilight called me and told me that you and Luna found out about my baby girl is Nightmare Moon." James said, keep his gun pointed at them while walking slowly towards the other who were still in the barrier.

The gun suddenly was covered in a golden glow before it was torn to pieces. “Don’t act like she is your daughter James. You know full well who and what she is.” Celestia said with narrowed eyes.

James started to growl like a dragon. "I don't care. The Elements saw fit to give her a second chance. I will make sure she gets it either as a friend or a father," James said before narrowed his eyes.

"And you got a lot of fucking nerve saying who does or who doesn't get to live." James said, flames covering his fists.

“You say that as if I had plans of killing her.” Celestia said.

James wasn't an idiot. He knows that look. "It doesn't matter whether or not you are going to do anything. She. Is. Staying. With. Me."

“No, she is not. She needs to be under proper supervision. And that shouldn’t be someone who attracts other worlds deities here.” Celestia said, her wings spreading out while her horns glows.

"The only way you are getting her is by killing me first," James said, now in his Dragon form.

Due to both James and Celestia yelling at each other, Artemis began to wake up and began to cry. James noticed this and tapped on the barrier and Twilight brought down the barrier and James rushed over and took her from Fluttershy. "It’s okay Artemis, daddy’s here." James said, in a calm voice.

Artemis stopped crying and hugged James ripped red hood costume while James glared at Celestia and said. "She was alone. By herself for a year and you or your sister didn't even notice. And now that someone told you about her, you have the nerve to come here and think you could have her. I made a promise to take care of her with my life. So like I said Celestia, she is staying here with me." James said, turning his back to Celestia and Luna.

“James, you are attracting the wrong kind of attention. Do you think that’s any way for any child to live around?!” Celestia argued.

James stopped and looked back at celestia and said. "I made a promise…….she is staying here Celestia. I know what my life is like and it's not a happy and safe place for a child or a baby but unless you are willing to kill for her like any parent would then you can’t take her." James said, walking into the library.

Celestia wanted to say something but Luna stopped her. "No sister. It seems James will not let her go."

Both sisters left for Canterlot with the royal guards while the main six and Helluva Boss gang stood outside the library in silence. "Well….. that happened," Pinkie said, while everyone nodded their heads in agreement.

“Too bad we didn’t see some action. Would have loved to see some bloodshed.” Blitzo said with a grin on his face while the Main Six looked at him in shock and disgust.

“How can y’all get excited over that?” Applejack asked him and Blitzo just chuckled.

“What can I say, killing is fun.” Blitzo said.

The main six just shook their heads and went inside where James was sitting down feeding Artemis. "Are they gone?" James asked not looking at them.

“They are.” Fluttershy said.

James was silent for a moment before saying. "Applejack…… do you think I made the right choice?" James asked the apple farmer, knowing Applejack and her family.

Applejack was quiet for a while before saying. "To be honest with you…. I don't know the answer to that sugarcube but as for me personally I believe you made the right decision on this." Applejack said, rubbing James back while smiling.

“Yeah! Celestia and Luna may be princesses but that doesn’t mean they should take away a baby!” Pinkie said in anger.

James laughed and said. "It’s funny…… my mother said the same thing," James said, that’s when everyone saw James crying. "All my life I was alone….. my dad and mom died when I was 7 years old, my best friend who I saw as a sister killed herself because her family and others saw her as an outcast because she was a lesbian." James said, crying even harder.

“That’s horrible! One shouldn’t be treated that way because of their preferences!” Fluttershy exclaimed in shock.

James just laughed like a mad man scaring them. "That's what some people said. but I didn't care what they said, the only thing I really cared about was that I was alone. After that day I never trusted God and His angels ever again. Anytime someone says that 'God has a plan' or 'God is with you' I just scoff and just walk off. Oh he had a plan all right, his plan was to make sure I had the worst life in existence. And now that I'm here able to finally have something that I wanted for years as a child he wants to take that away from me including his angels, well that's not going to happen. I’ll kill him and any of his angels that try to take that from you again.” James said, looking at the others.

“But how? I mean, don’t get me wrong, you are strong but I don’t think even you can kill a god.” Twilight said.

James glared at Twilight making her flinched. "I don't care. I will find a way." James said, looking and sounding serious

“S-sorry.” Twilight nervously apologized.

James sighed before standing up and hugged Twilight and said. "I'm sorry for glaring at you. I'm just angry at Celestia and Luna for trying to take Artemis.” James said, while Artemis was grabbing Twilight hair.

“It’s fine James, I would be angry too i-if I were in your place.” Twilight said.

James smiled and noticed Artemis was now gripping onto Twilight finger and he chuckled. "Hehe it's almost like we are her parents seeing is how she see you as her mother." James said, not noticing a blushing Twilight and a angry Fluttershy.

“U-uh, yeah.” Twilight hesitantly agreed.

Fluttershy was glaring at Twilight. ‘That whore is trying to-wait what am I thinking?! She is my friend!’ Fluttershy thought, shocked that she would think that about her friend.

“So what now?” Applejack asked.

James just sighed and said. "Well it's getting too tight with all of us living in the library. I think it’s time to build my house," James said, walking out of the library and walked towards the Everfree Forest with the main six, Helluva Boss gang were behind him.

“Why are you walking towards the Everfree dear?” Rarity asked him.

"I'm walking near it. There's a spot where Fluttershy lives that has enough space for my new home." James said, stopping at the place. "Alastor, I know you can hear me. Can you bring the rest of the others here?" James said aloud.

“And is there a reason I should?” Alastor’s voice asked him with the Radio Demon nowhere in sight.

"It’s either you do it willingly or I use the mark. I think you don't want that considering the last time you tried to do something it ended with a painful repercussion." James said, still looking ahead.

Alastor then appeared in front of the group along with the rest of the Hazbin Hotel gang and he had an annoyed smile on his face. “No, I don’t think I want to relive that experience again.”

"I thought so." James said, while the Helluva Boss gang were on edge because Lucifer's daughter and Alastor were here as well.

“Why are we here James?” Charlie asked him.

"It’s time to build my house now." James said, looking through the different houses in cartoons and animes.

“Oh, that’s good.” Charlie said.

“But I don’t see why we need to be here.” Husk said.

"Because one I don't trust you, Alastor, Angel, Cherri, Blitzo, and, funny enough, myself from doing something stupid. Second, the only four people I trust more are Charlie, Vaggie, Twilight and Applejack to make sure I don't try and kill you…….does that help you to understand," James said, while smiling like a dangerous predator.

“Whatever.” Husk said with a roll of his eyes.

“What about Nifty, those other imps and the hellhound?” Angel Dust asked, pointing at said beings.

"Nifty is like Pinkie, can't do much of anything to stop her, as for Moxxie and Millie they are good for the most part of not getting on my nerves……Loona is a different story." James said, while looking at one house he always wanted to live in.

“And what’s supposed to mean?” Loona asked with a raised eyebrow.

"You are a mix between Alastor and Vaggie. You are powerful but you know when not to start something. Specifically you won't try to anger me to the point where I will rip out your heart and drink your blood." James said, shocking everyone, except Alastor. "Also if you are wondering, I ripped an angel's heart out and drank their blood before Twilight called me." James said.

“You what?!?! Do you have any idea how bad that is?!” Charlie exclaimed in shock.

"Nope. Besides, their blood tasted good. I had drained two whole angels of their blood." James said as he selected Wayne manor.

Charlie was freaking out. “Oh no oh no oh no oh no oh no! This is bad! If Heaven finds out about this they’ll send stronger and much more dangerous angels! Ones that not even my dad would want to face alone!”

James just stared and said. "Charlie…… if you think that then why aren't they here then?" James questioned stopping Charlie. "They could have came at any time right now but they didn't. Why is that?"

“Because this world's deities won’t let them! You think the deities of this world are gonna let the angels just come into their world just to get to you?” Charlie asked James. “As long as you are in this world you are theoretically safe.”

James nodded his head. "Corect. This world's God or Goddess isn't going to let any deities into their world." James said, as the Wayne manor appeared in front of them. The main six, Helluva Boss and Hazbin Hotel gang had their jaws dropped except for Alastor, Husk and Loona.

“Meh, I’ve seen better.” Husk said as he and Loona looked at the manor with unimpressed looks.

"Then you can sleep outside then.” James said,

Husk just shrugs in response and Loona just rolls her eyes. “Eh, not like I haven't done that before.” Husk said.

James gained a tick mark on his head and kicked with the force of a sledgehammer right into Husk’s crotch making him double over in pain. "Next time don't talk when I'm not in the mood to deal with you." James said, while towards the Manor.

Angel Dust and Blitzo laughed at Husk’s pain while Charlie and a few others helped him before they headed towards the manor.

"Anyway, this is my dream home. It has 20 bedrooms, 10 bathrooms, both living room and dining room, a gym, indoor pool, and a personal library." James said.

“Wow, I knew the place looked like it belonged to a rich schmuck but now I am definitely sure.” Angel Dust said.

James just sighed in annoyance before going into the manor. "Anyway. Luckily this place can house all of us, as well as it has something that I hope it has," James said, walking into the personal library.

“And what would that be?” Vaggie asked him.

James walked into the library and towards an old father clock. Everyone was confused as James with his free hand turned the clock hand counterclockwise, and to everyone's surprise a secret entrance had opened up. James then walked into the darkness as everyone else followed behind.

“Oh great, this place has secret entrances. Bet this was some old haunted house or something.” Angel Dust said.

"Nope, this is the place where the world's greatest detective solves crime and defeats powerful beings." James said, before flipping a switch for all the lights to come on to show that they were in the bat cave.

“Man, that’s a lot-” Moxxie was cut off by Blitzo.

“A lot of cool shit! We can really use these to help kill some fuckers!” Blitzo exclaimed.

Both the main six and Hazbin Hotel gang looked at Blitzo in shock or smirking. The Helluva Boss gang were confused before feeling a monster amount of bloodlust and rage. "Did you just curse in front of my baby girl Blitzo?" James asked Blitzo while holding two Angel blades in both hands while Applejack was holding Artemis.

“The o is silent buddy and so what? She’s gonna hear them eventually.” Blitzo said without a care.

That's when Blitzo was slammed against the wall with one of the Angel blades impaled into his right shoulder. "Listen here you little imp. While you are in the Living World you will do as I say when I say it. I could have just left you and your daughter down there in Hell or better yet I can just killed you off myself and went down and torture her for hours on end." James said with the Helluva Boss gang trying to stop James but use his Conqueror's Haki forcing them to the ground.

Then James tightened his grip on Blitzo's neck and said. "So unless you want to watch as your daughter cries out in pain and agony, while you sit here not able to do a damn thing. I suggest you learn not to curse in front of kids or else you will learn the painful way." James said, his eyes narrowing and were pitch black and crimson red.

Bltizo hissed in pain before giving James an annoyed look. “Fine. But don’t get your panties in a bunch when someone that isn’t me curses. What are you gonna do when someone else swears in front of her huh? Gonna beat them as well? I’m sure that’ll be really great for her. To have a daddy that beats anyone that so much as utters a curse word.”

"Shut your mouth!!! You will be quiet or else!!" James growled and both Charlie and Vaggie noticed the mark on James arm was glowing and had red veins going up the arm.

“J-James! Calm down. There’s no need to get worked up over this!” Charlie told him.

James was about to say something before grabbing his head and screaming in pain while shaking around which shocked and worried the Main Six, the Hazbin Hotel, and Helluva Boss gangs.

(Like this except no one is trying to control him)

James then entered his dragon form while his powers were pouring out his body trying a mini earthquake as he continued to scream in pain.

“W-what’s going on?!” Twilight shouted as she and the others tried to keep their footing.

“Does it look like we know?!” Applejack shouted abc as she kept a firm grip on Artemis.

"AAAAHHHHH!!!!!" James screamed, while he changed into something. Everyone stared as another pair of white angelic wings burst out his back along with his Dragon like wings. His hair was almost snow white but still had some crimson red in it.

Charlie was in shock at what she was seeing. “N-no way…that s-should be impossible!”

“Charlie! Do you know what’s happening to him?!” Vaggie asked the princess of hell.

“H-he’s become part angel!!” Charlie exclaimed which shocked everyone even more.

“WHAT?!?!” they all shouted in unison.

James was breathing heavily and had his eyes closed and said. "She is not lying. it must have happened after I drank both Angel’s blood and it must have done something to me." James said, already feeling the second pair of wings on his back.

“Wait, so does that mean if anyone drinks angel blood they become part agnel as well? Well that sucks.” Husk said.

"No." James said, getting everyone's attention. "Mine is a special case. I think it’s different for me then it's for others, but there's only one way to find out," James said, taking out the one of the Angel Graces.

“Wait, what are you doing?” Charlie asked him.

"Test a theory." James said, letting the Grace go into his mouth and his body started to glow along with his eyes.

“Whoa, freaky.” Angel Dust commented.

After the glowing stop James looked at his nothing changed as much except for the new wings. He then looked at his stats and saw what they said.

James D. Williams lv.400
Strength: 80, 0000
Speed: 95000
Defense: 80,000
Hp: 650000 / 650000
Magic: 750000 / 750000

James stared at the screen for a moment before saying. "I guess I'm more powerful than Celestia, Luna, and Torch put together," James said.

“What?! A-are you sure?!” Twilight asked him, shocked at what he was claiming.

James nodded his head. "Pretty sure. Torch was at lv. 200, while Celestia and Luna were both near lv. 100." James said. "And after drinking both Angel blood and Graces. I probably became 5x stronger than all three of them." James finished shocking everyone, except Alastor, to their core.

“T-that’s…” Charlie began but didn’t know what to say.

“Insane? Crazy? Impossible?” Moxxie said.

“All of the above?” Angel Dust added next.

James just shrugged his shoulders before a notification popped up. Once James read it, it made him go pale and he was covered in fear and embarrassed.

“What’s wrong? You look like you just found out someone discovered your most embarrassing secret.” Angel Dust said with a chuckle.

"Well the reason for my aggression the last few weeks is because of my mating season is two days away from here." James said, not looking at them.

Everyone was quiet when they heard that information and everyone was left in an uncomfortable silence which was broken by Applejack saying. “Come again?”

James was now blushing crimson and said. "The reason for my aggression the last few weeks is because my mating season is two days away from here but the worse part is that both male and female are not safe because I'm Bisexual." James said, looking and sounded embarrassed.

“Oh…well that might be bad.” Twilight said in worry.

James just nodded his head. "Yep, if I don't find somewhere to be locked away. I might just rape every mare and stallion in Ponyville." James said.

“Oh, that’s not bad, that is very, very, very terrible.” Applejack said.

While the main six were trying to figure out how to keep James from attacking anyone. The Helluva Boss gang and Hazbin Hotel gang had a different reaction to the news.

“Oh dear, considering how strong you are, I don’t really think that anywhere can keep you locked up. Well, at least not for a while.” Moxxie said in worry.

"Moxxie stop being a pussy. It's not that bad," Blitzo said, with both Loona and Husk agreeing.

“Sir, this man has shown that he’s capable of doing anything!” Moxxie exclaimed while gesturing to James.

"And? It's not like he can take all of us at once." Blitzo said, still not believing James is that scary.

"Sir! He took on three angels by himself! And he is willing to do anything to get what he wants! Not only that, he just said he is now stronger than three of this world's rulers!" Moxxie shouted, with Millie nodding her head in agreement.

“Yeah! I mean, he has shown that he can fight and kill angels! What more proof do ya need?!” Millie questioned him.

Blitzo still didn't want to believe it but Loona was starting to get a little worried as well. "Maybe we should find a way to keep him contain just in case." Loona said.

“Maybe we can keep him on an island with powerful barriers surrounding it?” Charlie suggested.

"The bat cave," James said, getting everyone's attention. " I'm going to lock myself down here in the Batcave for one whole week as long as nobody disturbs me I'll be fine," James said.

"How do we know that you won't come out and try to rape us in our sleep," Cherri asked eyebrow raised.

"Because once it starts I won't have my intelligence. I'll be more like a mindless animal trying to mate with the first thing I see and like I said before, as long as nobody opens the door and comes down here to the cave, all I have to do is wait an entire week." James explained.

“I still think some barriers would needed, just in case.” Charlie said.

James nodded and said. "Alright then Charlie. We can do that as well," James said, while waking back into the library.


Chapter 10

James mating seasons starting…….. WAIT BLUEBLOOD DON'T OPEN THAT DOOR

(Third person POV two days later)

It's been 2 days since James told everyone about his mating season. And right now he's in the Batcave with tons of wards and barriers surrounding it to make sure he doesn't get out. The Main Six, Hazbin Hotel and Helluva Boss gang, and Ember were in the living room while James roared from the cave while banging on the walls.

“Are we sure those spells are gonna hold?” Applejack asked.

“Me and Charlie have put up the best wards and barriers all over the cave, including the door. James won’t be able to get out.” Twilight said, fidgeting in place.

Another roar shook the manor. "God damn! He's really pent up, isn’t he?!" Angel said, almost falling out of the chair.

“Ya think?! I’m glad he’s in there and we’re out here where it’s safe.” Husk said as he took a chug out of the bottle of alcohol James had given him when they first met. “In fact, I should probably skip town until things calm down. I don’t want to be around when crud hits the fan.”


Both Cherri and Angel Dust blush a bit. “You know, I’d be flattered if I wasn’t scared.” Angel Dust commented while Husk, Alastor, Moxxie and Millie were leaving.

“Yep, I’m outta here. You can deal with that crazy horny demon angel whatever the hell he is.” Husk said.

After Husk, Alastor, Moxxie and Millie left, everyone stared at the entrance to the library with worry and fear. "You know I think it’s better for us to leave for now?" Loona asked and everyone agreed and started to leave before hearing a knock on the door.

“Now who in the world could that be?” Rarity asked as she and the others walked over to the front door.

Once they to get to the front door and opened it, they saw, to their dismay, that it was Prince Blue Blood. And he was not happy to see the Main Six, especially Rarity and Twilight. "Ugh, why are you six here?" Blueblood asked snidely.

“What are you doing here Blueblood? I don’t recall anyone inviting you.” Rarity said as she glared at the prince.

"I'm here to punish that dragon bastard for turning me into a mare." Blueblood said, forcing his way inside of James manor.

“Hey! You can’t just enter someones home like that!” Pinkie told him.

“Actually, how in Celestia’s name did you find out about this place?!” Applejack asked him.

"Auntie Celestia and Luna talked about this dragon building a new home here," he said, walking into the library. "Although this place is nothing special." he said, before hearing heavy breathing.

“It’s certainly more impressive than whatever you call a mansion.” Rarity said before CHarlie stepped forward.

“Look, you need to leave right now. You are currently trespassing and we will call the proper authorities.” Charlie told him, knowing that this stallion would cause trouble based on the way the Main Six reacted to him.

Blueblood just laughed and said. "I'm the prince of Equestria. I can do whatever I please." Blueblood said and that's when everyone stopped after they heard deep growling coming from the father clock as well as the sound of someone sniffing.

Everyone’s minus Blueblood's eyes widened in panic. “Oh no…” Twilight said in worry as they all began to step back from the clock.

