
Rarity's Lace Fabric

by Richard79

Chapter 1: This is the only Chapter

This is the only Chapter

Rarity’s Lace Fabric

Rarity had been working on a new set of dresses. Her favorite assistant Spike who was older, stronger, and bigger now had been in the back area organizing the fabric rolls. “Darling?” I’m the one who invited him over.

“Yes, Rarity.” He replied when he heard Rarity, he always smiled when she called him that and blushed when she used his nickname. He kept hearing Rarity’s voice repeating in his mind about a new fabric that he just had to see. Why’d she send me into the back room?

“Tell me is it going to be cold tonight as the pegasi have said?”

Spike came out of the backroom and noticed Rarity with a lace fabric wrapped around her body from the neck down. His jaw dropped open at the sight of her. “I…gah…um…” He shook his head and paused. No, stay in control. He ordered himself. So this is the new fabric?

“What was that Spikey?” She turned to him and noticed his jaw drop open. Her gaze followed his and she realized what he was staring at. “Oh…” She could feel her cheeks turning a little red. “Darling. I’m so sorry.” Inside she was grinning at the reaction Spike had given her. She let the fabric slowly fall off of her slender feminine body. “Better darling?” She watched his cheeks turn a crimson red.

Yeah, if you want me to have further issues… He thought and felt that thread of control starting to unravel. Spike took in a deep breath and let it out slowly. He swallowed the lump in his throat and found that he was only able to nod to her question.

“Do you think stallions would like it if I made some nighttime sleepwear clothes for mares in this near see-through lace fabric? You’d better stop and let the poor dragon come back to reality. Her inner voice said in her mind.

Spike shook his head to clear out the cobwebs and the thought of Rarity wearing something like that. Don’t lose control. “You…what…did.” He cleared his throat. Talk normally. He ordered himself and took in a deep breath. “What about pegasi?”

“I’d asked if it will be cold tonight.” She asked him.

“Oh…uh yeah, it’ll be a cold one why?”

“Well, my place can get cold at night.” She said using her unicorn magic to pick up the lace fabric again.

Spike walked over to her on all four and stood up next to her. He was a full head taller than she was when he was on his back legs. He plucked the fabric out of her magic and examined it trying not to picture her with it wrapped around her again. “About this fabric.” His emerald gaze locked on hers. “I would definitely use your manikins to show it off.”

Rarity lifted an eyebrow. “You don’t want to see me in this again?”

“You’re teasing me on purpose, aren’t you?” He blurted out before his brain had time to process what he was saying. Nice going.

Rarity’s jaw dropped open at his response and her cheeks took on a pink hue.

Spike waited for whatever was coming, be it a roll of fabric or whatever projectile she happened to have on her hoof instead he heard Rarity clear her throat.

“I…um…well…” She could feel her heart beating a bit faster. “I wasn’t at first…” Rarity admitted. It was kind of exciting to see the reaction I got out of you. “I was seeing how the fabric felt on me and looked. I wasn’t expecting you to come out of the backroom when you did darling.” By your reaction… She couldn’t help it when her cheeks started to turn red.

Spike blurted out the first thing that came to mind. “I didn’t think you could look any more beautiful, I was wrong, so very wrong.”

“Spikey…” She let out a little giggle and turned her head slightly to the side. “Thank you, darling.” She let herself look at him. “I could tell by your reaction that you liked the material on me.”

Spike grinned at that. “You’d really caught me off guard.” He admitted and got to the end of the fabric. He could tell some of it had been cut. Glancing up he held the spot in his claws. “Did you already…”

“Oh…I might have.” She smiled at him. “I needed to see what I can make out of it after all, and what better model than myself?” I definitely got my second opinion. “Besides darling, your reaction was truly genuine.” She added.

Spike nodded. “Why’d you ask about the pegasi earlier?” Good change the subject. He thought after remembering that question that started this.

“Well…” She glanced up at him with half-closed eyes. “You’re a dragon, who stays ever so warm.” She said standing next to him, her soft white fur ever so slightly brushing up against the side of his body. She used her unicorn magic to lay the fabric back on the table.

Spike had been trying to keep in control when he was around her. He could feel that thread fraying, even more, it was now as thin as a strand of pony hair. “True…what are you asking-”

“Want to stay and keep me warm tonight?” I can tell your resolve is nearly gone.

Spike could feel his muscles tensing up as that strand was pulled as tight as it would go. “I…um…” He gritted his teeth to keep himself from talking.

“You’ll get to see the new design.” That should do it. I could have asked you directly, but this is ever so much more fun. She leaned over and kissed him on the cheek. “My Spikey-Wikey.”

Spike could feel the steam rising around him. In his mind, he could hear a snapping sound of that last strand as his head started to spin. She’s really enjoying this way too much… Spike felt his mouth moving as the words came out. “There’s no way in Equestria I am going to say no.”

Rarity giggled at that. “I had a feeling.” She said using her hoof to turn his head to face her. “You’re too adorable like this, I couldn’t resist.” What would happen if I kissed him on the lips? Guess I’ll find out later…

Author's Note

I definitely had fun writing this one. I had my favorite romance playlist 80's Power Ballad Mix going the whole time.

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