
Power Rangers Super Megaforce: New Lives For The Heroes

by ariellewilson


Chapter 1: A Walk In Town

It had been a whole year ever since the pony saviors saved Equestria. Ponies chatted, laughing, even bringing up about when the new found heroes would return sometime, protecting them from the evilness they've dealt with, including those awful henchmen and the changeling queen's new horde that are not around anymore, including their leader. Tirek being demolished, the Armada gone away from their home they care for, living back with peace and harmony like it always is moons ago.

The ponies who saved those in need are proud of what they accomplished, knowing they won't have to worry until new enemies arrive. They do have to worry about Cozy Glow, not knowing when she'll turn up in the future.

The Armada damaged a lot of things from homes to buildings, having the royal guards fix everything up, making it look like the way they should be. It took a while to clean the mess the Armada left behind, the Moon Princess placing a spell to keep today as today when the big attack entered promised by Grogar whom Twilight and her allies defeated with their new Ranger powers with the spare Elements of Harmony their new friends' mentor and assistant gave them, completely forgetting he had them after he was told about the Tree of Harmony being demolished by King Sombra whom the mentor's people never met before. The ponies here hope he won't return, praying that their magic of friendship got rid of him for good.

The others hoped as well, even though they've never seen him before. They're happy they've never came in his path, knowing how dangerous he is after being told about him, about the story their mentor stated that happened years ago, when he and his assistant were in Equestria, giving the royal sisters weapons to get rid of him, where he took over the Crystal Empire, banishing him before he returned. Then, a new villain arrived, having the assistant create, despite coming from the royal sisters first mentor, the Elements of Harmony to turn him into stone.

The heroes - the Rangers - are astonished by this, remembering every word about it, repeatedly happy that they won't come across him, unless that changes.

During their first arrival in Equestria, they have no idea what to do and where to stay at, until they're offered to stay at the Princess of Friendship and her pals' homes, their mentor's right hand robot deciding to build something to bring them back home within a year.

Everyone agreed to this, as well as helping out by sweeping the bad guys off the floor with the Element Holders. They worked together like a team should, bashing each x-borg, bruiser, and each new changeling. The Rangers help defeat Lord Tirek at Mount Aris, getting rid of Chrysalis during Hearts and Hooves Day after she trick she gave to the Holder of Kindness and the smart Ranger with the love poison she gave to them to drink, with the geek finishing her off with his Legendary Modes, along with his team who transformed their Megazord into a Mystic Force kind after doing a second round like it was some kind of video game.

A few months before defeating the first two villains, they came across the Power Ponies during Nightmare Night when the Holder of Honesty's sister was ordered by Gia to get the others, unaware she's the Yellow Ranger.

They came, fighting the Element of Harmony's counterparts until the Day Princess came, removing the corruption spell by the evil queen of the changelings, much to the Armada's prince dismay.

Fast forward, Noah and Flutteshy were walking out of the Everfree Forest after locating Fluffy, with the unicorn leading the way when they were 'greeted' by ponies they've hadn't encountered, the one in the red pirate jacket slamming into the pegasus on purpose. The one in the red jacket excused those two of being changelings, not believing them at first when the Ranger claimed about not being a faker, including the pony he liked.

Of course, the Asian unicorn, the leader of his own group, didn't believe a single word when the blue hero morphed, shocking them, the leader excusing him for copying one of his friends, confusing the smart one, then got all defensive when he called the animal lover weak by throwing in a blastful blow with one of his white, gloved up hooves. He also used his Saber, the energetic winged pony who flew towards Fluttershy after she yelled at him at the base of his neck, giving him time to shove her to the direction he needed her to go, telling her to get their friends here.

He was stunned when they transformed like he and his teammates, calling themselves Gokaigers. The caption was more furious when he exclaimed, yelling at the horned pony who can change into different Super Sentias from Goranger to Goseiger when Noah went into Samurai Ranger Mode.

Like with the Power Ponies, the Rangers' counterparts were under a spell by a changeling in disguise, explaining why they acted in such a way until the Blue Super Mega Ranger's teammates and friends came with Fluttershy, the battle between the Asian ponies and the Rangers, along with their ponified pals.

The Rangers were in the Samurai Mode, like the geek was in, the same with their equals which they call Shinkenger.

With the help of the Elements of Harmony, Starlight, and the Power Ponies, the Rangers managed to group all the Gokaigers into one spot, letting their alicorn friend free them from the spell. When the Japanese ponies have been free, they have no recollection of what has happened, then joined with the saviors, with the party pony throwing them a welcome party for them.

Since then, they made new friends, one of each of them staying with each Ranger they match with, even though they aren't exactly alike.

Hazel Blossom, one of the Power Ponies, asked Joe to be her plus one for the Gala. Unaware of the term, he was explained by Noah, saying it was like a date, though a friendly kind of date.

Joe accepted the offer, getting a hug from the pony he had a crush on since he first saw her after being free from the corruption spell. He may be the serious one in his team, yet he has a good heart inside of him. He wondered if any of his friends would have someone to be with. Marvelous and Ahim, yes. Luka and Don? He isn't quite sure about those two. Gai? Probably.

When the Gala came, all the ponies, including Spike, along with the fillies, had a great time. Rainbow's plus one and her little sister encountered her enemy, saying no guy would want to be with her.

This hadn't stopped the Washout, and it didn't help when Orion would get red in the face, for he hadn't received these kinds of feelings before, even after saving her from the bruisers when a monster that the Gokaigers have been dealing with came to crash the high class party.

The Gokaigers had finished them off, though none of the ponies knew about them despite seeing them there with the Rangers and the Power Ponies, as well as the Princess of Friendship and her friends. Noah even made a good point about it the one day on the train, wondering when he and his friends' matchers will be in the newspaper like him and his friends, the same going with Twilight and the Element bearers' conquals.

Those groups of heroes never knew about it, thinking somepony sneakily took pictures of them for a news story.

Speaking of pictures, Lightning Dust, the pegasus Orion saw at the Ball, had taken pictures of him morphing and in complete Ranger Mode. She hadn't revealed it to him until she wanted him to 'hang out' with her at the restaurant of her hometown. She was proud of what she did, though got a different reaction from her silver hero, who yelled at her, scolding her on what she'd done, knowing who he really is, claiming what she did is unthinkable, completely stupid on her end. He had the guts to bring up what she did to Dash's little sister.

Dust said she was sorry, except he wouldn't take it, too angry at her - until x-borgs, bruisers, and the new changelings came in, attacking the place they're at. Damaras and the prince were there, also.

During that day, Orion had gone from Super Mega Silver to Dino Thunder White, fighting the warrior who brought down to his home planet. He had seen two changelings gripping their hooves on the mare he was mad at, being told by the prince he had plans for her.

Even though he wasn't happy for what the mare had done, he knew he couldn't risk getting her hurt. However, a sudden move from the large, golden earth pony had knocked him to the wall, leaving him to lose his Legendary weapon in the process.

Seeing the bad pony about to finish him off, the Washout made a big decision, knowing she had to save the Silver Ranger pegasus pony. The first thing she could think of is to use the Drago Sword to cut the chain to make the chandelier to land on the prince, to get the warrior to face away from the alien.

Seeing his Legendary Ranger weapon being held by the pony he was mad at, his anger had vanished, shocked at what she had done with amazement, with her thinking about it in a different way. No one has ever used his or any of his friends' weapons at all who are not Rangers.

He got rid of the Armada prince and the warrior by creating Laser Arrows with the Drago Sword, firing at them.

Afterwards, he went back to his Silver Ranger spandex, being cheered and praised by the ponies he saved within the restaurant. He was happy for what he did without any help from his team members, except he was searching for the mare who returned the rescue, until he found her at an open green field, where an oak tree is at.

Dust repeated how sorry she was, upset, guilty for what she'd done. She felt it with her heart, for she hadn't felt sorry before until that day, believing what she did to the weapon was a horrible thing to do.

The alien on the other hoof, forgave her when he gave her a kiss on the cheek and let her know what she did wasn't a bad thing. He isn't angry at her anymore, especially when she found out he was a Power Ranger. They went back to the restaurant, he told her the days of his home in Andresia, how he found the Silver Ranger key, the morpher, how he came to earth where his friends once lived there until their food finally arrived at their table. They had a great hang out - or in this case - a date. A first date these two have ever had.

Of course, Rainbow was pure stunned, yelling out a swear word. Orion had even given his bracelet to the Washout, saying he'll come visit her as long as she does the same.

More months passed by, until the bad guys had enough with the heroes, trapping them in Tartarus, except the heroes, excluding Starlight, Twilight and the rest of the Element Holders, along with Spike have been knocked out.

While at the Command Center, with the Gokaigers, Power Ponies, and the Rangers on the cots, all sore from what happened, Gosei made a choice to let Twilight, Applejack, Rarity, Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie, and Fluttershy become the new Super Megaforce Rangers when all the ponies and the dragon saw different areas of Equestria being attacked on the consols. Though the Wonderbolt hoped that her enemy would get destroyed, getting displeased looks from everyone else.

Fluttershy didn't like the idea of becoming a Ranger, knowing how bad she'll be at it, resulting in giving her key and morpher to Twilight's pupil. Noah, being a good and smart Ranger, knew she would do great, then finally admitted his feelings about her, getting a kiss on the lips from the cute girl.

Getting the courage she needed, she helped her friends at the first location until the rest of the heroes came thanks Starlight for giving them a healing spell, then all those ponies, including her, morphed, lending the saviors of Equestria a helping hoof.

They went from location to location, until they reached Canterlot where they were met by an evil filly, along with Argus, and then Grogar. They managed to defeat both Grogar and Argus, with, again, not knowing where the filly went off to.

They celebrated with a party, during the next day, though Luna did a spell to make yesterday to make today, explained by the new Super Megaforce Red Ranger, though nopony understood what she said, though thought nothing of it.

Twilight and her friends sang to the Rangers, even with Troy doing his own solo, adding that the Power Ponies and Gokaigers came along when there was trouble to be dealt with.

The ponies of Equestria have been proud of their new found friends, with Starlight Glimmer stating that the Rangers, Gokaigers, and the Power Ponies have inspired everyone around them.

Again, they celebrated, with Pinkie Pie singing on how the pony heroes saved the pony world, knowing they'll be back anytime, on any day.

For now, it's peace time until new enemies get in their way…

Today, a Ranger was walking around the Ponyville town, the same sun warming up the place, heading off to see one of his friends.

Mares saw him, swooning at his appearance he endorned. He can tell they all wanted to be his girlfriend, though he'd chuckled at the thought of it, knowing straight away who his future girlfriend will be. To add to this attention from the mares he hadn't requested, he had found out one day why they look at him the way they do.

It's all because he's a unicorn. It may sound crazy, except it's a fact. Unicorn stallions are a big hit for these female equines, especially on Hearts and Hooves Day. He was told by the lavender alicorn that it's normally spring during that time of year, unlike last year where it was still winter.

Thankfully, after Hearts and Hooves Day, all the ponies managed to get spring to come on time, so the next Hearts and Hooves Day will be a springful sunny one like all the other ones before the Rangers and the heroes ever came to this cute, colorful world.

He walked by the Flower Shop, run by three mares, who saw him. The three of them waved, with him doing the same in return. He went on his merry way, seeing ponies doing their daily activities they do everyday - working, selling, hanging out with their friends, anything. Two colts ran by him with a blue striped ball, heading to an open field, laughing.

One of the colts - an earth pony one - tripped over his own front two hooves, the ball bouncing out of his mouth.

Picking up his right hoof, the walking pony stopped, catching the rubbery toy to keep it from rolling going any farther.

The earth pony colt, along with his buddy who is a pegasus, waited for him to return the ball back to them.

Smiling, the stallion gave the ball a gentle kick, being caught by the pegasus colt, the two sending gleeful smiles.

It seems all of these folks like to smile. He hadn't spotted a frown anywhere on anyone.

He continued his way - when something hit him. "Oh!" he grunted from the force, landing on something wet and squishy, figuring out it was mud, covered from his hair to his sneakers. He felt something on top of him, making him see who - or what - it is. "Gai…" he said in a low tone, several mud droplets running down his mane. "You're on me."

"Heh, heh, heh," the Gokai Silver pegasus returned with an embarrassing titter, flapping his wings to remove himself from his leader's parallel. "Um…excuse me?" The pony in the wet dirt can only roll his eyes at this pony's questionable apology, sitting up, the mud making squishy sounds. "Here, let me help you." He zoomed off, leaving the unicorn there.

The unicorn stallion let out a sigh, standing back up, a little grossed out when all of the sudden, he went from being muddy to wet. It doesn't take long for him to see it was water from the rain cloud coming down on him, brought by one of his own team members' counterparts.

The water had indeed washed the mud off, though now he's completely soaked, his clothes sticking to him, his once slicked back hair hanging limp. His tail was all droopy.

He heard laughter. "Oops, I think that's too much, um…" All of the sudden, strong wind came, created by this flying pony who went in circles around the wet unicorn. "This should help you out. My own blow dryer." During this, all the unicorn can see is different shades of silver, until it wasn't there anymore. "There you go," Gai smiled with pride. "Nice and-" He stopped, looking at the Ranger. He tried to hold his laugh in, but it came out with big chortles, leaving him to fall backwards onto the ground.

The Ranger's mane wasn't at its usual place. Rather, it was sticking up like Frankenstein's hair.

However, with the pegasus laughing his head off, the horned pony doesn't find it funny for one bit. All he did was stand there with annoyance, something none of his friends ever saw in him. After all, he is the quiet one other than the rest who are chatty, him being in his own world, spacing out like he usually does with one of them wanting to know if he's okay or not.

Taking a deep breath, he fixed up his hair to its natural position. "Have you ever looked where you're flying, dude?" he responded once the Silver Gokaiger got a hold of himself. "You could've seriously gotten me hurt," he made a good point, flicking his tail, seeing it, too, wasn't the way it's supposed to be. "I know it's cool being a creature who can fly, though in reality you should look where you're going. I look both ways when making my way in order not to run into somepony or a pony not running into me by accident." He and his friends had picked up the pony language, similar to the language back in his home world.

"I know, I know," Gai swept off like it was no big deal. "Though it's really fun to fly at high speeds," he proclaimed in his hyper act self, throwing his front arms out to the sides. "It's great, I tell you!" he sort of shouted with joy. "It'll be great if you had wings, Troy," he wished, keeping the same grin, picking himself off the floor. "Then you can race us fast pegasi ponies."

"Racing isn't my thing," Troy replied. "Although me and most of my friends ran the Running of the Leaves while the pegasi brought the snow."

His friend tilted his head to the side. "What's the Running of the Leaves?"

"It's something ponies do every year. They run through White Tail Woods, while the pegasi bring in the snow. Gia won the race." A small laugh came from the Red Ranger. "Jake wanted to win for her, except he never crossed the finish line, all out of breath from all the running he's done."

"Poor Jake. I bet he likes her," the pegasus assumed.

"He sure does. He's always been trying his hardest to get her attention, doing a lot of crazy things to wow her." Troy shook his head, remembering how the Black now Green Ranger would act around her, doing everything he can think of.

To be honest here, half the time the athlete is being stupid. Though he's a fantastic soccer player, the unicorn had to say, recalling the time where Jake used his soccer ball on the loogies.

However, last year, after he and everyone went to Califoalnia to watch Fluttershy and Rainbow play buckball, those two ponies had taught him and his friends on how to play the sport.

It seems like the earth pony stallion seems to like buckball more than soccer, apparently.

He still wanted to laugh when Jake was stunned when Gia bucked the ball to the basket that was quickly stopped by Orion who is Jake's teammate, who is on defense, with Emma doing the same, being Gia's team player.

Jake did say back at the School of Friendship that maybe they can play against Califoalnia, but of course, they had to be taught after the game by the farm pony and the rainbow haired speedster - both athletes.

Of course, Mythic Diamond and Ice Crystal are the ones who held up the baskets to catch the red, rubber balls since both Troy and Noah don't know how to use their unicorn horns.