All of a sudden there was a loud bang and something hit the wall making an indent before it growled again. " I smell you up out there." a demonic voice said.

“Those barriers will hold…right?” Vaggie asked Charlie and Twilight.

“We hope so.” Twilight said nervously.

Blueblood walked over to the clock. The others tried to stop him but he used his magic to rip the clock off the wall making a hole. "I know you are down there freak-AAAHHHH," Blueblood didn't get to finish before a hand grabbed his face and pulled him into the darkness with him screaming.

Everyone stared in horror at the hole while also backing away from it to avoid being grabbed as well. “T-Twilight, Charlie…h-how fast can y-y’all set up another one of them b-barriers?” Applejack asked the two who gulped in fear.

“N-not fast enough.” Charlie said.

They then saw a hand grabbed on to the inside of the hole before a leg stepped out. And what they saw both made them shivering in fear and blushing crimson. James was standing in the entrance of the home, nearly towering everyone in height. He had a muscle mass that was even greater than Big Mac and he was completely naked with his private parts out in the open for everyone to see and tell by the size of it they knew it would break them in half.

“G-g-guys?” Twilight said as everyone continued stepping back.

“Yes?” everyone said in response.

“RUN!!!” Twilight shouted and that’s exactly what everyone did as they all booked it.

"GET BACK HERE!!!!" James roared before running after them. They were running for both their lives and their asses, literally.

"I DON'T WANT TO BE RAPED!!!" Pinkie screamed, while running into the dining room.

“JUST RUN PINKIE!!” Applejack shouted as she ran up the stairs with Charlie and Vaggie following her.

"Is there any way to calm him down?!" Charlie asked as they heard James roar followed by a loud explosive crashing.

“How should we know?!?!” Applejack asked as they all hid in one room and barricaded the door with Charlie beginning to cast barrier spells. Their was the sound of a pop and the others turned to see the others in the room, with Fluttershy and Rarity shaking like a leaf in fear.

There was a loud bang followed by a roar of anger. "Angel, Cherri, Ember, Fluttershy, I know you're in there…come out and let me taste you." James said, while they heard claw noise going down the door.

This made the mentioned beings gulp nervously. “H-hey princess. Please tell m-me you got a way for u-us to get out of here?!” Ember asked Twilight who was desperately racking her brain for any spells that can get them out of the manor and away from James.

There was a loud crash as they looked back in horror as the door exploded, leaving a large hole for James to enter but before he could do anything he grabbed his head in pain while growling and grunting.

"What’s going on with him?!" Rainbow said, looking ready to fly out the near window.

That's when they saw half of James face turned back to normal as half of it was looking at them with desperation and pain. The other half looked at them with lust and frustration. "P-please girls, h-help me," they heard James pleaded.

“Help him?! How are we going to do that?!?!” Rainbow shouted in exasperation.

James was going to say something but grunted in pain and yelling. "I-I'M SORRY!! BUT YOU CAN’T STAY HERE!!!" James shouted before grabbing them and the only thing they heard was rushing winds and the flapping of wings before finding themselves outside the manor.

“Huh?! How in tarnation did we end up out here?! Rainbow said, while looking around.

They then heard a roar followed by crashing and furniture being destroyed. "I think he helped us escape from himself." Rarity said in confusion.

“Well thank fuck he did. I wasn’t looking forward to getting raped.” Cherri said with a sigh of relief.

“Wait, what about Blueblood? He’s still in there.” Twilight said.

They then heard another scream but more girly and they looked up to see Blueblood flying out of the roof of the manor and towards Canterlot castle. "There he is." Pinkie said.

(One week later]

It's been one week since James' mating season ended and he apologized to everyone about what happened in the manor with some of them accepting the apology.

Right now James, Scootaloo, Rainbow, and Artemis were outside waiting on Fluttershy to meet with their parents. "Are you sure they won't mind us coming to your guys' family reunion?" James asked, while Artemis was playing with Scootaloo.

“I already told you, it’s fine.” Rainbow told him as Scootaloo played peek-a-boo with Artemis, much to the baby’s joy.

James just nodded his head. It was silent for a moment before James sighed and said. "Rainbow Dash, I know we don't get along with each other…….but thanks for being my friend and helping me with the whole, you know, mating thing." James said, rubbing his neck in embarrassment.

“Don’t remind me. I was scared for both my life and my, you know.” Rainbow said, the sighed before quietly saying. “You’re welcome.” but James had heard it.

James smiled and that's when Fluttershy came out wearing a sundress with a sun hat. "Sorry for taking so long guys." Fluttershy said.

"Don't worry shy, besides I probably need some normalcy for at least one day." James said, laughing a little.

“Considering it’s you we’re talking about, we might as well just throw normal out the window with all the weird stuff going on.” Rainbow said with a roll of her eyes.

"Ow RD, friendly fire." James said, while having a small gray cloud over his head.

“What? It’s true.” Rainbow said with a shrug.

"Rainbow Dash." Fluttershy warned.

"Okay okay, I'll stop," Rainbow said, holding her hands up.

After that they made their way to Cloudsdale. Twilight had just put the cloud walking spell on James allowing him to walk on clouds for a day and once they were in the city James was shocked and amazed by the city alone.

"Wow, still can't believe you guys lived here." James said, getting flashbacks to one of his favorite games.

“We did though it wasn’t all that pleasant.” Fluttershy said while looking down a bit.

James noticed it and wanted to ask but wanted to wait for them to be alone. "Well let's get a move on then." James said, walking in the direction of Fluttershy's old home.

“Um, that’s the wrong way James.” Fluttershy told him.

James stopped and looked at Fluttershy and said. "Oh OK, I guess I will follow you ms. Beautiful pegasus." James said, standing next to her.

Fluttershy’s cheeks turned a light shade of pink from the compliment but she smiled faintly and nodded. “O-ok. Just follow me and Rainbow Dash a-and we’ll get to my parents place soon.”

James nodded and let Fluttershy and Rainbow lead the way. Scootaloo was on James shoulders and Artemis was in a baby pouch that James was wearing.

Fluttershy looked at them and thought. "This almost feels like we’re on a family outing," Fluttershy thought before turning red at what she just thought.

Once they made it to Fluttershy house she knocked on the door and after a moment or two a middle aged woman answered the door. "Hello there Flutt-" the Mare didn't get to finish before looking at James with fear and worry.

James noticed this and said. "Hey Ms. Shy, my name is James D. Williams, and this two are Scootaloo D. Williams and Artemis D. Williams," James said, pointing at his kids. The Mare still stared up at James while James thought. ‘Really getting fucking tired of my height right now.’ James thought while still trying to smile.

Fluttershy seeing how afraid her mother was getting, she quickly spoke up. “O-oh, it’s ok mom. Despite his size, he’s actually really sweet and caring.”

Hears this help the mare calm down only a little. "O-oh OK, it's nice to meet you James." she said, smiling softly.

James wanted to laugh because both Fluttershy and her mom acted the same when she met him. "It’s nice to meet you too Mrs. Shy." James said, smiling back.

She then stepped aside to let them inside. “D-do come in. I just f-finished making some tea.”

James was about to step in until his head hit the top of the door frame, taking out a large chunk of it. Everyone looked up to see that he was indeed too tall to do the doorway. James laughed nervously while stretching his head before saying. "Sorry about that, I think I can fix that." James said, walking inside.

“Oh don’t w-worry about that dear.” Mrs. Shy said with a kind smile as everyone sat at the table while she went to get cups for them.

James looked around at Fluttershy's old childhood home and said. "You know, I never felt such a home feeling after my parents death." James said, looking at a photo of Fluttershy and her family.

“Y-your parents had died? I-I’m sorry to hear t-that.” Mrs. Shy said sadly.

"Yeah, it didn't help when I was 4 years old too." James said, looking a little sad. Everyone noticed his saddened look before it was replaced with a fake smile. "But hey I'm still here right?" James said but it almost sounded like he was questioning himself.

Everything was quiet before they heard someone at the door. Ms.Shy went to answer it and once she did she saw both Rainbow Dash's parents and Zephyr Breeze, and next to them while being held up was her husband who had cuts and bruises.

“Oh my Celestia!! What happened?!” Mrs. Shy exclaimed in shock, horror and worry as she helped Bow Hothoof and Zephyr bring her husband in.

"It was Golden Fang," Zephyr said, causing both Fluttershy and Mrs. Shy to gasp in shock and horror.

Both Rainbow Dash and her parents were angry and worried for him. James was confused and asked. "Uhm sorry but who is this Golden Fang?" James asked walking over to them.

Everyone had a look of worry on their faces before Hothoof replied to James’s question. "Golden fang is a mob boss who has Cloudsdale in his back pocket. That means the mayor and the royal guards." Hothoof said, tightening his fist in anger. "And just today, Zephyr owes him 7,0000 gold coins from a bet and when he didn't have the money he-" he didn't want to finish the memory being too painful.

James noticed this and thought about it for a moment before going up to Fluttershy’s dad and touching his forehead with two fingers and to everyone's surprise he was fully healed in a matter of seconds.

“W-what the?! He’s completely healed?! What kind of healing magic was that?!” Zephyr asked James.

"It’s not magic but something else." James said, and his eyes were ocean blue while both his angel wings and dragon wings appeared on his back.

Everyone just stared in shock and awe at James. “W-what are you?” Windy Whistles asked him.

"Well it's a little complicated, but I’m part human, kaiju, demon, and now angel," James said, equipped with Thor's armor and had Stormbreaker in his right hand.

“What are any of those things?” Zephyr asked in confusion.

"I don't have the patience to explain each and every one of them. so to simplify I'm just a monster who eats other monsters…… and before you try to disagree with me on this it's true so don't try to lie." James said, while looking at both Scootaloo and Fluttershy.

“What do you mean? I wasn’t going to lie.” Scootaloo said.

"Scootaloo D. Williams," James said, using her full name while crossing his arms.

Scootaloo gulps a bit as she fidgets nervously. “W-what?”

James just sighed and hugged her tightly and said. "Peanut, I know you don’t like it when either me or someone else calls me a monster…….but it's OK. As long as I have you and Artemis then I'm at peace." James said, kissing her forehead.

“O-ok.” Scootaloo looked as if she wanted to argue but chose not to.

After that James, Zephyr, Hothoof and Mr. Shy was walking in the direction of the mob boss’s hideout. "So…….are you my little sister coltfriend or something?" Zephyr asked.

James blushed a little and said. "No, we're just friends." James said, but wined a bit after saying that.

The three stallions raised eyebrows at that. “You sure? Cause that sounded like you wanted to be.” Hothoof said.

James was silent before saying. "Fluttershy is Something that I could never have…… especially for what I am now," James started looking at his hands.

"I'm a monster. She is a pony, even if she loved me doesn't mean that ponies wouldn’t try to hurt her…..back home I would have given anything just to be with her. But I can't trust myself not to kill anything or anyone who tries to hurt her." James finished looking up at the sky.

This made the three stallions go silent before Hothoof spoke. “Gotta admit, that’s a bit much but can’t say I might not do the same if one of my loved ones was being hurt by someone who wanted to try and hurt me.” he then placed a hand on James’ shoulder. “Wanting to make sure those you love are safe doesn’t make you a monster. But letting yourself lose yourself to anger might do the trick.”

"Then I guess it doesn't help I lose it a few times then," James said, he was going to continue but Mr. Shy said they are here.

Once James got a good look at it. He was surprised that it was a run down bar. "Well… this is something?" James questioned looking at the place.

“It’s inconspicuous is what it is.” Zephyr said with a frown while Mr. Shy was growing more and more nervous by the second.

"Okay before we go in there I want to let you guys know whatever you see, and whatever you hear you will not tell the others." James said, looking serious.

This confused the stallions. “What do you mean? What are you going to do in there?” Hothoof questioned him.

"Let’s just say." James started his eyes turning pitch black and crimson red. "You're gonna find out why I don't deserve Fluttershy." James finished, while walking up to the door and kicking it open.

“Well so much for stealth.” Zephyr said with an eye roll as they entered the building.

Once James entered the rundown bar, inside were 20 pegasus both male and female alike. "OK, who here is Golden Fang?!" James shouted.

“Who’s asking?!” one of the pegasi asked as they all got ready to pull out their weapons.

James saw this and with a smirk. "The guy who just got through fucking his mom and sister. They want to know when he is coming home." James said, shocking everyone.

“What did you just say?!” another pegasus shouted angrily as he stood up from his chair, glaring daggers at James.

James smirk grew bigger and said. "I think you heard me bird brains. Or are you guys just to stupid to understand me." James said, knowing he touched a nerve with that comment.

“We’ll show you stupid!! Get them!!” the pegasus ordered and everyone charged at the group, armed to the teeth.

James just smiled evilly and summoned a M249 light machine gun. "Oh goodness, did you fuckers fuck up now." James said, before pulling the trigger.

A barrage of bullets flew through the air before piercing the flesh of the pegasi, making them all either scream in pain or fall to the ground, dead. While this was happening Hothoof, Zephyr and Mr. Shy stood there in shock and horror at James' brutality.

“Sweet Celestia! He’s practically showing no mercy towards them!” Zephyr exclaimed.

“No kidding.” Hoyhoof said as he watches another pegasus fall to the ground, his body full of bullet holes.

But Mr. Shy had it the worst. Knowing that James was around his daughter every single day made him feel massive amounts of fear and worry.

’O-oh dear! I’m n-not sure if Fluttershy should be a-around him anymore!’ Mr. Shy thought.

After that, the bar full of pegasus were nothing more than dead bodies and covered in holes. "OK you three let's go." James said, not looking at them.

“Holy, don’t you think that was a little extreme?!” Zephyr asked James.

James stopped and looked at Zephyr making him flinched. "Zephyr…..right now I'm beyond mad, you owe a mob boss' money. And not only that, your father was beaten within an inch of his life. Right now I don’t want you to talk to me until I calm down." James said, continuing to walk in the bar.

“Ok, then I’ll talk. I don’t know where you’re from but here, what you just did was beyond extreme. We could have just gone in there, kicked their asses and dropped them at the authorities.” Hothoof said.

James just kept walking, enraging Hothoof. That is when they stopped in front of a double door office. "If you don't want to be here, then fucking leave." James said, opening the door.

Once the door was opened, the three saw a pegasus with black and silver fur with black hair that was slicked back but the most noticeable thing was he had a golden fang sticking out. “So you’re the punks who made all that ruckus down in my bar. If you’re here then I can assume my goons are dead then?” he asked them as he remained seated.

"Hmm, you're not what I was expecting," James said, before sitting down in front of Golden Fang. "But what I would like to know is why you beat up Mr. Shy instead of Zephyr?" James questioned.

“Send a message. Show that we will come after his family if he doesn't pay up.” Golden Fang said as he grabbed a cup full of alcohol and drank some of it.

The others were angry but then were surprised by what James said. "Smart, make sure you wouldn't just all talk. So first I'm here to pay Zephyr's debt." James said, pulling out a bag of gold coins. "In that bag is 500,000 gold Coins…..as for the second thing, I heard you got your hands on six stones." James said while looking and sounding calm.

Golden Fang as well as the others were shocked at what they were hearing before Golden Fang chuckles. “You know, there are other ways of trying to do business with me then killing every one of my goons.” he then offered James a drink.

James took the drink and said. "Sorry about that, I was letting off some steam from hearing what my friend older idiotic brother did to make having his father beaten up," James said. "Although, seeing as how you sound about me killing your men, you don't really care about them being alive or dead." James said, taking a sip of his drink.

“Sort of. A few of them had families so there’s that situation.” Golden Fang said.

"As a wise man once said oh well in for a penny," James said, not even phase by the comments.

Golden Fang just laughed. “You’re a cruel person you know that? Don’t even give a fuck if some of those ponies had families that won’t ever see them again.”

James just shrugged his shoulders and said. "Well as long as my family and my friends' family are safe. Then that's all I care about." he said, while they were talking the others were shocked and angry about what James was doing and saying.

’I-I was right! Fluttershy should definitely not be a-around someone who is so heartless!’ Mr. Shy thought to himself, making up his mind to keep his daughter away from such a terrible person.

’This boy, he’s no better than the worst scum of Equestria.’ Hothoof thought angrily with his fists clenching so hard his knuckles were beginning to turn white.

"OK Golden. Let's get to business," James said, getting serious. "Like I said, you have six stones in your possession." James said, crossing his arms and leaning back into his chair.

“I do but I want to know what’s so important about them that you would ask about them.” Golden Fang said.

James was silent for a moment before answering. "Those stones are something that not even you are willing to risk your life for. But if you need me to make it easier for you I could kill you off and take them," James said, looking Golden Fang in the eyes.

"But I don't think you’re wife and son wouldn't like knowing you die here right?" James asked, smirking at Golden Fang.

“Heh, no they wouldn’t.” he reached into a drawer and tossed the six stones onto the table. “Go ahead and take them. If they manage to make you come here then I would rather not deal with whatever else wants them.”

James grabbed them and stood. He turned but stopped and looked back at Golden Fang. "I will come back to talk with you about something you may be interested in." James said, before leaving with the others.

They were all silent as they left Golden Fang’s office and then when they got out of the bar, that’s when Hothoof began to shout. “What is wrong with you?! Do you even care what happens to anyone?! Did you just come here just to get those stupid stones?! If so, then thanks for telling us that we’re just here to show you where Golden Fang is!!”

"Hothoof," James said, in a demonic voice making the others shiver in fear about his voice. "I suggest that you calm down and keep walking. I will tell everyone about the stones." James finished not looking at them.

“N-no. I don’t want you anywhere near my family.” Mr. Shy said. “Someone l-like you should never be around my d-daughter.”

“He’s right. You just went in there and killed all those ponies and didn’t even care if they had families. All so you could just talk with that no good Golden Fang about some stupid stones!” Hothoof said next.

"THIS STONES AREN’T SIMPLY CRYSTAL GEMS!!!!!" James roared and causing everyone to flinch by his voice and as for the others they were frozen in place by his pitch black and crimson red dragon eyes.

"These stones are more dangerous and destructive than I could ever be. And having them in the hands of that man will only spell trouble for both you and your family and everyone else on this planet. Just be lucky I took them from him and convinced him that other people will come and get it not knowing if it even existed." James said, getting into Hothoof’s face and then slowly looked at Mr. Shy and said.

"And as for your daughter. I told her time and time again that I was not something to be around. But her kindness to help others wouldn't let it be. So it’s up to her if she doesn't want to be around me." James said, and continued walking towards Fluttershy home.

The three stallions were silent while Hothoof glared at James. ’F-Fluttershy, why would you b-be with someone like him?’ Mr. Shy thought to himself.

After a moment of silence they made it to the house and once inside James told Scootaloo to take Artemis into another room. Once that was done James told the mares what happened. Unsurprisingly Rainbow Dash was in rage by James' actions as well as her mother. Ms. Shy was getting more and more nervous being around James and having him near her children.

“You did what?!!? Dude!! What the buck is wrong with you?! Why would you kill those guys instead of beating them up?!? That would have sent a message AND they would still be alive!!” Rainbow shouted angrily.

