
If I Could Love Again...

by Petalled

Chapter 24: ~ 4 ~ 01 ~ Shifted Paths

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~ 4 ~ 01 ~ Shifted Paths

''You're retiring?!'' Twilight exclaimed, showing a hint of anxiety in her voice as panic had gotten to her face after she heard the announcement.

''Princesses can retire?'' Spike asked, flying up to the height of Twilight's face.

Luna chuckled at Spike's innocent question.

''Of course, we can. I, for one, am looking forward to a little R & R, maybe a trip to Silver Shoals.''

''And you want me to take your place?'' Twilight clarified, speaking a bit louder further showing the apprehension in her voice.

Both of the princesses nodded to her question, and Luna added, ''with the help of your friends, of course.''

''We can't think of anypony more worthy,'' Celestia began, spreading out her wings to fly over to them to join the group. ''Over the years we watched you grow, you faced task-after-task.''

''Challenge-after-challenge,'' Luna added, joining the group as well.

''Countless adversities, yeah, yeah, yeah, we get it.'' Discord slid across the room, laying on his back in mid-air.

''And you always prevailed,'' Celestia included, about to speak further when a voice did first.

''I decline.''

Everyone stared at the youngest alicorn in the room in shock and bewilderment, Celestia folding back her wings and tilting her head with a look of puzzlement on her face.

''Pardon?'' she asked, taken back by the response.

Twilight took a breath before she could begin. ''I'm sorry, Princesses Celestia and Luna. I understand why you would like to retire after centuries of ruling but I really don't think you would know how to sort this out fairly.''

''What do thou mean?'' Luna asked, folding back her wings.

''Well,'' Twilight continued, biting her lip, ''let's say we already know who you're going to be giving the throne and responsibility to. Me.''

''That's not true,'' Celestia said. ''As we said, with the help of your friends—''

''Of course, you're going to say that at first to make this all seem better,'' Twilight interrupted. ''You really haven't taken the reason to my descent in alicornhood into acknowledgment, have you?'' She rolled her eyes and continued, ''I stepped down because I felt it wasn't fair to my friends that I was getting the royal life and glory but they were not. Heck, Rarity even said ponies don't even know them even after saving their flanks several times.''

''It's true, dear,'' Rarity conceded.

Celestia and Luna's ears flattened against their skulls, and one of them tried to speak up but Twilight refused it as she was not done.

''I know I said I wanted something more which I then received a castle all to myself, but I didn't realize how selfish I had been that I got an upgrade whereas my friends had not. I didn't want to say anything because I didn't want to disappoint you but now that you are giving me this big role, I knew that I had to say something.''

''We are awesome, Your Highnesses,'' Rainbow continued for her friend. ''But what I don't like is that, what Twilight said, why does she get all the glory? I mean I get she was your student and all and she's gifted so you trained her along the way to be your heir but she isn't the only one that's saved Equestria countless times.''

''And given that you gave Twilight the title 'Princess of Friendship','' Fluttershy added on, ''I really don't think that would be necessary. I mean she doesn't own friendship or anything and she's not the only one who spreads friendship throughout Equestria, we do that too. Like you said, 'what is the Princess of Friendship without her friends?'''

Pinkie joined in. ''Not to mention we all have our separate lives; we all got responsibilities in Ponyville and Twilight will have to reverse into staying in Canterlot again which will make us all so sad after years of creating memories with her and she will have all the fun ruling which will make us all so sad.''

''And you said Equestria's been living in harmony for recent years but that ain't true one bit,'' said Applejack next. ''Considering we had to face and conquer countless villains such as Nightmare Moon, Discord, Chrysalis, Sombra, Tirek, and plenty of misguided ponies.''

''And in conclusion, we all were in this adventure together,'' Rarity concluded. ''So why give Twilight the throne alone, hm? That doesn't seem fair on us, does it?''

''No, I suppose not,'' Luna said slowly.

''Well, that does it!'' Rarity said confidently, but Twilight shook her head at her for getting carried away.

''Princess Celestia, I get why you would want to retire since you ruled for many years and even had to cover for your sister so Princess Luna, I don't quite understand why you would want to when you were away for a thousand years.''

Luna rubbed her neck. ''Truth be told, we only wanted to spend time with our sister.'' She turned to Celestia. ''We are sorry, sister, for ruining the vacation we were going to do.''

''It's okay, sister. You should have just told me that a part of you didn't want to retire.''

''But that doesn't stop you from retiring or taking a break,'' Twilight jabbed. ''Maybe Luna can take on both responsibilities to make up for a lost time, whereas you can take a break for how long you want it to be. My friends and I can be Luna's royal advisors.''