"Anyways…" the team leader of the Ranger team continued, turning to get ready to leave. "...I better get going."

"Alright, nice crashing into you, man." All the unicorn can do is shake his head at the energetic pony's humor. "Gotta fly. See you later, bud."

"Same goes for you!" Troy called out, after the Gokaiger sped off into the sky. "Watch out for other ponies!" he hollered, hoping this guy had heard him for how high he is in the air. "Oh well," he then shrugged, a small crooked grin on his face. He went on his way to the location he was heading to.

Arriving at the place, he opened the door, the bell jingling above his head of the Carousel Boutique run by none other than Rarity.

Stepping into the home of the Element of Generosity, he swept his head from side to side of the first workroom floor. "Emma." He waited for a response when he hadn't heard anything back. "Rarity. Mythic. Ahim. Are you girls here?" There was still nothing. "Hello, anypony here?"

Since no one replied to him, especially Emma, he decided to leave the shop until he heard sounds of hooves on the floor.

He stopped, seeing Gokai Pink walking down the stairs. She saw him, grinning from ear to ear. "Hi, Troy, what brings you here?" she greeted, grabbing some frantic.

"I was wondering if Emma would like to take a stroll with me."

"You can go ask her," Ahim said, giving off a giggle. "She isn't going to deny your request," she said, placing the fabric on her back. "After all, you are an attractive unicorn. No offense to Noah, Joe, and…Marvelous."

Troy saw a hint of pink on her cheeks. "It's the reason why you wanted him to be your plus one from last year's Gala," he had to guess, the two walking upstairs.

"You got it," she answered with no hint of regret. "Speaking of the captain on my team…how is he?"

"Doing his normal things he does on a daily basis," the Ranger replied, once these two ponies reach the top of the steps, heading to a bedroom that belongs to Rarity, which is another workroom of hers.

The sewing machine was on, with Rarity sitting on a stool, her front arms moving to keep the frantic she's using in place, the needle going on and out of it, the thread stitching it together.

Emma was next to her, a pincushion between her teeth.

Ahim went up to the clothes maker. "Here you go, Rare."

The sewing came to a stop as the mare saw her with the fabric. "Ah, thank you, darling," she obliged, lighting up her horn, folding up the fabric, placing it on her work table when she's ready to use it. "All we have to do is wait for Mythic to return with the gems." Her direction turned when she spotted the young stallion. "Troy, what a surprise."

Emma set the pincushion down. "Hey, Troy." She came up to him. "Nice seeing you here," she grinned, fluffing her wings like she was going to fly.

"Hey, Em, you wanna take a walk?" Her leader made no hesitation on what has been on his mind. "We can also stop somewhere to eat, like the Hay Burger."

"How lovely of you, Troy," Rarity spoke up. "Emma, you go on ahead. Ahim, you may also go if you want," she allowed, going back to her sewing.

"Okay, I'll go see Marvelous." Ahim opened her wings, soaring out the opened window.

Once she left, the Pink Ranger hadn't washed her beam away. "Where do you want to go?" Both the equines went out of the prim and proper pony's bedroom, heading back downstairs to the main floor.

"I'm not sure. Maybe at Sweet Apple Acres to see Gia, Luka, Lacy Lasso, and Applejack, to see what they're up to," he decided.

"Fine by me." The two walked out, making their way to Applejack's farm.

A grunt was heard by the time the two made it there. They heard the sound of something falling on the dirt ground.

Troy and Emma entered the farm, seeing Gia with a yellow horseshoe between her teeth, with Jake standing next to her.

There was a second horseshoe, a green one, a few inches away from the peg that was sticking up from the ground.

"Let's see how close you can get to," the earth pony stallion challenged. "You beat me at a friendly game of buckball, there's no way you can beat me at any other sport known to stallion."

"You should've thought otherwise," Gia muffled, giving him a playful elbow to his ribs.

"Hah, yeah, sure," he shortly laughed with a scoff. "Go on, toss it," he continued to challenge the tough one, pushing her.

She stepped forward, eyes on the target. Then, she flung it forward, releasing the horseshoe she's been holding, allowing it to fly out of her mouth.

It sailed ahead, yet it didn't make it to the peg, her own horseshoe landing behind Jake's. "Dang it," she let out, stomping a hoof.

"Looks like this soccer player can toss better than the somepony who can buck apples off these trees," Jake bragged, playfully flicking the Yellow Ranger's mane. "It's a surprise how you ended up working on a farm. Not sure about calling you a cowgirl or not."

"Alright, alright, you got one more throw, pony boy." Lifting up a hoof, she slammed it on the second green horseshoe that is next to the second yellow one, getting it to fly up, and land on her opponent's nose.

Using his body, he tossed the object, except it flew out of range. A loud crash was heard from somewhere.

Gia chuckled. "Jake, the object of the game is to see who gets to the closest to the stake, not the farthest," she reminded him.

"Yeah, yeah, I still have the closest throw," he responded, thinking it still counts.

"Yeah, you got the closest throw, alright ." She put a hoof on her forehead. "Seems like it must've left the farm grounds," she believed with observation.

"Pfft!" the Green Ranger wiped off, getting her to look back at him. "Whatever," he dismissed, "Applejack has plenty of other ones. Now, it's your turn again. Let's see if you can beat me." He gave a small kick to Gia's second horseshoe.

Picking it up, the mare concentrated on the peg. She threw the horseshoe forward, and the horseshoe got close to the peg to the point that it made contact with it. "Whoo hoo!" she cheered, waving her front hooves with a jubilant smile. "I won!" She gave Jake a playful shove. "You lost to a mare, you athletic stallion. Hah!"

Jake gave her a jokingly angry look. "Let's go for round two. Best out of ten."

"You're on," she acceptingly agreed. "See if you can find the horseshoe you lost. I'll gather the rest."

Jake made his way to search for the horseshoe, while the girl he likes collected the rest of them.

After watching their friendly competitive game, the unicorn and the pegasus made their way up to Emma's best friend since their childhood.

"Must've been great to win a game on the sporty one," Emma's voice was heard, having Gia turn the direction where it came from.

"Heh, heh, sure is," she said, picking up the first horseshoe. "He thought he could win."

"Since when did you two play horseshoe toss?" Troy asked Gia, as he and Emma watched her put the first horseshoe where she and the other earth pony were at.

Dropping the horseshoe, Gia gave her answer to his question. "We started today, actually. Applejack, Luka, and Lacy are out in the orchard until Jake came over and said he and I should do a nice friendly game. He probably heard him say that he thought I wasn't going to win." Trotting, she picked up the next horseshoe, came back, setting it down. "I know what he's going with but I'm not falling for it."

"It's because you're stubborn," Jake came into the conversation, the horseshoe he found between his teeth.

"I'm not stubborn. I'm just good at buckball and now horseshoe toss." Gia went to grab the last horseshoe.

"Since you're good at those games, you should've thought about joining the soccer team I was on back home."

"Nah." She set the final horseshoe with the others. "Besides, the team already had enough players."

"You got me there," her secret lover agreed with her. He looked over to his other friends. "You can play with us. There's plenty of horseshoes in the barn."

"Why not. I would like to play," the Yellow Ranger's best companion replied happily.

"I won't mind…" Troy smiled in a laid back manner.

"Great, I'll go get the two of you two horseshoes - two for you, Troy, and two for Emma," Gia smiled delightfully. "Wait here."

While she went into the barn to fetch the horseshoes, Troy caught the jock studying him. "What?"

"Hm, it got me thinking…since you two share the Sky Element, this world would have you be a pegasus instead of a unicorn," Jake said, responding to him.

"Don't ask why this world has me be a unicorn," Troy shrugged unknowingly about what to say about the topic. "I've seen unicorns using their horns to pick up stuff…"

"Does it…bother you?" Emma questioned with a bit of concern.

"No," he shook his head. "It doesn't bother me one bit. Like, there's no shame in not knowing magic."

"But Emma and Orion flew like they were born to be pegasus ponies." Placing a hoof on his chin, the sports stallion thought about something. "When I think about it…maybe it's because Orion flew one of the Armada ships that he shot at his home planet…"

"You could be right," Emma nodded at his theory.

"Yes, though I'd wish I could walk on clouds; I bet they're soft like a pillow."

"Twilight did say she knows a spell to get non-pegasus to prance on clouds," Troy recalled, remembering what Pinkie Pie had told him and his friends at the tour of Twilight's school she had.

Too bad it isn't around anymore thanks to the attack.

And when the Ranger team leader thinks about it, it may or may not be rebuilt. After all, he and none of his friends are builders. And he isn't sure if their counterparts can build the same being with the Element Holders' equals.

He'd seen the school after the assault, seeing pieces all over the place, broken stones, everything.

He felt awful for the princess, knowing how hard she worked on getting a school of her own.

Though he was glad that she told Celestia, the Rangers' new mentor, that she didn't want to take her and Luna's place.

Celestia is everyone's mentor, not for the Rangers only.

The ponies here need to know about the Gokaigers ever since they saw them at the Grand Galloping Gala.

He made a note to himself to write about it to the princess.

"I'm back; here you go, guys," Gia announced, returning back with four horseshoes - two red and two pink. "Who wants to go first?"

"Remember, this is best out of ten," Jake reminded his crush, and told the other two.

"I'm going to laugh if you lose again," she replied, watching his face change expressions.

"You're in the wrong. Troy." He stomped a hoof, letting one of the red horseshoes fly up and land on his leader's muzzle. "You have the first throw."

With the horseshoe on his muzzle, the Red Ranger tossed it off his nose, catching it with his teeth. Looking at the stake, he gave the object a throw, close to it though it wasn't a ringer.

Emma went next, and her horseshoe landed next to Troy's.

"Master horseshoe thrower is up next."

"You mean master of throwing horseshoes out of range," Gia rolled her eyes at Jake's words, with both Emma and Troy stifling a laugh.

"You think you're funny, don't ya?" He returned the same gesture, picking up his horseshoe. "It was one horseshoe; like it'll happen twice." Well, after he said it, he ended up throwing it too far - again.

"Ow!" they heard a cry. A pony came over, rubbing her forehead. "Who threw this horseshoe at me?" she questioned, walking up to them a basket full of apples on her back.

Jake was first to release a weak laugh. "I did, Luka."

"Can you at least aim it at the peg? You can seriously hurt someone - like me."

"I did aim for it," he almost shouted.

"Really? Because it seems like your aim is way off," Troy kidded, earning a hard shoulder from the earth pony guy.

"At least it didn't get too far this time."

"Whatever," Luka responded to the pony in the hoodie, like she doesn't believe him. "I better get these apples in A.J.'s apple cellar; I don't want her to think I'm dawdling." She walked past her friends, onward to the apple cellar where the apples and other crops get stored away.

Then Applejack and her counterpart came, both carrying the same thing that Gia's counterpart had, with one of them with a horseshoe between her teeth.

"You should be careful with these things. You could hurt somepony," Lacy offered a friendly warning.

"Too late." Jake took back his horseshoe. "It hit Luka." The cowgirl and the Power of Super Strength's eyes widen. "It wasn't on purpose, I swear," he quickly had to put in.

"Aw, it's okay," the farmer assured him. "Accidents in games do happen from time to time. Trust me, I have my fair share of accidents."

Placing his own horseshoe down, he put a simple shrug to what she mentioned. "...I'm a good thrower," he supposed, brushing his hoof on the floor.

"By throwing things far." Jake gave Gia a joking glare when she put in her remark. "Having said that, you might be good at pitching balls for baseball. You may end up striking people out of bat," she complimented gratefully, taking her own horseshoe. "As long as you don't throw it out of the field," she sniggered before giving a toss. The horseshoe ended up where the stake is at. "Yes!"

"I think I'm done playing this game," Jake decided, eyes at the ground. "Let's do something else."

"You can help us at the apple orchard, sugarcube; we got a lot of apple trees that need bucking." Applejack showed her example of the crunchy fruit.

"No, it's work," he shook his head. "I was too busy with Pinkie, Sugar Cupcake, Don, and the Cakes that I needed to make up time to spend with someone."

"We all know who that is," Emma smirked, elbowing her best friend, teasingly. A blush formed on Gia when she bit her bottom lip.

The blush vanished. "Yeah… anyway, we should put these away."

"Since you're going back to work, I'll be heading back to Sugarcube Corner to play with the twins."

"We'll be making apple pie, Jake."

"Pie?" Stopping, he turned to the cowgirl. "There's going to be pie?"

She lightly laughed. "Absolutely."

"Awesome!" He pumped his curled hoof.

"Though you have to help out," she added, causing Gia to laugh out loud.

"Aww!" This time it was a groan. "Ah well," he said otherwise, "I'll help you girls with the apple trees. Yet, not in my life have I ever kicked a tree filled with apples."

"It's easy as long as you do it right," Gia told him.

"Right?" He arched his brow.

"I mean you don't wanna end up with a sprain hoof," she explained, no laughing matter written on her eyes that couldn't be ignored when Jake looked into them. Her volume is also solemn, clear it wasn't a joke. "So far I haven't sprained any back hooves, and I'm not letting you have one either," she said.

Her seriousness got him a bit nervous. "I'll take your warning," he accepted.

"Good." Her serious expression is replaced by a small grin, trotting in front of him as his whole self around. "I'll show you what A.J. had shown me. I'm pretty good at bucking apple trees. Heh, heh, heh." She flicked her tail in his face before trotting off to the orchard.

Jake trotted after her with a love-struck look. Troy and Emma decided to leave and waved their hooves as they left the farm, heading back to town.

Reaching back to town, Emma took notice on how the other girls were looking at the head Ranger, so she questioned it. "All these mares are looking at you… Why?"

"It's been like ever since we first came to Ponyville," he explained, seeing a mare known as Diamond Mint - sometimes called Mint Jewelup by some - who happened to see him and ended up getting in front of him.

"Hi, I think you're totally a handsome stallion in all of Ponyville." She saw Emma, smiling bigger. "I see you have a girlfriend."

This made both secret Rangers turn a bright red. "We aren't dating…" Troy made it clear awkwardly.

"Yeah…" Some of Emma's mane got in her face. Brushing it aside, she did add something. "Though he did ask me to be his special somepony on Hearts and Hooves Day…"

"Cute!" the unicorn commented with gleeful eyes. She put an arm around Emma, whispering in her ear. "You two will make a good couple in my book. It's like how I wish the Super Megaforce Red and Pink Rangers would get together, the same with the Green and Yellow Rangers."

"Is that so…?" Emma turned to Troy.

"Mhm. Though when I saw a double of each Ranger at the Gala, I was shocked that they have powers to make equals," she assumed out of line. The two ponies she is talking to look at one another. "Was there something I said?" she asked worriedly.

"No, no, you didn't say anything bad, it's that…" Emma searched for the right explanation about her and her teammates' counterparts. Boy, since none of these ponies and creatures know about the Gokaigers, it's bound to be questioned. "Well…"

Seeing she's having trouble, Troy spoke up. "I'll have the Red Super Megaforce Ranger talk to Celestia about it."

Diamond Mint choked in a breath by surprise. "You're friends with the Power Rangers Super Megaforce?!"

All ponies stopped their daily activities when she screamed - and raced over to where the three ponies were at, excitedly yelling questions to the two ponies that the unicorn was chatting with.

"Since when did you become friends with the Rangers?"

"Are they friends with the Power Ponies?"

"What do they look like without their spandex and full-headed helmets?"

"How beautiful are the Pink and Yellow Rangers?"

"Where did they come from?"

"Are they truly spirits?"

"Are any of them dating?"

"During the attack that one year, there were Rangers that were with the Super Megaforce Rangers, along with the duplicate Super Megaforce Rangers, including one that looked like a robot, does that mean there are other Rangers besides the ones we know?"

"Yeah, were you there when the huge assault happened?"

"Have you had a meal with them?"

"Who were those double Super Megaforce Rangers from the Grand Galloping Gala?"

"Do they have kids?"

