
Pokémon EG: XY

by Jaden Joynes

Chapter 29: Chapter 28-The Bonds of Mega Evolution!

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Chapter 28-The Bonds of Mega Evolution!

From where left off our heroes decided to help Korrina and Lucario to master their Mega Evolution power so Lucario won't freak out. After dealing with Team Rocket, they finally made it to Pomace Moutain.

"Here, guys, Pomace," Sunset told them. "Korrina would like to the honors."

Korrina headed to the front door and knocked. "Hello there? I'm Korrina from Shalour City. M grandfather told me to come to see you," Korrina said.

The door opened and Mawile with a Mawileite attached stepped out.

"So, where's your trainer?"

"Here I am. Over here," A voice said from behind the group just as Mawile ran to her. "Thanks for watching the house, Mawile."


"Oh, my stars. Well, how do you do? I'm Mabel," she introduced herself. Then the group introduced themselves. "So, I was told you were coming. Why don't you demonstrate how strong you are?"

"Sure," Korrina smiled.

Much later both Mabel and Korrina were on opposing sides of the battlefield.

"Alright, let's begin," Mabel said.

"Ready? Lucario? Mega Evolve!" Korrina shouted and Lucario Mega Evolved and released a small aura wave.

"Such a fine aura. Now Mawile, Mega Evolve," Mabel said Mawile also Mega Evolved.

"So that's a Mega Mawile! I can't wait to see how this battle turns out!" Ash exclaimed.


Lucario started the battle with a Power-Up Punch, but Mawile just jumped and dodged. Lucario annoyed, made a Bone Rush and went in for the attack. Mawile just kept dodging no matter how hard Lucario tried to hit her, seeing an opening Mawile used Iron Head to hit Lucario and then threw him. That's when Lucario lost control and charged with Power-Up Punch. Mawile counterattack with Fairy Wind and Lucario gets slammed into the ground before turning back to normal. Korrina then runs up to Lucario and helps him up.

"Don't worry, you'll be able to control your powers in no time. Remember, that's what we came for," Korrina tells Lucario before turning to Mabel. "We promise to do our best. Please Mabel," Korrina tells her. Mabel then takes the group to a flower room.

"Pretty flowers," Fluttershy says, admiring the room.

"Thanks, I picked them earlier, and since they're so beautiful I thought I'd have Korrina and Lucario make an arrangement for me," Mabel explains.

"I'm sorry but I think our time would be much better spent doing some training."

"No need to be so hasty, Would you all like to make some arrangements?" Mabel asks the group and they nodded.

As the group got to work, Sernea, Rarity, and Zane went for flowers that corresponded with their Pokémon, Ash, Rainbow, Pikachu, and Swellow went for the biggest, Bonnie, Dedenne, Pinkie, and Sandile, were trying to use the most, Fluttershy, Lunatone, Zane, and Totodile work with most beautiful ones, Korrina, Lucaio were going for the best, While Hilda, Applejack, Jaden, and Sunset went with whatever seemed to work well.

"Chespin, the future is now, thanks to science! Clemontic Gear On!" Clemont shouted then revealed a gardening device. "Data from every work of art since the beginning of time has imputed this has the ultimate artistic touch. Its name, Flower Arranger I!" Clemont said.

"Flower Arranger I?" Serena askes.

"Seriously, who comes up with a name like that?" Rarity whispered to Serena.

"Boring name!" Pinkie exclaimed.

"Witness the future of flower arrangements," Clemont said as the device expertly cuts the flower stems and place them in exact spots.

On a scale of 1-10 with 10, 1 being not bad, 10 being explosive bad, how will this end? Espeon asked Twilight.

Then on cue, Clermont's device starts to speed up at a rapid pace then explodes in everyone's faces.

"I'll go with a 10," Twilight said as everyone was covered in soot.

"AHH! MY HAIR!" Rarity shrieked before slapping Clemont's face hard.

"No offense, Clemont, you're kind of asking for it," Rainbow said seeing him dazed.

Hours later...

"Well done everyone. Your arrangements are a reflection of your personalities," Mabel said seeing the finished flower arrangements. She then starts to describe what she sees in each arrangement starting with Rainbow Dash.

"From this arrangement, I can see as a trainer and Pokémon, Rainbow Dash, and Swellow's hearts have become one. This is a powerful piece," Then look over to Korrina's. "It looks like you and Lucario have made two arrangements in one."

"That's right. It's pretty, huh?"

"Yes, I can see that you have similar personalities and understand each other deeply."

"We've been together since we were little, so we're connected."

For the past three days, the group continued to make flower arrangements. On the fourth day, the gang had finished their arrangements and some of them were taking it all better than others. Serena and Rarity were slouched in their room. Bonnie, Pinkie, and Fluttershy were pleased. The guys sitting on their beds. Rainbow Dash and Applejack were arm-wrestling with their Pokémon. Twilight and Sunset being knocked out.

"I'm getting kind of bored," Sernea complained.

"If I have to arrange one more flower I'm going to lose it," Rarity said with Whimsicott on her head.

"I like it, I'm having fun," Bonnie said.

"So, I am, this is amazing!" Pinkie shouted as two high-fived.

"I wonder why Mabel keeps having us arrange flowers day after day?" Applejack asked.

"Call me crazy, but I think this is her way of training," Jaden suggested. "She's trying to link Korrina's and Lucario's minds and with us being here, she's doing the same to us."

"Makes sense," Hilda gave it some thought then Mawile came with drinks, then suddenly something that was too fast grabbed Pikachu, Espeon, and Mawile. The group ran outside to try to find whatever took their Pokémon and Mabel, Korrina, and her Lucario outside asking what happened.