''Ooh, ooh!'' Pinkie piped up. ''Or Twilight can take over Luna's night, whereas Sunset can take over Celestia's day! Problem solved, and it would be so romantic!''

''Yeah, I'm sure Twi already confirmed that she would not be ruling unless it's with all of us,'' Rainbow pointed out. ''Unless Starlight and Sunset can take over the day and night!''

''They are powerful ponies,'' Rarity murmured. ''Very diligent.''

''But ain't Twi and Sunset both alicorns?'' Applejack pointed out, scratching her head. ''Maybe they were destined to be heirs to the throne?''

''They were but Sunset made it clear that she wanted to stay in the other world,'' Celestia explained.

Twilight frowned. ''So you let Sunset make a choice and shift paths, but you put this ruling Equestria upon me without giving me a choice?''

''It's not like that...'' Celestia mumbled.

''I... I'll see what Sunset and Starlight would say and if they say no, then we'll stick to Plan B. Luna will take on both responsibilities, and my friends and I will be her advisors, and you can take a vacation.''

''Then it's settled!'' Rainbow concluded, flying into the air.

''And you're all dismissed?'' Luna reluctantly announced where everyone began leaving the throne but Twilight stopped in her tracks and turned around to look at Celestia with an increasingly deep frown.


Two knocks occurred on the door of Starlight's office where a voice erupted: ''Come in!''

Twilight made herself in and sat in a chair. ''I'm sorry for bothering you, Starlight.''

''Pffft. Me? Busy? Please, I'm never busy for the Headmare of the Friendship School and especially for Trixie.'' Her eyes oozed over ever so slightly, her pupils in the shape of hearts.

''Well, Princesses Celestia and Luna wanted to retire after so long of ruling and they gave the position to me.''

''Of course, they would,'' Starlight said absentmindedly as she trimmed Phyllis.

''But I declined,'' Twilight said much to Starlight's surprise. ''I realized that it would only be me ruling even though my friends were on this adventure with me so we came up with Plan B. Since Luna's reign was cut off for a thousand years, I offered her to take on both responsibilities whereas Celestia can take a vacation on how long she wants it to be.''

''My friends and I would be Luna's advisors,'' she continued. ''But there's also Plan C. For you or Sunset to take over day and night once Luna equals her reign with her sister.''

Starlight blinked and dropped her scissors. ''Did I hear that right?''

Twilight nodded.

''...So if you give me the position, then I get to be an alicorn?'' Starlight asked, hope growing on her face as Twilight nodded.

''You have shown to prove yourself, Starlight,'' Twilight added with a smile.

''But I also decline.''

Twilight's eyes snapped open. ''What?''

Starlight leaned back in her chair. ''Well, I've seen how you were with your royal duties and you always go Twilighting all the time and I don't wanna go Starlighting all the time either. But I do deserve to become an alicorn so I'll take up on that offer.''

Twilight deadpanned. ''So you're still power-hungry?''

''Nope!'' Starlight said with a smile. ''I just think that with all this power I possess, I don't think a unicorn form would suit all that.''

Twilight sighed. ''Fine. I'll give you my alicorn form because I do want to become a unicorn again.''

''Yay!'' Starlight clapped her hooves and hugged Twilight. ''You're the best!''

She wheezed into the hug. ''Yeah...''


Dear Sunset,

Princess Luna is going to be taking on both responsibilities to equal her reign with her sister when initially they gave both positions to me and me alone but I declined as I felt like it wouldn't be fair when my friends had worked twice as hard in this adventure with me.

But would you like to take over their positions? I know you've always wanted to and you've proven yourself lately that you're capable.

Oh, and also Starlight is becoming an alicorn while I turn back into a unicorn again.

- Twilight


Dear Twilight,

I'm flattered but I really don't think I should — I don't want to leave my friends with whom I've made memories over the years and I actually don't think I'd be suitable to be a ruler even if I've shown that I am.

But I am proud of you for standing up for yourself and your friends.

With pride,

When Twilight read the letter, a sense of familiarity washed over her and a smile appeared on her lips.


A chorus of birds filled the air as the Guardians of Friendship went onto the balcony clutching onto their dresses the Guardian of Generosity have made to prevent them from getting dirty.

One by one, they faced the crowd and started saying their part, Celestia and Luna on the side smiling with pride.

''Citisens of Equestria!'' Twilight announced in a diligent voice. ''For many years, my friends and I have faced villains that could come in our way and we defeated them to keep peace and harmony balanced all throughout Equestria. That and Princesses Celestia and Luna have looked over this land for hundreds of years.''

''Of course,'' Rarity continued, clearing her throat, ''because of a force that cut Princess Luna's reign short, Princess Celestia had to cover for her.''

''So only this time,'' said Rainbow, ''Celestia will take a vacation for how long she wants it to be and Luna will cover both responsibilities from now on to equal her reign with her sister's.''

