
Putting Away Books

by Richard79

Chapter 1: This is the only chapter

This is the only chapter

Putting away Books

Rarity paced back and forth as best she could in the space just big enough for her to turn around in. “Twilight I’ve never seen this room with books in it.” The one plus was the room had a large open window that offered a stunning view of Ponyville from so high up.

“Spike says I hoard my books, so I made a room just for them.” Twilight smiled as her best friend paced a bit. In her full grown alicorn form, her horn nearly touched the ceiling.

“You want me to put all these books back on the self?”

“Well…yes.” She replied with a grin. “I could see if Spike’s around, I’m sure he’d be more than willing to help you.”

Rarity felt the heat rush to her face, her pale white fur did little to hide. He’s not as little as used to be after that growth spurt of his, by dragon and pony standards he’s an adult now. “This place is already cramped enough darling.” She felt her heart starting to beat a little faster.

“Rarity, can I as you a question?” Twilight had noticed the look on Rarity’s face when she’d brought up having Spike help her.

“Of course, darling.”

“Well, the windows open, and it’s not a very hot day, this room is kinda cool.”

Rarity tried to use her mane to hide the blush on her cheeks. “Do go on Twilight, whatever are you getting at?” She noticed a slight raise in her own voice.

“Are you sure I can’t go get Spike? I’m sure he’s somewhere in the castle.”

Rarity closed her eyes for a second. “Twilight…” She opened her eyes and looked at her.

Twilight smiled. “Rarity, I can tell. How much longer are you going to make Spike wait? How much longer can you wait?”

“I’ve wanted-” She put her hoof on her lips. “You did this on purpose didn’t you, Twilight?”

“Nope and no Spike didn’t ask me to bring you over. I swear he has no idea that you’re even in the castle. This is all me.”

Hearing the sincerity in Twilight’s voice. Rarity glanced around at all the books that were on the floor and in the boxes. She blew out a breath. “Well, I guess I could use his help.”

Twilight turned to walk out of the room, glancing back she smiled at Rarity.

Rarity heard Twilights hooves get further and further away. Summoning her magic, she had to find something to do, and she had plenty of books to start to put away on shelves.


“You finally made a room for all your hoarding books. It’s about time Twi.” Spike replied. “Let me guess you want me to go put them away.”

“If you wouldn’t mind. I’d be grateful.” She said with a smile while standing nearly at eye level with him now. He’d grown out and a few ponies had noticed him, but he hadn’t let it phase him. Twilight could see how he still acted around Rarity.

“So, it’ll just be me putting them away?”

“Not exactly, Spike. I asked a close friend of yours to come over and help.”

“Who…” His voice trailed off at the look on Twilight’s face. “Your kidding…why didn’t you tell me…”

“This was my idea Spike-” A cloud of dust kicked up round her making her cough. “Spike?” She looked around the main area of the castle and he was no longer in eyesight.


Spike was thankful that he knew right where that room was. He slowed his speed and came to a silent hover and touched down on the floor. He was a few feet from the door where Rarity was at. Inch by silent inch he crept closer. He was sure that his heart could be heard pounding in his chest. His nose came around the door and he spotted Rarity using her unicorn magic to lift books onto the shelves. She had her back to him. Swallowing he entered the room and silently grabbed two books. He stood facing her and waited for her to turn around.

A feeling made Rarity pause. She spun on her hooves and came face to face with Spike. With his growth spurt he now stood at eye level with her. Her nose brushed against his. Time stood still as the two stood only a breath a way from each other. Spike still had the books in his claws.

“Need some help with the books?” Spike felt his grip on the books give out as they bounced on the floor. He tried to grin at his clumsy claws. “Sorry.”

“Um…don’t be…darling.” Rarity found that her mouth hand went dry.

Spike tried to focus his eyes on anything else, a book, the shelf, yet he found that he couldn’t look away from those dark sapphire eyes. He leaned his head back and bumped it on the bookshelf. That made him lean forward.

Rarity had turned slightly, and Spike found that his lips had come into contact with her cheek.

He pulled back and felt his face grow warm. Had it not been for the bump on his head he would have sworn he was dreaming. For the look in Rarity’s eyes, it wasn’t shock, it was more of a look of longing.

She could feel the heat of his lips on her cheek. Her heart was pounding even faster now. “I think you missed, darling.”

Spikes mouth dropped open slight as Rarity moved closer and wasn’t aiming for his cheek.

Rarity closed her eyes and her lips claimed his in a brief second. She could feel Spike nearly melt against the bookshelf. She didn’t bother to count the minutes, nor did she want to break the moment. Spikes arms came up around the back of her neck.

Spike broke the kiss and felt his head spinning.

“Care to take me back to my place?”

“As you wish my lady.” Scooping her up in his arms he flew out the window.

Author's Note

I am so looking forward to likes and comments on this one. I will add more stories when I have time! Thanks in advance to those that read it and leave a comment.

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