James just sat there looking at Rainbow Dash with a cold look. "Rainbow Dash….. I don’t care," James said, everyone stared at him in shock.

"I don't care what could or couldn't happen. I don’t care if beating them or killing them would work. I don’t fucking care what you, your father, your friends, the princesses, Faust or even death herself think about me. I came from a world bathed in blood and greed. My home was not all sunshine and rainbows. People there only cared for themselves or their families. I lost my humanity when my parents died. I lost my kindness when my friend died. What you see is a man who is beating on death's door. You can talk about harmony and friendship until the universe itself is destroyed, but let me make things crystal clear….. I. Am. Not. Your. Friend. Never had and never will be." James finished, staring at them with dead eyes.

Fluttershy and her family were shocked to hear this while Rainbows family was a bit saddened but still angry at what James had done.

It was silent for a moment before James sighed in annoyance and tiredness. "Look… I know I'm not the nicest guy in this world. But I'm not going to listen to you or your parents Rainbow Dash," James said, looking at them before looking at Fluttershy and said.

"Flutters….. I told you time and time again that I was a monster underneath this face. That you would be better off being someone else's friend. And now that you know who and what I am. Do you still think that I'm a nice pony?" James asked while looking at her.

Fluttershy was quiet, unable to say anything. She knew James wasn't a nice pony at all, but the truth was she really didn't care. Something about James just existed her more specifically his brutally against other ponies and she would be lying if that didn't make her have lewd thought about them having sex on the dead bodies of his and her enemies.

“We certainly don’t think so.” Rainbow said while crossing her arms.

James just rolled his eyes and said. "But as for these stones Hothoof. If Golden Fang were to find out these stones are powerful enough to rival Celestia and Luna’s power combined." James said, showing the Infinity Stones.

“There’s no way those things are that powerful.” Zephyr said, not believing James. “What, can they rewrite reality on a whim or something?”.

"No, one of these stones has a unique power each." James said, and grabbed the Power Stone and everyone saw to their shock and horror, James hand started to have cracks going across his hand down to his forearm with purple energy showing through the cracks.

“What in the world?!” Mrs. Shy shouted in shock as she and everyone else backed away.

James grunted in pain and concentration. "This is called the Power Stone. One out of the six Infinity Stones, like the name implies, it gives whoever holds it unlimited power… uncontrollable unlimited power." James said, dropping the stone.

“Those things should be locked away then. Somewhere where no one can find them.” Rainbow said.

"Sorry Dash but I can let Celestia or Luna have them," James said, closing the box and putting it in his inventory.

“Why not? You act like they’re gonna get corrupted or something.” Rainbow said angrily.

“Yeah. Why don’t you?” Windy Whistles asked.

"Because power corrupts Rainbow. It doesn't matter if you're good or bad, it's a fact that over time power scorrupts." James said, looking serious. "And nothing you say or do is going to change that." James finished standing up.

Rainbow just grumbles angrily, muttering something about the princesses wouldn’t be corrupted but no one could really tell.

James just shook his head and looked outside to see it was nighttime. "It’s already late and I believe that both Scootaloo and Artemis are asleep," James said, looking at Mr. And Ms. Shy. "Can you keep them for the night? I'll just sleep outside." James said, walking towards the front door.

"Wait!" Fluttershy said, stopping James and he turned towards her, "Y-you can stay here tonight in my room with me." Fluttershy said, having a small blush.

“Fluttershy, I-I don’t think that’s a good i-idea.” Mrs. Shy said in worry.

"Yeah, this guy literally kills ponies." Zephyr said, looking at James with a glare.

James just ignored Zephyr and asked Fluttershy. "Fluttershy are you sure you want to do that?" He asked, looking serious.

‘What I want is for you to treat me like prey. My dangerous predator.’ Fluttershy thought while having a nervous look but inside she wanted, no, need for James to be close to her. "Y-yes I'm s-sure." Fluttershy said, in a fake nervous voice that nobody noticed.

“You can’t be serious Shy!” Rainbow said in disbelief.

Fluttershy nodded her head while thinking. "Don't try to ruin this Rainbow. Or you're going to regret," Fluttershy thought, trying not to glare at Rainbow Dash.

After James agreed and everyone went to sleep. It was the middle of the night James was asleep and didn't notice a butter yellow Pegasus straddling his lap looking down at him.

"Finally we’re alone," Fluttershy said, smiling with lust in her eyes. "You and everyone else also wondered why I stayed by you, and you think it's out of kindness but it's not,." Fluttershy said, feeling James muscular chest and biting her bottom lip.

"The real reason is because when you hurt that guard, seeing his blood on your hands made me feel pleasure just from your brutality. This aura of death and murder around you always makes me want to buck you silly on a dead corpse." she said, lifting his shirt and moaning at the site of his muscular body, imagining the blood of his enemies and monsters covering him made her rubbing herself on his groin.

James groaned in response and moved a little but remained asleep.

Fluttershy only grinned before getting close to James’s ear and said. "Back during your mating season I wanted to help you with it. To be your bitch that you would use every. Single. Day. And I could tell by the girls and those two demons wanted to," Fluttershy said, licking James' ear.

Then she went in front of his face and continued. "You're the ultimate predator. I want to have that. That monster you kept on saying was dangerous. I want it soooo badly," Fluttershy said, kissing James passionately and deeply causing James to wake up.

He looked at Fluttershy with partially opened eyes in shock. He couldn’t believe what he had heard and was seeing.

Once Fluttershy was finished french kissing James, he saw something that both shocked and horrified him. Fluttershy was sitting on his groin but her eyes were crimson red and her pink hair was standing up and looked more like spikes than hair.

"I know sooner or later we wouldn’t be able to control ourselves so when that day comes I will show you what it's like to fuck the granddaughter of death my precious James." Fluttershy said, while turning back to normal and laying down next to him.

Chapter 11

Apple family reunion, Hi My name is James D. Williams……….APPLEJACKS COLTFRIEND!?!?!

(2 weeks later Third person pov)

It's been 2 weeks since James was at Fluttershy’s home and what he had seen. ‘Why did Fluttershy do that?’ James thought while remembering Fluttershy kissing him. Even though it felt so good, seeing Fluttershy almost looking like Hela the Goddess of Death wasn't good.

James was spacing out so much that he didn't hear Applebloom call him. “James!!” Applebloom shouted loudly next to him.

James jumped and looked around the train car, seeing the ponies leaving and seeing Applejack, Big Mac, Granny Smith, and Scootaloo were looking at him. "What happened? Are we there?" James asked, getting up and stretching but due to how small the car was he didn't have that much room.

“Yeah, that’s what we’ve been trying to tell you for the past five minutes.” Applejack said as she and the others sat up as well.

"Oh… sorry I was thinking about uhhh how Artemis is doing with Charlie and Vaggie." James said, trying not to think about Flutterdeath right now.

“I’m sure she’s fine James. I mean, it’s not like Charlie and Vaggie will be bad babysitters.” Applejack reassured him. “I should know. I asked Charlie to watch Applebloom while everyone at the farm was too busy to do so.”

James nodded and grabbed a large suitcase. "Are you going to be OK caring that sunny?" Granny Smith asked while they were next to the train.

"Don't worry Ms. Smith, this isn't heavy at all. To me I'm barely lifting anything at all." James said, smiling brightly.

Granny chuckles. “Whatever you say.” Granny said while everyone laughed.

The group was walking through the town of Appaloosa with everyone saying hi to them. "Are you guys OK with me and Scootaloo coming to your reunion?" James asked, waving at a few kids and adults.

“Yeah we’re ok with it James. After all, what’s the harm?” Applejack asked him.

"Well because you were trying really hard for me to come, Applejack," James said, not noticing Applejack's nervous look.

“I w-was?” Applejack asked.

"Yeah you were?" James questioned, before thinking for a moment. "Applejack, what are you hiding," James asked, looking at her.

“N-nothing.” Applejack said, looking away while sweating nervously.

James was about to ask again but was interrupted by a stallion who had light-brown fur with dark brown hair and he was wearing a brown vest with blue jeans and a brown stetson rested on his head. "Cousin Applejack!" the stallion said happily and walked up towards them.

“Hey there Braeburn. How’s it going?” Applejack asked Braeburn as the two shook hooves.

“Going great cuz! Nearly the whole Apple Clan has shown up.” Braeburn then noticed James and looked at him. “Oh! You brought a friend?”

“Yeah. This is James.” Applejack said as he and James shook hands while Braeburn ahd a surprised look on his face and what he said next, shocked James to the core and made Applejack go wide eyed in fear.

“Wait, James? As in your coltfriend James?” he asked her.

James just stood there frozen. Everyone except for Braeburn knew what James just heard wasn't going to end well. James then looked at Applejack with eyes that said 'you're going to explain later cowgirl'.

And to everyone's surprise James put on a friendly smile and said. "I guess I can't lie to you then, yup I'm Applejack’s coltfriend." James said, walking over to Applejack and putting his arm around her wrist and kissed her deeply.

Applejack went wide eyed in shock and just froze. After a few seconds they seperated and James said. "You have know idea how happy we are. Right Applejack?" James asked the farmer who was still shocked from the unexpected kiss.

“U-uh yeah! We’re definitely happy!” Applejack said as she snapped out of her shocked state.

Braeburn smiled and nodded his head. “Well that’s good to hear! I’m glad you managed to find yourself a coltfriend cuz! Considering the fact that you work nearly all the time or go around saving Equestria and stuff.”

James laughed and said. "I know that's the truth," he said, causing Applejack to wince at that. After that they were walking towards the apple farm all the while Braeburn was asking James some questions.

“So how’d you and Applejack meet? And how long have the two of you been together for?” he asked.

Those two questions made Applejack freeze in place with worry. "Me and Applejack met when I saved her sister Applebloom from a bugbear attack. We started off as friends at first but after a while of spending time together, you could say she was the angel that pulled me from the darkness." James said, smiling softly. "And we've been together for 2 whole weeks now." James said, looking at the farm.

Braeburn chuckles a bit. “Well that’s nice to hear.” Once they entered the farm, James and Scootaloo were introduced to the rest of Applejack's family and then were led to their room with James and Applejack sharing a room.

"So my dear marefriend… why does your family think we're dating," James asked, while his arms were crossed.

Applejack gulps a bit but knew that she needed to come clean so she sighed and started to explain. “Some fancy rich noble named Pepper Spice wants to marry me but I don’t want to marry him.”

James was beyond angry. But then he thought for a moment, Applejack’s family deals in apples and this pepper guy only deals in spices. It's not out of the idea for marriage based on business. "OK I get it now. But is this stallion that bad?" James questioned.

Applejack sighs as she slumps in a chair. “The worst. I caught him talking to himself about how he can’t believe he’s having to fake having any interest in me and that he’s only going to marry me because I’m one of the Element Bearers.” she had a pissed off look on her face after she finished explaining.

James sighed in annoyance at this. "God damn it. Okay I'll help you, but I'm doing it my way Applejack." James said, smiling evilly.

“U-uh….your way?” Applejack asked nervously.

James smirks before walking slowly towards Applejack. Making her back way from him until she was up against the wall. "Applejack~ I'm going to make sure I tease you with pleasure every second of every moment. Until you are left frustrated and confused." James said before pushing his body against Applejack and kissing her neck and working his way down to her collarbone.

For Applejack's part, she tried not to moan but it was getting more and more difficult by the second. "It’s okay Applejack let it out." James whispered into her ear.

"W-what about t-the others?" Applejack tried asking. For some reason she didn't want him to stop, going as far as to wrap her leg around his waist. James, noticing this, picked her up and said.

"Come on, tell me how much you want me to go further." James whispered and kissed Applejack again but this time she eagerly reciprocated it.

’C-Celestia damn it. Why a-am I doing this?’ she thought in confusion as she wrapped her arms around him.

James wanted to stop but couldn't. It was too good to stop. "Dear God her taste is too amazing to stop," James thought before throwing Applejack onto the bed.

“W-wha? James, what a-are you doing?” Applejack asked him, a bit surprised and confused on why he threw her on the bed.

James was on top of Applejack in an instant. "I'm sorry Applejack but I can't stop." James said, and started to kiss her neck and work his way down to her stomach. James kept on kissing and feeling on Applejack all the while she was moaning in pleasure. "Applejack please say it, I need to hear you say it." James pleaded, wanting Applejack more than ever.

“I…I..” Applejack stammered, her mind still filled with some doubts but they were soon pushed to the back of her mind. “B-buck it! Just b-buck me James! Please j-just buck me already!”

That's all James needed to hear. "Alright let's have some-" James didn't get to finish before theirs was a knock on the door.

"Applejack, James can you come down stairs for a moment?" they heard Granny Smith say.

That seemed to snap Applejack out of it as she blushed brightly. “U-uh, give us a minute Granny!” she called back as she scooted away from James.

James shook his head and was blushing crimson. "Applejack! I'm so sorry! I don’t know what came over me!" James said, getting off the bed.

“I-it’s fine James. I d-don’t know what came over m-me either.” Applejack said as she got off the bed. “Let’s just, um…l-let’s just not speak o-of this alright?”

James nodded his head and they went down stairs and saw Big Mac and Granny Smith talking to a stallion with red fur and green hair wearing a three-piece suit that was white. “Oh for Celestia’s sake!” Applejack whispered angrily.

"Oh hello Applejack~" the stallion said, walking up to Applejack and kissing her hand making James instinctively growled in anger making everyone look at him in surprise, though Applejack was more focused on the stallion kissing her hand which she quickly retracted.

“What in tarnation are you doing here Pepper Spice?” she demanded.

Pepper Spice just smiled and said. "What can't I see my beautiful farm mare?" he said, while James thought.

Touch my AJ one more time I will rip your throat you fucker.’ James thought before noticing the thought he just had but before he could think on it, he felt Applejack grabbing onto his arm and said.

"Sorry Pepper but I'm with my coltfriend James here." Applejack said, before kissing James on the cheek.

This shocked Pepper Spice. “What?! But you knew you and I were already dating!”

James glared at Pepper Spice. "That's what you thought. But Applejack is my marefriend, not yours." James said, glaring at Pepper Spice.

“Oh please, a peasant like you can’t possibly hope to date a mare as beautiful and strong as Applejack!” Pepper Spice said, growing more and more angry.

To everyone's surprise James growled like a dragon. He then turned into his Dragon form and said. "And that's all you care about looks and status. Applejack is a beautiful mare, but also someone who is honest with herself and others. She cares more about family than money or land. A mare who I would kill Gods and Goddess just to make her happy," James said, before getting into Pepper's face.

"And most importantly she is my marefriend. If you even think of touching or hurting her. I will kill every single one of you and your family to extinction." James said as fire surrounded his right hand.

Pepper Spice couldn’t help but shake in fear and sweat bullets. Applejack grabbed James' other hand and said. "It’s okay James. Calm down." Applejack said, making him look at her.

James took in a deep breath and went by to normal and looked at Pepper Spice and said. "AJ will never date you EVER!!" James said, and just to prove his point he kissed Applejack in front of him.

Applejack blushes again but shyly returns the kiss a bit much to Pepper Spice’s shock while both James and Applejack thought the same thing. ‘His/her kiss is softer than before.’ they thought as they separated. Pepper Spice just growled in anger and left the apple house .

Everyone stared before Applejack's family either laughed or applauded both James and Applejack. Pepper Spice however just growls in anger and stomps off. ’You just made a powerful enemy today.’ he thought as stomps away.

James looked at a stomping off Pepper Spice. ‘I don't like how he looked. Something tells me this isn't over….. not by a long shot.’ James thought, before noticing both Braeburn and Granny Smith walking up towards James, both of them smiling big.

“Nice going there James! That guy was a real pain in the flank to deal with! Glad you finally got him to leave!” Braeburn said.

Granny Smith had a smirk and said. "Though you're going to need a new pair of clothes younglings." Granny Smith said, pointing at James ripped shirt and pants that had burned marks and holes in them.

James rubbed his head in embarrassment and said. "I very much agree." James said, before grinning, getting everyone's attention as he grabbed Scootaloo much to her surprise and said. "We'll be right back. I thought we should dress like a fellow western farmer," James said, going up stairs.

It's been 3 hours since James took Scootaloo upstairs and everyone was starting to get impatient including Applebloom. "What’s taking them so long?" Applebloom complained while sitting on the couch.

“Be patient Applebloom.” Applejack told her.

That's when they heard footsteps coming down the stairs. The first one was Scootaloo who was wearing blue jeans with the belt buckle in the shape of a dragon head and a purple button-up shirt and wearing a Gray cowboy hat .

(Something like this)

"Sorry AB, dad had to make sure these clothes fit me." Scootaloo said, running over to her and her sister. That's when everypony saw James and once Applejack saw him she was blushing crimson and said.

"Sweet Celestia.” Applejack said, looking at James.

James was wearing blue jeans with a green button-up shirt with the sleeves rolled up on his forearms and he was wearing a gray vest with two brown leather straps connected to the front and back of his pants buckles.

(Also something like this)

"Soooo, what do you guys think?" James asked, smirking at the apple family.

“Whoa! You guys look amazing!” Applebloom said.

James chuckles before smirking and walking up to a blushing Applejack. "How about you AJ, how do I look?" James asked, leaning in close and their faces only a few meters apart.

“G-good. You look great James.” Applejack said with a faint pink tint on her cheeks.

That's when Big Mac got up and walked towards James, standing in front of him. "Something wrong Big Mac?" James questioned, looking at him.

Big Mac stared at James for a moment before saying. "I want to see how strong you are. I want to know if you can protect my sister James." Mac said, as both James and Applejack stared at him in shock.

“What? Come on Big Mac, I’m sure James can handle anything!” Applebloom said.

But Big Mac was adamant about it, to which James noticed. "OK Mac, what do you want me to do?" James questioned, as Applebloom and Scootaloo were shocked but Applejack was horrified by James agreeing to it.

“Arm wrestling. You beat me at that, then I’ll admit that you’ll be able to protect my sister.” Big Mac said.

James thought before saying. "OK, but let's make this clear, Big Mac," James said, before getting serious. "I'm not just protecting Applejack but everyone in this room, I see you guys as the family I always wanted." James said, walking over to a table and leaving everyone shocked by James' words.

Big Mac snapped out of it and walked over to the table before sitting down and held his arm up. “Don’t hold back, ya hear me?”

James just grabbed Mac's hand and just looked ready to start. Applejack stood on the side of the table. "OK stallions. I want a nice and clean fight." Applejack said, though she was still unsure of this but knew there won’t be changing their minds.

“Got it.” Big Mac said. James nodded in agreement.

"3, 2, 1, go." Applejack said and instantly James slammed Big Mac’s hand into the table, not only breaking the table but breaking Big Mac’s hand and arm.

“GAH!!” Big Mac shouted in pain as he held his now broken limb.

Everyone stared in horror. As for James he was braid himself but going too far you should have figured that Big Mac wasn't on the same level of strength as he was he rushed over to see that Big Mac's entire left arm was mango Beyond repair.