''You may be wonderin' what would Princess Twilight do?'' Applejack asked rhetorically. ''Well, 'fraid she ain't princess no more, and instead, we got Princess Starlight Glimmer!''

A lavender alicorn appeared into view with a teal dress and part of it was longing behind along with a yellow alicorn with a red dress and part of it longing behind. They arrived at the balcony and gave waves to the creatures below.

''If ready and necessary,'' said Fluttershy, ''Princesses Starlight Glimmer and Sunset Shimmer will take over as the next sun and moon princesses.''

The crowd gawked.

''But that won't happen,'' said Starlight sheepishly. ''We just don't think it's right. Celestia and Luna have ruled this land for many years but after a vacation, I'm sure they'll manage to rule again. They are suitable for the job after all and no one else.''

''Not even I,'' Twilight said, looking down the balcony. ''If my friends aren't with me, then how would I be suitable for the job? After all, what's the Princess of Friendship without her friends?''

''So instead the Guardians of Friendship and Spike the Brave and Glorious,'' Spike spoke up, ''will tend to be the royal advisors to Princess Luna!''

The crowd erupted in cheerful applause.


''That was amazing!'' Pinkie exclaimed as all her friends gathered around the food court.

''I know, can you believe it?'' Rarity asked. ''So Starlight and Sunset, have you figured out what your roles and titles are for your new princess form?''

Starlight and Sunset looked at each other.

''It took me a year to realize mine,'' Twilight deadpanned.

''We were thinking Sunset to be the Solar Sorceror,'' Starlight replied, ''and me to be the Lunar Sorceror.''

''Ooh, cool!'' Pinkie piped up. ''What do they do?''

''Well,'' Sunset began, ''in short, they deal with magic and we are pretty powerful.''

''Indeed.'' Rarity nodded. She was about to speak up until she felt something tug onto her dress and she looked down to see a small colt staring up at her.

''Excuse me, but are you Lady Rarity?'' asked the colt.

Rarity kneeled to reach his height and rub his mane. ''Why, yes. It is I, Lady Rarity. What can I do for you?''

''Nothing. I just would like to say how beautiful you are and we're so grateful for the Guardians of Friendship!''

Rarity tilted her head and giggled. ''Oh? Is that so?''

The colt nodded and ran away much to Rarity's delight. She turned back to her friends where they all smiled.

''Looks like you really are noticeable, Rares,'' Applejack mentioned.

''Ah. Well, I suppose. But then that 'notice' would wear off sooner or later.''

''Well, even if it does, I can always notice you!'' Spike said as he floated mid-air with hearts circulating above his head, everyone laughing and Applejack rolling her eyes at him. Rarity cooed with him for a while before nuzzling with Applejack.

Twilight's good-natured laughter was short-lived when a hoof tapped on her shoulder. She turned around to meet her marefriend's gaze.

“Sunset,“ said Twilight, nuzzling her marefriend's hoof still wrapped around her. “I'm so proud of you.“

Sunset smiled and whispered, “I love you.“

Twilight's eyes melted. “I love you too.“

The two shared a kiss.

Princess Celestia then trotted over and smiled gently. “I see that my two students are finally close.“

Sunset rolled her eyes. “Oh, by the way, I know this is random but I just think it needs to be said. Not only did Twilight and I like Cadance and had our first kiss, but we liked you too.“

Celestia laughed graciously and wrapped her students in her wings. “The feeling was mutual for both of you.“

''Like I said,“ Cadance spoke as she came over, “alternate soulmates.“

''It's fillies like these who often get to feel the breeze quite lately, oblivious to know the partner that they've been searching for comes from the most unexpected places after a couple of embraces.'' The familiarity of their zebra friend stepped forward as she lifted her head away from her hood to make an appearance.

Twilight smiled and hugged the zebra, saying, “thank you.“

Sunset said, “I think you and I have had crushes and kissed the same ponies, Twi.“

“What?“ Twilight turned to her.

“Our first kiss was Cadance, then Flash, then each other, then Celestia...“


They then looked to see Fluttershy sharing an embrace with Discord.

“Oh, come on,“ Spike whispered to Discord. “Aren't you going to make a move?“

“Spike, we already shared our kiss and are dating.“

“Oh, right. It's just that the two of you act like a newly-wed couple.“

They all shared a good laugh as love and friendship went around.

Author's Note

Twilight went from Cadence to Flash to Sunset to Celestia.

The point is that you think your life revolves around one person but then you meet someone new.

And yes, I got that from Ralph Macchio in Cobra Kai but it's true.


Next Chapter: ~ 4 ~ 02 ~ Shifted Partnership Estimated time remaining: 16 Minutes
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