"Will they do meet and greets?"

"Can they do autographs?"

"Can they come to my child's birthday?"

"Will they attend the children's cute-ceanera?"

"Why do they call out 'Legendary Ranger Mode' when using those things? Like my husband said earlier, are there any Rangers besides the Super Megaforce ones?"

"Tell me, will they return?"

"How long were the Super Megaforce Rangers around? Before Celestia and Luna's time?"

"This isn't a question about the Rangers, but I keep seeing Princess Twilight walking around town every so often, does it mean that the royal sisters canceled their retirement? Does that mean the Summer Sun Celebration is returning?"

"If that's coming back, can the Rangers be there?"

The questions keep coming on, getting mixed from one another to the point where they sounded like a bunch of buzzing bees. The hidden Rangers, unknown by this crowd, took a step back.

They hadn't known how popular they and their friends were. It shouldn't be a surprise, at all, seeing a lot of action figures, plushies, bedsheets, blankets, anything with them on it.

Honest, Troy had been in stores whenever the Princess of Friendship had him pick up some things.

Eyeing at one another, the secret Pink Ranger got off the ground. "Ponies, ponies," she attempted to get them to settle down. "We understand that you want these questions to be answered…"

"...And they will be once I talk to the Red Ranger to have a word with Princess Celestia," Troy promised, adding to what his team member is saying.

"Do you Pinkie Pie promise?" a pegasus filly, much younger than the ones at the Ponyville Schoolhouse, said, hugging what appeared to be a Yellow Ranger plush toy.

"Cross my heart, hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye," the two ponies recited at the same time.

Emma cleared her throat . "The two of us should be going; we got others we want to see."

"Yes," her leader agreed. "Gotta trot - or fly." The two either trotted or flew, the crowd moving out of their way to let them through, and the ponies went back to what they were doing.

The two Rangers made their way to Sugarcube Corner, the smell of cupcakes, cookies, pies, and cakes, invaded the ponies' noses.

They went inside, to see Pinkie Pie at the front of the counter with desserts displayed behind the clear glass. She saw them and greeted them brightly.

"Welcome to Sugarcube Corner, what would you like to order?"

"We're not here to order," Emma replied to her.

"We're just dropping by to see you guys. We already know Jake is at the farm," Troy told the party animal.

"You sure you don't want to sample any brownies?" The double doors that lead to the kitchen opened up, with Pinkie's counterpart bringing in a tray of brownies, setting them on the countertop. "Her, Don, and I have been baking brownies this morning." Then Don came with a tray of his own on his hoof. "Thanks, you two," she said to both of them.

"No problem," Don smiled while setting his tray next to the other one.

"I'm sure tons of ponies will come here," Sugar added, looking at the front door like it'll bust open any minute.

"I did tell everyone about them."

Gokai Green turned to the pink pony. "Maybe we should set up a sign."

Pinkie thought about it, then happily beamed. "Great idea, Donster. I'll be back in before the next set of brownies are done baking in the oven!" The Gokaiger ducked out of her way as she sped off upstairs to her bedroom.

"It's Don, not Donster!" he yelled from the staircase. "Why does she have to call me that?" he asked no one in particular.

"Call you what?" Troy couldn't help over hear what the guy had mentioned.

"Pinkie keeps calling me 'Donster'," he said, like he wanted to complain about it. "You know, I went from Doc to Don, no thanks to Gai."

"Wait, your name wasn't Don?" Emma responded confused.

He shook his head. "No, it wasn't. I'm known as Doctor. My friends had always called me Doc until we had our sixth member who is a fanboy of all the past Super Sentais." He laughed a bit. "Whenever we see a Super Sentai that came before my team, Gai will always want an autograph."

"It's like meeting a celebrity," Troy compared, picturing how the pony he got run into got all hyped up when seeing a Super Sentai.

"It's kind of annoying…" Gokai Green muttered. "No offense, but he can be annoying. I don't know how he and Orion are counterparts. Orion is chilled, while our silver hero is always jittery. I remember I would get envious of him. No, I felt pathetic."

"What do you mean by that?" Sugar said with raised brows.

"I mean that I'm not like my teammates. Believe it or not, I will hide behind either Joe or Luka. Sometimes behind Ahim. I wanted to avoid fighting. I started off as a weak Gokaiger. I always rely on my Gokai Gun."

"You don't use your Gokai Saber?" Pinkie joined the conversation, coming down the stairs with a piece of paper and a roll of tape.

"I do and I will switch it for another pistol from one of my comrades. Until I met Jane Kandou, having me take my physical training more seriously."

"And it helped you get stronger at fighting the bad guys?" the pegasus guessed.

"And less of a coward. I still hide behind any of my friends from time to time," he added. "Not as bad as it was before." The sound of a timer went off from within the kitchen. "I'll go get the next batch of brownies," he volunteered, leaving to go get them.

Pinkie went to the front door on the outside of the bakery, placing the sign she made on it, knowing the ponies will come here at any moment.

After doing so, she shouted, "Free brownie samples, everyone! Free samples!" She walked back inside. "There," she approved. "That'll be a good reminder for all the ponies. No one can turn down a free sample." Don returned with a third tray of the baked brownies. "How many trays do we-"

"Don't you dare call me Donster," he warned her, his eyes saying he's serious.

"How come? I know Don is short for something," she believed.

He groaned, running a hoof down his face. "My name isn't short for anything, Pinkie."

She got in his personal space. "Some of my friends have nicknames."

"I don't care, but I don't want to have a nickname…other than Don." He realized how confusing this talk is getting at, leading him to change what he mentioned. "Never mind, Don is better than Donster. It better not be a new name for me," he hoped for the better.

"Since you're the doctor in your crew, what do you do?" Sugar asked curiously.

"I cook, making sure everyone eats a healthy meal…unlike some folks." Everyone looked towards the party planner who had a cupcake, eating it. "Sweets are fine, however, from what I see in my point of view, she's been eating too many sweets."

"Hey!" Pinkie heard him, feeling displeased. "Sweets are my thing. I'll let you know that I eat my fruits and vegetables!"

"I'm taken aback on how your teeth don't hurt," Don said, narrowing his eyes.

"It's because I brush my teeth everyday," she answered, stuffing her cupcake into her mouth.

Of course, this Gokaiger rolled his eyes. Not because the pink pony brushes her teeth everyday, it's from her eating too much junk food.

A few seconds later, the Cakes came over, each one holding one of the twins, and Mrs. Cake was first to see the Red and Pink Rangers, setting Pound Cake on the floor where the baby toys were. "Hi, dearies, here to-"

"They're not here for anything," Don interrupted the mom. "They came to stop by."

"I see. No problem with what these love birds are doing," the twins' mother said, getting the unicorn and the pegasus to glow on their faces.

Are all these ponies going to think these two secret Rangers are boyfriend and girlfriend? Like it isn't horrible, it's just that they cannot assume that these two are a thing. Actually, it's more of a mistake than an assumption. Emma's redness eased away when she explained to the bakers.

"Troy and I…we're not a thing…"

"Yes…" Troy went next delicately. "We're not a couple. We're friends."

"Oh." It was the wife's turn to blush. "I'm really embarrassed now."

"No need to feel that way, honey bun," Mr. Cake cheered up, setting Pumpkin Cake next to her brother.

"I know, it's that these two look great for one another." One of the twins went up to their mother with a rattle, shaking it. "It's like when ponies saw us before we became an official thing."

"Heh, yep," her husband recalled the memory that none of the others, besides the Cakes, remembered. The twins don't count.

"Mind telling us how you two met?" Emma requested politely.

"It was a while ago," Mrs. Cake started, watching Pumpkin, the one who has the rattle, go up to Don. "I was at Idahoof at a baking contest for Great Baker of Equestria. I baked one of my finest cakes and I happen to know to be standing next to him," she gestured to her beau. "We both wanted to win, when it turned out we got tied for second place. After the contest, he asked me out. I don't know about you, but I'm not the kind of person to be asked out by a guy on day one. I basically told him it was too early to date since we've only just met. I told him where I lived, and he'd come over almost every day until he asked me out again, having him and I go out on our first date at the movie theater where we got to see Honey I Shrunk The Foals. A classic movie, I should add in. Then a couple of years later, he asked me to marry him."

"We still have our wedding rings." Pulling out a drawer, Mr. Cake pulled out two chains with, of course, wedding rings. "And here's Cupcake's engagement ring." He then pulled out a third ring attached to a nice chain.

"They're beautiful!" Troy's team member gushed with stars in her eyes. "It's safe to say that your type and pegasi have to wear them like necklaces."

"Since unicorns can wear them on their horns," the secret Gokaiger had to add, holding the couple's daughter. "Yowch!" The rattle came down on his forehead, and he quickly put her back on the floor, rubbing the area where he got whacked.

"Unicorns are lucky, although not every single one will want to wear them on their horns." Putting the rings away, the husband shut the drawer. "There are ones who prefer how my mind and pegasi wear rings."

"Then how come you're not wearing them anymore?" Troy questioned. "My friends and I came from somewhere else," he explained to the married ponies.

"Ponies only wear them during their engagement and on their wedding day," Mrs. Cake said. "I never saw any married couple wearing one after their wedding."
"Well, if I get married, my ring won't be coming off," the pegasus spoke up.

"Your choice." The mom and the dad went back to the kitchen. "Keep an eye on the twins," the husband told the others.

"We will," Pinkie guaranteed. "Want to help watch the twins?" she directed towards the Red and Pink Rangers when her bosses were back in the kitchen.

"We would love to, but it seems like we need to get going," Emma replied, looking towards her leader to see if she's right.

"We should." The two of them went to the door. "See ya, guys."



"We'll save you some brownies in case there will be any left."


Their friends, including the twins, said their farewells when the heroes went out the door - just in time since a bunch of ponies came barreling inside, the two side-jumping out of the way.

"Want to check out the Gem Cave?"

"Sure," Troy answered causally, the two going back to their stroll.

"Great! I'll show you the way," Emma led, trotting onward, with the horned pony behind her tail.

Passing through the village, they reached an ordinary cave. The Pink Ranger grabbed one of the hard hats that were leaning against the outside of the cave, then hoofed one over to the Red Ranger.

"Thanks." He took the hard hat, placing it on him. It covered up his entire head, including his horn unlike his Ranger helmet.

"No problem."

Entering the cave, the red hero marveled at the gems on the cave walls. There are big ones, medium ones, small ones, each a different color.

The gems seem to sparkle.

"Rarity said Mythic is here," he remembered, admiring the gems.

"Yep. We may run into her." When the pink hero said that, she literally ran into something - or someone. "Looks like we found her," she chuckled lightly. "You sure have a lot of gems there," she commented on all the jewels at Rarity's equal in observation. She picked up a flashy pink one.

"Be careful, they break," Mythic Diamond warned, putting more of the fancy gems in the cart that she's hitched to. "And thank you," she added, pulling the cart, the ponies following her.

"I can see why Rare needed the gems."

"Yes, it helps bring her hoof-made clothes to stand out," the Power of Beauty replied to the unicorn's comment. Lighting up her horn that's hidden due to her hard hat, she picked up a gem, then put a loupe over one of her eyes to take a look at the small details more closely. "She had looked for gems at the Rambling Rock Ridge."

"Rambling Rock Ridge?" A questioning expression formed on the red hero.

"It's a place where she used to hunt for gems," the flying one said, picking up a gem, placing it in the cart to give the unicorn mare a helping hoof. "She told me the one day she and Spike were scouting for gems when she said these diamond dogs ponynapped her."

"How did she manage to get free?" her lead Ranger replied.

"Eh, she said she kept on talking, whining, having them serve her, and then she cried when one of the diamond dogs called her a mule. "

Troy felt bad. "Those jerks."

"No, no, it's fine. She wasn't actually upset."

"Then…why was she sobbing…?"

"She's been fake crying," she simplified.

He blinked before understanding what she meant. "Ahh… I got it. Seems like she's a good actor."

"Haha, I thought the same thing."

It was then the three of them heard humming, a light shining, having the three ponies to see who's coming.

It was none other than Spike, holding a straw basket. "Let's see…" The tween dragon inspected the gems from on the walls left to right. "I need the perfect gems for my gem chip cookies," he talked to himself, unaware of the others.

"Gem chip cookies?" The dragon let out a startled cry when he heard someone, this time seeing he wasn't by himself. "Ah, dude, we didn't mean to scare you," the unicorn stallion apologized. "We saw light and it turned out it was you." He put a hoof on his chin. "It amazes me on how your type can eat gems."

Emma exchanged a look at Mythic, then asked what Troy meant. "Dragons…eat gems?"

"They do," he answered simply.

"How? The gems will break their teeth off," she exclaimed.

"Dragons' teeth aren't like ponies' teeth and other creatures' teeth," Spike said before Troy can explain.

"Wouldn't those jewels hurt your stomach?" Emma questioned, a little troublesome.

"Nah, us dragons' stomachs can handle gems like how your stomachs can handle hay, grass, and oats, for example."

After Spike listed out what he said, Troy's stomach rumbled, making him blush. "Eh heh," he released an embarrassed chuckle. "I think that Emma and I should go…"

"We should get something to eat at the Hay Burger," she agreed, until her stomach made the noise, seemingly to take a turn as her cheeks got all rosy. "Ha…ha…" A slow laugh got out of her mouth. "Let's move on, Troy."

"I cannot believe our diet has changed," he said, knowing equines don't eat meat. Not even the equines in the real world eat meat. Though he'd never seen a pony in this world graze on grass unless it's a sandwich.

It seems most of the things ponies eat is hay and grass. This includes different flower sandwiches, flowers on their own, different fruits, especially apples, vegetables, especially carrots, wheat, oats, and sweets.

He'd seen ponies eat chips and drink soda. Eat carrot dogs, enjoy hay burgers, hay horseshoe crisps, literally with anything with hay. Drink coffee and tea, different juices.

He ended up getting a huge surprise when he found out these ponies in this world will have any dairy product and eggs. No equine in the real world can have that stuff.

He had to guess these ponies are almost like the ponies in the human world.

He still couldn't believe him and his friends' diet went from eating what they'd normally eat back home until they came here. If they try to order a hamburger, they know they'll get confused looks.

Heading out of the Gem Cave, the two of them made their way to the Hay Burger.

As they were making their way, they spotted Rainbow Dash and her counterpart, Lightning Twister, clearing clouds away. Both the Red and Pink Ranger gave a wave.

Rainbow is first to notice. "What's up?" She laughed. "Get it?"

"Haha, what a laugh!" Twister slapped Dash's back. The two flew down, inches off the ground. "Are you two heading somewhere?" the Power of Forces of Nature smirked nicely.

"We're heading to the Hay Burger," Emma told Dash and Twister.

"Or else we'll starve," Troy added humorously, before his stomach rumbled, causing him to get a bit irritated. "Looks like almost all the clouds are gone," he stated, looking at the sky.

"Yeppers. Thanks to her and the boys," Dash replied, placing a hoof on her equal, the boys meaning Orion and Gai, "we get it done in less than ten seconds flat."

"Speaking of Orion, is he back at your place?" the red savior asked.

The proud grin got restored to a frown, getting all four hooves on the ground, along with a hint of anger. "He went to Shireville to visit Lightning Dust," she answered, feeling irked. "It disgusts me to where I wanna puke. That mare and him shouldn't be together. No way in the buck will he and her get married. No way will they have kids. Dust is a horrible mare who shouldn't have a boyfriend!" She reared up, slamming both front hooves back down.

"You should be happy for them…"

"No!" she yelled out, not wanting to hear what the pink savior had to say. "It's completely unnecessary. There are other mares Silvy can be with but instead he wants to be with someone who likes to put others in danger!" The Pink Ranger opened her mouth. but never got the chance when Rainbow Dash interrupted. "Don't say Dust has changed and I will take her apology someday."

"She apologized?" the Pink Ranger managed to respond to the ticked off pegasus's rant.

"Not yet, except when she does, I won't take it." Flapping her wings, Rainbow got off the ground. "Some folks don't deserve a second chance."

