
Power Rangers Harmony Guard Season 1

by IrisLMSProductions77

Chapter 1: Prologue

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In an unknown area, there was a railway. Not just any ordinary railway, but the one known across space and time as the Railway of Stories. And at its heart was the opulent Library of Marvels. The library contained every story known to mankind, and even some that were not known.

The librarian-or, should we say, guardian of the library was a middle-aged man with gray hair and blue eyes. He wore a white shirt, a red tie, a navy blue waistcoat, a navy blue blazer, navy blue pants, black socks, and black shoes.

"Hello there!" he said cheerfully. "My name is Mr. Evans, and welcome to the Railway of Stories!"

Um, who are you talking to?

"Why, the readers of course, Miss Narrator! Now, if you'll excuse me, I need to get our first story ready." He got up from his chair and pulled out a large burgundy book titled The Friendshipverse. "Now, let's see here....aha! Power Rangers Harmony Guard! Quite a lot of interesting adventures in this story!" He turned the page....

Author's Note

I've been planning this story for 9 years, and I'm glad it's come to fruition. This is my first story in what I call 'The Friendshipverse'.

Next Chapter: What happened to the Elements? Estimated time remaining: 10 Minutes
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