
Equestria Girls- Heroes of Canterlot City Season 3

by Jaden Joynes

Chapter 19: Episode 19-Skies of Fire

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Episode 19-Skies of Fire

It was late at night, Tornado was flying through the city as Tornado.

"It feels really good after sleeping in for a couple of weeks, I finally get some action," Tornado said. "Now who's the soon-to-be sucker punch goon."

Tornado look down and saw two bank robbers running away with all the loot.

"I ask and shall receive."


"Make this jump, and a million bucks richer." High Rise said.

"This ain't million buck haul, not after boss takes his cut," Bit replied.

"Shut up and jump," High Rise said as Bit jumped then Tornado came right at him kick him in the gut. "Oh crap, not again!"

"Yep, again," Torando exclaimed. "What is it High Rise, the third time month alone."

"Wait till I get hands, rainbow-colored bitch!" Bit shouted then Rainbow slammed him to High Rise.

"Hey watch the mouth, kids are in the area!" Tornado said as the police came by and placed the handcuffs on them. "You boys I have got to learn that the Rainbooms are watching you. Think you take it from here?"

"No problem," the officer said.

"Great. I got to run!" Tornado left.

Meanwhile, in an undisclosed lab, Black Falcon was in a stasis pod, while a figure montier her vitals.

"Don't Black Falcon, once the process is complete, you will have your revenge against Spitfire."

"Man, I can't believe you decide to hang the badge," Rainbow Dash said to Spitfire as they play Turbo Wheel Engine (It's like Mario Kart but with guns.)

"I know, but given the last couple of months, of manics, and jerks, super-powered freaks, and almost putting the Rainbooms behind bars, it's feel good to finally have down time," Spitfire said as she pulled a Toyko Drift maneuver.

"I've been meaning to ask what happen Andrews?"

"Him. Well after the gang war with Cozy, Danu, Trickster, and Spade, the captain was pissed that he was wasting valuable resources to hunt them down, so he was fired and hired Moorington to bring back order."

"I never like him in my personal opinion."

Then out of nowhere, a bomb was thrown inside the house.

"Crap! Spitfire lookout!" Rainbow grabbed the bomb and threw it out before it explode inside. What is it with villains and bombs?"

Flying behind Spitfire was a disk; it smashed open and tired the girl in cables. Spitfire was about to fall until he was caught by a rope wrapping around her ankle.

"Need a lift?" Black Falcon asked as she lifted Spitfire higher.

"You got to be kidding me," Rainbow said as she followed after them.

"Tell the truth, Spitfire, how do like the new me?" Black Falcon asked.

"That you're still a jerk, why are you doing this?" Spitfire shot back.

"So, the whole, I want to take revenge was not clear," Black Falcon dropped her then picked her up. "Well, duh! Not to mention all the other times you put me behind bars!"

"Well, you know well not to take stuff that isn't yours!"

"This your drop!" Black Falcon drops her.

As she was falling, Torando came by and grabbed her.

"Damn, you guys play hot potato hardcore," Tornado said as drop her off at the nearest building.

"Thanks," As Spitfire ran.

"Damn you, Tornado," Black Falcon said flying after her.

"Really Black Falcon, It's not like you to go after random civilians like that," Tornado said.

"This doesn't concern you, Windbag, so butt-out!"

Black Falcon circled back and came straight at Tornado, dodged the blow, and zipped towards her. Tornado punched Black Falcon in the stomach and face to try and knock her out of the sky, but the bird girl beats her away with a slap from her wing. Black Falcon fires his missile feathers; each one with bladed tips.

"How on earth did you do that!?" Tornado asked while dodging them then Black Falcon grabbed her slam to the ground.

"Nice huh? You're not the only one with superpowers!"

"Just one question who did this to you?"

"That need to know only, it's been nice cleaning your clock but I got to roll!" Black Falcon flew out of there.

"Wait until the girls hear about this," Torando said.

"So, Black Falcon is back in action, with powers of her own?" Sunset asked.

"Look likes, I have no goddamn clue how she did it?" Rainbow asked.

"Judging of your description of the fight went down," Twilight explained. "I suspect that Able to launch simple energized knife-like projectiles from her wing tips and increase in velocity."

Everyone gave Twilight dumbfounded looks.

"In English, her feathers are sharp as blades, that easy to throw making her faster."

"Oh," All of them understand.

Very Much Later...

"Gotcha you son of bitch," Tornado flew right on top of the armored truck that Black Falcon stole. "In coming!"

Tornado came through the window and kick her then Black Falcon punched her in the gut.

"If I over here, who's driving!" Black Falcon pointed out as the car dropped into a construction site where Tornado landed harshly on the ground.

"Thanks, for the assistance," Tornado said as the workers help her up. "Uh, you might want to leave now."

From out of nowhere Black Falcon came right her and slam her right into a wall. Then Black Falcon engaged her talons and was about to strike.

"So, I ask you Tornado you yield?"

"Here's my answer!"

Tornado kicked him back in the air.

"I gave you a warning to stay out of it and you refused. It's time I followed through with my threat."

Black Falcon spun around, her wings slapping Tornado off, causing her to collapse. Tornado grunted as she hit the rocky surface of the building's top. She rolled around and laid down on her back again. Seeing Black Falcon ready for a downward attack, Tornado backflipped and avoided the stomp from the metal talons, the floor actually cracking underneath him.

Just outside the police arrived where Tornado and Black Falcon are brawling.

"Seal off the area!" Sergeant Whislte said. "And pray to the lord, that Tornado can handle it.

Back to fight, Black Falcon shooting out her homing wing blades again. Tornado caught one of them and send it back.

"Woah! That's one way to shave! Heh."

"Do you ever shut up?"

"Hm. Nah." As Tornado fired a windbolt at her scratching her armor. "Look at that, you wearing tech!"

"No more of this childish nonsense. It's time you stopped being a thorn in my side forever!" As Black Falcon charged straight for her.

"The difference between us, BF is that I have friends who watch my back!" Tornado exclaimed.

Sparkplug appeared right on top of her and short out the wings.

"My wing, I can't steer!" Black Falcon shreiked.

"Yeah, but still airborne how is that working out!" Sparkplug said then noticed the humming. "Oh, here is the source!"

Sparkplug destroys the source that is on her back.

"You fool! You'll kill us both from this height!"

"Haven't heard what Tornado said. You really haven't been paying attention."

Both Sparkplug and Black Falcon were caught in the glow of Cyber Witch's magic and dropped safely.

"Here you, officers, one bird all wrapped up!" Ice Breaker said as they left.

"Come on, feathers, you got yourself a full pass to the Cellar!" the sergeant carried her off.

Next Chapter: Episode 20-The Savage Seven Estimated time remaining: 1 Hour, 2 Minutes
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