"Does she come over to your place?"

Like she was controlling a bomb inside of her, she gritted her teeth before responding to the head Ranger. "Yes, she does…" Air came out of her nostrils. "I cannot say anything bad to her because Orion wouldn't allow it. Whenever I want to say something to her or tell her to get lost or die, he'll come to her defense. It sickens me like a moldy celery. She once brought pineapple pie when he invited her over for dinner one evening…"

"Aww, how generous of her." After saying that, Emma caught the fury in the multicolored mane pony's eyes. "Uh…"

"I HATE pie!" Dash exclaimed. "Pie is gross. When she presented it to us, I was furious! I took the pie, shoving it in her face, then took the pie tin, smashing it into a flat pancake."

"Gai and I were there," her counterpart added.

"And you two got mad at me," Dash directed towards her angrily. "Like how Orion felt."

"You were being mean," Twister said, making a clear point.

"She deserved it…" the Wonderbolt ignored.

"Dash, she didn't know."

"I don't care! I want her to…!"

Troy and Emma decided it was a good time to get going, not wanting to stick around when those two are squabbling, their voices distancing away as they walked further and further until they heard a loud sound, before seeing a rainbow trail crease through the sky from Dash, with Twister going after her, leaving the left over clouds behind.

Boy, she must be ticked, the unicorn thought to himself. He hoped Dash wouldn't be arguing with Orion about his girlfriend. Though, he highly doubts she doesn't.

None of his friends or their counterparts hadn't met Lightning Dust, with the exception of Gai, Lightning Twister, and Orion, since those three live with Dash.

He wondered if he and his friends would have their own homes to live in.

As they neared the restaurant, they saw Noah's counterpart and Fluttershy's counterpart, heading their way, with Gokai Blue talking to his girlfriend.

Troy trotted with Emma doing the same. "Yo, Joe, Hazel, nice to see you two," Troy greeted, the four ponies stopping in front of each other, stopping at the Hay Burger Restaurant. "We're here to eat something," he told Joe and the Power of Fury, gesturing his head at the building.

"Are two going to eat here, too?" Emma asked grinning.

"No, we're heading over to the Cafe Hay," Joe answered.

"Not to be confused with the Ponyville Cafe," Hazel added smiling.

"Okay. Well, she and I are going to have a chow at this place," the red hero said. "Enjoy yourselves at the Cafe Hay," he wished them.

"You too," Gokai Blue returned, as he and his special somepony walked on.

"I can't believe him and Noah are counterparts when they're completely different from one another," Emma stated, as Troy opened the door.

"The only difference is that Noah is smart," he acknowledged, letting her go in first before letting himself in. "My counterpart, your counterpart, and Gia's counterpart aren't different. Don, Joe, and Gai are nothing like Jake, Orion, and Noah are," he compared, the two of them going up to the line of ponies, the smell of hay burgers, horseshoe fries, and regular hay fries lingering in the air.

"I have no idea why it doesn't surprise me," she shrugged. "The Power Ponies have the same personalities like Twilight and her friends - with the exception of Starlight since there's no Power Pony that resembles her."

"True." The line moved and they moved, too. "Although…it makes me wonder…"

"About what?"

The leader of the Rangers shook his head. "I had been wondering why Noah fell in love with Fluttershy. Not that it's a bad thing, but why her?"

"Troy… Jake likes Gia. They do say opposites attract."

"I know." He looked down at the floor.

"Troy?" Emma's call got his attention. "Is everything okay?"

"Y-Yeah, I was thinking about our old home," he answered quickly.

"I miss it, too," she understood compassionately, keeping her tone down. "We have no choice. You know what will happen if we try to leave."

"I hadn't forgotten… I did ask Twilight about our keys and she promised to write about it to our new mentor," he responded, recalling the day where all the ponies, including the secret heroes, celebrating about the Armada and the villains Twilight and the rest of the Elements of Harmony, and Starlight had been dealing with."

"Has she written to her?"

"Not sure; she's been busy lately."

"With what? She isn't ruling Equestria."

"Doesn't mean she isn't busy."

"Good point there."

The line soon disappeared, the ponies walking to the tables with their trays of food they ordered.

"Hi, welcome to Hay Burger, home of the Hay Burger, how may I take your order?" The cashier, an earth pony mare, did her slogan, seeing the unicorn and the pegasus coming up to the counter, the unicorn getting her awareness. Boy, he sure is fetching. "What would two love birds wanna have?"

Emma wanted to roll her eyes, though thought better than that, knowing it's an assumption mistake. "We aren't dating."

"I'm sorry, it's that…" Too flustered, the mare on the other side of the ordering counter cleared her throat. "How may I take your order?" she repeated kindly.

"I would like to have a hay burger with lettuce and tomato with ketchup. No mayo, pickles, mustard, and onions. With that, I would also like to have hay fries and a caramel smoothie," Troy ordered pleasantly, after looking at the menu that's on the wall above them.

"And I'll have a hay burger with cheese, mustard, pickles, and lettuce, no tomatoes, ketchup, mayo, and onions. And I'll take the horseshoe fries, along with an orange smoothie," Emma happily went next.

"That'll be twenty bits in total," the cashier confirmed.

Troy dug in his pockets on his black leather jacket, putting twenty gold coins on the countertop. "Keep the change."

"Thanks." Opening up the register, she put the coins in there, the coins creating a clink sound when they dropped onto the other ones.

The pony employees came over with the trays with the food and smoothies, placing them down.

The trays in the two Rangers' right hooves, they made their way to a table to sit at. Since this is a fast food restaurant, customers can sit wherever they want, so Troy and Emma sat at one of tables that are next to the windows.

They placed their food on the table, sitting on the round, wooden seats.

Troy opened up the box his hay burger was in, the smell intruding his nose. He picked it up, taking a bite. He swallowed his first bite, then put some hay fries in his mouth, chewing them away, then took a few sips of his smoothie.

Emma ate her food, too, along with her own smoothie.

"If I were still human, I wouldn't dare myself to eat horse food," she said, picking up one of the horseshoe fries.

"I couldn't agree more." Finishing up his hay burger, he continued eating his hay fries. "It's too bad we cannot eat meat anymore."

Munching on his hay fries, he saw the door swing open.

It was Fluttershy and Noah. Troy waved his hoof and the two love birds saw him and Emma. Noah and his girlfriend walked over to the table.

"I didn't know you'd be here," the Blue Ranger said surprised. "Fluttershy suggested she and I should eat here."

"Have you been here before, Noah?" Emma asked, putting her cup down.

"No, first time here," he answered. "What about you two?"

"I've been here with Twilight a couple of times," his leader said.

"There was a day where Rarity was working on a dress that she didn't have time to cook so I volunteered to get something for us to eat. She requested a hay burger meal as well as the others." The Pink Ranger picked up her half eaten hay burger. "She told me where it was and I got us something to eat. I even got Sweetie Belle a hay burger meal."

"It's surprising how we can eat hay," Noah said amazed. "Normally it wouldn't be good for us. Not anymore, though."

"What did you guys eat when you were on earth?" Fluttershy asked naturally.

"Foods like fruits and vegetables…including meat," her boyfriend answered. "We never ate flowers and other foods you ponies eat."

Fluttershy tilted her head. "What's meat?"

The three Rangers glanced at one another until Noah came up with a reply. "You don't want to know." He took her hoof, taking her over to the counter so they could order their meal.

With them over there, Troy carried on eating his hay fries, his thoughts on his home. He truthfully does miss it. It's like he moved here - with his friends joining him, like he does a lot since he has a military background and when he and his dad moved to Harwood County, he ended up living with his uncle - until he came here.

He's lucky his spirit is there, including his friends' spirits, at their old home.

He watched the ponies eating their food, spotting a unicorn carrying his tray with his levitation spell.

His eyes went upwards as he looked at his own horn. He'd watched Twilight, Ice Crystal, and Starlight using them back at the castle.

While it doesn't bother him, he wondered if it bothers Noah, Joe, and Marvelous.

When Noah and Fluttershy came back from the counter with their food, Troy stopped the blue heron. "Noah, I need to ask you something."

"Sure thing," he accepted as Fluttershy walked to a table, sitting down and waited for her boyfriend.

"Does it trouble you and Joe that you haven't known how to use your horns? I may have to ask this about Marvelous when I get back to the castle."

Noah thought about it before shaking his head. "No, but I did try to pick up my spoon with it. It didn't work out." He chuckled. "Twilight promised to teach us how to use them."

"I'll ask her if she can teach us today," Troy said, finishing up his hay fries. "Marvelous could use a lesson, as well."

"She isn't going to teach us the advanced magic she does, more likely the basic ones." The Blue Ranger looked to see a unicorn picking up her cup with her magic, taking a long drink. "Like levitation," he made an example. "I'd seen unicorn kids using their horns like they already knew how to use them." It was then Emma chuckled, leaving the blue heron with a puzzled expression. "What?"

"Rarity's sister didn't know how to do magic." She finished her chuckling. "Her sister and her two friends would go to Twilight for Twilight Time she used to do for the three fillies. Sweetie said she couldn't lift up a broom, claiming it weighed a ton."

Noah and Troy looked at one another. "No way a broom can weigh a lot," the Red Ranger disbelieved.

"I may not be a unicorn…" Emma ate more of her hay burger, swallowing. "..though I'd seen unicorns carrying things that weigh a lot."

The boys thought about what she stated. "Hm, it makes sense…" The lead Ranger rested his chin on his hoof, thinking. "Lifting objects by hooves and magic aren't any different than I thought it would be."

"I honestly thought levitation will make things lighter."

Emma shook her head. "Picking things up doesn't mean they'll be light, Noah." She completed her meal, pushing her tray away.

"When all of us help each other out with a heavy object it will be light," Noah said, then remembered something his best friend told him back on earth. "You don't need strength to be good at something; it's all about believing in yourself," he recalled the day when he thought he was a slowdown for the team. "I better eat before this gets cold. Let Joe and I know when the princess could teach us spells."

"I won't forget," the second unicorn stallion guaranteed watching as his team member made his way to the yellow pony who is using her wings to pick up her cup of whatever kind of drink she's got. "I have to say, ponies with wings sure are lucky. Their wings are like extra…hooves."

"Wings are like that," the pony on the other side of the table smiled like it was no biggie. "Too bad the first group of ponies have to use their mouths to carry stuff."

"Except when some of us don't know how to use magic and when our entire head and face are covered up by our helmets," the red savior talked quietly out of ear shot range to make sure the others weren't hearing him. "I'm surprised no one recognized us."

"I'll take a wild guess since some of us have features exposed," Emma spoke softly, gazing at her feathers. "The Power Ponies don't have a lot of covering for their faces; only their bodies. Twister and Hazel have their wings out in the open, with Mythic's horn out of the blue since Ice's horn gets covered up."

"We can ask Rarity about it." Emptying his cup, he got up, picking up his tray heading to a trash bin with a swinging lid with the pink heron behind him. He threw his trash away, placing his tray on the other ones, with the pegasus repeating the process. "We don't want ponies getting, you know, suspicious."

"I wouldn't say suspicious, Troy. More like wondering," the pegasus corrected her friend's reply, keeping her voice down to keep anyone out of ear shot whether they were eating or walking by them, putting her tray on the others, too.

"That's what I said." The two walked out of the restaurant, a butterfly landing in Emma's mane, making it look like a beret, resting itself there. "I have to say...it's nice having a team member who cares about the environment," the red hero complimented, seeing the butterfly move to another spot on the pink hero, going on to her nose. "You promised to make sure nothing gets hurt by those villains who were here."

"We all promised," she reminded him, recalling since day one when the Super Megaforce team made their guarantees to keep this world out of harm's way, gazing at the butterfly as it got off of her, flapping away, when she witnessed pink ovals on her lead Ranger's cheeks. "I have a feeling you wanna say something else."

"No, I have nothing else to say," he responded too quickly, the pinkness fading away.

"You were blushing," she said obviously. "It's clear that you have more to tell."

"I wasn't blushing," he denied defensively, mixed with a sheepish smile. "I have nothing more to tell, either," he also put in.

"Uh huh..." Emma nodded, an eyebrow lifted, observing the odd behavior invading off of the unicorn.

The Red Ranger felt his face heat up again while the two stared at one another, having the nature lover waiting for him to say something, knowing he had something in his mind. Rapidly shaking his head, he changed the subject. "I'll take you back to the Boutique," Troy said a little too quickly.

She giggled with her hoof over her lips. "How thoughtful of you."

"I got to be a gentleman- I mean, gentlecolt."

The two made their way back to the Boutique, Troy opening up the door for her. Thanking him, Emma went inside, brushing her right wing on his muzzle, tickling his nose she extended.

Unsure if she was being flirtatious or not, he grinned, telling her to have a good day, releasing the door, with his team member wishing the same thing to him, shutting it.

He stood there for a few minutes, thinking about hanging out with her in the shop and Rarity's home, though he thought it may be better to leave since she will probably be back to helping the designer. So, he decided to go back to the Castle of Friendship.

Of course, with Troy going by, mares in all directions giggled at his appearance, unable to get their eyes off him. In all fairness, no girl back in the human world will be admiring him since he's the type who keeps to himself. None even asked to be his soulmate. He doesn't mind, although he does wish sometimes for these pony girls to stare at him like he's a celebrity or some kind of pony of royalty. Hey, sometimes the Ponyville ponies will bow to the Princess of Friendship. She is part of the royal line, yet, she doesn't want ponies to keep kneeling to her all the time since it gets her a bit annoyed. Like, they don't need to be formal since she's like everypony else. Troy hadn't seen ponies bowing to him and his friends when they saved them from the dangers from those henchponies, changelings, and the villains.

Speaking of the gesture, he couldn't believe his eyes when the Sun Princess bowed to him after he and his friends when they met up with Noah and Fluttershy at the castle gates when the changelings - the new evil changelings - were about to attack them after Gia made them halt using her Blaster. He was surprised at what the white alicorn did. He didn't take it the wrong way, for he wasn't used to seeing someone do that to him or his teammates all due to not coming from this world.

A few hooves away from the castle, the rubble and pieces of the School of Friendship are still there, the waterfalls falling loosely into the river. He was sorry for Twilight when it got trashed, knowing her dreams of having a school to teach about friendship tore apart like a new art picture. There have been times where Twilight will go there, shifting through all the remains of her demolished education building, knowing deep in her heart it may not be the same if it does get rebuilt.

The Ranger bet she taught lots of ponies, including creatures, about the magic of friendship. He, too, had gone there a couple of times at night, wondering how he can fix it. He had helped fixed the Legendary Megazord from some monster who was stealing happiness with his staff while Orion and Emma tried to take the staff away from the villain, leading the expert martial artist to laugh when the Silver Ranger showed him and his friends pictures of her with Emma finding out when she got to them when she brought basket of food, as well as kite for Orion when he saw one.

He had no clue on how to rebuild this. And even if his friends help out, it might not be the way it looked before.

Thinking about school made him remember how he had to go to a new school in Harwood County, a new student in Harwood High School, being late for his first class where his future friends were before they actually became friends and heroes of earth.

Then there was Robo Knight. No matter where this stallion is at, he couldn't locate the robot who was asleep for a really long time. He looked for him everywhere when his friend dragged himself away on the beach after they defeating the Messenger, leading Vrak to let Metal Alice to blow up like a bomb before getting away after taking the advice from the white evil robot to make himself scarce of the Armada soldiers as none of them will recognize him in his cyborg form.

Troy is constantly worried about Robo Knight, unable to stop. He wanted him back, he truly did. However, being in a world full of pretty colorful ponies, he knows deep down that there isn't a chance in finding him. He still doesn't believe the robot is here, including Vrak, or rather, Prince Vrak to be here either. None of the Rangers knew until it was revealed by the Messenger.

Orion wasn't there when there were only five Rangers dealing with the Warstar monsters compromised as instectoids, led by Admiral Malkor who got destroyed by Rangers when they first saw him. He was the leader of the Warstar before he got destroyed by their final attack by the Ultra Gosei Great Megazord, along with the Warstar Ship.

