
Sonic the Hedgehog x My Little Pony New Frontier

by Jaden Joynes

Chapter 4: Fallout Part 4

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Fallout Part 4

As dusk approaches, the speedsters, Sonic and Rainbow Dash arrives at Spiral Hill Village which is being besieged by a giant Buzz Bomber dropping a continuous barrage of Badniks upon it. Concerned, Sonic considers that whoever is organizing the Badniks is really stepping up their game, and hopes they were not too late to help. As they were fighting Sonic realizes that it will be difficult for him to fight off such a large organized force on his own, and reconsiders if he should have rejoined the Resistance. As Sonic and Rainbow Dash enters the town, they encounter the local militia members fighting holding off the Egg Pawns. He reasons that if the Resistance is not already there and he was with the Resistance, no one would have ever known about the attack. He dismisses the thought, recognizing that he does not have time to second guess his actions before noticing that another combatant is already on the scene.

A young female lemur is fighting a squad of Egg Pawns using her long prehensile tail. She entwines several in its grasp then tugs it to smash the Badniks together causing them to explode.

"Woo! and ow. Woo and ow!" The lemur said not aware that an Egg Pawn was about to shoot.

"Watch your back," Sonic said as smashes it.

"Whoops thanks!" The lemur thanked him. "Welcome to my hometown! Sorry for the mess, we've got mess. we have a robot problem.

"Problem? What Problem?" Rainbow slyly asked.

"Ha! Your sweet not to notice," The lemur said. "Nice, you guys do this a lot?"

"You could say that, Sonic the Hedgehog."

"Rainbow Dash,"

"Sweet, I always wanted to meet with you two. Tangle the Lemur."



Tangle relays to Sonic that she has been repelling the odd raids for a while now, but nothing like this. She wraps up a few Badniks in her tail and shouts "Pull!" hurling them in the air like clay pigeons for Sonic to smash. Sonic confirms that the gangs of Badniks are becoming more organized and that he is currently looking into it. The pair stop in their tracks as they spot a new wave of Badniks approaches, including a huge, heavily armed Motobug.

An Egg Pawn atop the tank opens fire with a turret mowing down several of its allies in attempts to fell the heroes who manage to safely vault out of the line of fire. A second giant Motobug busts in through a wall behind them, as Badniks surround them on all sides.

"I don't suppose you're the advance guard for the Resistance?" Tangle asked the two.

"Nope," The Pegasus shook her head.

"Pretty sure they're all busy with similar attacks elsewhere," Sonic mention.

"Lovely." The lemur said then a cyclone of fire erupts, incinerating several Egg Pawns. As it dissipates, the form of Blaze the Cat is revealed as she turns to face the trio.

"Aw yeah," Sonic smirked seeing her.

"Whoa," Tangle was amazed.

"Sonic! Rainbow! You are here. I assume these are Eggman's Robots?" Blaze asked.

"You know it," Sonic replied.

"The village needs our help, if you don't mind..." Rainbow asked.

"It would be my pleasure," Blaze agreed.

Blaze takes off smashing and burning numerous Egg Pawns. Sonic and Rainbow runs off in the opposite direction to handle the other Motobug, while Tangle remains frozen in shock. However, seeing Blaze's actions, she shakes it off and takes the Egg Pawn manning the tank turret out. She then redirects the turret to shoot the Motobug in its own head, disabling it. She then uses her tail to snap off one of its claws and fling it into the other, destroying it. Sonic and Rainbow slides away, managing to avoid the Motobug's final attack, as the four coordinate to wipe out the remaining Egg Pawns.

"I'm afraid the four of us are not enough," Blaze said as the Badniks keeping coming. "They're refilling their ranks faster than we can dispose them."

"They're all coming from the battleship," Tangle pointed up. "It flew in and dropped robots since."

"A little beefier than Amy and I took out. Blaze, Rainbow can make it up there?" Sonic asked them.

"Too high," Rainbow said.

"It's out of range for me," Blaze said.

"I know we all met but," Tangle said suggested she could fling them with her tail, "Hop on?"

"Ready?" Sonic asked once they were position.

"Ready." Blaze agreed.

"Bon Voyage!" As Tangle launches Sonic and Blaze high into the air. Sonic spins and Blaze throws him with fiery force into the open launch bay of the ship. Sonic lands within the ship with a mischievous grin and commences to wreck it. As the giant Buzz Bomber falls in direction of the town, Blaze blasts the ship with a powerful fire attack, finishing it off.

As she uses her abilities to safely float back to the ground, Blaze is greeted by Tangle and Rainbow Dash.

"That was amazing." Tangle was amazed. "But will Sonic be okay?"

"He'll be fine," Rainbow said then Sonic landed on the ground being dazed.

"If your life always this extcing?" Tangle asked.

"If I can help it?" Sonic replied. "Yeah!"

Sonic introduces Tangle and Blaze to one another, Tangle as a local and Blaze as a princess from another dimension and guardian of the Sol Emeralds. Once again taken back by this revelation, Tangle happily thanks her highness for helping to save her home. Blaze tells Tangle that she is welcome and to just refer to her as Blaze without the formalities. Sonic asks Blaze what brings her to his world, and Blaze reveals that the Sol Emeralds spoke of a terrible event about to transpire in his world. Sonic jokes that she is about seven months too late and described how he was captured by Dr. Eggman, who then conquered the world, but eventually escaped and defeated him.

Tangle interjects that if the Badniks are becoming more organized that perhaps something even worse is on its way and that is why the Sol Emeralds warned Blaze. Blaze agrees that the Sol Emeralds would not have done so without good reason. Blaze resolves to stay in Sonic's world until that reason becomes clear and Sonic applauds Blaze, knowing he can always count on her. Blaze offers to use her powers to help quell the fires around the town, and Tangle excitedly offers to lead her the about the town. Blaze leaves Sonic to find the ringleader behind everything and Tangle thanks him for his help. Sonic needs a breather and rests for a brief moment before heading off to find more clues.

Elsewhere a mother is shown in the streets telling her young son that it is getting late and that it is time to come inside. Crying, the boy protests that his wagon is broken and that he cannot carry it inside. Peaking through the blinds from a nearby building, a somewhat disheveled Dr. Eggman looks on. He promises that very soon not only will he fix his little red wagon, but he will fix everything.

Next Chapter: The Fate of Dr. Eggman Part 1 Estimated time remaining: 3 Hours, 16 Minutes
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