"Sorry sorry!!! I forgot I was fighting a regular Pony!! I wasn't fighting demons or angels!!" James quickly said before touching Big Mac's mangled arm and in an instant healed his entire arm.

“T-thanks.” Big Mac said, a bit surprised that James managed to heal his arm in an instant.

James sees this and smirks and allows his angel wings to come out, shocking everyone except for Applejack and Scootaloo. "You could say Applejack has a personal guardian angel on her side." James said, while his eyes glowed blue.

“Guardian angel? What in tarnation is that?” Granny Smith asked in confusion.

"You know how Celestia and Luna are alicorns?" James asked and everyone nodded. "Think of me like them but stronger." James said, walking over to Applejack and kissing her cheek. "But you could say I was once a fallen angel until Applejack brought me back to the light." James said, smiling softly at Applejack.

“Now, I don’t mean to doubt but, I don’t think anyone’s stronger than the Sisters.” Braeburn said..

James smirked and walked outside, everyone following him in confusion. Once they were far from the farmhouse, James then took out Mjolnir and started to spin it around with red lightning sparking off of it. Everyone was staring in shock and the storm clouds were surrounding the farmhouse and outside the city they could faintly see twisters being formed but not getting close to the town itself.

“Holy, that’s some powerful w-weather magic.” Braeburn said nervously though he wasn’t convinced James was that powerful.

James just smiled and said. "Sorry Braeburn, but this isn't magic at all," James said, before James threw his hammer and it flew for a few moments before something happened that shook the entire town.


There was a loud explosion found by a large flash of red electricity as it created a large dome that spread out a few miles from the impact of the hammer.

Everyone just stared in shock at the dome, unable to say anything.

Once it disappeared everyone looked to James who had his hand stretched out, much to their confusion. After a moment the hammer that James threw flew back into his hand. "So still think I'm not stronger than the Sisters?" James questioned.

“W-well…I’ll admit you are strong but Celestia and Luna move the sun and moon. Unless you can top that, then s-sorry.” Braeburn said.

James just sighed in annoyance. "It’s like they think moving a damn sun and moon is all it takes to prove your strong here," James thought, while looking at Braeburn.

"You know what? I'm going on a flight." James said, summoning his Dragon wings and flew off. James was beyond angry. Everyone keeps on thinking and saying that if you can't move the sun or moon you can't be stronger than the Sisters. "It takes more than just moving a fucking fireball and rock to be strong." James said, while still flying.

Back at the house, Applejack was scolding Braeburn for his behavior. “I’m sorry cuz, but even with that display, I still don’t think he’s more powerful than the princesses. One of them is able to move something that is gives light to an entire half of a world.”

“But nothing! You know better to not act like a jerk who’s only trying to bring someone down!” Applejack scolded and Braeburn hung his head in shame.

“I was being a little bit of an ass wasn’t I?” Braeburn asked and everyone nodded. “I’ll apologize to James when he gets back.”

“Ya better.” Applejack said then huffed as she crosses her arms before looking in the direction James flew off to. Her mind was replaying the events from before the whole Braeburn being an idiot thing happened, making her blush a bit. ’What in tarnation was I doing? I was acting like James was a husband who finally returned home or something.’ that thought made her blush grow brighter. ’W-where did that thought come from?! I d-don’t really see him as a lover! He’s a friend! R-right?’

Back with James, he was sitting on a boulder, still angry about having his strength compared to Celestia and Luna. ’I'm literally stronger than both of them combined. They still think that they're stronger than me just because they can move a fireball and an asteroid.’ James thought before thinking about Applejack and sighed.

"AJ." James said, looking back at the farm and remembering what happened before then. He blushed but he would be lying if he didn't want to continue. ’I need to talk to Applejack about this. We can’t just forget about what happened’ he thought before getting up and stretching.

But before he could fly off something bit his leg so he looked down to see a tortoise biting on his leg but what was weird about it is that it had dragon like a wings.

“What the?” James said as he reached down and pulled the dragon turtle off of his leg. The tortoises looked at James with a curious look before trying to bite him. "Woah there friend," James said, holding him at arm's length.

The tortoise let out a small growl as it stopped trying to bite him, choosing to just stare at him for now.

"Now what exactly are you?" James questioned looking at him with a curious look. "Seems to be a mix between a tortoise and Dragons," James said, before giving the turtle a confused look. "But what are you doing out here?"

It just tilted its head before suddenly nipping at his arm.

Luckily James' skin is tough enough not to be pierced but he heard a low growling coming from the tortoise and figure out that it was hungry so going into his inventory he pulled out three apples and set the tortoise down before giving him the apples. The tortoise looked at the apples before giving them a curious sniff. Finding that they smelled good it took a bite out of one of them, letting out a happy trill.

James smiled and rubbed the tortoise's head and said. "You know you're kinda cool. You're both a turtle and dragon in one." James said, smiling softly and sat down next to him.

The tortoise looked away from his meal to look at James before swallowing the bit of apple in its mouth before squeaking.

"What’s wrong bubby?" James asked, looking at the tortoise in confusion before it opened its beak and let out a fiery burp. James' face was covered in black soot and he coughed out a cloud of smoke and said. "Well that answers that question," James said, still coughing up smoke.

The tortoise and an amused look on its face as it returned to eating the apples.

James had an annoyed look before sighing. After a moment the tortoise finished eating and James had it lying on his lap while enjoying the summer breeze and the sound of a whip being cracked followed by a male screaming in pain. ’Wait what!?’ James thought before hearing the sound again.

The tortoise squeaks in confusion as it looks around. After a moment of looking he found a medium size camp. The camp had anthropomorphic lions, griffons, ponies and surprisingly dragons.

"What the actual fuck is going on over there?" James said, looking at the camp. James thought for a moment before looking down at the tortoise. "What do you think bubby? Should we check it out," James asked the tortoise.

It just looked at him before turning back to the camp and letting out a long squeak, as if it was trying to roar. James smirks evilly while his eyes glowed red and said. "I couldn’t agree more," James said, using his Dragon wings and flew towards the camp ready to let loose.

Back at the farm house Applejack was sitting on the edge of her and James shared bed, still thinking about how she feels about him. Ever since they were about to buck each other senselessly she has been thinking about James more and more. “Celestia damn it, what is wrong with me? He’s just a friend! Not my coltfriend! So why am I so upset and constantly thinking about it?!” Applejack exclaimed.

Applejack fell on the bed with the pillow covering her blushing face. ’But sweet Celestia does he know how to treat a mare.’ Applejack thought even though she doesn't want to remember what transpired. The way James made her feel pleasure was unbelievable. ’Damn it again. Get out of my head!’ Applejack holds the sides of her head and shook her head to try and rid herself of these thoughts. ’Just a friend!’

"But he isn't just a friend~" a voice said and Applejack looked around for the voice before her eyes landed on the full body mirror. There was her reflection staring at her with a smirk and glowing green eyes. "You and I both know that James is more than just a friend." she said, as Applejack stared in shock at her reflection.

“H-he is! He is just a friend! That is it!” Applejack denied while crossing her arms and looking away from the mirror.

Negative Applejack just laughed. "Bitch please. You are a fucking liar and not even a good one at that." she said, rolling her eyes and continued. "Face facts AJ, there is something inside you deep down. You want him to fuck your brains out and treat you like his bitch." she said, looking at her with a smirk and lustful eyes.

Applejack’s face was completely red due to the words of her reflection. “N-not true.” she mumbled.

Negative AJ just laughed and said. "Are you seriously thinking that you don't love James? If so, why didn't you stop him from making you feel pleasure earlier and almost bucking him right then and there?" she asked, crossing her arms.

“I-it was a heat of the moment thing! It w-won’t happen again!” Applejack said, her blush only growing brighter at the reminder.

Negative Applejack just shook her head. "Oh Applejack. You think you could stop yourself this time? The only thing that stop you was Granny. But this time like James said he will make you feel pleasure for every second. How long can you hold out before you jump him and, in his words, fuck him senseless?" She said, staring Applejack right in the eyes.

“I-I’ll find ways.” Applejack said.

"Well then I'm going to leave but before I leave let me tell you this," negative AJ said, before smirking and said. "Your friends are thinking the same thing just like you. Also when you're trying to convince yourself next time don't be holding James shirts.” she said, while disappearing.

“What?” Applejack asked in confusion. “What in Celestia’s name are ya talking about?”

Before disappearing she pointed down at the pillow and when Applejack looked down she blushed brightly when she realized that it was James T-shirt. After a moment of silence Applejack could only think of what she was feeling right now.

’Do I r-really love him?’ she thought, still a bit in denial but couldn’t help but think about her future with James.

Back with James, he was now flying towards the camp and once he got close enough he saw what looked like a dome made out of sticks and rocks tied together surrounded by tents and fireplaces as well as enslaved females wearing ripped clothing and chain collars.

“What the hell?” he muttered once he saw the females. That's when he heard cheering and saw two people going into the Dome. One being a black panther and an earth pony both being male.

He flew in close but remained hidden from view, a bit thankful that the clouds of Equestria were pretty close to the ground so it made hiding a bit easier. He watched as the two stood on opposite sides before he saw a griffon standing on top of a small stage. “Ladies and gentlebeasts! Tonight, fighting in the famous Death Dome is our reigning champion! Who’s claws are forever stained with the blood of his foes, the Grim Reaper given flesh, the silent killer, CRIMSON CLAW!!!” the griffon declared, gesturing to the panther, who could easily give Big Mac a run for his money in terms of size and build and he had multiple scars covering his body and like the griffon had said, his claws were stained red with blood. The crowd were practically screaming in admiration of Crimson Claw who looked unfazed by the cheering.

“And his opponent, an Appleloosan Earth Pony! He’s fought battle after battle and despite all odds, still came on top! I give you, Bright Mac!” the griffon shouted, though not as enthusiastically as he did when introducing Crimson Claw, as he gestured towards the Earth Pony stallion, who was covered in both bruises and cuts.

James stared at the Earth pony in shock. Bright Mac!?! As in the Apple siblings father Bright Mac.’ he shouted in his head while looking at the Earth pony.

“Now, I want a good clean fight!” the griffon said and silence fell upon the crowd. “I’m fucking with ya! Go absolutely nuts!”

That made the crowd go wild before both competitors circled around each other and James knew that Bright Mac was not going to make it by his heavy breathing. "Fuck this, if there is a chance that I can save them then I'm going to try." James said, flying down towards the Dome.

This however didn’t go unnoticed as the griffon looked up at him and frowned. “Oi! Who the hell is that?!”

Everyone looked up at James in confusion and annoyance at him interrupting the fight. James however didn't care and landed in between the two fighters. "Are you Bright Mac Father of Applebloom, Applejack and Big Mac." James asked, looking at him.

“I-I am but who are you?” he asked, looking at James in confusion before it turned to worry and anger. “You didn’t hurt my family did you?!”

James smiled and said. "No, I'm actually a friend of your oldest daughter Applejack," James said, while looking around for Pear Butter. Once he saw her, she was sitting on the ground in tattered clothing with a collar that had a chain connected to it and was chained to a large boulder and sitting next to said boulder was a large Minotaur who was wearing dark leather armor and had a large broadsword sitting next to him.

“Oi! Someone get that guy out of there!” the griffon shouted angrily.

A random stallion ran at James with a sword and tried to stab him but James just grabbed his wrist and snapped it, causing him to scream out in pain and agony before he was grabbed by the throat. "Yeah I think you guys need two thousand years of training to even come close to my level." James said, before ripping the stallion's head off and tossing it towards the ground.

This freaked some of them out but they continued to charge at him, hoping to overwhelm him with numbers alone. “W-we need to leave. There’s n-no way we can take them all o-on.” Bright Mac said fearfully.

James sighed in annoyance and said. "Now you are just fucking annoying," James said, before he used his Conqueror Haki knocking everyone except for Bright Mac, Pear Butter, the Minotaur and surprisingly the black panther.

This shocked the two Apples and Minotaur. “What?! What happened?!” the minotaur shouted angrily.

"They had weak wills. Just like you," James said, appearing in front of him and punching him into the Dome which collapsed on top of the minotaur but a few seconds later, he burst from the rubble with a loud bellow.

“I’ll rip out your spine and drink from your skull!!!” bellowed the minotaur.

James just sighed before looking at Pear Butter. "Mind holding him," he asked, showing the dragon tortoise. She nodded and took the tortoise and James disappeared and reappeared in front of the Minotaur.

"Let’s see if I can do it first," James said, before summoned Stormbeaker and slammed the hammer part into the Minotaur’s side, sending him flying again while he screamed in pain before crashing against the ground.

Once the minotaur got up, he was holding his side, which now had a big dark bruise, in pain before he looked up at James who was in front of him with Stormbreaker on his shoulder while pacing back and forth. "You know something? There’s this thing in Norse mythology that they use, called 'blood payment'. It means that anyone can take a piece from you for taking something from them." James said, Stormbeaker pointing at the minotaur.

“What are you talking about?!” the minotaur shouted before trying to throw a punch at James.

James just moved to the side before punching him in the gut hard enough that the minotaur coughed up saliva and fell to his knees. "What I'm saying is since the other apple clan can't be here to do it. I'll do it for them, especially for my Applejack." James said before grabbing the Minotaur’s horn and slammed him into the ground.

“Gah!!” the minotaurs shouted in pain before he tried to get up.

James then threw him a few meters away before saying. "You think you can just go to Ponyville. Take whoever you please and don't think there be fucking someone to make you pay for it?!" James shouted throwing Stormbeaker at the minotaur.

The magical weapon cut right through his arm, causing it to fly through the air while the Minotaur clutches the stump where his arm used to be, screaming bloody murder.

"Sorry but you thought wrong fucker." James said, walking slowly towards the now crying minotaur. I

“N-no! Please! Have m-mercy! I’ll give you anything! M-my gold! My army! A-anything!” the minotaur said, offering anything if it means saving his life.

That's when James had a look of anger and hatred towards the minotaur. James then appeared in front of him and punched him so hard a few of his teeth flew out. "You think giving me those things will get you out of the blood payment?" James asked, looming over the downed minotaur.

"No….. I say when it's fucking over," he finished before starting to beat on the minotaur who was crying for mercy.

“No!! Please!! MERCY!!” the minotaur cried out in pain and anguish.

While James was beating the minotaur. Bright Mac ran over to his wife to check on her. "Honey!? Are you OK," Bright Mac asked while trying to remove the collar and chains.

“I-I’m more worried about you!” Pear Butter said, eyeing all his injuries.

"Don't worry Pear, I've been through worse." Bright said, before both heard screaming coming from the minotaur.

They both turned to look at the minotaur before Bright Mac blocked his wife’s view. “D-don’t. I don’t think y-you should see that.”


Bright Mac turned but nearly threw up at the sight of James standing over the Minotaur with both of his legs broken and he was holding one with his broken horns. "Do you have any idea what the Apple family had to go to when they thought that those two were dead…… DO YOU!?" James shouted, shaking the ground.

“P-please…” the minotaur begged.

James grabbed the minotaur by the throat. “And there you go again trying to beg for mercy. Like I said, I decide when your blood payment is paid in full." James said before stabbing him in the side of his stomach making him scream out in pain. This also made Bright Mac run over to stop James.

“Please stop! T-this is too far!” Bright Mac said once he reached the two.

James looked by at Bright Mac and then the minotaur. After a few seconds of doing this James growled in anger. "You're lucky this stallion is sparing your life right now." James said, knocking out the minotaur and leaving him there to die.

"Alright let's get you and your wife back to your family." James said, while walking with Bright Mac to help free Pear Butter.

Back at the farm it was soon getting late and both Applejack and Scootaloo were getting worried for James. “When is he going to come back?” Scootaloo wondered as she stared out the window, waiting for any signs of James.

"I don't know when he will be back. But I hope he does or somepony is going to get another talking to but this time with my fist.” Applejack said, glaring at Braeburn.

“H-hey, no need to be physical now.” Braeburn said nervously.

Applejack was about to say something before Scootaloo said. "He’s back!!" Scootaloo shouted running out of the farm house. Everyone looked and saw James flying towards the farm but with two other ponies one on his back and the other he was carrying.

“Who is with him?” Big Mac asked.

“I don’t know.” Applejack said, curious on who James is bringing with him.

Once James landed and put the new ponies on the ground Scootaloo tackled James. "Whoa there Scoots, what's wrong?" James asked, holding her in his arms.

“You were gone for a long time!” Scootaloo said as she hugged him tightly.

James winced at Scootaloo's sad and sacred voice. "I'm sorry peanut. But I'm OK and I brought some ponies that the apple clan knows," James said, rubbing her back.

“Really? Who?” Applejack asked him.

"Applejack?" A voice said, stopping Applejack, Big Mac and Granny Smith as they looked in shock and disbelief of Bright Mac and Pear Butter standing next to James.

“M-mom? Dad?” Applejack asked as tears began to well up in hers, Big Macs and Granny’s eyes. “You’re…” she didn’t say anymore as she rushed over and hugged her parents who gladly and tearfully returned the hug. “Y-you’re alive! You’re r-really alive!”

James had a sad smile on his face. I love you mom and dad. I hope you are having a good afterlife with grandma and grandpa. he thought and Scootaloo saw James' sadJames' sad smile and hugged him tightly.

“It’s ok dad.” Scootaloo said in reassurance even though she doesn’t know what it is that made James upset.

James looked at Scootaloo and smiled and said. "Thanks scoots," James said, before nearly falling to the ground from Applejack's hugging and kissing him on the lips.

Applejack pulled away with tears in her eyes and a smile on her face. “Thank you! Thank you so much for finding my parents!” she said tearfully as she hugged him tighter.

James smiled and rubbed her back and said. "It’s okay AJ. Besides, I have to make sure my marefriend is happy right?"

“Marefirend?!” both Bright Mac and Pear Butter asked in surprise while Applejack blushes.

James laughed nervously. "Back at the camp when I said I was Applejack's friend I mean I was her collfriend." James said, looking embarrassed.

“I-I see.” Pear Butter said, unsure if she should be happy or worried for her daughter.

James saw this. "Don't worry, Miss Butter, I'm trying not to resort to my old ways. But it sometimes gets out." James said, smiling softly.

“I-I…I see.” Pear Butter said, still unsure about James but she was willing to give him a chance.

After that it was getting late and the Apple family and James decided to head to bed. James lay in his and Applejack’s shared bed.

"Man, I'm tired." James said, just then the bathroom door opened and once James looked and saw Applejack his jaw hit the bed. Applejack was leaning against the door wearing a very sexy silky black night gown that had black flowers on the breasts.

“Careful, keep your mouth open like that and a whole swarm of flies is gonna fly in.” applejack said with an amused chuckle while blushing.

James made incohesive sentences before finally saying. "You look good in that," James said, while blushing little.

“T-thanks. It was something Rarity made for me.” Applejack said, her blush growing due to the compliment.

That's when she walked over to the bed and got on-top of James. Who eventually grabbed her waist as they both looked into each other's eyes before James leaned forward and kissed Applejack on the lips softly which sent a small shiver down her spine.