He and his team are glad they won't have to deal with those insect monsters and the evil robots after destroying them with their Megaforce powers.

Still, he sure does miss Robo Knight.

Heading onward, he made his way to the ruined school, seeing the same pieces and rubble on the ground. He picked up a piece he believed was one of the walls, then set it back down. This school is unlike the school he went and his friends went to, with the exception of the silver hero who practically lived there since he didn't have a home to live at until they came here when Dash offered him to stay at her place.

Going through the pieces, he found books from the library that was part of the school Twilight took them to when she gave him and his friends a tour. They were tattered, papers crinkled, and crisped. He opened up one of them only for the front cover to completely tear off, despite doing it gently.

Dropping the front cover, he continued to go through the rubble when he saw a hint of something. He dug more, seeing what looks to be a horn before fully getting the pieces of the school to get a better view.

It looked like a helmet. He picked it up, observing it. Unlike the school and everything else along with it, it was in good shape. There weren't any dents or scratches on it.

Wondering if there's anything else that wasn't ruined like this thing, he went back to shifting the pieces, finding what looked to be an amulet to be next.

He gaze at it, seeing how it was in good condition. Placing it next to helmet, he went back to searching, like looking for a needle in a haystack.

A talisman came into view. He looked at the object, rubbing a hoof on it. He set it aside before finding what looked to be a crown. It seemed to shine in the sunlight. He put it down, moving broken pieces, his eyes catching what looked to be a shell.

He'd never seen a shell like this in his life. It wasn't a turtle shell or any kind of shell.

He put it away with the other stuff, his curiosity of finding these objects got the better of him. Continuing on, the leader of the Rangers went on the search, like looking for Easter eggs on an Easter holiday unless the ponies celebrate it like the humans do back on earth, until he found a cloak.

Grasping the fabric material, he held it in front of him, tilting his head to one side, curious to know who wore it.

Like what he did to the rest, he set the item down with the others. He sat down in front of the objects, seemingly unable to get his eyes off of them, especially the crown.

Should he mention that ponies in this world sit like how a dog or cat would sit? Yeah, ponies sit down like that unlike real equines who don't sit like how these ponies do.

It was kind of weird at first, not being able to sit down like a human again. After some time, he, maybe including his friends, got used to sitting down like this.

While checking out the items, he hadn't been paying attention when he heard someone. "Hey, Troy." He moved his eyes to see Twilight's student coming up to him when she stopped. "Nice, you found the Magical Artifacts of Equestria," Starlight grinned pridefully. "Twilight thought they were ruined by the Armada attack."

Raising an eyebrow, he picked up the crown. "These are the artifacts? The ones that Cozy Glow used to try and drain all of the magic of Equestria? The same girl who thinks she can gaslight others by becoming their only friend?" Troy inclined, recalling what he and his friends were told.

"Those are the ones," she certified, levitating one of the artifacts. "Twilight won't believe it; it's going to make her happy like getting a new book she will order from time to time," she said happily. "Here, help me take them to her."

"Starlight?" Standing back up, he pointed at his horn. "I don't know how to levitate stuff."

She blinked. "Right, right. No problem, I can carry them myself." Her horn still glowing, each artifact got an aura surrounding each one of them, along with the crown. "My teacher is going to be happy," she repeated, seemingly to do a skipping trot.

"I'm sure she would," he agreed lightly, following her back to the castle. "I'm surprised they're not destroyed. Guess they're too strong for something like that to happen to these things."

"I've been thinking the same thing," she said.

"I can't believe Cozy tried to drain the magic out Equestria." Opening up the door, the unicorn stallion let her go inside the castle first. "I cannot wrap my mind around that she's a villain." They walked down the hallway to the library. "Like, she's a kid. The same age as the school children."

"Looks can be deceiving. She was Twilight's friendship assistant and top student at the School of Friendship before any of you, your friends, the Power Ponies, and the Gokaigers came here."


"Really. She would help out students who are new to show them where their classes are at, pick up any trash, get the mail, greet everypony and every creature, hand out fliers..." The list went on as Starlight told Troy what the filly has done, with Troy becoming surprised at what he's hearing. "And before we knew it, she was trying to suck up all the magic with these artifacts, including ponynapping me," she finished peeved. "She has no idea how important these things are."

"I see what you mean," he responded to her little rant, looking at the crown. "I cannot believe she did such a thing. Magic is important for all of you. Without it..." He wasn't sure what to say next, when he remembered what Cozy's cutie mark meant when she explained it to them. "She has the talent in dividing ponies against each other to gaslight them. She wanted them to believe she's their friend. She wished she should've divided us apart, wanting us to not want to be friends like we always are. I can't imagine without having any friends."

"Neither can I," she replied when they reached the doors to the library. "There's no need to worry about it, anyway."

"I know, yet I want to know where the little...brat went off to," he wondered, feeling a teeny, tiny bit bad for calling some kid who is adorable a horrible name. "We demolished her Megazord and she flew off to who knows where. I doubt she has a family."

"I don't think her family wants her."

"That's...a bit harsh."

"You are the one who called her a brat."

"Yeah, well... Never mind, let's give these to Twilight."

Going into the library, they saw the Princess of Friendship laying on the couch, an open book in front of her. Ice Crystal was there, too, reading. Spike and Cobalt are doing the same thing.

Closing her book, Twilight went to put the book away when she saw the two unicorns. "We're reading. You're welcome to join us. Marvelous is with Ahim when she came over to get him." Her eyes then widened. "The artifacts," she almost exclaimed, in which it didn't take long to notice them. Lighting up her horn, her aura replaced her student's, levitating them to her. "There's no dents, no marks, all in great shape," she examined with excitement. "The Amulet of Aurora, the Talisman of Mirage, the Helm of Yksler, the Crown of Grover, the Knuckerblocker's Shell, and Clover the Clever's Cloak. Ohhh, this is wonderful." She carefully put them down on the coffee table. "I was sure they got ruined along with the school."

"You can thank Troy for finding them," Starlight pointed to him.

"It was no biggie," the Red Ranger shrugged.

"No biggie?" The alicorn went up and put a hoof on his shoulder. "Troy, you found the important artifacts of all of Equestria."

"How can that junk be important to Equestria?"

"Cobalt!" Ice scolded.

"What?" he questioned.

"You heard what Twilight said," she continued on with her scolding, "they're important. We may have come from a comic book; it doesn't mean we shouldn't be disrespectful."

"I wasn't being disrespectful," he explained. "I don't understand why they're important." Abandoning his book, he picked up the cloak. "This cloak looks like a normal cloak whoever Clover the Clever was."

"Clover the Clever was a unicorn who lived long ago and one of the six founders of Equestria," the princess told him, gently taking it in front him. "She was Princess Platinum's royal advisor and an apprentice to Star Swirl the Bearded. Clover also knew a lot of magic that he studied. Many are used today like what I'm using."

"Who's Star Swirl the Bearded?" Cobalt questioned.

"He's a unicorn who made the Elements of Harmony before they got passed down to Gosei, even though they were by Tensou," Troy explained to the little colt. "None of us met him," he turned and said to Twilight. "He was one of the Pillars, am I correct?"


Troy thought about something. "My friends and I never met the rest of Pillars. Well, I met Somnambula when you and I went to the village named after her."

"My team and I never met any of the Pillars," the lead Power Pony said, flipping a page.

"Neither did the Gokaigers," Twilight put in, tapping her chin. "Hm. Since none of you met the Pillars, aside from Troy who met one of them, I can write a letter to the princess about it."

"Good, because we would like to meet them, even though I'd already met one of them," the red hero appreciated. "Oh, yeah, don't forget about the keys," he reminded her.

"I can put that down on my letter until Spike comes back with the gems for his gem chip cookies."

Troy nodded when he saw Ice looking at him, questioning her. "Mind telling me why you're looking at me the way you are?"

"It's that...you're an attractive unicorn," is all she can come up with. "Like, really attractive. I wouldn't be surprised if any mares are staring at you."

"They have," he sighed. "It isn't a bad thing, but my mind is set on Emma."

"I can totally see you two together," Twilight smirked playfully. "I still remember you and Emma on the dance floor at the Gala from last year."

"She had been my special somepony last year for Hearts and Hooves Day," he grinned, blushing a little bit.

"You seem to have a crush on her," Starlight pointed out, adding more blush to the guy.

All he can do is shrug. "You aren't wrong... She is amazing. Positive, too." He went over to the books, tipping one over. "Heh, almost forgot, us new unicorns need to know some spells," he referred to himself, Noah, Joe, and Marvelous.

"I can't believe you don't know any spells- Ouch!" The colt got hit in the back of his head, earning angry eyes from his leader, like a mother who caught her child doing something naughty.

"No worries, Troy," the alicorn responded to the request. "We can start today. Once I write to the princess with the help of Spike, I can teach the four of you some spells. Starlight can help, too."

"I'll go get the guys." Forgetting about reading, he went out to get his Ranger teammate and the two unicorn Gokaigers, so all four of them can learn as much magic as possible.

Chapter 2: Magic Lessons

It was amazing how the Blue Ranger found a special person. Well, a special pony to be more exact. He wasn't into dating due to being busy with all the tech work he did back at his old home he lived in. He would always study and help the Rangers out with his smart brain. It was the reason their old mentor chose him to be the blue hero for all of his knowledge of science, knowing every bit of it.

He remembered back in school in Harwood High when Jake asked Noah to have his Snake Axe fix when the team didn't get their Super Megaforce powers yet. It was a simple request, really, except his best friend, a long time soccer player, is extremely strong alongside his crush, who is able to carry the weapon, swing it, anything with no problem. Unlike this guy who couldn't do it since he doesn't work out like his athletic skilled teammate.

During that time, he questioned himself, doubting his abilities, thinking he needed to be strong in order to be a good teammate like his friends. But Jake told him that if he believed in himself, he can do anything.

It was when a monster known as Virox was infecting the town citizens with his virus, turning them into loogies. He saved a woman before she could get infected, when she asked him if he was some kind of superhero. He answered that he has to find out, then told the monster he shouldn't infect incident people, leading the villains to charge, wanting to get his slime on the blue hero, with Noah using his Shark Bowgun.

The Shark Bowgun wasn't doing any good because that monster kept on charging. He was thankful when Jake arrived with his Snake Axe, defending him, having the two of them work together when they fought the monster, until he escaped, when they got a call from Troy, asking them where they were, getting an explanation, and Emma stating that she, Gia, and Troy have their hands full of loogies, unaware on what to do with them without hurting them for they're not real loogies.

This led the athlete to put down his weapon, landing on his geeky friend's foot. Boy did that hurt, and Jake thought he was fooling around.

When they encountered the monster again, Jake was knocked down, and Noah knew he needed the Snake Axe to bring and defeat the virus villain.

At first, like last time, he couldn't lift it, until he remembered what he was told, the advice he was given. The advice led him to use the weapon without any problems, getting the villain at his weak spot, earning the Sea Brothers Zords.

The next day, after the Virox got destroyed, Noah fixed the Snake Axe, making it forty percent lighter than it was in the beginning.

When the invasion from the Armada came, Noah managed to stop the x-borgs at the high school, saving two students, ordering them to scout out the rest of school.

When he encountered Skatana, he decided to train hard in order to subdue the swordsman. He was alone, though the evil sword fighter brought back up, cheating.

Too bad he got destroyed from Noah's Ultimate Ranger Saber Strike all thanks to his friends lending him their Sabers.

The unicorn doesn't care if he was prom king, being much more interested in using his blockbuster brain to change the world. Fighting may not be his first choice of activities, but it doesn't mean he isn't really good at it.

When he and his friends arrived in Equestria, being ponies since day one, it was the day he met the cutest pony ever, recalling the time when a cart was about to run her over.

He never ran - no, galloped - that fast in his life! All the houses and buildings in the high class city of Canterlot turned into a blur, when he yelled out to her.

The yell got her attention, except it froze her in place, knowing she'll get run over becoming roadkill. It was right there and then, she wouldn't be able to get out of the way. One, she was too scared to, and two, she had an injured wing. It was up to him to save her.

With his heroic move, he manages to push her with all of his strength with his whole body, ending up being on top of her when she landed on her back on the street.

He recalled making eye contact with her and, from what he was told by Fluttershy, he'd turn red in the face like she did when they first met each other. He couldn't help to think of how pretty she was because no girl ever caught his attention the way she did. She is irresistible, adorable, and down to earth beautiful in his eyes.

On the train ride on the Rangers' second day in being in the colorful world, Twilight offered Noah to stay at her castle when the pretty girl wanted him to stay at her place. At first he wasn't sure when she began giving the puppy face, trying to brush it off, only to give up with a laugh.

Now, if she would whimper like a puppy, he would still be unable to ignore it. She was too cute! She may be a shy pony who doesn't always like coming up to people, it doesn't make her less charming.

He was happy he found his type of girl. He was happy when Fluttershy wanted him to be her plus one for the Gala as a friendly date. Of course, at the ball, he asked for a dance. She was nervous at first since she doesn't want to be judged on her dancing.

Thanks to him, she did set her nerves aside, having a nice dance with him. Gia was impressed when she saw those two dancing together, giving them a nice compliment on how they did.

It was the first time the unicorn and a pegusas danced with someone. He even got her a bracelet for Hearth's Warming Eve, with Fluttershy still wearing it today. She hadn't taken it off since. She also still has the Blue Ranger plushie he'd won for her at the Foal and Filly Fair as a memory in case he and his team did leave.

Gladly, they didn't, exciting the two love birds when she gave her first boyfriend a hug. They've both been happy since then. If they were separated, the two of them wouldn't know what to do. The pony world lacked phones and computers, so they couldn't do long distance relationships. So with the Rangers and their counterparts unable to go back home, it was best for them to stay.

There had been days where Noah missed earth, the school, his teacher, Ernie, his family, everything among it. Thankfully, his girlfriend pushes it all aside. It doesn't make him forget his first home, though he did tell her he'll miss her more than anything else if he, his team, and the Gokaigers were able to leave.

He thought about the memories as he gazed out the window when Fluttershy called out to him. "Noah?" She got his attention, pointing at his tray of food. "Are you going to finish your meal? I won't get mad if you don't want to," she promised, taking a sip of her peach smoothie.

Looking down at his tray of his half eaten hay burger and finished hay fries, he pushed his tray away from him. "I'm good. I was thinking of the memories we had with each other," he said, taking a swig of his own drink which is a blueberry smoothie. "I still can't believe my friends and I are living here, including the others who aren't from here. It's crazy. By crazy, I mean in a good way."

She giggled. "I know. I find it crazy, too. I would be crying if you and your friends did go back to earth," she admitted heartfully. "Hazel may cry, too, if Joe and his friends left. Well, our friends to be more precise since we all share our friends with one another."

"I get that," he replied relaxed, setting his cup down. "Orion's girlfriend will miss him, too," he said, laughing a little. "Never knew he'd get one, even when it's Dash's rival. It is surprising how those two were friends then went onto being nemesis to one another."

"I'm surprised, too," she replied, playing with the straw. "She was the one who created the tornado when both her and Rainbow were cadets at the Wonderbolt Academy. My friends and I were arriving there when the twister caught the air balloon. We could've been done for if it wasn't for her loyalty." She blushed a little. "Like how you are..." A cute smile invaded her lips. "Keeping Argus away from me. Many ponies, along with stallions, may get tired of defending me due to how shy I am. Rainbow used to be insensitive to how I am. It's a good thing you aren't like those kinds of people."

"I'll be angry if someone belittles you for being shy." He removed his glasses, cleaning the lenses with his shirt. "You know... I wasn't always like this." This brought his marefriend's attention when she left her cup alone completely, her ears open forward. "I was...shy like how you are. I wasn't extremely shy. More like the average type of shy since there's different levels of shyness. Anyways..." Putting his glasses back on, he adjusted himself on the seat he's sitting on. "...when I was a little boy, none of the kids wanted to be my friend. I refuse to do sports. All they did was sports. I wasn't into it. I wasn't into any sport. Kids would pick on me for being a nerd. No one would be my partner for school projects all because it had something to do with science. It happened both during elementary and middle school years. When I hit high school, it was when I met Jake."