"I think something crashed into through the window and took Pikachu, Espeon and Mawile," Jaden explained.

That's when the group hears a familiar laugh as Team Rocket's balloon comes into view and under it was a glass box with Pokémon.

"Prepare for trouble, your question is flawed!"

"We're out of this world, so you should be odd!"

"To protect the world from devastation!"

"To untie all people within our nation!"

"To denounce the evils of truth and love!"

"To extend our reach to the stars above!"







"Meowth's the name!"

"Wherever there's peace in the universe..."

"....Team Rocket..."

"...Is there..."

"To make everything worse!"




"What's is with you guys?" Hilda asked just as Duke fired three hooks, which Lucario avoided the first one, then the other two grabbed Jaden and Hilda dragged them up to the balloon.

"What do you want with us?!" Jaden demanded.

"As annoying you are, dude," Aria scolded him. "We've decided to you two will be a valuable asset to Team Rocket."

"I'll never join you!" Jaden shouted back.

"That could be arranged," Clyde snapped his fingers and had Magnemite use Thunder on him making him scream in pain.

Jaden! Lilligant and Marshtomp shouted.

"Lucario, let's free our friends," Korrina said. "Sunset will you help us?"

"You got it," Sunset agreed.

"Please, that sounds like a second-rate song. Pumpkaboo, let's go," Jessie said as she called it out.

Lucario then jumps into the air and Mega Evoves before going for a Power-Up Punch.

"Not so fast, Inkay. Psybeam!" James commanded.

Inkay fired the Psybeam stopping it.

"Shadow Ball!"


Pumpkboo launched Shadow Ball and Inkay did Psybeam again Lucario dodged both attacks but strumbled on the landing and its aura took hold again.

"Its aura is making Lucario lose it again," Rainbow said.

Lucario ran toward Team Rocket's Balloon.

"Staraptor, Air Slash!"

"Mangemite, Soinc Boom!"

Staraptor tries to stop him with Air Slash. Lucario destroys the Air Slash with its paws and tries to use Power-Up Punch but Mangemite hit him with Sonic Boom before it lands. Lucario then tries to attack again but Korrina rolls in right in front of him. Lucario then bites down on her wrist.

"Lucario, please listen to me, one heart, two viewpoints, rememberer that, we got bring them together and transform that into strength," Korrina said to it then Lucario came around.

"Save love dovey stuff for later, Staraptor, Air Slash!"

Staraptor fires Air Slash at Korrina suddenly, Lucario used Bone Rush to deflect the move.

"Okay, Mangemite, Thunder!"

"Psybeam for a third time!"

Mangenmite and Inkay fires their attacks.

"Alright counter!"

"Pumpkaboo, Shadow Ball!"

"Dodge and attack the Shadow Ball."

Lucario hits the Shadow Ball with ease, and Mangemite's Thunder and Inkay's Psybeam hit both Staraptor and Pumpkaboo.

"Now. Riolu, Meteor Mash!"

Riolu used Meteor Mash on Staraptor and Pumpkboo and both Pokémon were hurled right into the cage Jaden, Hilda, and the Pokémon were freed and landed on the ground safely.

"We're not going to take that lying down," Duke snapped.

"Fine by me, Golduck, out!" Hilda said as Golduck appear.

"You said, Marshstomp? Lilligant? Are guys up for a battle?" Jaden asked as his two Pokémon nodded.

"What a coincidence, neither are we. Now Mawile, Mega Evolve," Mabel said and Mawile appears next to Mega Lucario. Pikachu and the others also got ready to fight.

"Finish this, with Dark Pulse!"

Pumpkboo fires Dark Pulse at Mawile.

"Now, Fairy Wind!"

Mega Mawile countered with Fairy Wind, taking out the Dark Pulse and sending Pumpkaboo into the ballon.

"Inkay use Psybeam!"

"Staraptor, Gust!"

"Mangemite, Thunder!"

Inkay tried to use Psybeam, but Pikachu and Marshstomp hit it with Thunderbolt and Water Gun. Lilligant uses Energy Ball to stop Staraptor and Mangenmite. Then Lucario then surprised everyone as it starts to form a sphere.

"Lucario, you learn a new move!" Korrria cheered.

Lucario fires Aura Sphere and Goldduck combines with it his Water Pulse and combo mover sending Team Rocket into another blastoff/

"We're blasting off..."

"...Again!" Sonata and Meowth said.




"That was some Aura Sphere," Rainbow commented.

The next day...

"Thank you for everything. We're really glad we came here to see you," Korrina told Mabel as the group was to set off.

"You're most welcome. Remember, although you're now able to control Lucario's aura. you must continue to improve," Mabel told Korrina.

"Right, we sure will," Korrina promised.

"Korrina, guess this is goodbye," Ash tells Korrina which confused the group.

"Why? Aren't we all going to the same place?" Bonnie asked.

"Korrina and Lucario can control its aura, so we need to train harder and harder so we can win that badge. We'll do our very best to win."

"I understand, we'll see you there," Korrina said before skating off with Lucario running right behind her.

And so, with Korrina being able to have Lucario to Mega Evolve, it will be much harder for Ash to beat her as the journey continues.

Author's Note

Rainbow Dash
Combusken (Dig, Fire Spin, Brick Break, Flame Charge)

Next Chapter: Chapter 29-Forging Friendship in the Forest! Estimated time remaining: 1 Hour, 16 Minutes
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