She couldn’t help but kiss him in return, despite the conflicting feelings within her but she pushed them aside for now. James then rolled them over making him be on top of Applejack and continued kissing her while saying. "A-Applejack you are so beautiful right now." James said, while taking off his shirt.

She couldn’t help but blush, both from the compliment and from seeing James' semi-bare body. “T-thank you. I think y-you’re handsome.” James smiled before kissing her again and she deepened the kiss as her hands clawed at his back, making thin lines of blood come from his back that immediately healed.

Both of them felt each other and were getting more and more heated as time passed until Applejack broke the kiss and said. "You know what? I don't care how I feel right now. I need you inside me right now James," Applejack said, with lust fully eyes.

Their continued making out was now full of want and need as they took the rest of there clothes off. As that happened the sense changed to a Kendall on the nightstand that was Illuminating the room was blown out by a unknown Breeze.

Chapter 12

Applejack finding her first love and losing it. Finding out she is the Great granddaughter of the God of War……. The return of the Spartan Rage

(Next morning Third person POV)

It was early morning and both James and Applejack were sleeping peacefully in a broken bed and Applejack was the first to wake up thanks to her farming lifestyle. Her eyes fluttered open and she smiled before looking at a still sleeping James who was holding her against his chest.

She blushes but snuggles up against him as last night's events played out in her mind. ’Sweet Celestia that was the best night ever. Applejack thought while smiling but frowned when she remembered what her mirror self said to her. ’Is what that reflection said true? Do the others really think the same about James?’

The more she thought about it, the more it somewhat made sense. But then James woke up with a groan and pulled Applejack closer and said.

"Fuck you Celestia and your damn fucking sun," James said, while tiredly rubbing his eyes.

Applejack couldn’t help but chuckle at that. “Morning James.”

James smiled and kissed Applejack on the forehead and said. "Morning AJ. How did you sleep?" James asked, while getting up and stretching.

“I slept pretty good.” Applejack said. “What about you? How’d you sleep?”

James pulled her close and said. "Like a baby." James said, before kissing Applejack softly and passionately which she happily returned while also wrapping her arms around him.

The two then pulled away with both of them smiling. “That’s good to hear.” That's when they heard someone clearing their throat. They looked and saw both of Applejack's parents and brother standing in the doorway.

“Don’t y’all know the meaning of knocking!?” Applejack shouted as she covered herself up with the blanket, an embarrassed blush on her face.

As for James he grabbed one of the pillows to cover his lower part. "Uhm G-good morning Bright Mac and Pear Butter. Also to you too, Big Mac." James said, more out of embarrassment than fear.

“Morning you two.” Bright Mac said with narrowed eyes. “I see you two had…’fun’ last night.”

Both Applejack and James blush at that. While Pear Butter was staring at them with shock. Right now she doesn't know how to feel with James being with her daughter Applejack. 'I'm glad that he saved us but I don’t know about him being near Applejack.’ Pear thought while looking at James.

"So just a random question but how loud were we last night?" James asked, fearing the answer.

“Thankfully not too loud.” Big Mac said.

James sighed in relief. After that everyone made their way to the living room all the while James and Applejack were whispering to each other. "Thank God they didn't hear us.” James whispered.

“I don’t think them finding out is all that better.” Applejack whispered back.

James nodded in agreement before feeling like someone is trying to burn a hole through his head. He turned to see Bright Mac and Big Mac glaring at him. "I don't think you're dad and brother are that fond of me right now." James whispered, still looking at them with a nervous smile.

Big Mac just popped his knuckles and even though James fought Lucifer himself, he was a bit scared right now. “No they aren’t.” Applejack said.

Once they made it to the dining room. James saw that everyone was looking at them. "Uhh I thought you said nobody heard us." James asked Big Mac.

“I said you weren’t that loud. You were still loud though so most of us heard you.” Big Mac said.

This made Applejack blush bright red while James looked at the other males who were glaring at him. "Oh come on." James said, as he sat down next to Scootaloo and Applejack.

“Why is everyone glaring at you?” Scootaloo asked him, a bit confused on why everyone was acting this way towards James.

James thought on how to explain it to Scootaloo before saying. "Uhh well you see peanut. Applejack's family is mad because we were doing bedtime sparing." James said, hoping that it would work.

“Bedtime sparing?” Scootaloo asked, confused on what that means. “What’s that?”

James trying to figure out a way to explain the best way possible or to try to deflect the question until he got an idea. "Sorry Scoots, but until you’re sixteen years old and get your Cutie Mark then I’ll tell you what bedtime sparing is." James said.

“But what if I get my Cutie Mark before I’m sixteen? Will you tell me then?” Scootaloo asked.

"Sorry Scoots even if you get your Cutie Mark, you still need to be sixteen to know what that is. Besides, it's going to be like a school lesson more than a talk." James said, knowing that a kid who hates school lessons and making it sound like one will get her to stop asking.

“Nope! Say no more!” Scootaloo said, already losing interest in the topic.

James chuckles before looking at Applejack and kisses her on the cheek before saying. "I'm going outside if you need me AJ." James said before running out the door before both Big Mac or Bright Mac could get their hands on him.

“He and I are definitely gonna be having a talk.” Bright Mac muttered under his breath.

Applejack blushed but smiled and started to eat before Scootaloo said something that also made her choke on her food. "So are you going to be mine and Artemis' new mom?" Scootaloo said.

Applejack lets out a cough as she looked at Scootaloo in surprise. “W-what makes you say that Scoots?”

"Well you guys seem so close and he kissed you like a lot. So I just thought you were going to be our new mom?" Scootaloo said, sounding and looking confused.

“Well uh…you see Scoots, we um..” Applejack was unsure on how to answer Scootaloo’s question. “It’s complicated right now.”

While Scootaloo was still trying to ask Applejack about her and James. James was outside sitting under a tree while thinking about something. 'Wow, last night was amazing.’ James thought before frowning and pulled out the box that was holding the Infinity Stones out of his inventoryinventory space.

’How am I going to explain that I'm planning on making the most powerful weapon with these and not tell them it's to kill any and all gods?’ James thought before noticing someone standing at the entrance of the farm.

Looking closer he saw that, much to his annoyance, it was Pepper Spice and he did not look at all happy to see James. ’God damn it, why the hell is he doing here.’ James thought before getting up and walking towards Pepper Spice. "What the fuck do you want dickhead?"

“I was coming here to speak with my beloved Applejack and ask her to reconsider her choice of stallions.” Pepper Spice said.

James clicked his tongue. "Tch. You really don't know when someone says fuck off do you?" James said, getting into Pepper's face towering over him.

Pepper Spice was intimidated by James that was for sure but he just grit his teeth and stood his ground. “I-I believe my dear Applejack is making a mistake being with you when she can do so much better with someone such as I.”

"Oh?" James asked with a raised eyebrow. "Do tell me what you can give Applejack that she would choose you over me." James said, while crossing his arms not noticing the Apple family were right behind him.

“Whatever she wants. She wants the best jewelry in Equestria? It’s hers. The most beautiful dresses? I’ll get it for her. You see, I can get her anything her hearts desires. But you? What can you give her?” Pepper Spice asked with a confident smirk.

James rubbed his chin while nodding. "Not bad really," James said, making Pepper smirk before it turned into a frown. "But I can give her that more easily. Hell I can make them so rare that the gods themselves will want them, " James said before smirking. "I also found and saved Applejack parents, so in short you lose again." James said.

“Her parents? I was under the impression that they had died. I am glad that they are indeed alive.” Pepper Spice said then got an idea. “I wonder though, how do they feel about their daughter dating someone like you instead of someone like me?”

"Oh they actually like me more because I’m not pretending to be nice to them to get the Applejack." James said, shocking everyone except Applejack. "You're just the same as those back home who only see them as objects. You really don't care if her parents were alive or dead. I bet you were counting on it…….. in fact that Minotaur that I was fighting had a crest that looks similar to your Cutie Mark.”

“What are you implying?! That I am in cahoots with a savage minotaur?!” Pepper Spice asked, insulted to be accused of such a thing.

James’ stare made Pepper Spice step back in fear and James then said. "Yes I know you have something to do with it or maybe your family does but don’t you think you can do anything to take Applejack from her family so leave this place." James said, glaring at Pepper Spice.

Pepper Spice just gulps and steps away before attempting to dignify himself, giving James a nasty look he said. “This isn’t over.”

Just before Pepper Spice fully turned he delivered a right hook to James’s cheek making him move back a few feet. This shocked everyone, even Applejack was surprised by the level of strength Pepper Spice had.

“I’m done playing nice. Applejack, I demand that you come with me now.” Pepper Spice demanded, making Applejack shake her head.

“Buck no! I ain’t going anywhere with you!” Applejack said with narrowed eyes.

As for James he turned his head slowly showing his calm and neutral face before saying in a deep and cold tone. "Leave. My. Home." James said, getting back into Pepper Spice's face. However, the stallion just backhands him across the face followed by another backhand before he attempts to punch James but he caught his fist and twisted it. "I warned you," he said, then punched him, sending him back a few meters. James looked at the apple family with a look that says 'he will not listen.'

Most of them knew that a fight was inevitable so they quickly rushed inside to try and avoid it with Applejack giving him a worried look. “Be careful James.” she said to him.

James walked over to Pepper Spice flexing his hand while Pepper Spice was saying no over and over again. James forcefully picked him up and was about to say something but then Pepper Spice said. "Fine…….my turn." he got out of James' grip and to his surprise Pepper Spice punched him so hard he was sent flying and crashed into a few trees breaking them.

“Tch, to think I would have to resort to such barbaric methods just to get rid of filth.” Pepper Spice said as he walked to where James had landed. “But perhaps he’ll be smart and run off like he’s supposed to.”

James got up and rubbed his chin and thought. "I guess it's time to get serious then." James thought as his eyes glowed red and as quick as a flash he punched Pepper Spice in the gut before grabbing his right leg and tossed him into the barnyard which collapsed on top of him.

"My first mistake was thinking you are weak by your body but it seems you have strength equally to that of an angel or demigod perhaps." James said, cracking his neck.

The rubble burying Pepper Spice suddenly exploded with the stallion standing up with a cold look on his face. “I will make sure you regret ever meeting me.”

James just clicked his tongue and summoned Stormbeaker. "The only thing I will regret is having your blood staining the apple family's farm." James said before rushing at Pepper Spice to which he did the same. Their collision made a huge shock wave that spread a few meters while making a crater underneath th them.

“Oh please. As if someone like you can even think of harming me. Especially with a gaudy weapon such as that.” Pepper Spice said before he headbutted James followed by a swift knee to the gut.

James fell to one knee before grabbing his weapon and hit Pepper Spice with the hammer part into the sky and James followed him and grabbed his face before he threw him back down to the ground. "Yet it's doing more damage than you can." James said, charging up electricity and throwing it at Pepper Spice.

The stallion however just backhands the weapon away. “You are a fool for throwing away your weapon!” Pepper Spice said cockily.

James just frowned and snapped his fingers and before Pepper Spice knew it Stormbeaker slammed right in the back of his head sending him face first into the dirt. "Dumbass." he heard James say as Stormbeaker flew back into his hand.

Pepper Spice growls in anger before he, in a shocking burst of speed, tackles James through a tree. The two then landed on the ground where Pepper Spice began to pummel the one who made a fool out of him. “I’ll make sure they won’t even recognize your face, you insufferable bastard!!”

James caught one of his fists before headbutting him, making Pepper Spice stumbled back holding his broken nose. "I think you mean the other way around shit face." James said, before choke slamming him then grabbing both of his legs and spinning around. James started picking up speed creating a tornado before throwing him up into the sky.

James crashed into him and they started punching each other before Pepper Spice kicked him back down to the ground. In which James landed on his feet.

James looked up and saw Pepper Spice coming towards him. He covered his left forearm in armament haki and once Pepper Spice got close he sent a powerful left hook into his cheek not only sending him crashing into a few apple trees but knocking out a few teeth as well.

This made a few of the others wince at the sight with Big Mac commenting. “Damn. Just damn.”

James walked slowly towards Pepper Spice before dodging an apple tree at him but Pepper Spice tackled James before punching him in the air again, but this time going with him and landed on top of the Apple family house where he proceeded to punch James over and over with each blow being stronger than the last which caused James’ face to bruise.

Pepper Spice eventually stopped punching James before grabbing him by the front of his shirt and lifting him up a bit. “Now, are you going to do what I ask? If you say yes. The pain will stop.” Pepper Spice told him but only received a glare. “Your choice.” he then pulled his fist back ready to pummel James once more before a shout was heard.

“NO!” Pepper Spice then looked over to the Apple family and noticed someone he knows for sure wasn’t part of them which was Scootaloo who had a panicked and fearful expression on her face.

“And who is that?” Pepper Spice questioned.

James one good eye widened before narrowing and he threw Pepper Spice off of him. And covered both his fist in armament haki and started to beat living shit out of Pepper Spice and yelled at him.

"LEAVE! MY! HOME!!!" James yelled with each punch before finishing it with a devastating punch to the gut which sent them both into the house and destroying the roof in the process.

The Apple family and Scootaloo were worried and scared for James when the house then collapsed on top of the two. It was quiet for a few moments before Pepper Spice was thrown out of the debris with James falling behind while limping a little. "Damn bastard is strong, I'll give him that."

“James!!” both Applejack adn Scootaloo shouted at the same time as they rushed over to him.

“Are you ok?!” Applejack asked then mentally hit herself for asking such a dumb question. “What am I saying your face is all purple and swollen!”

James had a sad smile and said. "Sorry AJ I guess I have to be more of a monster to kill him." James said, turning into his Dragon form.

“Wait kill?! You’re still willing to go that far?!” Pear Butter asked him. “Is that how you’re going to solve all your problems?! By killing them?!”

James looked at Pear Butter and sighed."I gave him a chance to leave but he didn't take it. And both me and him aren't going to stop until one of us is dead." James said, looking serious.

“B-but there are other ways to end this without bloodshed! For Celestia’s sake you two are fighting like monsters instead of people!” Pear Butter shouted, the idea of killing each other not sitting well with her at all.

"But he is not lying," everyone turned to Pepper Spice who was covered in cuts and had one of his eyes swollen shut. "I will not stop until I have Applejack and if you are also going to get in my way then you'll just have to die too." he said before flying towards Pear Butter ready to kill her but James went in front of her.

"Gomu Gomu No Dragon Pistol!" James shouted while shooting his fist into Pepper's gut, making him fly back a few meters. James looked back at the apple family. "You guys need to get somewhere safe," James said in a serious tone.

“Like where?!” Bright Mac asked before he and the others were being shoved in one direction by Applejack.

“Who cares?! Just run y’all!” she ordered and the Apple family began to flee the area with Applejack giving James a worried look before continuing running.

James saw Applejack's worried look. ’Sorry Applejack…….. everyone, but I don’t think I’ll make it out of this one.’ James thought before Pepper Spice appeared in front of him. "Alright Pepper after this day one shall stand…..and one shall fall." James said, getting into a fighting stance.

Pepper Spice just gave him a blank look. “That was the stupidest thing I’ve ever heard.”

James smirks before saying. "Yeah but stupid or not it's true either way," he said, before bending his knees while putting one first to the ground. Pepper Spice was confused until he saw James legs bending down without moving from his position and went back to normal until he saw his skin turning pink. James did it again until he said. "Dragon form second gear." James said, glaring at Pepper Spice.

Pepper Spice just scoffs. “Are you just gonna keep calling out stupid names or are you actually gonna give up?”

James didn't say anything and disappeared leaving Pepper Spice surprised before getting punched in his right cheek, sending him flying a few meters. He got up and looked but only saw a cloud of smoke before getting kneed in the gut. He fell to the ground gasping for air before being grabbed and thrown into the sky where James delivered punches and kicks to Pepper Spice’s face and body leaving him no time to defend himself.

James then slammed both fists into the back of Pepper Spice’s head, sending crashing down to the ground, creating a crater and a large dust cloud.

James landed on the ground breathing heavily and said. "Let’s see you get up from that." James said, not noticing one of his angel blades falling down next to Pepper Spice.

“James!” James turned to see Applejack running towards him. “Are you alright?!”

Unbeknown to James Pepper Spice was getting off the ground while holding the angel blade. "Applejack!?! What the hell are you doing? Get back!!" James shouted before limping towards her.

Before Applejack could say anything, her eyes widened when she saw Pepper Spice running towards James with the angel blade. “WATCH OUT!!” Applejack shouted but it was too late as the blade was stabbed into James' back, piercing right through his heart.

James gasped in shock as he slowly looked down at the tip of the blade sticking out of his chest before hearing Pepper Spice whisper. "You should have left when you had the chance. Now you die." he whispered as he forcefully ripped the blade out as blood burst out of the wound and onto the ground.

Applejack stared in horror as the life slowly left James’s eyes before he fell to the ground. She ran over and fell to the ground next to him and held him while crying. "N-no come on James don't die. I still haven't told you how I really felt!" she cried, while holding him close.

She listens for a heart beat but to her horror there was none which made her cry even more.

The whole time Pepper Spice was chuckling at the scene. “Oh do stop that my dear. He isn’t someone to cry over.”

This made Applejack stop. Hearing what Pepper Spice said, something deep down inside her started to awake. All her life she was a farmer, a bringer of life that was her way….the Apple family way. But now after losing the one person she truly loved was killed by this bastard and he is still talking bad about him.

“Honestly, dating him was possibly the worst mistake you could have ever made. He’s nothing more than a waste of space.” Pepper Spice continued, oblivious to Applejack's growing anger.

Unbeknownst to Pepper Spice, red marks that start at Applejack forearm and work their way up her arm as she slowly stands up her hat covering her eyes. Her Cutie Mark that was three apples now had a red omega symbol appeared over it and was pulsing like a heartbeat.

Applejack always had trouble controlling her anger. Not as much as James or Rainbow but still had trouble. But at this very moment in her life she didn't care if she killed Pepper Spice anymore.

“Y-you…” Applejack said which caught Pepper Spice’s attention and he finally notices the marks.

“What? What’s with those markings?” he questioned her.

"You……. You’re going to fucking pay!!!!!" Applejack yelled as she punch Pepper Spice so hard that it sent him flying while he was screaming in pain as well as crashing into a few apple trees.

Pepper Spice groans as he gets up only to yelp when Applejack seemingly appears right in front of him but before he could do anything, he was hit with a viscous right hook that nearly broke his jaw and sent him flying once more.

’What the hell?! How is she this strong!?!’ Pepper Spice thought, before hitting the ground hard. Applejack growled before yelling out in anger and pain as her forearm burst into flames as the ground shook. Pepper Spice stared in both shock and horror as his blood went cold. He didn’t know why but he feels like he’s not looking at some apple farmer but something else.

Pepper Spice ran at Applejack throwing a right hook at Applejack cheek, but to his surprise and horror not only did it not affect her nor send her back he also felt the bones in his hands break upon impact.

He screamed in pain as he grabbed his now broken hand. “What the fuck?!? It’s like trying to punch through the toughest of metals!”