"You hadn't met him until you were in high school?" Fluttershy had to interrupt. "I was expecting you two boys to be friends when you were kids."

Noah shook his head. "I was on my own; no friends. It hasn't bothered me, at all, to be frank. I was more focused on my love for science and getting good grades. By the time Jake came along, he needed a partner for a project we had to do for a class we took. I was hesitant at first, until I agreed. We have become best friends since then. He sees past my nerdiness like how I see past his athletic skills." He directly looked into the girl's eyes across from him. "It's like how I see you past your shyness."

Nodding her head, the young mare had to agree. Many people, even ponies, believe shy ones are snobs, like they don't care about others, thinking they look down to them. They think they give shy ones a bad name due to how they are. It isn't their fault for how timid they are, whether it is extreme, average, or any level they're on.

As a filly, she hadn't got any friends when she was in Flight School. Fluttershy was always too afraid to introduce herself to the other pegasi children. When she moved to Ponyville, she'd told Noah when they were only friends that she'd lived outside of the town to stay away from others in fear of being discomfiting around others.

Her eyes went downwards at the table top, a frown creasing over her.

"Fluttershy?" Noah called out to her. "I see you having something in mind."

"I was...thinking about when I was being assertive," she answered somewhat guilty. She paused for a moment, taking her time to find the correct words to say. "To give you the clip note version, I was being...mean. I would yell in ponies' faces. I...I was also mean to Pinkie and Rarity. I...insulted them..."

All Noah can do is stare at her, unable to picture her being a mean pony. It's difficult to do, especially a pony like she is, being kind to others. He wasn't sure how to respond, not knowing what to come up with. It's like she revealed the biggest, darkest secret amongst pony kind.

Her being mean is something he couldn't see. He's having a hard time believing she insulted two of her friends. None of his own friends would do such a thing.

During the time when the queen bee him and the boys became enslaved by, Emma and Gia had become bitter enemies to one another.

Eventually, the spell got broken from their strong friendship bond. His team is like a second family, adding new members when they first got to meet the Element Holders.

However, he, along with the team, are stunned when Twilight and the ones who hold the Elements of Harmony got new ones, spare ones that Tensou had when the Rangers told them about what happened to the Tree of Harmony and the previous Elements.

To their previous mentor's defense, he'd forgotten he had them. It was bewildered when the new Elements got made into keys, letting the lavender princess and her team become a new set of Rangers, becoming Rainbow Rangers.

At least those ponies got the backup Elements despite being keys.

"If you don't mind, you can tell me what you said to Pinkie and Rarity," he broke the minute of silence.

"No." Shaking her head, the pegusas refused. "I don't want to repeat what I said. I wouldn't say them again even when I want to. I always thought being assertive is to scream at ponies. You and your friends are lucky. I learned about being assertive while being kind about it. Rarity and Pinkie have their way of doing it."

"I would like to know how they stand up for themselves."

"Their methods of standing up for themselves is great. Rarity uses charm while Pinkie Pie confuses ponies. I tried them; it didn't work for me."

"Until you found your own method. Good thing, too. Admittedly, I wouldn't date you if you were mean. No offense, it's that...you know..."

"Same. I wouldn't date you if you weren't a gentlecolt."

"Haha, yep."

Afterwards, they left the Hay Burger Restaurant, going back to the cottage. It was until Noah saw his leader, greeting him. "Second time seeing you today."

"We see each other all the time, Noah," Troy chuckled when he reached the couple. "Twilight is going to teach us unicorns how to use-" He directly pointed at his horn. "-magic with these things. Starlight is going to help, as well."

"You seem interested in learning about it," his friend noted.

"I may be good at martial arts; doesn't mean I cannot try something new," his leader made a good point. "Both Orion and Emma got their hooves in flying, we need to get our hooves with magic."

"Sure thing," Noah replied casually. "We can grab Marvelous and Joe on the way to the castle."

"I was thinking the same thing."

The boys headed off, Fluttershy waving at them. "I'll see later, Noah."

"See you later, too, Flutters."

As the two stallions distance their way from her, Troy gives the bookworm a playful elbow in the ribs, with him dodging away. "I'd always thought you weren't into dating. You're always on your own, doing your own things."

"I was busy. I hadn't had time for being in a relationship," Noah told him.

"You better not be too busy now since you're dating one of the Element Holders," Troy joked playfully, going for another elbow jab, this time getting him.

"No worries. I'm making sure our relationship doesn't interfere with my interest in science," he said, brushing it off. "Our relationship is basically more important." The unicorn turned his eyes towards him, raising an eyebrow. "I'm not going to let our relationship get in the way of our friendship," the second unicorn added.

"I know you won't." He put on a humorous smirk.

"So..." Noah continued on, wanting to be laid back as possible. "You and Emma?"

"What about it?" He couldn't process what he's getting at.

"Mm, you know..." A short laugh came as this glasses wearing pony tried to figure out what to come up with. "You seem to have a...thing with her."

"Don't. Just...don't." Although it's true, Troy couldn't control his cheeks from turning red. It doesn't help when Noah is chuckling. "Stop, please. Emma knows, too. I mean, we've been friends for a long time..."

"You'd got her to be your plus one," Noah recalled from last year's Gala. "You also danced with her," he also remembered. "Like how Fluttershy and I danced together."

"I was a little off," he said honestly. "She's good at singing and dancing. Graceful with it. I was sure I was horrible when she told me I wasn't after we got done." A mare saw him, causing her get her focus off her daily task. "Not being rude here, but I want these mares in this town to stop looking at me like I'm a celebrity." The two boys walked past two more mares. "Twilight says unicorn stallions are a big hit, especially on Hearts and Hooves Day," he clarified the reasoning from all the staring he's getting.

"I'd never known that unicorn stallions are popular for the ladies," Noah put in, watching every mare eyeing his leader. "None of the mares look at me."

"Lucky for you. You got Fluttershy." His ears caught somepony giggling. Wanting to be polite, he waved at a mare who is a teenager, making her giggle more. "Mom says I got the looks."

"Looks? Looks aren't everything, bro," Noah lectured. "These mares shouldn't like you for the way you look."

"Tell them," Troy responded. "It's been going nonstop. At least I'm not going to do my martial arts move on any of them."

"If you did, they'll have the royal guards take you away."

They'd share a nice laugh together - like stallions as they went on their way to get Joe and Marvelous.

The Hay Café wasn't too busy when Joe and Hazel arrived not too long ago after they had small talk with their own counterparts. They each got a simple sandwich - a daisy sandwich with carrot slices with raspberry juice.

Joe never ate food the ponies eat since their stomachs work differently than a human's. It took some time for him to try the sandwich since he hadn't eaten flowers in his life. Neither did his team since Don does all the cooking on the Gokai Galleon.

When he was doubtful he'd like it, his girlfriend reassured him that he could order something else. He took a bite - a good bite - and ended up liking it. It doesn't taste terrible from what he thought.

The pony's DNA has completely got rid of his human DNA. He feels more like a pony than a young man. The one thing he'll miss is meat. His girlfriend questioned him about what it was, and he told her that she doesn't need to know. Besides, it wouldn't be good like it was when he and his team were humans living in Japan in a pirate ship in the color of red in the sky owned by his captain.

In the beginning, he wasn't a pirate. No, he was once a member of the Zangyack's Imperial Special Forces. Being there, getting trained under the Zangyack, the young man was often forced to endure rigorous and abusive training. It was during the time where he also trained under someone known as Sid Bamick, his senpai or mentor. His senpai taught him many sword fighting skills he used to great effect as Gokai Blue.

He was once ordered to execute a group of captive children, he blatantly refused, attacking his superior officers, letting the kids run away.

From what he did, from his insurrection, Joe was taken as prisoner and outfitted with an electric collar that would keep track of his every move, being emitted to an electric shock that would murder him, should he try to remove it.

It was awful, though, he managed to escape with the help of Sid.

Unfortunately, his senpai was left behind.

Once on the outside, he continued to fight through hordes of gormin and sugormin that came after him. He was unable to settle at once due to the tracking collar on him.

Slowly, becoming overwhelmed by his attackers, Joe wasn't about to give up, though his end was just about to be imminent.

Then, Captain Marvelous appeared, offering to fight the soldiers off. Joe realized he was a space pirate, warning the captain that he would get no money for saving him.

Marvelous, on the other hoof, told him it wasn't the money he wanted, he wanted Joe.

The two of them worked together, fighting off the Zangyack forces, proving to be quite the combination. Afterwards, Joe told Marvelous about the collar around his neck, and how removing it could kill them both. Still, Marvelous took it upon himself to pry off of Joe with his bare hands.

When the cruel collar was released off of Joe's neck, Marvelous made his intentions known to Joe, and he accepted, thankful for what the caption had done for him, vowing to stay with him. Marvelous passed him a mobilate - or morpher - and the Gokai Blue Ranger key.

There was this one day where he encountered a cyborg who is known to be named Barizorg when Warz and a monster named Deratsueigar on earth.

Joe was able to recognize the cyborg to be Sid from his sword technique he uses and attempted to remind him of who he was but fails as Sid - Barizorg - attacked him. He was Gokai Blue's friend, having the best friendship. He helped and taught him sword fighting techniques. Now, as a cold, emotionless, heartless cyborg, all thanks to the prince, he wouldn't get his buddy back.

He told the story to Hazel, who listened, open minded about his past experiences when he wasn't a pirate. She was happy he hadn't hurt any of the kids when he was told to. She felt bad that he may not get his senpai back, though angry at the same time as the evil prince had done to him. It wasn't enough anger to make her grow into a huge, muscle pony.

During his first encounter with her after he and his friends got free from the spell from a disguised changeling, he couldn't take his eyes off the gray color - a nice gray color - coated pony, her hair nice and brown, along with her tail. Her eyes were beautiful, too.

He saw how cute she is, too. Especially when she asked him to be her plus one as her 'date'. Truthfully, between these two, it felt like an actual date. All they did was eat the glamorous food like some of their friends are doing, while the others are on the dance floor.

He wasn't a dancer, and at the Gala, when he saw Hazel watching the ponies dancing, he decided it wouldn't be too bad, asking her for a dance in which she kindly accepted. She wasn't a dancer, either and, to their surprise, ended up being good at it. They didn't bump into the others, at all.

It was a nice way to get a bit closer, to get to know one another for how different they are. The unicorn isn't much of a talker; a stallion with a few words. He rarely gives compliments. He wasn't much into chatting until it changed when he first laid eyes on the Power Pony, telling her about himself, with her doing the same. She told him that she and her friends came from a comic book in Maretropolis dealing with their archenemy - the Mane-iac.

She and her team are glad their villain they've been dealing with is still in the comic book, thanks Celestia.

Hazel Blossom never had any crushes, for she was too busy fighting the henchponies with her friends until she got one on one of the Gokaiger boys, liking Joe's personality trait on a whim. During the victory party that Pinkie, Sugar Cupcake's counterpart, threw, she then got the courage to give him a kiss on the cheek.

She expected a different reaction, then was surprised when he pulled her into a dance - a second dance, getting into the beat of the party pony's song, unlike the slow dance they had at the Ball.

These two ponies are happy to be in a relationship with one another, being in each other's company, although they respect each other's space. They'll go out to eat from time to time like they're doing now.

"You're still in shock on how you ended up liking the sandwich," Hazel noted, finishing hers.

"When you're a human it can do that to you," Joe said, taking some of his drink after he finished his sandwich. "I was expecting it to be gross. Turned out it wasn't."

"You and your friends are used to being humans, it's okay," she reassured gently. "I do wish to know what meat is."

"Like I said, you don't need to know, sweetie," he chuckled unnervingly. "Seriously, if I did tell you, it might give you nightmares."

"Did you call me sweetie?" At first, she thought she heard wrong.

"Yes...I did..." He shifted in his chair, regretting what he called her.

"Aww, how sweet of you," she brightly proclaimed. "The first nickname given to me by my precious."

"I'm your precious, eh?" he smirked smugly when the waiter came with the check.

"Ready to pay?" the waiter, who is a middle aged stallion, asked with a thick accent.

Hazel was about to pull out some bits, when Joe beat her to it. "I'll pay," he said, digging into his blue pirate jacket, and placing some bits on top of the table. "Here you go," he smiled.

"Thank you, sir," the waiter kindly accepted. "You two have a nice day." He took the coins before walking to the next table.

As these two got up from their table, they saw Noah and Troy. "Joe, Twilight is going to teach us how to use magic," Noah said.

At first, the Japanese pony had no clue what this guy was talking about, taking him a few seconds to process it. He chuckled. "Sorry, I was lost for a second," he apologized. "I'm not used to being a unicorn."

"Bro, you and Marvelous have been unicorns for a good while," Troy rolled his eyes in a friendly manner. "Like how he and I have been unicorns for a good while," he referred to himself and the brainiac.

"What about Ice?" Joe's girlfriend questioned. "Is she getting lessons on more spells then the ones she knows?"

"Actually, believe or not, she decided to learn on her own," the Red Ranger unicorn explained to her. "She changed her mind."

"Since when?" This is also the first Noah is hearing this from his leader.

"Honestly, it was the day when they joined our team."

"Then how come she didn't use any new spells when we fought off those new changelings, x-borgs, and bruisers that kept being sent to us?"

All Troy can do his shrug in response. "Her ice and energy magic is more effective on those goons, is all I can guess." He turned to Noah's counterpart. "Plus, your girlfriend - no offense Hazel - isn't a unicorn," he told him.

"You are right on what you're saying," Gokai Blue agreed, glancing at his horn, moving some of his bangs out his vision. "I've been kind of interested in learning. It'll beat carrying things with my mouth." He saw an earth pony carrying a basket of strawberries, the handle between her teeth. "No offense to the ponies who lack horns," he added. "Luka will get ticked. Trust me, you don't want to make her angry."

"No worries, man," his counterpart assured him. "She is scary sometimes," he admitted, rubbing the back of his head.

"She can be." Laughing, he turned over to his girlfriend. "I'll see you after the magic lessons."

"No problem." She gave him a kiss, with him returning it to her before he headed off with the Rangers to pick up the captain.

Captain Marvelous and Ahim were hanging out by Saddle Lake in the meadow of Ponyville where he and the rest of his team had their welcome party. Butterflies and ladybugs fluttered around, bees getting nectar from the flowers dotted in the grass. Birds chirped in the tree branches, bunnies hopping here and there. One bunny was brave enough to hop up to the Gokaigers, getting pet by Gokai Pink who giggled at the bunny's cuteness.

Marvelous ate some black berries he and Ahim bought from someone who was selling them, tossing one at a time in his mouth. Of course, he was the one who decided to pay. The pony selling them asked if these two are more than friends.

This made him turn red as his sailor jacket, telling the pony he is only friends with the pegasus. Although, he did ask her to be his plus one for the Gala last year.

They didn't dance, hanging out by one of the tables, eating food because this dude has a hearty appetite. Seriously, he is as hungry as a...horse. A full grown stallion in which he is. He didn't want to dance much to Ahim's request.

He felt bad, except he doesn't dance - ever. It isn't his thing to do. Not his nature. He was part of the Red Pirate Gang with AkaRed and Basco ta Jolokia, along with a robotic parrot, Navi. During those times, he and the other two pirates, in the Gokai Galleon to find the Ranger keys. The keys contain thirty-four Sentai teams from the past, which were dispersed from the universe.

Marvelous encountered AkaRed when he discovered the Akarenger key after fighting the gormin. He refused to give the key back and fought AkaRed, who swiftly defeated Marvelous.

The young man revealed to AkaRed that he's searching for the Greatest Treasure in the Universe, and was told he'll never kind them if he gave up.

