
Sonic the Hedgehog x My Little Pony New Frontier

by Jaden Joynes

Chapter 27: All or Nothing Part 1

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All or Nothing Part 1

Hey everypony Rainbow Dash with the recap of what happened last time

In an attempt to contain the Metal Virus outbreak, Dr. Starlame call forth the Deadly Six Zazz, Zomom, Zor, Zeena, Zik, and Zaovk, but in classic fashion, they turned on him and used the power of the Chaos Emeralds to make themselves unstoppable, with Eggman having to deal with Starline's incompetence, he grabs Starline's stone and fire him and had Metal tossed into a wormhole.

In desperate times, Amy called in Jet, Wave, and Strom, to lend a hand in return they want money.

And with Eggman's help, we can create a cure and save everyone.

"Everyone!" Tails grabbed everyone's attention. "The Muti-portal generator is up and running!"

"Great," Sonic said. "Now, Twi, if you please take the stage on the handle the six."

"Thank you," Twilight thanked him. "Our best bet is spitting into teams where you can. Amy, Tails, Pinkie, and I will take on Zomom, with him being dumb as a brick, we should be able to outwit and grab the emerald without realizing it is gone, Espio you take the CMC, you two got Zazz."

"Understood," Espio nodded.

"Be careful, Zazz is unpredictable as he is crazy. Sliver, you take Starlight, Whisper, and Rarity to Zor's location."

"Roger," Whisper nodded.

"One question, Sonic," Rarity turned to him. "How dangerous is he?"

"To say at the least he is weird at best."

"And for Zeena, she underestimates anyone who opposes her, this risky shot but Gemerl can you handle her."


"Now, that leaves the Babylon Rouges and Dazzlings to Zik, he may be old but he's smart than others combined."

"Are you joking, I'm not afraid to hit an old geezer!" Aria exclaimed.

"Get in line, sister!" Storm said.

"What about the last two emeralds?" Sunset asked.

"It will be up to Rouge and Tempest to steal the last two from Zavok and escape the Faceship," Eggman explained. "Once you've returned, Sonic and Rainbow Dash will their power and used the Warp Topaz to undo everything unless Sonic doesn't get consumed by it."

Very Much Later, Twilight contacted Tempest Shadow.

"We're all prepared on our end," Twilight told her. "How are things on the Faceship?"

"So far, Zavok been asking a lot of questions about where Eggman escaped to. If we're going to make our move, it needs to be soon," Tempest explained.


"Y'know, Metal Sonic," Rainbow Dash was talking to him. "If Eggman didn't get a chance to be reformed because of that asshole Starline turn him back but you..."

Metal Sonic looked at her.

"You just had to go back with him, didn't you? You couldn't be like Omega or Germerl. You had to be a one-note jerk."

"Did you really think that neutralizing Metal would be less of a threat," Cozy exclaimed?

"In a way, yes considering he'd own nothing to the Doc, short stuff," Rainbow shot back.

"You may have neutralized his hardware," Chrysalis said. "But Eggman software him for battle and conquest! His desire becomes dangerous again!"

"In my opinion, I thought no one could restore him."

"And you were right! Neither you nor your foolish friends could any of this coming! Starline, Eggman's Big Comeback, and look where got you, almost all of the globe are now Zombots, and Sonic is fighting off it for now. And what happens next?" Cozy asked.

"Simple, we get the gems and cure everyone, and that reminds me, you two and Eggman are gonna regret messing with me and my friends once this is over!"

"I'm not amused by your threats."

"That wasn't a threat, that was a promise," Rainbow said as flew away.

At the Faceship.

"You there," Tempest looks at Orbot. "Send the location to Amy about the Deadly Six whereabouts, tell her they need to attack now."

Right away. How will you and Rouge get the Emerland from Zavok?

"For the time being, play along."

"Good luck, everyone," Sonic said as they through their respective portals. "I wish I could with you."

Goodbye you two, I will be back soon.

"This isn't goodbye, Germerl... Because I'm going too!" Cream said as jumped into the portal to Sunset City which Fluttershy and Germerl follow her, but Zeena used her power to control Germerl and attack Fluttershy and Cream.

At Vistaview, Tails tried to connive him to give the Chaos Emerland up, but he wouldn't since the Zombots give food, and return Zomom's prepare to smash them.

At Riverside, Zazz was thinking to himself until he grabbed an invisible Espio and threw it at the little fillies then got surrounded by the Zombots.

An Orchardville, Sliver, and Starlight went to confront Zor, while Rarity and Whisper took cover from the trees and wait for Sliver's signal.

At, Winterburg, both the Rouges and Dazzlings head straight for Zik, only for him to gain control of Extreme Gear and easily overpowered, Wave, Strom, Aria, and Sonata but Adagio and Jet landed and hit but the Zombots and corner Jet's teammates and Adagio's sisters.

To Be Contiued.

Next Chapter: All or Nothing Part 2 Estimated time remaining: 1 Hour, 21 Minutes
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