Applejack just growled like a wild animal which scared Pepper Spice. "I'm going to make you bleed Pepper Spice." she said, Pepper Spice surprised as a literal fireball was thrown at him before he screamed in pain as the fire burned his fur and flesh.

“Since when can you throw fireballs?!?!” screamed Pepper Spice as he tried to put out the fire.

Applejack didn't answer. Instead, the fire on her forearms intensified as they started to solidify into a new form while the rest of the fire started to wrap around her forearms and start to form into chains. Soon the fire in her hands took form into short blades with the handles being golden and bronze and blazing with three apples and the omega symbol on both while the blade had red marks going across it.

(Something Like this)

Pepper Spice just stared in shock at the sight. “W-what?! How is this even possible?!”

Applejack just pulled her left arm back and threw the bladed weapon at Pepper Spice, who moved out of the way. He then smirked before screaming in pain after Applejack grabbed the chain that was attached to it and pulled it towards the direction he jumped, cutting his side and making him bleed.

"AHHHHH!!!" Pepper Spice yelled out in pain as he held his now bleeding side he stared at Applejack’s wicked grin.

"You know Pepper Spice? I never like killing. I was always a farmer…life Giver, but now I see why Jame says there is no other choice but to kill people like you. You won't stop until someone has to put you down like a rabbit dog, and that's what I'm planning on doing." Applejack said, fully ready to torture and then kill Pepper Spice.

Pepper Spice however was sweating bullets as Applejack stomped towards him. “N-n-now wait a minute! Let’s n-not be hasty now! I’m sure we-”

Pepper Spice didn't get to finish before Applejack did a sequence of slashes before using one to chain to wrap around his leg and start to slam him across the ground before throwing him up in the air and using both chain blades to impale him in his chest and slamming him into the ground again hard.

Pepper Spice began to cough up blood as he began to grow weak. “N-no…this can’t…b-be happening!!”

While that was happening James was in a black void, looking around. "God damn it!!! I can’t believe I died to that fucker!!" James shouted while punching the ground.

Just then he heard a soft female voice that made him feel calm and safe for some reason. “Calm yourself young one. This isn’t where your story ends yet.”

James looked around for the voice and his eyes on a figure standing across from him. She was 8 feet tall, taller than him with an hourglass figure and she was wearing a white Roman style dress with gold and silver accents across it. She also had it on a gold tiara on top of her head. It contrasts with her red mane and white fur. She also had wings and a horn. James noticed she had a double H-cup breast.

“Hello.” she greeted with a warm and friendly smile.

James stared before saying. "Hello lady who is standing in the dark," James said, confused by the lady's sudden appearance.

The female figure just laughed before the void they were in changed to a familiar scene to James. It was a field with flowers of different varieties with a large tree next to a lake. In the distance you can see a castle but what was more surprising to James was that a song that he heard from a video game he played as a child.

"T-this is the place that I always go to when I slept as a kid and pretend to be a hero of the universe," James said, walking over to a nearby flower and grabbed it.

“I figured you would find this to be a bit more comfortable than the previous location.” the woman said.

James just stood there before clenching his fist so hard that it started to bleed. This was one of the only happiest memories of his childhood before the accident…… before the so-called God took everything from him.

The woman noticed this and came up behind James and hugged him. "It’s okay I'm here," she said, and James started to cry into her chest while shaking violently.

They stayed like that for a moment before James was able to pull himself back together wiping away the tears. "Sorry About that. I didn't even get your name and I just cried like a child." James said, sitting in front of the lake.

“It is quite alright, young one. As for who I am, I am Faust.” the now named Faust said and James eyes widened a bit.

"Faust? As in the goddess Lauren Faust?! Creator of Equus as well as the mother of Celestia and Luna?! That Faust?!" James asked with surprise and shock written across his face.

Faust just giggles and nods her head. “The very same.”

".......... your daughter Celestia is a bitch you know." James said, looking back at the lake.

“Y-yes, she may need a stern talking to about her little attitude.” Faust said with a comical sweatdrop.

James nodded in agreement. It was quiet between them for a few moments before James sighed. "You already knew about Lucifer's daughter and her friends being in Equestria right." James said, more a fact than a question.

“Yes. Nothing escapes my notice. Not even Earth bound demons being forced into my world.” Faust said, her smile disappearing and being replaced by a neutral expression.

"That means you also knew about the Infinity Stones as well as what I’m planning on doing with them." James said, looking down already knowing the answer.

Faust nodded her head. “Yes, I also know that nothing I say will deter you from doing it.”

James' laugh was hollow and full of pain. "Not like it matters anymore I can't even touch them without killing myself. But I'm already dead so I can't do much so you don't have to worry about me becoming a god killer." James said, looking at the lake showing his and Faust reflection.

“I believe I can help with that.” Faust said, making James look at her with a raised eyebrow.

"What are you going to do? Make my body able to use the Infinity Stones or something?" James questioned looking at Faust.

"Yes actually, I can." Faust said, smirking at James shock face but her smirk disappeared soon after. “However, it will come at a cost. One that I believe you might find ridiculous.”

His shock turned into confusion and said "If you are asking for me to give you my soul then I think I’ll-" James didn't get to finish before Faust interrupted him looking shocked and horrified by his words.

“Your soul?! Why would I ever want your soul?! What am I? A demon?” she asked him.

James just shrugged his shoulders. "I don't know, sorry I have been around demons for a while. But what do you want in exchange for helping me use the Infinity Stones?" James questioned.

“You will have to become the protector of Equus.” Faust told him.

James just blinked for a moment before saying. "You want me? The guy who killed both angels and demons or anything really to be the protector of Equus?" James asked, making sure he heard her right.

Faust nodded her head. “Yes, that is correct.”

James just blinked again before sighing. "Alright, fine. It's not like I got any other chance, Ok I'll protect Equus and all who live on against any enemies." James said, voice full of seriousness and determination.

Faust smiled and nodded her head. “Thank you, James.” She then reached behind her back and pulled out a familiar box. "Since your original heart was destroyed by an Angel blade I think you'll be better if I could use these Infinity Stones to make you a new one." she said, as the Infinity Stones float out of the box and after a bright flash of light, in front of James was what looked like a heart but it had the Infinity Stones implanted into it.

Back to the battle. Applejack was standing over a bloody and bleeding Pepper Spice. “Looks like the game is now over Pepper Spice. Once I get through killing you I will go after the rest of your family and make them bleed too." Applejack said, her emerald green eyes now turn into blood red.

Coughing up some blood before he weakly held his arm up. “P-p-please….have m-mercy!”

Applejack looked at Pepper Spice with anger and hatred before stomping on his chest making him scream out in pain. "You dare ask for mercy after you kill James……..the one person who would love me for I am and not for my body or title," Applejack said, not even trying to hide her face of disgust for Pepper Spice.

Pepper Spice tried to get her foot off of him but had no success as she only put more pressure on him to the point where he can hear his ribs cracking. "I'm going to enjoy murdering you and your family Pepper Spice." Applejack said, raising the Blades of Chaos fully consumed by the Spartan rage..

That's when they both heard a thump and they looked around until they heard it again. "W-what is that?" Pepper Spice asked.

That's when they looked over to James and saw his finger twitch before tightening his fist and the box that was a few meters away from them opened up with the Infinity Stones flying out and slamming into his chest.

James' body started to convulse as the Infinity Stones' power started to surge through his veins before a burst of energy shot out of his body and into the sky creating a pillar of rainbow energy.

“W-what in the n-name of Celestia?” Pepper Spice said as he and Applejack continued to stare at the pillar.

Inside the pillar James' body was healing and he gained black marks all over his body and face. And once his eyes opened they were now silver draconic eyes.

(Something like this)

Once the pillar disappeared James was standing and looked around at the destruction of the apple farm. "Jesus Christ what the fuck happened here." James asked not noticing Applejack's and Pepper Spice shock faces.

“J-James?” Applejack asked, tears beginning to form within her eyes.

James looked at Applejack and jumped in surprise. Applejack was covered in blood and dirt while having one of her legs standing on Pepper Spice chest who looked like he got into a fight with a Jaguar and polar bear at the same time.

"Holy fuck AJ!? You really gave him a beating.” James said before walking over and held Applejack’s free hand. "But it's OK I'm here and live…. You can stop now." James said, in a calm voice.

But Applejack had other plans as she pulled him into a tight hug before sobbing into his chest, happy and relieved that he’s alive. James smiled and hugged her tight and kissed her forehead. "It’s okay I'm here AJ, and this time I Pinkie Pie promise I'll stay," James said, cupping both her cheeks while wiping her tears away.

“B-but how…how a-are you alive?” she asked him in between sobs.

James smiled and said. "You could say there's a God or goddess out there that cares about me." James said, before looking over to Pepper Spice, seeing the stallion trying to crawl away from the two.

’T-those two are going t-to pay when I return! I-I swear it!’ the stallion thought angrily.

Just then James appeared in front of Pepper Spice shocking him. "Where do you think you're going?" James asked as a rainbow aura covered him and what sounded like six other voices talking at the same time.

Gulping and thinking it might work, tried begging with james. “W-wait! I’ll leave! You w-won’t ever see me again! I swear!”

James just stared at Pepper Spice for a moment before lifting his right hand to which Pepper Spice mangled body was floating in mid-air much to his shock and horror. "Don't worry I don't have to kill you, someone else has a worse punishment in store for you later down the line. I think the name Lauren Faust goddess of creation rings a bell to you," James said, as all the color drained from Pepper Spice's face, showing a look of horror.

“F-Faust?! What do you m-mean Fasut?!” he questioned, too weak to struggle out of whatever is holding him up.

"I think you know what I mean by Faust," James said, not noticing the other apple family and Scootaloo were behind them. "She brought me back to life as well as gave me an offer I couldn't refuse." James said, snapping his fingers and Pepper Spice was healed but still couldn't move.

This caught Applejacks attention as she looked at James with a slightly curious expression. “W-what kind of o-offer?” Pepper Spice asked.

"Well, in exchange for bringing me back to life as well as giving me the ability to use powerful artifacts from my Homeworld. You're looking at the new protector of Equus in its entirety which to put it simply I only answer to her which means I can do whatever I want however I wanted to do it as long as it doesn't kill her little ponies as long as they didn't do anything that could be considered evil or sinful." James said, getting into Pepper Spice's scared and terrified face.

Everyone in the area were beyond shocked about this news. Even Applejack was staring at James like he was a different person. "But that being said I won't kill you instead I got something far worse." James said, as a portal opened up behind him.

“W-what are you doing?!” Pepper Spice questioned, finding the strength he needs to try and struggle free.

"What I am about to do, Pepper Spice, is send you to another universe where you have to fight for your very life. I hope you like the undead." James said, and before he could get free James threw him in and closed the portal.

It was quiet for a moment for James that I saw and fell to the ground breathing heavily. while everyone just stared in shock at what he had done. however, two certain girls were more concerned about James than Pepper Spice as Scootaloo quickly ran over to her father and tackled him into a hug.

"Ow!! Jesus kid, how many times are you going to tackle me to the ground." James asked, getting off the ground and holding Scootaloo in his arms.

“As many times as it takes to show how much you worry me whenever you get into big fights.” was Scootaloo’s response as she hugged him tighter.

James sighed and walked towards Applejack while still holding Scootaloo. "Hey Applejack, like the new look?" James asked, smiling at Applejack.

She just hugs him as well, tears still falling down her face. “I don’t really care about the look. I’m just glad you’re alive.” He just hugged her as well as the apple family came towards them as the black marks were disappearing and his eyes were turning back to normal. “Don’t ever scare me like that again. You hear me?”

"Sorry AJ but if you and the others are going to stay by me there are going to be times where I may or will get killed," James said, while rubbing Applejack back. Applejack wanted to say something but knew that James was right and just enjoyed James' warmth. "So that the problem is out of the way. Let's get this farm fixed up,"

“Can’t we just relax for now? Please?” Scootaloo asked him, looking up at him with pleading eyes.

James smiled and kissed Scootaloo's forehead and said. "Don't worry peanut, it would take a long time," James said, as he lifted his right hand while it was glowing green just like the entire landscape of the Apple Family Farm. Then he turned his hand counterclockwise as everything started to rewind back to normal. Everyone stared in shock and awe at the spectacle that James was doing. After a moment the Family Farm was brand new like nothing had happened to it.

“Holy Celestia…..he just fixed everything with just a wave of his hand…” Granny said as she stared at the newly repaired apple trees and house.

"Yeah it looks almost like nothing happened." Bright Mac said, with Applejack and Pear Butter nodding in agreement.

"You know Applejack there is one thing I haven't done yet." James said, smirking evilly at her.

“And what would that be?” she asked with a raised eyebrow.

Without warning James locks lips with Applejack, catching her and everyone off guard and after a couple of seconds they separated. "Sweet Luna moon. I'll never get tired of you tasting like apples Applejack," James said, grining.

Applejack was sporting a massive blush on her face before she shook her head. “You’re lucky we’re together.” she told him before giving him a quick peck on the cheek.

"Yeah……. But we do have to talk to the others about, you know." James said and Applejack knew he was talking about his relationship with her as well as the others like Ember, Cherri, Angel as well as her friends.

“Yeah, I guess we do have to talk about it eventually.” Applejack said, already thinking of how awkward it was going to be.

After that everyone agreed to go to bed early after the tiring event but on the way back to the farmhouse James was thinking to himself. ‘She has no idea how awkward it is going to be and if she finds out about her family lineage as well as the others.’ James thought while looking at a sleeping Scootaloo.

(James pov the next Day Ponyville station)

I stretched my arms while yawning after the long train ride back to Ponyville. And it didn't help that both Bright Mac and Big Mac were glaring at me while Applejack was sitting next to me.

Just then the Main Six, Hazbin Hotel and Helluva Boss gangs were waiting outside with Pinkie tackling both James and Applejack into a bear hug.

“Oh missed you guys so much!! You guys didn’t forget who I am right?!” Pinkie asked us, still hugging us to the point where it was getting a bit difficult to breathe.

"Pinkie…. We can’t breathe." I said before teleporting out of her death hug with Applejack, shocking everyone except for Alastor.

“Since when can you do that?” Twilight asked him, her eyes wide.

"It was after I died and brought back to life by this world's goddess……..Aw crap basket you didn't know about yet." James said, slapping his forehead.

“WHAT?!” the rest of the Main Six and most of the Hazbin Hotel Gang shouted in shock while Alastor, Husk, and the Helluva Boss gang didn’t seem to care.

James knew this was going nowhere so taking a deep breath and said. "OK this is going to be something soooo-" James started before snapping his fingers and everyone teleported into James house more specifically the living room.

“Hey! How about a warning next time!” Rainbow said in annoyance.

I ignored her and looked at Charlie and Vaggie. "Can you two look after the kids for a moment," I asked, they nodded and left with Artemis and the CmC.

After a moment I told everyone about what happened at Appaloosa as well as telling them about how me and Applejack got together and me dying and meeting Faust, her proposal to help me use the Infinity Stones and make me a protector of Equus.

Safe to say, this made those who were shocked earlier even more shocked. “Sweet Celestia….” Rarity said quietly.

I nodded my head in agreement and said. "Yeah but that's not all." I said, getting their attention. "She also told me about some interesting things about your guy's family history." I said, pointing at the main six.

This piqued everyone's curiosity before Twilight asked. “What do you mean?”

I took a moment to prepare myself before saying. "All six of you are not full ponies like the others. To be brutally honest all of you are descendants of gods or goddesses," I said, waiting for their reaction.

“Now that’s a load of bull I ever heard.” Blitzo said with a chuckle before pointing a thumb at the six. “These girls being the great grandbabies of those loser Olympians?”

I sighed before opening my right hand and to everyone's surprise the skin on my hand moved before the mind stone appeared in the palm of my hand as it started to glow. "It’s better to show you than telling you." I said, as the memories of my compensation with Faust.

"So you're telling me that the element Bearers are related to gods and Goddess from my universe?" my past self asked, looking confused and shocked.

“That is exactly what I am saying. Each one of them are descendents of certain members of the Olympians. Well, some of them anyways. Two of them is related to a couple of the Norse gods.” Faust said.

My past self looked more confused. "If you don't mind. Can you tell me who those gods or goddesses names?" I asked.

She nodded her head. “Of course. For the Olympians there is Athena, Aphrodite, Hermes and a warrior named Kratos. Norse, Loki and Hela.”

They then saw my face go pale with fear and worry. "Let me guess Fluttershy is related to Hela the Goddess of Death, Pinkie Pie is related to Loki the God of mischief and chaos, Rainbow Dash is related to Hermes the God of Speed, Rarity is related to Aphrodite the goddess of love, beauty, pleasure and procreation, Twilight is related to Athena the goddess of battle strategy, and wisdom, and Applejack is related to Kratos the God of War?" he asked fearing the answer.

Faust nodded her head while the Main Six were surprised to hear this, I can tell they didn’t know who those gods were but with the way I said their names and titles, they knew they were important. “That is correct.”

Then they saw me next to a tree with a dark cloud over my head while saying in a scared and terrified voice. "I literally had sex with someone who's ancestor that can literally rip me in half," they heard my past self say, fearing for my life.

This made Blitzo laugh mockingly. “Aw, looks like you’re not as tough as you make yourself to be!”

"Blitzo." I said, getting everyone's attention about how serious my voice was. "Kratos is known as the god that killed all the Greek pantheon gods aka the God Slayer. Not even his own father Zeus, the most powerful God of all of them, can stand up to him." I said, as everyone stared at me.

“Oooh scary. Trust me, when you live in hell with beings like Overlords and Princes, things like that don’t really scare anyone.” Blito said.

That's when everyone notices the room warping in and out of reality as they see places that they thought never even existed beings who are beyond space and time. "Blitzo." I said, everyone stared at me as my eyes were now silver with draconic-like pupils and a rainbow aura was surrounding me.

"Those people in hell are just that, Overlords and princes…….but these people are full of fresh gods and goddesses. And not even Lucifer would play around with people like them." I said, as I noticed my voice had an echo to it as well as six other voices too.

“I’m not saying they aren’t hot shit. Gods killing one another, especially if they’re on different levels of power, sounds just like Overlords killing Overlords so it’s not really all that frightening to hear.” Blitzo said with a shrug.

"Don't do it James. Don't do it," I said to myself before the mind stone went back into my body. "Anyways I need to have a conversation with the element Bearers, Ember, Amara, Angel and Cherri alone." I said, as I saw Applejack stiffen at that.

“Uh, why?” Cherry asked me.

I had a serious look on my face and said, "I think you know why Cherri, and before anyone of you say you don't know both me and Applejack know that you are lying," I said, as the people in question eyes widened.

“O-oh. He’s right. This is gonna be a private conversation so please give us some privacy.” Twilight said to the others.

“Very well. This was starting to bore me anyways.” Alastor said as he and Husk left the room and slowly those who weren’t part of the conversation began to leave though Moxxie had to drag Blitzo out due to him wanting to eavesdrop.

After everyone had left it was just me, the main six, Amara, Ember, Cherri and Angel sitting in the living room. It was quiet for a moment before I sighed and got their attention. "OK, this is not easy especially for Angel, Cherri and Rainbow Dash when it comes to feelings or love." I started getting up and walking over towards the window.