Those days, those weeks, those months, they went to find many Ranger keys, such as the Bouken Red key. They met Basco later who joined them.

They eventually found all the Ranger keys, but then Basco betrayed AkaRed and Marvelous. He conspired with the Zangyack which attacked the ship, wanting all the treasure to himself.

AkaRed saved Marvelous from the Zangyack forces and gave him the treasure chest containing the Ranger keys, telling him to find the Greatest Treasure of the Universe. The last time this caption saw him was when he charged at the gormin soldiers. Marvelous, along with Navi, later found the Kaizoku Sentai Gokaiger and worked on unlocking the Ranger keys on earth he and his team were previously at, more likely in the red pirate ship in the sky.

Gokai Red is a person - perhaps a pony in this case - that no one should mess with, especially his crew. He's much stronger than he is. An example of his strength will be the bracelet he'll wear when he's throwing darts. He can even take off the tracking collar off of Joe's neck.

He is someone who cares about his crew and for others even though he doesn't show it. He believes in his crew, having faith in all of them.
He couldn't believe Basco, whom he once called a friend, betrayed the Red Pirate Gang. He couldn't believe it, and is unsure why AkaRed was afraid of him - afraid of Basco. To this day, he couldn't figure it out.

At least Basco isn't here in this pony world. It was a shock to all of the Gokaigers. One minute they're fighting a monster - the same monster that came to the Gala somehow - and to this world by the villains that looked exactly like the baddies from the Zangyack.

It was unbelievable. He and his team weren't humans anymore, stunned that they were ponies - unicorns, pegasi, and earth ponies.

Being a unicorn is a huge surprise for this fellow, also confusing, too. He was surprised his hands and feet got replaced by hooves, having a fur coat under the clothes he wore, a mane and a tail.

The ponies were sent to look for a missing soldier in the Everfree Forest by a ram who sent them there, only to be tricked by a disguised changeling who put a spell on them to defeat the Rangers and their allies.

He and his team couldn't remember anything, not even when they fought their counterparts. They don't recall anything, at all. It was like they got knocked out without being unconscious.

Him and the rest of the Gokaigers felt bad, though they didn't need to, knowing they aren't to blame for their attacks.

However, he couldn't grasp how Pinkie Pie knew who they're dealing with back on the planet of earth.

Ahim, the now pegasus pony, isn't suited to be a pirate, with grace and geniality, making her different from her four shipmates before Gai came in. This causes people to underestimate her on occasion. If someone is in distress, she can't help but to help them. She is also thrown off by the captain's personality and shows concern at times. She also loves tea, and likes having tea with Rarity whenever she can, along with her counterpart and Mythic.

She is also the weakest one on the team, although she seems to be more powerful in a fight. She even trained with Jan Kandou, becoming more skilled at hand-to-hand, or in this, hoof-to-hoof, at combat.

When she first started using the swords and pistols, she'll lose her balance. Both her and Luka didn't match up when it came to verbal jokes, unlike the sisterly bond they have developed ever since. She is unable to do any housework without causing things to be worse, like burning food, for example.

Despite this, she is the pacifier of her group, able to diffuse any fighting and arguments that ensued among the other four. She is the one who accepted Gai into the group as Gokai Silver.

When she found out she is a pony containing wings along with Gai, she was amazed when she could fly. She felt a little light, barely floating. She was stunned when she can walk on clouds like she was on solid ground, unlike the rest of the ponies who are on the ground.

She's been staying on the ground most of the time, flying here and there. Still, she couldn't believe it. She and her team won't be humans, yet being ponies isn't a bad thing.
Ahim watched a bird fly by her and her leader, a ladybug making itself comfortable in her hair. It nestled there. It was a cute little thing. She caught Marvelous smirking at her.

"What?" she asked, taking one of her own black berries, popping it into her mouth.

"It looks like you have a beret in your hair," he commented with an easy-going smile.

"Looks like you have one, too," his teammate giggled amused, seeing another ladybug in her caption's mane. "It makes you look...marvelous," she said.

The caption of the crew rolled his eyes, playfully. "Nice one, Ahim," he said, bringing his hoof up to his head to let the insect crawl on there, slowly taking it away from his hair. He carefully put it on a flower that is closest to him, eating more of his berries. "You better not make it a thing since it's my name," he hoped for the best, receiving a laugh.

"Mm," she simply replied, shrugging her wings. "How is it being a unicorn?" she asked.

"It's fine in my book," he answered, glancing at his profound horn. "I won't lie, we were all in shock when we weren't humans anymore." A bee buzzed around his head, having his ear flick his ear to shoo it away. "About you being a pegasus, what's it like? It's fun when you and Gai can fly."

"It is fun!" Ahim exclaimed blissfully, getting off the grassy ground, doing some twirls, moving her wings gracefully. "I once gave one of my feathers to Rarity when one of her quills broke."

"Wait, how?"

"Like this." Setting herself back on the ground, she closed her left wing, keeping the right one open. Gently, she plucked one of her feathers off with her front teeth. "Doesn't even hurt." She came over to him, putting her own feather she took off herself into his mane, except it didn't stay in, landing in the water.

"I say you and our friends who are pegasi are lucky, getting to fly and walk on clouds," Marvelous stated, watching a frog leap from one lily pad to the next. "With you and Gai, it's like you two were born to fly. The pegasus children can fly!"

"I wouldn't say that." Sitting back down on the grass, she fluffed her feathers a bit. "There's one filly who can't fly at all."

"What do you mean there's a filly who can't fly?" Everywhere where this Gokai Red looked, every single winged kid was flying.

"Scootaloo. You know, one of the... what do those three little girls call themselves...?" The pegasus searched for the name when it came to her. "That's it. The Cutie Mark Crusaders. Her wings were buzzing when we were at Rarity's Boutique, having her inches off the floor, yet she isn't actually flying. While you and I were eating since you didn't want to dance like I wanted to, she buzzed her wings again when she asked Orion to hit the dance floor with her. I admit, she's pretty good at it."

"With buzzing her wings?"

"No, dancing. Scoots can dance well."

"Ah. I feel sorry for her since she's the only pegusas who wouldn't be able to fly like the other pegasus ponies."

"Same, except you and Joe don't know how to use your horns," she pointed out, tapping on her captain's horn.

He looked at his reflection to get a better view at his unicorn horn. "...yeah..." He finished his berries. "He and I should've known how to use them at the start."

"Stop it, Marv," she said, handing him the rest of her berries to him not wanting any more of them. "Troy and Noah-"

"Marvelous!" Their ears perked up when they heard Joe calling out to them, Ahim getting interrupted. Joe, his counterpart, and Marvelous' counterpart came up to them. "Twilight is going to school us on how to use magic," Joe told his leader.

"Really? I don't think I can do it," he said, a bit hesitant.

"Chill out, bro," Troy responded to his nervousness. "It'll make it easier for us unicorns in case any trouble comes in our way."

"What about our friends who lack horns?" He gazed over at Ahim with concern.

"You saw us lack of horns pony fighting those bad guys without weapons," she reminded him

Marvelous shrugged. "You got a good point there." He got up, picking up the berries Ahim gave to him. "I hope I will be able to do it. I don't want to be the one unicorn who has a horn that doesn't work."

"You'll do fine." Feeling a push, Marv saw it was Ahim. "I'll be at the Boutique." She flapped her wings, flying back there.

By the time she's gone, the boys trekked their way to the Friendship Castle, and Marvelous saw a ton of mares looking at them. Or Troy, according to what Noah told him.

When they got to the castle, they met up with Twilight at the back, who was waiting for them.

She saw them. "Class is in session," she announced jokingly. Starlight laughed, the others doing the same. "Since you boys aren't going to do any advanced spells, you're only going to learn the basics of magic."

"You sent the letter to Princess Celestia, Twi?" Troy reminded her.

"Sent it twenty minutes ago after Spike got back," she answered informatively. "Since there's four of you, Starlight and I thought it'd be a good idea to have two each. I can take Marv and you, Troy, while Noah and Joe can be with her."

"Sounds like a great idea!" Noah proclaimed enthusiastically. He and Joe went with Twilight's pupil at one end of the yard, while the rest stayed put.

Lighting up her horn, a book appeared. "There's a lot of basic magic in this book," she told them, going to the first chapter. "The first one you guys will be learning is levitation like what I'm doing right now." She closed the book, setting it on the ground. "When doing a levitation spell..." She explained how to do it, the red heroes paying close attention when she picked up the book again before setting it back down. "You two got it?" she asked after she was done.

"I think I do..." Marv rubbed the back of his neck. "You, dude?"

"Psh," Troy brushed off. "I can do martial arts; learning a spell or two won't be too hard." He walked up to the book, concentrating on it. In half a second, his horn began glowing a light red, the aura surrounding the book. He gasped when it began floating, amazed he got it to levitate.

"Good job, Troy, now place it back down," Twilight said. "Don't drop it; set it down nice and carefully." She and Marv watched as the book was placed back down. "Nice!" she praised proudly. "You're turn, Marvelous."
"Um..." Unsure how his equal managed to do it, he turned to the princess. "Mind explaining it again?"

She beamed with closed eyes. "No problem." She explained how to do the spell again. "We can run through the steps if you're still confused. I can keep explaining it to you until I know you fully understand it," she offered generously.

"Nope, I got it!" Marv confirmed, feeling confident. "Ready to give it a shot!"

"Go for it, dude!" his equal encouraged. "If I can do it, I don't doubt you can't."

Eyes on the book, the Gokiager lit up his horn. Rather, he tried to, for the tip of it only lit up, though he got a hold of the book, except the rest of his horn wasn't glowing. He began straining. "Can't... seem... to...!" He continued to try to lift the book up, moving his head upwards, trying to do it. "Come...on... lift the darn..." He continued to move his head. "...book!" he struggled, doing all he can, trying to get the rest of his horn to glow. It was then he jerked his head too fast, his neck clicking. "Ugh!" he gasped, the little glow vanishing away. "I think I threw my neck out..."

"I'll say," Troy cringed after hearing the crack. "I felt it..."

Marvelous looked down, glumly when Twilight came up to him. "Don't feel bad... A little more practice and lifting things would be a breeze."

"Easy for you to say. The book weighs more than it looks." He glared at the book, like it was its fault for not being off the ground. "I can toss darts with a heavy bracelet on my wrist, how come I can't lift up a book?"

"Go easy on yourself. You only did it once."

"Twilight's got a point."

"Then explain how you got the book off the ground!" Marv demanded towards his match.

"Calm down, alright?" Twilight calmly ordered before he could get an explanation. "It was one spell; you'll be able to do it in no time. Perhaps teleportation is something you can do until you can master the levitation one." Getting rid of the book, she went on telling these two stallions on how to do the teleportation spell, along with giving them a demonstration. "You try. Troy, I want you to teleport to the kitchen and back out here."

"No problem." Like how he was able to pick up a single book, he got himself to vanish and come back with an apple, hoofing it over to their teacher.

"Way to go!" she happily exclaimed, taking the fruit. "And nice job bringing something with you," she added. She looked over at the caption. "Now, Marv, I want you to teleport to the throne room and back out here. And don't worry if you can't do this one, either."
"Yeah, yeah." Turning his horn on, he went to make his way to the throne room - when he ended up being on a tree. "Huh?" Confused, he tried again, this time in the sky. "Ahh!" He fell on the ground. He grunted when he landed on his stomach. "I can do this..." He got back up, his horn barely glowing, this time not going anywhere. He looked upwards at his horn. "Maybe it isn't working..." he mused.

"If it wasn't working, then it would be broken," the alicorn stated seriously. "A broken horn is no fun in the field of flowers."

"Do you know anyone with a broken horn?" Troy asked.

"No, but there's a kid who has horn inverses."

"What's that?"

"It's a rare thing unicorns have. Rather than turning counterclockwise like most unicorns it turns clockwise. Unicorns with those special horns are a lot different than other unicorns because the spells they learned are written counterclockwise magic. It's hard for them because they have difficulty casting a single one of them."

"You think I have...whatever it is?" Marvelous questioned.

"No, because your horn was barely glowing when you tried to lift the book up, the same with teleportation. Besides, it's too soon to go to the Ponyville Hospital," she shook her head. "Unicorns with horn inverses can get their horn glowing like a normal unicorn, except they can't be able to lift things at all and other magic like any other unicorn out there."

"Why would I need to go to the Ponyville Hospital?"

"To ask the doctor why your horn isn't doing what you want it to do."

He blinked. "Ohhhhhh! Got it. At least I understand that."

"Okay, let's see if you guys can do transfiguration." Setting the apple down. "When doing this type of spell that can turn one thing into another. Transfiguration magic can be used to transform practically anything into anything else. For example, Rarity can use transfiguration to turn fabric into a dress. This type of magic spell is always temporary, meaning it won't last long. I'll show you how I can turn this apple into a vase with flowers."

With that, she pointed at the apple, her horn and the apple beginning to glow, when a ray hit on to the apple, turning into a vase with flowers in it.

"Wow!" Troy went up to the flowers, putting his head down to sniff the petaled plant. "It even smells real." Within seconds, the vase with the flowers turned back into an apple. "Hm..." Looking around, he found a lone stick. Using his horn, he picked up the stick, setting it in front of him. "What should this stick be instead...?" he wondered aloud. "Aha!" Doing what Twilight did, he turned the stick into something else. "What do you know? I turned a stick into a Dragon Sword." Like with the vase with the flowers going back into an apple, the Dragon Sword went back to being a stick. "You're turn," he directed towards Marvelous.

"You can use the apple or the stick," Twilight offered the choices.

Thinking about it, he took out his morpher, placing it down. "I'm going to turn this into a candy bar. Now..." For the third time, his horn barely glowed. "...candy bar!" A ray came for sure, except that his morpher was still a morpher. "Come on, come on! Turn into a candy bar!" Zap! Nothing. "No! Candy bar!" Zap! Zap! "No! candy bar!" Zap! Zap! Zap-zap-zap-zap! "No!" he screeched frustrated. "It won't turn into a candy bar. Candy bar!"

"Marvelous, you can't yell out 'candy bar'," Twilight told him. "You have to picture it in your head. What does it look like? What type of candy bar is it?"

"It's the one from Japan," he said. "It could be from me not using the exact name of it..."

"No, Marv, you can't-"

"Cookies and cream kit kat bar!" he shouted, not giving Troy a chance to repeat what Twilight explained. When it was still a morpher, he called for a different flavor instead. "Hiroshima Momiji Manju kit kat bar!" he swapped a different name, blasting the hardly-to-see red ray.

His face was beginning to turn an angry tomato red, as he kept on trying to get this thing to turn into a candy bar despite not going to eat it since it'll go back to being a morpher.

"Marv, Marv, stop!" Troy halted the captain, seeing the beads of sweat on his forehead. "You're going to tire yourself out."

Marvelous stopped, panting, almost sitting down, his forelegs and back legs quivering. "Too..." He puffed, his tongue lolled out like a dog out in a hundred degree weather. "...late..." He fell on the grass, laying flat on his stomach and chest. "I don't understand. How do you do it?" he asked Troy, not having the energy to sit up. "It's like you were born to do this kind of stuff."

"I'm not sure," the Red Ranger answered honestly.

"Great reply,,," Gokai Red responded sardonically, even though he didn't mean to sound that way. "I'm good when it comes to the past Red Sentai powers, I don't get why I can't do magic."

"All you need is more practice," Twilight Sparkle told him, helping him back up. "Let's take a break. I'm not sure how long Starlight is going to teach Noah and Joe. Let's all have grape tea." Her horn flaring, the three ponies appeared in the dining room. "Spike!" she called out, when she saw the tween dragon at the doorway. "Can you make three cups of fresh grape tea?"

"Sure thing," he said, taking her request. "Anything else?" he asked.

Twilight looked at the stallions and both of them shook their heads. "Nope, just the tea," she told Spike.

"You got it!" He flew into the kitchen.

There was a stillness in the room when Troy decided to break it. "When will Celestia write back? It's not a rush if she's too busy. I just want to know about the Ranger keys and to meet the rest of the Pillars."

"Did you tell her about my team?" Marvelous asked.

"Ponies in town have been questioning if your team looks like my team... I promise them I'll have the Red Ranger - me - talk to the Princess of the Sun about it."

"You sure?"

"Yes," Troy nodded. "The ponies want to know why. They know about my team and the Power Ponies, except they don't know about you and your team."

Gokai Red nodded, too. "I got it."

"And since you want to take a trip to Canterlot since you want to talk to Princess Celestia, Troy, you're going to make a schedule about that," Twilight said.

"I can speak to her tomorrow," he decided.

"Also, the Pillars are busy with their new lives after they gotten back from limbo. We won't know when they'll be available."

"No problem."

Ten minutes later. Spike came with a tray of three cups. "Tea is ready," he proclaimed, setting the tray down.

"Thank you, Spike." Twilight levitated her cup.

"Yes, thanks, little guy." Troy did the same, rubbing the scales on the dragon's head.

"You're welcome," the dragon replied, pushing the tray over to Troy's equal. "Here, Marvelous. It's fresh and warm."

Looking at his horn, he thought about trying the levitation spell. He debated for a bit before doing it. He took a deep breath before focusing on the cup.

As he was doing it, the cup began to pick up about an inch - then shot up to the ceiling, causing Twilight and Troy to let out a gasp, the bits of pieces from the now broken cup raining back down on the table, the tea splashing on the table.

The two ponies can only stare where the cup has broken, while Marvelous can only sit there, horrified at what he's done. Spike on the other dragon claw was stifling a laugh, covering his mouth to keep it from bursting out.

Blinking her eyes and moving her mouth, the princess couldn't get her eyes where the cup smashed at. "My Celestia…"

"I'm so, so, so, so sorry, Twilight. I can replace it, really. I thought I had it, and-"

"Marv, it's okay. It was just an accident," she reassured him. "You should be proud."

"Proud?" he questioned. "I broke a cup, Twilight."

"You must put too much power into it," Troy said, taking a drink out of his own cup. "It may not go well, but at least you manage to pick something up," he commented, wanting his counterpart to see the bright side of what he's done.

"Want to give it another shot?" Twilight asked.

"...sure..." he muttered.

The Princess of Friendship smiled. "Great! Spike, mind making another fresh cup? Actually, make more than one in case another accident like this happens again."

"Of course," he responded, before heading back to the kitchen.

"I'm going to break more cups..." Marvelous warned the alicorn.

"You're worrying too much. It might be the cause of it."

"What does my worry have to do with my horn?"

"You get frustrated when you can't lift a book up and you get worried about teleporting to an area you didn't want to be at, and then you get angry when you can't turn your morpher into the candy you want it to be."

Thinking about it, he shrugged. "You could be right..." Spike came back with more cups, placing them down on the table. Seeing them made him nervous, in fear he'll break the cup, making more of a mess than he'd already done. He watched as the dragon cleaned up the previous broken cup and spilt tea with a rag. Twilight gave him one of the cups, setting it in front of him.

All Marv can do is stare at it. His counterpart gave him a gesture of encouragement. Biting his lower lip, the leader of the Gokaiger lit up his horn. Like the previous attempts, it barely glowed, only shimmering at the tip of his horn. He tightly shut his eyes, his cheeks puffing out like a fish.

The others watched intently, hoping this time he could do it.

With tension, more of the caption's horn began shimmering, about half of it, the cup slowly beginning to lift up as he opened up one eye, then the other, seeing it wobble in the air.

A grin slowly crept up on him, bringing it to him carefully...


...and he broke another cup. "Forget it. I can make due with my hooves." He grabbed another cup, just wanting to have this grape flavored tea.

"Marvelous, you can't give up. Why, when I first got my wings, I couldn't get myself off the ground," Twilight said, putting a hoof on his shoulder. "The more you practice, the better you'll get."

"Like it would..." he doubted, drinking some of the tea. "Not bad, Spike," he complimented.

"Glad you like it," he said, until his cheeks began to puff out, holding his stomach as if he had a bad stomach ache.

Putting his cup down, Troy looked at Spike with concern all over him. "You okay?"

Spike held up a pointer claw, unable to answer - when he belched.

"Gee wizz!" Marvelous cried, seeing the green, glittery smoke, enveloping into a scroll with a red ribbon tied to it to keep it close. "That's how you get letters?" he questioned the princess.

"Yep," she confirmed. "He can use his dragon breath to send letters, too."

Marvelous wasn't sure what to say next as he continued on with his tea, ignoring the rest of the cups sitting there on the table, as the dragon unrolled the scroll.

"What does it say?" Troy asked.

"Dear Troy, thank you for letting my student send this letter on what you told her about the Ranger keys, along with wanting everyone else to meet the rest of the Pillars since you and Twilight only met one of them. The Pillars are busy at the moment, but I have written to them after I got your letter before writing this one. I got a reply from Star Swirl the Bearded, telling me he would like to see Rangers - like you, Troy - the Gokaigers, and the Power Ponies when he and his team have the time. For the Ranger keys, please come to Canterlot tomorrow morning to come and pick them up. Gosei's assistant made you and your team the keys you need for any threats that may come our way, the ones you've been using when saving Equestria. Your mentor, Princess Celestia."

When Spike was done reading the letter, he had a raised eyebrow. "Tensou made the keys you, Rangers, used when rescuing Equestria?"

"He made Orion's belt. And he sent us the instructions when our Megazord got broken from a monster who can shrink and grow all on his own," the Red Ranger unicorn explained, finishing his tea, placing it back down, turning his horn off.

"Heh, the same thing happened to us. We had a monster that can grow and shrink," the caption chuckled. "Ahim and Gai pretended to get married, along with Ahim being a schoolgirl, a nurse, and cop, while the rest of were fixing our GokaiOh."

Troy bust out laughing. "Emma and Orion did the exact same thing. Orion showed us pictures of Emma in the disguises she wore.".

"Haha!" Marvelous chortled. "She was probably embarrassed like Ahim was," he said the obvious.

"You said it!" The two stallions continued to laugh, while Spike tried to understand what they're talking about with Twilight rolling her eyes with amusement. "So...I hope telling our similar stories got you to forget about not being able to use magic?" he hoped.

Gokai Red let out a sigh. "At first it did, until you brought it up." He glowered at his horn like it was to blame. "I want to continue to learn, yet..." Another sigh. "I should see if I can learn on my own..." He looked towards the princess. "No offense."

"None taken," she took it lightly, when Ice Crystal and Cobalt came into the dining room.

"Oh, tea," Twilight's counterpart noticed straight away, seeing the cups. "Why this many?" she questioned, taking one then gave a cup to the cold who declined. "Are our friends coming over?"

"No, Marv here is having difficulty with the basics of magic," Twilight explained, gesturing her head at the pirate who wore a glum expression.

"My horn isn't working," he swore, looking down at his half-drank cup.

"Your horn is perfectly fine," Troy told him.

"Then why can't I do it?"

Not wanting to see him get fed up, Twilight spoke. "You may be slow at it. It's nothing to be ashamed of. Actually, before Rainbow Dash became a Wonderbolt, she had to pass a test of the history of the Wonderbolts. I tried to teach my study techniques in the old fashion way, then Fluttershy tried theatrical play, Pinkie Pie did a rap song, Rarity with clothes, while Applejack learned by past experiences."

"How does clothes help learn the history of the Wonderbolts?" Cobalt said.

The princess shrugged. "Beats me. Everyone has their own way of learning."

"A Wonderbolt history isn't going to help me," the Asian unicorn frowned.

"Yes, I know, I was giving an example," she said stately. The Asian pony nodded. "How about you and I get back to learning. Troy, you can do whatever you want."

"Okay." Troy watched his counterpart and the princess leave the dining room. "I'll put the rest of the tea away," he offered.

"Looks like I won't have to do it."

"You're going to tell me where you keep the pitcher at. No way this is getting dumped out." Hearing this, Spike let out a groan. "I can teach you martial arts."

"Are you bribing me?' Spike crossed his arms over his chest.

"Nope," he grinned. "Unless you don't want to know how to do it."

"I like to learn!" the dragon proclaimed, gathering four cups. "I'll show you where the pitcher is at." He ran out the doorway, making droplets on the cold floor.

"Are you sure you didn't bribe him?" Ice smirked playfully.

"I'm not a guy who bribes. If you want, you and Cobalt are welcome to learn, too."

"I'm not interested. Thanks for the offer."

"I wanna learn." Cobalt jumped up and down.

Troy laughed at the kid's excitement. "After I put the tea away, I can teach both you and Spike." He left for the kitchen after his promise.

Outside, Marvelous was doing the process of trying to levitate something. This time it was a stone the princess found in the yard. It wasn't small, though it wasn't too big, either. However, it didn't matter because this rock won't budge. The Asian unicorn's horn was not fully glowing, bits of sparks flying off like it was coming off a crackling fire at a campground.

He began to strain again, grunting, groaning, using all his strength - when the rock went up in the air, sky rocketing. His horn went off, his eyes up in the sky to see the rock turn into a dot before barreling straight back down. It came down fast and he didn't have time to move out of the way when he felt himself being lifted up, getting out of harm's way by the time the rock landed back down.

Twilight placed the Gokaiger down. "Too much power. One of the things that a unicorn learns is not to put too much power with their magic."

"It wasn't like I wanted the rock to fling up in the air," the Gokaiger leader said. "You said you know a pony who has a broken horn..."

"Yes, her name is Tempest Shadow. Her real name is Fizzlepop Berrytwist. Her horn got broken off by an Ursa Minor attack when she was little."

"How awful. Did she get it fixed?"

She shook her head. "The Storm King betrayed her even though he promised to restore her horn."

"My team and I never heard of The Storm King..."

"Neither did Troy and his team and the Power Ponies. You didn't know who Fizzlepop Berrytwist is until now. She may have a broken off horn, but she can use it to make fireworks."

"At least she can see the good side to it." Saying this made Marv a little envious. "And there's a filly with...what is it called again?"

"Her name is Dinky Hooves and it's called horn inverses. She had to learn magic differently with her different horn. She studied and studied according to her mom. Before she learned and understood magic, she had other unicorns help her, only their help wasn't working for her. So, she ended up learning on her own."

"That's awesome for her. Maybe I can ask Fizzlepop and Dinky for advice."

"Not a bad idea except Fizzlepop is busy spreading friendship across Equestria and Dinky is only a kid."

"I understand that Fizzlepop is busy, though I don't think Dinky is too young to give out advice."

"Well..." Twilight thought about it. "Okay, you're right. No one is too young - or too old - to give advice to anypony. Let's get back to the levitation spell."

He grimaced, not wanting to do it anymore. He was already getting tired and wanted to give up, but he knew using his horn would help him out in the long run.

Taking a deep breath, he focused on the rock, hoping this time he'll be able to pick it up without putting too much power into it. The tip of his horn shimmered and glowed, his teeth pressed tightly together.

An aura formed, yet it won't lift. "Oh, come on!" Marvelous pressed his teeth even tighter. "Why won't it...lift!?" He went back to straining, grunting, moving his head in an upwards gesture like he did when he tried to lift the book. "My horn needs to...glow...more...!" he continued to strain - and his head snapped backwards, along with a crack sound. "Ow! Okay, now I definitely threw my neck out." His head was stuck in an upwards position. He went to move his head, when he felt a jolt of pain from his neck. "A little help here..."

Coming up to him, Twilight put her horn on his neck. The pirate felt the muscles in his neck loosen up, the pain fading away. He was able to move his head again, catching a concerned look on the princess's face. "What?" he couldn't help but to ask.

She didn't answer, observing his horn closely. She placed her hoof on top of his head, lowering it. Squinting her eyes, she tapped on the end of the Asian pony's horn. "The horn could be weak..." she finally spoke.

"Excuse me?" Marv questioned quizzically. "How can it be weak? I can throw darts with a heavy bracelet like I already stated."

"You may have strength within your arms, but you lack strength when it comes to magic. I know I said that you can't put too much power into it, but it's important to have strength for it, like lifting a cranky Ursa Minor, for example. Too much magic and strength of magic are two different things. Alicorn magic on the other hoof is different from unicorn magic because it requires more horn strength. Celestia raises and lowers the sun, while Luna raises and lowers the moon, and it takes a lot of magic strength to do that. Your horn may not be broken, though you aren't able to lift or do any spells, it could be weak."

"Then how come this dumb rock flung in the air?"

"From too much power. Maybe your horn goes from weak to getting too powerful out of nowhere. I don't know. It's only a theory and theories aren't accurate," she shrugged.

Letting out a huff, Marvelous sat down. "I may as well give up."

Twilight sat next to him. "You can't give up. Did you and your team give up?"


"Then why give up on what you're learning?"

He was about to come up with something in return when he heard Joe. "Marv, check out what I can do." Getting his attention from his team member, the captain was astonished to see his horn glowing in the color of blue, when a flower appeared. "I did a summoning spell."

Twilight clapped her hooves. "That's fantastic!"

"Awesome..." Marvelous put on a smile.

The flower went away when Joe saw how fake the smile was. "You don't sound thrilled..." His leader didn't respond. "What spells did you and Troy learn?"

"Troy got three spells down and I'm unable to do one," Gokai Red responded ticked. "I'm not mad at Troy or you for being able to use spells with ease, it's that my horn won't work properly."

Joe turned to Twilight then back at his caption. "Sorry..."

"It's no one's fault that my horn doesn't want it to do what I wanted it to do," the captain muttered. "Why did this world choose me to be a unicorn? I regret being a unicorn."

"Marv..." Twilight sighed when Noah and Starlight came over. "How did the teaching go for these two?" she asked her pupil. "Joe showed Marv and I one of the spells he learned."

"It went well. They're quick learners," Starlight reported heartfully.

"It's cool. Like, I learn how to get inside a book. I can read the words while being inside of it!" Noah exclaimed, levitating a book, placing it on the ground, opened it to a random spot - and entered into a book, becoming a drawing. "I can get a closer look at what I'm reading. Haha, woo!" He was then let out of the book. "Except it's only for a short time," he said, pointing out the downside of the book jumping spell. "What about you and Troy, Marvelous?"

"Troy got three spells down and I'm unable to do one," Marvelous repeated.

"You didn't master one spell?" Noah questioned confused.

"No, but I mastered giving myself a stiff neck."

"How can you stiff up your neck when you're only using your horn?" Joe asked, also getting baffled.

"I was throwing my head upwards and got a stiff neck," Marvelous explained disgruntled. "It hurt like hay. Twilight fixed it though..."

"Ouch..." Noah flinched. "At least Twilight made it better. By the way, what spell was it?" he asked the princess.

"A pain reliever spell. Different from a healing spell. But if you and your friends have any injuries, it's best to go to a doctor. I can't use those two spells all of the time unless it's necessary."

"Like when my girlfriend and I got hurt from the blow Argus gave us?"

"Yep. You can also say I can use it for emergencies. I also discovered a spell to restore a pony's strength."

"At least you know those spells in case you need to use them," Noah nodded with a smile.

"And to give you a tip, Marv, you can't throw your head upwards when doing magic," Starlight advised. "Or else you'll hurt yourself again."

"...Got it..." Standing back up, he gave a rock a little kick. "I'm going inside to read..." he told them, heading back inside the castle, not bothering to make an effort at teleportation, head hung low.

When he went back inside, Joe was first to speak. "Wow... He seems down..." He got a collective of agreeing nods. "Maybe I should go talk to him..."

"It's best you leave him alone; I don't think he's in the mood for some talking," Twilight said. "Besides, magic lessons are over for today."

Joe looked over at the back door of the palace and back at her. "I can talk to him later," he decided for the best option.

The princess nodded and both she and her pupil teleported inside the castle, leaving him and Noah. Noah decided to go back home, while his counterpart looked back at the door before he decided to go back to the same cottage his counterpart is living at, with a question lingering in his mind.

Why is his leader having trouble with magic?

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