Rainbow wanted to say something but stopped. She hates to admit that I was right. "And it makes it worse when we don't hang around each other that much but yet you still developed feelings for me as I do for you guys." I continued, as I looked back at them.

“So what do you suggest we do then? Start hanging out with each other? Well let me tell you this, a lot of these girls don’t exactly agree with how me and Cherri have fun.” Angel Dust said with said demon nodding in agreement.

"Yeah you might be wrong on that account.” I said and everyone was confused until I looked at Fluttershy.

"W-why are you looking at me?!" Fluttershy said, trying to act scared but I knew.

"Flutters….. stop acting and just be yourself." I said, confusing everyone even more.

“Dude, what are you talking about? She is being herself.” Rainbow Dash said.

Just then they heard Fluttershy laugh and then to Rainbow Dash shock as well as everyone she smirked at me. "So you knew I was faking this whole time huh?" she said, not even trying to stutter or hiding her face in fear.

"Not at first but I started to see the signs." I answered and Fluttershy just laughed harder which freaked out her friends, especially Rainbow Dash since she’s known her since they were kids.

“I-is Fluttershy…” Rarity began but stopped, unable to find the right words.

“Actually openly laughing loudly instead of being all shy and quiet? Yes, yes she is.” Applejack said.

Fluttershy got up off the couch and stretched. "Jesus fuck, you have no idea how hard it is to act all weak and pathetic at times." she said, walking over to James and smirks. "Especially when you are in front of a natural born killer like James here," Fluttershy said. Wrapping her arms around my neck and kissing my cheek.

I then noticed that Rainbow Dash had a betrayed look on her face.

"Rainbow," I said, getting her attention. "I know you think that Fluttershy betrayed you but this change probably happened before or after she got her Cutie Mark." I said, getting out of Fluttershy hug and walked over to Rainbow Dash and pulled her into my embrace.

“Don’t. Don’t try and make this any better. Cause you’re failing at it.” Rainbow Dash said, removing my arms from her. “I’ve been lied to my entire life by someone I thought was my best friend. No amount of comfort is going to fix the betrayal I’m feeling right now.”

"If it helps I 'll just tell you what happened and why I lied." Fluttershy said. Getting everyone's attention. "It was just a few days after I got my Cutie Mark that things changed." Fluttershy started looking out the window.

"I was still a foal at the time and was in the Everfree forest playing with my animal friends when it happened," she said, her eyes closing for a moment before continuing. "A large bug bear attacked me when I was walking back to Ponyville. I tried to reason with it, but it just wanted to kill ponies just for fun, more specifically foals who were no more than 5 years old."

Everyone except for me, Angel, Cherri and Rainbow looked shocked and horrified by this. "So I tried to run but it chased me all the way into a corner. I thought I was going to die that day until I heard a voice in my head that told me I could easily kill it if I just focused inward inside myself and I did so….. and I blackout for what seemed like a few minutes but when I woke up I saw the bug bear torn to pieces and I was covered in his blood."

“S-sweet Celestia!” Rarity said, horrified by what she heard.

“So ya tore it to pieces?” Cherri asked Fluttershy.

"Yup, I was horrified by it at first but I started to like it which confused me, after I got home understandably my Dad was scared out of his mind but my mom looked at me like she knew what I did. So after I got cleaned up and I checked over by doctors, my mom sat me down and told me what was happening," Fluttershy said.

"She said, ever since the start of Equestria and unification of the three pony tribes. The mares in my family will go through somewhat of a change in nature. We will hear a voice of our great ancestor Hela telling us we can kill anything that threatens us, once we have done our first kill our personality and the way we think will change over time."

"We would enjoy seeing death happen to ponies, animals, anything that has life to a worrying degree, sometimes we'll indulge in the act of killing things. So my mom told me to pretend to be weak and scared in front of ponies and keep this side of me a secret because other ponies wouldn't understand us and see us as Psychopathic murderers who just enjoy killing." Fluttershy said, before looking at Rainbow Dash with a sad smile.

"I wanted to tell you, but mom said that you wouldn't understand and be scared of me and tell others…..so I lied to you not wanting to lose the only friend I had, I'm sorry for everything Rainbow Dash." Fluttershy said, bowing.

Rainbow Dash look of betrayal was changed to a more conflicted one. “I…I don’t think I can just forgive you right away Shy. You lied to me for years. You made me think I knew everything about you. That we wouldn’t keep secrets from each other. I’m sorry but I just need time.”

Fluttershy nodded her head. "I know this is hard for you, when you are ready we can talk again and you can ask me anything and I won't lie to you," Fluttershy said, smiling.

I looked at the two in worry but knew I couldn't do anything for them. So I cleared my throat, getting everyone's attention again. "OK let's focus back on the main topic we need to do something about this between us." I said, more serious than before.

"Because I can't just write off and say 'I'll think about it later' and the next time I'm around any of you and some stallion comes up and flirts with you that I will either kill the guy or threaten to kill a guy and I don't think we want to live like that with me acting possessive." I said, snapping my fingers and some drinks appeared.

“What’s with you and killing?” Aapplejack asked me.

I rubbed my head in embarrassment. "Sorry I guess I resort to the option every time I see a problem, but you do agree that we need to figure this out. Because every time I try imagining one of you guys dating someone I instantly destroy the image before the body can even be formed next to you guys." I said, sighing and sitting on one of the couches.

“Is there a reason why you’re so kill happy? Other than you being possessive of course.” Angel Dust said with a chuckle.

"It’s because I have this." I said, pointing at the curse mark. "The curse mark makes anyone who has it for too long have a murderous impulse to want to kill anything or everything. I try to fight back those urges by doing other things but as you can see it's not really helping all that much." I finished.

“Maybe we can find some way to remove it? Or at least weaken it? Cause honestly, this whole kill everything that angers you is a bit…well…frightening.” Twilight said.

"Yeah you guys are probably right I need to…….wait a minute." I said, stopping for a moment before yelling at them. "YOU GUYS ARE TRYING TO CHANGE THE SUBJECT ARE YOU!!!!" I yelled, catching what they were trying to do and seeing them not look at me prove my point.

“W-what are you talking about?” Twilight said nervously.

I groaned in annoyance as I rubbed my forehead. "Guys, I'm serious about this. We can't just ignore this and pretend it may or it may not happen." I said, looking at them.

"Like I said before, it's not easy being honest about how we feel. But we need to talk about this and find a way to deal with it so it wouldn't be a problem down the line," I finished.

Cherri then sighed. “He’s right. We keep trying to ignore this, it’s only gonna cause problems for us in the future.”

Everyone nodded and tried to think of something until I saw Pinkie Pie eyes light up. "I got an idea, why not form a Herd with James and date him for a while if our feelings for him change we can leave the herd at any time." she smiled brightly.

“Herd? The fuck is that?” Angel Dust asked as both he and Cherri had confused looks on their faces.

"Think of it like harem, where one guy gets an unspecified amount of women or men that love you and go on dates and stuff," I answered.

“Ah, got ya.” Angel Dust said, nodding in understanding.

"Though that sounds like a bad idea, Pinkie." I said, thinking about it more.

“What? Why?” Pinkie asked, a bit dejected her idea was a bad one.

"Sorry Pinkie but I think the others wouldn’t really willingly share the same guy." I said, but was proven wrong by the others.

“Pft, I don’t mind sharing just as long as there’s enough for me.” Angel Dust said.

“Same here.” Fluttershy said next.

“I knew that others would be interested in ya so I did prepare myself for the thought of sharing you with whoever has caught your eye.” Applejack said.

I just blinked before looking over at Amara, Rarity, Twilight, Cherri, Rainbow and Ember. "What about you guys? Do you feel the same?" I asked.

"I really don't mind as long as you love us equally." Amara said.

“I guess you can say the same about the rest of us.” Twilight said with a small blush as the others, minus Rainbow Dash who just mumbled, nodded in agreement.

"So two demons, six mares, a dragon and the literal darkness herself wants to date me? Am I getting this right?" I asked while feeling embarrassed and my face turns red.

“Yeah that seems about right.” Angel Dust said, chuckling as he no doubt found amusement in me getting flustered.

"Cool." I said, it was quiet for a moment before I fell face first on my face hitting the ground hard.

“James!” everyone shouted before they all ran over to me.

I was helped up and into a chair. "It’s okay now, I'm OK, just a little surprise is all." I said, trying to get the feeling back into my legs as they felt like jelly right now.

"Yeah right," Rainbow said, rolling her eyes.

I rubbed my head and looked at a lot of them with an embarrassing smile. " so since we figured out how we going to do this there's only one thing left," I said, getting their attention. "Which one of you wants to go on a date with me," I said, smiling.

Chapter 13

Meeting an old friend and finding out the truth….. "Can I really love all of them equally?!?"

(Third person POV)

In another universe or more specifically another Equestria there was a hooded figure running for their life from the royal guards as they made their way to the edge of the cliff.

"Stop right there!!!! You are cornered, turn yourself in, and Queen Daybreaker may spare your life!" the leader of the group said as he and the other guards surrounded the figure.

The hooded figure just clicked their tongue and said. "Like hell I turn myself into that bitch. Besides, not like she will once I turn myself in. She'll just kill me and use my skull as a paper weight." the hooded figure said, glaring at them.

The lead guard smirked a bit. “Good. We were wanting some payback for all the shit you put us through.”

The hooded figure got into a fight stance and did come at me gesture with their hand. The first two guards ran at them but the figure disposed of them quickly as they looked back at the leader. "Really Shining Armor? Your guards are even more useless then they were before and that’s saying something seeing how they were trained by you of all people."

A magic beam struck them in the chest, knocking them back and making them nearly fall off the cliff if Shining Armor hadn’t grabbed them by their neck and lifted them up and held them over the edge. “Last chance bitch. Give up or I’ll kill you right here.”

Due to the strong winds and heavy rain the figure's hood blew off to show that the figure was a female with yellow fur with red rosy cheeks and her eyes were ocean blue. "Fuck you, I rather die again than give up." she said, her eyes full with defiance.

Unbeknownst to them a riff in the fabric of reality started to form in the cavern underneath them, revealing Whitetail Woods.

(Looks like this)

Shining Armor chuckles a bit at this. “Then enjoy Tartarus bitch.” he then dropped her.

As she fell through the cavern, her last thought was on her best friend James and said. "I guess I'm dying twice…… I hope you're there James." she said as she fell through the riff.

(Scootaloo pov three weeks later)

It's been three weeks since my dad and my friends' sisters started dating. It was weird at first but I got used to it. Right now I was at the CMC clubhouse with my friends while my dad and Applejack were helping on the farm.

“Okay girls, what’s our next idea in getting our Cutie Marks?” Applebloom asked us, snapping me out of my thoughts.

Sweetie Bell was looking bored out of her mind. "I don't know, we did pretty much everything that we could do." she said.

"Anything we didn't do my dad would be beyond angry……. I think we can agree if he finds out we did something that could have gotten us killed." I said, not wanting to imagine my dad getting angry.

“Yeah, so that pretty much erases any ideas of getting a Cutie Mark.” Applebloom dejectedly said.

Just then I heard a loud boom coming from the Whitetail Woods. "What was that!?" I shouted before looking out the window to see what happened. I can see a dust cloud in the distance and I’m guessing it was coming from Whitetail Woods.

“Can you see anything Scoots?” Applebloom asked me.

"Only a dust cloud…… let's go check it out." I said, walking out of the clubhouse and started to run towards the dust cloud.

“Hey wait up!” I hear Applebloom shout behind me but I kept running.

After a few minutes of running we made it to the crash site and saw a medium sized crater with some pony knocked unconscious.

(Third person POV)

They saw this and ran towards the injured pony and saw it was a female who was 5'2 and had yellow fur with black spots on its ears and red cheeks.

"Uhhh." she groaned out, unconscious but still hurt.

“We better get some help fast!” Scootaloo said after seeing the pony.

"How?" Applebloom said, before they could think of a plan they saw a blue portal opened up and James, Twilight and Applejack came out of the portal.

"What the…. Scootaloo what the hell are you girls doing here?" James asked, walking over and saw the unconscious person on the ground.

“We were just seeing what it was that caused the explosion.” Scootaloo explained while stepping away from the pony.

James stared at the pony and noticed right away she wasn't a pony. After thinking for a moment James walked over and picked her up. "Twilight, Applejack can you take the kids back to the house, I am heading towards the hospital. And can you get the rest of the girls and princesses here too?" James asked while summoning his Dragon wings.

“We can do that but why do you need the others?” Twilight asked him.

"I'll tell you later Twilily." James said, kissing her cheek and flying off towards Ponyville hospital.

After that Twilight and Applejack took the Cmc back home and on the way sent a letter to the princesses to meet at the hospital. After a few minutes the Main Six and princesses were outside of the hospital.

"Hey what's going on? Did something happen?" Rainbow questioned while looking at Twilight.

“Your guess is as good as mine. James just told me to tell everyone to meet at the hospital.” Twilight said.

"James!? Did something happen to him," Luna asked.

"No, but-" Twilight did get to finish before James came out looking serious.

"Good everyone here, Ok what I'm about to tell you guys can not be told to anyone else," James said, sounding serious.

Everyone looked confused but James continued. "The doctors are looking after her and making sure she has any lasting damage but while they were doing that I did a background check on her by reading her memories." James said, as they walked inside the hospital.

“Wait, since when can you do that?” Celestia asked with a suspicious look on her face.

"Since it was none of your fucking business that’s when." James said, glaring at Celestia.

"James." Rarity said, crossing her arms.

James sighed in annoyance "Fine…. I have six Infinity Stones that make up my heart and one of them being the Mind stone that allows me to read people's memories, control their minds, wipe their memories, etc, etc."

“So in other words, you can easily take over by wiping everyone’s memories and no one would stop you.” Celestia said with narrowed eyes.

James looked at Celestia like she lost her mind. "Why would I want to rule a bunch of toddlers who need their princess to do everything for them besides the Main Six and a few others? Everyone here will get on my nerves so quickly that I might hurt them."

“Hey, how about we all just calm down and talk about the pony that was brought in?” Twilight said, getting in between James and Celestia to prevent them from fighting.

James clicked his tongue and continued walking. "I found out some shocking information about her. For one thing she's from an alternate universe like ours but…" James stopped before continuing. "In that universe Celestia killed her little sister and took her powers and killed every single ruler and became the supreme ruler of Equus. Going as far as mind controlling that world's Main Six and murder almost half of the population." James finished, standing in front of the door.

“What?! That’s simply awful!!” Rarity shouted in disbelief and horror.

"Yeah it's not a good place……but.." James stopped, everyone noticed and the main six and Luna were worried. "Her name is the same as my best friend who died." James finished.

This surprised a lot of them. “Really? Could it be that they’re the same person?” Applejack asked.

"I don't know Applejack, even if she has the same name doesn't mean they're the same person there's only one way for me to know if it's really her or not.” James said, opening the door and seeing she was awake with a confused look.

The person in question looked over to see a large group into her hospital room, but to their surprise it had one human male. The person's eyes widened as they stared at James. “A-a human?! How is there a human in Equestria?!”

James raised an eyebrow and said. "Better question is how is there an anthro Pikachu in Equestria?" James questioned taking one of the chairs in the room.

“W-well, you see I-” she then stopped speaking when her eyes landed on Celestia and she gained an enraged look on her face. “YOU!!” she jumped out of the bed with her fist pulled back, ready to punch the solar princess much to the shock of everyone.

James got in front of her and grabbed her wrist and put it behind her back and pulled her away from Celestia. "As much as I want you to punch her…. I saw your memories and believe me she is not Daybreaker."

“Let go! I’m gonna make her pay!!” she shouted angrily while struggling in James’ grip.

James didn't want to use her name but he needs to get her to calm down and know if it's her. "Shakira Jamie Smith!!! Calm down!" James shouted at her, having a small hope that it's really her.

This made the anthro Pikachu freeze before slowly turning to James. “H-how do you know my name?”

James was about to cry but stayed strong enough to say. "Hey Lapis," James said, using his old friend's nickname.

Her eyes widened in shock as she knew only one person would call her that. “J-James?”

James just smiled while now crying like a 5 year old. "It is you….my Lapis!!!" James cried before hugging her while shook in both happiness and sadness.

Shakira was still in shock at the revelation of the person hugging her being her friend before that shock turned to joy and relief and she hugged him back. “O-oh James! I thought…I-I thought I wouldn’t see you again!”

James just made incohesive sentences as he tried to say the same thing. After a moment of the two crying, James turned to the others with the biggest smile he had. "Guys this is my best friend Shakira Jamie Smith. Shakira, these are my friends/marefriends except for Luna and Celestia."

“Marefriends?” Shakira asked while she felt a strange sense of jealousy.

"Yeah.. well actually it's them plus a dragon princess, two demons, and a literal darkness," James said, before looking at the others. "Guys, Shakira was my bestest friend back home. She was there to comfort me when my parents died." James said, not noticing that the Main Six and Shakira were given each death glares at each other.

“Well that was nice of her.” Rarity said with a forced smile on her face. “So how long have you two known each other?”

"Ever since we were 4 years old, we have been close friends. We would do anything from watching anime and movies to going to the forest to find cool stuff. I also slept over at her house too." James said, sounding excited and was beaming with happiness like Pinkie.

Shakira had a smirk while the Main Six glaring at her trying to set her on fire. “Yeah, I guess you can say we were really close back then.”

"Yeah, remember that time we tried to get superpowers like Spider-Man?" James asked while laughing. "Man, our mom's were so angry that they looked like they were going super saiyan."

Shakira laughed as well. “I have never seen them so mad before that it was more funny than terrifying!”

After that James offered Shakira to live with him and much to the Main Six’s anger she said yes. It was now nighttime and the Main Six, Amara, Angel, Cherri and Ember were in Twilight’s library discussing James and Shakira.

"Damn so she is the girl that James was talking about?" Angel asked.

“Apparently so.” Twilight said with a nod.

"Uhh Twilight…. Your hair is on fire," Rainbow said, pointing at Twilight’s flaming hair with the mare in question trying to keep a calm face but couldn't while knowing that Shakira was with James right now.

“Huh, guess she’s an actual hothead.” Angel Dust said while laughing a bit with Cherri snickering.

The two demons stopped laughing when they saw Twilight giving them a look that could kill them in an instant. "Yeah, and it's worse when she knows James practically his whole life she has the biggest advantage out of all of us here." Rarity said, looking rather annoyed at their current situation.

“Pft, so? Like that’ll matter.” Angel Dust said with a roll of his eyes.

"Well you weren’t there." Rainbow said, crossing her arms in annoyance. "From the hospital to his house they were in their own little world talking about things we didn't even know about him."

“Chill out Skittles. I’m sure he won’t ditch us for his best friend.” Cherri said as she leaned back on the chair.

"A best friend who he said he loved more than anything," Pinkie said.

It was silent inside the library as everyone digested that statement from Pinkie. Even if Cherri was right, they can't deny that with Shakira being here James might start having second thoughts about being with them. And having this dark thought causes them to second guess their confidence in the relationship they made with him.

“This might be a problem.” Ember said and the others nodded their heads.

"So let's just kill her then." Angel Dust said, in response Amara smacked him upside the head.

"You know that if we try that, James will never trust us again or even worse he will try to kill us in revenge for killing her." Amara said with a scowl on her face.

“Geez, it was just a joke.” Angel Dust said while rubbing the spot where Amara smacked him.

"What if we can get some alone time and show him how much we love him?" Rarity suggest while smirking.

Everyone looked at each other and agreed. "OK but you're going first, Rarity," Rainbow said, smirking at Rarity's shocked and horrified face.

"Wait, why do I have to go first?!" the unicorn mare questioned while blushing.

"Well since it's your idea, you can go first." Rainbow answered.

“B-but..” Rarity tried saying before sighing. “Fine. I’ll go first.”

(Next morning)

It was early morning in Ponyville and both James and Shakira were walking towards Rarity Boutique to get her some new clothes. "Trust me Rarity is the best clothes designer in Ponyville." James said, smiling brightly.

“That’s what a lot of people said back home. Always preaching how they’re the best or something like that.” Shakira said.

"Don't worry this is not like home, and everyone in this universe is nice and Rarity is a generous marefriend and the greatest at making clothes," James said, not noticing Shakira had a scowl on her face after hearing James say marefriend.

“That’s just great then.” she said, doing her best to hide the jealousy in her voice.

"Looks like we're here," James said, opening the door and saw Rarity wearing a black pencil skirt with a white dress shirt that looked a bit small showing her C-cup breasts. James smirked evilly and sneaked up behind her before wrapping his arms around her waist. "Hi Rarity, how are you doing?" James said, trying and failing not to laugh at Rarity's surprised face.

“Wha?! James! Don’t startle a lady like that!” scolded Rarity. “You could have given me a heart attack.”

James kissed her cheek. "Sorry Rares. But I brought Shakira so you can get her measurements and make her some new clothes." James said while smiling.

Rarity's eyebrow twitched in annoyance before having a forced smile. "Oh really that's….. great." Rarity said.

"Thanks Rarity I really appreciate this," James said, before smirking evilly. Rarity was confused until James pulled Rarity close and kissed her deeply with his tongue invading her mouth while grabbing her ass.

Shakira’s jaw dropped which Rarity noticed and gave her a smug look which only ticked off Shakira. James and Rarity's makeout was interrupted by Shakira pulling on James' shirt separating them. "OK that's enough you too, let’s get this over with." she said, before taking off her cloak and making James have a nosebleed and Rarity was dumbfounded by Shakira.

Shakira was short and her body was a little chubby but in all the right places with H-cup breasts and a bubble butt that any stallion or man would have a heart attack just by seeing it.

(,like this)

“Sweet Celestia.” Rarity muttered quietly as she stared at Shakira.

Shakira raised an eyebrow and turned to see James staring and smirked before hefting her breasts up with her arms. "Like what you see, James?" she asked with lust filled eyes.

James blushed and said in a nervous tone. "I don't know what you're talking about." he said, lying through his teeth.

“Are you sure about that?” she asked him while giving her breasts a bit of a bounce, making him nearly have another nosebleed.

Rarity cleared her throat and said. "Let’s get started." she said, looking at James with a glare before grabbing the measuring tape with her magic and began measuring her.

While that was happening James tried to get his mind off of how Shakira looked by starting up a conversation. "Soooo Rarity, how's Sweetie Belle? Last time I checked on her and the others were still down about not getting their Cutie Mark."

“Yes, they are still upset about that but they are doing alright.” Rarity said as she wrote down some measurements before she continued measuring Shakira.

James thought for a moment before snapping his fingers. "Hey Rares, have you ever heard or seen Sweetie Bell sing or dance in her spare time?”

“Sometimes.” Rarity said as she wrote down more notes.

James smirks before saying. "That's good to hear because I just figured out how to help one of them." James said, getting up and stretching.

“Really? Well I’m sure they would appreciate it.” Rarity said with a small smile.

James smirked and said. "Trust me she will, I'm going to go and get things ready. Meet me back at the house with all the others. I got a surprise for you guys." James said, kissing Rarity on the lips one more time before leaving.

When James left it was an awkward science between Rarity and Shakira, Rarity cleared her throat. "Well OK let's continue shall we? Do you have any preferences on what you want your style of clothes to be?" Rarity asked, trying to be professional.

“Meh, loose fitting clothes works for me. I’ll wear a dress but I’ll mostly stick with tomboyish clothing. As for the colors, black, blue, silver and red.” Shakira said and Rarity wrote it down.

Rarity nodded at her before pausing for a moment. She thought about what she was going to say but hesitated for a moment before sighing and said. "Shakira, does James know you're really a lesbian or you are actually bisexual?" Rarity asked, sitting down the notebook and pencil.

Shakira blinked at this. “What? What brought this up?”

"Well…. I was wearing a very tight skirt and dress shirt and James was attracted to it, but if you were a lesbian then you would have stared too. But instead you were jealous that James was looking at me and kissing me," Rarity said, before looking at Shakira with a serious look.

"Have you been lying to James telling him you like mares instead of stallions but you actually like both more specifically…… James?" Rarity questioned as she looked at Shakira and noticed a look of anger, sadness, and fear.

Shakira was quiet for a few minutes before saying. "Even if it was true, are you going to tell him?" she asked with a blank expression.

“Of course not dear. I’m not one to tell secrets that aren’t meant to be shared.” Rarity said.

Shakira stared at Rarity for a moment before saying. "Yea, it's true I love James more than a friend and yes I lied about my sexuality to him." she said while crossing her arms in annoyance.

“Can you tell me why you would lie to him?” Rarity asked her.

Shakira was again quite for a moment before saying. "Three days before I told him, I fell in love with him. I love more than anything. But I was very sick, so I went to the doctor and they told me I had stage 4 cancer in my brain." Shakira said, as tears came down her cheeks.

"T-they said I had maybe 2 or 4 weeks left before I die, and I didn't want James to go through that pain…. So I lied and pretended to like women instead of men." she finished.

Rarity’s eyes widened in shock. After hearing that she now understood why she lied, if she had died James would have been devastated. “Oh my, I’m…I’m sorry to hear that. Now I understand why you lied.”

Shakira just sighed before saying. "Not like it matters anymore, James has a fucking harem and I'm just the 'lesbian friend' to him," she said,crossing her arms.

Rarity thought for a moment, she had an idea but she didn't like it and the others won't either. "Shakira…… let's go talk to the others." Rarity said, leading her towards the library.

(Five hours later)

The main six, Angel, Cherri, Amara and Ember were at James house in the living room with the Cmc except Sweetie Bell was with James. "Does anyone know why we're here?" Rainbow questioned, while reading a Daring Do book.

“Your guess is as good as mine Skittles.” Angel Dust said.

Rainbow Dash glared at Angel Dust, but before she could do anything James was behind her, or more specifically she was sitting in his lap. "Sooooo, what's Dash reading?" James asked, hugging her.

“Gah!” shouted Rainbow Dash in surprise before shooting James an annoyed look. “Don’t sneak up on me like that!”

James smiled before saying. "Oh sorry Rainbow Dash what if I..” James started before whispering in Rainbow Dash's ear making her face turn red like a tomato.

"How's that sound for an apology RD?" James asked, licking her neck.

Rainbow Dash shivers a bit from the lick before crossing her arms and turning her head away. “W-whatever.”

Just then James appeared in front of everyone. "But right now it's time for Sweetie Bell to sing us a song." James said before using the Reality Stone and changed the living room into an Opera stage.

“Wait, that’s why you called us here? To watch a kid sing?” Cherri asked James.

James eyes turned blood red making her shut up and turning her head away from James angry glare. "Sweetie has been wanting to get her Cutie Mark, as well as sing for us. So I guess you sit and enjoy her song. Do you understand Cherri?" James asked while standing over her as his eyes glowing red in the dark.

“Whoa whoa whoa! No need to go psycho on me! I was just asking!” Cherri said.

James' eyes narrowed for a moment before smiling brightly and sat next to her and Angel. "Good, hope you enjoy the show my cherry." James said, everyone stared at James, completely scared and shocked by his change of attitude.

“R-right.” Cherri said.

After that everyone looked towards the stage and saw Sweetie Bell standing wearing a blue dress with gold trimming and looked very nervous but seeing both Rarity and James smiling softly at her calmed her down.

She took a breath then smiled and music started to play with her grabbing the microphone and sing.

Everyone just stared in surprise before her friends began cheering. “Wow, never thought someone with the word ‘sweet’ would sing such a song.” Amara said with a chuckle.

"Yeah she was hesitant at first, but I helped her understand her true talent for singing. She just needed somepony to believe in her." James said, remembering the conversation they had.

(Flashback five hours ago)

James was in his with Sweetie Bell and talking about how he figured it out on what Sweetie Belle’s Cutie Mark was.

"Sweetie Bell, in your spare time have you ever sang or Hum a tune to yourself before?"James asked, while looking through his phone’s list of songs.

“Um, sometimes? Why?” she asked him while a bit confused.

James stopped and looked at her. "Because I know what your Cutie Mark is," James said, while getting up and walking over to her.

Sweetie Belle gasped, shocked and excited to finally know what her Cutie Mark, the one thing that she’s been wanting for a long time, is. “YOU DO!?! Tell me!”

James kneeled in front of her and said something that confused her beyond belief. "Your special talent is the thing you've been doing this whole time, Sweetie Bell." James said, smirking.

“Huh? You mean hunting for Cutie Marks?” Sweetie Belle asked.

"Well that but also singing Sweetie Bell. Ponies say you have to give it time, that they will figure it out. That's stupid because if you watch your kids do things that they are good at unconsciously, why not help them," James said, hugging Sweetie Bell.

"I know I'm not your father Sweetie Bell, but I'm going to help you realize that not only are you good at finding Cutie Mark for others. But you also have a gift for singing too." James said, smiling softly at her.

Sweetie Belle was a bit unsure. “But what if my talent isn’t that?”

"It’s the same as when you were with the others, you won’t know unless you try. I believe in you Sweetie Belle, even if you don't or Ponyville or even Equestria doesn't. I will always believe in you." James said, voice full of seriousness and determination for her.

Sweetie Belle was quiet for a moment before taking a deep breath. “Alright, I’ll give it a shot.”

James smiled and stood. "That's good. Now I know this song isn't your kind of taste, but I think this is something that you can pull off," James said, letting Sweetie Belle listen to the song.

Once it was over, Sweetie Belle gave him a confused look. “Um, this song sounds like it’s for crazy people, definitely not something I would be into.”

James nodded at Sweetie Bell words. "Yeah you're right about that. But I believe you can not only sing but perform with the same amount of energy as the person singing it." James said while leading her towards a piano.

“I don’t know, I never really played and the song was pretty intense.” Sweetie Belle with uncertainty in her voice.

"Oh this? You won't have to play the piano, we're going to practice your singing and dancing," James said, sitting down and continuing. "Besides, the song is basically about them getting pushed aside for something new. Think of it as if Diamond Tiara did that to you." he then cracked his knuckles, getting ready to play.

“Well…I guess I can give it a shot.” she said.

James smiled. "Great, let’s get started." James said and started to play.

(Present time)

James snapped out of it as he heard the applause from the others and saw Sweetie Belle taking a bow while smiling brightly.

“Huh, the kids got a knack for singing.” Angel Dust said.

James nodded in agreement before noticing a mark on Sweetie Belle's right shoulder and smiled brightly and said. "Hey Sweetie, look at your shoulder," James said. She did so and gasped in shock and happiness as she saw her Cutie Mark. It was a shield that was red, white and purple with a musical note in the middle with a five pointed star over the shield.

“My Cutie mark!! I finally got my Cutie Mark!!” Sweetie Belle shouted as tears of joy formed in the corner of her eyes.

That's when she remembered something and smiled brightly while looking at James. "Now that I have my Cutie Mark you're going to keep your promise right?" Sweetie Bell asked, making everyone confused.

“Promise? What promise?” Rarity asked James.

James had a forced smile on his face and said. "Really Sweetie Bell right now….. in front of everyone?" James answer, fearing the answer.

“Seriously, what is the promise if you’re gonna act like that?” Rainbow Dash questioned as everyone looked between James and Sweetie Belle in confusion.

James sighed in annoyance. "There are these two rap songs that Sweetie Belle heard. One is about a group of protagonists while the other is about two strong individuals." James explained getting on the stage while Sweetie Bell was looking for said songs.

“Rap songs?” Applejack asked.

James just sighed again. "It’s better for you to listen then to tell you….. and you better not laugh, Shakira." James said, as the music started to play.

Shakira was holding in her laughter but had a bit of an amused smile on her face. “She got you to sing that?” James just glared at her while everyone just stared at him either shock or this case amazement from the CMC.

“Whoa! That was awesome!” Scootaloo exclaimed with a large grin on her face. James looked at his daughter's happy face so he let it go and started to sing but didn't notice that the Helluva Boss gang was coming in.

The Helluva Boss gang just stood there looking at James for a moment before Millie spoke up. "Huh. I didn’t know you could both sing and rap."

“Pft, sounded more like a cat dying than anything.” Blitzo said with a chuckle.

Blitzo was covered in purple and blue magic and was slammed to the ground and thrown out of the window. Everyone looked at both Twilight’s and Rarity's angry look in shock before a loud explosion went off and then they looked at Cherri who also had an angry look.

“Diss our man, you get hurt.” Cherri said in a low tone.

For James' part he looked at the scene in front of him. "Faust if you could hear me…….. I'm so fucking scared of my girlfriends right now." James thought before seeing Scootaloo looking at him with a smirk that he didn't like.

"Hey peanut. What do you need," James said, fearing the answer.

“Can I suggest you sing something?” she asked him.

James sighed in relief for not needing to Dance again. "And that would be?" James asked and she grabbed his phone off the table and after scrolling through his playlist. She showed him a song that made him pause. It was dead quiet for a moment before he nodded and walked back to the stage. He took a deep breath and looked at Shakira for a moment before getting ready to sing.

It was quiet for a few moments before everyone, minus Blitzo and Loona, began clapping. “Wow, that was quite beautiful.” Rarity said.

“Eh, a bit sappy but still pretty damn good.” Cherri said next.

James was still quiet and didn't look at anyone else but Shakira who was crying and James had a blank expression. "Girls…… go to Scootaloo’s room and get ready for your sleepover." James said, but sounded more like an order.

“Huh? But we wanted to hear you sing some more.” Sweetie Belle said but Scootaloo began ushering her friends out once she noticed the look on her fathers face.

“Come on girls, we can ask him later.” she said.

After the CmC left it was quiet again and everyone except for Blitzo and Loona. "Soo are you going to say something or just-" Blitzo didn't get to finish before his mouth literally disappeared and James body was covered in rainbow energy but his face was still blank.

Everyone was silent in shock. Wondering what had caused James to act like that while said person walked over to his friend.

"What’s wrong Shakira?" James said, as reality started to become undone and the sun and moon were moving around in the sky as the very ground shook violently.

“I-I…” Shakira began before pausing and glanced at the others and James figured she didn’t want to say anything in front of the others.

James snapped his fingers and they disappeared and reappeared in the Everfree Forest next to the Castle of the Two Sisters. "Is this better," James asked, claiming down for now.

She just giggles a bit. “A bit much don’t you t-think?”

James rolled his eyes and made bottles of Jack Daniel appear and gave her one of them and sat down across from her. "So what is wrong, Shakira?"

Shakira looked down. “I…I-I have a confession to make…”

James looked confused and said. "What’s that, Lapis?" James asked before taking a swig of the Jack Daniels.

“I…” Shakira paused, unsure of how to continue but sighed and decided to just say it outright. “I lied about my sexuality!” she shouted, surprising James a bit while Shakira looked down in shame.

To say that he was surprised with an understatement as he spat out the Jack Daniels and nearly choked before clearing his throat and looking at her with shock and betrayal. "So you're telling me you've been lying to me ever since we're on Earth?" James asked while clenching his fist in anger.

Shakira just began to cry. “Y-yes! And I felt terrible about it all the time! But I-I did so you wouldn't get hurt because of me!”

"AND YOU THOUGHT LYING IS FUCKING BETTER!?!" James shouted in anger.

“YES!! YOU THINK I WANTED TO KNOW MY FRIEND WOULD BE HEARTBROKEN WHEN I FUCKING DIE?!?!” Shakira shouted back and James was shocked to hear that about his friend.

"W-what!?" James asked, now looking at Shakira crying face.

“I-I…James…I was very sick a-and the doctors said I only had 2 o-or 4 weeks left….” she told him as she fell to her knees and cried into her hands. “I didn’t want t-to put you through that kind o-of hurt if we did become a-a couple! I just couldn’t! So I lied about being into girls just so you wouldn’t be hurt when I die!”

James just stood there frozen, his hair covering his eyes as he processed everything that was told to him. After a moment, he walked over and hugged her, making her gasp in surprise. "You really are a dumbass. Even if you would tell me this it will just make me more determined to spend every last moment with you as a couple." James said, rubbing her back and letting her cry on his chest.

“B-but you have been devastated w-when I died. I didn’t want to do that to you. I care about you too much to leave you heartbroken.” she said as her tears stained his chest.

James just laughed, making her confused. "Then you forgot why I call you Lapis and you call me Steven then." James said, helping her stand up. Shakira was confused until James said. "It’s because like Steven I'm willing to forgive my friends' mistakes, while you have a hard time forgiving yourself." James said, smiling softly.

Shakira just looked up at him with teary eyes before sniffling. “B-but I had lied to you for so long. How can I ever forgive myself for that?”

James nodded his head. "Well, it will take time and you will have moments when you doubt that you are forgiven but just know even if you don't forgive yourself, I always will.”

James then smirked. "Besides I already let you die once when I was powerless but now I can bring you back with just a snap of my fingers. So no trying to kill yourself." he said, laughing a little.

Shakira was still upset so she didn’t laugh as well but appreciated his attempt of cheering her up. “O-ok.”

After a moment of silence James looked around trying to find something to do or say but ultimately didn't find anything until he was struck by an idea. "Hey Remember you said you always wanted to see what the galaxy looked like when we were kids?" James asked.

“Um, yeah?” she said, wondering why he brought that up.

Instead of answering, he just smirked before holding out his hand and it began to glow in a rainbow aura before a bright flash enveloped them. She was forced to shut her eyes due to the blinding light but once she opened them her eyes widened in surprise as they were right now looking at the Milky Way galaxy.

She just continued to stare in awe and surprise at the galaxy before them. “It’s….it’s amazing..” she said quietly as her previous attitude changed to a slightly positive one.

James smiled and moved them closer. "Let's just forget about what happened in the past and focus on the future. Besides, we both would get a headache just thinking about what we could or couldn't do." James said, looking at the galaxy and not noticing Shakira was staring at him.

Shakira was still wondering why Jame was so nice to her but remembered that he was just like this back on earth. "Never change James never change," Shakira thought while smiling at her.

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